The $1,137 Billion Defeat
As we open today's report I must tell you something that will give cheer to American Christians and American Jews, American media weasels and American Big Money and American Big Money's servants, American politicians; that being that I had a small stroke two days ago.
This should come as no big surprise, I am 69 years old and have been tortured constantly for over 35 years by the God-damned Americans;
and the underlying purpose of that torture is slow murder.
The only noticeable effect of that little stroke is that my ability to type is reduced by about 50%.
I have been a good typist since my teens, and on a good day could type 70 wpm without error during my 40s.
After I was blacklisted from journalism for not agreeing to along with a Los Angeles Times lie I made my living for many years as a typist and as a secretary.
Now, due the little stroke, I can do little better than hunt and peck as I write these words.
I have had strokes in the past and was able to recover lost abilities, so with practice and retraining my mind-hand connections perhaps I can do the same again.
I see this as a battlefield wound, but not wound enough to leave the battlefield.
And where would I go, to an American hospital where I would be tormented by doctors and nurses and patients in a group orgy of torture? It is very difficult to find American medical professionals who do not deliberately do me harm.
And now, Dear Reader, let's look at the work we are just finishing up and see if we have any success at all to report.
We are still in the hit zone of that work in that we expected the Americans and the Israelis to become aware sometime today (Friday) that what they have done and do to me is evil.
There seems little possibility of that. The Cowards and the Kikes see no evil in the evil they do.
But, and this may be the big butt that sits on the Americans and the Israelis and squishes them, my Old Pal God tells me God's Space War against the Cowards and the Kikes is right on schedule.
So, what has happened to the attack from Space we have been expecting?
Hidden in the glare of the India story was a meteor videotaped over Seattle. Not a big story under normal conditions, but following our magnificent advance documentation of the Saskatoon, Canada, meteor and our expectation of seven "atom bombs" from space it seems significant.
At I.C. News we are expecting a swarm of major meteors; and we are expecting that pattern to be a traceable part of the Saskatoon-Seattle meteor pattern.
If we are right about this the psycho-fascist Americans will attempt to censor the meteor swarm from the news, but God will not allow the censorship.
Now, turning to the events in India.
At first we thought the only connection between our future projection going back more than a month was that the attack on Mumbai took place on the exact day we expected God to make the USA and its master, Israel, aware that God is at war with them.
In other words, at first it seemed like coincidence, then our Old Pal God reminded us of one of the basic truism's of God's Space War. "Coincidence is the rockets' red glare of God's Space War".
As we piece the Mumbai puzzle together we go from thinking we misread the codes to wondering if we were reading the codes too fast.
That is our most common error; we tend to think in people time, not God time; and God takes God's own sweet time.
So, going from our imperfect performance of our November 27 advance documentation and looking at what might have been right about it, what do we see?
The date was dead on. From some five or six weeks in advance the date was dead on.
We expected God to demonstrate to the Americans and the Israelis that God is at war with them, instead we got an event in India which included a pinpoint attack on Jews, with additional interest in Americans and Brits and other foreigners--but Jews seemed to have suffered most, next to Indians, of course.
In all the years since God gave me my commission to write The Obituary of the World in 1963 God has rarely spelled things out in plain language, but rather God has given me codes and clues for me to put together.
We call this The Teaching Game. It is better for the mind than rote learning and helps me avoid the errors within my early religious and patriotic instruction.
For that reason I am a more thinking Christian and more reasoned American than most.
As I am working out what God has just demonstrated to me it occurs to me that while God wanted me to know when the India event would take place, God did not want me to warm about it.
Why not? And here the story takes on a potential that for me to express will seem to be a form intellectual pornography--even blasphemy--to the Americans and their masters, the Israelis--and to the Indians, too.
You will note that when I attempted to warn about the 9/11 attack beginning at least a month in advance the Americans brutalized me into the Emergency Room and framed me for a crime, teaching me once and for all that when Americans are about to die and I know they are about to die I should stand back and let the bastards and the bitches die.
As I noted yesterday, the Indian government slavishly served the American and Israel governments against me when I was in India, and at least twice tried to frame into one of those dirty, corrupt Indian prisons.
This, I suggest, is one of the reasons God did not give me the code "India". India is on the wrong side in the Telepathic War.
There is one other thing, the thing the American false witness Christians and the false witness Jews are going to loathe. God is not on the side of the so-called anti-"terrorism" forces, Not one bit.
I cannot speak to God's opinion of the Muslim jihad forces, but God has carefully explained to me God's contempt for the American and Israeli forces.
There is something my Old Pal God sometimes points out to me, something which I have always looked at as a historical coincidence.
That is, the nations at war with the "terrorists" are also at war with me, God's One True Telepath. The same people who kill my children and destroy my home kill Muslim children and destroy Muslim homes.
Apparently, while I see this an historical accident, God apparently sees it as two slices of the same poison apple.
The really interesting thing about the India story is that it seems to add Hinduism to what I would call the Jewish-Christian poison apple of religion; Christianity, Judaism and Hinduism all sharing in the art Telepath torture, the Litmus Paper Test of religions and democracies by God at this time.
While I cannot speak to the subject of Islam as a religion, since I am kept in an isolated Judeo-Christian torture chamber and get the same anti-Muslim propaganda through the propaganda-news business as everyone is an interesting thing:
Like it is extremely rare for Black Americans to take part in America's torture of me, it is also extremely rare for Muslim's to do it. I can think of only one instance, two homosexual Muslims in old Jerusalem.
God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy to draw out a particular type of evil in people. Christians have it, Jews have it, and Hindus have it, but not American Blacks and apparently not Muslims.
Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4973
This should come as no big surprise, I am 69 years old and have been tortured constantly for over 35 years by the God-damned Americans;
and the underlying purpose of that torture is slow murder.
The only noticeable effect of that little stroke is that my ability to type is reduced by about 50%.
I have been a good typist since my teens, and on a good day could type 70 wpm without error during my 40s.
After I was blacklisted from journalism for not agreeing to along with a Los Angeles Times lie I made my living for many years as a typist and as a secretary.
Now, due the little stroke, I can do little better than hunt and peck as I write these words.
I have had strokes in the past and was able to recover lost abilities, so with practice and retraining my mind-hand connections perhaps I can do the same again.
I see this as a battlefield wound, but not wound enough to leave the battlefield.
And where would I go, to an American hospital where I would be tormented by doctors and nurses and patients in a group orgy of torture? It is very difficult to find American medical professionals who do not deliberately do me harm.
And now, Dear Reader, let's look at the work we are just finishing up and see if we have any success at all to report.
We are still in the hit zone of that work in that we expected the Americans and the Israelis to become aware sometime today (Friday) that what they have done and do to me is evil.
There seems little possibility of that. The Cowards and the Kikes see no evil in the evil they do.
But, and this may be the big butt that sits on the Americans and the Israelis and squishes them, my Old Pal God tells me God's Space War against the Cowards and the Kikes is right on schedule.
So, what has happened to the attack from Space we have been expecting?
Hidden in the glare of the India story was a meteor videotaped over Seattle. Not a big story under normal conditions, but following our magnificent advance documentation of the Saskatoon, Canada, meteor and our expectation of seven "atom bombs" from space it seems significant.
At I.C. News we are expecting a swarm of major meteors; and we are expecting that pattern to be a traceable part of the Saskatoon-Seattle meteor pattern.
If we are right about this the psycho-fascist Americans will attempt to censor the meteor swarm from the news, but God will not allow the censorship.
Now, turning to the events in India.
At first we thought the only connection between our future projection going back more than a month was that the attack on Mumbai took place on the exact day we expected God to make the USA and its master, Israel, aware that God is at war with them.
In other words, at first it seemed like coincidence, then our Old Pal God reminded us of one of the basic truism's of God's Space War. "Coincidence is the rockets' red glare of God's Space War".
As we piece the Mumbai puzzle together we go from thinking we misread the codes to wondering if we were reading the codes too fast.
That is our most common error; we tend to think in people time, not God time; and God takes God's own sweet time.
So, going from our imperfect performance of our November 27 advance documentation and looking at what might have been right about it, what do we see?
The date was dead on. From some five or six weeks in advance the date was dead on.
We expected God to demonstrate to the Americans and the Israelis that God is at war with them, instead we got an event in India which included a pinpoint attack on Jews, with additional interest in Americans and Brits and other foreigners--but Jews seemed to have suffered most, next to Indians, of course.
In all the years since God gave me my commission to write The Obituary of the World in 1963 God has rarely spelled things out in plain language, but rather God has given me codes and clues for me to put together.
We call this The Teaching Game. It is better for the mind than rote learning and helps me avoid the errors within my early religious and patriotic instruction.
For that reason I am a more thinking Christian and more reasoned American than most.
As I am working out what God has just demonstrated to me it occurs to me that while God wanted me to know when the India event would take place, God did not want me to warm about it.
Why not? And here the story takes on a potential that for me to express will seem to be a form intellectual pornography--even blasphemy--to the Americans and their masters, the Israelis--and to the Indians, too.
You will note that when I attempted to warn about the 9/11 attack beginning at least a month in advance the Americans brutalized me into the Emergency Room and framed me for a crime, teaching me once and for all that when Americans are about to die and I know they are about to die I should stand back and let the bastards and the bitches die.
As I noted yesterday, the Indian government slavishly served the American and Israel governments against me when I was in India, and at least twice tried to frame into one of those dirty, corrupt Indian prisons.
This, I suggest, is one of the reasons God did not give me the code "India". India is on the wrong side in the Telepathic War.
There is one other thing, the thing the American false witness Christians and the false witness Jews are going to loathe. God is not on the side of the so-called anti-"terrorism" forces, Not one bit.
I cannot speak to God's opinion of the Muslim jihad forces, but God has carefully explained to me God's contempt for the American and Israeli forces.
There is something my Old Pal God sometimes points out to me, something which I have always looked at as a historical coincidence.
That is, the nations at war with the "terrorists" are also at war with me, God's One True Telepath. The same people who kill my children and destroy my home kill Muslim children and destroy Muslim homes.
Apparently, while I see this an historical accident, God apparently sees it as two slices of the same poison apple.
The really interesting thing about the India story is that it seems to add Hinduism to what I would call the Jewish-Christian poison apple of religion; Christianity, Judaism and Hinduism all sharing in the art Telepath torture, the Litmus Paper Test of religions and democracies by God at this time.
While I cannot speak to the subject of Islam as a religion, since I am kept in an isolated Judeo-Christian torture chamber and get the same anti-Muslim propaganda through the propaganda-news business as everyone is an interesting thing:
Like it is extremely rare for Black Americans to take part in America's torture of me, it is also extremely rare for Muslim's to do it. I can think of only one instance, two homosexual Muslims in old Jerusalem.
God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy to draw out a particular type of evil in people. Christians have it, Jews have it, and Hindus have it, but not American Blacks and apparently not Muslims.
Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4973
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