The $1,118 Billion Defeat
The 58th Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 58th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 56th Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It
The 40th Day of Hell for the American People
Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America and victim-fascist Israel learn they are at war with God, within 18 days
Surrender, You Cowardly Gentile and Jewish Bastards and Bitches
We are expecting a God's Space War hit on Thursday, November 13.
"No I would not give you false hope"On this strange and mournful day"But the mother and child reunion"Is only a motion away..."
--From Mother and Child Reunion by Paul Simon
I used to do this thing a long time ago, which you might think kind of silly. When the helicopters set down in the middle of Hell, when the helicopters set down in Satan's Vietnam LZs, I used to swing my backpack around to cover my chest before I jumped out and into the battle, as if it's canvas and contents of toilet paper and cigarettes would stop Gook bullets from passing through.
Nothing is everything, sometimes, when nothing is all you have.
I mention this today because I have some Israeli-Americans mad at me in that bullet way. It was to be expected, they murdered my children and destroyed my life's work, sooner or later they would want their ritual coup de grace.
Today's God's Space War code is "False Hope", false hope being the only hope the United States of America and Israel have in their war against God.
There is a common flaw in the Americans and the Israelis, they believe they can do any amount of evil and God will support it. I am not here to heal them, I am here to record their damnation.
The question we ask today is:
Did Hitler give the Jews the right to be Hitler? Hitler is what the Jews have been to the Palestinians; Hitler is what the Jews have been to me, the only audible mental telepath in the history of the world.
I am sure this could be explained by psycho-fascist Jewish shrinks, but psycho-fascist Jewish shrinks never psychoanalyze the Jewish race, they blame it all on Jewish mothers and Jewish fathers. Like sodomites think sodomy is healthy sex, psycho-fascist Jewish shrinks think Jewish perfidy and Jewish betrayal is normal human behavior.
I know I am rapidly becoming the Bad Guy of the Age, that people are comparing my Obituary of the World to Hitler's Mein Kampf for my saying the Jews are the mirror image of the Nazis.
Few can now read me without puking, and my readership is down 80 per cent; but my job is to report this Earth will be dead in less than 60 years, not to be the most popular boy in school.
I am a newsman, Dear Reader, and the news is the Jews have been conning yous for four thousand years. Hate me for it, but that is the news.
At I.C. News we go where the news is, and like I went from my Tokyo Heaven to Vietnam Hell for that story, I later went from my Tokyo Heaven to America Hell for this story; and the Big Story, Dear Reader, is the death of this Earth by 2065.
Sure, I.C. News is alone on this story. I am sorry, but this is what we old timey journalists call a "scoop"; and modern American newspeople don't have the balls for scoops; they are jackals, they approach wounded stories in packs.
As I study the death of this Earth, as I watch it coming like you watch a freight train coming down the track, again and again I see that the two leading causes of that death are the United States of America and Israel, the two self-proclaimed Virgin Marys in the whorehouse which is this world.
A few days ago I broke the story that there had been an election held in the United States of America, and told you I would tell you who had won it when I knew.
The winner was Israel, as can be seen in Obama's choice of the Israeli-American Rahm Emanuel as his chief of staff.
Israel owns the Democratic Party.
Israel owns the Republican Party.
Israel owns the Republican American Fascist Party, of which George W. Bush is the current titular head.
Israel owns the government of the United States of America.
Israel owns American fundamentalist Christianity.
Poor America, bought and paid for, conned and owned by Israel.
It is less possible to be a critic of Israel in the United States of America than to be a Baptist Pope in the Vatican. Less possible...less possible.
I have said from the start of this recently completed election season that Obama's great weakness is that he is utterly lacking in the courage department. He has no balls and he has no dick when it comes to courage.
I am sorry to say this; I wish it were otherwise; but if wishes were fishes everyone in the world would eat well.
Israel hates Obama, but before he enters the White House Israel owns him.
It is a pity that the first black man in the White house has no dick and no balls at all; but dick and balls is why the white man hates the black man, so what could one expect but the election of a black Kewpie Doll?
Israel and its drone ally, the United States of America, are the root causes of endless war on this Earth, and the root causes of the death of this Earth in less than 60 years.
(Right now I have Israeli assassins seeking me out, but to Hell with them, to Hell with them, to Hell with them forevermore.)
After past elections I have ritualistically asked the presidents-elect to emancipate me; Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton and Bush, all refused; and under each and all, America's torture-enslavement of me became even more severe.
I am not going to ask this president-elect to emancipate me; he is clearly too busy French-kissing Israel's ass to talk to or about me.
I know, I am the Bad Guy in America's new movie, but what am I to do? Let the Jews torture me, let them tack me up on their Cross of Perfidy, and say they are as sweet as sugar candy?
I, like you, may be buried in pro-Jewish propaganda going back four thousand years, but my life's lesson teaches me the propaganda is false.
Odd, isn't it? I used to favor the Jews in the Israel-Palestine story until the Jews invaded me like I was a rape victim tied down for them to sodomize; and I began to wonder: If it is this way they treat me because I am audibly telepathic, is it the same with the way they treat the Palestinians because they are the natives of Palestine?
And, with a brief study of history to counterbalance Hollywood and TV pro-Israel propaganda, I saw that it was, that the Israelis are as nasty to the Palestinians as the Israeli-Americans are to me.
I speak in this way today, knowing I am losing even more readers, because it is becoming more and more clear that God is going to attack the United States of America and Israel on or before November 27, that God is going to attack the Americans and the Jews because they are so American and so Jewish.
Believe it or not, God is offended by American and Israeli claims of ownership of God; believe it or not, God is offended by murder in the name of God, theft in the name of God.
Hate me for saying it, Dear Reader, but I have been a friend of God for eight million years, and I know God, and I know God loathes the psycho-fascist United Stated of America and the victim-fascist state Israel.
I don't mean the God of the Muslims, I mean the God of all, Christian, Jewish, Islamic, Buddhist, Hindu, and Booga-Booga.
There is one God; and no race or religion of this Earth owns God, no race or religion has the inside track.
It seems God, like I, does not worry about being unpopular.
The greatest lie on the face of this Earth is that the Jews are the chosen people of God. Who told you they were? The Jews.
Every wicked thing they have done to the Palestinians they claim to have done with God's permission and encouragement. This is blasphemy straight out of the fiction of the Old Testament.
You might ask would I feel the same about the Jews if they had not incessantly tortured me since God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy over 35 years ago?
Well, no, I would probably still believe the Jewish propaganda, I would likely still believe the Israeli Jews are kittens in a basket surrounded by mean-snake Muslims, but that was the whole point in God's giving me the gift of audible mental telepathy, to compel me to know people by their works and not their propagandistic self-praises and their holy rationalizations for murder.
The most unreported news story in the United States today--other than America's torture-enslavement of the only audible mental telepath ever to walk the face of this Earth--is the genocide of the Palestinians by the Jews; (oops, genocide is now called "ethnic cleansing"); and I find it most interesting and telling that the Jews, who led America in the torture-enslavement of me, have also been ethnic-cleaning Palestinians since 1948.
Call me a mean man for saying this. To you may be is ok for the Jews to torture me for over 35 years, and to you it may be mean of me to be critical of them.
This in a nutshell is the history of Judaism: Victim Fascism. False claim of being God's most beloved people. Geniuses at false propaganda.
No, Dear Reader, hate me for it; but the Old Testament is not the word of God. The Old Testament is Jewish folk history dignified by Jesus.
But for Jesus, the Old Testament would be an obscure document.
As I move my backpack around to cover my chest as my helicopter sets down in God's Space War LZ I wonder, hmmmm, whom else can I alienate while I still have breath in my lungs?
Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923
The 58th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 56th Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It
The 40th Day of Hell for the American People
Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America and victim-fascist Israel learn they are at war with God, within 18 days
Surrender, You Cowardly Gentile and Jewish Bastards and Bitches
We are expecting a God's Space War hit on Thursday, November 13.
"No I would not give you false hope"On this strange and mournful day"But the mother and child reunion"Is only a motion away..."
--From Mother and Child Reunion by Paul Simon
I used to do this thing a long time ago, which you might think kind of silly. When the helicopters set down in the middle of Hell, when the helicopters set down in Satan's Vietnam LZs, I used to swing my backpack around to cover my chest before I jumped out and into the battle, as if it's canvas and contents of toilet paper and cigarettes would stop Gook bullets from passing through.
Nothing is everything, sometimes, when nothing is all you have.
I mention this today because I have some Israeli-Americans mad at me in that bullet way. It was to be expected, they murdered my children and destroyed my life's work, sooner or later they would want their ritual coup de grace.
Today's God's Space War code is "False Hope", false hope being the only hope the United States of America and Israel have in their war against God.
There is a common flaw in the Americans and the Israelis, they believe they can do any amount of evil and God will support it. I am not here to heal them, I am here to record their damnation.
The question we ask today is:
Did Hitler give the Jews the right to be Hitler? Hitler is what the Jews have been to the Palestinians; Hitler is what the Jews have been to me, the only audible mental telepath in the history of the world.
I am sure this could be explained by psycho-fascist Jewish shrinks, but psycho-fascist Jewish shrinks never psychoanalyze the Jewish race, they blame it all on Jewish mothers and Jewish fathers. Like sodomites think sodomy is healthy sex, psycho-fascist Jewish shrinks think Jewish perfidy and Jewish betrayal is normal human behavior.
I know I am rapidly becoming the Bad Guy of the Age, that people are comparing my Obituary of the World to Hitler's Mein Kampf for my saying the Jews are the mirror image of the Nazis.
Few can now read me without puking, and my readership is down 80 per cent; but my job is to report this Earth will be dead in less than 60 years, not to be the most popular boy in school.
I am a newsman, Dear Reader, and the news is the Jews have been conning yous for four thousand years. Hate me for it, but that is the news.
At I.C. News we go where the news is, and like I went from my Tokyo Heaven to Vietnam Hell for that story, I later went from my Tokyo Heaven to America Hell for this story; and the Big Story, Dear Reader, is the death of this Earth by 2065.
Sure, I.C. News is alone on this story. I am sorry, but this is what we old timey journalists call a "scoop"; and modern American newspeople don't have the balls for scoops; they are jackals, they approach wounded stories in packs.
As I study the death of this Earth, as I watch it coming like you watch a freight train coming down the track, again and again I see that the two leading causes of that death are the United States of America and Israel, the two self-proclaimed Virgin Marys in the whorehouse which is this world.
A few days ago I broke the story that there had been an election held in the United States of America, and told you I would tell you who had won it when I knew.
The winner was Israel, as can be seen in Obama's choice of the Israeli-American Rahm Emanuel as his chief of staff.
Israel owns the Democratic Party.
Israel owns the Republican Party.
Israel owns the Republican American Fascist Party, of which George W. Bush is the current titular head.
Israel owns the government of the United States of America.
Israel owns American fundamentalist Christianity.
Poor America, bought and paid for, conned and owned by Israel.
It is less possible to be a critic of Israel in the United States of America than to be a Baptist Pope in the Vatican. Less possible...less possible.
I have said from the start of this recently completed election season that Obama's great weakness is that he is utterly lacking in the courage department. He has no balls and he has no dick when it comes to courage.
I am sorry to say this; I wish it were otherwise; but if wishes were fishes everyone in the world would eat well.
Israel hates Obama, but before he enters the White House Israel owns him.
It is a pity that the first black man in the White house has no dick and no balls at all; but dick and balls is why the white man hates the black man, so what could one expect but the election of a black Kewpie Doll?
Israel and its drone ally, the United States of America, are the root causes of endless war on this Earth, and the root causes of the death of this Earth in less than 60 years.
(Right now I have Israeli assassins seeking me out, but to Hell with them, to Hell with them, to Hell with them forevermore.)
After past elections I have ritualistically asked the presidents-elect to emancipate me; Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton and Bush, all refused; and under each and all, America's torture-enslavement of me became even more severe.
I am not going to ask this president-elect to emancipate me; he is clearly too busy French-kissing Israel's ass to talk to or about me.
I know, I am the Bad Guy in America's new movie, but what am I to do? Let the Jews torture me, let them tack me up on their Cross of Perfidy, and say they are as sweet as sugar candy?
I, like you, may be buried in pro-Jewish propaganda going back four thousand years, but my life's lesson teaches me the propaganda is false.
Odd, isn't it? I used to favor the Jews in the Israel-Palestine story until the Jews invaded me like I was a rape victim tied down for them to sodomize; and I began to wonder: If it is this way they treat me because I am audibly telepathic, is it the same with the way they treat the Palestinians because they are the natives of Palestine?
And, with a brief study of history to counterbalance Hollywood and TV pro-Israel propaganda, I saw that it was, that the Israelis are as nasty to the Palestinians as the Israeli-Americans are to me.
I speak in this way today, knowing I am losing even more readers, because it is becoming more and more clear that God is going to attack the United States of America and Israel on or before November 27, that God is going to attack the Americans and the Jews because they are so American and so Jewish.
Believe it or not, God is offended by American and Israeli claims of ownership of God; believe it or not, God is offended by murder in the name of God, theft in the name of God.
Hate me for saying it, Dear Reader, but I have been a friend of God for eight million years, and I know God, and I know God loathes the psycho-fascist United Stated of America and the victim-fascist state Israel.
I don't mean the God of the Muslims, I mean the God of all, Christian, Jewish, Islamic, Buddhist, Hindu, and Booga-Booga.
There is one God; and no race or religion of this Earth owns God, no race or religion has the inside track.
It seems God, like I, does not worry about being unpopular.
The greatest lie on the face of this Earth is that the Jews are the chosen people of God. Who told you they were? The Jews.
Every wicked thing they have done to the Palestinians they claim to have done with God's permission and encouragement. This is blasphemy straight out of the fiction of the Old Testament.
You might ask would I feel the same about the Jews if they had not incessantly tortured me since God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy over 35 years ago?
Well, no, I would probably still believe the Jewish propaganda, I would likely still believe the Israeli Jews are kittens in a basket surrounded by mean-snake Muslims, but that was the whole point in God's giving me the gift of audible mental telepathy, to compel me to know people by their works and not their propagandistic self-praises and their holy rationalizations for murder.
The most unreported news story in the United States today--other than America's torture-enslavement of the only audible mental telepath ever to walk the face of this Earth--is the genocide of the Palestinians by the Jews; (oops, genocide is now called "ethnic cleansing"); and I find it most interesting and telling that the Jews, who led America in the torture-enslavement of me, have also been ethnic-cleaning Palestinians since 1948.
Call me a mean man for saying this. To you may be is ok for the Jews to torture me for over 35 years, and to you it may be mean of me to be critical of them.
This in a nutshell is the history of Judaism: Victim Fascism. False claim of being God's most beloved people. Geniuses at false propaganda.
No, Dear Reader, hate me for it; but the Old Testament is not the word of God. The Old Testament is Jewish folk history dignified by Jesus.
But for Jesus, the Old Testament would be an obscure document.
As I move my backpack around to cover my chest as my helicopter sets down in God's Space War LZ I wonder, hmmmm, whom else can I alienate while I still have breath in my lungs?
Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923
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