Sunday, October 05, 2008

The $1,083 Billion Defeat

The 23nd Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 23nd Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 21st Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The Fifth Day of Hell for the American People

"Beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years is as one day"--2 Peter 3:8

"The mood of our story changes fast, Hiccup is back at his ranch at last..."--From "Wild Bill Hiccup" by Spike Jones & His City Slickers, 1949.

Yesterday we crossed the Jordan; what is it we find on this side today?

(It was so exciting I could hardly wait. "Hurry tomorrow! Hurry tomorrow!" That's all I could think of yesterday. Like Christmas for a child is Victory for a warrior such as I.)

Recall what were we expecting when we put yesterday's report to bed early in the morning.

We were expecting "simultaneous or near-simultaneous" attacks by God on the Democratic and Republican parties.

We saw an attack by God on the Democratic Party, but not a simultaneous attack--at least not one reported in the news media--on the Republican Party; so we are looking for the near-simultaneous attack, and attempting to calculate what near-simultaneous might mean.

Bear with me. I will explain.

To review yesterday's report: The Metaphor of Attack of our current God's Space War attack on the United States of America has God bowling a strike into the 1-3 pocket, Gwen Ifill's broken ankle being the first pin, her broken ankle being a somewhat symbolic attack by God on American journalism.

(To understand what is meant by "symbolic", compare Ifill's broken ankle with the media weasel Tim Russert's death, which I.C. News documented so clearly in advance.)

Here we begin to be able to calculate the pace of this apparently mild, symbolic attack by God on the United States of America.

Here we have an opportunity to see in action Saint Peter's statement about a thousand years being but one day to God.

Taking place at this time is an excellent example of the slow motion of God's Space War, slow motion which in effect becomes a tactic of God's Space War against those nations and peoples in the slow process of murdering God's Sweet Earth, chief among these being the American people and nation.

When a skilled bowler bowls a 1-3 pocket strike the entire sequence of the ten pins falling takes less than a second.

In God the Bowler's strike the sequence will take weeks, perhaps even a month or more.

The journalism pin fell Monday night when the media weasel Ifill fell and broke her ankle just days before she moderated the Biden-Palin debate.

The Democratic pin fell some time before noon Saturday when Biden announced he was suspending his campaign because of the illness of his mother-in-law.

So, without knowing the exact times of Ifill's fall and Biden's announcement we can see the two events took place a little less than five full days apart.

Five days, then, equals a tiny fraction of a second in God's Space War against the United States of America, at lest in this current action in that war.

For this demonstration of proof of the existence of God's Space War against the United States of America to take form we must wait to see the third pin, the Republican Party pin, topple simultaneously or near-simultaneously.

Even in God's Space War simultaneous means simultaneous--at least to within hours--and unless the Republican pin toppled about the same time the Democratic pin toppled yesterday and has not yet made the news, we are now waiting for the near-simultaneous Republican event.

How do we calculate what near-simultaneous would be in the slow motion movement of God's Space War?

We are dealing with micro segments of a second elongated into days, so, taking our mental slide rule out we can calculate that God will hit the Republican Party in less than five days, probably less than four days, perhaps less than three days.

We make this calculation based on the time between the first and second pins going down--a little less than five full days.

This is not meant to be rocket science; this is battlefield calculation.

This is not an easy concept to understand, this slowness of movement.

Psycho-fascist America has the term "under the radar". This slow motion, this elongation of Time in God's Space War, is under the radar of general human understanding.

You can see this in Nature, the stalking of a tiger is too slow to be detected by a deer.

If you can imagine your favorite tune, each note played a day or two apart, you can see how you would not recognize the tune among all the other sounds and songs in your daily life.

Let's look at the battlefield again.

The first pin, journalism was struck on Monday, the second pin, the Democratic Party, was struck on Saturday, and this gives us the beginning of a ratio and proportion equation by which we can calculate the timing of all ten pins going down.

The entire sequence of pins falling in a strong 1-3 pocket strike takes less than a second in an American bowling alley, but in the elongated timing of God's Space War actions we see the miniscule fraction of a second between the first pin going down and the second pin going down is nearly five full days long.

I suggest there is a demonstration of what might be called God's Generosity in this attack by God on the United States of America, an attack which we at I.C. News call "Strike".

That generosity allows America to see what is happening and to surrender, to end its torture-enslavement of me, before all ten pins fall, because when they fall, as If Ifill and Biden will attest, it will hurt.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923


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