The $1,088 Billion Defeat
The 28th Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 28th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 26th Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It
The Tenth Day of Hell for the American People
"He will glorify me, for He will take of what is Mine, and declare it to you."--John 16:14
It had been my thought to tell you a few things about God today, things that would make me extremely unpopular with the Christians and the Jews--even more unpopular--to tell you, because the Christians and the Jews are so fundamentally wrong about the Nature of God that their theologies are like the expressions of children high and wild on too much sugar.
If you Americans ever have the opportunity to meet God you will see what I mean; but how that might come to be, since you Americans are plummeting deeper and deeper into Hell even as you read these words, I cannot say.
(I wouldn't want to give you Americans false hope, but false hope may be the only hope you Americans have.)
I cannot say, not because I do not know, but because my Old Pal God has asked me not to write about God at this time, not to cast my pearls before you American swine. Excuse the harsh words, but that is straight from the Horse's Mouth.
I had thought to write about God these days for a selfish reason; because in the end I am a raggedy assed old journalist of the old school, the disappeared school, and I want to scoop the world on the God Story.
But, no interview no story, and God does not want to talk about God at this time, God wants to talk about the coming death of this Earth and a about the human beings who are killing her.
(There is a particular and loving relationship between God and this Earth, but that is one of the things, one of the pearls, God does not want me to report on at this time.)
Put another way, God did not teach me about God throughout this lifetime to write about God, but to give me a platform of strength and knowledge upon which to stand while satanic America attacked me and attacked me and attacked me, decade after decade after decade.
My commission from God, and the reason God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy for which you Americans enslave and torture me, is, as I have told you many times, Dear Reader, to write The Obituary of the World.
My commission goes no further than that, though Vanity and Hope might cause me to want to broaden it to such things as saving the Souls of you Americans now sealed into Hell and tumbling deeper and deeper into the ever-intensifying Fire of Remorse.
Let me put it this way: When I walked upon the battlefield I was walking upon something bigger than I. With ballpoint pen and steno pad in the left breast pocket of my black market olive drab US Army battle blouse I could not change the story to be what I wanted the story to be.
While I could sit beside dead Americans and smoke a cigarette, I could not wake them up and I could not stay the winds of war that blew them down.
See what I mean?
Now the American people are like those dead American soldiers on the battlefield, descending deeper and deeper and deeper into Death as each day goes by; and how am I to presume to rescue them from their Fate, the Fate they earned with cruelty and gluttony?
It is not for me to raise the dead; it is not for me to un-damn the damned; even though I might want to, even though it might break my heart not to be able to, like it broke my heart...broke my heart...broke my heart to share a cigarette with those dead Americans on the battlefield.
Damn, but damnation is a hard story to report.
Let me give you an insight, something I know about God-damned America.
What we see taking place now is the evolving of a perfect storm of political hatred and irrationality, and in this perfect storm the elephant in the room, the Hitler-Bush Nazism in the room, is not discussed at all, and the rich are blaming the poor for the economic crisis--how dare the black bastards think they can buy homes--and the supporters of the McCain-Palin ticket are more and more calling for the assassination of Obama, and Obama doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground, and in general, like the winds of war, the winds of hatred and stupidity are holding sway from sea to shining sea.
Dear Reader, that is the American Way. Dear Reader, that is why the American people are in Hell today, and going deeper and deeper and deeper into Hell like a piece of iron thrown overboard from a ship sailing over the deepest part of the sea.
Let me tell you how we God's Space Sailors see this American political business, how we see this left-right business, how we see this liberal-conservative business, how we see this Democrat-Republican business; we see this American business as the two hemispheres of one insane brain.
Two hemispheres of one insane brain.
We see the American people--all of them--as one dangerous lunatic.
One dangerous lunatic.
That lunatic, Dear Reader, has been torturing me for over 35 years, and the only reasons for that torture by that insane brain called the American people are--as far as I know--that I think too loud and that insane brain loves to inflict pain.
Now it's, "Boo-hoo, we are losing our homes!" Yet the Americans loved taking my homes from me.
Now it's, "Boo-hoo, we are losing our retirement!" Yet the Americans loved keeping me unemployed so I could establish no decent retirement, and loved mocking the destitution of my old age.
Now it's, "Boo-hoo, the rich are taking our money!" Yet the Americans loved rubbing my face in poverty.
Boo-hoo, boo-hoo, boo-hoo, you God-damned Americans sure can't take what you love to dish out.
You reap what you sow. Do unto others... What Christians call "The Living Word" is alive right before your eyes.
What was the one thing the two hemispheres of that insane brain agreed upon? Torture Virgil Kret. Still to this day, the tenth day of that insane brain's damnation, that insane brain still does not have a glimmer of understanding of the magnitude of that sin.
Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923
The 28th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 26th Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It
The Tenth Day of Hell for the American People
"He will glorify me, for He will take of what is Mine, and declare it to you."--John 16:14
It had been my thought to tell you a few things about God today, things that would make me extremely unpopular with the Christians and the Jews--even more unpopular--to tell you, because the Christians and the Jews are so fundamentally wrong about the Nature of God that their theologies are like the expressions of children high and wild on too much sugar.
If you Americans ever have the opportunity to meet God you will see what I mean; but how that might come to be, since you Americans are plummeting deeper and deeper into Hell even as you read these words, I cannot say.
(I wouldn't want to give you Americans false hope, but false hope may be the only hope you Americans have.)
I cannot say, not because I do not know, but because my Old Pal God has asked me not to write about God at this time, not to cast my pearls before you American swine. Excuse the harsh words, but that is straight from the Horse's Mouth.
I had thought to write about God these days for a selfish reason; because in the end I am a raggedy assed old journalist of the old school, the disappeared school, and I want to scoop the world on the God Story.
But, no interview no story, and God does not want to talk about God at this time, God wants to talk about the coming death of this Earth and a about the human beings who are killing her.
(There is a particular and loving relationship between God and this Earth, but that is one of the things, one of the pearls, God does not want me to report on at this time.)
Put another way, God did not teach me about God throughout this lifetime to write about God, but to give me a platform of strength and knowledge upon which to stand while satanic America attacked me and attacked me and attacked me, decade after decade after decade.
My commission from God, and the reason God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy for which you Americans enslave and torture me, is, as I have told you many times, Dear Reader, to write The Obituary of the World.
My commission goes no further than that, though Vanity and Hope might cause me to want to broaden it to such things as saving the Souls of you Americans now sealed into Hell and tumbling deeper and deeper into the ever-intensifying Fire of Remorse.
Let me put it this way: When I walked upon the battlefield I was walking upon something bigger than I. With ballpoint pen and steno pad in the left breast pocket of my black market olive drab US Army battle blouse I could not change the story to be what I wanted the story to be.
While I could sit beside dead Americans and smoke a cigarette, I could not wake them up and I could not stay the winds of war that blew them down.
See what I mean?
Now the American people are like those dead American soldiers on the battlefield, descending deeper and deeper and deeper into Death as each day goes by; and how am I to presume to rescue them from their Fate, the Fate they earned with cruelty and gluttony?
It is not for me to raise the dead; it is not for me to un-damn the damned; even though I might want to, even though it might break my heart not to be able to, like it broke my heart...broke my heart...broke my heart to share a cigarette with those dead Americans on the battlefield.
Damn, but damnation is a hard story to report.
Let me give you an insight, something I know about God-damned America.
What we see taking place now is the evolving of a perfect storm of political hatred and irrationality, and in this perfect storm the elephant in the room, the Hitler-Bush Nazism in the room, is not discussed at all, and the rich are blaming the poor for the economic crisis--how dare the black bastards think they can buy homes--and the supporters of the McCain-Palin ticket are more and more calling for the assassination of Obama, and Obama doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground, and in general, like the winds of war, the winds of hatred and stupidity are holding sway from sea to shining sea.
Dear Reader, that is the American Way. Dear Reader, that is why the American people are in Hell today, and going deeper and deeper and deeper into Hell like a piece of iron thrown overboard from a ship sailing over the deepest part of the sea.
Let me tell you how we God's Space Sailors see this American political business, how we see this left-right business, how we see this liberal-conservative business, how we see this Democrat-Republican business; we see this American business as the two hemispheres of one insane brain.
Two hemispheres of one insane brain.
We see the American people--all of them--as one dangerous lunatic.
One dangerous lunatic.
That lunatic, Dear Reader, has been torturing me for over 35 years, and the only reasons for that torture by that insane brain called the American people are--as far as I know--that I think too loud and that insane brain loves to inflict pain.
Now it's, "Boo-hoo, we are losing our homes!" Yet the Americans loved taking my homes from me.
Now it's, "Boo-hoo, we are losing our retirement!" Yet the Americans loved keeping me unemployed so I could establish no decent retirement, and loved mocking the destitution of my old age.
Now it's, "Boo-hoo, the rich are taking our money!" Yet the Americans loved rubbing my face in poverty.
Boo-hoo, boo-hoo, boo-hoo, you God-damned Americans sure can't take what you love to dish out.
You reap what you sow. Do unto others... What Christians call "The Living Word" is alive right before your eyes.
What was the one thing the two hemispheres of that insane brain agreed upon? Torture Virgil Kret. Still to this day, the tenth day of that insane brain's damnation, that insane brain still does not have a glimmer of understanding of the magnitude of that sin.
Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923
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