Friday, March 30, 2007

The $193 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws One

Shark America Nine

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 203

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

You may have noticed a constant increase in the frequency of earthquakes since the recent fatal Japan quake, dropping a bit today.

As I have kept this unscientific record, I have noted an increase in numbers of quakes after major quakes; but not just local aftershocks, increased quakes all around the world.

Those Readers who know this work understand I am saying the coming death of this Earth by 2065 can be tracked in earthquake patterns; and that all earthquakes are interconnected.

I have since 1972 documented in advance almost all earthquakes 7.0 and above; my most outstanding and most important advance documentation was that of the earthquake that caused the great tsunami; and my advance documentation also anticipated the tsunami.

You may recall the tsunami earthquake momentarily stopped the rotation of the Earth and slightly altered the speed of Earth's rotation.

I suggest to you again that you plant as many vegetables as you can this year, because I.C. News is projecting a massive disruption of food distribution in December-January.

I.C. News has an outstanding record of accurate projections going back to the early Sixties.

If I.C. News' projection of serious food distribution disruptions this winter proves to be inaccurate, you will have lost nothing and gained some healthy food; if I.C. News' projection is accurate, your garden could save your life and the lives of your family.

This is a win-win suggestion, nothing radical to it, nothing patriotically incorrect.


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