Monday, November 17, 2008

The $1,126 Billion Defeat

The 66th Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 66th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 64th Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The 48th Day of Hell for the American People

Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America and victim-fascist Israel learn they are at war with God, within 10 days

Surrender, You Cowardly Gentile and Jewish Bastards and Bitches

Today's report: "The Clown and the Meteor"

In yesterday's report I looked at the event expected within ten days, God's causing the Americans and the Israelis to know God is at war with them.

I mulled the question, how might God do this?

I said in my experience I had two very different representations of God's Nature to go by as I pondered that question.

First, the Old Testament model the primitive Jews created and inserted into their folk history.

Second, the personal model God has demonstrated to me over the decades since God gave me my commission to write The Obituary of the World in 1963.

I noted how the two models are quite different, and that I consider God as God has represented God to me to be the more true representation.

I said I expected God not to follow biblical styles or traditions in making known God's war with the Americans and the Israelis, but to act in the spirit and beauty of the many lessons God has taught me throughout my life.

So, being curious of what God might do to cause the Americans and the Israelis to understand how out of favor they are with God, I asked my Old Pal God if any of the lessons and Little Miracles God has taught and shown me over the years might apply to what God intends to do on or before November 27, Thanksgiving Day.

My Old Pal God suggested the Little Miracle I call The Clown and the Meteor would be the God event in my experience most reflective of the God event now ten or fewer days away.

So, this is that story.

Up to the time George W. Bush and the Republican American Fascists usurped the White House in 2000, I would each summer take month-long hikes in the California Sierras, hikes that would rejuvenate my body and refresh my mind after 11 months of constant psycho-fascist American torture; and most importantly give God and I the chance to talk about things without wicked Americans banging on my wall and coughing their beloved Cowards' Coughs.

After the Republican American Fascist coup of 2000 government harassment of me became too great for me to take those lovely month-long hikes, government pigs following me and seeking me out in the wilderness, at least twice using helicopters to find me.

(There was some of this while the Blow Job President, Clinton, was in office, but it became viciously insane after Bush got in.)

I cannot understate to you, Dear Reader, the blessed beauty of those walks, nor can I begin to tell you of the love and the playfulness--yes, playfulness--God reined down on me during those times.

When I write about the art of backpacking, I call those walks, "Chumming Around With God".

I don't know if the word "chum", meaning "friend", is still used among American boys, but when I was a boy in the 40's it was a special word, "my chum" meaning "my best friend", and chums would chum around together.

These days I use the term, "my Old Pal God", and that drives TV snake oil preachers up the wall; but indeed it would be more accurate for me to say, "My Chum, God".

My relationship with God is not a kneeling-praying relationship, it is a chumming around relationship in peace and a foxhole buddy relationship in war.

(Many a psycho-fascist American has lost his or her soul due to not understanding this, and seeing me apparently alone and helpless, has tortured me in full view of my foxhole buddy, but that's another story.)

I am telling you the story called The Clown and the Meteor; but be patient, stories like this are not just slapped down on the griddle and fried. If you are going to get to know God you should learn to be something of a spiritual connoisseur.

On those walks I learned many things about Nature and about myself, one of them being I have a profoundly beautiful ability to talk with animals: and it was in the deep wilderness that I learned that if I sang a song in my mind--telepathically, not with my voice--birds would join in.

(I know you Christians and you Jews hate my saying this, but that is what you Christians and you Jews are most accomplished at, hating.)

It seems I have marinated the story of The Clown and the Meteor long enough, so let's get to it.

You Dear Readers who have slept out in the wilderness at night know the pleasure of lying on your back and looking into the stars, and you might even have felt the sensation that you were not looking up at them but looking down at them, and only gravity holding you back from falling into them.

I loved doing that, and over the years I created many constellations of my own, which to this day give me comfort and pleasure when I see them, my Secret Sistine Chapel painted in the stars.

Now here comes the story I call The Clown and the Meteor.

I had found that when I lay on my back and looked long and concentrated into the clouds of the Milky Way I could in my mind create cartoon pictures by connecting the star-dots, like finding pictures in the clouds.

This was a pleasant activity which would send me drifting off into beautiful sleep as my eyes became to weary to hold open.

I found if I focused on such cartoons, the cartoons would move, the movement being caused by the tired muscles of my eyes and the shimmering atmosphere of this Earth, which caused the cartoons to move over a narrow cloud-field of stars.

I had re-invented the TV of the caveman.

One sweet August night, when the temperature was just right, and I was comfortably weary from my long day's hiking, I was lying on my back in my sleeping bag, the bag zipped open because it was too warm a night to zip it shut, and, hands behind my head, I was looking into to the Milky Way; and my weary eyes invented a dancing clown; and I was amused by this little caveman movie.

You see, Dear Reader, I thought I controlled the dancing clown like Disney controlled the Bluebirds in Cinderella, but all of a sudden the dancing clown stopped dancing, and looked at me, and held up the forefinger if his right hand, as if to say, "Wait! Look at this!".

Then the clown, the clown which I had created in my mind and thought I controlled, raised his right leg and pointed to the space thus created between it and his left leg, and through that space...through that space...through that space came a meteor.

Get it? The clown in the stars knew that meteor was coming, and exactly when it would come; well, God, the clown's puppeteer, knew when and where the meteor was coming.

Small potatoes, perhaps, for those who live lives without miracles, but it was a lesson for me on Time and Space and their relationship with God and with me, seen by no one else, and meant for me and no one else, to gain knowledge from.

So, my Old Pal God has suggested to me that we shall see a variation of this story on or before November 27, a variation which will compel the Americans and the Israelis to understand that they have gone to war against God.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4973


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