Monday, November 24, 2008

The $1,133 Billion Defeat

The 73rd Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 73rd Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 71st Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The 55th Day of Hell for the American People

Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America and victim-fascist Israel learn they are at war with God, within three days

Surrender, You Cowardly Gentile and Jewish Bastards and Bitches

Four days of delusion left for the Americans and the Israelis, the Cowards and the Kikes; the delusion that there is no evil in what they have done and do to me.

"And the matter pleased the king and all the assembly."--II Chronicles 30:4

"And though the news was rather sad"Well I just had to laugh"I saw the photograph"--From A Day in the Life, Lennon and McCartney

I just have to laugh as I flip the dial past the TV smart asses as they pontificate on the great economic crisis, because they are all wrong, totally and utterly wrong.

The issue is the approaching death of this Earth by 2065, not whether or not wicked, gluttonous capitalism can be saved; not whether or not the United Auto Workers can continue to build unneeded autos; but whether or not the human species can escape going extinct in less than 40 years.

This is the issue God is interested in.

It is this misdirection of the American people's attention that has doomed the American people. It is the fault of the American politicians and Big American Money and the American journalists, but the people pay the price; as they always do.

When you look at or read the news today there is one critical story missing. That unreported news story is that I.C. News just documented in advance the timing of impact and the location of impact of a meteor.

There is a news story today that someone is offering $10,000 for a piece of that meteor; but there is no news story that America's tortured and enslaved telepathic newsman established a verbal photograph of the event before it took place.

That accomplishment, Dear Reader, is worth a Nobel and 16 Pulitzers, but I.C. News is blacklisted, and all news I.C. News gathers is shunted into journalism's trash can of oblivion.

As usual, the focus is on the silly, not the serious. Out of the halls of journalism come little giggles, journalism's song of stupidity before the great news story of the dire dilemma this Earth faces.

Journalism hides from the story as the death of this Earth in less than 60 years inexorably approaches; and the stock market could recover a thousandfold, and employment could be universal, and America could win all its fascist wars, and Israel could achieve its dreamed-of genocide of the Arab race, and this Earth would still die by 2065 unless that death is looked straight in the eye.

And now, Dear Reader, as we approach what we sometimes call "Cherry Pop" within three short days, that moment when the Americans and the Israelis, the Cowards and the Kikes, learn they are at war with God, let's take a look at what I.C. News accomplished last week.

Between Monday and Saturday we documented in advance the time and location of the appearance of a once or twice in a lifetime meteor, and documented in advance that the meteor's coming down would be captured by a camera, which it was.

Were I not America's torture-slave the entire world would be at the edge of its seat today, because no one one on one else in the history of the human race has ever documented a meteor impact before it took place.

Here is where I just have to laugh, America, nation of cowards that it is, having determined nearly 40 years ago that my audible mental telepathy is so unimportant that the whole country can bear false witness against its existence, and torture me for its existence, is now unable to change its course from Perfidy to Truth.

Let's underscore that: It is impossible for the United States of America to exist within Truth. No newspaper, no TV outlet, no preacher, no priest, no nun, no high school teacher, no politician, no physician, no bar fly with elbows resting on a damp bar top can tell the truth--or even face the truth about anything, anywhere, anytime concerning America's torture-enslavement of the only audible mental telepath in human history.

It cannot be discussed, it cannot be debated, yet that Telepath has documented scores of major events in advance, the most recent being that meteor's impact.

This planned and agreed upon and compulsory ignorance is the dark pit into which the United States of America and all its people have fallen; it is the bottomless pit of America's Hell.

No exit, no exit, no exit.

I say this not to argue America out of that policy. It is too late for that. It is too late for America.

The national lie is too deeply invested in, America has lived this lie for too long, America has raised three generations of children into this lie, America has let hundreds of thousands of human beings die for this lie, and America just does not have the backbone, the balls, the guts or the integrity to own up to this lie.

Due to this lie, America is the Leaning Tower of Pisa of nations, having some 73 days ago reached the tipping point, the tipping point marked by the collapse of its wicked, gluttonous and foolish economic system, and there is nought all the world can do but stay out of the impact zone as America collapses into rubble.

Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness. Simple, clear-cut, immutable. When an entire nation bears the same false witness, nuclear-level disaster results.

So goes America, so goes its evil conjoined twin, Israel.

Once America had tasted the pleasure of torturing an audibly telepathic human being it became like a junkie shooting junk into thirsty veins; it could not get enough, it could not buy or steal enough; torture, torture, torture, how the God-damned American people love torture.

The key word in the above paragraph is "God-damned".

Within three days God is going to show the Americans and the Israelis, the Cowards and the Kikes, that they are at war with God.

They will not understand at first, they are so encrusted with blind ego that their minds will be slow to comprehend that God has given them no license to murder and to steal and to torture and to lie.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4973


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