The $1,119 Billion Defeat
The 59th Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 59th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 57th Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It
The 41st Day of Hell for the American People
Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America and victim-fascist Israel learn they are at war with God, within 17 days
Surrender, You Cowardly Gentile and Jewish Bastards and Bitches
We are expecting a God's Space War hit on Thursday, November 13.
"The wicked watches the righteous, and seeks to slay him."--Psalm 37:32
When a mortar round leaves the tube there is a little "puff" sound, and you know someone not very far away doesn't like you all that much; and after that there is not much to do but lie around for a few seconds, perhaps admire the stars if it is night, perhaps pucker up your lips to kiss your ass goodbye, and depending on the luck of the draw, you live or you die.
So it is at I.C. News today. We have heard the puff and we have the stuff, so I thought we might return to our story of Space and the Nature of Space Travel, and let Fate unravel to where it will.
When last we spoke of this I told you extraterrestrials have been visiting this Earth for over 50 thousand years. Actually it's about 57 thousand.
Extraterrestrial contact with human beings has been going on for about 30 thousand years; prior to that there were studies of various other aspects of this Earth.
The goal of this contact has been, on the most part, to change the course of the human being from hopelessness to hopefulness; because, as I explained the other day, all extraterrestrials--except those in nearby solar systems who were also being destroyed--watched the explosion of this Earth and what amounted to the damnation of every Soul on it.
This happened in December, 2064. Happened, past tense.
This, believe it or not, presented all civilizations within the Milky Way Galaxy with a moral dilemma, hence the great endeavor of many species traveling forward in Space and backward in Time for the sole purpose of preventing what had already happened.
The problem is more simply stated than is carrying out the solution.
The equation was Weight, Mass, Momentum and Time, with the added complication of the planet-round insanity of the human being.
No buts, you are all nuts.
Let's create a metaphor, a cartoon movie to depict the problem we extraterrestrials faced, but of which you terrestrials were and remain unaware.
Imagine a bowling ball exactly the size of this Earth rolling down a bowling lane 57 thousand years long, heading for a perfect strike, but all ten pins are planet-killer nuclear bombs. Weight, Mass, Momentum and Time.
Though this will cause you good bowlers like Obama to cringe, we must change this perfect strike to a gutter ball.
All we have to do this with is one peacock feather, with which to repeatedly tap the ball as we run along beside it.
Enter the crazy factor; as we do this, as we make this effort, the lunatic species called the human being is constantly attacking us, and demanding we stop hitting the bowling ball planet with the feather.
There you have the equation we God's Space Sailors work with, Weight, Mass, Momentum and Time, with the added complication of the planet-round insanity of the human being.
The dilemma the planet Earth and all life and love upon it face is somewhat unique in the Milky Way Galaxy, although it occurs on a regular basis throughout the Universe.
Don't get mad at God when I tell you this; though you are likely too because you are a species of lunatics.
Galaxies now and then collide with galaxies, and that is happening to the Milky Way Galaxy even as you read these words. It was happening before Shakespeare knew how to write. It was happening before Helen of Troy's face launched a thousand ships.
You get my point. This is an old, old story; and it was the observing this collision with much interest and much scrutiny which brought about the great expeditions to Earth and other populated planets in this part of the galaxy; and ultimately the decision that this Earth could be saved; and ultimately the stories of Buddha, and Krishna, and Moses, and Jesus, and untold numbers of peacock feathers whose existence were not recorded in human history.
Yes, I, too, am a peacock feather. If you don't like it, take it up with the Peacock.
I had planned to close off here with today's report, but my Old Pal God has asked me to make another point or two, actually three:
One, the location of the collision relative to Earth.
Two, the normal gestation of Life on planets such as Earth, and how the disruption caused by the collision has caused Earth to have what might be called a "problem pregnancy".
Three, the duty of God's One True Telepath in all this; although you might prefer to call my duty my "role" because you are all but actors upon this stage. No matter, duty for God is sweet whatever it is called.
So, the first of the three additional points God has asked me to make today. I had planned to make them next time but that mortar round is in flight and it is possible there might not be a next time.
Picture a clock face, and overlay the Milky Way Galaxy on that clock face. See the Earth at the Three and the collision at the One.
Now see the Milky Way Galaxy spinning counter-clockwise, the Three after a time to be where the One is now, the One moving on to where the Eleven is now. This movement takes millions of years.
While the Earth will never catch up with the collision it is passing through Space where the collision was, through a kind of debris field, shock waves, perhaps, radiation, perhaps, but an invisible tsunami of some sort.
(If you want a more scientific explanation ask Einstein. You say Einstein is dead. No, he is not. No one is dead. That's the big moral dilemma that triggered the Time-Space expeditions I am telling you about. If you could die, well, you would be dead and we wouldn't have to worry about you; but because you cannot die we cannot abandon you to the Hell of planet-less existence. It is our version of The Law of the Sea.)
The second point, gestation of life on planets, touches on the hem of the Great Fatherhood of God, because Mother Earth is a true mother, and you, and all the horses and all the whales, and on and on, are like fetuses in the womb of Mother Earth.
That is where babies come from; that is where Angels come from; that is where the great societies that travel forward in Space and backward in Time to come to your aid come from. They all passed through gestation and were born.
We God's Space Sailors say Earth is a planet on a broken twig, like an apple on the apple tree which is the Milky Way Galaxy, which through accident of storm is growing on a broken branch and therefore not developing normally.
This is why the human being is a lunatic.
For example, on normal apples all around the Milky Way Galaxy there are never any wars. Never. None.
War is counter-evolutionary. It kills off the best seed, leaving the left-over seed to do most of the reproduction. So, what you see around you, and what you see in the mirror, are products of that process.
You can see that continuing process in the news every day, because the United States of America is killing off its best seed in Iraq and in Afghanistan--and soon in Pakistan and Iran and Syria if Israeli-American madness has its way.
So, on a normally gestating planet, an Earth man six feet tall with an I.Q. of 140 might be a man eight feet tall with an I.Q. of 200, because he is the product of first-class seed over centuries, the first class seed not having been killed off in wars. Survival of the fittest, just like the bears and the mooses.
This is really a very complex equation, but you get the idea from this simple example.
Without war, the human race would have been in Space by the time of Christ.
And that brings me, Dear Reader, to my duty in all this. Basically, my duty is to point out the problem by writing The Obituary of the World.
I would prefer to point out the problem in terms other than religious and political, but since you human beings are so insane religiously and politically you have forced that avenue; and even in that forcing have limited me to what I can say.
For example, you Americans limit me to talking about the flaws in America because you Americans will not let me travel the world; you limit me to talking about the flaws in Christianity and Judaism because you will not let me walk among other religions.
Within that context, let me make this point I have made several times before:
If the Jews had lived by the laws Moses gave them, they would have brought peace and enlightenment to the world by 1000 B.C.
If the Christians had lived by the laws Jesus gave them, they would have brought peace and enlightenment to the world by 1000 A.D.
Each of those two peacock feathers could have saved this Earth.
If you Americans had applied the laws of God and the Constitution of the United States of America to me when God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy, there would have been no school shootings; there would have been no 9/11 attack; there would there would be knowledge now lost with which you could understand the relationship between earthquakes and oil, between suicide bombings and injustice, between wise and brave leadership and stupid and cowardly "leadership".
Do you see my point? You Jews, you Christians, you Americans are outlaws, living outside of God's laws as you claim to know them; the result is perpetual disaster.
Add to that the fact the entire human race is an outlaw and there arises the choice we God's Space Sailors face, aborting the human being or watching the Planet Earth die.
I intend to continue this true space story next time, if no more urgent news is breaking; but that mortar round in coming in, Dear Reader, most likely today.
This is no big deal. I have lived through my share of mortar rounds, and days like this is what we war correspondents live for.
War correspondent? Earth, Dear Reader, is War; and that is almost all it is.
Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923
The 59th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 57th Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It
The 41st Day of Hell for the American People
Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America and victim-fascist Israel learn they are at war with God, within 17 days
Surrender, You Cowardly Gentile and Jewish Bastards and Bitches
We are expecting a God's Space War hit on Thursday, November 13.
"The wicked watches the righteous, and seeks to slay him."--Psalm 37:32
When a mortar round leaves the tube there is a little "puff" sound, and you know someone not very far away doesn't like you all that much; and after that there is not much to do but lie around for a few seconds, perhaps admire the stars if it is night, perhaps pucker up your lips to kiss your ass goodbye, and depending on the luck of the draw, you live or you die.
So it is at I.C. News today. We have heard the puff and we have the stuff, so I thought we might return to our story of Space and the Nature of Space Travel, and let Fate unravel to where it will.
When last we spoke of this I told you extraterrestrials have been visiting this Earth for over 50 thousand years. Actually it's about 57 thousand.
Extraterrestrial contact with human beings has been going on for about 30 thousand years; prior to that there were studies of various other aspects of this Earth.
The goal of this contact has been, on the most part, to change the course of the human being from hopelessness to hopefulness; because, as I explained the other day, all extraterrestrials--except those in nearby solar systems who were also being destroyed--watched the explosion of this Earth and what amounted to the damnation of every Soul on it.
This happened in December, 2064. Happened, past tense.
This, believe it or not, presented all civilizations within the Milky Way Galaxy with a moral dilemma, hence the great endeavor of many species traveling forward in Space and backward in Time for the sole purpose of preventing what had already happened.
The problem is more simply stated than is carrying out the solution.
The equation was Weight, Mass, Momentum and Time, with the added complication of the planet-round insanity of the human being.
No buts, you are all nuts.
Let's create a metaphor, a cartoon movie to depict the problem we extraterrestrials faced, but of which you terrestrials were and remain unaware.
Imagine a bowling ball exactly the size of this Earth rolling down a bowling lane 57 thousand years long, heading for a perfect strike, but all ten pins are planet-killer nuclear bombs. Weight, Mass, Momentum and Time.
Though this will cause you good bowlers like Obama to cringe, we must change this perfect strike to a gutter ball.
All we have to do this with is one peacock feather, with which to repeatedly tap the ball as we run along beside it.
Enter the crazy factor; as we do this, as we make this effort, the lunatic species called the human being is constantly attacking us, and demanding we stop hitting the bowling ball planet with the feather.
There you have the equation we God's Space Sailors work with, Weight, Mass, Momentum and Time, with the added complication of the planet-round insanity of the human being.
The dilemma the planet Earth and all life and love upon it face is somewhat unique in the Milky Way Galaxy, although it occurs on a regular basis throughout the Universe.
Don't get mad at God when I tell you this; though you are likely too because you are a species of lunatics.
Galaxies now and then collide with galaxies, and that is happening to the Milky Way Galaxy even as you read these words. It was happening before Shakespeare knew how to write. It was happening before Helen of Troy's face launched a thousand ships.
You get my point. This is an old, old story; and it was the observing this collision with much interest and much scrutiny which brought about the great expeditions to Earth and other populated planets in this part of the galaxy; and ultimately the decision that this Earth could be saved; and ultimately the stories of Buddha, and Krishna, and Moses, and Jesus, and untold numbers of peacock feathers whose existence were not recorded in human history.
Yes, I, too, am a peacock feather. If you don't like it, take it up with the Peacock.
I had planned to close off here with today's report, but my Old Pal God has asked me to make another point or two, actually three:
One, the location of the collision relative to Earth.
Two, the normal gestation of Life on planets such as Earth, and how the disruption caused by the collision has caused Earth to have what might be called a "problem pregnancy".
Three, the duty of God's One True Telepath in all this; although you might prefer to call my duty my "role" because you are all but actors upon this stage. No matter, duty for God is sweet whatever it is called.
So, the first of the three additional points God has asked me to make today. I had planned to make them next time but that mortar round is in flight and it is possible there might not be a next time.
Picture a clock face, and overlay the Milky Way Galaxy on that clock face. See the Earth at the Three and the collision at the One.
Now see the Milky Way Galaxy spinning counter-clockwise, the Three after a time to be where the One is now, the One moving on to where the Eleven is now. This movement takes millions of years.
While the Earth will never catch up with the collision it is passing through Space where the collision was, through a kind of debris field, shock waves, perhaps, radiation, perhaps, but an invisible tsunami of some sort.
(If you want a more scientific explanation ask Einstein. You say Einstein is dead. No, he is not. No one is dead. That's the big moral dilemma that triggered the Time-Space expeditions I am telling you about. If you could die, well, you would be dead and we wouldn't have to worry about you; but because you cannot die we cannot abandon you to the Hell of planet-less existence. It is our version of The Law of the Sea.)
The second point, gestation of life on planets, touches on the hem of the Great Fatherhood of God, because Mother Earth is a true mother, and you, and all the horses and all the whales, and on and on, are like fetuses in the womb of Mother Earth.
That is where babies come from; that is where Angels come from; that is where the great societies that travel forward in Space and backward in Time to come to your aid come from. They all passed through gestation and were born.
We God's Space Sailors say Earth is a planet on a broken twig, like an apple on the apple tree which is the Milky Way Galaxy, which through accident of storm is growing on a broken branch and therefore not developing normally.
This is why the human being is a lunatic.
For example, on normal apples all around the Milky Way Galaxy there are never any wars. Never. None.
War is counter-evolutionary. It kills off the best seed, leaving the left-over seed to do most of the reproduction. So, what you see around you, and what you see in the mirror, are products of that process.
You can see that continuing process in the news every day, because the United States of America is killing off its best seed in Iraq and in Afghanistan--and soon in Pakistan and Iran and Syria if Israeli-American madness has its way.
So, on a normally gestating planet, an Earth man six feet tall with an I.Q. of 140 might be a man eight feet tall with an I.Q. of 200, because he is the product of first-class seed over centuries, the first class seed not having been killed off in wars. Survival of the fittest, just like the bears and the mooses.
This is really a very complex equation, but you get the idea from this simple example.
Without war, the human race would have been in Space by the time of Christ.
And that brings me, Dear Reader, to my duty in all this. Basically, my duty is to point out the problem by writing The Obituary of the World.
I would prefer to point out the problem in terms other than religious and political, but since you human beings are so insane religiously and politically you have forced that avenue; and even in that forcing have limited me to what I can say.
For example, you Americans limit me to talking about the flaws in America because you Americans will not let me travel the world; you limit me to talking about the flaws in Christianity and Judaism because you will not let me walk among other religions.
Within that context, let me make this point I have made several times before:
If the Jews had lived by the laws Moses gave them, they would have brought peace and enlightenment to the world by 1000 B.C.
If the Christians had lived by the laws Jesus gave them, they would have brought peace and enlightenment to the world by 1000 A.D.
Each of those two peacock feathers could have saved this Earth.
If you Americans had applied the laws of God and the Constitution of the United States of America to me when God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy, there would have been no school shootings; there would have been no 9/11 attack; there would there would be knowledge now lost with which you could understand the relationship between earthquakes and oil, between suicide bombings and injustice, between wise and brave leadership and stupid and cowardly "leadership".
Do you see my point? You Jews, you Christians, you Americans are outlaws, living outside of God's laws as you claim to know them; the result is perpetual disaster.
Add to that the fact the entire human race is an outlaw and there arises the choice we God's Space Sailors face, aborting the human being or watching the Planet Earth die.
I intend to continue this true space story next time, if no more urgent news is breaking; but that mortar round in coming in, Dear Reader, most likely today.
This is no big deal. I have lived through my share of mortar rounds, and days like this is what we war correspondents live for.
War correspondent? Earth, Dear Reader, is War; and that is almost all it is.
Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4923
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