Sunday, March 25, 2007

The $188 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Six

Shark America Four

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 169

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007.

Movement is quiet. No one noticed our advance documentation of the fatal Japan quake, nor were they supposed to.

In Smallville, California, we can see the test building.

It seems a good day to spin a yarn.

It becomes more clear daily how this Earth will die. We can see clearly the Crack in the Egg. It runs east from Iran to Indonesia, then south to Australia and above Australia, east, and then turns back north along the Asian islands, the Philippines,.Taiwan, Japan, then thick along the Aleutians and down the west coast of North America and South America.

That is the Crack in the Egg. That is the Crack of Doom. There are other cracks, but that is the main crack through which pecks and claws the Chick of Calamity now, daily, as you live your life, speck upon the egg..

We look down our list of the damned. It is almost as if they all volunteered.

Nixon, Reagan, Ford, Bush, Bush. You can almost hear the sound of the Locomotive of Doom as it readies to leave the station.

Nixon, Reagan, Ford, Bush, Bush.

Nixon, Reagan, Ford, Bush, Bush.

Nixon, Reagan, Ford, Bush, Bush.

All aboard, You Damned Americans, all aboard.

Our estimation of damned Americans has been fifty percent, but in our test city of Smallvile, California, there are currently perhaps only 30 damned. Out of 500, that is not so bad; except for the 30, of course; it is bad for them, damned bad.

But there is relief to this; a feeling of relief, because we did not want to lose 50 percent of the American souls, and by extension that percentage of the souls of the human race; so it just may be, it just may be a job well done for me, and for all we Space Sailors.

I have never talked to you about what will happen to the souls who exist upon this Earth when this Earth dies early in 2065.

It is not what the Christians expect; it is not what the Jews expect; it is not what the Muslims expect; because those three are dancing on words that will not float when the planet sinks beneath them.

Those three claimants to specialness in the Eyes of God; they are the Tornado of War; they are the blackness in the blindness of the Human Soul.

Let me explain something to you. God will save the souls even of all the fishes. God will save Life itself.

The only creatures on this Earth, in all the history of this Earth, who will not be saved by God are those of that aspect of the human race it has been my duty to point out in this My Holy Life.

Now, let us proceed to what we are proceeding too.

Let us proceed to that point of realization, that sudden spark of understanding that enlightens the people of Smallville, enlightens the saved and the damned alike.

The horses of Smallville already know what is coming; but they nonchalantly graze away, the secret dancing happily in their beautiful hearts.


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