The $1,117 Billion Defeat
The 57th Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 57th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 55th Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It
The 39th Day of Hell for the American People
Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America and victim-fascist Israel learn they are at war with God, within 19 days
Surrender, You Cowardly Gentile and Jewish Bastards and Bitches
We are expecting a God's Space War hit on Thursday, November 13.
"It's a Barnum and Bailey world"Just as phony as it can be"But it wouldn't be make-believe"If you believed in me"
--From Paper Moon, first recorded by Nat King Cole, 1944, words by Billy Rose & E.Y. Harburg, music by Harold Arden
I.C. News has been tracking God's Space War to save this Earth from the human being for a very long time; and if the United States of America were not the Pussy of All Nations I would have 16 Pulitzers and a Nobel by now; but the God's Space War story not only takes intellectual balls to cover, it takes intellectual balls to read and intellectual balls to know, and Pussy America has no intellectual balls at all.
I was born in a country that has no intellectual balls at all; I was born among a people with empty scrotum brains.
Like cowboys sing their songs to mooing cattle on the trail to the slaughter house, I must tell my story to mooing Americans on their way to the deepest pit of Hell. The things I do for God.
I had meant to today continue to tell you about the extraterrestrial contact with Earth, now nearly 60 thousand years long, but it seems to me the God's Space War hit expected next Thursday is big enough news to set that story aside for now.
Today's God's Space War code is "Paper Moon". It seems to relate to the the action we are expecting next Thursday, November 13.
I.C. News' first guess is this:
The target of this God's Space War action is American or Israeli print journalism.
If I were a betting man, and if I were in Reno, Nevada, and if I could find a casino that would give me good odds, I would name the Jerusalem Post as the target.
This is an interesting hit in that it comes very close to the action expected on or before November 27, which causes the people of the United States of America and the people of Israel, gutless murderers that they are, to learn they are at war with God.
I.C. News' initial feeling about Paper Moon was that it comes so close in timing to God's is expected entering into the fray on or before November 27 that the two actions might be one and the same, but now we feel we are watching two separate God's Space War events, Paper Moon and the yet-unnamed great event on or before Thanksgiving Day.
This seems to be an excellent God's Space War event for you Dear Readers who are interested in understanding I.C. News' system of tracking and documenting events in advance, so I will go into some detail.
While it seems to be illegal for me to say God is I.C. News' main source of news, illegal because I am not a TV snake oil Christian preacher, illegal because I am a journalist of the first order and God has no place in journalism; regardless; God is in fact my main source of news, and it is from that Horses' Mouth this story comes.
Look at my record of accuracy, look at it unpolluted by America's torture-enslavement of me and its warping of my work, and you will see there is not a better newsperson in the world than Virgil Kret, the only audible telepath in human history, God's One True Telepath, and the only newsperson in the world who knows God by God's first name.
This is not a religion story, this is an end-of-the-world story. Don't put it on the Religion Page, put it on the Doom's Day Page.
I know, the American and Israeli news media would rather see this Earth die than see me be a free newsperson. O. K., so be it. The American people and the Israeli people tag along behind their journalists in the torture-enslavement of me, so let them kiss the asses of their journalists in Hell.
This is how it works:
God rarely tells I.C. News God's target in advance, rather God gives us clues, which we call codes, to what it will be. I.C. News then uses those codes to document events in advance.
I think this is a form of compensation from God since God well knows what a boring, tedious, painful life I live in America's torture chamber; and this system of instruction keeps my mind sharp amidst constant mental torture, and gives me a form of fun and entertainment.
Believe me, Dear Reader, it is fun tracking American disaster and tragedy after American disaster and tragedy, trying to prevent them and America laughing at my attempts.
Like I say, when you make an enemy you have an enemy, and your enemy finds joy in your sorrow.
What am I to do when I warned you of the Jonesboro, Arkansas, elementary school shooting and you laughed at my warnings? Should I let those dead children mess up my mind forever, or should I remember you Americans murdered my children for the fun of it?
I am a soldier, not a weeper. Tragedies do not build up in my mind.
The question at I.C. News today is, which God-damned American or God-damned Israeli will God kill next? Believe me, this is motivation for fine, fine journalism.
So, when I receive the initial code and date of a God's Space War hit, as I did yesterday, this makes life a little more interesting because I can begin to make educated guesses of what the event might be.
Where will the Americans or the Israelis bleed? Delicious question; delicious question.
Yesterday's code was Dichotomy and today's code is Paper Moon, and I know from long experience they are connected, like two secret words in an encoded sentence, and the sentence leads to either American or Israeli misery or, hallelujah of hallelujahs, both.
When you make an enemy you have an enemy.
Yesterday, when the Dichotomy code came in, we gave a quote attributed to Jesus, and then presented a dichotomy to that quote in our introduction to you of the Space Story.
The dichotomy was this: In the quote assigned to Jesus, Jesus was quoted as saying no one knows when this Earth will pass away; but in our report we said every child in the Milky Way Galaxy--except children on Earth--knows when and how this Earth dies.
Dichotomy--division into two usually contradictory parts or opinions, according to my dictionary; and that is what I gave you in yesterday's report, a blatant contradiction in my words and words assigned to Jesus.
The operative word here is "assigned".
I have been a working journalist since 1957, and I have found it rare, extremely rare, to find an accurate quote; and it is my studied opinion that Jesus was rarely, if ever, quoted accurately, but that's another story.
But yesterday's code word, Dichotomy, has other meanings, one of which is the stage of the moon when half the moon's face is in the light and half in the dark. We considered this a possible "timing code".
So, just for the game of it, we looked at our calendar and guesstimated that stage of the moon in November, and come up with the date November 13. If we are a day or two off we can make that correction as we go along, we are not chipping away in stone here.
So, having made that guesstimation yesterday, what happens today? We get the Paper Moon code, which confirms the timing code aspect of the Dichotomy code.
This may be Greek to you, but it is fun to I.C. News. You psycho-fascist Americans and victim-fascist Israelis murdered my children, I have nothing better to do that track God's killing and damning of you.
(When you Americans and you Israelis murdered my children for the fun of it, you murdered your own seed. No, the death of your seed does not come overnight, but it comes, but it comes, but it inexorably comes.
(This has nothing to do with the Israeli-American war against Islam; it has everything to do with the American-Israeli war against Telepathy.)
So, this is Saturday, and we are expecting God to kill at least one American or Israeli print journalist on Thursday; Wednesday, California time, if the target is in Israel.
We have run this dead journalist operation twice in the past, both resulting in kills. First, Tim Russert, second Studs Terkel.
This is I.C. News batting a thousand. This is Babe Ruth calling his shot.
Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923
The 57th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 55th Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It
The 39th Day of Hell for the American People
Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America and victim-fascist Israel learn they are at war with God, within 19 days
Surrender, You Cowardly Gentile and Jewish Bastards and Bitches
We are expecting a God's Space War hit on Thursday, November 13.
"It's a Barnum and Bailey world"Just as phony as it can be"But it wouldn't be make-believe"If you believed in me"
--From Paper Moon, first recorded by Nat King Cole, 1944, words by Billy Rose & E.Y. Harburg, music by Harold Arden
I.C. News has been tracking God's Space War to save this Earth from the human being for a very long time; and if the United States of America were not the Pussy of All Nations I would have 16 Pulitzers and a Nobel by now; but the God's Space War story not only takes intellectual balls to cover, it takes intellectual balls to read and intellectual balls to know, and Pussy America has no intellectual balls at all.
I was born in a country that has no intellectual balls at all; I was born among a people with empty scrotum brains.
Like cowboys sing their songs to mooing cattle on the trail to the slaughter house, I must tell my story to mooing Americans on their way to the deepest pit of Hell. The things I do for God.
I had meant to today continue to tell you about the extraterrestrial contact with Earth, now nearly 60 thousand years long, but it seems to me the God's Space War hit expected next Thursday is big enough news to set that story aside for now.
Today's God's Space War code is "Paper Moon". It seems to relate to the the action we are expecting next Thursday, November 13.
I.C. News' first guess is this:
The target of this God's Space War action is American or Israeli print journalism.
If I were a betting man, and if I were in Reno, Nevada, and if I could find a casino that would give me good odds, I would name the Jerusalem Post as the target.
This is an interesting hit in that it comes very close to the action expected on or before November 27, which causes the people of the United States of America and the people of Israel, gutless murderers that they are, to learn they are at war with God.
I.C. News' initial feeling about Paper Moon was that it comes so close in timing to God's is expected entering into the fray on or before November 27 that the two actions might be one and the same, but now we feel we are watching two separate God's Space War events, Paper Moon and the yet-unnamed great event on or before Thanksgiving Day.
This seems to be an excellent God's Space War event for you Dear Readers who are interested in understanding I.C. News' system of tracking and documenting events in advance, so I will go into some detail.
While it seems to be illegal for me to say God is I.C. News' main source of news, illegal because I am not a TV snake oil Christian preacher, illegal because I am a journalist of the first order and God has no place in journalism; regardless; God is in fact my main source of news, and it is from that Horses' Mouth this story comes.
Look at my record of accuracy, look at it unpolluted by America's torture-enslavement of me and its warping of my work, and you will see there is not a better newsperson in the world than Virgil Kret, the only audible telepath in human history, God's One True Telepath, and the only newsperson in the world who knows God by God's first name.
This is not a religion story, this is an end-of-the-world story. Don't put it on the Religion Page, put it on the Doom's Day Page.
I know, the American and Israeli news media would rather see this Earth die than see me be a free newsperson. O. K., so be it. The American people and the Israeli people tag along behind their journalists in the torture-enslavement of me, so let them kiss the asses of their journalists in Hell.
This is how it works:
God rarely tells I.C. News God's target in advance, rather God gives us clues, which we call codes, to what it will be. I.C. News then uses those codes to document events in advance.
I think this is a form of compensation from God since God well knows what a boring, tedious, painful life I live in America's torture chamber; and this system of instruction keeps my mind sharp amidst constant mental torture, and gives me a form of fun and entertainment.
Believe me, Dear Reader, it is fun tracking American disaster and tragedy after American disaster and tragedy, trying to prevent them and America laughing at my attempts.
Like I say, when you make an enemy you have an enemy, and your enemy finds joy in your sorrow.
What am I to do when I warned you of the Jonesboro, Arkansas, elementary school shooting and you laughed at my warnings? Should I let those dead children mess up my mind forever, or should I remember you Americans murdered my children for the fun of it?
I am a soldier, not a weeper. Tragedies do not build up in my mind.
The question at I.C. News today is, which God-damned American or God-damned Israeli will God kill next? Believe me, this is motivation for fine, fine journalism.
So, when I receive the initial code and date of a God's Space War hit, as I did yesterday, this makes life a little more interesting because I can begin to make educated guesses of what the event might be.
Where will the Americans or the Israelis bleed? Delicious question; delicious question.
Yesterday's code was Dichotomy and today's code is Paper Moon, and I know from long experience they are connected, like two secret words in an encoded sentence, and the sentence leads to either American or Israeli misery or, hallelujah of hallelujahs, both.
When you make an enemy you have an enemy.
Yesterday, when the Dichotomy code came in, we gave a quote attributed to Jesus, and then presented a dichotomy to that quote in our introduction to you of the Space Story.
The dichotomy was this: In the quote assigned to Jesus, Jesus was quoted as saying no one knows when this Earth will pass away; but in our report we said every child in the Milky Way Galaxy--except children on Earth--knows when and how this Earth dies.
Dichotomy--division into two usually contradictory parts or opinions, according to my dictionary; and that is what I gave you in yesterday's report, a blatant contradiction in my words and words assigned to Jesus.
The operative word here is "assigned".
I have been a working journalist since 1957, and I have found it rare, extremely rare, to find an accurate quote; and it is my studied opinion that Jesus was rarely, if ever, quoted accurately, but that's another story.
But yesterday's code word, Dichotomy, has other meanings, one of which is the stage of the moon when half the moon's face is in the light and half in the dark. We considered this a possible "timing code".
So, just for the game of it, we looked at our calendar and guesstimated that stage of the moon in November, and come up with the date November 13. If we are a day or two off we can make that correction as we go along, we are not chipping away in stone here.
So, having made that guesstimation yesterday, what happens today? We get the Paper Moon code, which confirms the timing code aspect of the Dichotomy code.
This may be Greek to you, but it is fun to I.C. News. You psycho-fascist Americans and victim-fascist Israelis murdered my children, I have nothing better to do that track God's killing and damning of you.
(When you Americans and you Israelis murdered my children for the fun of it, you murdered your own seed. No, the death of your seed does not come overnight, but it comes, but it comes, but it inexorably comes.
(This has nothing to do with the Israeli-American war against Islam; it has everything to do with the American-Israeli war against Telepathy.)
So, this is Saturday, and we are expecting God to kill at least one American or Israeli print journalist on Thursday; Wednesday, California time, if the target is in Israel.
We have run this dead journalist operation twice in the past, both resulting in kills. First, Tim Russert, second Studs Terkel.
This is I.C. News batting a thousand. This is Babe Ruth calling his shot.
Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923
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