Saturday, September 27, 2008

The $1,075 Billion Defeat

The USA's 15th Day in The Valley of the Shadow of Death

Now Four Days to the Damnation of the American People

Just prior to I.C. News' advance documentation of this delightful economic-crisis-panic America now struggles with--just prior to God casting America into The Valley of the Shadow of Death--I.C. News documented the coming collapse of the Democratic and Republican parties.

This event, of course, has not yet taken place--and how could it possibly?--but in the murky future, this event seems to be taking form.

What might it be that would cause those two dominating American political parties to collapse?

Joint incompetence in the face of economic crisis?

Lackluster presidential candidates when America hungers for and needs the real thing?

An Act of God?

Or...or...or slaughter by the Republican American Fascist coup within days of becoming an obvious and bloody event?

Leaving that conundrum for a moment in Time, let's turn our attention to the most important news story on the face of this Earth today and for more than 35 years in the past, America's torture-enslavement of me, Virgil Kret, God's One True Telepath.

The single most important news story on the face of this Earth...I know you can't readily grasp this because your masters in media, government, medicine and religion tell you not to grasp it, but in a democracy--if you consider the United States of America a democracy--beware of such universal agreement.

Universal agreement is mob rule, and universal agreement is rarely based on truth.

The only positive form of universal agreement I have seen in my lifetime was America's universal agreement to fight fascism and militarism during World War Two, and even that was flawed.

I suggest when we look to the collapse of the Democratic and Republican parties we look to see where they are both wrong...where they both have universal agreement on the same errors.

For example, while the debate on Iraq centers on the "success" of the "surge" and who was for it and who was against it, the debate should be on the stupidity and fascism of the invasion in the first place.

Were the United States to "win" in Iraq, were the allegedly strongest nation in the world finally be able to conquer a poor and relatively defenseless nation, that would not legitimize the invasion, just as the noose around Saddam Hussein's neck did not legitimize the destruction of the lives of millions of Iraqis and the destruction of thousands of American families.

If conquest were the criteria for military correctness, Germany would have been correct in conquering France, and Italy would have been correct in conquering Ethiopia, and Japan would have been correct in conquering the Philippines.

For the Democrats and the Republicans to debate the success of America's invasion of Iraq is like two rapists debating who raped their common victim better.

The universal agreement between the rapists would be the rape was good and justified, the argument would be who stopped the bitch from struggling first.

There was a hidden seed to disaster in the first presidential debate Thursday in the universal agreement between both men as seeing Russia as being in total error--total evil--in the Georgia-Russia Crisis; McCain because he really does think about such things beyond stereotypical Good Guy-Bad Guy categories, Obama because of his inherent cowardice which drives him into what might be called "Leading the Consensus".

Both men demonstrated themselves to be as empty headed about Russia as Sarah Palin demonstrated herself to be in her interview with Katie Couric; but both men were more authoritatively stupid.

Prior to George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq there stood a series of identical statues of Bush's Boogie Man, Saddam Hussein, all pointing to Iran, all pointing to the Boogie Man's great enemy, Iran.

Obama, Bush and Palin are like those identical statues, but in their case they are all pointing to Russia.

I assume Biden, too, is such a statue but I have not heard him mouth the standard stupidities about Russia so I will not put those stupidities in his mouth.

In contrast, there was recently a panel of former Secretaries of State on a television program, and they all expressed an entirely different view of the Russia-Georgia crisis than the single minded dribble being expressed by the candidates, and the Republican American Fascists now in power, and the news media.

(The news media always seeks the simple; the news media always agrees on the group cliche; the news media always keeps two fingers up the nose of the people and leads them around from simple interpretation to simple interpretation.)

Why would all living former Secretaries of State hold different and more sophisticated opinions about the Russia-Georgia crisis than the candidates, than the Republican American Fascists, than the crisis-driven, cliche-dictated American news media?

I suggest it is that in being FORMER they are not required to defer to and speak for the CURRENT error in power.

The tragedy of this is that every time Obama or McCain or Palin or Bush or Rice utters the standard cliche lies about the Georgia-Russia crisis they sign the death warrants of Americans and Russians yet to die for their unified stupidities, their universal agreement.

Again, I suggest to you that somewhere in this unified stupidity--this universal agreement--lies the demise of both the Democratic and Republican parties; but there is more to it than that...there is more to it than that...both parties seek to lead the United States of America in the same, wrong direction; both parties seek to lead American into Hell.

The road to Hell is paved with compounded error upon compounded error upon compounded error.

Now let's approach the compounded error of America's torture-enslavement of me.

See America's compounded error against me as a series of forks in the road, America taking the wrong fork each time in the series.

The first wrong fork was the attack on me by US naval intelligence in Japan. Not only did it not have the constitutional right to attack me, but I was innocent and not deserving of its attack.

The second wrong fork was the FBI's continuing that attack when I returned to the States. I was innocent.

The third wrong fork was the attack on me by Nixon-Reagan Axis. I was innocent.

The fourth wrong fork was the attack on me by the American news media. I was innocent.

The fifth wrong fork was the attack on me by the American people when I became audibly telepathic, a gift given to me by God for the good of humankind. I was innocent, but the American people did not care about that, they had become a mob, they were in universal agreement about me.

Compounded error leading to compounded error leading to compounded error leading to Hell.

At the bare minimum, that compounded error led to the wounding of Ronald Reagan; at the bare minimum that compounded error led to the loss of the space Shuttle Challenger; at the bare minimum that compounded error led to the success of the Marine barracks truck bombing in Lebanon; at the bare minimum that compounded error led to the success of the 9/11 attack, which led to the stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq, which leads, in the end, to the utter defeat of the United States of America.

Why, because I warned of all those events well enough in advance to have prevented them, but the torture of me was just too delicious to the American system and people to pay any attention to why God had placed one audible mental telepath among them.

What was lost in this compounded error, this universal agreement, is immeasurable; and part of that loss might very well be the extinction of the human race by 2045 and the death of this Earth by 2065.

This is because the fundamental job God honored me with in 1963 was to write The Obituary of the World, to demonstrate that this Earth is dying, and to present and prove the causes of her death.

That was 1963, this Earth can be expected to die late in 2064; and this was God giving humankind 101 years of advance warning, but torture and enslavement...but torture and enslavement...but torture and enslavement are a universal agreement among humankind.

This just scratches the surface of why the Democratic and Republican parties--both in unholy agreement that one telepathic American should be tortured all his life--will be crushed like chicken eggs under God's feet.


Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923


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