The $1,120 Billion Defeat
The 60th Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 60th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 58th Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It
The 42nd Day of Hell for the American People
Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America and victim-fascist Israel learn they are at war with God, within 16 days
Surrender, You Cowardly Gentile and Jewish Bastards and Bitches
We are expecting a God's Space War hit on Thursday, November 13.
Sometimes after a battle
You wake up with the Sun
You see the dead around you
What's done is done--Quasi-Haiku by Virgil Kret
A peculiar thing has happened; my Dear Readers and God are in agreement on something; God is One and my Dear Readers are Few, but they all want me to continue writing about the Jew.
Perhaps this in part is because to speak or write critically about the Jews is the most forbidden, taboo subject in the United States of America, the land of so-called freedom speech and press.
I suggest this taboo is one of the things that get the Jews into trouble. The Jews have an ingrained knack of treating other people badly, but there is no response possible from those being treated badly because any response other than keeping their lips zipped is called anti-Semiticism; and being anti-Semitic is more taboo than being anti-Black, anti-Irish, anti-Latino, and down through the list of human anti-subphyla.
Therefore, response is held back until explosion takes place, then the Jews get slaughtered.
Perhaps the best example of this taboo-protection of the Jews I have seen is when Israel called former President Jimmy Carter a "bigot"
because of his book, "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid", which gently compared Israeli treatment of Palestinians to South African treatment of Black Africans during Apartheid.
Bigot. Consider this. The word "Bigot" was used, but the implication was "Anti-Semite".
Israel was not defending its indefensible treatment of the Palestinians, its genocide of them, its theft of their lands and homes, its expulsion of them from their own country, it was saying any criticism of Jewish behavior is bigotry.
It is important to note that there was virtually no American response to this Israeli insult of a former American President; and I suggest the reason for this is any criticism of Israel in America is taboo.
It is taboo to criticize the Jew.
Take a look at Jimmy Carter. There is probably not a more kind and more gentle and more conscientious man of political fame in the United States of America than President Jimmy Carter. He is a Christian man of superb near-perfection, a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize for attempting to make Peace between Israel and the Muslim nations; yet he writes a mildly critical book about Israel's maltreatment the Palestinians and he is called a bigot by the State of Israel.
It is taboo to criticize the Jew.
This is a classic example of Jewish ego-insanity, and I suggest this ego-insanity goes all the way back to the Old Testament, in which the Jews were all good (except for their constant betrayals of one another) and all the other nations were all bad; and where the Jews claim God told them to commit genocide.
It is taboo to criticize the Jew.
God does not contradict God. "Thou Shalt Not Kill" was directed at the Jews because that is one of their ten great flaws. God did not mean that thou shalt not kill other Jews, as the Jews immediately watered it down to mean, but that thou shalt not kill anyone.
(You can hear this claim of God-given right for Jews to murder in modern times in the few reports of the Jews' stealing land from the Palestinians that leak out.)
It is taboo to criticize the Jew.
("God gave us this town", the say as they block-bust neighborhood after neighborhood, driving out Palestinians, cutting down the olive trees of poor Palestinian farmers, bulldozing Palestinian homes, obliterating their charming old villages, making life utter Hell for the Palestinians; and any Palestinian response other than kissing Jewish ass is called "terrorism"; and the foolish Americans buy that crap and call it macaroni.
It is taboo to criticize the Jew.
If Jimmy Carter is a bigot, what am I? The Jews have many words for me, "unhinged", "anti-Semitic", "right wing Christian", but never the true words, "audibly telepathic American".
The Jews lie about my being audibly mentally telepathic, and torture me for being audibly telepathic; but claim all else that follows has nothing at all to do with that; just as they torture and murder the Palestinians, and claim all that follows has nothing to do with that.
It is taboo to criticize the Jew.
Prior to the Jews getting their grubby little hands on me when God gave me my Coat of Many Colors, my audible mental telepathy, I was a buyer of the Jewish con, and I would have mouthed the Israeli propaganda about the Palestinians with the Pollyanna innocence of Sarah Palin saying in at least one of her campaign speeches, "I love Israel!"
It is taboo to criticize the Jew.
I can truthfully say that until I was in my mid-thirties I never had a critical thought about Jews; Israeli or Jewish-American. Not one, not even until after the Jews had been torturing me for at least five years.
My good feeling for the Jews was as thick as frosting on a wedding cake, and it took that many years of torture by the Jews to scrape that frosting away.
It is taboo to criticize the Jew.
What changed me? The way the Jews treated me changed me; especially the way they treated me when they had me in their power.
I hate to refer again to that Man of History most hated by the Jews, Jesus Christ, but his great lesson to me since I was a small boy was that I should know people by their works, not by what they say about themselves; and by their works is how I came to be critical of the Jews.
It is taboo to criticize the Jew.
Since it was my personal experience with the Jews that taught me to be on a taboo level critical of the Jews outside the propaganda envelope I am required to remain in under threat of being labled, like Jimmy Carter, a bigot, I think it might be of value to this work to review that personal experience.
It is taboo to criticize the Jew.
I don't think I met a Jew until I was in the tenth grade of high school, when, being an adopted US Navy brat, I found myself a student at Granby High School in Norfolk, Virginia.
My first impressions were vague; handsome boys and beautiful girls, who were something called "Jewish", and had special holidays, were very well dressed, and the one or two Jewish boys I knew were really nice guys.
Then my mother, Navy wife, went to a Jewish dentist who butchered her and charged her a fortune, and she suffered the pain of his maltreatment for rest of her life, at least another 30 years.
It is taboo to criticize the Jew.
That didn't wake me up, but it disturbed the peaceful slumber of my teenage innocence.
Still, Judaism was an abstraction, so much so that the word "Jewish" was not part of my language until I was nearly 30.
That word remained not a part of my language through college; it remained not a part of my language through my early years in Japan; it remained not a part of my language even after I first began to meet really bad Jewish journalists working for United Press International, really bad in that there was in them, from my point of view, utter disrespect for truth, and utter lack of the responsibility of a newsperson to tell the truth.
It is taboo to criticize the Jew.
Let me say this again, truth was a foreign concept to them, anathema to them.
"Thou shalt not bear false witness" seriously applies to journalists, because journalism if the water of free societies and it must not be polluted.
My lower level boss at UPI was a Jew who later went on to journalistic-academic stature. If I recall, his name was Kim Williamson.
It is taboo to criticize the Jew.
The first assignment he gave me was to re-write a piece from a stringer in Burma, a tourism piece which he wanted to change into a political manifesto.
Here was the problem: Kim wanted the political manifesto, highly critical of the oppressive Burmese government, to be under the byline of the Burmese stringer; meaning the Burmese stringer would likely go to prison, or be killed, for having written it.
I refused to do the rewrite in that tone, and came close to ending my fledgling UPI career right then and there.
Still, I saw Kim only as a mean-spirited American journalist not caring one whiff about the danger he was putting the Burmese stringer in, and the fact that he was Jewish American did not enter my mind at all.
It is taboo to criticize the Jew.
My next experience with Jewish journalism came in Vietnam, when I was constantly going into combat, and an American Jew named Mike Feinsilber was sitting safely in Saigon, changing my work, making it "better" by making it less true; I being shot at, he being safe and sound; but he, never hearing a bullet fired in anger, could change my combat reportage with stupid impunity.
It is taboo to criticize the Jew.
Years later, when I ran into Feinsilber again in New York City, he called me a communist for having complained about his violations of my combat reports, reports I had made at the risk of my life.
(In those days Americans loved calling other Americans "communist" for any reason at all.)
Feinsilber's changing of my reports, Dear Reader, made my reports lies; with my name, Virgil Kret, was the byline atop those lies, not his name, Mike Feinsilber.
Ok, I still did not see Feinsilber as a Jew, but only as a bad, somewhat soft, somewhat cowardly journalist in the midst of many brave journalists facing fire every day, a well-placed UPI company man skilled at propaganda and clumsy with truth.
It is taboo to criticize the Jew.
The first Jew I knew socially was a New York psychiatrist named Dr. Zach Shaye, who was a friend of a UPI co-worker; and as often happened when I lived in Tokyo, such friends of friends would call me when they arrived in Tokyo, and through the laws of hospitality become my house guests for a short time.
I always liked those visits by friends of friends. I had a two bedroom apartment, and I loved Tokyo and enjoyed showing Tokyo to guests; and throughout Zach's visit I enjoyed his company and enjoyed his pleasure in telling me about his pregnant wife back in New York City.
The fact of Zach's being Jewish occupied less than one percent of my awareness of him; but I was later to learn that the fact of my not being Jewish occupied more than 90 percent of his awareness of me.
It is taboo to criticize the Jew.
I was in time to be a virgin in a whorehouse, North Dakota Virgil in the New York Jewish world, but that was to be a few years later.
A year or so after Zach's visit in Tokyo, when I was on home leave, my trouble with Jews began.
In the course of Zach's returning my Tokyo hospitality with Staten Island hospitality I met a single female friend of his wife, the Jewish woman I would marry about three years later.
Still, the concept of Jewishness had not entered my understanding. She might have been Italian-American as far as I knew, and if so it might have been a delicate cultural situation; but she was not Japanese-American, which would have been a much more sticky cultural situation.
Being totally ignorant of the Gentile-Jewish balance, I had no idea how culturally unacceptable my marriage to my Jewish wife was to Jews. I just loved her, and she loved me, and I thought that was that.
That is, I was still totally unaware of the racism of the Jews and just as ignorant of the racism of the Gentiles; and I still had no consciousness of Jews being a society separate from Gentiles.
As I courted my eventual Jewish wife I always thought of her as an American woman, not a Jewish woman, and I hardly noticed the antagonism toward her by her Jewish friends for being with me, a goy.
(At the time I did not know the Jewish racist word "goy" for non-Jew, which is much like the word "nigger" in spirit.)
Culturally, I later came to understand, my courting my Jewish sweetheart in 1970 was the same as if I had been a Black man dating the White daughter of the Sheriff of Selma, Alabama in 1954; but I did not detect the depth of this prejudice until I became audibly telepathic and all the New York Jews I thought to be my friends set to mocking and torturing me, and willfully destroying my marriage.
It was after I had been married to my Jewish wife for a year or two that God gave me my Coat of Many Colors, the gift of audible mental telepathy, and it was through the actions of those New York Jews I had met in courting my wife, and also my Jewish wife and the Jewish shrinks she hired to torture me, that the nature of the brutality of Judaism began to dawn on me.
What was it? What was it? It was not just the ganging up on me, it was not just the bearing of false witness about my telepathy--false witness to the point of threat of frontal lobotomy if I persisted in insisting on the truth of it--but the guiltless guilt of it; the ability to lie and to torture and feel perfectly justified in doing so, as if that was the way the world was, liars and torturers being perfectly normal.
It was after I had been audibly telepathic for about six months, and had been hounded from one coast of the United States of America to the other, that my false-friend Dr. Zach Shaye unloaded his true feelings on me. Not only was I a goy, but I had married a Jew.
At first I thought he was joking, because he was a classic Jewish liberal with all the liberal causes, but a goy lout like me marrying a Jewish American Princess like her turned his stomach.
We have had enough of this tedious, taboo, subject for today, except to note that throughout the over 35 years of Jewish-Gentile torture since the obscenity of my being a goy was revealed to me by Dr. Shaye, I have observed the torture of me very carefully; and I found that different people torture me in different ways and to different degrees.
Black Americans, God bless them, with less than a dozen exceptions in over 35 years, have tortured me not at all. I find this to be remarkable; and as God is my witness, Black Americans have been far more kind to me than I have been kind to Black Americans.
White Christians Americans have been very mean and spiritually superior to me. They see me as scum not worthy of sitting in the same pew with them.
Latino Americans have been nearly totally disengaged, but unlike the Black Americans, who were almost universally kind to me, Latino Americans have looked at me as if I were a bug.
Male homosexual Americans have been vicious, mean, spiteful, which is why I call them Sodomites now, and never use the false word "Gay"; and why I consider that psycho-fascist word "Homophobic" one of the great lies of our times. "Homo-disgustic" would be more accurate.
But Jews, Dear Reader, with few exceptions, have been deliberately evil to me. The exceptions tended to be wise elderly Jewish men, men whose long lives had given them great dignity, and an ingredient of that dignity was kindness.
Of the hundreds of Jews I have personally came across, about six of them were of that kind type, and it was always a pleasure and a relief to meet them; ah, here is a Jew who is not going to torture me.
I am looking today at the rather unusual agreement between God and my Dear Readers that I continue writing about what it is the most taboo of subjects in the USA, the Jews.
I recall an incident which tells this tale.
For over 15 years I ran a designated service in Morro Bay, California; and one of my regular passengers was an elderly gentleman who would frequently ask me to have dinner with him at favorite restaurants, because without my driving him around he would have had no way of getting around.
Since I became audibly telepathic it has been almost impossible for me to eat in restaurants, because torture of me by other diners and adulteration of my food by kitchen staff is so common; but this was a dear friend and I would sit through those dinners, being abused by the diners all around me, for friendship's sake.
One night something odd happened. A Jew sitting nearby began to torture me to the extreme, to the extreme which would have caused me to leave had I not owed it to my friend to stay, to the extreme that except for the fact it would have meant life in an even deeper and darker torture chamber, I would have taken my steak knife and plunged it into his Adam's Apple.
(That is one of the purposes of the Jewish-American-created torture of me, of course, to hound me into violent reaction so they could crucify me as a criminal and not as a man of God; but I did not fall into that trap, so they are reduced to calling me a lunatic because I am a man of God.)
So, as the Jew tortured me in the restaurant I did what I almost always do when I am being tortured, I telepathically told the torturer what a cowardly piece of crap he was.
(This is type of response very important to my survival, because one must to fight back in some way or collapse into a puddle of putty. Many might think this is counter to "turning the other cheek", but it is not, and I will attempt to explain this at another time.)
As I telepathically told that Jew what a cowardly son of a bitch he was (and as he smirked and tortured me even more as I said these things) something very strange happened; all the other people in the restaurant took my side.
Understand, those Gentiles liked torturing me, but they did not like the kike, and they did not like the kike torturing me; so for that brief time they took my side against the kike. Had the kike not been there, they would have tortured me.
I found that very interesting, like an anthropologist studying a primitive tribe; and I am seeing the same interesting thing now as my Dear Readers enjoy my criticism of the Jews.
My Dear Readers will not free me, but they take my side against the Jews who will not free me.
The Gentile Americans love to torture me, but they secretly hate the Jews, but they cannot openly state their hatred for the Jews because it is taboo; and so they like my being critical of the Jews.
(Yet when Gentile Americans torture me they are unaware they have Jewish rings through their noses, that they are inflicting torture the American Jews taught them.)
Interesting, peculiar, and telling of the shallow spirit of Gentile America and the mean spirit of Jewish America, but most of all, interesting from an extraterrestrial anthropological point of view.
I consider this a phenomenon. The Jews and the Gentiles are like jackals and hyenas fighting over the carcass of the same audible mental telepath.
Of course, from my point of view, they can all stay in Hell forevermore; and of course, from God's point of view, they will.
Unless there is bigger news breaking, I will tell you more about my learning about the Jewish art of innocent guilt next time.
Hmmm. Let's look at our battle map today. This is Tuesday. We are expecting a God's Space War hit on either American or Israeli journalism on Thursday.
This hit seems to relate to Israel's premeditated murder of Reuters Cameraman Fadel Shana last April 16, which I.C. News documented so well in advance; so the betting here at I.C. News is that we will see at least one dead Israeli journalist on Thursday.
It seems to me I have hit upon a gold mine of a story. It is taboo to write about the Jew, but a lot of people...a lot of people...a lot of people wish they had the right to write too tabooish about the Jewish, too.
Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4973
The 60th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 58th Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It
The 42nd Day of Hell for the American People
Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America and victim-fascist Israel learn they are at war with God, within 16 days
Surrender, You Cowardly Gentile and Jewish Bastards and Bitches
We are expecting a God's Space War hit on Thursday, November 13.
Sometimes after a battle
You wake up with the Sun
You see the dead around you
What's done is done--Quasi-Haiku by Virgil Kret
A peculiar thing has happened; my Dear Readers and God are in agreement on something; God is One and my Dear Readers are Few, but they all want me to continue writing about the Jew.
Perhaps this in part is because to speak or write critically about the Jews is the most forbidden, taboo subject in the United States of America, the land of so-called freedom speech and press.
I suggest this taboo is one of the things that get the Jews into trouble. The Jews have an ingrained knack of treating other people badly, but there is no response possible from those being treated badly because any response other than keeping their lips zipped is called anti-Semiticism; and being anti-Semitic is more taboo than being anti-Black, anti-Irish, anti-Latino, and down through the list of human anti-subphyla.
Therefore, response is held back until explosion takes place, then the Jews get slaughtered.
Perhaps the best example of this taboo-protection of the Jews I have seen is when Israel called former President Jimmy Carter a "bigot"
because of his book, "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid", which gently compared Israeli treatment of Palestinians to South African treatment of Black Africans during Apartheid.
Bigot. Consider this. The word "Bigot" was used, but the implication was "Anti-Semite".
Israel was not defending its indefensible treatment of the Palestinians, its genocide of them, its theft of their lands and homes, its expulsion of them from their own country, it was saying any criticism of Jewish behavior is bigotry.
It is important to note that there was virtually no American response to this Israeli insult of a former American President; and I suggest the reason for this is any criticism of Israel in America is taboo.
It is taboo to criticize the Jew.
Take a look at Jimmy Carter. There is probably not a more kind and more gentle and more conscientious man of political fame in the United States of America than President Jimmy Carter. He is a Christian man of superb near-perfection, a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize for attempting to make Peace between Israel and the Muslim nations; yet he writes a mildly critical book about Israel's maltreatment the Palestinians and he is called a bigot by the State of Israel.
It is taboo to criticize the Jew.
This is a classic example of Jewish ego-insanity, and I suggest this ego-insanity goes all the way back to the Old Testament, in which the Jews were all good (except for their constant betrayals of one another) and all the other nations were all bad; and where the Jews claim God told them to commit genocide.
It is taboo to criticize the Jew.
God does not contradict God. "Thou Shalt Not Kill" was directed at the Jews because that is one of their ten great flaws. God did not mean that thou shalt not kill other Jews, as the Jews immediately watered it down to mean, but that thou shalt not kill anyone.
(You can hear this claim of God-given right for Jews to murder in modern times in the few reports of the Jews' stealing land from the Palestinians that leak out.)
It is taboo to criticize the Jew.
("God gave us this town", the say as they block-bust neighborhood after neighborhood, driving out Palestinians, cutting down the olive trees of poor Palestinian farmers, bulldozing Palestinian homes, obliterating their charming old villages, making life utter Hell for the Palestinians; and any Palestinian response other than kissing Jewish ass is called "terrorism"; and the foolish Americans buy that crap and call it macaroni.
It is taboo to criticize the Jew.
If Jimmy Carter is a bigot, what am I? The Jews have many words for me, "unhinged", "anti-Semitic", "right wing Christian", but never the true words, "audibly telepathic American".
The Jews lie about my being audibly mentally telepathic, and torture me for being audibly telepathic; but claim all else that follows has nothing at all to do with that; just as they torture and murder the Palestinians, and claim all that follows has nothing to do with that.
It is taboo to criticize the Jew.
Prior to the Jews getting their grubby little hands on me when God gave me my Coat of Many Colors, my audible mental telepathy, I was a buyer of the Jewish con, and I would have mouthed the Israeli propaganda about the Palestinians with the Pollyanna innocence of Sarah Palin saying in at least one of her campaign speeches, "I love Israel!"
It is taboo to criticize the Jew.
I can truthfully say that until I was in my mid-thirties I never had a critical thought about Jews; Israeli or Jewish-American. Not one, not even until after the Jews had been torturing me for at least five years.
My good feeling for the Jews was as thick as frosting on a wedding cake, and it took that many years of torture by the Jews to scrape that frosting away.
It is taboo to criticize the Jew.
What changed me? The way the Jews treated me changed me; especially the way they treated me when they had me in their power.
I hate to refer again to that Man of History most hated by the Jews, Jesus Christ, but his great lesson to me since I was a small boy was that I should know people by their works, not by what they say about themselves; and by their works is how I came to be critical of the Jews.
It is taboo to criticize the Jew.
Since it was my personal experience with the Jews that taught me to be on a taboo level critical of the Jews outside the propaganda envelope I am required to remain in under threat of being labled, like Jimmy Carter, a bigot, I think it might be of value to this work to review that personal experience.
It is taboo to criticize the Jew.
I don't think I met a Jew until I was in the tenth grade of high school, when, being an adopted US Navy brat, I found myself a student at Granby High School in Norfolk, Virginia.
My first impressions were vague; handsome boys and beautiful girls, who were something called "Jewish", and had special holidays, were very well dressed, and the one or two Jewish boys I knew were really nice guys.
Then my mother, Navy wife, went to a Jewish dentist who butchered her and charged her a fortune, and she suffered the pain of his maltreatment for rest of her life, at least another 30 years.
It is taboo to criticize the Jew.
That didn't wake me up, but it disturbed the peaceful slumber of my teenage innocence.
Still, Judaism was an abstraction, so much so that the word "Jewish" was not part of my language until I was nearly 30.
That word remained not a part of my language through college; it remained not a part of my language through my early years in Japan; it remained not a part of my language even after I first began to meet really bad Jewish journalists working for United Press International, really bad in that there was in them, from my point of view, utter disrespect for truth, and utter lack of the responsibility of a newsperson to tell the truth.
It is taboo to criticize the Jew.
Let me say this again, truth was a foreign concept to them, anathema to them.
"Thou shalt not bear false witness" seriously applies to journalists, because journalism if the water of free societies and it must not be polluted.
My lower level boss at UPI was a Jew who later went on to journalistic-academic stature. If I recall, his name was Kim Williamson.
It is taboo to criticize the Jew.
The first assignment he gave me was to re-write a piece from a stringer in Burma, a tourism piece which he wanted to change into a political manifesto.
Here was the problem: Kim wanted the political manifesto, highly critical of the oppressive Burmese government, to be under the byline of the Burmese stringer; meaning the Burmese stringer would likely go to prison, or be killed, for having written it.
I refused to do the rewrite in that tone, and came close to ending my fledgling UPI career right then and there.
Still, I saw Kim only as a mean-spirited American journalist not caring one whiff about the danger he was putting the Burmese stringer in, and the fact that he was Jewish American did not enter my mind at all.
It is taboo to criticize the Jew.
My next experience with Jewish journalism came in Vietnam, when I was constantly going into combat, and an American Jew named Mike Feinsilber was sitting safely in Saigon, changing my work, making it "better" by making it less true; I being shot at, he being safe and sound; but he, never hearing a bullet fired in anger, could change my combat reportage with stupid impunity.
It is taboo to criticize the Jew.
Years later, when I ran into Feinsilber again in New York City, he called me a communist for having complained about his violations of my combat reports, reports I had made at the risk of my life.
(In those days Americans loved calling other Americans "communist" for any reason at all.)
Feinsilber's changing of my reports, Dear Reader, made my reports lies; with my name, Virgil Kret, was the byline atop those lies, not his name, Mike Feinsilber.
Ok, I still did not see Feinsilber as a Jew, but only as a bad, somewhat soft, somewhat cowardly journalist in the midst of many brave journalists facing fire every day, a well-placed UPI company man skilled at propaganda and clumsy with truth.
It is taboo to criticize the Jew.
The first Jew I knew socially was a New York psychiatrist named Dr. Zach Shaye, who was a friend of a UPI co-worker; and as often happened when I lived in Tokyo, such friends of friends would call me when they arrived in Tokyo, and through the laws of hospitality become my house guests for a short time.
I always liked those visits by friends of friends. I had a two bedroom apartment, and I loved Tokyo and enjoyed showing Tokyo to guests; and throughout Zach's visit I enjoyed his company and enjoyed his pleasure in telling me about his pregnant wife back in New York City.
The fact of Zach's being Jewish occupied less than one percent of my awareness of him; but I was later to learn that the fact of my not being Jewish occupied more than 90 percent of his awareness of me.
It is taboo to criticize the Jew.
I was in time to be a virgin in a whorehouse, North Dakota Virgil in the New York Jewish world, but that was to be a few years later.
A year or so after Zach's visit in Tokyo, when I was on home leave, my trouble with Jews began.
In the course of Zach's returning my Tokyo hospitality with Staten Island hospitality I met a single female friend of his wife, the Jewish woman I would marry about three years later.
Still, the concept of Jewishness had not entered my understanding. She might have been Italian-American as far as I knew, and if so it might have been a delicate cultural situation; but she was not Japanese-American, which would have been a much more sticky cultural situation.
Being totally ignorant of the Gentile-Jewish balance, I had no idea how culturally unacceptable my marriage to my Jewish wife was to Jews. I just loved her, and she loved me, and I thought that was that.
That is, I was still totally unaware of the racism of the Jews and just as ignorant of the racism of the Gentiles; and I still had no consciousness of Jews being a society separate from Gentiles.
As I courted my eventual Jewish wife I always thought of her as an American woman, not a Jewish woman, and I hardly noticed the antagonism toward her by her Jewish friends for being with me, a goy.
(At the time I did not know the Jewish racist word "goy" for non-Jew, which is much like the word "nigger" in spirit.)
Culturally, I later came to understand, my courting my Jewish sweetheart in 1970 was the same as if I had been a Black man dating the White daughter of the Sheriff of Selma, Alabama in 1954; but I did not detect the depth of this prejudice until I became audibly telepathic and all the New York Jews I thought to be my friends set to mocking and torturing me, and willfully destroying my marriage.
It was after I had been married to my Jewish wife for a year or two that God gave me my Coat of Many Colors, the gift of audible mental telepathy, and it was through the actions of those New York Jews I had met in courting my wife, and also my Jewish wife and the Jewish shrinks she hired to torture me, that the nature of the brutality of Judaism began to dawn on me.
What was it? What was it? It was not just the ganging up on me, it was not just the bearing of false witness about my telepathy--false witness to the point of threat of frontal lobotomy if I persisted in insisting on the truth of it--but the guiltless guilt of it; the ability to lie and to torture and feel perfectly justified in doing so, as if that was the way the world was, liars and torturers being perfectly normal.
It was after I had been audibly telepathic for about six months, and had been hounded from one coast of the United States of America to the other, that my false-friend Dr. Zach Shaye unloaded his true feelings on me. Not only was I a goy, but I had married a Jew.
At first I thought he was joking, because he was a classic Jewish liberal with all the liberal causes, but a goy lout like me marrying a Jewish American Princess like her turned his stomach.
We have had enough of this tedious, taboo, subject for today, except to note that throughout the over 35 years of Jewish-Gentile torture since the obscenity of my being a goy was revealed to me by Dr. Shaye, I have observed the torture of me very carefully; and I found that different people torture me in different ways and to different degrees.
Black Americans, God bless them, with less than a dozen exceptions in over 35 years, have tortured me not at all. I find this to be remarkable; and as God is my witness, Black Americans have been far more kind to me than I have been kind to Black Americans.
White Christians Americans have been very mean and spiritually superior to me. They see me as scum not worthy of sitting in the same pew with them.
Latino Americans have been nearly totally disengaged, but unlike the Black Americans, who were almost universally kind to me, Latino Americans have looked at me as if I were a bug.
Male homosexual Americans have been vicious, mean, spiteful, which is why I call them Sodomites now, and never use the false word "Gay"; and why I consider that psycho-fascist word "Homophobic" one of the great lies of our times. "Homo-disgustic" would be more accurate.
But Jews, Dear Reader, with few exceptions, have been deliberately evil to me. The exceptions tended to be wise elderly Jewish men, men whose long lives had given them great dignity, and an ingredient of that dignity was kindness.
Of the hundreds of Jews I have personally came across, about six of them were of that kind type, and it was always a pleasure and a relief to meet them; ah, here is a Jew who is not going to torture me.
I am looking today at the rather unusual agreement between God and my Dear Readers that I continue writing about what it is the most taboo of subjects in the USA, the Jews.
I recall an incident which tells this tale.
For over 15 years I ran a designated service in Morro Bay, California; and one of my regular passengers was an elderly gentleman who would frequently ask me to have dinner with him at favorite restaurants, because without my driving him around he would have had no way of getting around.
Since I became audibly telepathic it has been almost impossible for me to eat in restaurants, because torture of me by other diners and adulteration of my food by kitchen staff is so common; but this was a dear friend and I would sit through those dinners, being abused by the diners all around me, for friendship's sake.
One night something odd happened. A Jew sitting nearby began to torture me to the extreme, to the extreme which would have caused me to leave had I not owed it to my friend to stay, to the extreme that except for the fact it would have meant life in an even deeper and darker torture chamber, I would have taken my steak knife and plunged it into his Adam's Apple.
(That is one of the purposes of the Jewish-American-created torture of me, of course, to hound me into violent reaction so they could crucify me as a criminal and not as a man of God; but I did not fall into that trap, so they are reduced to calling me a lunatic because I am a man of God.)
So, as the Jew tortured me in the restaurant I did what I almost always do when I am being tortured, I telepathically told the torturer what a cowardly piece of crap he was.
(This is type of response very important to my survival, because one must to fight back in some way or collapse into a puddle of putty. Many might think this is counter to "turning the other cheek", but it is not, and I will attempt to explain this at another time.)
As I telepathically told that Jew what a cowardly son of a bitch he was (and as he smirked and tortured me even more as I said these things) something very strange happened; all the other people in the restaurant took my side.
Understand, those Gentiles liked torturing me, but they did not like the kike, and they did not like the kike torturing me; so for that brief time they took my side against the kike. Had the kike not been there, they would have tortured me.
I found that very interesting, like an anthropologist studying a primitive tribe; and I am seeing the same interesting thing now as my Dear Readers enjoy my criticism of the Jews.
My Dear Readers will not free me, but they take my side against the Jews who will not free me.
The Gentile Americans love to torture me, but they secretly hate the Jews, but they cannot openly state their hatred for the Jews because it is taboo; and so they like my being critical of the Jews.
(Yet when Gentile Americans torture me they are unaware they have Jewish rings through their noses, that they are inflicting torture the American Jews taught them.)
Interesting, peculiar, and telling of the shallow spirit of Gentile America and the mean spirit of Jewish America, but most of all, interesting from an extraterrestrial anthropological point of view.
I consider this a phenomenon. The Jews and the Gentiles are like jackals and hyenas fighting over the carcass of the same audible mental telepath.
Of course, from my point of view, they can all stay in Hell forevermore; and of course, from God's point of view, they will.
Unless there is bigger news breaking, I will tell you more about my learning about the Jewish art of innocent guilt next time.
Hmmm. Let's look at our battle map today. This is Tuesday. We are expecting a God's Space War hit on either American or Israeli journalism on Thursday.
This hit seems to relate to Israel's premeditated murder of Reuters Cameraman Fadel Shana last April 16, which I.C. News documented so well in advance; so the betting here at I.C. News is that we will see at least one dead Israeli journalist on Thursday.
It seems to me I have hit upon a gold mine of a story. It is taboo to write about the Jew, but a lot of people...a lot of people...a lot of people wish they had the right to write too tabooish about the Jewish, too.
Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4973
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