The $1,123 Billion Defeat
The 63rd Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 63rd Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 61st Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It
The 45th Day of Hell for the American People
Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America and victim-fascist Israel learn they are at war with God, within 13 days
Surrender, You Cowardly Gentile and Jewish Bastards and Bitches
"Every action has an opposite and equal reaction"--Sir Isaac Newton, Philosopiae Naturalis Prinicpia Mathematica, first published July 5, 1687.
The nature of God's attacks on the United States of America and Israel expected on or before November 27, Thanksgiving Day, seems to be coming into focus.
Bear in mind, we are saying both the USA and Israel will be given undeniable proof God is at war with them with these attacks by that date.
Bear in mind, we are saying the American people entered Hell 45 days ago; but is that is the Hell George W. Bush and the Republican American Fascists have led them into by their pig-stupid snouts, or is that the Hell God has damned them to? Who has damned them? That is the question.
It seems quite certain the Republican American Fascists and the Israeli Victim Fascists intend to trigger nuclear war before America's scheduled Inauguration Day.
"Scheduled" is the key word in the above paragraph, since the event's taking place is far from certain.
It seems certain, too, that God's attack expected on or before November 27 is designed to nip that Republican American Fascist-Israel Victim Fascist terrible evil in the bud.
We were expecting a God's Space War hit yesterday, Thursday, November 13, and we got it. It turned out to be two hits, one for Israel and one for the USA. Today I.C. News will point them out and begin to analyze them.
Yesterday's God's Space War code was "Seven Victories", today we watch the first of those seven victories play out with the fires in Southern California, which apparently became out of control on our target date of November 13, and which have so far destroyed over 100 homes of wealthy people. We will touch on that subject briefly today.
But first, top news first, we will approach the homosexual violence rising out of the anti-"gay marriage" vote by the people of California, which is so straight out of the Bible story of Sodom and Gomorrah that it is remarkable that I am apparently the only Christian to point out the similarities.
In that famous biblical story it was not so much the act of sodomy by the sodomites which brought on the wrath of God, but their forcing sodomy on others, the sods having become so strong that they claimed the right to rape any man who came to town.
With slight variations, that is what the current sodomite revolution is about. It claims the right to recruit vulnerable children; it claims the right to take over neighborhoods; it claims the right to intentionally be an affront to the non-sodomite society; and it claims the right to steal the most precious sacrament or custom of non-sodomite society, marriage.
This, Dear Reader, is grotesque.
The American non-sodomite society is remarkably tolerant of the sodomites, even in San Francisco where the sodomites rule with an iron fist and a limp wrist, and warp the beauty of that city into a kind of grotesque parody of beauty.
What we see in the current sodomite attacks on the Mormons and on Christianity in general since the people of California voted overwhelming against the grotesque parody of marriage called "gay marriage" is symptomatic of the sodomite violence that can be expected in the future, and of past sodomite violence as depicted in the Bible story of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Now, let's leave it at that for today, except to say the Mormons have treated me like barnyard crap on the bottoms of their shoes since God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy, and the sodomites have always treated me as another victim to attempt to sodomize; and this creates a kind of neutrality in me, the Mormons and the sods both being rats' asses in my opinion.
But, and this is the big butt American sodomites long to sodomize, marriage is sacred, and that stands alone, and that homosexual males, the sods, and homosexual females, the lezards, persist in their violation of the most precious institution of humankind around the world shows their blind intent to Sodom-and-Gomorraize this Earth.
The homosexuals should respect that sacredness, and create another way instead of stealing the sacred way of others.
That is, the great weakness of the sods and lezards is that they are not only insensitive of the feelings of non-homosexuals, but they deliberately violate those feelings. That is, they deliberately expand the non-homosexual revulsion of them as a tactic of their revolting social revolution.
And that brings us to I.C. News' successful anticipation of events in Israel yesterday. We did not guess the events perfectly, but we were well within the ballpark, and precisely on time.
We say the American sodomite story leads us to the Israel story because just as the American sods deliberately irritate the non-sods, the Israeli Jews deliberately irritate the non-Jews in the Middle East.
Almost unreported in the American news media were the conjoined Israeli actions yesterday, on the day anticipated by I.C. News some two weeks in advance, of blocking food deliveries to Gaza and banning journalists from covering the Gaza story.
(American journalism's near blackout of this story is an excellent example of how American journalism systematically cheats when it comes to its coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian story. It reports on Palestinian actions against Israel but not the Israeli actions against the Palestinians which trigger those attacks. This leaves the American people with the false impression that the Israeli Jews are kittens in a basket put upon by Palestinian Muslim dogs.)
Let's look at the basics of what I.C. News has been saying about yesterday's Israel news for some two weeks.
We said Israel's premeditated murder of Reuters Palestinian cameraman Fadel Shana (and I.C. News' beautiful advance documentation of it) was an important element in the expected November 13 event.
Israel's premeditated murder of Shana was a war crime; and Israel's blockage of necessities of life to the Gaza Strip has been a succession of war crimes; and its banning of journalistic coverage of the Gaza story is a peculiar crime symptomatic of Jewish distaste for honest journalism, as discussed here on Tuesday (The $1,120 Billion Defeat).
We said the November 13 event would tell us something of the expected powerful event of November 27 or before, which will cause the Americans and the Israelis to come to understand they are war with God.
There were two separate events, and both do that; and we will get to them shortly.
The big error I.C. News made was that we expected a God's Space War attack on Israeli or American journalism; but what took place was an Israeli attack on the world's journalism. We had the pieces in the chess play correct, but we were looking through a murky mirror and transposed them.
As noted, the main ingredient of I.C. News' advance documentation of yesterday's Gaza story was Israel's premeditated murder of Fadel Shana; and this leads us to suggest Israel's crime of starving the people of Gaza is also premeditated and not reactive as the Israeli's claim.
(Even if it were honestly reactive it would still be a war crime.)
That is, it is the tactic of the Jews to irritate responses from the Muslims; and has been since 1948; and a part of that tactic is based on the accurate foregone conclusion that the American news media will always take the side of victim-Israel over the monster-Palestinians.
This tactic, I suggest to you, is one of the core reasons God will attack Israel on or before November 27, Thanksgiving Day. The Israelis claim a divine right to murder and to steal and to lie; that's open violation of three of the Ten Commandments right there.
Now, back to those fires in Southern California; while such fires are common in that area at this time of year, news of them broke on our November 13 hit day, and broke after we had received the "Seven Victories" God's Space War code of yesterday.
My initial feeling is we can expect six more victories before God's war against the people United States of America becomes undeniably apparent on or before Thanksgiving Day; and big fires approaching media celebrities' homes, and the homes of rich gentiles and Jews, also points to one of the prime reasons for that war.
While God is at war against Israel for its habitual war-criminality and claiming a divine right to be a war criminal, God is at war with the USA for its habitual making of God's One True Telepath suffer for the sake of public sport--that infliction of suffering including constant and repeated destruction of any and all homes he established.
This may be not because God's One True Telepath is so important, but that the information, the news, God had commissioned him to deliver is critically important.
The chances of this Earth dying by 2065 have been increased at least 80% by America's torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath.
I have told you all child murderers are damned, so shall it be with all murderers of this Earth.
I tell you this so you will better understand the wrath God lays down on the United States of America.
Neither war by God against these two partnered warmongering nations, the USA and Israel, is a single-issue war; but those issues are enough to build this story on.
Stay tuned, you out there in Internet Land, Ground Zero Day is only 13 days away.
Those of you who believe in God, prepare to rejoice.
Those of you who believe in war, torture, murder and the joy of perfidy, find a way to leave this Earth before Thanksgiving Day.
Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4973
The 63rd Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 61st Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It
The 45th Day of Hell for the American People
Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America and victim-fascist Israel learn they are at war with God, within 13 days
Surrender, You Cowardly Gentile and Jewish Bastards and Bitches
"Every action has an opposite and equal reaction"--Sir Isaac Newton, Philosopiae Naturalis Prinicpia Mathematica, first published July 5, 1687.
The nature of God's attacks on the United States of America and Israel expected on or before November 27, Thanksgiving Day, seems to be coming into focus.
Bear in mind, we are saying both the USA and Israel will be given undeniable proof God is at war with them with these attacks by that date.
Bear in mind, we are saying the American people entered Hell 45 days ago; but is that is the Hell George W. Bush and the Republican American Fascists have led them into by their pig-stupid snouts, or is that the Hell God has damned them to? Who has damned them? That is the question.
It seems quite certain the Republican American Fascists and the Israeli Victim Fascists intend to trigger nuclear war before America's scheduled Inauguration Day.
"Scheduled" is the key word in the above paragraph, since the event's taking place is far from certain.
It seems certain, too, that God's attack expected on or before November 27 is designed to nip that Republican American Fascist-Israel Victim Fascist terrible evil in the bud.
We were expecting a God's Space War hit yesterday, Thursday, November 13, and we got it. It turned out to be two hits, one for Israel and one for the USA. Today I.C. News will point them out and begin to analyze them.
Yesterday's God's Space War code was "Seven Victories", today we watch the first of those seven victories play out with the fires in Southern California, which apparently became out of control on our target date of November 13, and which have so far destroyed over 100 homes of wealthy people. We will touch on that subject briefly today.
But first, top news first, we will approach the homosexual violence rising out of the anti-"gay marriage" vote by the people of California, which is so straight out of the Bible story of Sodom and Gomorrah that it is remarkable that I am apparently the only Christian to point out the similarities.
In that famous biblical story it was not so much the act of sodomy by the sodomites which brought on the wrath of God, but their forcing sodomy on others, the sods having become so strong that they claimed the right to rape any man who came to town.
With slight variations, that is what the current sodomite revolution is about. It claims the right to recruit vulnerable children; it claims the right to take over neighborhoods; it claims the right to intentionally be an affront to the non-sodomite society; and it claims the right to steal the most precious sacrament or custom of non-sodomite society, marriage.
This, Dear Reader, is grotesque.
The American non-sodomite society is remarkably tolerant of the sodomites, even in San Francisco where the sodomites rule with an iron fist and a limp wrist, and warp the beauty of that city into a kind of grotesque parody of beauty.
What we see in the current sodomite attacks on the Mormons and on Christianity in general since the people of California voted overwhelming against the grotesque parody of marriage called "gay marriage" is symptomatic of the sodomite violence that can be expected in the future, and of past sodomite violence as depicted in the Bible story of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Now, let's leave it at that for today, except to say the Mormons have treated me like barnyard crap on the bottoms of their shoes since God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy, and the sodomites have always treated me as another victim to attempt to sodomize; and this creates a kind of neutrality in me, the Mormons and the sods both being rats' asses in my opinion.
But, and this is the big butt American sodomites long to sodomize, marriage is sacred, and that stands alone, and that homosexual males, the sods, and homosexual females, the lezards, persist in their violation of the most precious institution of humankind around the world shows their blind intent to Sodom-and-Gomorraize this Earth.
The homosexuals should respect that sacredness, and create another way instead of stealing the sacred way of others.
That is, the great weakness of the sods and lezards is that they are not only insensitive of the feelings of non-homosexuals, but they deliberately violate those feelings. That is, they deliberately expand the non-homosexual revulsion of them as a tactic of their revolting social revolution.
And that brings us to I.C. News' successful anticipation of events in Israel yesterday. We did not guess the events perfectly, but we were well within the ballpark, and precisely on time.
We say the American sodomite story leads us to the Israel story because just as the American sods deliberately irritate the non-sods, the Israeli Jews deliberately irritate the non-Jews in the Middle East.
Almost unreported in the American news media were the conjoined Israeli actions yesterday, on the day anticipated by I.C. News some two weeks in advance, of blocking food deliveries to Gaza and banning journalists from covering the Gaza story.
(American journalism's near blackout of this story is an excellent example of how American journalism systematically cheats when it comes to its coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian story. It reports on Palestinian actions against Israel but not the Israeli actions against the Palestinians which trigger those attacks. This leaves the American people with the false impression that the Israeli Jews are kittens in a basket put upon by Palestinian Muslim dogs.)
Let's look at the basics of what I.C. News has been saying about yesterday's Israel news for some two weeks.
We said Israel's premeditated murder of Reuters Palestinian cameraman Fadel Shana (and I.C. News' beautiful advance documentation of it) was an important element in the expected November 13 event.
Israel's premeditated murder of Shana was a war crime; and Israel's blockage of necessities of life to the Gaza Strip has been a succession of war crimes; and its banning of journalistic coverage of the Gaza story is a peculiar crime symptomatic of Jewish distaste for honest journalism, as discussed here on Tuesday (The $1,120 Billion Defeat).
We said the November 13 event would tell us something of the expected powerful event of November 27 or before, which will cause the Americans and the Israelis to come to understand they are war with God.
There were two separate events, and both do that; and we will get to them shortly.
The big error I.C. News made was that we expected a God's Space War attack on Israeli or American journalism; but what took place was an Israeli attack on the world's journalism. We had the pieces in the chess play correct, but we were looking through a murky mirror and transposed them.
As noted, the main ingredient of I.C. News' advance documentation of yesterday's Gaza story was Israel's premeditated murder of Fadel Shana; and this leads us to suggest Israel's crime of starving the people of Gaza is also premeditated and not reactive as the Israeli's claim.
(Even if it were honestly reactive it would still be a war crime.)
That is, it is the tactic of the Jews to irritate responses from the Muslims; and has been since 1948; and a part of that tactic is based on the accurate foregone conclusion that the American news media will always take the side of victim-Israel over the monster-Palestinians.
This tactic, I suggest to you, is one of the core reasons God will attack Israel on or before November 27, Thanksgiving Day. The Israelis claim a divine right to murder and to steal and to lie; that's open violation of three of the Ten Commandments right there.
Now, back to those fires in Southern California; while such fires are common in that area at this time of year, news of them broke on our November 13 hit day, and broke after we had received the "Seven Victories" God's Space War code of yesterday.
My initial feeling is we can expect six more victories before God's war against the people United States of America becomes undeniably apparent on or before Thanksgiving Day; and big fires approaching media celebrities' homes, and the homes of rich gentiles and Jews, also points to one of the prime reasons for that war.
While God is at war against Israel for its habitual war-criminality and claiming a divine right to be a war criminal, God is at war with the USA for its habitual making of God's One True Telepath suffer for the sake of public sport--that infliction of suffering including constant and repeated destruction of any and all homes he established.
This may be not because God's One True Telepath is so important, but that the information, the news, God had commissioned him to deliver is critically important.
The chances of this Earth dying by 2065 have been increased at least 80% by America's torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath.
I have told you all child murderers are damned, so shall it be with all murderers of this Earth.
I tell you this so you will better understand the wrath God lays down on the United States of America.
Neither war by God against these two partnered warmongering nations, the USA and Israel, is a single-issue war; but those issues are enough to build this story on.
Stay tuned, you out there in Internet Land, Ground Zero Day is only 13 days away.
Those of you who believe in God, prepare to rejoice.
Those of you who believe in war, torture, murder and the joy of perfidy, find a way to leave this Earth before Thanksgiving Day.
Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4973
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