Saturday, October 11, 2008

The $1,089 Billion Defeat

The 29th Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 29th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 27th Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The 11th Day of Hell for the American People

Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America learns it is at war with God, within 47 days.

Today's code is Cherry Pop

There is something of a celebratory mood here at I.C. News today because the long-awaited code, Cherry Pop, came in late yesterday.

It is difficult to explain how long we at I.C. News have in anticipation waited for this code, because this code marks a fundamental change in the God's Space War game.

You Dear Readers being delicate and innocent of nature, I will gently explain the Cherry Pop code.

Cherry Pop is a red letter day. It is the day the American people lose the iron maidenhead of ignorance they guard like a nun her nether region.

That is, that is the day the American people lose their ignorance about me and about the sin of their torture-enslavement of me, ignorance they guard as if it were their Pearl Beyond Price.

Picture the Twin Towers on 9/10, just another day in psycho-fascist New York City; now picture the Twin Towers on 9/11, virginity forever lost. The Cherry Pop code is that impacting.

One day the American people still think they have gotten away with torture-enslavement, feeling so smug and so proud of their wicked accomplishment; the next day, those lucky enough not to be trapped and crushed in the rubble are fleeing down the streets as if it were Doom's Day.

Doom's Day, America's future.

Cherry Pop, the end of Evil America's delusion that God is not punishing it for all its sins, including its sin of torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath.

As noted above, this is the 11th day since God damned the people of United States of America, and as we look around we see that while the flames of disaster are licking at the feet of the American people there is absolutely zero understanding that those flames were lit by God and are fueled by their sins.

Like a baby murderer being pampered in a hospital for the criminally insane thinking there is no crime in baby murder and no punishment by God for baby murder, the American people think they have gotten away with torture-murder most foul.

Cherry Pop will change that. Cherry Pop will be like the Angel of God's Damnation appearing in the child murderer's hospital room and running him through with the knowledge of God's loathing of him and filling his understanding with the knowledge of his eternal damnation.

At that point the child murderer, smugly having thought he had disguised his evil as insanity, will truly go insane. At that point the American people, smugly thinking they have disguised their evil as self defense, will truly go insane.

Now let's look at the timing of Cherry Pop. It seems certain it will happen on or before Thursday, November 27, Thanksgiving Day; and if it happens on November 27 it will happen in or in some way relative to Jerusalem.

Beyond that we get into labyrinthine God's Space War codes ranging from Dante's Inferno to God's One True Telepath's trip around the world after he became audibly telepathic.

While I might attempt to reveal those codes to Damned Sinner America I do not think the American attention span is there; I do not think the God-damned American people can deal with such complexity and literacy.

So, we at I.C. News, unless a paying market for our tracking of Cherry Pop appears, are left with tracking the descent of the American people into the Hell they entered 11 days ago, and letting Cherry Pop make itself known in God's Own Sweet Time.

So, back to the old grind.

There were some things said here yesterday that need some underscoring today, because they should be understood in order to limit the chaos of the Hell into which the United States of America is descending.

First, the left-right, conservative-liberal, Democrat-Republican dynamic of the United States of America is contained within the two hemispheres of the same insane brain.

That is, both sides are perpetually wrong, neither side is even, ever, momentarily right.

Picture a lunatic in a lunatic asylum constantly arguing with himself, yelling at himself, banging his head against the wall, declaring one side of himself to be evil and the other side to be holy; and now in that picture put under the control of that lunatic 6,000 nuclear warheads and you have a good cartoon representation of the United States of America as it is today.

One insane brain, the two hemispheres of that brain constantly in combat with each other, both hemispheres seeing itself as good and the other hemisphere as evil.

Second, the United States of America does not have a glimmer of understanding of the gravity of its own sins, not just the sin of its torture-enslavement of me, Virgil Kret, God's One True Telepath, but its wanton murder and maiming and destruction of human families around the world.

I know, you God-damned Americans reject this concept of your own terrible sinning; and that is the whole point, the child murderer does not see the sin in murdering a child, the Big Money person does not see the sin in robbing the Little Money person, the rapist does not see the sin in rape...and on and on and on...and you Americans do not see the sin in the crimes you commit against the world, and against the people of the world, and against God's One True Telepath.

Sinless sin, an American concept.

The great weakness in this blindness, is that God is not blind and God is not stupid; and God has damned the American people for their blind, brutal sinfulness.

You God-damned Americans don't see it; the dragon does not smell its own dragon breath; but to God, America's breath stinks to High Heaven.

I hear on the news that Palin is close to a fringe political party in Alaska which believes in succession from the Union.

I don't know if this is true, but it is an interesting coincidence in that God intends to balkanize the United States of America, make of it many warring cowardly little countries, destroy it.

Why? Because the United States of America is a big, dangerous, thieving, raping lunatic who sees itself as the god of nations.

To sum up today's report. The United States of America does not see its sins as sins, but Cherry Pop will change that--at least to the point that the God-damned American will know they are being punished by God when Cherry Pop takes place.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923


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