The $1,094 Billion Defeat
The 34th Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 34th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 32nd Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It
The 16th Day of Hell for the American People
Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America learns it is at war with God, within 42 days
I am going to make a bold statement about the presidential election today, but first a word from our Sponsor.
In this life I do what my Old Pal God asks me to do, perhaps that is why Christians don't like me and Jews think I am no good; because my Old Pal God rarely asks me to do what Christians and Jews think I should do.
I say this not in preamble of a review of my service to God but to screw up my courage to say something God has asked me to say.
You know me, I am a mild-mannered reporter for a great international news service, I.C. News, and it is my unpopular chore to report on the death of this Earth, expected--with some confidence and a great deal of evidence--to take place in late 2064.
At this time there is an election taking place in the United States of America which will choose the last president of the United States of America.
The last president of the United States of America.
I say this because the United States of America will crumble into a heap of fascist rubble before November 4, 2012, and there will be no presidential election on that day, nor ever again.
That is, this presidential election is the last presidential election the United States of America will hold--no matter which candidate wins.
This leads me to what my Old Pal God has asked me to say today; that being that if Obama does not openly call for the end of America's torture-enslavement of me Obama will lose the election.
Let's say that again for emphasis, if Obama does not openly call for the end of America's torture-enslavement of me Obama will lose the election.
This is rather a bold suggestion, bold in that the Obama-Biden ticket is said to be ahead in the polls, and there is a near-universal counting-out of the McCain-Palin ticket before the votes are cast.
There is a twist to this bold suggestion that those Dear Readers interested in God's Space War might appreciate.
God is going to influence the outcome of this election, not in favor of McCain but in loathing of the intense torture I receive from the demographic which supports Obama; and unless Obama calls off those young liberal sharks God will, in God's Words, "Pull the Rug Out from Under Obama's Feet".
What that might mean is yet to be seen, but the election is only a few weeks away so we should see it soon.
(I think I know what it means, but it would spoil the surprise for me to say, so I will encode it as, "Okidoki Hikokijoki", and I will decipher the code after the event, and it will send shivers up your spine.)
This is not to say that McCain's demographic does not also participate in America's torture-enslavement of me, no, it means God's issue here is with the relative viciousness toward me of the liberal demographic.
We talk about this relative viciousness off and on in this work, and from the start the liberals have been more vicious toward me than the conservatives.
The conservatives hold me down in poverty, homelessness and hopelessness; and the liberals relish the right to torture me physically-psychiatrically, and every time I am a captive audience of the liberals, the liberals torture me unto death, and do so with smug glee.
I cannot explain this liberal-conservative partnership in psycho-fascism except to say the conservatives starve me to death and the liberals torture me as I starve; and God loathes them both.
That has been the case since this torture-enslavement of me by the United States of America began (then under the Nixon-Reagan Axis) over 35 years ago; and to me the left wing and the right wing are wings of the same satanic bird; and I expect God to serve up that bird to me on Thanksgiving Day.
Looking at Obama's demographic, it seems to me that, in addition to the standard viciousness toward me of the liberals seen since the start of America's torture-enslavement of me, their current obscene level of torture of me might stem from younger Americans having been born after the torture-enslavement of me was established, and to them torture-enslavement of me is as natural as tattoos and masturbation.
Relative to me, young Americans are like the children of slave owners born on Southern plantations in 1830, to whom it was only natural and right that Darkies should be enslaved.
To young modern Americans it is only natural and right that God's One True Telepath should be enslaved and tortured unto death.
(It should be noted that those Southern plantation children grew up to suffer greatly during and after the War Between the States, in a real sense paying for the sins of their fathers, grandfathers, great grand fathers, great-great grandfathers and so on down the road into the South's past; and these modern offspring of modern American slave-keepers will pay dearly, too.)
There is another element in understanding this truth about the nature of Obama's demographic. That is the unrecognized growing meanness developing in young Americans stemming from the dual factors of abortion-survival trauma and the rapidly approaching extinction of the human race; but that gets us far beyond the dogma of America's state religion, psychiatry.
(This abortion-survival trauma element was touched on in my Sunday, October 12 report (The $1,090 Billion Defeat), but the surface of the phenomenon was barely scratched.)
That abortion-survival trauma factor, however, is secondary to the purposes of God's compelling request that I advise Obama to call off his young liberal sharks, that I warn Obama to tell them openly to stop their liberal-generational lynch-mobism directed at me in much the same way McCain stifled the growing conservative lynch-mobism directed at Obama.
I say again, this because Obama's demographic of supporters is by far more vicious in its torture of me than is McCain's demographic of supporters; and God so loathes that torture that God will, as quoted above, pull the rug from under Obama's feet because of it.
Okidoki Hikokijoki.
I further say God's anger at Obama's demographic is also so violent because I almost certainly, with God's guidance, saved Obama's life when he went to Israel by warning in this work of the assassiation planned for him there; and civility and decency would require him to call off his own young torture-assassins in appreciation.
I have long felt that there are enough Americans opposed to America's torture-enslavement of me that it would be worth at least ten million votes to the presidential candidate who called for my emancipation; but I of course do not know what wicked charges have been made against me in public but behind my back.
(It is very convenient, very Mediaeval, very pre-Constitutional, for the Americans to establish criminal and moral charges against me, and the public to punish of me for crimes I know not what and have no opportunity to defend against.
(Many a Nigger has been lynched in just this way, so I am in good company.)
If I am right about this ten-million-vote bonus, any candidate who might speak in favor of America ending its torture-enslavement of me would deserve those added votes, but that is not what I am addressing here.
I am saying God will punish Obama if Obama does not use his campaign platform to call for my emancipation.
Again, like it or not, I am saying God will punish Obama if Obama does not use his campaign platform to call for my emancipation.
We shall see what we shall see, and we shall see it before November 4.
Now, going from the microcosm to the macrocosm, from the petty to the serious (and McCain and Obama are petty in this story); God damned the God-damned people of United States of America 16 days ago, and there is no good news for the United States of America, not now, nor forevermore.
The Laws of God are like laws of subatomic physics, and the United States of America has so violated those laws so long with such vanity and impunity that the action-reaction of those violations will hit America like a speeding freight train hitting a baby carriage.
You will see this Divine Phenomenon within 42 days.
Given a continuation of the status quo, given Obama's continued support of his demographic's torture of me, you will see God's punishment of Obama within 18 days.
Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923
The 34th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 32nd Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It
The 16th Day of Hell for the American People
Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America learns it is at war with God, within 42 days
I am going to make a bold statement about the presidential election today, but first a word from our Sponsor.
In this life I do what my Old Pal God asks me to do, perhaps that is why Christians don't like me and Jews think I am no good; because my Old Pal God rarely asks me to do what Christians and Jews think I should do.
I say this not in preamble of a review of my service to God but to screw up my courage to say something God has asked me to say.
You know me, I am a mild-mannered reporter for a great international news service, I.C. News, and it is my unpopular chore to report on the death of this Earth, expected--with some confidence and a great deal of evidence--to take place in late 2064.
At this time there is an election taking place in the United States of America which will choose the last president of the United States of America.
The last president of the United States of America.
I say this because the United States of America will crumble into a heap of fascist rubble before November 4, 2012, and there will be no presidential election on that day, nor ever again.
That is, this presidential election is the last presidential election the United States of America will hold--no matter which candidate wins.
This leads me to what my Old Pal God has asked me to say today; that being that if Obama does not openly call for the end of America's torture-enslavement of me Obama will lose the election.
Let's say that again for emphasis, if Obama does not openly call for the end of America's torture-enslavement of me Obama will lose the election.
This is rather a bold suggestion, bold in that the Obama-Biden ticket is said to be ahead in the polls, and there is a near-universal counting-out of the McCain-Palin ticket before the votes are cast.
There is a twist to this bold suggestion that those Dear Readers interested in God's Space War might appreciate.
God is going to influence the outcome of this election, not in favor of McCain but in loathing of the intense torture I receive from the demographic which supports Obama; and unless Obama calls off those young liberal sharks God will, in God's Words, "Pull the Rug Out from Under Obama's Feet".
What that might mean is yet to be seen, but the election is only a few weeks away so we should see it soon.
(I think I know what it means, but it would spoil the surprise for me to say, so I will encode it as, "Okidoki Hikokijoki", and I will decipher the code after the event, and it will send shivers up your spine.)
This is not to say that McCain's demographic does not also participate in America's torture-enslavement of me, no, it means God's issue here is with the relative viciousness toward me of the liberal demographic.
We talk about this relative viciousness off and on in this work, and from the start the liberals have been more vicious toward me than the conservatives.
The conservatives hold me down in poverty, homelessness and hopelessness; and the liberals relish the right to torture me physically-psychiatrically, and every time I am a captive audience of the liberals, the liberals torture me unto death, and do so with smug glee.
I cannot explain this liberal-conservative partnership in psycho-fascism except to say the conservatives starve me to death and the liberals torture me as I starve; and God loathes them both.
That has been the case since this torture-enslavement of me by the United States of America began (then under the Nixon-Reagan Axis) over 35 years ago; and to me the left wing and the right wing are wings of the same satanic bird; and I expect God to serve up that bird to me on Thanksgiving Day.
Looking at Obama's demographic, it seems to me that, in addition to the standard viciousness toward me of the liberals seen since the start of America's torture-enslavement of me, their current obscene level of torture of me might stem from younger Americans having been born after the torture-enslavement of me was established, and to them torture-enslavement of me is as natural as tattoos and masturbation.
Relative to me, young Americans are like the children of slave owners born on Southern plantations in 1830, to whom it was only natural and right that Darkies should be enslaved.
To young modern Americans it is only natural and right that God's One True Telepath should be enslaved and tortured unto death.
(It should be noted that those Southern plantation children grew up to suffer greatly during and after the War Between the States, in a real sense paying for the sins of their fathers, grandfathers, great grand fathers, great-great grandfathers and so on down the road into the South's past; and these modern offspring of modern American slave-keepers will pay dearly, too.)
There is another element in understanding this truth about the nature of Obama's demographic. That is the unrecognized growing meanness developing in young Americans stemming from the dual factors of abortion-survival trauma and the rapidly approaching extinction of the human race; but that gets us far beyond the dogma of America's state religion, psychiatry.
(This abortion-survival trauma element was touched on in my Sunday, October 12 report (The $1,090 Billion Defeat), but the surface of the phenomenon was barely scratched.)
That abortion-survival trauma factor, however, is secondary to the purposes of God's compelling request that I advise Obama to call off his young liberal sharks, that I warn Obama to tell them openly to stop their liberal-generational lynch-mobism directed at me in much the same way McCain stifled the growing conservative lynch-mobism directed at Obama.
I say again, this because Obama's demographic of supporters is by far more vicious in its torture of me than is McCain's demographic of supporters; and God so loathes that torture that God will, as quoted above, pull the rug from under Obama's feet because of it.
Okidoki Hikokijoki.
I further say God's anger at Obama's demographic is also so violent because I almost certainly, with God's guidance, saved Obama's life when he went to Israel by warning in this work of the assassiation planned for him there; and civility and decency would require him to call off his own young torture-assassins in appreciation.
I have long felt that there are enough Americans opposed to America's torture-enslavement of me that it would be worth at least ten million votes to the presidential candidate who called for my emancipation; but I of course do not know what wicked charges have been made against me in public but behind my back.
(It is very convenient, very Mediaeval, very pre-Constitutional, for the Americans to establish criminal and moral charges against me, and the public to punish of me for crimes I know not what and have no opportunity to defend against.
(Many a Nigger has been lynched in just this way, so I am in good company.)
If I am right about this ten-million-vote bonus, any candidate who might speak in favor of America ending its torture-enslavement of me would deserve those added votes, but that is not what I am addressing here.
I am saying God will punish Obama if Obama does not use his campaign platform to call for my emancipation.
Again, like it or not, I am saying God will punish Obama if Obama does not use his campaign platform to call for my emancipation.
We shall see what we shall see, and we shall see it before November 4.
Now, going from the microcosm to the macrocosm, from the petty to the serious (and McCain and Obama are petty in this story); God damned the God-damned people of United States of America 16 days ago, and there is no good news for the United States of America, not now, nor forevermore.
The Laws of God are like laws of subatomic physics, and the United States of America has so violated those laws so long with such vanity and impunity that the action-reaction of those violations will hit America like a speeding freight train hitting a baby carriage.
You will see this Divine Phenomenon within 42 days.
Given a continuation of the status quo, given Obama's continued support of his demographic's torture of me, you will see God's punishment of Obama within 18 days.
Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923
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