Monday, March 19, 2007

The $182 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Eight

Shark America Two

Up periscope!

And now, Dear Reader, let us go to the final battle between good and evil, to the combat between one man’s truth and a world’s psycho-fascist lie; let us break the back of those who bear false witness against me.

And Dear Reader, Dear Reader, for those of you who believe in God, or want to, a special treat is on the way; a genuine sign from God particularly for a small town in Northern California…(but I say too much, I don’t want to spill the beans).

Your friendly Space Sailor has been at sea for about a week. He has sailed his Space-Time Submarine (let’s call it U-30, a raggedy assed old journalist’s joke) from the oil fields near Taft, California, up Interstate 5 to the rolling green foothills near Redding, California.

Through our periscope we see Mt. Shasta, the southernmost of three sister “extinct” volcanoes that punctuate the Pacific Northwest of the United States of America; first Mt. Rainier in Washington (where the first modern UFO sighting took place in 1947), then Mt. Hood in Oregon, then Mt. Shasta close up on California’s northern border.

(Three evenly spaced landmarks looking remarkably alike, reminding us that something important took place in this part of the world long, long ago.)

The image we see through our periscope is also remindful of the view of Mt. Fuji from the sea seen in Hokusai's print, the famed feathered waves, dynamic in the foreground, Fuji in the distance; but instead of Fuji, we see Shasta, and instead of feathered waves, we see pine-bedecked rolling hills.

Movie buffs might also recall the view seen by submarine captain Cary Grant in “Destination Tokyo” (1943), Fuji in the distance and Tokyo harbor all around.

(What a thrill that was for me, a boy of three, too young to know the difference between movies and realities, entering the theater, and then there I was sailor on that sub at the very doorstep of the merciless Japanese; whom I frequently dreamed of bayoneting or being bayoneted by. Children of war dream dreams of war.)

Today’s God’s Space War code is “Empty Vessels”; look around you, they are legion; but old business first.

The “Big Toe Amputation” code was fulfilled when George W. Bush was in Brazil. I cannot yet say exactly how because I have been away from the news and could not read between the lines; and besides, it is likely the bitter fact to which I refer was not reported in the news at all.

Big Toe is an old code for the President of the United States of America; it comes in a round-about way from the Japanese word for president. With apologies to the Japanese, I will spell it phonetically as, Dai Toe Rio, “Dai” meaning “Big”. “Rio” in this case meaning “Rio de Janeiro. ”.

You may recall this code was established quite some time before Bush’s visit to Brazil was announced. Certainly the visit of America’s faux-president to Brazil was already in the works when the Big Toe Amputation code was established, but I did not know that.

God gives me the codes; I just pass them on to you.

The Big Toe Amputation code was a risky code to track because it seemed to indicate Big Toe would be amputated, and the Secret Service is hostile to warnings of such events; but that was never the case, and had it been the case I would have said so clearly, as I did in my advance documentations of three presidential assassination attempts (Fromme/Ford; Moore/Ford; Hinckley/Reagan).

No, what took place is Rio was much more diabolical; there Big Toe amputated this Earth from the body of living planets in this galaxy.

Just how that was done I cannot report at this time because, as I said, I have been without news for a week; but almost certainly the foolish evil that was done was done in secret, and the news media knows nothing at all about it.

Regular readers may recall that a constant theme of this work since about 13 months before the 9/11 attack has been that George W. Bush will destroy the world. This is not a catch phrase; this is Truth boring in on you. George W. Bush will destroy the world.

Recall, the title of this work since 1963 has been “The Obituary of the World”.

If you look at Bush-Junior’s past works you can see his future works. In his wake lay chaos, pain, disaster and ineptitude: Iraq; Katrina, illegal immigration, uncaring care of wounded vets, rape of the Constitution of the United States of America, and pillaging of the treasury of the United States of America, and more crap still lies buried.

Everything George W. Bush touches turns to agony and chaos, and his touch of death will continue, and continue, and continue until the world is dead; and the Big Toe Amputation code tells us Bush touched a vital organ in Brazil; that is, he did a foolish or evil deed in Brazil that will suck the very life from this Earth.

(What secret agreement did that foolish fascist make? Ask him; tell him I told you about it; you will know he is lying if he pretends not to know my name.)

Killing this Earth was not Bush’s intention, of course; he plan was to kill only the poor so the rich would inherit the Earth; which is the basic plan of his master, the Big Money Occult; but he has foolishly misjudged even that evil game because he is unqualified for the office he inherited through Big Money manipulation, Bush family conniving, and Bush-governed Florida vote-tampering.

The next big step in Big Toe’s amputation of the world can be expected in December, when he instigates nuclear war.

Yesterday I received an expansion of this Big Toe Amputation code, which indicates the profound seriousness of the error “President” Bush made in Brazil, and reveals God’s contempt for Bush. It reads: “The person who shakes the hand of a person who shook the hand of George W. Bush is likely for find his hand shaking in Hell.”

That, however, is not the subject of this report; the subject today is the emergence of the God’s Space War code, Empty Vessels, and what it means to every person on this Earth who knows of the existence of God’s One True Telepath, or whatever I am called around the world.

Let’s approach that code tomorrow, when I will tell you how a Chinese tourist revealed to me a profound military secret of Communist China; and then I will introduce to you the little northern California town in which I am now living, to be fictionally called Smallville, where the battle of Armageddon will begin with a sign from God only this town shall see.


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