Sunday, September 28, 2008

The $1,076 Billion Defeat

The USA's 16th Day in The Valley of the Shadow of Death

Now Three Days to the Damnation of the American People

"Whoever walks blamelessly will he saved, but he who is perverse in his ways will suddenly fall"--Proverbs, 28:19

"Suddenly" is the key word here.

We are entering a week of compressed events.

We are looking for a betrayal of Republican American Fascism and the United States of America by Israel.

We are looking for a betrayal of the American people by Congress, that being the establishment of National Socialism against their will.

We are looking for the damnation of the American people by God.

All this by Wednesday, October 1.

The American people should bear in mind that just because they are being sodomized by Bush-Congress-Satan does not mean they will be rescued by God.

The American people have been sodomizing me, Virgil Kret, God's One True Telepath, for over 35 years, so in God's eyes this is a case of sodomites being sodomized by stronger sodomites.

And so, today, Sunday, it seems the Republican America Fascist gambit has worked, National Socialism is to be crammed down the throats of the American people despite the fact they do not want it.

That's the Fascist-American way. The road to Hell is paved with compounded error upon compounded error.

It has been this way since the fascist coup of 1999-2000, every time the American people needed Congress to stand up for them, Congress bolted.

Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans serve the people; both the Democrats and the Republicans serve Big Money. Both parties deserve to go extinct.

Now let's turn our attention to the four road signs in The Valley of the Shadow of Death which we have published twice before, bearing in mind that The Valley of the Shadow of Death leads to Hell on this Earth, and the four road signs confirm America's progress in that direction.

Bear in mind, if your masters allow you to have minds, Dear Reader, I.C. News told you about the financial disaster two days before the rest of journalism told you about it, and I.C. News has been alone and ahead and correct with this story all the way.

That is, having documented this crisis in advance we now document in advance where the bedlam of the Bush-Congress National Socialist solution to this crisis leads.

For the third time, we publish our brief report of September 22, which pointed to October 1, as the day the United States of America ceases to exist.

This does not mean the USA physically disappears from the face of this Earth, as delightful as that might be to those of us who live under the fascist heel of the United States of America, but that the USA ceases to be what the founding fathers founded, and becomes something else, becomes Adolph Hitler's wet dream.

Here is our September 22 report, with parenthetic updatings added.

"The $1,070 Billion Defeat"

(Today marks The $1,076 Billion Defeat.)

"The USA's 10th Day in The Valley of the Shadow of Death"

(Today marks the USA's 16th day in The Valley of the Shadow of Death.)

"As noted in I.C. News' previous report, 'In general terms, the United States of America will no longer exist after October 1, 2008.'

(The news today, Sunday morning. September 28, tells us America will become National Socialist (Nazi) within hours, likely by some time Monday.)

"This analysis remains accurate today."

(This analysis remains accurate today, Sunday. September 28.)

"This is Monday, September 22; we are talking about a week from Wednesday."

(This is Sunday, September 28, we are talking about next Wednesday.)

"These are things we can expect during that time frame:"

(Road Sign One)

"The Republican American Fascists will betray the Constitution of the United States of America."

(This was the Republican American Fascists' putting the American people over the economic crisis barrel, saying, "Your money or you life".

(Road Sign Two)

"Israel will betray the Republican American Fascists and the United States of America."

(If this has happened, it has not yet made the news; so either this road sign has not yet appeared, or we have not seen it.

(If I.C. News is to be correct this second road sign must appear before Road Sign Three is seen; Road Sign Three being the signing of the Bailout/Rescue/National Socialist bill into law.)

(Road Sign Three)

"George W. Bush will glory in having accomplished what his mentor, Adolph Hitler, failed at."

(Congress, according to today's news, has bowed to George W. Bush's plan to Introduce National Socialism into the United States of America, has bowed to National Socialism's basic tool, Fear. This road sign will become reality when the Bailout/Rescue/National Socialist bill is passed.)

"God will play God's Ace in the Hole."

(I.C. News expects an Act of God relative to this tragic development on or before October 1.)

So, I.C. News is expecting three road signs early this week.

First, betrayal or news of a betrayal by Israel of both Republican American Fascism and the United States of America, before the National Socialist bill is signed.

Israel has a fondness for religious symbolism combined with political/military action, so let's look for Jewish symbolism.

The Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, beings Monday night-- and for the sake of this exercise let's make that Monday night, Israel time.

When it is 5 PM Monday in Jerusalem it is 10 AM Monday in New York City, so you can see there is plenty of time for Israel to betray Republican American Fascism and the USA before the National Socialist bill is signed into law (expected on Monday).

There is a lovely symbolism connected with the Jewish New Year, in which apples are dipped into honey in the hope of a sweet year, and what do we see, the Big Apple, New York City, ground zero of fascist Big Money, about to be dipped into tax payer honey-money by Bush and Congress.

I suggest to you, Dear Reader, that America's becoming National Socialist, the economic system of Hitler, might be offensive to Israel even though Israel sucks $10 billion dollars a year out of the American taxpayers, and even though Israel had led America around by the nose since 1948.

So, let's watch for the second and third road signs of the four road signs on the autobahn to Hell, down which American now speeds, to be seen on Monday.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923


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