Monday, November 03, 2008

The $1,112 Billion Defeat

The 52nd Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 52nd Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 50th Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The 34th Day of Hell for the American People

Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America learns it is at war with God, within 24 days

Something really, really bad happened to the United States of America Sunday night-Monday morning--right on schedule--but you God-damned Americans should not worry your pretty little heads about it.

You Dear Readers of other countries might find cause to rejoice when this news breaks.

Meanwhile, back at God's Space War against the United States of America, in 25 days or less the American people will learn they are at war with God.

That is the story we look at today.

The tableau of the great battle now unfolds before us. Let's look at our battle map, and you can decide your side.

When it is over, will you have lived? When it is over will you have died?

We have two God's Space War trunk codes running. They intersect in the Old City of Jerusalem on or before November 27, the American holiday known as Thanksgiving Day.

One of the two trunk codes is based on the first book of Dante's Divine Comedy, broadly known as Dante's Inferno.

The other of the two trunk codes is based on my journey from London to Jerusalem in about 1971, soon after I became audibly telepathic.

Both trunk codes continue on after Jerusalem, but it is in Jerusalem that God will clearly enter the fray.

We expect God's entry to be on November 27, but at this point we cannot be precise.

For those Dear Readers who are not familiar with the Divine Comedy I will tell you the parts of it pertinent to this huge and fabulous military action by God.

The Italian 13th-14th Century poet Dante is guided through the nine circles of Hell by the Roman poet Virgil, who lived and died in the last century before the birth of Christ.

As they descend through the nine circles of Hell, Virgil points out the damned to Dante, many of whom are well known political and religious figures of Dante's time, and tells Dante what sins they were damned for; just as I, American journalist-poet Virgil, has pointed out to you such damned sinners as George W. Bush and other murderers of children.

In my college text of this story back in the Fifties, the textbook author said Dante represents Humankind, and Virgil represents Reason in this classic narrative. We can go with that in this exercise; and you, Dear Reader, are invited to take Dante's role, if God will let you.

There is a good part to Dante's role and a bad part.

The bad part is Dante is terrorized and traumatized by what he sees as he passes through the nine circles of Hell.

The good part is Dante is allowed to leave Hell and ascend on to Purgatory, and after passing through Purgatory, ascend on to Paradise, and live to tell the tale to his readers in 14th Century Italy.

Our Dante trunk code concerns itself only with the Inferno at this time, and not with the other two books of the Divine Comedy, Purgatory and Paradise.

So, following Dante's story line, Dear Reader, every God-damned American is in Hell at this time and has been for 34 days, but on or before Thanksgiving Day almost all of them will have the opportunity to leave Hell and go on to Purgatory.

Purgatory isn't all that nice; those allowed to leave Hell and go there will have to work their fingers to the bone so save this Earth from her rapidly approaching death, now less than 60 years away; but Purgatory is a hell of a lot better than Hell.

That is one trunk code.

It is the complexity of the two trunk codes working together that makes this great God's Space War battle so interesting.

The second trunk code takes America into war with God after the two trunk codes intersect in Jerusalem; the first great, devastating experience of which takes place on or about Thanksgiving Day, November 27.

So you see, almost all Americans can expect to have this choice on or before Thanksgiving Day: exit Hell into Purgatory, or remain in Hell at eternal war with God.

Unless bigger news is breaking, we will examine the second trunk code next time.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923


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