Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The $1,093 Billion Defeat

The 33rd Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 33rd Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 31st Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The 15th Day of Hell for the American People

Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America learns it is at war with God, within 43 days

"Alas, sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a brood of evildoers, children who are corrupters! They have forsaken the Lord, they have provoked the anger of the Holy One of Israel, they have turned away backward."--Isaiah, 1:4.

It is not that I am so important, it is that what you God-damned Americans have done to me is so telling of your nature, so damning of you souls.

You might have well have tattooed across all your brows, "Vicious, Evil Coward".

I know, it all meant nothing to you God-damned Americans, but it meant everything to God. It was a sample Great Sin in your history of Great Sins.

(It is odd, the things you God-damned Americans so praise yourselves for are things God so loathes you for.)

When you God-damned Americans torture me I bear in mind one thing, the odds are 300 million to one, and unless I can get all of you, or most of you, or at least tear out a huge chunk of you, there is no use in bothering with one or two or three or four, or more.

And now, I have gotten most of you, as you shall see within 43 days.

The historical record, already chiseled on your headstone, reads:

"The Americans fought God's One True Telepath 300 million to one; they fought dirty and they fought mean and they struck him tens of thousands of times below the belt; and among all the high water marks of evil they established in so doing was an eternal definition of cowardice."

Speaking from the Future, as we Time Travelers are capable of doing, in the end we God's Space Sailors killed so many millions of God-damned Americans that had not the pressure of hell compressed them, and the fires of Hell not turned them to shivering, howling ash, Hell would have become overcrowded, and like covetous Jews we would have had to annex the land and homes of our neighbors in which to store their damned souls.

Hell takes care of Evil once and for all, and renders the mocking blubber of it into oil to feed the insatiable hunger of Satan-Capitalism.

We God's Space Sailors had been to Evil-captured planets before, and it is always the same with Evil; if we show ourselves as weak and helpless, Evil attacks.

Evil people--such as you God-damned Americans--are like laughing hyenas among men, going after the wounded, going after the carrion, going after that which cannot fight back.

You can see the laughing hyena in human-nation form in America's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq, and its murders of innocent Afghanis, and its cross-border murders of innocent Pakistanis; and that's only the recent ravages of the laughing hyena pack known as the United States of America.

Bull in the China shop, ravenous beast among the babies, the USA.

God knowing this about God-damned America, God gave me the honor of being God's Bait on God's Hook.

That's how it worked with God's One True Telepath; that's why God made me audibly telepathic and put me at the mercy of the merciless Americans, so God could damn you God-damned Americans without a twinge of afterthought, knowing you had not changed one iota from the African-enslaving and Native American-murdering hypocrites you started out as.

(Hypocritical Christians say Christ hates hypocrites, but they dare not understand what that means; and God, Dear Reader, hates hypocrites even more than Jesus hates them.)

And so it will be with we God's Space Sailors as we sail away...sail away...sail away, the United States of America broken into smoldering, moldering pieces, the Americans knowing they are damned years before they are dead, and knowing there is no salvation, no redemption, no matter how tight they squint the eyes in prayer and how loudly they call out, "Jesus! Jesus!", knowing that God has done to them what they did to God's One True Telepath; and we God's Space Sailors never thinking of them again.

Tit for tat, same-same, Do Unto Others.

From that same headstone:

"God's One True Telepath was a magic mirror who reflected the American people just as they they they were; gone now, damned now, lost and gone forever, bitter sorrow."

Millions of years from now, when the human race has risen to a higher state of being, throughout the Universe will be the expression, "As cowardly as an American".

But you God-damned Americans should not worry your pretty little heads about that, today you hold sway, today you merrily dig the pit from which you shall never emerge.

Let's cleanse our palates now of that cow-manure-like aftertaste that comes with being around these God-damned Americans, and talk about better times when God gave me vacation from the dull indecency of the American people, furlough from war with the whore.

(It was my duty, you know, Dear Reader, my duty to God to be born an American. If one is to battle Satan one must go to Satan's homeland.)

So, a funny story to cleanse our palates:

While it was my job in Vietnam to scribble words about combat which would be "improved" by New York head office staffers safe and sound as long as they stayed out of Central Park at night, I would try to help as best I could as an unarmed, soft-bellied newsman; and that would involve such things as helping to unload supply helicopters when they had to get out fast before incoming fire destroyed them, carrying wounded through machinegun fire, and just sitting with wounded so they would not be alone while the world exploded around them and shrapnel still hot in their bodies cooked them from the inside out.

One night during a firefight I was sitting in a dry rice paddy with a wounded Marine and he was moaning and suffering, and he said to me, "I am sorry to be a crybaby, but it hurts."

That was in 1967, and when I returned to Tokyo six weeks later US Naval Intelligence tried to get me murdered by Japanese leftist radicals; and America, in one form or another, has attacked me every day of those 41 years.

Now, after all those decades of relentless, undeserved torture, that crybaby US Marine has become funny to me.

When you create an enemy you have an enemy. Now America's pain is my pleasure; and great, great pleasure awaits me.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923


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