Wednesday, October 01, 2008

The $1,079 Billion Defeat

The 19th Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death

D Day, the first day of Hell for the American people.

"In the middle of our life's way
"I found myself in a wood so dark
"That I couldn't tell where the straight path lay

"Oh how hard a thing it is to embark
"Upon the story of that savage wood
"For the memory shudders me with fear so stark"

--Opening lines of Dante's Inferno, translation by Seth Zimmerman

At some time today the American people will pass through the Gate of Hell, and according to our road map of The Valley of the Shadow of Death, which they entered 19 days ago, we are expecting a Sign from God as they enter their damnation.

We have also been expecting to see two other road signs which still have not appeared. We had expected four, we have seen only one.

First, we expected to see a betrayal of Republican American Fascism and America by Israel.

Second, we expected to see George W. Bush glorying in having accomplished something his mentor, Adolph Hitler, was unable to accomplish.

Third, an undeniable Act if God.

These three unseen road signs constitute something of a riddle here at I.C. News, perhaps not in a way the American people might understand because if the American people were capable of such understanding they would not be entering Hell today, and our story would be a totally different tale.

From hard, hard first hand experience I know the American people relative to me, God's One True Telepath, they are like a coin of which one side is a smirking face and the other side a coward turning tail; and as late as yesterday the side showing itself to me was the smirking face, as has been the case almost constantly for over 35 years.

What did yesterday's smirking American faces tell us? They told us Americans on the streets and in the stores are confident I am wrong.

Their world is shaking around them, and I told them it would shake two days before they felt the shaking; and I have been right about their Sad Fate for over 35 years; but, despite this, in confidence suckled by ignorance, they ask how could I be right about this or anything, for they are so many and I am but one.

That's what it comes down to with the Americans, we are stronger than you, we outnumber you, so therefore we are right and you are wrong and don't bother us with facts to the contrary.

D Day; Damnation Day for the American people.

Yet...yet...yet, with the certainty gained from my life of learning at the school of God has given me, I am certain the American people enter Hell today.

A riddle. We God's Space Sailors call this The Riddle of Their Doom.

Three signs: traitorous Israel; George W. Bush glorying in having accomplished what his role model, Adolph Hitler, could not; and an Act of God.

The most common talked about potential Israeli betrayal of both the Republican American Fascists and America is a unilateral attack by Israel on Iran, prematurely forcing America's hand.

In addition, I.C. News is looking for something else, something even more treacherous from Israel, an attack on America by Israel disguised to look like an attack on America by Russia, designed to trigger nuclear war between America and Russia, Israel being left unscathed to pick up the radioactive pieces.

But nothing like this has been seen, and if Israel has betrayed both Republican American Fascism and America in some other way recently--which it likely has because betrayal of America by Israel is a repeating occurrence--that way has not yet made the news.

As for the second expected road sign, George W. Bush glorying in accomplishing something his role model, Adolph Hitler, could not; had the House not stood up against his attempt to instill Hitlerite National Socialism on America I would say that was it, that was the road sign passing by our window as we Americans drive down The Valley of the Shadow of Death.

Unlike Hitler, however, George W. Bush does seem to have been able to destroy the United States of America--not yet, but almost, almost; he is well on his way.

Also, I.C. News has long said Bush plans not to leave office as scheduled but to stage a coup, a fait accompli which would make him dictator and establish North American Nazism.

But neither of those events have been seen, yet.

Then, of course, the third expected road sign, an Act of God, has not been seen, or at least has not been recognized.

I.C. News says the economic turmoil America is in is an Act of God, a part of God's destruction of America, but for the Americans to recognize something as an Act of God something more biblically prosaic and movie-like seems to be necessary.

Four expected signs, and only one seen, the one seen being the betrayal of the American people by George W. Bush and Republican American Fascism when the $700 billion National Socialist bailout fraud was presented to them.

That fraud could still become law, but not today, and today is the day the American people enter into Hell.

A riddle, the three expected signs are still on our radar but not yet seen; but also still on our radar, the American people enter Hell today.

Believe it or not, America's entry into Hell gave me nightmares last night, since I had always hoped to prevent this dismal and eternal end of the American people--and that seems to be one of the reasons the American people have been so wicked and hateful to me, they see that hope as vain audacity.

Yet to Hell the Americans go today; having cast God's One True Telepath into a bottomless pit, God today casts them into the same.

Unbelievable, unbelievable, but only unbelievable if you have not witnessed the hundreds of signs I.C. News has documented in advance since God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy and the American people began their torture-enslavement of me over 35 years ago.

Unbelievable, unbelievable, but only unbelievable if you cannot see the evil America has done and does and will do, not only to me but to the world.

D Day, Damnation Day for the American people, and it arrives wrapped in a riddle.

As I ponder this riddle, I keep in mind that I know God the Poet, and I have long since learned to look for God's Poetry in God's Actions, to look for God's Metaphor of Attack in God's war against Evil, evil which America so ably and so blindly represents and supports.

Three signs yet to be seen, but still to be seen in confirmation of the entry into Hell of the American people...three...three...three, three at the entrance to Hell.

Perhaps my error is I am looking for those signs to come before the entry of the American people into Hell, when in fact they come after the Gate of Hell slams shut behind them.

Sure, of course, Cerberus, the three-headed dog who guards the vestibule of Hell in Greek mythology. The three-headed dog who robs the damned of their delusion of not being damned.

When does Cerberus appear? Not before the damned have entered Hell, but soon after.

so, for the sake of this exercise, let's call the three awaited road signs the three heads of Cerberus.

The day is not over. Let's see how this riddle unravels.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923


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