The $1,115 Billion Defeat
The 55th Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 55th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 53rd Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It
The 37th Day of Hell for the American People
Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America and victim-fascist Israel learn they are at war with God, within 21 days
Surrender, You Cowardly Gentile and Jewish Bastards and Bitches
We have no more than three weeks to go before God talks hard to the Americans and the Israelis, and while it is rewarding and accurate to report on what cowardly sons and daughters of bitches the Americans and Israelis are, it would be tedious writing and tedious reading to hammer those nails during all that time.
So, let's look around and see what I.C. News knows that might be of interest to its earthbound readers...ah...and there you have it, the nature of space travel as we God's Space Sailors travel it.
Before I enter into this true space story, which among other things will prove and explain the existence of what are commonly called "UFOs", I am being asked by my Old Pal God to offer the Americans and the Israelis an opportunity to openly apologize to me and compensate me for the evils they have done to me.
Fat chance, I know, but I am asked by God to make the offer so I make the offer.
We have three problems here.
First, you psycho-fascist Americans, Gentile and Jew, think you have the right to have tortured and enslaved me for over 35 years. Despite all the laws and lessons accumulated throughout human history, you claim the right to apply Middle Ages torture-justice to me.
Second, do I include the American Jews in with the Americans or with the Israelis? This is important because American Jews have led America's torture-enslavement of me, setting its tone and establishing its unconstitutional rationalizations.
That the Americans bought this Jewish-American fascist crap about me is a mirror image of how they bought the Israeli-Jewish fascist crap about the Palestinians.
Third, you God-damned Americans have very short attention spans. I am telling you today that you should end your torture-enslavement of me before God fires God's first shot on or before Thanksgiving Day, but like the Alzheimer nation you are you will have forgotten by tomorrow.
Let's look at these problems in reverse order.
The third: Apparently it is important to my Old Pal God that I daily remind you two conjoined servant-nations of Satan, the United States of America and Israel, that you have the right to surrender up to just before you become aware you are at war with God, up to just before you become ground pork.
That moment of awareness is expected by November 27, the American holiday called Thanksgiving Day, but it could take place any time before then.
Therefore there is a certain God's Space War variation of Russian Roulette at work here.
The best way I can think of to comply with God's request at this time is to include the notation, "Surrender, You Cowardly Gentile and Jewish Bastards Bastards and Bitches" in each day's headlines, which I began to do today.
The language of this warning, of course, indicates I would rather you Gentile and Jewish bastards and bitches die in battle with God than surrender before the battle begins, but I am allowed to editorialize.
I do not like you, be you Gentile or Jew; you have murdered my children, why should I?
The second problem: Do we consider American Jews to be American or Israeli? That is a bit more sticky.
In a general sense, American Jews consider themselves to have dual citizenship, American and Israeli, and in general their wind blows toward supporting Israel over supporting the United States of America; though the Jewish public relations propaganda is that the interests of the two countries are the same; which they are not; and the Jews know it.
Exposing this duality of citizenship and loyalty is one of the more important results of America's torture-enslavement of me, the only audible mental telepath in human history, since the torture-enslavement's entire structure is foreign to the nature of Gentile American people--it being based on false witness and the total pinpoint voiding of the Constitution.
When Gentiles lie they attempt to conceal the lie, when Jews lie they lie in contempt of the truth, not caring if their lie is recognized as a lie or not.
That is, the open lie which supports America's torture-enslavement of me is a domestic version of a foreign institution, an American exercise which at its core is based on uniquely non-American standards of truth.
While we see America's early torture-enslavement of me was carried out by US Naval Intelligence, in general a Gentile organization, we see when the torture went public, when the American people began participating in that torture-enslavement, American psychiatry based Jews took over and established the system of torture.
"Yes, we are lying", the American Jews taught the American Gentiles to say, "We know we are lying; you know we are lying; but we are nationally unified liars so what are you going to do about it?"
This is a non-American concept.
Look at the differences as Gentile-based torture developed into Jewish-based torture.
The gentiles initially tortured me for voicing anti-Vietnam War sentiments. The Jews later tortured me for saying I was talking to God. The gentiles tortured me for exercising my freedom of speech. The Jews tortured me for thinking too loud.
Note the differences, the first involved denial of freedom of speech, the second involved denial of reality. The former is gentile, the latter is Jewish. Both are wicked, but their forms of wickedness are different.
Understand this, the lie that I am not audibly telepathic is an American Jewish lie adopted by Gentile America; it has the Gentile American people bearing false witness in a way that is unnatural to them, which puts them at odds with their Constitution and with their fundamental spiritual values; yet it is a false witness natural to American Jews, and to Israeli Jews.
How does this microcosmic event which is American Jewish persecution of the only audible mental telepath in human history demonstrate balance with the macrocosmic event which is Israel's persecution of the Palestinians?
It is a microcosmic American national acceptance of an obvious and open Jewish lie--a lie into which Gentile America is cemented no matter what its costs, no matter how horrific its results.
The same is true with the Israel-Palestine lie; the obvious, historical truth of the genocide by the Jews of the Palestinians is ignored and lost to memory, as is the obvious truth of my being audibly mentally telepathic.
In both cases, America buys a Jewish lie.
The telepathic American all Americans know is telepathic is not telepathic. Isn't this a fun lie? Isn't this a clever lie? Look at the power we have over him if we just agree to tell this lie.
The Palestinians are not murdered and persecuted by the Israelis, so goes the Israeli lie. Isn't this lie convenient? Isn't this lie easy to live with? Isn't it easy to call the Palestinian victims Palestinian terrorists?
Let's see how this works on the micro and macro levels.
If tomorrow I were to go to a supermarket and undergo the torture by cowardly American men and silly American women that commonly takes place in supermarkets, and if I were to shoot one or two of those cowardly Americans in the face, which they would richly deserve, the news reports and the most public trial that would follow would evolve around "unprovoked" shooting; and the American people would knowingly go along with that lie.
If tomorrow a Palestinian, tormented by the Jews since 1948, were to blow up a kosher pizza parlor, the news reports would evolve around "terrorist" attack, and the American people would not think beyond that.
The American Jews have deliberately made an enemy of me; just as the Israeli Jews have deliberately made an enemy of the Palestinians.
I suggest to you that the reason the American Jews have been so vicious to me since 1970 is they want to harass me into violent reaction.
I suggest to you the reason Israeli Jews have been so vicious to the Palestinians since 1948 is that they want to harass them into violent reaction.
It is a cultural-historical personality trait.
This is what I call "Jewish Victim Fascism"; the Jews attack, attack, attack until there is a response to their attack, and then cry, "Victim! Victim! Victim!"
So, the American Jews lead the American people around by the nose in American-Jewish psycho-fascist torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath; just as the Israeli Jews lead the American people around by the nose in Israeli-Jewish torture-enslavement of the Palestinians.
The first point was: You psycho-fascist Americans, Gentile and Jew, think you have the right to have tortured and enslaved me for over 35 years. Despite all the laws and lessons accumulated throughout human history, you claim the right to apply Middle Ages torture-justice to me.
I suggest to you that American Jews have totally missed the importance and nature of the American Revolution, and applied their Middle European values to it after it was won, almost never facing the musket ball and bayonet of it, never understanding the revolution against tyranny of it, and never understanding the concept of Liberty which propelled it.
That is, in the end, American Jews are more Israeli than American, bent on punishing the Palestinians for Hitler, bent on punishing Virgil the Telepath for his love of and closeness to the God they think they exclusively own.
I had promised to tell you something about space and space travel today, and to reveal to you the true facts of the "UFO" phenomenon, something I know as much or more about than any human being; but I have used up all of today's space attempting to untie the Gordian Knot of Jewish Victim Fascism before God cuts through that knot with God's Swift and Mighty Sword.
Perhaps we can enter the space story tomorrow, since it would be a very nice change of pace, and very enlightening, and might increase the readership of this work, which has fallen off dramatically since it approached the taboo subject of Jewish perfidy.
As a lead-in to the space story, I want to tell you that the most interesting thing about human beings to those extraterrestrial civilizations behind the "UFO" phenomenon is that the human beings are, and have been throughout their history, incorrigible liars.
This is unheard of elsewhere in the Universe.
All human events throughout human history have been warped by human lies.
The telling thing about the "UFO" experience is that all governments lie about it. Had one Earth government been honest and open about the "UFO" the "UFO" would have established diplomatic contact with Earth decades ago.
Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923
The 55th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 53rd Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It
The 37th Day of Hell for the American People
Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America and victim-fascist Israel learn they are at war with God, within 21 days
Surrender, You Cowardly Gentile and Jewish Bastards and Bitches
We have no more than three weeks to go before God talks hard to the Americans and the Israelis, and while it is rewarding and accurate to report on what cowardly sons and daughters of bitches the Americans and Israelis are, it would be tedious writing and tedious reading to hammer those nails during all that time.
So, let's look around and see what I.C. News knows that might be of interest to its earthbound readers...ah...and there you have it, the nature of space travel as we God's Space Sailors travel it.
Before I enter into this true space story, which among other things will prove and explain the existence of what are commonly called "UFOs", I am being asked by my Old Pal God to offer the Americans and the Israelis an opportunity to openly apologize to me and compensate me for the evils they have done to me.
Fat chance, I know, but I am asked by God to make the offer so I make the offer.
We have three problems here.
First, you psycho-fascist Americans, Gentile and Jew, think you have the right to have tortured and enslaved me for over 35 years. Despite all the laws and lessons accumulated throughout human history, you claim the right to apply Middle Ages torture-justice to me.
Second, do I include the American Jews in with the Americans or with the Israelis? This is important because American Jews have led America's torture-enslavement of me, setting its tone and establishing its unconstitutional rationalizations.
That the Americans bought this Jewish-American fascist crap about me is a mirror image of how they bought the Israeli-Jewish fascist crap about the Palestinians.
Third, you God-damned Americans have very short attention spans. I am telling you today that you should end your torture-enslavement of me before God fires God's first shot on or before Thanksgiving Day, but like the Alzheimer nation you are you will have forgotten by tomorrow.
Let's look at these problems in reverse order.
The third: Apparently it is important to my Old Pal God that I daily remind you two conjoined servant-nations of Satan, the United States of America and Israel, that you have the right to surrender up to just before you become aware you are at war with God, up to just before you become ground pork.
That moment of awareness is expected by November 27, the American holiday called Thanksgiving Day, but it could take place any time before then.
Therefore there is a certain God's Space War variation of Russian Roulette at work here.
The best way I can think of to comply with God's request at this time is to include the notation, "Surrender, You Cowardly Gentile and Jewish Bastards Bastards and Bitches" in each day's headlines, which I began to do today.
The language of this warning, of course, indicates I would rather you Gentile and Jewish bastards and bitches die in battle with God than surrender before the battle begins, but I am allowed to editorialize.
I do not like you, be you Gentile or Jew; you have murdered my children, why should I?
The second problem: Do we consider American Jews to be American or Israeli? That is a bit more sticky.
In a general sense, American Jews consider themselves to have dual citizenship, American and Israeli, and in general their wind blows toward supporting Israel over supporting the United States of America; though the Jewish public relations propaganda is that the interests of the two countries are the same; which they are not; and the Jews know it.
Exposing this duality of citizenship and loyalty is one of the more important results of America's torture-enslavement of me, the only audible mental telepath in human history, since the torture-enslavement's entire structure is foreign to the nature of Gentile American people--it being based on false witness and the total pinpoint voiding of the Constitution.
When Gentiles lie they attempt to conceal the lie, when Jews lie they lie in contempt of the truth, not caring if their lie is recognized as a lie or not.
That is, the open lie which supports America's torture-enslavement of me is a domestic version of a foreign institution, an American exercise which at its core is based on uniquely non-American standards of truth.
While we see America's early torture-enslavement of me was carried out by US Naval Intelligence, in general a Gentile organization, we see when the torture went public, when the American people began participating in that torture-enslavement, American psychiatry based Jews took over and established the system of torture.
"Yes, we are lying", the American Jews taught the American Gentiles to say, "We know we are lying; you know we are lying; but we are nationally unified liars so what are you going to do about it?"
This is a non-American concept.
Look at the differences as Gentile-based torture developed into Jewish-based torture.
The gentiles initially tortured me for voicing anti-Vietnam War sentiments. The Jews later tortured me for saying I was talking to God. The gentiles tortured me for exercising my freedom of speech. The Jews tortured me for thinking too loud.
Note the differences, the first involved denial of freedom of speech, the second involved denial of reality. The former is gentile, the latter is Jewish. Both are wicked, but their forms of wickedness are different.
Understand this, the lie that I am not audibly telepathic is an American Jewish lie adopted by Gentile America; it has the Gentile American people bearing false witness in a way that is unnatural to them, which puts them at odds with their Constitution and with their fundamental spiritual values; yet it is a false witness natural to American Jews, and to Israeli Jews.
How does this microcosmic event which is American Jewish persecution of the only audible mental telepath in human history demonstrate balance with the macrocosmic event which is Israel's persecution of the Palestinians?
It is a microcosmic American national acceptance of an obvious and open Jewish lie--a lie into which Gentile America is cemented no matter what its costs, no matter how horrific its results.
The same is true with the Israel-Palestine lie; the obvious, historical truth of the genocide by the Jews of the Palestinians is ignored and lost to memory, as is the obvious truth of my being audibly mentally telepathic.
In both cases, America buys a Jewish lie.
The telepathic American all Americans know is telepathic is not telepathic. Isn't this a fun lie? Isn't this a clever lie? Look at the power we have over him if we just agree to tell this lie.
The Palestinians are not murdered and persecuted by the Israelis, so goes the Israeli lie. Isn't this lie convenient? Isn't this lie easy to live with? Isn't it easy to call the Palestinian victims Palestinian terrorists?
Let's see how this works on the micro and macro levels.
If tomorrow I were to go to a supermarket and undergo the torture by cowardly American men and silly American women that commonly takes place in supermarkets, and if I were to shoot one or two of those cowardly Americans in the face, which they would richly deserve, the news reports and the most public trial that would follow would evolve around "unprovoked" shooting; and the American people would knowingly go along with that lie.
If tomorrow a Palestinian, tormented by the Jews since 1948, were to blow up a kosher pizza parlor, the news reports would evolve around "terrorist" attack, and the American people would not think beyond that.
The American Jews have deliberately made an enemy of me; just as the Israeli Jews have deliberately made an enemy of the Palestinians.
I suggest to you that the reason the American Jews have been so vicious to me since 1970 is they want to harass me into violent reaction.
I suggest to you the reason Israeli Jews have been so vicious to the Palestinians since 1948 is that they want to harass them into violent reaction.
It is a cultural-historical personality trait.
This is what I call "Jewish Victim Fascism"; the Jews attack, attack, attack until there is a response to their attack, and then cry, "Victim! Victim! Victim!"
So, the American Jews lead the American people around by the nose in American-Jewish psycho-fascist torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath; just as the Israeli Jews lead the American people around by the nose in Israeli-Jewish torture-enslavement of the Palestinians.
The first point was: You psycho-fascist Americans, Gentile and Jew, think you have the right to have tortured and enslaved me for over 35 years. Despite all the laws and lessons accumulated throughout human history, you claim the right to apply Middle Ages torture-justice to me.
I suggest to you that American Jews have totally missed the importance and nature of the American Revolution, and applied their Middle European values to it after it was won, almost never facing the musket ball and bayonet of it, never understanding the revolution against tyranny of it, and never understanding the concept of Liberty which propelled it.
That is, in the end, American Jews are more Israeli than American, bent on punishing the Palestinians for Hitler, bent on punishing Virgil the Telepath for his love of and closeness to the God they think they exclusively own.
I had promised to tell you something about space and space travel today, and to reveal to you the true facts of the "UFO" phenomenon, something I know as much or more about than any human being; but I have used up all of today's space attempting to untie the Gordian Knot of Jewish Victim Fascism before God cuts through that knot with God's Swift and Mighty Sword.
Perhaps we can enter the space story tomorrow, since it would be a very nice change of pace, and very enlightening, and might increase the readership of this work, which has fallen off dramatically since it approached the taboo subject of Jewish perfidy.
As a lead-in to the space story, I want to tell you that the most interesting thing about human beings to those extraterrestrial civilizations behind the "UFO" phenomenon is that the human beings are, and have been throughout their history, incorrigible liars.
This is unheard of elsewhere in the Universe.
All human events throughout human history have been warped by human lies.
The telling thing about the "UFO" experience is that all governments lie about it. Had one Earth government been honest and open about the "UFO" the "UFO" would have established diplomatic contact with Earth decades ago.
Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923
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