Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The $1,127 Billion Defeat

The 67th Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 67th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 65th Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The 49th Day of Hell for the American People

Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America and victim-fascist Israel learn they are at war with God, within nine days

Surrender, You Cowardly Gentile and Jewish Bastards and Bitches

"Joshua fit the battle of Jericho
"And the walls came tumbling down"--Old Negro Spiritual

For entertainment's sake, let's travel back in Time to the Dark Ages of Europe to where a mad king has thrown a man into a dungeon and left him there for decades; the mad king never saying what the man had done wrong in the mad king's eyes, the man never knowing.

In his dank dungeon the prisoner's nearest thing to a friend is the jailer who now and then brings slop for him to eat, never saying a word; and the only other human contact he has is the mad king's cruel torturer who comes around just to give him pain, the torturer's honorable duty to the mad king, and his only source of livelihood.

Over the decades in the dungeon the prisoner has scratched on the walls of his stone cell his mind's understanding of the cosmos, the moon, the planets and the stars; and around these scratchings he has scratched numbers and equations which track the spinning of the Earth and the cycles of the moon and the revolving of the Heavens; this being his clock on the cruel walls that imprison him.

Then within his incalculable calculations he comes upon a certain date, and as he stares at the date, his hair uncut for over 20 years, hid beard unshaven for over 20 years, his body clothed with remnants of rags, body so thick with filth he seems larger than he is, he smiles at that date and begins to chuckle, and to any jailer passing by it seems like a mad cackle; but on the date he has scratched on his wall the Earth opens up and swallows the mad king, and his castle, and his family, and all the his soldiers, and all his men; and the walls of the prisoner's dungeon crumble into dust; and amidst the shock, turmoil and chaos of the peasants. the thus-released prisoner goes to an inn where he has a hot bath, a shave and a haircut, and a really, really good bowl of slop; just in time to step outside, dressed in off-the-rack duds from the Small and Short men's store, to see the light in the sky getting closer and closer, and he knows the beginning has begun.

Nine days, Dear Reader. Within nine days the Americans in the Israelis--the Cowards and the Kikes--will know they are at war with God.

This would be the equivalent of George W. Bush suddenly realizing what a child-murdering fiend he is; well, that equivalent to the tenth power. This would be the equivalent of the impossible to the tenth power.

At I.C. News we are thinking this might be our most precise advance documentation in our over four decades of documenting events in advance (and we once documented an earthquake down to the second it occurred).

Such words as "pinpoint" are bouncing around the I.C. News Nevada bureau, in a city where we have put a big bet down.

We review the battlefield.

God is keeping God's hole cards face down on the table; and God's hole cards always come as a surprise to us God's Space Sailors here in the trenches; and thus far it seems we have two face-up cards with three more to be dealt out.

Cosmic seven-card stud to you poker players.

The two cards showing are the old God's Space War code, "Two Birds/One Stone", and, "The Clown and the Meteor" code, explained here yesterday.

The Two Birds/One Stone code seems to indicate the Cowards and the Kikes, the Americans and the Israelis; and The Clown and the Meteor code seems to point to travel though Space and Time.

There is another code, "Seven Victories", which we received a few days ago, but we are not sure what it means. It is possible we will not know the meaning of this code until November 27, Thanksgiving Day; but it is also possible it will be one of the face-up cards to come before then.

Although our expectations will almost certainly change as more codes come in, here is what we at I.C. News are expecting at this time: Major meteor hits on the Cowards and the Kikes, the United States of America and Israel; at least a total of two, perhaps a total of seven; no meteors striking outside those two war-mongering nations.

While this is a tasty and exciting idea, it is more of a daydream of a tortured telepathic journalist, tortured for nearly 40 years by the Cowards and the Kikes; and it is more biblical in style than what we are expecting; and besides, the Cowards and the Kikes would not see such events as proof God is at war with them, only as a spin of the Wheel of Chance.

Pardon this pondering, Dear Reader, but I love a mystery, and this is a mystery of the first order. Within nine days something phenomenal, likely something unheard of in human history, is going to happen; God is going to reveal God's two hole cards, and the Cowards and the Kikes, the Americans and the Israelis, will know they are at war with the Supreme Being.

This pondering of the movements of God's Space War is the only fun I have in the torture chamber the Cowards and the Kikes keep me in, so you can perhaps understand the pleasure of anticipating the falling down of that torture chamber's walls in nine days or less.

"Virgil fit the battle of the Cowards and the Kikes, and the walls came tumbling down."--New Negro Space Sailor Spiritual.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4973


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