The $1,107 Billion Defeat
The 47th Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 47th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 45th Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It
The 29th Day of Hell for the American People
Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America learns it is at war with God, within 29 days
Expecting God to kill at least one more famous American media weasel on Friday, October 31, Halloween. This will follow God's killing of Tim Russert on Friday, June 13.
As I.C. News today continues our report on God's damnation of the people of the United States of America we come upon what is a sidebar story to I.C. News but can be expected to become a headline news story in Little Rock, Arkansas.
That story relates to the tragic beating death by an apparently yet unknown assailant of anchorwoman Anne Pressly, 26, of ABC affiliate KATV, Little Rock.
I.C. News' information indicates a second attack on a Little Rock TV personality is in the works.
I.C. News has documented only one Arkansas news story in advance previously.
That was the Jonesboro school shooting on March 24, 1998, in which four middle school girls were killed.
(That was one of the three or four school shootings I.C. News has documented in advance over the years.
(The most recent school shooting documented in advance by I.C. News was the Amish school shooting in Nickel Mines, Lancaster County, PA, on October 2, 2006, resulting in the murders of five girls.
(That advance documentation that was so clear to Fox news that Fox's opting not to report on it in order to keep God's One True Telepath in America's public torture-enslavement was sinful to the tenth power.
(See the archives of this report to review I.C. News' most excellent advance documentation of the Nickel Mines Amish school shooting. Those reading this work on I.C. News' site will need to go to our site, The Obituary of the World, to do this.)
Such advance documentations of events was one of the original reasons God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy in about 1970--not to give the American people a new Minority of One to enslave and to torture, as America seems to think--but on the most part that purpose has been thwarted by deceitful American journalism.
Our purpose here today is not to review that aspect of I.C. News' work but to simply state in the context of our decades of success that the person who murdered KATV's Ms. Pressly, flushed by the pleasure and infamy of his act, is preparing to attack again.
I.C. News is sending copies of today's report to various Little Rock news outlets, offering its unique skills and reportage.
Now let's return to our main story, God's damnation of the American people for their sins as exemplified by their sin of torturing and enslaving me since God gave me the gift of audible telepathy nearly 40 years ago.
The worst thing about making war with the people of the United States of America is that they are so cowardly. It gives one the feeling of fighting a big, slimy bug.
The best thing about making war with the people of the United States of America is that they are so cowardly, One knows they will always do the cowardly thing, attack from the cowardly position, attack from the cowardly lie.
The things the American people are most cowardly in the face of are thoughts, ideas, concepts, any complexities at all; which is why their politicians feed them a constant diet of simplifications and easy frauds, because their politicians know the further they get from the simple, the further they get from the cliche, the further they get from the slogan, the fewer are the American brains that can follow them.
This is why McCain can say "blah, blah, blah" to concerns about the safety of nuclear power plants--ignoring Three Mile Island and ignoring Chernobyl--and his rice-pudding-brained fans will cheer like frat boys at a strip show; and why the American people, who have been sodomized by Big American Money for generations, automatically assume more equitable distribution of the nation's wealth to be evil.
The poor should be sodomized by the rich; the Americans have been taught to believe this; and any opposition to this is communism; beyond that the American brain cannot deal with the subject because the American brain is too cowardly to delve in complexities.
Intellectually, the American people are robotized. They respond to trigger words and trigger symbols; they cannot deal with obvious and even universal unpleasantries, such as their soldiers being rapists and murderers to a very high degree, so they purge themselves of that awareness and accuse any who point out that universal truth about soldiers of being unpatriotic.
The wicked enemy insurgents (resistance forces) murder children, not the good true blue American boys, but any American who has gone to war with American troops knows they do.
(As a 101st Division trooper in Vietnam told me, then a young combat correspondent for UPI, "We are going to addle Charley's brain by killing Charley's children".
(Scores of stories of Americans murdering innocents have come out of Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, but to mention this is to defame America's sainted soldiers--and who knows how many such murders have not been reported?)
The American people live in a fairy tale world, a child's world, because they are too cowardly to face reality as adults.
The American people are totally incapable of seeing the criminal sinfulness of George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq, instead they debate victory and defeat, as if victory would legitimize conquest and mass murder, as if victory would have legitimized the historical equivalent of Nazi Germany's conquest of France; they dare not look at the billions of dollars that have been stolen from them by Big American Money in Iraq; nor understand that their beloved soldiers were unnecessarily sent to their deaths and amputations by Big American Money to hook the American people into cliche patriotism; that a fool of a president soaked in American soldier blood is taken by them to be less of a fool--cowards before ideas, that is the God-damned American people.
Give them slogans to live by, give them comic book enemies, give them rings in their noses to be led around by, and the American people are happy as clams unaware of the cooking pot awaiting them.
Their cowardice before ideas was the hardest thing for me to learn about the American people.
This was the root of my disagreement with God after God told me in 1970 that the American people were lost, were useless, were worse than useless because they are the leading murderers of this Earth.
God said the American people are too cowardly to learn, and of course God was right, as God has always been in the some eight million years I have known God; but in some ways I am a half breed, a true and beloved Space Sailor of God, yet in duty's cause born and reborn as a human being for some thirty thousand years now, and I have developed a prejudice in favor of the human being, a hope for the human being, which, perhaps, is unrealistic.
Perhaps? An understatement, considering the human being will be extinct by 2045.
So I said to my Old Pal God nearly 40 years ago, no, they are basically good, these Americans; so God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy and the Americans rushed into torture and perfidy, sadism and cruelty, murdered my progeny and invented a new form of slavery just for me; and true to what God had told me, the Americans proved themselves to be too cowardly to learn, too cowardly to survive, too cowardly to be saved by God.
Look to Nature, Dear Reader, God respects courage; look to America, Dear Reader, God does not respect America.
Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923
The 47th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 45th Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It
The 29th Day of Hell for the American People
Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America learns it is at war with God, within 29 days
Expecting God to kill at least one more famous American media weasel on Friday, October 31, Halloween. This will follow God's killing of Tim Russert on Friday, June 13.
As I.C. News today continues our report on God's damnation of the people of the United States of America we come upon what is a sidebar story to I.C. News but can be expected to become a headline news story in Little Rock, Arkansas.
That story relates to the tragic beating death by an apparently yet unknown assailant of anchorwoman Anne Pressly, 26, of ABC affiliate KATV, Little Rock.
I.C. News' information indicates a second attack on a Little Rock TV personality is in the works.
I.C. News has documented only one Arkansas news story in advance previously.
That was the Jonesboro school shooting on March 24, 1998, in which four middle school girls were killed.
(That was one of the three or four school shootings I.C. News has documented in advance over the years.
(The most recent school shooting documented in advance by I.C. News was the Amish school shooting in Nickel Mines, Lancaster County, PA, on October 2, 2006, resulting in the murders of five girls.
(That advance documentation that was so clear to Fox news that Fox's opting not to report on it in order to keep God's One True Telepath in America's public torture-enslavement was sinful to the tenth power.
(See the archives of this report to review I.C. News' most excellent advance documentation of the Nickel Mines Amish school shooting. Those reading this work on I.C. News' site will need to go to our site, The Obituary of the World, to do this.)
Such advance documentations of events was one of the original reasons God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy in about 1970--not to give the American people a new Minority of One to enslave and to torture, as America seems to think--but on the most part that purpose has been thwarted by deceitful American journalism.
Our purpose here today is not to review that aspect of I.C. News' work but to simply state in the context of our decades of success that the person who murdered KATV's Ms. Pressly, flushed by the pleasure and infamy of his act, is preparing to attack again.
I.C. News is sending copies of today's report to various Little Rock news outlets, offering its unique skills and reportage.
Now let's return to our main story, God's damnation of the American people for their sins as exemplified by their sin of torturing and enslaving me since God gave me the gift of audible telepathy nearly 40 years ago.
The worst thing about making war with the people of the United States of America is that they are so cowardly. It gives one the feeling of fighting a big, slimy bug.
The best thing about making war with the people of the United States of America is that they are so cowardly, One knows they will always do the cowardly thing, attack from the cowardly position, attack from the cowardly lie.
The things the American people are most cowardly in the face of are thoughts, ideas, concepts, any complexities at all; which is why their politicians feed them a constant diet of simplifications and easy frauds, because their politicians know the further they get from the simple, the further they get from the cliche, the further they get from the slogan, the fewer are the American brains that can follow them.
This is why McCain can say "blah, blah, blah" to concerns about the safety of nuclear power plants--ignoring Three Mile Island and ignoring Chernobyl--and his rice-pudding-brained fans will cheer like frat boys at a strip show; and why the American people, who have been sodomized by Big American Money for generations, automatically assume more equitable distribution of the nation's wealth to be evil.
The poor should be sodomized by the rich; the Americans have been taught to believe this; and any opposition to this is communism; beyond that the American brain cannot deal with the subject because the American brain is too cowardly to delve in complexities.
Intellectually, the American people are robotized. They respond to trigger words and trigger symbols; they cannot deal with obvious and even universal unpleasantries, such as their soldiers being rapists and murderers to a very high degree, so they purge themselves of that awareness and accuse any who point out that universal truth about soldiers of being unpatriotic.
The wicked enemy insurgents (resistance forces) murder children, not the good true blue American boys, but any American who has gone to war with American troops knows they do.
(As a 101st Division trooper in Vietnam told me, then a young combat correspondent for UPI, "We are going to addle Charley's brain by killing Charley's children".
(Scores of stories of Americans murdering innocents have come out of Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, but to mention this is to defame America's sainted soldiers--and who knows how many such murders have not been reported?)
The American people live in a fairy tale world, a child's world, because they are too cowardly to face reality as adults.
The American people are totally incapable of seeing the criminal sinfulness of George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq, instead they debate victory and defeat, as if victory would legitimize conquest and mass murder, as if victory would have legitimized the historical equivalent of Nazi Germany's conquest of France; they dare not look at the billions of dollars that have been stolen from them by Big American Money in Iraq; nor understand that their beloved soldiers were unnecessarily sent to their deaths and amputations by Big American Money to hook the American people into cliche patriotism; that a fool of a president soaked in American soldier blood is taken by them to be less of a fool--cowards before ideas, that is the God-damned American people.
Give them slogans to live by, give them comic book enemies, give them rings in their noses to be led around by, and the American people are happy as clams unaware of the cooking pot awaiting them.
Their cowardice before ideas was the hardest thing for me to learn about the American people.
This was the root of my disagreement with God after God told me in 1970 that the American people were lost, were useless, were worse than useless because they are the leading murderers of this Earth.
God said the American people are too cowardly to learn, and of course God was right, as God has always been in the some eight million years I have known God; but in some ways I am a half breed, a true and beloved Space Sailor of God, yet in duty's cause born and reborn as a human being for some thirty thousand years now, and I have developed a prejudice in favor of the human being, a hope for the human being, which, perhaps, is unrealistic.
Perhaps? An understatement, considering the human being will be extinct by 2045.
So I said to my Old Pal God nearly 40 years ago, no, they are basically good, these Americans; so God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy and the Americans rushed into torture and perfidy, sadism and cruelty, murdered my progeny and invented a new form of slavery just for me; and true to what God had told me, the Americans proved themselves to be too cowardly to learn, too cowardly to survive, too cowardly to be saved by God.
Look to Nature, Dear Reader, God respects courage; look to America, Dear Reader, God does not respect America.
Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923
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