Friday, November 07, 2008

The $1,116 Billion Defeat

The 56th Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 56th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 54th Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The 38th Day of Hell for the American People

Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America and victim-fascist Israel learn they are at war with God, within 20 days

Surrender, You Cowardly Gentile and Jewish Bastards and Bitches

"Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.

"But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.

"Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time is."--Mark 13:31, 32, 33

Today's God's Space War code is "Dichotomy".

We are expecting a God's Space War hit on Thursday, November 13.

When you make an enemy you have an enemy, better to not make one if you do not want one. We are now within 20 days of your enemy, God, entering into the fray.

How did it come to this, the United States and America and Israel at war with God?

Simply put, consistent violation of God's laws. Less simply put, the approaching death of the planet Earth.

We have discussed these things in this work for a very long time, and as far as I can see, from the windowless torture chamber the Americans keep me in, there is no understanding anywhere from sea to shining sea of what we are saying.

Perhaps no understanding is possible. Perhaps the Americans are too stupid and too mean to understand. Perhaps we are expecting bulls to be stallions.

We have 20 days or fewer to find a point of intelligence and kindness in the United States of America. God tells us it is possible; God tells us this dismal swamp of humanity does not go on forever, this windless and clogged sea does not cover the Earth.

We seek direction. We have 360 degrees of choice of to where our compass points.

Those of you who know this work know we sometimes travel into the future. In fact, we are always from a few seconds to a few days ahead in Time; and if you have seriously followed this work you know we often record the future before it takes place.

Sometimes we record events in advance with the intent of preventing those events from taking place.

For example, we knew there was (and know there still is) a plan to atom bomb Cincinnati, Ohio; and although we received no end of abuse for saying so, we know that plan has been--at least temporarily--thwarted. Laugh all you like, but those Cincinnati people have not yet been fried, although the plan to atom bomb Cincinnati is still in place and will likely stay in place until after Inauguration Day.

(George W. Bush will destroy the world. Do not take your eye off that ball. Even as you read these words the swirling demons of his mind are seeking ways to start World War Three.)

As another example, there was a plan in motion to murder Obama when he was in Israel, and I.C. News warned of it. Would it have taken place had I.C. News not warned? There is no way of knowing, but better to warn than to weep.

I.C. News travels into the future in attempts to change the future. We have traveled into the future and seen this Earth dead in 2065, just as we traveled into the future and saw Israel's murder of Reuters' cameraman Fadel Shana before it took place--and recorded it in this work before it took place.

(See the archives if you do not believe me. Our advance documentation of Shana's murder by Israel is there in black and white. Shana was murdered on April 16, this year. I.C. News' exquisite advance documentation appeared a few days before.)

The whole point of I.C. News is to prevent Bad Future, to warn Titanic about the iceberg, to warn Pearl Harbor about the attack, to warn Fadel Shana that Israel was planning to murder him, to warn the human being it will be extinct by 2045, and so on.

When events prove us right, we have failed.

This is also, in a nutshell, the history and purpose of extraterrestrial contact with Earth, and the explanation of why the modern "UFO" phenomenon has been taking place.

Every civilization in this galaxy knows the future of the planet Earth, explosion and death, and exactly when, its debris eventually encircling the Sun like an asteroid belt, because they have watched it happen from afar.

You have heard of the phenomenon of which I speak. When you see the light from a star you are seeing that light as it was long, long ago, and it could be true that star no longer exists and the final light of its disappearance will not reach Earth for hundreds or thousands of years.

The story of the death of this Earth is much the same. It was seen, it was observed, long, long ago.

There have been expeditions to this Earth from planets circling many Suns, and some from civilizations that do not live on planets at all but exist totally in space like fish exist in seas.

All expeditions to this Earth travel forward in Space and backward in Time, the purpose of all expeditions being to prevent the death of this Earth, which has in fact already taken place; that is, to change the history of your world from hopelessness to hopefulness.

Let me put it this way. Say I had been a free man before I heard of Israel's plan to murder Fadel Shana, I mean free enough long enough to have established the credentials I should long ago been allowed by psycho-fascist America and victim-fascist Israel to establish.

Shana, who is now dead and decomposing, would still be alive, living his life, loving his wife, fathering his children and pursuing his career as a TV news cameraman; and those who murdered him, and those higher up who ordered his murder, might not be damned.

Such credentials are not established overnight, and when, for example, NBC buried my advance warning of the Squeaky Fromme attempt to assassinate President Gerald Ford in 1975, NBC by chain of events made my attempt to save Shana's life an exercise in futility.

The same is true, of course, of my attempts to warn of the 9/11 attack, but those warnings were prior to I.C. News being on the Internet and the evidence of my warnings has likely been destroyed by those who I mailed warnings to.

Cover your ass; the American way.

Consider how different history might have been if NBC had not been so mean and so stupid to have hidden from the world the accuracy of my warning about Ford's danger in 1975.

Sure, I would have missed out on over 30 years of American torture-enslavement, but...

Ronald Reagan would not have been wounded, and...

John Lennon would not have been murdered, and...

At least two school shootings would not have taken place, and...

The 9/11 attack would have been prevented; and since 911 has led to thousands of American deaths and tens of thousands of Iraqi, Afghani and Pakistani deaths, those deaths would not have taken place, and...

and...and...and by now I would have proven my point that this Earth is dying in less that 60 years from today, and that the human race is going extinct in less than 40 years from today, and the human being would be applying itself to solutions rather than sitting around with its thumb up its ass.

Telepath torture-enslavement, even though it is delicious fun for the psycho-fascist American people, is very, very expensive.

You see my point, I think, the purpose of I.C. News is to prevent bad news from happening, to change the future for the better.

Look how much better the future would have been had I.C. News' warnings about 9/11 gotten through in useful form, or even on a much smaller scale, if I.C. News had been able to save Shana from being murdered by Israel.

Opportunity is finite. The extraterrestrial attempt to save this Earth has been underway for some 50 thousand-plus years, and it is not likely we can hurl that cannonball again.

In theory, yes, it might be possible, if Earth were not the only planet that died long, long ago; and in theory, yes, that on the next try the human being might not be so mean and so stupid...but the mathematics of it, Dear Reader, the mathematics of it is beyond even those of us who have traveled light-years forward in Space and eons backward in Time in our attempt to save this Earth from death; and frankly I do not think we would have the means or the will to try again, but that's another story.

The point, Dear Reader, is that every child throughout the Milky Way Galaxy--except on this Earth--knows when this Earth dies less than 60 years from now; and when this Earth dies for the second time less than 60 years from now, this Earth dies forever.

This is the "UFO" story as it truly is. This is the story of Moses as it truly is. This is the story of Jesus as it truly is. This is the story of Buddha as it truly is. This is the story of Krishna as it truly is. This is the story of my life as it truly is. This is the story of America's and Israel's damnation as it truly is.

More on this next time, if no bigger news is breaking.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923


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