Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The $1,106 Billion Defeat

The 46th Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 46th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 44th Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The 28th Day of Hell for the American People

Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America learns it is at war with God, within 30 days

Expecting God to kill at least one more famous American media weasel on Friday, October 31, Halloween

The United States of America is a very ugly nation, having cut off its nose to spite its face.

Right now there are a lot of psycho-fascist Americans feeling all huffy because I say they are a mean and stupid people; clearly they are too stupid to see what their nearly 40 years of torturing me says of them; and clearly they are too stupid to see how mean they are to people around the world.

Mean and stupid, that hardly scratches the surface.

How mean and stupid are the American people? I would count the ways, but there is not enough time before America ends.

These Americans are a people who think it is a joke to kill my sperm; that's about as mean as mean can be; yet they think I should praise them; that's about as stupid as stupid can be.

These are a people who think it is right and brave to bang on my wall as I sleep, and see themselves as righteous and courageous in doing this; and to torture me as I shop, they with smug smirks on their little faces, and for their doctors to intentionally do me harm, and for their cops to intentionally frame me, and their judges to falsely convict me; these are the American people...these are the American people...these are the God-damned American people.

These are a people who have killed and maimed nearly a million Muslims and not batted an eye, who kill and maim Pakistani, Afghani and Iraqi children as if those children were God's garbage.

These are a people who are carrying out the most unintelligent, lowbrow, hate-filled presidential election in the history of most of the world save Germany in the Thirties and now and then in darkest Africa, hissing and booing, hissing and booing, hissing and booing, snakes in a snake pit of politics.

These are a people on a dying Earth constantly seeking new ways to not be aware of what they do to hurry this Earth's death.

These are a people who murdered my children, and think I should like them.

These are a people who murder children around the world and get all huffy when they are hated around the world.

These are the only people on Earth who are hated by God; and no people on this Earth love themselves as much as the mean and stupid American people love themselves.

The Americans are the biggest whore in the world, but they see themselves as Sister Margaret Mary.

The Americans are too stupid to know how stupid they are; the Americans are too mean to be anything else but damned by God.

Let's look a little at America's damnation, today in its 28th day.

We are saying the American people will know they are damned by November 27, Thanksgiving Day.

Certainly, if that is to be the case something extraordinary has to happen, since we know the American people are too stupid to be effected by subtle evidence.

This delayed knowledge of an accomplished fact is common in human experience.

The soldier on the battlefield who loses a leg might not know about his loss until he attempts to stand and walk.

The soldier shot in the head is dead never knowing he has been shot.

George W. Bush will not know he has been damned until he finds himself in Hell, and until the last second before that awareness impacts him with sudden terror he will believe in his dull little intelligence that God commissioned him to murder and to steal and to destroy the world.

The most ready historical example of the situation the American people are in--but are yet to become aware they are in--is the sinking of the Titanic, where for some time after the fatal blow was received most people aboard did not know the dire danger they were in.

So, until the impact of awareness struck the doomed aboard the Titanic they existed in a state of not having the slightest idea they were already doomed.

Such is the case of those aboard Titanic America, Satanic America, they continue in the same meanness and stupidity which caused them to be damned in the first place, feeling innocent despite their guilt, torturing and killing as if it was their God-given right to do so...and then...and then...reality will impact them.

(What do you think the chances are of the American people asking for forgiveness for their torture-enslavement of me before they are aware God's Swift and Mighty Sword has cut them through?

(It is reasonable to expect that as long as they think they have total power over me they will mock the very concept of forgiveness.

(The average American relative to God's One True Telepath is the equivalent of the average Nazi guard relative to Jews as Auschwitz.)

Until the reality of their damnation impacts them, the Americans can be expected to continue to be mean and stupid. After that reality impacts them, the Americans can be expected to panic.

There are endless examples of this delayed knowledge phenomenon.

Doomed people calmly having dinner in the dining car of a passenger train seconds before it plummets off a fallen trestle.

My favorite, of course, is the last moments of normalcy before the first plane struck the first of the Twin Towers, normalcy on the streets of New York City and in the offices, sheer agony of knowledge by those victims cruel fate had trapped aboard the aircraft.

God's One True Telepath could not have walked down those New York streets without being tortured by those mean and stupid New Yorkers.

God's One True Telepath could not have worked in those offices without being tortured by those mean and stupid and doomed office workers.

God's One True Telepath could not have been a passenger aboard those doomed aircraft without being tortured by passengers and crew.

Like some tormented American Negro might have seen the Titanic as a boatload of white folks going down, I see 9/11 as building loads and plane loads of Telepath torturers going down.

When you make an enemy you have an enemy. America sought to make of me an enemy because, typical of the American psyche, it saw me as weak and alone. Good luck for me, back luck for America, God is my Old Pal.

The suggestion here is that on some huge level, some far greater level than 9/11, some far, far greater level than the Titanic, awareness of doom and disaster and damnation will strike the American people on or before Thanksgiving Day.

As stated above, until that moment of awareness, the American people can be expected to continue to be mean and stupid, to in pompous, righteous delight to continue to torture God's One True Telepath, and their fascist leadership can be expected to continue in their obscene and doomed plot of world conquest.
That is, God has caught America with its pants down, sodomizing God's One True Telepath and sodomizing the human race and sodomizing the planet Earth.

That is why there is Hell for America to pay.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923


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