The $1,072 Billion Defeat
The USA's 12th Day in The Valley of the Shadow of Death
Now Seven Days to the Damnation of the American People
A most remarkable event took place in Washington Deceit Tuesday, members of the United States Senate actually stood up against Republican American Fascism and its extortion-driven institution of National Socialism as American economic policy.
I do not think that has happened since the fascist coup of 1999-2000.
In a word, Wow. In another word, Inspiring.
The question is, can the Senators continue their stand against Big Money's ownership of them, against Big Money's ownership of the United States of America?
Big Money owns the Democratic Party. Big Money owns the Republican Party. Big Money owns the Republican American Fascist Party. Big Money owns ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, Fox news and all the newspapers and all the TV and radio stations.
The left wing and the right wing are wings of the same Big Money bird.
Big money signs all journalists' paychecks. Big Money bends all journalists' tongues in the directions they want those tongues to go.
Wether it is to be brief or extended, that stand against National Socialism by the Senate Tuesday made me wonder: Are the American people capable of calling Big Money's bluff?
That's what it is, you know, a bluff based on instilling fear in the American people, a mugging by a mugger with no pistol in his pocket; Big Money is saying, "Your money or your life".
Buck Big Money.
A year or more ago I told you to expect a Big Money assault on the American people loosely based on the concept of Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged", a 1957 novel dedicated to the worship of Big Money in which Big Money goes on strike, showing the uppity common American people they cannot live without the stewardship of Big Money.
That is what we are seeing now. Big Money is saying, "Worship at our alter or your children will starve like we starved America's children during the Great Depression. We taught you a lesson with that...and we will teach you that same lesson again".
There is a quaint American response to this extortion: "Bull Shit!"
I think the American people should call Big Money's bluff and not fall for the institution of Hitler's financial system, National Socialism.
Pardon me for adopting the current "Wall Street-Main Street" cliche heard on every news commentary TV program, but I think Main Street should tell Wall Street to go to Hell.
Wall Street is telling Main Street that if Main Street does not kiss Wall Street's Ass Wall Street will collapse and if Wall Street collapses the poor, dumb American people of Main Street will just suck their thumbs and will have no credit cards by which to be cheated with usurious interest charges.
That is, they will have to buy only what they can afford. That is, they must live fact rather than fiction.
Main Street would be better off if Wall Street disappeared from the face this Earth--this Earth would be better off if Wall Street disappeared from the face of this Earth--so let it disappear, and let Main Street develop a better way.
Let's take that $700 billion to $2 trillion Wall Street is attempting to extort out of Main Street and use it to cushion Main Street while Wall Street rots away, and in its rotting away opens up opportunity for a New Way; and in its rotting away emancipating the American people from their enslavement to Big Money.
Big Money is the wickedness and snares distorting all American politics and all American news coverage.
War is profit for Big Money and war is loss for Main Street.
There is profit in every dead soldier for Big Money. There is profit in every roadside bomb-bombed vehicle for Big Money. There is profit in every American uniform torn by bullet or shrapnel for Big Money.
There is profit even in American military defeat for Big Money.
War, every aspect of war, is profit for Big Money, and that is why Big Money drives the American people now to endless war--endless death and endless grief for the American people; endless profit for Big Money.
There is profit in sending your job to India. There is profit in globalization of Big Money because it makes every American worker as cheap as the cheapest worker anywhere in the world.
Politicians are bought and paid for by Big Money and American government policies--all American government policies--are dictated by and are in the service of Big Money.
And the great whore of Big Money is the news media. All of the news media is owned by Big Money. There is no liberal bias vs. conservative bias, Big Money owns both biases. The news media is as contrived as professional wrestling, which pits good guys and bad guys against each other and cons the fans into thinking there is a difference between the two.
Every journalist you read or watch or hear is owned by Big Money.
Every journalist's paycheck is signed by Big Money.
In America, freedom of the press is freedom of the owner of the press.
Yesterday on CNN there was an excellent example of how the news media serves Big Money and the warmongering of Big Money.
Because war is profit to Big Money, and Big Money is not satisfied with its stealing of trillions of dollars in war profits since George W. Bush became chief puppet on Big Money's puppet stage, Big Money wants the American people to go to war against the people of Iran, and then against the people of Russia, and then the people of all the nations on this Earth whom Big Money wants to own or destroy.
So, bit by bit, the American the news media has conditioned the American people to go to war against Iran, just as it has recently begun conditioning the American people to go to war against Russia.
This is done with a constant media diet of lies and half truths about the targeted nations.
I suppose one might call CNN a liberal media outlet--I suppose some might call crap poop--but it serves Big Money as eagerly and as slavishly as does Fox news.
Tuesday CNN's Wolf Blitzer called the UN speech of the President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, a "rant"; and in calling it a rant Blitzer lied to his audience.
If you saw the speech you know it was not a rant; it was a careful, calm, patient explanation of Iran's position; but Blitzer's false reportage reminds us whose pockets Blitzer and almost all American media weasels are in--Big Money's and Israel's.
In the American news media any criticism of Israel is a rant, and any act of genocide and murder and theft of land by Israel is non-news. The same goes for Big Money.
The American news media lies in thousands of subtle ways, and if its ingredients had to be listed as are the contents of packaged food products everything on the journalism list would be synthetic.
One of those thousands of journalism's subtle ways of lying is in the use slanted words in allegedly straight reportage.
Example: The man said he was innocent. The man claimed he was innocent. See the difference? Example: The president of Iran's speech. The president of Iran's rant. See the difference?
So, for one day in a row the US Senate stood up to Big Money, and you can bet your last shred of liberty Big Money has been turning its screws on the Senate and on the news media behind the scenes, just like Big Money is openly turning the screws on the American people, telling them they are doomed without Hitler's economic system, National Socialism.
Can the Senate hold out two days in a row, three days in a row, a month in a row, two months in a row? Can the Senate beat Big Money's extortion? Can the American people call Big Money's bluff?
And here we are, eight days from America's damnation. A real cliffhanger.
Is America's redemption possible?
God is going to damn Big Money, ask Jesus if you do not believe me; just look at Big Money's mortal sins if you don't believe me.
I suggest the American people climb aboard their Constitution as if it were a lifeboat, and row, row, row as far away from Big Money as they can, so that Big Money does not drag them down into Hell with it when it sinks.
Now Seven Days to the Damnation of the American People
A most remarkable event took place in Washington Deceit Tuesday, members of the United States Senate actually stood up against Republican American Fascism and its extortion-driven institution of National Socialism as American economic policy.
I do not think that has happened since the fascist coup of 1999-2000.
In a word, Wow. In another word, Inspiring.
The question is, can the Senators continue their stand against Big Money's ownership of them, against Big Money's ownership of the United States of America?
Big Money owns the Democratic Party. Big Money owns the Republican Party. Big Money owns the Republican American Fascist Party. Big Money owns ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, Fox news and all the newspapers and all the TV and radio stations.
The left wing and the right wing are wings of the same Big Money bird.
Big money signs all journalists' paychecks. Big Money bends all journalists' tongues in the directions they want those tongues to go.
Wether it is to be brief or extended, that stand against National Socialism by the Senate Tuesday made me wonder: Are the American people capable of calling Big Money's bluff?
That's what it is, you know, a bluff based on instilling fear in the American people, a mugging by a mugger with no pistol in his pocket; Big Money is saying, "Your money or your life".
Buck Big Money.
A year or more ago I told you to expect a Big Money assault on the American people loosely based on the concept of Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged", a 1957 novel dedicated to the worship of Big Money in which Big Money goes on strike, showing the uppity common American people they cannot live without the stewardship of Big Money.
That is what we are seeing now. Big Money is saying, "Worship at our alter or your children will starve like we starved America's children during the Great Depression. We taught you a lesson with that...and we will teach you that same lesson again".
There is a quaint American response to this extortion: "Bull Shit!"
I think the American people should call Big Money's bluff and not fall for the institution of Hitler's financial system, National Socialism.
Pardon me for adopting the current "Wall Street-Main Street" cliche heard on every news commentary TV program, but I think Main Street should tell Wall Street to go to Hell.
Wall Street is telling Main Street that if Main Street does not kiss Wall Street's Ass Wall Street will collapse and if Wall Street collapses the poor, dumb American people of Main Street will just suck their thumbs and will have no credit cards by which to be cheated with usurious interest charges.
That is, they will have to buy only what they can afford. That is, they must live fact rather than fiction.
Main Street would be better off if Wall Street disappeared from the face this Earth--this Earth would be better off if Wall Street disappeared from the face of this Earth--so let it disappear, and let Main Street develop a better way.
Let's take that $700 billion to $2 trillion Wall Street is attempting to extort out of Main Street and use it to cushion Main Street while Wall Street rots away, and in its rotting away opens up opportunity for a New Way; and in its rotting away emancipating the American people from their enslavement to Big Money.
Big Money is the wickedness and snares distorting all American politics and all American news coverage.
War is profit for Big Money and war is loss for Main Street.
There is profit in every dead soldier for Big Money. There is profit in every roadside bomb-bombed vehicle for Big Money. There is profit in every American uniform torn by bullet or shrapnel for Big Money.
There is profit even in American military defeat for Big Money.
War, every aspect of war, is profit for Big Money, and that is why Big Money drives the American people now to endless war--endless death and endless grief for the American people; endless profit for Big Money.
There is profit in sending your job to India. There is profit in globalization of Big Money because it makes every American worker as cheap as the cheapest worker anywhere in the world.
Politicians are bought and paid for by Big Money and American government policies--all American government policies--are dictated by and are in the service of Big Money.
And the great whore of Big Money is the news media. All of the news media is owned by Big Money. There is no liberal bias vs. conservative bias, Big Money owns both biases. The news media is as contrived as professional wrestling, which pits good guys and bad guys against each other and cons the fans into thinking there is a difference between the two.
Every journalist you read or watch or hear is owned by Big Money.
Every journalist's paycheck is signed by Big Money.
In America, freedom of the press is freedom of the owner of the press.
Yesterday on CNN there was an excellent example of how the news media serves Big Money and the warmongering of Big Money.
Because war is profit to Big Money, and Big Money is not satisfied with its stealing of trillions of dollars in war profits since George W. Bush became chief puppet on Big Money's puppet stage, Big Money wants the American people to go to war against the people of Iran, and then against the people of Russia, and then the people of all the nations on this Earth whom Big Money wants to own or destroy.
So, bit by bit, the American the news media has conditioned the American people to go to war against Iran, just as it has recently begun conditioning the American people to go to war against Russia.
This is done with a constant media diet of lies and half truths about the targeted nations.
I suppose one might call CNN a liberal media outlet--I suppose some might call crap poop--but it serves Big Money as eagerly and as slavishly as does Fox news.
Tuesday CNN's Wolf Blitzer called the UN speech of the President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, a "rant"; and in calling it a rant Blitzer lied to his audience.
If you saw the speech you know it was not a rant; it was a careful, calm, patient explanation of Iran's position; but Blitzer's false reportage reminds us whose pockets Blitzer and almost all American media weasels are in--Big Money's and Israel's.
In the American news media any criticism of Israel is a rant, and any act of genocide and murder and theft of land by Israel is non-news. The same goes for Big Money.
The American news media lies in thousands of subtle ways, and if its ingredients had to be listed as are the contents of packaged food products everything on the journalism list would be synthetic.
One of those thousands of journalism's subtle ways of lying is in the use slanted words in allegedly straight reportage.
Example: The man said he was innocent. The man claimed he was innocent. See the difference? Example: The president of Iran's speech. The president of Iran's rant. See the difference?
So, for one day in a row the US Senate stood up to Big Money, and you can bet your last shred of liberty Big Money has been turning its screws on the Senate and on the news media behind the scenes, just like Big Money is openly turning the screws on the American people, telling them they are doomed without Hitler's economic system, National Socialism.
Can the Senate hold out two days in a row, three days in a row, a month in a row, two months in a row? Can the Senate beat Big Money's extortion? Can the American people call Big Money's bluff?
And here we are, eight days from America's damnation. A real cliffhanger.
Is America's redemption possible?
God is going to damn Big Money, ask Jesus if you do not believe me; just look at Big Money's mortal sins if you don't believe me.
I suggest the American people climb aboard their Constitution as if it were a lifeboat, and row, row, row as far away from Big Money as they can, so that Big Money does not drag them down into Hell with it when it sinks.
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