Saturday, November 15, 2008

The $1,124 Billion Defeat

The 64th Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 64th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 62nd Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The 46th Day of Hell for the American People

Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America and victim-fascist Israel learn they are at war with God, within 12 days

Surrender, You Cowardly Gentile and Jewish Bastards and Bitches

Today's God's Space War codes are "White Fright" and "Gone With the Wind"

As Israel and the United States of America approach--in less than two weeks--the knowledge that they both are at war with God, I.C. News puzzles over the God's Space War codes it has recently received.

While both those conjoined warmongering, torturing nations seem about to learn their sad, conjoined fates at about the same time, the roads to that knowledge seem to be unique for each.

Today we look at the road America is on, the road deep, deep into Hell. We don't know much about it yet; but we will tell you what we have as soon as we have it.

Thursday we had the strong code "Seven Victories", and several hours later news of the Southern California firestorm broke.

We don't know if we got the code before the fire started, but we know we got it well before the fire made national news.

Had we not received the Seven Victories code, and had the fire not started on a date we had anticipated and published for some two weeks in advance, we would not be considering this event a God's Space War maneuver, as we are; such fires being common this time of year in Southern California.

Recall, we also documented the economic collapse two days in advance, and the date of the extorted bailout some 20 days in advance, marking Congress' passing of that Hitler-Bush National Socialist bill as the day the American people entered Hell.

Returning to Thursday's Seven Victories code, we do not yet have a clear idea of what it means and how it will play out.

For example, will there be seven separate events? Or will the firestorm, which the code anticipated, last seven days? Or does Seven Victories mean something else entirely?

We think Seven Victories is the former, seven events, but we do not yet know.

Whatever the code means, it seems it must play out within 13 days, because within 13 days the American people will learn they are at war with God.

If it is the former, seven separate events, it will mark a never-before-seen frequency of God's Space War events, seven events coming one or two days apart when the average over the past 35 years of observation has been between one and two months apart.

I.C. News feels the primary reason God's Space War has gone on for so long without being detected is that wide spacing between events, like musical notes played too far apart to be recognizable as parts of the same melody.

We feel that if there were seven events within two weeks there would be a certain excitement, or shock, or fear generated, and since we are expecting mass public awareness of the USA's being at war with God on or before Thanksgiving Day that frequency increase seems possible.

So, for the time being the Seven Victories code is a mystery, a very interesting mystery.

A quiet code, "White Fright", came in last night, and it makes us think the Seven Victories will strike American Whites, but not American Blacks; and by extension, American rich, but not American poor.

This is pretty basic Christianity; blessed are the poor; the difficulty of the rich entering Heaven; and it fits with I.C. News' understanding that God will war against the human being from the top down, and not from the bottom up as most human warfare has it.

We further expect this Seven Victories pattern to become rather eerie to American Whites and American rich, as the awareness they are being singled out by God dawns on them.

But we are second-guessing God with these expectations, and while it is fun to pass the time this way--the only fun to be found in the torture chamber America keeps me in--we are following the story, not leading it, and we learn it as it moves along.

We know America's destination is Deep Hell, but we do not know every twist and turn in the road.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4973


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