Saturday, October 04, 2008

The $1,082 Billion Defeat

The 22nd Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 22nd Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 20th Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The Fourth Day of Hell for the American People

"Hear, O Israel, you are to cross over the Jordan today..."--Deuteronomy 8:1, Jewish folk history falsely quoting God as telling the Israelites to commit genocide in the Holy Land after their 40 years of wandering in the wilderness.

And so, the House and the Senate have surrendered to Hitler-Bush National Socialism; next comes the Republican American Fascist military coup and the shredding of the Constitution, financed and legitimized by the $700 billion Congress has just stolen from the American people.

Judas Goats leading the sheep to slaughter, that is the Senate and the House, that is the Democrats and the Republicans, and that is the American news media.

Damn their eyes; damn their eyes; damn their God-damned eyes.

The great puzzle in this sorry business is how, after years of lies and stupidity from George W. Bush, did the House and the Senate and the news media think America could get an honest and intelligent solution from George W. Bush to a crisis deliberately created by George W. Bush?

Their rationalization, their cop-out, their bending over and taking it in the butt from George W. Bush, was their saying it was either National Socialism or nothing; but that was not true, there was much more that could have been done.

The question I.C. News asks are these: Are the House and the Senate and the news media that stupid, or that cowardly, or that traitorous?

Well, Dear Reader, it's none of my business; I am a slave owned and tortured by the people of the United States of America, with no liberties to lose, and if I could afford to have a sleeve I would be laughing up it, but I loathe cowardice and I loathe treason and I loathe fascism so I fight the beast for principle's sake.

The economic crisis is the Trojan Horse of National Socialism. If you don't know that you are living in the same dream world as people who think professional wrestling is not choreographed.

Do Unto Others is its own reward, it is the balance of Justice's Vision; and the American people, so proficient in creating misery for others, are about to experience misery thicker than the crust of this Earth.

So, while the fist of Nazism is about to squeeze the American people until their God-damned eyes pop out let's turn our attention to I.C. News' lead story, God's Space War against the United States of America.

We are tracking a hit by God against the Democratic and the Republican parties, having just pointed out a hit by God against journalism.

The Metaphor of Attack has God's Bowling Ball just having begun a Strike in the 1-3 pocket, having caused the first pin, journalism, to fall with the breaking of the ankle of the media weasel Gwen Ifill just days before she moderated the Biden-Palin debate.

For the student of God's Space War there are two points of intelligence about to be revealed. They are the pace and the severity of this current attack by God on the United States of America.

Because the attack on American journalism was relatively minor, a broken ankle not a death, we can expect the level of severity to be about the same all the way through the attack pattern, sub-fatal but painful and debilitating.

The pace, the timing factor, will be seen in the time between Ifill's fall and the simultaneous or near-simultaneous hits on the Two and Three pins, the Democratic and Republican parties.

Gwen Ifill fell and broke her ankle Monday night, September 29. She was Pin One. In bowling there is but a fraction of a second between the ball striking Pin One and Pins Two and Three, but God's Space War plays out in slow motion, and this is Saturday, October 4, so we see that fraction of a second in American bowling alley timing will be as least five days in God's Space War timing.

So, when God's Bowling Ball hits the Democratic and Republican parties, Pin Two and Pin Three, we will know something of the timing of the full attack pattern, when Pins Four, Five and Six will go down, then when Pins Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten will go down.

There is a dynamic which takes place among bowling pins falling to a Strike--pins hitting other pins--which speeds up the Strike, but we will not split those timing hairs at this time, except to say the pace of the attack revealed in the striking of the Democrats and the Republicans is likely to quicken slightly as the Strike progresses.

This allows you, Dear Reader, to anticipate the Future after you see the Democrat and the Republican pins fall. Like people watching an deliberately imploding building fall to pre-planned explosions, you will be able to watch America crumble before God's attack.

It is worth noting that the American people at this time are facing two conquering enemies at the same time, though the enemies are not allies, though the enemies are enemies of each other.

Consider the old saying, "Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea".

The Devil is Republican American Fascism; the Deep Blue Sea is God.

The American people are being conquered by Republican American Fascism because they are as cowardly as mice; they are being conquered by God because they are as mean as snakes.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923


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