The $1,092 Billion Defeat
The 32nd Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 32nd Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 30th Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It
The 14th Day of Hell for the American People
Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America learns it is at war with God, within 44 days
"That deaf, dumb and blind kid sure plays a mean pinball"
--From "Pinball Wizard", Who.
The great weakness of the United States of America is that it lies to itself and believes its own eyes. This is tattooed on America's hide.
One of America's great weaknesses in America's war with God, which officially began when it began its enslavement and torture of God's One True Telepath over 35 years ago, is that it never counted its dead nor observed which Americans God has been killing.
For example, even though God's One True Telepath documented in advance in this work the death of the NBC media weasel Tim Russert, the other media weasels do not take note of that, and today praise Russert as a saint even though he is shoveling coal in Hell.
Why would God kill and damn the media weasel Tim Russert, and allow God's One True Telepath to document the twin towers of his Fate in advance?
Think about it, if your masters in Washington Deceit, and on Wall Street, and in the media allow you to think about it.
It is better I don't give you the answer because you will learn the lesson better if you add up the two plus two of it yourself, rather than God's One True Telepath telling you the answer is four.
Now let's return to the subject of God's damnation of the American people, now in its 14th day.
When I was a boy living on my parents' farm in the Turtle Mountains of North Dakota, the Great Depression had hit us hard we were hardly making do, even with my father trapping hides and both my parents hunting deer in and out of season.
One night someone (or something) snuck into our pasture and cut off the tail of our only cow.
We had to sell the cow wholesale, because we couldn't re-tail it.
I tell you old story so you will know I am a man of the soil and I understand small business, in case your masters allow you to vote for me on November 4.
Being shut out of politics and locked out of journalism, America having blinded me and robbed me blind, my children having been murdered by the American people for the joy of torture, there was not much else for me to do but to go to war against Bitch America.
Fortunately, I love war and I am very skilled at it.
While we are waiting for the next shoe of God to drop, while we are waiting for God to rattle America's teeth with the knowledge America has gone to war against God, and lost, and is damned, and is in Hell, I thought I might spin a few yarns about soldiering in God's Army.
Technically, I guess it would be God's Marines, because we fight in space and on planets, but actually we are called neither, we are members of the Gala Sea Watch; but in general we call ourselves God's Space Sailors.
How we came to be at war with the America people is a peculiar thing, since that was never our intent.
Our duty was to save this Earth from destruction, a destruction which we thought had nothing at all to do with the human being, except that it would destroy the human being and all life on this Earth.
The direction of our effort was subtly changed over the centuries, as we gradually learned the human being is an ass.
We had thought, innocent Angels that we were, that if we explained the problem to the human beings, and demonstrated proof, the human beings would cooperate in the saving of their own planet.
We were like children then; we are wiser now.
While our contact with the human beings is now tens of thousands of years long, it cannot be said the human beings have learned a thing in all that time.
We see this as something of a phenomenon, that talking to pre-historic European cave dwellers was exactly the same as is talking to 21st Century Americans.
This is not said as insult, only as fact; and if you think about it, it is a very telling fact, explaining why the human race is in the place it is in today, not 40 years from extinction.
It became a debate between us God's Space Sailors if both the planet Earth and the human race could be saved, and there are still vestiges of that debate today, there are still holdouts before the obvious, that no, there is no chance.
And sure, to be sure, the effort to save at least some human beings will be made until it is totally, clearly futile; and you might be surprised to know that if it were to come to that, the primitives would be chosen over the moderns, the uneducated over the educated, the natives of Papua over the natives of New York City, the Indians of the Amazon over the Indians of India, witch doctors over medical doctors, and tribal shamani over ministers, priests and rabbis.
The reason for this is, the more primitive man is the less mean man is.
It is as if all of human civilization includes the evolution of human meanness.
This is not to say that primitive man is not mean, but his meanness is like flint-knife meanness compared to the stainless steel blade meanness of modern man.
And therein lies the argument among us God's Space Sailors, that since all human beings are incorrigibly mean the only good it would do to save some of the primitives while we let the moderns go extinct would be to prune back the mean bush, not cure the bush of its meanness.
Note the phrase, "...let the moderns go extinct..." Mankind is so bent on extinction, as if extinction is something mankind wants, that the problem is not to kill off the human being, the problem is the impossibility of preventing the human being from killing itself off.
Because the longer the human being takes to kill itself off the lesser becomes our chance to save this Earth, there is a God's Space Sailor strategy called, "Pushing the Jumper", but that strategy is not in play yet.
Of course ,we are only God's Space Sailors and the final decisions are not ours; but like soldiers and sailors everywhere we grouse and bitch and discuss how we would do it better if we were the admiral or the general and if we were writing the story of the war.
In Vietnam, to the Americans on the battlefield, all Vietnamese were all Gooks. In Iraq and Afghanistan and soon Pakistan and Iran, to the Americans on the battlefield all Muslims are or will become Ragheads.
Soldiers shave the head, they do not split the hairs.
There was a joke going around in Vietnam during those days, and likely a similar joke is going around in the Middle East these days.
That joke was that all the Vietnamese on our side should be put on ships and taken out to sea, then all the rest of the Vietnamese should be atom-bombed; then the ships containing the Vietnamese on our side should be atom-bombed, too.
There is a similar joke going around among us God's Space Sailors, to whom decency and kindness are primary virtues.
That joke is that someone (or something) snuck onto the planet Earth and cut off the tail of decency and kindness off all human beings, and now they have to be damned wholesale because, try as we might, we cannot re-tail them.
Killing time today, while Time kills off the human species.
Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923
The 32nd Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 30th Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It
The 14th Day of Hell for the American People
Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America learns it is at war with God, within 44 days
"That deaf, dumb and blind kid sure plays a mean pinball"
--From "Pinball Wizard", Who.
The great weakness of the United States of America is that it lies to itself and believes its own eyes. This is tattooed on America's hide.
One of America's great weaknesses in America's war with God, which officially began when it began its enslavement and torture of God's One True Telepath over 35 years ago, is that it never counted its dead nor observed which Americans God has been killing.
For example, even though God's One True Telepath documented in advance in this work the death of the NBC media weasel Tim Russert, the other media weasels do not take note of that, and today praise Russert as a saint even though he is shoveling coal in Hell.
Why would God kill and damn the media weasel Tim Russert, and allow God's One True Telepath to document the twin towers of his Fate in advance?
Think about it, if your masters in Washington Deceit, and on Wall Street, and in the media allow you to think about it.
It is better I don't give you the answer because you will learn the lesson better if you add up the two plus two of it yourself, rather than God's One True Telepath telling you the answer is four.
Now let's return to the subject of God's damnation of the American people, now in its 14th day.
When I was a boy living on my parents' farm in the Turtle Mountains of North Dakota, the Great Depression had hit us hard we were hardly making do, even with my father trapping hides and both my parents hunting deer in and out of season.
One night someone (or something) snuck into our pasture and cut off the tail of our only cow.
We had to sell the cow wholesale, because we couldn't re-tail it.
I tell you old story so you will know I am a man of the soil and I understand small business, in case your masters allow you to vote for me on November 4.
Being shut out of politics and locked out of journalism, America having blinded me and robbed me blind, my children having been murdered by the American people for the joy of torture, there was not much else for me to do but to go to war against Bitch America.
Fortunately, I love war and I am very skilled at it.
While we are waiting for the next shoe of God to drop, while we are waiting for God to rattle America's teeth with the knowledge America has gone to war against God, and lost, and is damned, and is in Hell, I thought I might spin a few yarns about soldiering in God's Army.
Technically, I guess it would be God's Marines, because we fight in space and on planets, but actually we are called neither, we are members of the Gala Sea Watch; but in general we call ourselves God's Space Sailors.
How we came to be at war with the America people is a peculiar thing, since that was never our intent.
Our duty was to save this Earth from destruction, a destruction which we thought had nothing at all to do with the human being, except that it would destroy the human being and all life on this Earth.
The direction of our effort was subtly changed over the centuries, as we gradually learned the human being is an ass.
We had thought, innocent Angels that we were, that if we explained the problem to the human beings, and demonstrated proof, the human beings would cooperate in the saving of their own planet.
We were like children then; we are wiser now.
While our contact with the human beings is now tens of thousands of years long, it cannot be said the human beings have learned a thing in all that time.
We see this as something of a phenomenon, that talking to pre-historic European cave dwellers was exactly the same as is talking to 21st Century Americans.
This is not said as insult, only as fact; and if you think about it, it is a very telling fact, explaining why the human race is in the place it is in today, not 40 years from extinction.
It became a debate between us God's Space Sailors if both the planet Earth and the human race could be saved, and there are still vestiges of that debate today, there are still holdouts before the obvious, that no, there is no chance.
And sure, to be sure, the effort to save at least some human beings will be made until it is totally, clearly futile; and you might be surprised to know that if it were to come to that, the primitives would be chosen over the moderns, the uneducated over the educated, the natives of Papua over the natives of New York City, the Indians of the Amazon over the Indians of India, witch doctors over medical doctors, and tribal shamani over ministers, priests and rabbis.
The reason for this is, the more primitive man is the less mean man is.
It is as if all of human civilization includes the evolution of human meanness.
This is not to say that primitive man is not mean, but his meanness is like flint-knife meanness compared to the stainless steel blade meanness of modern man.
And therein lies the argument among us God's Space Sailors, that since all human beings are incorrigibly mean the only good it would do to save some of the primitives while we let the moderns go extinct would be to prune back the mean bush, not cure the bush of its meanness.
Note the phrase, "...let the moderns go extinct..." Mankind is so bent on extinction, as if extinction is something mankind wants, that the problem is not to kill off the human being, the problem is the impossibility of preventing the human being from killing itself off.
Because the longer the human being takes to kill itself off the lesser becomes our chance to save this Earth, there is a God's Space Sailor strategy called, "Pushing the Jumper", but that strategy is not in play yet.
Of course ,we are only God's Space Sailors and the final decisions are not ours; but like soldiers and sailors everywhere we grouse and bitch and discuss how we would do it better if we were the admiral or the general and if we were writing the story of the war.
In Vietnam, to the Americans on the battlefield, all Vietnamese were all Gooks. In Iraq and Afghanistan and soon Pakistan and Iran, to the Americans on the battlefield all Muslims are or will become Ragheads.
Soldiers shave the head, they do not split the hairs.
There was a joke going around in Vietnam during those days, and likely a similar joke is going around in the Middle East these days.
That joke was that all the Vietnamese on our side should be put on ships and taken out to sea, then all the rest of the Vietnamese should be atom-bombed; then the ships containing the Vietnamese on our side should be atom-bombed, too.
There is a similar joke going around among us God's Space Sailors, to whom decency and kindness are primary virtues.
That joke is that someone (or something) snuck onto the planet Earth and cut off the tail of decency and kindness off all human beings, and now they have to be damned wholesale because, try as we might, we cannot re-tail them.
Killing time today, while Time kills off the human species.
Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923
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