Tuesday, February 28, 2006

It's Your Choice

Dear Reader, I have hard news for you.  You are going to cry; you are going to weep and wail.
I am currently tracking four events, hoping to give enough information and evidence to allow their prevention, or allow for the public's preparation for them if they cannot be prevented.
These events are a kidnapping expected Saturday; the "amputation" of San Francisco, date unknown; the Alaska Disaster, date unknown; and the death of this Earth, currently expected shortly before 2065.
Would you like to wait until the kidnapping takes place, or would you rather free now?  I can stop this kidnapping; I can save this life; it's your choice.

Monday, February 27, 2006


We have entered into a countdown to an event I am calling "Kidnapped" because its codes closely overlay the codes preceding the kidnapping of Patty Hearst on February 4, 1974.
I am expecting Kidnapped to take place on or about Saturday, March 4.
I thought you might like to follow this attempt by me to use my telepathy to prevent this news event.  I know little about it at this time; and if you read along over the coming days you can learn about is as I learn about it.
The Patty Hearst kidnapping was the first event I tried to prevent after American enslaved me for being audibly mentally telepathic.  In those days I still thought that good work would make me free.  What a joke.  That was before I understood how deeply the American people love torture.
I failed to prevent that kidnapping, and was arrested and imprisoned and tortured for trying; and fortunately the victim did not die.
Now the same codes come up again,  For attempting to warn of that rich girl's danger the state of California stuck a stick up my ass, perhaps I should do something different this time.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

The Clock of Damocles

I thought I might talk today as if I were talking to the American people, what of them there may be left un-hollowed out by the media shovel of half truths and total lies.  I will call them "you".
When I was interrupted (again) by America's pleasure in making me homeless (again) I was telling you----no, I was proving to you----that this Earth will be dead by 2065, and I was further proving to you that Republican American Fascism's George W. Bush is the central figure in the murder of this Earth.
Homelessness is not a good base for solid journalism.  Take away the homes of the staff of the New York Times, and the Times would be nought be crossword puzzles and Dear Abby.  That, of course, is America's purpose in keeping me homeless, to cut out my newsman's tongue.
Homeless that I am, the best I can do for you at this time is tell you your leaders are leading you in the wrong direction.
There is absolutely no doubt about this; and although all the television stations your leaders own, and all the newspapers your leaders own, and all the glossy magazines your leaders own tell you how great your leaders are, your leaders are leading you to Hell by the nose.
I mean here all your leaders, left right top bottom; they are playing the world game but they do not know the planet's score.
Their error is fundamental; their error is fatal; their error is total; and it is only a matter of time before you know this; and you will know this even though the media denies you the truth of this; you will know this because you will be in so much pain.
Your so-called president; your so-called vice president; your so-called congress in all its glory, theft and waste; you so-called media kissing your so-called government's ass; your so-called Christian churches abandoning the fundamentals of Jesus for TV divinity school mish-mash; are taking you over the cliff of disaster.
It is a matter of time, only a matter of time.  There is no doubt about it.  Even the most dire warnings of scientists about global warming, only just now being allowed to squeak into the American media, fall short, fall far, far short, of the calamity approaching this Earth.
Within twenty years every human being on this Earth will know this Earth is rapidly dying, and it is you they will hate and you they will blame; and they will not be far off because you declare yourselves free but you are mindless followers.
Within five years Republican American Fascism will tell you nuclear war is the unavoidable solution to the ecological-political crisis, and you will cheer this sinful fraud, and you will eat the fire whose setting you cheered.
Within three years the Christian-Judeo-Muslim Tornado of War will make democratic elections a thing of the past in the United States of America, and you will not care because democracy was too difficult anyway, and you will hope the Republican American Fascists will be kindly dictators.
Within one year from today you will be up to your asses in Hell.  You will know this because your asses will be burning.
But, you have demonstrated that you American people can unite to endlessly torture an audibly telepathic American citizen, and are willing to deny every law mankind has developed over tens of thousands of years, and every word of Jesus, and every Commandment of God in so doing, and you are for the time being proud of this, and for the time being consider this an achievement.
You have sown torture and perfidy, and you expect a crop of cherries.
You have voted to be ignorant of the truth; better, you think, to live a common lie than recognize a singular truth, the truth that I am the only audible mental telepath in human history; better, you think, to torture me because it is so easy to do, and so much fun to do, than to learn why one person became telepathic just at this time when this Earth is in such great peril.
Deny it until Doom's Day if you like, as your masters tell you to do, but the truth will sink in.  It is a matter of time, only a matter of time.  The Clock of Damocles is hanging over your heads by the thinnest of strings; your common lie is your common cessation.
Having said this today, and not knowing when I will have home enough to talk to you again, I think I can say I have faithfully fulfilled the commission God gave me in 1962, that commission being to write the story of this world's death, the story which both God and I call The Obituary of the World.
Now I begin my second commission; now it is my honor to begin to write the story of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ; not as a preacher preaching, but as a newsman covering the news, not for the religion page, but for the front page.
There are millions of people who think they know this story better than I; we shall see what we shall see.

Monday, February 13, 2006


A peculiar and telling thing about America's torture-enslavement of me since I became audibly telepathic over 30 years ago is America's denial of love to me.
Think about it, it is more legal for one man to sodomize another man in America than for me to have a wife and children.
I suggest the national agreement to deny me love and home and children is a crime of the first magnitude, a crime for which God has punished America and will punish America more.
As it turns out, I am expecting a military action by God against the United States of America on Valentine's Day.
Let's see what happens.

Friday, February 10, 2006

San Fancisco is Lost

I have been asked to tell you no more about the coming amputation of San Francisco from the face of this Earth; since God has asked this of me I will comply..

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Returning to the Battle

I have sailed from here to there and seen the places in between; I could tell you stories, tell you riddles, tell you what they mean.
So, Dear Reader, unable to talk to you for nearly a month because of homelessness, I have rented a weekly room with a bed and a phone line, a toilet and a shower, a TV but no heat, no stove, no reefer, no hangers in the closet, and a bed with a vermin-ridden mattress, because homelessness is a killer, and because there is much to tell you.
For the time being at least this room is a zone of little torture, a haven for this ship of my life from the storm of torment America feels I deserve for being the only audible mental telepath in human history; me, a new kind of Nigger for America to enslave; skin too black, mind too loud, same-same..
These past weeks have been remarkable in terms of intelligence gathering, intelligence for you and intelligence for me.  Things are worse for you, better for me; unless you have turned your back on America's torture-enslavement of me, then things are better for you, too.
First and foremost, I have discovered and been tracking a space war attack on San Francisco, California, USA, the world's capitol of homosexual male whoredom, the city that gave America 9/11 because it loved torturing me more than it respected human life.
The attack code for this rapidly approaching disaster is "Amputation", and it points out a unrecognized American weakness, an intelligence blind spot, and from my journalist's point of view, a scoop.
Amputation.  Consider the code.  Look at a map of San Francisco, sever the two bridges leading into it and draw a line east to west from just north of its airport to the Pacific, and saw along that line.  Amputation; what would cause that foul penis of a city to be cut off?
I will not reveal the full story of Amputation today; there are things to tell you before I tell you that, and many of my readers have given up hoping to see my masthead on the horizon again and I want to give them a chance to come back.
I am not being coy with you by not telling you about Amputation today.  If I thought you could take it in I would put it in; but I must get you ready to receive this news.
So let's begin to prepare you, let's talk about where you are and where you are going; let's talk about God's war against America--against all of humankind, yes--but America is all America is concerned with so let's concern ourselves with that.
As we begin I remind you, America's torture-enslavement of me is a capital crime and you should consider Amputation a final warning before Decapitation.
When I left you in order to save myself from being tortured to death at my last residence I was tracking two patterns of attack, one was called The Alaska Disaster and the other was called The Pyramid Gin.
My supposition was that the Alaska Disaster was connected with the earthquake pattern that will break up this Earth before 2065, but the event within that Alaska Disaster pattern I was tracking, the activity of the Alaska volcano called Mount Augustine, seems to have left the news.  Breathe a sigh of relief while you can still breathe.
There was a remarkable continuation in God's space war operation called The Pyramid Gin, that being the wounding of the ABC news personnel in Iraq followed by the Egyptian ferry disaster.  My homelessness made it impossible to harvest most of the codes surrounding the cut, but I culled enough to confirm the combined events constituted an act of God.
Those of you interested in learning how to track space war events should note that each of the first three cuts of The Pyramid Gin have included Muslim civilian deaths, the hotel collapse in Mecca, the stampede just outside Mecca, and the ferry disaster.  This Muslim civilian factor can be expected also in the next cut, and I think the next cut, or the next after that, will be the cut that brings the surrender of those who enslave and torture me.
Remember, The Pyramid Gin attack by God is on the three religions together called The Tornado of War, Judaism, Christianity and Islam.  There is no such thing as legal war, there is no such thing as unavoidable war, there is no such thing as holy war.  War is murder with a fancy name, and there is no more time for war on this Earth.
Among the bad news, there is a ray of good news, that being the apparent breaking with Republican American Fascism by its base, fundamentalist Christianity, over the issue of global warming.
These Christians have not yet seen the satanic fraud of Republican American Fascism, they have not yet smelled the blasphemy of George W. Bush's claim to be a born again Christian under oath to God to murder, but they apparently have begun to see the ecological folly within the fraud which is this Administration.
In other news.
You can see an example of God's Writing on the Wall if you look to the recent story of the whale swimming to its death up the Thames and juxtapose that event with the second mine disaster, the one in Melville, West Virginia, and note that they were concurrent in Time.
Note that the name of the location of the mine is the same name as the author of Moby Dick, by far the most famous book about whales and the killing of whales in literature, Herman Melville.
I am suggesting to you that both events were simultaneously manipulated by God, that the whale and the two miners were intentionally killed by God as a demonstration that something larger is going on.
I have told you in the past that coincidence is the rockets' red glare of God's space war, and this Melville-whale coincidence is a good example of that.  Another example is the Muslim civilian deaths coincidental to each cut of The Pyramid Gin.
It is my feeling that the frequency and obviousness of  coincidence will increase as God plays out God's Hand in this game.  I call this increase, "Turning Up the Volume", and I think at some point this rockets' red glare will be visible even to the most blind man who has ever occupied the White House.
To further understand this Writing on the Wall, see the whale going up the Thames, a narrow channel unnatural for it, as similar to the miners going down into the mine, also a narrow, unnatural channel; and recall we are speaking of this Earth as being a living being, a living being the human being is murdering.
One of the central themes of this work is that mankind is exploiting this Earth to death.
Those of you that have read Moby Dick might consider what happened to the ship, the crew and the captain that persecuted Moby Dick.  This Writing on the Wall is saying the same thing is going to happen to those human beings and those ships of state who participate in the persecution of the Telepath.
Call me Virgil.
Another central theme of this work is that God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy for reasons other than to be America's torture-slave, and those life-saving, planet-saving reasons are being thwarted by America's torture-enslavement of me.
In other news, while I do not know if it was a national story, I note the recent borderline mob violence against black Katrina refugees in the black section of San Francisco known as the Western Addition.
As John Steinbeck pointed out in Grapes of Wrath, Americans do not like refugees from other parts of America, and you can see this American trait with even the most shallow examination of the shameful way in which the Katrina victims have been treated by America.
After the San Francisco disaster called Amputation, I expect you will see the refugees from San Francisco being persecuted in the same way, if not worse, by other communities.
in other news, I have been away from TV news coverage, hence there is a certain rise in my IQ as my daily dose of indoctrination is missed.
I must say I did miss the blatant Republican American Fascism of the Fox news network.  While watching Fox News is not like seeing into the mind of Republican American Fascism, it is like seeing into the mind of the toady fans of Republican American Fascism.
Republican American Fascism is a cult, Fox news is its choir; but the choir does not know the evil that goes on in the Inner Sanctum; but, yes, some of the choir boys do bend over willingly.
Hmmm?  Let me see, there was one other bit of news I wanted to mention today...oh, yes, because of this homelessness and the torture I have received during it the good faith payment has gone from $30 billion to $50 billion, to be paid in gold at the price of gold when I was first enslaved in about 1972.
Call that my 40 acres and a mule.