Wednesday, October 08, 2008

The $1,086 Billion Defeat

The 26th Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 26th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 24th Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The Eighth Day of Hell for the American People

Today's report constitutes the first step in a proof that the American people have been damned by God. Read it not and it remains true.

I speak here not of 100% of the American people, but likely 90%, or at best 80%. The final proof will be in the awareness. The proof of the fire pudding is in the eating of the fire.

I would say I.C. News' final attempt to save the American people from Hell was our advance documentation of Tim Russert's death; I would say that after that there remained no opportunity to save them from the Hell they entered eight days ago.

It does not help the American people that their politicians constantly stroke them and tell them they are the best and greatest in all the world and a beacon of goodness and justice for all mankind to marvel at; because they are not that, they are not that at all, they do not come close to being that.

The American people are Big Money's bitches, and in the name of the American people children are murdered and maimed and nations are destroyed, and in their mindless gluttony the American people are consuming this Earth to death.

Perhaps the lied-to want to be lied to, perhaps the American people lie to themselves about themselves so much they do not know they are lying and being lied to; but that is the bailiwick of America's false state religion, psychiatry, and not for discussion in the real world.

(Everyone in the psychiatry business who knows of psychiatry's persecution of Virgil Kret, every worshiper in the Church of Psychiatry who is aware of this, is damned.)

God has damned the American people. The American people entered that damnation eight days ago today, and there is no turning back from Hell for them, there is only going through Hell in the hope their hopelessness will not be eternal.

This economic crisis? It is God's Justice, and there will be no recovery from it. It is but the first step in America's long walk into God's damnation of America.

I do not know why the American people could not understand the importance of my having named their history before it happened so often over so many years.

Perhaps I was not simple enough, perhaps I was not theatrical enough, perhaps I was not on TV enough, perhaps they were not brave enough to look Truth in the eye, perhaps their masters kept the truth of my work from them.

Perhaps that is their genius--the peak of the intelligence of the American people--not looking truth in the eye, and living in a bubble outside of truth, a bubble of agreed-upon lies of self-praise and self-delusion that has nothing at all to do with the greater truths of this Earth.

Still to this day they praise the greatness and unselfishness of their invasion of Iraq, as if it were not the obviously evil action it was. God knows every maimed and murdered Iraqi mother, father and child on a first name basis, and God loathes the cruel stupidity of the American people which murdered and maimed them.

The impossible has happened, the unmentionable has happened, the unbelievable has happened; the American people have been damned by God to Hell, and the only thing that stands between the idiocy of this presidential election season and a National Scream of Awareness of Damnation is the umbrella of mass self-deception under which the American people live.

That umbrella of Self-Deception will burn away with the fire-rain of Truth.

It is not my commission to make the American people smart and decent; it is not my commission to make Mount Everest a mole hill; it is my commission to write The Obituary of the World, and in that obituary, in recording the cause of death of this Earth, must be mentioned the vain stupidity...the vain stupidity...the vain stupidity of the American people.

The American people are damned. They were damned eight days ago and they are damned forever. Too stupid to be so powerful, too mean to be so vainglorious.
We are talking about what you cannot think about, God's damnation of the American people, and while there are causes for that damnation other than the torture-enslavement by the American people of God's One True Telepath, God's response to that torture-enslavement offers a visible, measurable indicator of what that damnation will develop into.

Take in the words "Do Unto Others" and strip away the bands of hypocrisy and rationalization and twisting of the lessons of Jesus Christ the Americans are so skilled at and you can read the nature of America's Hell as easily as a Stop Sign at a crossroads blithely ignored.

(Barack Obama is damned. John McCain is damned. Sarah Palin is damned. I do not yet know if Joe Biden is damned.)

The American people's masters in the news media and the Democratic and Republican parties deny God's relationship with God's One True Telepath, and together make up a mass psycho-fascist gang rape of God's One True Telepath, but that gang rape need not be admitted to for God's punishment of America to ensue.

(George W. Bush is damned. George Bush's bitch, Nancy Pelosi, is damned. Joe Lieberman, the Mephistophiles of American politics, is damned. Barney Frank is damned. Condoleezza Rice is damned. I do not think Chuck Hagel is damned.)

Yesterday in this work we approached the ratio and proportion aspect of God's punishment of the American people. We pointed out that when the Americans attacked God's One True Telepath at a ratio of 300 million to one, the punishment of the Americans by God will be 300 million times the punishment the Americans dished out to God's One True Telepath.

Here is an example: The American people have inflicted torture on God's One True Telepath for over 35 years. While the American people are not people enough to survive living in a state of torture for 35 years, their Hell will be to live in a state torture for 35 X 300 million years.

You can see this ratio and proportion taking form in the economic crisis the Americans have entered, and in God's One True Telepath's reporting that crisis two days before the American news media reported it.

From the start of America's torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath, the American people's casting of God's One True Telepath into poverty was a leading aspect of that torture-enslavement.

It was that poverty--that artificially imposed poverty--which made possible all the other tortures, the abuse on the streets, the homelessness caused by abuse through apartment walls so great that abandoning his home was his only alternative to being tortured to death, the harassment and fraudulent punishment by police and court systems, the destruction of his career, and the warping of his God-assigned work.

Poverty. The American people are now entering into an ageless, endless poverty so bleak they will eventually conceive and abort children to have them to eat.

Another sign of the American people's developing Hell is their ongoing loss of all constitutional and human rights to the Big Money Nazism which has conquered them.

It never bothered the American people that they left God's One True Telepath with fewer rights than those of a laboratory animal, and as Big Money Nazism holds greater and greater power over them they will wish they had the rights of a dog on a laboratory table.

(Every doctor and every nurse and every technician who knows about the torture of Virgil Kret by the medical profession and has not openly protested against it is damned.

(Every journalist who knows about the torture-enslavement of Virgil Kret and has not reported on it is damned.

(Every policeman, judge, lawyer and court employee who knows about the police/judicial railroading of Virgil Kret is damned.)

In short, silent knowledge of the evil America has done to God's One True Telepath is damnable; Big Shot and Little Shot have all gone to Hell together.

Among the reasons God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy was to demonstrate God's separating the wheat of the chaff, separating the truth-tellers from the liars, separating the kind from the cruel, separating the savable intellectually free from the damnable intellectually enslaved.

Do Unto Others, Assholes, do unto others as you would have God do unto you.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923


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