Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The $190 BillionDefeat

Jews Jaws Four

Shark America Six

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 188

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Dear Reader, Dear Reader, it seems to me something big is about to happen. I refer here to the miracle I have been telling you about.

I have been expecting what might be called a God's Space War variation on the American "smart bomb", a pinpoint miracle here in Smallvile, California.

I am now expecting it very soon, perhaps even today; if we consider today existing far west of Hawaii long after tomorrow comes to California; but don't hold me to that estimation of timing; God performs God's miracles in God's Own Sweet Time.

I expect this to be a positive miracle, something that will leave the people of Smallville with a rosey glow. I expect the miracle to be limited to Smallville, so limited that if the Smallvillains don't talk about it no one outside of Smallville will know.

Of course, I will report it, but who reads me? A friend in West Virginia, the President of Russia, and a clown with the Ringling Brothers Circus

While I have experienced many miracles, I don't recall having documented any in advance...well, something on Mars once, and I have named the locations quite a number of "UFO" sightings before they took place; but being that I am a Space Sailor and I can fly a "UFO" like a Hell's Angel can ride a Hog, that is no great miracle.

I am thinking along these lines because the parable God told me yesterday, and which I in turn told you, has ripened very nicely and seems to have pointed to today.

You may recall the parable, which was God's instruction of me, had me covering the streets of Smallvile with fruit so that I might make a good impression, but there was a man who sold fruit from a cart and my distributing free fruit was a hardship to him.

If you are interested in the language of God, or at least the language God uses when God speaks to me, take a look at how the parable ripened.

It snowed in Smallville last night, and Smallville was covered with an inch or so of beautiful snow.

Now, change the fruit metaphor in the parable, the fruit covering the streets, to the snow; and let's look for the man with the pushcart who experienced hardship because of the free fruit. What do we find? It was garbage pickup day in Smallville, and certainly the job of the swampers on the garbage truck was made a little harder by the snow.

So, well educated as I am in the language in which God speaks to me, understanding God's use of metaphor, I know God pointed specifically to this day, Tuesday, March 27, 2007, in God's instruction to me on Monday.

Therefore, it seems to me the Miracle of Smallvile is about to take place. Having hung my ass out in this manner, let's see what happens.


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