The $1,105 Billion Defeat
The 45th Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 45th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 43rd Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It
The 27th Day of Hell for the American People
Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America learns it is at war with God, within 31 days
Expecting God to kill at least one more famous American media weasel on Friday, October 31, Halloween
As things get a little exciting this week, as Republican American Fascism prepares to stage the False Armageddon which it calculates with catapult it into total fascist dictatorship over the people of United States of America and the world, let's review where we are.
We are saying the American people entered Hell 27 days ago, and there is no going back, there is only going deeper and deeper into. That is, we are saying God has damned the America people for being too stupid and too mean for the planet Earth to live with.
(God is saving this Earth by nipping in the bud those who murder this Earth, and the American people are sprouts of that weed.)
The descent of the American people into Hell has thus far been imperceptible to the insane brain which is the American people, one hemisphere stupid and the other hemisphere mean.
This stupidity and meanness of the American people must be stressed here, because it is the reason God has damned them. Were they not so stupid and so mean God would be coming to their rescue now as God destroys Republican American Fascism and all the other works of Satan on this Earth; but if they were not so stupid and so mean they would not be such simple and willing tools of Satan, quick to murder, willing torture, blindingly gluttonizing this Earth to death.
As we approach what we are calling a "God's Russian Roulette" killing of at least one big shot media weasel on Halloween (a second punishment-killing after God killed the big shot media weasel Tim Russert on June 13) there is arising a news story--perhaps better said a non-news story--which points out why God has damned all American journalism to Hell.
That story is the lightly reported incident involving an American incursion across the Iraqi border into Syria. Ten to one, Dear Reader, the media weasels are voluntarily hiding news about this event from you, and are cooking the books of the story.
This penetration of Syria is exactly the kind of event I.C. News has been looking for in its reportage of Republican American Fascism's planned and scheduled triggering of military-economic events so critical that the November 4 election will be "postponed" for reasons of national security.
If that happens, martial law and military dictatorship will be imposed on the stupid and mean American people so fast it will make their pretty little heads swim.
Remember, we have asked these three questions in this work recently:
Will Obama be alive after November 2?
Will McCain be alive after November 2?
Will the Republican American Fascist military coup take place before or after November 2?
Hidden in America's underreported incursion into Syria may be hidden the answers to those three questions.
Recall, a central theme in this work, The Obituary of the World, is that George W. Bush will destroy the world. We asked you not to take your eye off that ball, but apparently you have.
What you have seen taking place in the United States of America since 2000 is a bold-faced fascist coup; and no election, no "will" of the so-called American people, is going to stop that coup.
If you think George W. Bush is going back to Crawford, Texas, to rock on his rocking chair after he has tasted the deliciousness of fascist power, well, Dear Reader, I have some stocks in the Golden Gate Bridge available which you might be interested in.
You, too, can own a piece of the Fagot Kingdom, but you have to buy now, no questions asked, like your Congress bought the Hitler-Bush National Socialist economic bailout plan in defiance of the so-called will of the so-called American people.
That was the end of democracy in America. That was the end of the fraud and delusion that Congress serves the American people. That was the day George W. Bush used the Constitution of the United States of America wipe his ass.
That marked the entry of the people of the United States of America into Hell.
What we have seen since the Republican American Fascist coup was finally and firmly established in 2000, having been begun before Nixon and Reagan, is that the American Congress and news media can always be stampeded in whatever direction the Republican American Fascists point them; and we at I.C. News think it is a pattern of willing stampeding, that the Congress and the news media are fascist, too.
Tim Russert was so stampeded, and that was one of the reasons God killed and damned him; and told me in advance so I could tell you in advance when Russert would die.
(Look at the archives, look at the archives.)
Another reason God killed Russert was because Russert bore false witness against the existence of God's One True Telepath.
Another reason God killed Russert was Russert relished the torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath.
I.C. News' guess is the next famous media weasel God is about to kill--and to kill on Halloween--will fit this profile.
The stampedes Republican American Fascists have triggered with the American herd include: The Vietnam War, the torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath, the stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq, the cultivation of lynch mob anger at Obama, the Bush-Hitler National Socialist bailout of Wall Street...and next...and next...and next; and next what I.C. News has been warning of for nearly eight years, open fascist military takeover of the USA, and by extension the destruction of the world by George W. Bush.
The American news media--left, right and center--is a partner in this because out of fear or favor it has never used the "f" word, "fascism" throughout these past eight evil years, despite fascism being the elephant in the living room.
How was it America fell to fascism? It bent over and took it in the ass.
Looking at this in the God's Space Sailor way we see three transecting lines of action.
One, we see God in the process of slaughtering God-damned American journalism, the next media weasel to be slaughtered on Halloween.
Two, we see a strong indication in the episode in Syria that the Republican American Fascists and the Israeli Victim Fascists are about to trigger their long-planned False Armageddon, World War Three to you local yocals; World War Three in which America claims to be the iron fist of God.
Three, we see the American people approaching knowing, within 31 days, that they are at war with God, the One True God, the Only God; and learning God considers them to be a mean and stupid people.
My guess is, when these three lines of action transect we will see the True Armageddon.
Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923
The 45th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 43rd Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It
The 27th Day of Hell for the American People
Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America learns it is at war with God, within 31 days
Expecting God to kill at least one more famous American media weasel on Friday, October 31, Halloween
As things get a little exciting this week, as Republican American Fascism prepares to stage the False Armageddon which it calculates with catapult it into total fascist dictatorship over the people of United States of America and the world, let's review where we are.
We are saying the American people entered Hell 27 days ago, and there is no going back, there is only going deeper and deeper into. That is, we are saying God has damned the America people for being too stupid and too mean for the planet Earth to live with.
(God is saving this Earth by nipping in the bud those who murder this Earth, and the American people are sprouts of that weed.)
The descent of the American people into Hell has thus far been imperceptible to the insane brain which is the American people, one hemisphere stupid and the other hemisphere mean.
This stupidity and meanness of the American people must be stressed here, because it is the reason God has damned them. Were they not so stupid and so mean God would be coming to their rescue now as God destroys Republican American Fascism and all the other works of Satan on this Earth; but if they were not so stupid and so mean they would not be such simple and willing tools of Satan, quick to murder, willing torture, blindingly gluttonizing this Earth to death.
As we approach what we are calling a "God's Russian Roulette" killing of at least one big shot media weasel on Halloween (a second punishment-killing after God killed the big shot media weasel Tim Russert on June 13) there is arising a news story--perhaps better said a non-news story--which points out why God has damned all American journalism to Hell.
That story is the lightly reported incident involving an American incursion across the Iraqi border into Syria. Ten to one, Dear Reader, the media weasels are voluntarily hiding news about this event from you, and are cooking the books of the story.
This penetration of Syria is exactly the kind of event I.C. News has been looking for in its reportage of Republican American Fascism's planned and scheduled triggering of military-economic events so critical that the November 4 election will be "postponed" for reasons of national security.
If that happens, martial law and military dictatorship will be imposed on the stupid and mean American people so fast it will make their pretty little heads swim.
Remember, we have asked these three questions in this work recently:
Will Obama be alive after November 2?
Will McCain be alive after November 2?
Will the Republican American Fascist military coup take place before or after November 2?
Hidden in America's underreported incursion into Syria may be hidden the answers to those three questions.
Recall, a central theme in this work, The Obituary of the World, is that George W. Bush will destroy the world. We asked you not to take your eye off that ball, but apparently you have.
What you have seen taking place in the United States of America since 2000 is a bold-faced fascist coup; and no election, no "will" of the so-called American people, is going to stop that coup.
If you think George W. Bush is going back to Crawford, Texas, to rock on his rocking chair after he has tasted the deliciousness of fascist power, well, Dear Reader, I have some stocks in the Golden Gate Bridge available which you might be interested in.
You, too, can own a piece of the Fagot Kingdom, but you have to buy now, no questions asked, like your Congress bought the Hitler-Bush National Socialist economic bailout plan in defiance of the so-called will of the so-called American people.
That was the end of democracy in America. That was the end of the fraud and delusion that Congress serves the American people. That was the day George W. Bush used the Constitution of the United States of America wipe his ass.
That marked the entry of the people of the United States of America into Hell.
What we have seen since the Republican American Fascist coup was finally and firmly established in 2000, having been begun before Nixon and Reagan, is that the American Congress and news media can always be stampeded in whatever direction the Republican American Fascists point them; and we at I.C. News think it is a pattern of willing stampeding, that the Congress and the news media are fascist, too.
Tim Russert was so stampeded, and that was one of the reasons God killed and damned him; and told me in advance so I could tell you in advance when Russert would die.
(Look at the archives, look at the archives.)
Another reason God killed Russert was because Russert bore false witness against the existence of God's One True Telepath.
Another reason God killed Russert was Russert relished the torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath.
I.C. News' guess is the next famous media weasel God is about to kill--and to kill on Halloween--will fit this profile.
The stampedes Republican American Fascists have triggered with the American herd include: The Vietnam War, the torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath, the stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq, the cultivation of lynch mob anger at Obama, the Bush-Hitler National Socialist bailout of Wall Street...and next...and next...and next; and next what I.C. News has been warning of for nearly eight years, open fascist military takeover of the USA, and by extension the destruction of the world by George W. Bush.
The American news media--left, right and center--is a partner in this because out of fear or favor it has never used the "f" word, "fascism" throughout these past eight evil years, despite fascism being the elephant in the living room.
How was it America fell to fascism? It bent over and took it in the ass.
Looking at this in the God's Space Sailor way we see three transecting lines of action.
One, we see God in the process of slaughtering God-damned American journalism, the next media weasel to be slaughtered on Halloween.
Two, we see a strong indication in the episode in Syria that the Republican American Fascists and the Israeli Victim Fascists are about to trigger their long-planned False Armageddon, World War Three to you local yocals; World War Three in which America claims to be the iron fist of God.
Three, we see the American people approaching knowing, within 31 days, that they are at war with God, the One True God, the Only God; and learning God considers them to be a mean and stupid people.
My guess is, when these three lines of action transect we will see the True Armageddon.
Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923
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