The $1,114 Billion Defeat
The 54th Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 54th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 52nd Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It
The 36th Day of Hell for the American People
Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America and victim-fascist Israel learn they are at war with God, within 22 days
"Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty."--Wendell Phillips (1811-1884), abolitionist, before the Massachusetts Antislavery Society, 1852
It has come to my attention there was a presidential election held in the United States of America yesterday. As soon as I learn who won, I will let you know.
In any case, I remain America's torture-slave.
There is great relief here at I.C. News that a Republican American Fascist coup did not take place before the election results came in, the successfully completed election closing a critical door to danger.
Much must have gone on behind the scenes, a story worth knowing I am sure; and still there is something hanging over America's head, something that has either happened or is about to happen.
The USA is not out of the woods yet; the Republican American Fascists still have over two months in which to commit more evil mischief; but rumor has it the American military will not let them.
Meanwhile, back at God's Space War, the USA and Israel will learn they are at war with God within 22 days.
I.C. News has been hammering this story pretty hard lately, and likely losing readers left and right, damnation not being a popular subject.
Our readership is now probably less than one million a day, down from less than five million.
My supporters probably number fewer than the combined supporters of Obama and McCain, not including God's Angels, of course.
In fact, though the total vote tally is not yet complete, I seem to have received zero votes for President.
My Old Pal God would have voted for me, but God is not an American.
I would have voted for me, but I am homeless and far away from the city where I am registered; and I would have driven there just to vote, but standing in lines with fellow Americans, be it for voting or for airline tickets, always leads to extreme torture from those fellow Americans.
Well, losing gracefully is part of the art of politics, so I will just say "Crap!" and go back to writing The Obituary of the World.
We are saying this Earth will be dead by 2065 unless there is clear and open intervention by God.
We are saying the human being will be extinct by 2045, unless there is clear and open intervention by God.
We are saying the people of the United States of America and the people of Israel will know they are at war with God by November 27, this year, Thanksgiving Day.
Let's look at our two trunk codes and see what they might tell us to expect within the next 22 days.
Since the trunk codes intersect in Jerusalem I must talk about what Americans hate most for me to talk about, the crimes committed against me by the Jews.
Our first trunk code, Dante's Inferno, has Dante and his guide, Virgil, coming upon Satan in the exact center of this Earth, in the exact center of Hell, where the damned are frozen in ice which is kept frozen by the flapping of Satan's bat-like wings.
So, in Dante's vision of Hell, Hell does freeze over, and those who say I will be free of America's torture-enslavement when Hell freezes over are in for a big, cold surprise.
When Dante and Virgil pass by Satan everything changes, even gravity, and they leave Hell and enter Purgatory, and Satan is seen as turned upside down behind them.
In our second trunk code, the overlay of my London-Jerusalem journey, I am under the total control of Judaism, and as the American Jews had set the tone of my torture in the United States of America, the Israeli Jews are setting the tone of my torture around the world.
But something happens in Jerusalem, a secret gift from God to me, which I suggest will be the equivalent of Dante's turning Satan upside down, something that will amount to God's turning Judaism upside down.
I have told this story before, but I will tell it briefly again today.
Near the end of my 40-day fast that had lasted from London through Paris through Rome through Venice and through a week or more of following the footsteps of Jesus around what is still called Israel, I had found a peaceful little niche, a cul-de-sac in the outer wall of the Old City just down from the Jaffa Gate, hardly used at the time and overgrown with weeds, but to me a lovely little garden.
I would go there to chit chat with my Old Pal God, to talk with God about my situation in Jerusalem and in the world, torture-slave sinking deeper and deeper into torture-enslavement, the Jews hating me because I am a Christian goy talking to the God they think they own.
And here is where the two trunk codes intersect, the intersection you will see on or about November 27, when the Americans and the Israelis learn they are at war with God.
In the Dante's Inferno code, Virgil and Dante move past Satan in the center of Hell and everything changes, the power of Satan is toppled, turned upside down, and the two poets ascend into Purgatory.
In the Virgil's Journey code, Virgil and God move past Satan in the Center of Judaism and everything changes, the power of Satan is toppled, turned upside down, and the two Poets start kicking ass.
Here comes the part you psycho-fascist Americans really hate.
To you, perhaps, Judaism is a kitten in a basket and Israel is the center of Democracy in the Middle East, as the American propaganda has it; but to me, God's One True Telepath, after over 35 years of outrageous torture by the Jews, Judaism is Satan.
Judaism has dictated over me and done all it could to destroy my life and work since God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy, so don't expect me to see it as a kitten when it has been a snake to me.
(I am not alone in this perspective; to the Palestinians, too, Israel is Satan; but we are talking here about Judaism's torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath, not Judaism's torture-enslavement of the Palestinians, though they are two grapes in the same cluster.)
And here is how the metaphor works.
Like Dante and Virgil in the center of Hell, Satan looming over them, I, Virgil, was in the center of Jerusalem, Satan looming over me, me sitting in that cul-de-sac I loved so much, talking to God in my casual way, looking at the stone wall of Old Jerusalem not three feet in front of my eyes; and then...and then...and then one of the massive stones that make up the wall, one of the massive stones that have been in place for perhaps thousands of years, cracked right before my eyes.
This was a message from God exclusively and quietly to me, a message saying what would happen to my primary torture-enslaver, Judaism.
Fast forward some 35 years, 35 years of torture-enslavement by the Jews and their goons, the Americans, and the story some 22 days from now takes us to that Crack in the Wall of Old Jerusalem, to the promise promised long, long ago; takes us to Dante and Virgil leaving Hell, and Virgil and God destroying the Hell the Jews cast Virgil into.
Crack in the wall of Jerusalem; crack of the doom of Judaism, some 22 days away.
And crack in the hope of America, Judaism's drone ally in the torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath; Judaism's drone ally in the torture-enslavement of the Palestinians.
The United States of America, a nation at war with God, allied with Israel, also a nation at war with God, two war mongers, two poison peas in the same poison pod.
For those Dear Readers who are interested in God's military tactics, America and Israel fell into the same draw play because they have a common military-economic policy, that of intentionally creating enemies.
Both of them seek to make enemies of far weaker nations, and paint those nations as evil and paint themselves as good.
It is almost impossible for America and Israel to live in peace with other nations, their need for enemies being so great, their creation of enemies being so habitual, their downright pleasure in lording it over the weaker being so irresistible.
When God created one audibly telepathic human being it was as if God were re-creating the forbidden fruit story, Israel taking the role of Eve, the USA taking the role of Adam, the Telepath being a forbidden apple on the on the forbidden apple tree.
The First God's Space War Maxim is, "The nature of the surprise attack is surprise, the nature of its cousin, the draw play, is infliction".
I was Satan Bait in a God's Space War draw play to destroy Satan, and Israel and its drone ally, the United States of America, took the bait.
Hook, line and sinker.
Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923
The 54th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 52nd Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It
The 36th Day of Hell for the American People
Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America and victim-fascist Israel learn they are at war with God, within 22 days
"Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty."--Wendell Phillips (1811-1884), abolitionist, before the Massachusetts Antislavery Society, 1852
It has come to my attention there was a presidential election held in the United States of America yesterday. As soon as I learn who won, I will let you know.
In any case, I remain America's torture-slave.
There is great relief here at I.C. News that a Republican American Fascist coup did not take place before the election results came in, the successfully completed election closing a critical door to danger.
Much must have gone on behind the scenes, a story worth knowing I am sure; and still there is something hanging over America's head, something that has either happened or is about to happen.
The USA is not out of the woods yet; the Republican American Fascists still have over two months in which to commit more evil mischief; but rumor has it the American military will not let them.
Meanwhile, back at God's Space War, the USA and Israel will learn they are at war with God within 22 days.
I.C. News has been hammering this story pretty hard lately, and likely losing readers left and right, damnation not being a popular subject.
Our readership is now probably less than one million a day, down from less than five million.
My supporters probably number fewer than the combined supporters of Obama and McCain, not including God's Angels, of course.
In fact, though the total vote tally is not yet complete, I seem to have received zero votes for President.
My Old Pal God would have voted for me, but God is not an American.
I would have voted for me, but I am homeless and far away from the city where I am registered; and I would have driven there just to vote, but standing in lines with fellow Americans, be it for voting or for airline tickets, always leads to extreme torture from those fellow Americans.
Well, losing gracefully is part of the art of politics, so I will just say "Crap!" and go back to writing The Obituary of the World.
We are saying this Earth will be dead by 2065 unless there is clear and open intervention by God.
We are saying the human being will be extinct by 2045, unless there is clear and open intervention by God.
We are saying the people of the United States of America and the people of Israel will know they are at war with God by November 27, this year, Thanksgiving Day.
Let's look at our two trunk codes and see what they might tell us to expect within the next 22 days.
Since the trunk codes intersect in Jerusalem I must talk about what Americans hate most for me to talk about, the crimes committed against me by the Jews.
Our first trunk code, Dante's Inferno, has Dante and his guide, Virgil, coming upon Satan in the exact center of this Earth, in the exact center of Hell, where the damned are frozen in ice which is kept frozen by the flapping of Satan's bat-like wings.
So, in Dante's vision of Hell, Hell does freeze over, and those who say I will be free of America's torture-enslavement when Hell freezes over are in for a big, cold surprise.
When Dante and Virgil pass by Satan everything changes, even gravity, and they leave Hell and enter Purgatory, and Satan is seen as turned upside down behind them.
In our second trunk code, the overlay of my London-Jerusalem journey, I am under the total control of Judaism, and as the American Jews had set the tone of my torture in the United States of America, the Israeli Jews are setting the tone of my torture around the world.
But something happens in Jerusalem, a secret gift from God to me, which I suggest will be the equivalent of Dante's turning Satan upside down, something that will amount to God's turning Judaism upside down.
I have told this story before, but I will tell it briefly again today.
Near the end of my 40-day fast that had lasted from London through Paris through Rome through Venice and through a week or more of following the footsteps of Jesus around what is still called Israel, I had found a peaceful little niche, a cul-de-sac in the outer wall of the Old City just down from the Jaffa Gate, hardly used at the time and overgrown with weeds, but to me a lovely little garden.
I would go there to chit chat with my Old Pal God, to talk with God about my situation in Jerusalem and in the world, torture-slave sinking deeper and deeper into torture-enslavement, the Jews hating me because I am a Christian goy talking to the God they think they own.
And here is where the two trunk codes intersect, the intersection you will see on or about November 27, when the Americans and the Israelis learn they are at war with God.
In the Dante's Inferno code, Virgil and Dante move past Satan in the center of Hell and everything changes, the power of Satan is toppled, turned upside down, and the two poets ascend into Purgatory.
In the Virgil's Journey code, Virgil and God move past Satan in the Center of Judaism and everything changes, the power of Satan is toppled, turned upside down, and the two Poets start kicking ass.
Here comes the part you psycho-fascist Americans really hate.
To you, perhaps, Judaism is a kitten in a basket and Israel is the center of Democracy in the Middle East, as the American propaganda has it; but to me, God's One True Telepath, after over 35 years of outrageous torture by the Jews, Judaism is Satan.
Judaism has dictated over me and done all it could to destroy my life and work since God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy, so don't expect me to see it as a kitten when it has been a snake to me.
(I am not alone in this perspective; to the Palestinians, too, Israel is Satan; but we are talking here about Judaism's torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath, not Judaism's torture-enslavement of the Palestinians, though they are two grapes in the same cluster.)
And here is how the metaphor works.
Like Dante and Virgil in the center of Hell, Satan looming over them, I, Virgil, was in the center of Jerusalem, Satan looming over me, me sitting in that cul-de-sac I loved so much, talking to God in my casual way, looking at the stone wall of Old Jerusalem not three feet in front of my eyes; and then...and then...and then one of the massive stones that make up the wall, one of the massive stones that have been in place for perhaps thousands of years, cracked right before my eyes.
This was a message from God exclusively and quietly to me, a message saying what would happen to my primary torture-enslaver, Judaism.
Fast forward some 35 years, 35 years of torture-enslavement by the Jews and their goons, the Americans, and the story some 22 days from now takes us to that Crack in the Wall of Old Jerusalem, to the promise promised long, long ago; takes us to Dante and Virgil leaving Hell, and Virgil and God destroying the Hell the Jews cast Virgil into.
Crack in the wall of Jerusalem; crack of the doom of Judaism, some 22 days away.
And crack in the hope of America, Judaism's drone ally in the torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath; Judaism's drone ally in the torture-enslavement of the Palestinians.
The United States of America, a nation at war with God, allied with Israel, also a nation at war with God, two war mongers, two poison peas in the same poison pod.
For those Dear Readers who are interested in God's military tactics, America and Israel fell into the same draw play because they have a common military-economic policy, that of intentionally creating enemies.
Both of them seek to make enemies of far weaker nations, and paint those nations as evil and paint themselves as good.
It is almost impossible for America and Israel to live in peace with other nations, their need for enemies being so great, their creation of enemies being so habitual, their downright pleasure in lording it over the weaker being so irresistible.
When God created one audibly telepathic human being it was as if God were re-creating the forbidden fruit story, Israel taking the role of Eve, the USA taking the role of Adam, the Telepath being a forbidden apple on the on the forbidden apple tree.
The First God's Space War Maxim is, "The nature of the surprise attack is surprise, the nature of its cousin, the draw play, is infliction".
I was Satan Bait in a God's Space War draw play to destroy Satan, and Israel and its drone ally, the United States of America, took the bait.
Hook, line and sinker.
Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923
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