Sunday, November 23, 2008

The $1,132 Billion Defeat

The 72nd Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 72nd Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 70th Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The 54th Day of Hell for the American People

Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America and victim-fascist Israel learn they are at war with God, within four days

Surrender, You Cowardly Gentile and Jewish Bastards and Bitches

Five days of delusion left for the Americans and the Israelis, the Cowards and the Kikes; the delusion that there is no evil in what they have done and do to me.

"(Nov. 22) - Canadians and scientists are buzzing about a spectacular fireball that streaked across the western skies, an event that was captured on video.

"Most believe Thursday's stunning show was caused by a meteor. 'An event of this size, this brightness ... this is probably a once-in-a-lifetime type of event, maybe twice,' said Christopher Herd, a science professor at the University of Alberta."--Wire Service report.

This is getting better and better. God is getting ready to skin alive the two-headed snake called the United States of America and Israel.

You may remember that last Monday (The $1,126 Billion Defeat) I told you the story called The Clown and the Meteor, saying my Old Pal God said it was the story in my personal experiences with God which most closely fits how God would demonstrate to the Americans and the Israelis, the Cowards and the Kikes, that God is at war with them.

In that story I explained how as a form of entertainment on my month-long hikes in the wilderness I would lie on my back at night and mentally draw pictures in the Milky Way, as many people draw pictures in the clouds; and one night I drew a picture of a clown which seemed to dance due to eye fatigue and the shimmering atmosphere.

The nub of the story went like this:

"You see, Dear Reader, I thought I controlled the dancing clown like Disney controlled the Bluebirds in Cinderella, but all of a sudden the dancing clown stopped dancing, and looked at me, and held up the forefinger if his right hand, as if to say, 'Wait! Look at this!'."Then the clown, the clown which I had created in my mind and thought I controlled, raised his right leg and pointed to the space thus created between it and his left leg, and through that space...through that space...through that space came a meteor."Get it? The clown in the stars knew that meteor was coming, and exactly when it would come; well, God, the clown's puppeteer, knew when and where the meteor was coming."That was Monday. You may recall that I filed my report early Friday in order to reconnoiter the battlefield. I told you to expect a Space Story.

The nub of the report went like this:

"Murderers and thieves seeing themselves as wearing halos; that's the Americans and the Israelis, the Cowards and the Kikes."I.C. News is expecting more Space News tomorrow. It should be interesting."By the way, the collapse of Attorney General Michael Mukasey yesterday was a God's Space War Action. Look for an epidemic of Republican American Fascists dropping like flies."

Look at that middle paragraph of those three again:

"I.C. News is expecting more Space News tomorrow. It should be interesting."

That was Friday. On Saturday, yesterday, the story broke of the huge meteor that came down on Saskatchewan Province, Canada.

Hmmm? "...Space News tomorrow", then the news of an unusually huge meteor broke on the next day.

Call me crazy, (as you God-damned Americans, you God-damned Cowards, like to do), but I suggest this work documented the meteor story the day before it broke.

Technically, at I.C. News we God's Space Sailors do not consider this a perfect advance documentation because according to news reports the meteor came down Thursday night, and we wrote about it Friday morning; but the story did not break for some 24 hours after we wrote about it.

(This span of over 30 hours between a major event and its making news is very unusual, so unusual it is curious.)

Here is nice little side point which we at I.C. News appreciate for its poetic esthetics:

The clown whose legs the meteor passed between was a cartoon character in the sky, and the accurately anticipated meteor landed near Saskatoon, Canada, which documented the location of the meteor story in advance; but such stuff is just fluff for the aficionados of God's Space War.

Let's go back to the larger point. We have been saying for some weeks that God is going to demonstrate to the Americans and the Israelis, the Cowards and the Kikes, that God is at war with them by November 27, Thanksgiving Day.

I asked my Old Pal God what personal experience might best fit what God is about to do to the Americans and the Israelis, the Cowards and the Kikes, and my Old Pal God pointed to the experience I call The Clown and the Meteor Story.

So I concluded God's message of war to the Americans and the Israelis, the Cowards and the Kikes, will come from Space.

Then I said Space News is going to break the next day and the next day
the story breaks of a meteor the size of which one scientist said was a once or twice in a lifetime event.

Coincidence? As we God's Space Sailors say, coincidence is the rockets' red glare of God's Space War.

In the midst of this there was what seemed to be the minor news story of an astronaut losing a bag of tools in Space (The $1,129 Billion Defeat), which I said was a message to me saying I am right about God's message to the Cowards and the Kikes coming from Space, and in that report I told The Camera Story.

The nub of that report went like this:

"It seems a quietly meaningful Act of God took place in Space yesterday, Wednesday, November 19, that being the loss of a bag of tools by Astronaut Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper, when her grease gun exploded."On the surface it is a minor incident; but coming as it did right after I.C. News presented the true space story we call The Clown and the Meteor on Monday (The $1,126 Billion Defeat); and I.C. News having received a number of messages from Space via NASA over the years, we consider it an important message-event."That is, we God's Space Sailors at I.C. News feel God caused the tool bag event for the purpose of sending a message; and since we seem to be the only ones listening, sending the message to us."At I.C. News we search our files for a similar event in the past, a message from God which came to us through a NASA event."There have been about four, two from Mars, a third which we keep quiet about, and a fourth which we call 'The Camera Story'."

Here we have another nice bit of fluff for the God's Space War aficionados; not only did we anticipate the Saskatoon meteor, and its location, but its arrival was recorded by a Saskatoon police cruiser's dashboard camera, which I suggest my telling The Camera Story anticipated.

Figure the odds against that Triple Whammy.
Two plus two plus two equals Screw You, you God-damned Americans and you God-damned Israelis, you God-damned cowards and you God-damned Kikes.

Being the voice of contriteness and humility that I am, my Old Pal God has once again asked me to offer you Cowards and you Kikes an opportunity to surrender, this last chance to do so to expire on or before November 27.

Fortunately, God does not require me to be nice to you in the offering, God knowing what satanic snakes you Cowards and you Kikes are.

So, repeating at the bottom what I say each day at the top: Surrender, You Cowardly Gentile and Jewish Bastards and Bitches.

Prologue to the Epilogue:

The United States of America's greatest strength lies in its stupidity, the American people are unaware of the evil America does.

Israel's greatest strength lies in its delusion, the Israeli people believe they have a God-given right to murder and to steal.

God will crush both those strengths.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4973


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