Saturday, March 31, 2007

The $194 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Zero

Shark America Ten

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 200

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

I drove over fifty miles to Klamath Falls, Oregon, today, to do some shopping. It was a beautiful drive through miles of forest. It was a tragic drive in that so many Oregonians committed suicide of the soul.

This is the great divide; this is the great abyss; you Americans agree among yourselves that you have the right to torture God's One True Telepath, so you think that massive agreement makes it legal in the Eyes of God; or else you abandon God within that concept, I don't know if you are that stupid.

If you torture the Telepath, you are the chaff; if you do not torture the Telepath, you are the wheat. My being made audibly telepathic was fundamental part of Judgment Day. America has failed that Judgment Day test, miserably.

Look at it this way, you American put American military personnel in prison for torturing Muslim prisoners in Iraq. They tortured those prisoners in very much the same way as millions of you Americans torture me. Should God not put those millions of Americans into prison, too?

That is it, isn't it? You Americans have conned yourselves into believing this is between you and me, not between you and God. Damn, you Americans are stupid.

A father in a restaurant today led his whole family into damnation, all except his very old mother who was embarrassed by the smirk on her son's face as he and his wife and and his children tortured the Telepath, tortured him for the crime of eating breakfast in their presence. She saved her soul; they lost theirs; just like that.

I saw at least 50 people lose their souls in Klamath Falls, Oregon, today. There was nothing I could do about it. If I had tried to do anything there would have been a Telepath-torture frenzy, and at least fifty more would have bought a ticket to Eternal Damnation.

This is the other side of the Telepath-Torture game, Dear Reader. God put me, helpless, among you Americans, who mistakenly think you are the best people in the whole world; and just as you murder Iraqi and Afghani babies without a twitch of the eye, you torture me for the fun of it.

Everything is connected. Damnation and Salvation is the nature of this game. Obviously I cannot convince you; I can only damn you; that is the final commission Jesus gave all his apostles.

When I saw that "man's" smirk today while his whole family (with the exception of his elderly mother) tortured me while I tried to eat my breakfast, I said to myself, Sweet Jesus, that man is going to a dark pit of hell.

God hates the human smirk, Dear Reader, in the Eyes of God it is the ugliest thing a human being can do.

So, I was tortured a lot in Klamath Falls, Oregon, today. The opportunity to torture me is rare in Oregon, and the Oregonians wanted to show God they are as mean as the queers of San Francisco.

Well, they did not understand they were showing God what they are; but they were doing their cowardly evil in full view of God's Angry Eyes.

I'll tell you something today, Dear Reader, that you may heed or not, it is your choice not mine; I know more about God than all the Christian ministers and all the Christians priests, lumped together or individually, in this God-damned United States of America from sea to shining sea.

That is what all you psycho-fascist Americans are betting against.


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