Monday, October 06, 2008

The $1,084 Billion Defeat

The 24th Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 24th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 22nd Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The Sixth Day of Hell for the American People

"I will sing of mercy and justice to you, O Lord, I will sing praises"--David, the 101st Psalm.

"We will addle Charley's brain by killing Charley's children."--101st Division trooper in an interview with Virgil Kret, UPI Combat Correspondent, God's One True Telepath, Vietnam, August 1967.

As the American people's torture-slave, about the only pleasure I have these days is documenting in advance the misery, death and damnation of the American people.

It did not start out that way, in the Sixties and the Seventies and even into the Eighties I again and again lamented my failure to prevent the misery and death of Americans, misery and death I could see coming as clearly as you can see a road sign as you drive your car on a stormy night with the windshield wipers whipping back and forth.

Blurred yes, but visible.

Such is the nature of the perpetual torture-enslavement the American people and government and media cast me into nearly four decades ago. Gradually, gradually, gradually I no longer lamented the deaths that took place despite my warnings, but, instead, I began to celebrate them.

You reap what you sow; I began as your friend, if I became your enemy you purposely made it so.

In recollection, I would say that a major change in my attitude took place during the year leading up to the 9/11 attack, when the American people's torture of me became so obviously murderously vicious that it was a Mortal Sin the likes of which even the most diabolical American should have seen and spoken out against.

So when I documented the 9/11 attack in advance I documented it with those people who were torturing me most at that time, a particular neighbor, and the District Attorney of San Luis Obispo County, California, and the Sheriff of the same county, and NBC's Today show.

This was prior to my going on the Internet, and my advance documentation of the 9/11 attack was in telepathy, in snail mail letters, and in my weekly mailer, The I.C. News Weekly Sampler.

I think that was the first time I used my capability to document news events in advance as a weapon.

I knew the news media weasels would lie, and I knew the District Attorney of San Luis Obispo County would lie, and I knew the Sheriff's Department would illegally punish me for complaining about the torture of me by my neighbor; so I put those wheels into motion.

It was as if I was a hunter hunting Tyrannosaurus Rex, and knowing the beast was a creature of habit and digging a pit for it to fall into.

So not only did I document the 9/11 attack in advance, I documented it in a way that for America ever to know I had documented it, and for America ever to profit from that knowledge, America would have to punish those whose who had committed felonies against me, the neighbor, the District Attorney, the Sheriff, and NBC.

Of course that would not happen. Would America punish a Sheriff for plotting to frame me for a crime? Would America punish a District Attorney for knowingly prosecuting me for a crime I had not committed? Would a America punish a neighbor for deliberately attempting to torture me to death? Would America punish Katie Couric for concealing my advance information on the 9/11 attack?

No, America, when it comes to God's One True Telepath, is a collection of 350 million cowardly liars.

Knowing that, that is where I put my advance documentation of the 9/11 attack.

How was that a weapon? It double-locked America into the cell of ignorance it had locked itself into. America had turned a blind eye to what it was losing by torturing and enslaving me. With my method of documenting the 9/11 attack in advance I plucked out the other eye.

That first use of my knowledge as a weapon turned out to be something of an atomic bomb; since had I been free, had I not been under constant torture, and had that constant torture not changed my love for America to detestation, not only would the 9/11 attack have been blocked but the stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq would not have taken place, nor the mouse-trap invasion of Afghanistan, nor the crumbling relationship with Pakistan, nor the intense hatred for America which America's wild and unbridled vengeful torture and killing of Muslims has fertilized.

That, Dear Reader, was damned good God's Space War soldiering, hiding truth among liars, truth that would have saved the lives of the liars, truth that would have saved the souls of the liars.

Soldiering, however, was not my original commission from God.

My commission is to write The Obituary of the World, to show that this Earth is dying, and how it has come to this state, and when it can be expected to die, and to demonstrate this to (if there were such an animal) intelligent human leadership in time to prevent that end.

This commission was given in 1963, just about 101 years before this Earth's projected death in the last week of 2064.

The primary cause of the death of this Earth is Black Gold, the Black Death of the Planet Earth, not only the pollution caused by the burning and spilling of petroleum products, but also the extraction of oil from where is belonged, where it served a functional gyroscopic purpose.

This Black Death of the Planet Earth is not the only cause of this Earth's death, but it is the tip of the spear of many factors which kill her, and the common denominator in almost all those factors is the human being.

And that brings us back to the impossibility of reaching a point of Reason in the leadership of the human being, at least in the leadership of the United States of America.

Look at America as it is today. Do you see any Reason within the speeches and posturing and cowardly actions of its "leaders", those running for office and those in office?

The Democrats and the Republicans have just sold the American people down of river of Hitler-Bush National Socialism and the candidates are talking about petty things and telling petty lies.

This is why we see God attacking the leadership of the United States of America at this time; this is why we see God about to destroy the Democratic and Republican parties, and their henchmen and henchwomen, the news media; because through and through, they lack Reason in the face of Truth and Reality and Dire Necessity.

And this brings us to the third event in God's current attack on the United States of America, God's attack on the Republican Party, expected within the next few days.

It seems I may have given you a false impression of the atomic scope of this attack--this "bowling" Metaphor of Attack we are watching unfold--in my reportage of the first two events in it, God's attack on American journalism and God's attack on the Democratic party.

That impression I may have left you with was this will be from start to finish a mild attack.

While God's attack on the Republican Party within the next few days seems likely to be as mild as God's attacks on American journalism and the Democratic Party in this bowling "Strike" maneuver, the seven American targets thereafter seem to be in for more intensive attack.

To see this, envision our Metaphor of Attack, a strong bowler bowling a perfect strike into the 1-3 pocket. While the strike itself takes less than a second to unfold, there is a building violence within that time frame, with pins striking pins in chaotic, powerful abandon.

Picture the set-up of the pins.

Pin One (Gwen Ifill's broken ankle) stands alone.

Pins Two (Joe Biden's mother-in-laws illness and death) and Three (the yet unknown Republican target) form a row behind it.

Pins Four, Five and Six form a third row behind them.

Pins Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten, form a fourth row behind them.

All the pins together form a triangle.

As the hard-bowled perfect strike enters the triangle it sets off a series of pins striking pins with a violence greater than the momentum of the ball which has set them into motion.

This, I suggest, will happen after Pin Three, the Republican Party, is struck by God's Bowling Ball within the next few days.

At the start this is a mild, easily dismissed demonstration, an accidental broken ankle and a natural death significant only in their coincidence in Metaphor of Attack timing.

We can expect this mild, gossamer pattern to continue with the God's Space War attack on the Republican Party.

After that we can expect a violent chain reaction to take place.

I am required by the rules of chivalry to advise America to surrender before God's Bowling Ball reaches the Four, Five and Six pins row; but I must say, as America's torture-slave whom America has kept in agony for over 35 years, I am hoping America does not surrender because I want to see that chain reaction explosion.

The moral to this story is that if you make an enemy you have an enemy; and your assumption that you can afford to create enemies because you are stronger than those enemies is a fallacy of the first order.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923


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