Friday, October 03, 2008

The $1,081 Billion Defeat

The 21st Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 21st Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 19th Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The Third Day of Hell for the American People

"Singin' roll a-bowl a ball, a penny a pitch!"--From "I've Got a Lovely Bunch of Coconuts" by Fred Heatherton, 1944, first recorded by Danny Kaye, 1950.

Today's Code is "Checkmate Nailed"

I am in a position today, Dear Reader, to document in advance a simultaneous or near-simultaneous God's Space War attack on the Democratic and Republican parties of the United States of America.

You may recall that shortly before I documented the current economic crisis--two days before the rest of news media became aware of it--I told you I had received a God's Space War code concerning the collapse of both the Democratic and Republican parties, seemingly an impossible occurrence.

Since then we have seen the Democrats and the Republicans being overwhelmed by the Republican American Fascists' fraudulent economic collapse gambit, the Senate's kowtowing before Nazism like a sniveling bitch, and the House about to undergo a second attack having bravely fought off the first attack.

However, we are talking about something different here. We are talking about God's anger at the Democrats and the Republicans, not the Republican American Fascists' plan to absorb them, and a Sign from God both parties are about to receive which will reveal that anger.

This God's Space War action against the Democrats and the Republicans is already in motion, and the two parties seem to be within days if not hours of being hit simultaneously or nearly simultaneously by God.

To understand what is in the process of happening, I must reveal to you God's Metaphor of Attack, which while not biblical in style is fittingly pure Americana in style.

Picture an American bowling alley, and imagine God the Bowler having bowled the ball, and the ball is a perfect strike into the 1-3 pocket.

See this taking place in slow motion, as most God's Space War actions are best viewed.

Picture God having bowled the ball a little over two weeks ago when I.C. News first told you about God's plan to collapse the Democratic and Republican parties.

The ball has already clipped and knocked down the first pin, and is about to hit the second and third pins, which, of course, are standing side by side.

The first pin is American journalism, and the second and third pins are the Democratic and Republican parties.

Of course this Metaphor of Attack will see all ten pins fall, the other seven pins being aspects of the United States of America (Strike!), but we will not concern ourselves with the identities of those pins at this time.

Today's God's Space War code, "Checkmate Nailed", describes the Strike having been "nailed", accomplished, and the approaching toppling of all ten pins to be impressive enough to end America's torture-enslavement of me (Checkmate!), so impressive that America will pay the fine for enslaving torturing me, which today is at $1,081 billion and increasing at a rate of $1 billion per day.

Ultimately, Dear Reader, I.C. News reports on what God is doing about the approaching death of this Earth just prior to 2065 and the extinction of the human species in about 2045; and I.C. News is hated by both the Christians and the Jews for doing this.

This is because both the Christians and the Jews claim ownership of God, which is like two petunias owning the Empire State Building.

I.C. News reports on that story in the context of world news--which, even though America's news is outside the reality of this world, is American fantasy news incorporating America's fantasy about how the world is--includes American news.

The big news in America on Thursday was, of course, the debate between Biden and Palin, and there was something special about that debate relative to God's Space War against the United States of America.

It, and the preceding presidential debate between McCain and Obama. showed that the Democrats and the Republicans (like the bowling pins in our Metaphor of Attack) stand side by side on most (and ultimately all) issues.

They share the same stupid opinions on today's economic crisis; they share the same stupid opinions on the nations of Russia, Venezuela, Cuba, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Georgia, and in fact, they share the same stupid opinion about America's place in the world.

That stupid opinion, summed up to the cow paddy of it, is "America Good, Other Country Bad, Duh".

There are many more stupid opinions they share, but the most stupid is that both the Democrats and the Republicans are of the opinion that the only audible mental telepath in human history, me, Virgil Kret, God's One True Telepath, should live in enslavement, poverty and pain.

Meanwhile, back at our Metaphor of Attack, we see that journalism, unaware it has just taken a hit from God, pontificates, pontificates and pontificates, as it is wont to do.

The nicking of the first pin was God's breaking of Gwen Ifill's ankle just days before her big news biz-show biz appearance at the Biden-Palin debate.

("Break a Leg", as the show biz saying goes; and the TV news biz is show biz, Dear Reader.)

You can perhaps see the relative positions of Ifill, Palin and Biden at that debate were like the 1-3 pocket in bowling, a "Triangle of Psycho-Fascists" in God's Space War terms.

God's breaking of psycho-fascist media weasel Gwen Ifill's ankle was not a recognizable advance-documented Act of God; but we learned from our last advance-documented attack by God on the American news media (the killing by God of Tim Russert) that the news media is not going to take the hint no matter how well its causalities are documented in advance.

(If you want to review I.C. News' astounding advance documentation of the media weasel Russert's death see the archive entries beginning several days before his death on Friday, June 13.)

I could, however, point out God's handwriting on the wall in the news of Gwen Ifill's fall, "I fell", but I know that would be casting pearls before swine.

So, let's follow God's Bowling Ball to the second two pins, the Democratic and Republican parties, and look for the simultaneous or near-simultaneous falling of those two pins in the tradition of Ifill's "I fell".

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923


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