Thursday, October 23, 2008

The $1,101 Billion Defeat

The 41st Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 41st Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 39th Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The 23rd Day of Hell for the American People

Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America learns it is at war with God, within 35 days

"He descended into Hell; the third day He rose again from the dead..."--From the Roman Catholic prayer, The Apostles Creed

Let's turn our attention today, Dear Reader, to the long-awaited God's Space War event encoded as "Cherry Pop", which I.C. News says is the day the American people learn they are at war with God.

You may be aware that we a running a daily countdown to the estimated date of Cherry Pop, today the count being at "within 35 days", tomorrow it will be "within 34 days", and so forth.

Just under two days ago I.C. News received a God's Space War code which seems to further locate Cherry Pop in Time and describe it's remarkable nature.

It seems to me Cherry Pop will be a remarkably beautiful event.

My Old Pal God tells me on a regular basis when things are up, but rarely tells me exactly what is up; because My Old Pal God knows it is my journalistic credo to give information as soon as I have it, and God wants to keep God's Space War Plan secret; but my Old Pal God does give me codes which, when examined after events, recognizably described the events before they took place.

I have just received such a code.

Is this difficult to follow? I do not know how much knowledge your masters in Washington Deceit, and on Wall Street, and in the media allow you to accumulate about God's Space War codes, so either what I am telling you today is old hat or advanced Greek to your basic English.

In any case, whether you be smart or stupid about God's Space War codes, Cherry Pop will happen, and Cherry Pop will change your entire understanding of God and the Universe.

Exciting, isn't it? We God's Space Sailors at I.C. News are very excited about this rapidly approaching event.

Of the God's Space War codes I.C. News constantly receives we pass on only a few to you, such as "The Valley of the Shadow of Death" code I gave you two days before the rest of the news media told you about America's descent into the Valley of the Shadow of Economic Death; which led to the extortion-based establishment Hitler-Bush National Socialism, still a taboo subject in politics and the media.

Also a good example of this advance-description quality of God's Space War codes was my advance-description of the death of the media weasel Tim Russert several days before his June 13 heart attack.

I go into this detail today because I have received a remarkable God's Space War code which I want to pass on to you.

It is a one-word God's Space War code I received about two days ago; "Rome"; which came in just as I was escaping from three days of classic labor-intensive, abuse-intensive enslavement at an isolated California wild horse refuge.

This Rome code seems to refer to a resurrection event which took place at the coffin of a nun in the catacomb of an American cathedral in Rome (Santa Susanna, if I recall) in about 1972; when I was taking a round-the-world trip to explore my then fresh gift of audible mental telepathy and compare responses to it within various nations.

(The British were slavishly cruel in the American fashion, the French were kind, the Italians sunny...and on and on around the world, but that's another story.)

The resurrection of the nun was and remains a secret event I have never written or talked about, or telepathically thought about for government pig eavesdroppers to catch on to.

I only mention the resurrection of the nun now because God's Space War codes tend to be linked, and this Rome code, and the rather beautiful experience of God's resurrection of a nun hundreds of years dead in 1972, seems to have a direct linkage to the Cherry Pop event currently expected to take place in Jerusalem on or about November 27, the American holiday of Thanksgiving Day.

The Rome code seems to be clarifying the timing of Cherry Pop, which is a very important event for I.C. News because it marks the moment when the American people lose their Maidenhead of Ignorance about their great sin of torturing and enslaving God's One True Telepath, ignorance which they have guarded at the cost of thousands of American lives and hundreds of thousands of Muslim lives.

The resurrection of the nun took place roughly 35 days before Thanksgiving Day, 1972.

I celebrated the Thanksgiving holiday that year by breaking a 40-day fast, begun in London, at a Palestinian-run restaurant called the Peace Cafe in Old Jerusalem.

I expect God intends to give that resurrected nun the gift of duty, a particular commission for her to carry out as we approach the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, her spiritual husband.

I cannot say for sure, however, because God keeps this secret from me. I am but the Best Man, not the Bride Groom.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923


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