Sunday, October 12, 2008

The $1,090 Billion Defeat

The 30th Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 30th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 28th Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The 12th Day of Hell for the American People

Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America learns it is at war with God, within 46 days.

Today's code is "Abortion"

Sometimes it is what journalism does not report that reveals a major news story journalism wants to keep secondary or on the fringe of the news.

An example of this took place Saturday in the media's reportage of Palin in Johnstown, Pa.

Palin, whose statements and situations are constantly making news, almost always in negative form, spoke against abortion; and in what
seems to be her way apparently quoted Obama grossly out of context.

All of the candidates, McCain, Obama, Biden and Palin agree via their participation in America's conspiratorial silence that I, God's One True Telepath, should be kept in torture-enslavement, so I will not go into what accuracy or inaccuracy there might have been in her accusation against Obama made in her Johnstown speech.

That examination would be for free journalists--if there are any--to do.

The point here is that almost everything she says stirs up a media hurricane, but when she brought up the subject of abortion there was hardly a squall.

It was like she was playing a piano and came upon a dud key.

It is revealing that there was no media storm. The story did not last through a 24 hour news cycle; and what there was of the story seemed to imply her comment against abortion and on Obama's support for abortion was but a diversion from the so-called "Troopergate" media circus--which seems to me to have seen her exonerated from wrong doing; and the alleged negative aspects of the State Trooper in question glossed over by the media.

That is, she seems to have won that argument.

But, and here is the big butt that stinks to High Heaven, the media did not allow any discussion of abortion at all; and I suggest this is because the American news media does not want abortion to become a headline issue in this presidential election, yet abortion is perhaps the strongest issue the McCain-Palin ticket could take to the God-damned American people.

While I.C. News is neutral in this election in that it does not think either McCain or Obama is up to the job, I.C. News is not neutral on the subject of abortion, which it considers the calamity of the age.

Now and then I.C. News approaches the subject of abortion in this work, The Obituary of the World, a subject which has created a crevasse down the middle of the people of the United States of America, one hemisphere of the insane brain which is America for it, the other hemisphere of the insane brain which is American against it.

Abortion is a subject of somewhat frozen argument in the United States of America, frozen in much the same sense that World War One trench warfare created a static front. Nothing is added to it, no new tactics on either side are introduced.

In that sense, abortion is trench warfare, warfare costing the lives of untold millions of human beings and tearing asunder entire human societies all around the world.

In most general terms, in the politics of the United States of America the Democrats tend to be pro-abortion (euphemistically called pro-choice) and the Republicans tend to be anti-abortion (euphemistically called pro-life).

Here we see an excellent example of the two-hemispheric insane brain which is the United States of America.

The Democrats don't care about the poor American bastards before they are born; and the Republicans don't care about the poor American bastards after they are born.

I note here that both the Democrats and the Republicans agree that my children, the children of Virgil Kret, God's One True Telepath, the only audible mental telepath in the history of the human race, should be denied conception...should be denied conception...should be denied conception; and that is the steadfast and unforgiving rock I stand upon as I war against both political parties.

I also note here that abortion, and the fad-popularity of abortion, is one of the greatest follies in the history of the human race; and I will try to explain this from the psychiatrically illegal and Christian-despised perspective of a reincarnating telepathic Space Sailor of God who knows the value and importance to human survival of Freedom of Birth.

Freedom of Birth.

No, I don't expect the Christians or the Jews to understand this, but what is is what is, and given enough time and a little freedom of speech and press I will demonstrate the proof of what I am saying today.

And, of course, neither the Christians nor the Jews want me to have those freedoms.

The fad of abortion is very much a psycho-medical creation, (as is the fad of homosexuality) approved and pushed by psychiatry and made technically easy by medicine; and there is a lacking in understanding in both psychiatry and medicine of the spiritual side of life, and the necessity of letting Nature be.

Generally the Jews are for abortion and the Christians are against abortion, and neither understands the soul of the subject.

How can I introduce that spiritual purpose to you God-damned Americans whose every thought is controlled by your state religion of psychiatry or fundamentalist Christian dogma?

Christian, Jew, atheist or agnostic, you all worship at the alter of America's state religion, psychiatry, and psychiatry tells you the fetus has no soul; and in the end psychiatry tells you YOU have no soul.

How should I begin, then, to stand against what your psychiatric masters tell you, that human value of the human fetus does not exist?

Let me put it this way:

There is an intelligence to Nature, and mass abortion warps that intelligence; mass abortion warps Nature.

I know, it is both psychiatrically and theologically illegal for you God-damned Americans to understand that Nature is a living, thinking existence, but within the genius of Nature, nature births what Nature needs.

At this time, for example, Nature needs massive numbers of human beings who are attuned to the approaching death of this Earth and who understand the need to throw themselves into the breach to save her; and at this time, as far as I know, I am the only one.

Thanks to the wickedness and snares of psychiatry, they all seem to have been aborted.

Abortion is Satan's lottery.

The thing about abortion is that who is being aborted is not known.

How many geniuses have been aborted, how many warriors, how many inventors, how many great musicians, and so on, and so on and so on?

That is an unknown, and I know unknowns are too much salad for you meat and potato God-damned Americans; so let's turn our attention to a meat and potato known.

In India and China today, where boy babies are valued over girl babies, girl babies are being aborted at a drastically, massively higher rate than boy babies.

Perhaps you can see the satanic irony in this, that this breakthrough in medical capability that is supposed to be so liberating for womanhood results in a focus on killing women in the womb.

Perhaps you can also see that over time the ratio of men and women in India and China will become so out of balance that the whole structure of the society will change, that women will become more and more property to be owned and rented out, victims to be raped, slaves to be bought and sold; and loveless, sexually frustrated men will become a storm of a force sweeping across the land, and Pussy War will evolve.

Abortion warps Nature.

Outside this work, The Obituary of the World, I have never seen these obvious end results of abortion discussed, even by the anti-abortion hemisphere if the insane American brain.

This is because the battle is frozen at "right to life" and "freedom not to give birth"; and this male child over female child choice is ignored by the entire insane brain even though it is a basic and obvious byproduct of abortion.

Where is so-called women's liberation when it comes to the chronic mass murder of women in the womb?

However, I am a metaphysical, reincarnating Soul (though it is illegal to be that in Christian-Jewish-Psychiatric America) and I would like to touch upon the subject of abortion today from a metaphysician's point of view; from the point of view of an American torture-slave who recognizes and understands the intelligence--the genius--of Nature.

In I.C. News' tracking of the death of this Earth, now just some 56 years away, we are carrying out a companion advance documentation of the extinction of the human race, now projected to be within 36 years.

It is not just that the human being is prone to genocide and suicide, which it is; it is that Nature will kill the human being--abort the human being--in her attempt to save the mother, this Earth.

(I know, your scientists can't see this, they are too busy popping pimples on their egos; and they agree, with zero scientific curiosity, that the only audible mental telepath in human history should be silenced, enslaved and tortured.

(Your scientists are just now coming around to global warming, but I.C. News was on to it in 1970. Your scientists cannot anticipate earthquakes, but I.C. News was doing it in 1971. Your scientists, Dear Reader, have slide-ruled you into Hell.)

There is so much more to the subject of abortion than meets the common God-damned American I.Q. that is impossible to put it all into one day's report, and truly impossible to report as America's torture-slave who has the journalistic freedom of a mouse in a Skinner Box.

There are aspects of the subject of abortion one cannot expect the insane American brain to grasp. The living genius of Nature is beyond the understanding of both hemispheres of the insane brain which is the United States of America, left and right, pro and con, liberal and conservative.

For example, in the massive application of abortion, the Right to be Alive, which humankind has had for tens of thousands of years, is subtly being changed to the Chance of Being Allowed to be Alive, creating a subtle change in the psyche of those human beings who survive the womb, a shell shockedness not unlike that of World War One combat veterans, eventually creating a kind of mass dullness and mass contempt for parents and for life.

We God's Space Sailors call this The Dance of Damnation.

So, as this Dear Earth enters her four final decades of life, she is roamed by human souls who have no sense of their own intrinsic value and tend to see planetary death and human extinction as just another run past the abortionist's blade, a run they are doomed to fail as their aborted brothers and sisters failed to in their runs in their traitorous mothers' wombs.

To them, poor human bastards, abortion is natural; and that makes a subtle difference in how they fight against extinction. To them, in the end, extinction will be natural.

I have not explained this well and fully today; and I will take another run at it at another time.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923


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