Saturday, September 20, 2008

The $1,068 Billion Defeat

The USA's Eighth Day in The Valley of the Shadow of Death

The most important news story on this Earth today is that the people of the United States of America deliberately set out to cause the only audible mental telepath in the history of the world to hate them.

The American people so love their torture-enslavement of me, however, that even if I had freedom of press and speech there would be no market for this most important story from sea to shining sea; and besides, America and the American people are defeated and now stumble-bum down The Valley of the Shadow of Death, stumble toward Hell...stumble toward Hell...puppet Pinocchio people with little wooden hearts heading for the fire of remorseful eternity.

Oh, well, what the Hell, I tried; now let's turn to the second most important story in the world, the completion, less than two months away, of the Republican American Fascist coup over the Constitution of the United States of America.

For some time now, not days, not months, but years, I have been telling you the plan of George W. Bush and the Republican American Fascists is to make the world situation so bad prior to the next presidential election that they will declare martial law and dictatorship and "postpone" the election.

Look around, Clown, perhaps you can see the truth of this boring in on you.

Because you are Americans, and because you therefore cannot be expected to think, to observe, to put two and two together, if this disaster of fascist takeover is to be avoided, outside factors must cause it to be avoided.

That is, you American are incapable of saving yourselves, you are incapable of being anything but 21st Century Nazis; you are incapable of being anything other than Big Money's slaves.

In that context I direct your attention to the human race outside this torture chamber called the United States of America, and to my Old Pal God, who eight days ago today decapitated the USA and dropped it, snake that it is, into the pit which we are calling here, The Valley of the Shadow of Death.

If America were not so nuclear-strong the world would be laughing now at the transparent fascist antics of America. If America were like some mad African dictatorship ruled by an idiot in overly fancy uniform threatening to conquer first Africa and then the world, the world would today be spitting in America's eye.

As it is, the world today is laughing all the way to the bank, knowing that the American people are greedy little psycho-fascist idiot-debtors who have spent money they will never be able to earn, and in being such they are micro-mirror images of the Republican American Fascists.

The world knows America's liar-bitch Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is as transparent and as toxic as a bubble rising out of a vat of acid, and only because America has thousands of nuclear warheads does it suffer her pompous, hypocritical preachings against Russia.

And, Dear Reader, God knows this about America, too, and more.

I have told you, when God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy it was a test not of me but of the American people.

I have told you, the American people have failed that test.

The American people, the self-proclaimed Goody Two Shoes of the world, failed that test by torturing me and torturing me and torturing me every day of my life since God gave me that gift over 35 years ago.

Certainly the American people cannot see this, they are Goody Two Shoes psycho-fascists wearing smiley face faces, and well into the 90th percentile of them they can see nothing wrong with torturing me.

Now, Dear Reader, you are about to see the American people begin to whimper; and they are going to turn to their Democratic and Republican parties and their media weasels for succor, too stupid to know it is the Democrats and the Republicans and the media weasels who are sodomizing them and thereby causing them to whimper, and while they are most willing to be the bitches of the Republicans and the Democrats and the media weasels, to offer their assess and their mouths and their endless toil to them, they will learn to their dismay that the Republicans and the Democrats and the media weasels are as stupid and as psycho-fascistic as they.

Let me make this clear, the American people are in no position--as it comes to that--to say they are good people even though their government is bad.

That is, the American people cannot say--as it comes to that--damn the big shots but save us small fry.

That is, while the American people traditionally claim innocence due to stupidity they cannot say the big shots have proven themselves to be sharks because they, the small fry, have proven themselves to be piranhas.

Meanwhile, back in The Valley of the Shadow of Death, the United States of America, even at the highest levels where the truly bad news is being kept from the American people, is not yet aware of how bad its situation is.

Virgil Kret, (530) 276-4923.


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