Tuesday, November 04, 2008

The $1,113 Billion Defeat

The 53rd Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 53rd Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 51st Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The 35th Day of Hell for the American People

Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America learns it is at war with God, within 23 days

"Detour, there's a muddy road ahead.
"Detour, paid no mind to what it said.
"Detour, oh these bitter things I find.
"Should have read that detour sign."--Paul Westmoreland, 1945

My becoming audibly telepathic nearly 40 years ago was a Detour Sign from God; America should have read that Detour Sign, morally illiterate bitch that she is.
The really, really bad news--the unreported news--I spoke of yesterday has not appeared any news report I have seen, although I have seen what seem to be oblique references to it.
Either I was wrong (but I don't think so) or the news media through compulsion or volunteerism is blacking out the story, neither of which is uncommon.

Oh well, oh Hell, it's only bad news for the God-damned Americans, so I will let those lying dogs sleep.

Today we look further at the entry of God into the human fray, expected to center on Old Jerusalem on or before November 27, Thanksgiving Day.

I have been speaking of this as the event which forces the American people to become aware they are at war with God; but perhaps more importantly it will force the Israelis to become aware they, too, are at war with God.

I know most God-damned Americans think Israel is a kitten in a basket sitting in a snake pit of Muslim snakes; and almost all American Christians believe the Jewish folk myth that the Jews are the chosen of God; so I realize I am swimming upstream to deliver this news story.

Imagine the modern blasphemy of my reporting Israel is in the wrong. What American politician, but I, would dare think that, not alone say it? What American journalist, but I, would dare report it?

Yesterday we looked at one of the two God's Space War trunk codes leading to "Cherry Pop", the day the people of the United States of America (and the people of Israel) learn they are at war with God.

The trunk code outlined yesterday is based on Dante's Inferno.

The second trunk code, to be outlined today, is based on my journey from London to Old Jerusalem in about 1971, soon after God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy.

(American Christians like to call that gift a curse, but that is because American Christians don't understand God very well.)

The London-Jerusalem journey was a segment of a round-the-world journey I took for the purpose of orientating myself after the initial confusion brought on by my becoming audibly telepathic and America's immediate amused abuse of me for being audibly telepathic.

In the first months of the experience I had learned that all the people I loved, and all my friends, and all the fellow journalists I had contact with at the time, had joined in bearing the same false witness against me--that same false witness which still exists today--"What do you mean 'audible mental telepathy', we cannot hear your thoughts"--the false witness America and Israel so love to bear.

(There are far, far more Americans and Israelis in Hell for that false witness than for child murder, and there are many of those, but that's another story.)

As the Americans interlaced their forked tongues in bearing false witness and playing a variation of Blind Man's Bluff against me, my Old Pal God kept giving me sign after sign to help me keep my balance.

(I was something like a child attempting to learn to ride a bicycle as wind and gravity and inexperience tried to topple him, but with the child's father holding the bicycle up until the child learned to keep his balance.)

There were scores of examples of this help from God, some major, some minor, but God's Help was constant.

Perhaps the most impressive of those examples was, to me, God's giving me a dollar bill out of thin air to buy some food when I was hungry.

I re-tell this dollar bill story off and on, and long-time Dear Readers will perhaps know it; but we are talking about other sins of false witness and other signs from God today, so we will not go into that dollar bill experience at this time.

As I orientated myself I traveled around the USA visiting old friends; and I found all my old friends bearing the same false witness; and I, loving my friends, and loving my country, wanted to think they were bearing false witness for some good reason.

(One friend from my Florida State University days had become an Episcopal priest based in Tallahassee, and his smirking at me helped set me straight on that delusion, but Episcopalism's quasi-Christianity is another story for another day.)

That journey of orientation around America is also another story to be told at another time; today we are talking about my journey of orientation around the world, and focusing on the London-Jerusalem segment of it.

Having learned that my gentile friends in America were bearing false witness against me with various degrees of hostility and miss-applied friendship; having learned that my Jewish wife and all my Jewish friends were happily cutting my psyche up into little pieces; having learned my mother and stepfather and my half-brother and my half-sister had betrayed me; having learned my country had betrayed me; I decided to see if the American cooking pot I was in extended around the world--and I found it did.

(Still to this day young Chinese tourists will torture me in awkward imitation of the tortures the Americans are so skilled at.)

After all this orientation around America and around the world I knew I was in a pickle; and knew that except for God I had no friends at all; and I was faced with a fork in the road.

With one fork I could go off into splendid isolation, perhaps into the wilderness, which I love so much, or perhaps some monastery which I would not love so much, or perhaps some small town which I would love so much, where I might work for and eventually edit and eventually own a small weekly newspaper--splendid isolation, the pipedream of a suddenly infamous and rejected journalist.

With the other fork in the road I could do what my Old Pal God was asking me to do, get into the fight and defeat deceit, defeat the works of Satan in all its many manifestations which are murdering this Earth.

Splendid isolation? Soldiering for God? Duh. Some choice. You know, Dear Reader, you would have chosen the same choice I chose.

So, having described for you what was going on then, let's return to our London-Jerusalem narrative, and how it intersects in Jerusalem with our Dante's Inferno narrative and promises to make the world aware, in about three weeks, that God is at war with the Americans and the Israelis.

Though I had never seriously fasted before, in London I began a 40-day fast which, as God's Timing would have it, ended in Jerusalem on Thanksgiving Day.

That fast consisted of a diet of milk and sugar cubes through England, through France, through Italy and so on, and was broken at a Palestinian-owned cafe in Old Jerusalem called The Peace Cafe.

Up until my arrival in Israel, no specific torture of me had been established, rather the game had remained Blind Man's Bluff. I do not know what I was to people in America, England, France and Italy, perhaps a curiosity, perhaps a blinded fool, but in Israel torture--true and open torture--began.

I know the Jews like to call me a Jew-basher, but I wandered into the Jewish world as innocent of their nature as a new-born babe, never having thought a critical thought or said a critical word about them; and I was a good friend to my Jewish friends, and a good husband to my Jewish wife, but the Jews attacked me, attacked me, incessantly attacked me after I became audibly telepathic, and still do to this day.

Jesus told us Christians to know people by their works, Dear Reader, and that includes knowing Jews by theirs.

I suggest to you that God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy so I might see how people treated me for having it, and the Jews, the Jews who wrap themselves in the armor of being the victims of the world, attacked me more viciously than any other identifiable group, attacked me with no provocation other than the fact that I am not a Jew.

Had a Jewish man became audibly telepathic, this would be a very different story in terms of Judaism's attack on audible mental telepathy.

This Jewish leading role in the torture of me was true in America where my Jewish wife and my Jewish friends attacked me and set up this form of torture-enslavement the world's non-Jews still follow so slavishly, this torture-enslavement buttressed by psycho-fascist Jewish false witness; and it again proved to be true in Israel, where I went overnight from being an object of benevolent curiosity in all other nations I had visited to a public whipping boy.

The Jews will say I am anti-Semite for telling you this true story; and that is the Jewish way, they cast the first stone and cry anti-Semitism about anyone who returns their stones to them.

The Jews attacked me years before I counterattacked; the Jews attacked the Palestinians years before the Palestinians counterattacked; yet I and the Palestinians are the villains in the American versions of those stories, but--as the Americans and the Israelis will learn--not in God's version.

Damn clever, the Jews; and damn sinful, too.

I would rather be a villain in the Jews' story than a Jew; I would rather be a True Man of God than a member of the Phoney Chosen Few.

So, I tell you this today to prepare you for something that is going happen in Jerusalem on or before November 27, Thanksgiving Day.

God is going to punish the Jews for their torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath; and with them, God is also going to punish their slavish allies in that torture, the Americans.

More on this most unpopular and most detested--but most important--subject next time, unless bigger news is breaking.

Next time I will reveal the promise God promised me in Old Jerusalem long, long ago; God's promise to topple the walls of Jerusalem.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923


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