Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The $135 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Two

Shark America Eight

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 156

One of the reoccurring themes of this work is that George W. Bush will destroy the world. This theme was established a little over a year before the 9/11 attack, after my Old Pal God asked me to establish it.

The central theme of this work is that this Earth will be dead by 2065, a theme I first put to paper in about 1963, also at God's behest.

When I began writing about the death of this Earth I stood alone in that understanding, now it has almost reached a point where I am preaching to the choir. By that I mean the approaching death of this Earth is rapidly becoming common knowledge.

The first difference in my work and that of the Johnnies-Come-Late is that they are projecting centuries of slow death and I am projecting decades of rapidly cascading death.

This difference in expectation of rate of planetary death contains the great and fatal error of Republican American Fascism and other modern forms of fascism.

The error is the Republican American Fascists expect and are planning for the slower death; slower planetary death giving them time to impose their "final solution" to the overpopulation problem; their final solution to the brown and black problem; their final solution to the Islam problem; their final solution to the poverty problem; their final solution to the Communist Chinese problem; that is, giving them time for their planned killing of billions of human beings.

In the fascist new world---a world of masters, their guards and their serfs---the production all greenhouse gasses and other pollutants will be reduced drastically because the human population will be reduced drastically.

However, the rapidity of the approach of the death of this Earth will swamp those plans in their satanic infancy, and all the fascist bastards, in the tradition of George W. Bush, will lose their souls; but that's the bigger story, the story of the saving of this Earth by God.

One of the thousands of tragedies contained in the Republican American Fascist coup that put George W. Bush into power is that the brains and energy and money---and time, precious time---that could have been thrown into the breach of planetary death were put into war, into expanded pollution, and into dreams of conquest and, in effect, into insuring and hurrying the death of this Earth.

That said, let's return to the impending invasion of Iran by Republican American Fascism; and bear in mind it is Republican American Fascism that is invading Iran, pulling the United States along behind it, as it pulled America behind it into Iraq, and as it intends to in Korea, and on and on and on.

Republican American Fascism has an agenda which America has not yet begun to come to terms with, and when the American people understand this they will stop getting caught flat-footed by Republican American Fascist lies and misadventures and failures.

We have been following classic American steps to war as we (along with the whole world) follow the Republican American Fascists preparing to make war on Iran.

We saw the most recent step toward the Republican American Fascist Invasion of Iran in the accusation that came out yesterday, that the Iranians were responsible for the horrible incident last week when we saw cooperation between resistance forces and Iraqi forces in the assassination/kidnap-murder of five American soldiers.

Accusing Iran turns our attention away from the fact that America has no true allies in Iraq, even those it arms and pays.

The false story of the great "victory" near Najav was also put forth to further blind us to the harsh military truth evolving in Iraq; that truth being that everyone with a gun is gunning for Americans..

I loosely anticipated this development of Republican American Fascism's accusing Iran of assassination-murder in my Saturday report when I wrote:

"You can see the step by step creation of this new and contrived war crisis in the escalation of confrontation with Iran, and the accelerated level of propaganda about Iran now flooding the American news media.

"We have seen this design in the invasion of an Iranian consulate in Iraq, which in international diplomatic terms is the same as invading Iran; and now we see it in the declaration to kill Iranians found in Iraq, as if they have not been subject to being killed all along. This is classic American war-creation, each step leading to anther step.

"I would guess the next step will be something in the order of hot pursuit into Iran.

"We can expect open acts of war on Iran just after the aircraft carrier John C. Stennis arrives on station off Iran, estimated by I.C. News to be in late February or early March."

The Republican American Fascist accusation that Iran carried out the attack which saw the assassination-murder of the five was loosely anticipated in my sentence, I WOULD GUESS THE NEXT STEP WILL BE SOMETING IN THE ORDER OF HOT PURSUIT INTO IRAN.

The accusation Iran murdered those five soldiers, true or not and almost certainly untrue, is a finger pointing toward Iran with the exhortation, "Pursue them! Pursue them!"; hoping to take advantage of hot American blood and captured American minds.

It seems, however, this propaganda ploy did not strike home. Perhaps Americans are becoming aware that George W. Bush is the boy who calls "Wolf!".

The TV talking heads have been saying no, George W. Bush cannot invade Iran; the army is too hollow, public opinion is too opposed, the Democrats have a majority in the Congress; but this is overlooking the fact that a fascist coup has taken place in the United States and that fascist coup does not care what the journalists say, what the Congress says, what the people want; the intent of the Republican American Fascist coup is war, war, war.

And as for the "broken army", the Republican American Fascists' conscious intent has from the start been to break the army, because the Republican America Fascists want to move into nuclear war and they want to rationalize that by saying, "We must wage war but our army is broken so we must use nuclear weapons."

In other news, the big "victory" at Najav, which was not investigated at all by American journalism, is reported by the London Independent as a massacre, a version of the event totally different than the American propaganda version.

In torture news, the torturer taking his turn torturing me last night drove a silver Ford, California license 4VAN506. He had a handicapped parking certificate hanging from his rear view mirror, and he certainly was handicapped in terms of decency and soul. After hitting our mutual wall to awaken me, as all Americans currently do when they have the opportunity, he added a variation, a twist of the knife, in which he hit the wall again in triumph.

A cowardly triumph for a cowardly American.

The American people would have gone full tilt boogie into fascism had the Republican American Fascists not been so stupid militarily.

Fascism would have swept America if the Republican American Fascist had given the American people a cowards' victory in their stupid and cowardly invasion of Iraq; but damn, the Iraqis fought back just as the American people were polishing up their swastikas.

I have lived under American fascism since 1967; I know how much Americans love fascism if the enemy is weak enough.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The $134 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Zero/ Adjusted to One

Shark America Ten/ Adjusted to Nine

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 151

I remain skeptical of the story of recent days that 600 members of a hitherto unknown Muslim cult had massed near Nagaf, and hundreds were killed and over a hundred captured in a huge battle involving US tanks and air cover; and I seem to be the only American journalist expressing skepticism.

I wrote about this briefly on Sunday. This is what I said:

"The news reported today that 250-300 Iraqi resistance fighters were killed by US-backed Iraqi forces in a pitched battle in open terrain outside the city of Nagaf; and that the resistance had amassed a force of some 600 to attack religious pilgrims in that city.

"This may be true; but I do not believe it. It is too convenient at a time when George W. Bush sorely needs an Iraqi army victory; and it implies the resistance forces have changed from a winning tactic to a losing tactic.

"The Americans control the air, Dear Reader; it is not likely 600 resistance fighters are going to mass in treeless country, that would have been too dangerous even for the Viet Cong in thick Vietnam jungle.

"I may be wrong, but I think this is a phony story."

Helped along with the fact that my distribution of that report seems to have been uncharacteristically tampered with, I continue think this is a bogus news story, and to find great flaws in news coverage of it. Today I am left with the opinion this story is 2% true and 98% false.

The lack of solid, on-the-spot journalistic reporting of this story boggles my mind. I realize the American news media is intimidated by the rise of Republican American Fascism, and at best it can be gadfly more of ritual than substance, but I did not realize American journalism has fallen into reporting phantom news.

When it was my honor to be a combat correspondent in Vietnam such a battlefield victory which we have been spoon-fed by the military's Press Information Office would have sent hordes of reporters to the scene.

Indeed, even a battlefield disaster would have send hordes of reporters to the scene.

What, Dear Reader, do we see? Not one eyewitness report has come from the scene; and we have seen only reporters reporting the Party Line.

We are told that a massive battle took place, involving American tanks and aircraft, killing hundreds and capturing over one hundred, but there has been absolutely no, repeat no, photographic or video evidence presented.

Sure, we have seen the phone-cam video of what seems to be a squad-sized unit of Iraqi soldiers positioned behind a hill, none of them up on the line and shooting; and another video of Iraqi soldiers standing over a couple of men forced to lie on a highway next to what appears to be their vehicle; and we have seen a crashed motorcycle; and we have seen smoke from what is said to be a crashed US helicopter.

Other than the two-man crew of the helicopter being dead, there have been reports of absolutely zero, repeat zero, casualties on the American-Iraqi side.

Look at this from what you know about current America. If this battle had really taken place we would have a mountain of film and video on it; and if there had been hundreds of the other side killed and captured we would be seeing video of bodies and prisoners. If there were tankers in the "battle" we would be seeing them interviewed by the networks; and the tankers would be stoked by the victory, telling how they mowed the ragheads down.

No, there is something fishy about this story.

In TV-ruled America, for America to win a major battle and control the battlefield at the end, killing hundreds and losing only two Americans and zero Iraqis; for there to be no video is unthinkable.

I think American journalism has just bought the Brooklyn Bridge; and I think American journalism bought that bridge because the Republican American Fascists offered American journalism a deal it could not refuse.

Monday, January 29, 2007

The $133 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws One

Shark America Nine

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 156

As we watch George W. Bush's sneaky steps toward making war on Iran; and as we track God's Space War maneuver in defense of Iran; suddenly a side bet comes up on the Big Game Poker Table, a side bet involving the California Highway Patrol.

This side bet is encoded as, "Let the CHiPs Fall Where They May".

To understand the stakes in this side bet you should understand the California Highway Patrol is guilty of at least one felony against me, a felony which took me to the brink of death, a felony which destroyed my economics, and a felony which resulted in my being driven into homelessness.

To be sure, the California Highway Patrol was drawn into the commission of this felony by the Sheriff of San Luis Obispo County, but it committed the felony viciously and willingly; and now it seems God is going to exact punishment from the California Highway Patrol for that felony.

The felony was false arrest.

Here is how this side bet came about:

It does not matter which psycho-fascist Americans occupy the next room in this motel in which I am holed up, they are interchangeable cogs in the American torture wheel, and they feel they have a right to torture me awake, and keep me awake.

A few days ago a couple had tortured me two nights in a row; and I was thinking why not publish their license number; and as soon as I came up with this idea one of them, a haggy old bitch, hurried out of their room and moved their car off the property of the motel; their license plate far removed from my sight.

This got me thinking, hmmm, why should they be worried about me publishing their license number on this blog? The State of California and the Federal Government support their torture of me to the hilt.

Perhaps this psycho-fascist American couple worried I might have some friends out there; perhaps they worried I am not totally alone and helpless; perhaps cowards that the American people are, it is my apparent helplessness that emboldens them to torture me.

We find intelligence where we find it, and that was an interesting bit of intelligence.

So, some new interchangeable torturers moved in last night, and proved to be totally up to date on the latest torture techniques, and in the morning my old pal God suggested I look at their rear license plate of their car.

It turned out the people who tortured me last night belong to "The California Highway Patrol 11-99 Foundation", according to the rear licence plate frame on their car. The 11-99 Foundation supports the families of dead and retired CHP officers.

My old Pal God then suggested that for the coming days I look for what we call a "Karmic Bounce", ricochet punishment of the Highway Patrol for the crime of felony torture those particular psycho-fascist Californians committed against me last night.

You gamblers who are gambling your souls on the claimed "right" to torture a human being because he thinks to loud might consider this a side bet.

I note for you gamblers the "coincidental" balance in our Jews Jaws and Shark America counts today, which are at days One and Nine. Perhaps you can see One-Nine in 11-99. Remember coincidence is the rockets' red glare of God's Space War.

While there is apparently a claim that there is no law on the books making it illegal to torture the only audible mental telepath in human history, there is a law on the books against a Highway Patrol officer making a false arrest. The arresting officer signs the citation, and it is clearly stated on that citation that a false statement by the officer is a felony.

Of course, although the Sheriff, the District Attorney, the blood lab technician, and the Public Defender knew the arrest was a contrived felony, I could not then and cannot now prove it; just as I cannot prove in any court of law but God's Court of Law that I am audibly telepathic, and that America has long since entered into common torture of me based on common bearing of false witness about that audible mental telepathy.

The point here is the California Highway Patrol is about to be punished for its crimes against me.

Since it seems the CHP's false arrest and illegal punishment of me is a very important episode in the Eyes of God; and this 11-99 development today indicates a powerful God's Space War hit on the California Highway Patrol within the next week or so; I will give a little background.

Soon after George W. Bush entered the Oval Office a person moved into the house next to mine and began a level of torture that amounted to attempted murder by attrition. Eventually his torture put me in the emergency room with congestive heart failure.

Several months before the congestive heart failure developed I asked the Sheriff's Department of San Luis Obispo County to help in the situation, but I was told by deputes--who participated in the torture as they talked to me--that the neighbor could do anything he wanted in his own home.

I then wrote a piece in my mailed publication, The I.C. News Weekly Sampler, in which I said the Sheriff was allowing the neighbor to murder me. The Sampler's circulation was about 13.

Soon after the piece was published Sheriffs deputies came around waving a copy of the Sampler, and said they would respond to it.

Within a matter of days, while serving my community as a designated driver I was arrested by the California Highway Patrol on the utterly false charge of drunk driving, depriving of my income from my designated service, depriving me of my savings through fines, and depriving me of my home through the de facto police statement that my neighbor was free to torture me to death or into homelessness, whichever I chose.

I will watch this 11-99 aspect of God's Space War against the United States of America, targeting the California Highway Patrol, with great interest.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

The $132 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws One

Shark America Nine

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 160

The news reported today that 250-300 Iraqi resistance fighters were killed by US-backed Iraqi forces in a pitched battle in open terrain outside the city of Nagaf; and that the resistance had amassed a force of some 600 to attack religious pilgrims in that city.

This may be true; but I don not believe it. It is too convenient at a time when George W. Bush sorely needs an Iraqi army victory; and it implies the resistance forces have changed from a winning tactic to a losing tactic.

The Americans control the air, Dear Reader; it is not likely 600 resistance fighters are going to mass in treeless country, that would have been too dangerous even for the Viet Cong in thick Vietnam jungle.

I may be wrong, but I think this is a phony story.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

The $131 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Two

Shark America Eight

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 205

I have very serious news for you today, Dear Reader, but first I remind you that before George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq I repeatedly said America would lose that war worse than any nation in the history of the world has lost a war. That defeat is now unfolding, and only the most stringent censorship keeps that knowledge from you.

Now to our report of today, Saturday, January 27, 2007, very likely to be the last January 27 the United States of America will see as a free and democratic nation, so intent is Republican American Fascism bent on establishing a dictatorship of the rich.

Unless the anti-fascist forces of the United States of America grow some serious balls the Republican American Fascists will have manipulated war with Iran within six weeks--a war America will lose miserably--and will have carried out a bloody coup establishing George W. Bush as dictator within one year.

The handwriting is on the wall. Let's read it together.

First, the great, calamitous folly of George W. Bush's invasion of Iraq has now revealed itself so clearly that the American military is struggling to censor its pending defeat in Iraq; and knows it is in great peril of suffering staggering, massive casualties.

(I broke this story Tuesday; CNN picked it up Thursday; today NBC (which seems to have censored even its own military analyst, retired general Barry McCaffrey, on this story) carried this story in is 7 a.m. news cycles but not its 8 a.m. cycle. I do not know about later cycles.)

The story is this: The high potential for the Iraqi army and police forces and resistance forces to suddenly attack American forces in disastrous coordination is the most censored story in America today.

This is an excellent example of how Fox News' talking heads worshipful of George W. Bush betray the American military they speak with such damp and musty voices about; because George W. Bush is the worst thing to happen to the US military since Pearl Harbor,

Now to George W. Bush rapidly approaching his disastrous invasion of Iran, which he is hoping will keep him ahead of the collapse of his Iraq folly.

As defeat in Iraq (and that defeat can now be seen by top Pentagon generals and generals in the field)overwhelms American forces in Iraq, the Republican American Fascists must create a new crisis soaked in American military blood in order to sustain the momentum of their coup against the Constitution of the United States; that ploy of US soldier blood-letting calculated to entrap America into war again, as it did in Iraq.

You can see the step by step creation of this new and contrived war crisis in the escalation of confrontation with Iran, and the accelerated level of propaganda about Iran now flooding the American news media.

We have seen this design in the invasion of an Iranian consulate in Iraq, which in international diplomatic terms is the same as invading Iran; and now we see it in the declaration to kill Iranians found in Iraq, as if they have not been subject to being killed all along. This is classic American war-creation, each step leading to anther step.

I would guess the next step will be something in the order of hot pursuit into Iran.

We can expect open acts of war on Iran just after the aircraft carrier John C. Stennis arrives on station off Iran, estimated by I.C. News to be in late February or early March.

The rapidly approaching horrible defeat of American forces in Iraq can be expected to take place as I have described it in recent days.

That is, American forces will find themselves in a pincer movement between surprisingly united Iraqi forces, the resistance forces which the American forces are now just barely holding at bay, and a mutinous Iraqi army and police forces the Americans have been training and arming since soon after America's ill-fated, ill-conceived invasion.

The writing on the wall can be seen in the most important story of last weekend, which was perhaps the most important story of the whole war, when we saw five American soldiers killed in what clearly had to have been a collaboration between resistance forces and elements of the Iraqi army; and it can be seen further as US military censorship begins to peel away and the scope of the event continues to be revealed.

We can also see that I vaguely anticipated the new development in this story in my Thursday report.

We were at first told that five American soldiers attending a tactical meeting with Iraqi army personnel were killed, and that none of the Iraqis were harmed. That should have created a shiver of understand running up and down America's spine.

I called the killing of those Americans "assassinations", since they were not combat deaths in the true sense, but rather those Americans were led to slaughter by their Iraqi army "allies".

We later learned the betrayal was even greater than first reported, that four of the Americans were taken captive and murdered about 25 miles away. Consider the control of the "battlefield" the Iraqi resistance forces had; not only did they enter the attack zone freely, but they also exited it freely. That was clearly a unified operation.

I note for you that I.C. News was ahead on this story all the way, and said on Thursday the Americans were murdered, taking my term "assassination" up another degree; and on Friday the fact that they were murdered was reported by the Associated Press. Note the following paragraph from my Thursday report.

"When you understand that five American soldiers were assassinated last weekend in a raid on a tactical meeting between Iraqi and American army personnel, AND ONLY THE AMERICANS IN THE ROOM WERE MURDERED; and when you understand that the implications of that event are being squelched by the Republican American Fascists, you begin to get a view of the wall of censorship which has been built around the American news media--and around the American military as well."

This story of collaboration between resistance forces and the Iraqi army is immensely important, even though there is a concerted effort by the media and the Republican American Fascists to censor it. It points to one of several great flaws in Bush's Iraq folly, that being that the Iraqis the Americans are arming and training hate the Americans with smiles on their faces.

Note as I also reported Thursday, CNN picked up this story from this blog (of course not giving me open credit) and found denial of it at Dick Cheney's desk (of course); but CNN also found broad agreement with my hypothesis among American forces in Iraq.

The terrible expansion of this story, that four of the Americans were taken away and murdered later was, I suggest, a calculated demonstration of capability, and a demonstration of Iraqi resistance-Iraqi army unified action. That demonstration was as much for the Iraqi people as for the American forces.

You must understand that the Iraqis hate the American forces for the really horrible destruction and chaos and death caused by America's invasion; and most of all hate the American forces for that invasion itself, which is the most horrible thing that can happen to a nation, even if the invading nation calls the invasion "liberation".

Now let's turn to what Republican American Fascism is all about; why its naming of "evil" enemies; why its brutal and insulting "diplomacy"; why its theft of billions of dollars, theft hidden in war and hurricane costs; and why its declared right to pursue endless war despite the will of the American people.

Republican American Fascism is about total dictatorship, total shredding of the Constitution of the United States of America, total undoing of the labor struggle of the last century, total world conquest, and total rulership by the financial elite in what amounts to a return to serfdom.

By this time next year, unless American anti-fascist forces grow some balls and call the Spade of what has happened since 2000 a Spade, Republican American Fascism will have murdered leading opposition politicians, both Democrat and Republican, and critical journalists; and will have declared the world too dangerous for the continuation of American democracy.

Elsewhere in the news, in our well established tracking of God's attack on the US Navy, note the Navy Seahawk helicopter crash off San Diego. You may not recognize it for what it was, but I have been following God's Space War against the United States for 35 years, and I do. Now four out of four of the events I say God caused in defense of Iran have been fatal American helicopter crashes.

At IC News we will be watching to see a continuation of our Black Ugly, Point of Blackness, Blackhawk, Blackwater pattern. If this pattern continues we should see Seahawk followed by Sea(something).

Now, back to the major subject of this work, God's Space War against the United States of America. If America does not want to be destroyed by God it should turn its back on Satan, turn its back on fascism in all its forms, including the Psycho-Fascism of America's torture-enslavement of me, and Republican American Fascism.

And a word to the wise, with apologies to Rudyard Kipling: Though you have whipped and flayed me, by the Living God Who made me, I am a better man than you, American.

Friday, January 26, 2007

The $130 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Three

Shark America Seven

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 209

It seems a good time to touch again on the current persecution of President Jimmy Carter for his book, Palestine Peace Not Apartheid.

While his book is nit-picked constantly by turncoat critics and TV interviewers, the substance of his book, that Palestinians live under cruel Israeli oppression and occupation, is never touched upon; and, Dear Reader, the substance of his book is absolutely true.

That such a distinguished American can be so vilified for stating a truth known around the world but generally not known in the United States of America, demonstrates the squalid state of American journalism and the ownership of American thought by Israel.

And where are this man's friends, the thousands he has helped and given hope; and where are the American people who elected him President; and where are the Christians for whom Jimmy Carter is such an excellent spokesman and example?

The vilification of Jimmy Carter is an American grotesqueness.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

The $129 Billiion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Four

Shark America Six

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 207

You got lucky today, Dear Reader; I had planned to bore you to tears with the first draft of my maiden speech of my candidacy for the Presidency of the United States of America; and considering I have the constitutional rights of a laboratory animal, which is basically the right to scream, such a speech might possibly, maybe seem somewhat laughable.

Then, lo!, a story I broke in this blog Tuesday got picked up by CNN Wednesday when Wolf Blitzer asked Dick Chaney to comment on the possibility that what I said about a particular danger to American forces in Iraq might be realistic.

My Tuesday report said American forces are so hated in Iraq that if a small cadre of American troops were left behind to train Iraqis there would be a high probability those Americans would be assassinated in one coordinated maneuver by the Iraqis they were training.

Of course my name was not mentioned in the Blitzer interview of Chaney, and of course both Blitzer and Chaney support America's torture-enslavement of me, but despite that unholy reality I broke a story concerning the very real possibility that American soldiers in Iraq could be slaughtered by allegedly friendly Iraqi forces under the right circumstances.

Of course I share the breaking of that story with retired General Barry McCafffrey, NBC's military commentator, but the ball was on the field and I picked it up and ran with it while NBC was censoring McCaffrey, so I figure the touchdown and the scoop are mine.

Of course Chaney told Blitzer such a scenario will not take place; but this is the Chaney who told us the Iraqis would be throwing roses to the American occupiers who had just bombed the holy crap out of them.

I don't know what Chaney smokes.

CNN then carried this story further by asking one of it correspondents in Iraq if in fact the scenario I put forth last Tuesday was realistic; and the correspondent said, yes, many Americans in Iraq think the Iraqi army could turn on the Americans under the right circumstances.

This story had legs enough to walk around for a little over 24 hours, but it is clearly a censored story and it has run into the wall of censorship which surrounds the Iraq story.

When you understand that five American soldiers were assassinated last weekend in a raid on a tactical meeting between Iraqi and American army personnel, AND ONLY THE AMERICANS IN THE ROOM WERE MURDERED; and when you understand that the implications of that event are being squelched by the Republican American Fascists, you begin to get a view of the wall of censorship which has been built around the American news media--and around the American military as well.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The $128 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Five

Shark America Five

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 173

The heavy American casualties in Iraq last weekend earned me about two days without being tortured though the wall of the motel where I am holed up. This has always been the case. Americans torture me if I save American lives, but stop torturing me when Americans die.

This is not an intelligent approach; it puts my incentives in the wrong place; but America's torture-enslavement of me has never been intelligent, just fascist.

The codes stating God will defend Iran from Israeli-American attack continue to come in, the latest with the downing of the Blackwater USA helicopter in Iraq, killing five Blackwater mercenaries, apparently four of them executed. God didn't pull the triggers, but God manipulated the event.

God's defense of Iran connection to that event is Blackwater's clearly stated support for invasion of Iran.

The lack of journalistic coverage of these private mercenary armies which have come into existence in America continues to amaze me. They do not serve the Constitution of the United States, they serve the client; and the potential for these private armies acting against the Constitution in a client-sponsored coup is like the hammer pulled back on a revolver, like a Diamond Back rattler coiled and awaiting stimulus to strike.

I think American journalism is afraid of these private armies. They are a most interesting news story, but they are not covered, at least not covered enough that they become the subject of public knowledge and discussion.

It should be remembered that the killing of four Blackwater mercenaries in Fallujah on March 31, 2004, was the triggering event that led to America's rape of that city. This was a case of US Marines dying in considerable numbers, and the city's civilians being crushed, in response to the deaths of four Blackwater mercenaries.

That was strange, brutal and costly vengeance; and the same vengeance would not have been taken had the four dead been US Marines.

This begs the question, why are such business enterprises as Blackwater USA so protected and so free of media and public scrutiny?

In its weekly email report, and likely elsewhere, Blackwater lobbies for expanded war; and this brings us to the obvious conflict of its interests with those of the American people.. Blackwater USA is a business that profits from war; it needs war in order to exist; so it is to Blackwater's financial benefit for America to invade Iran; even though it is not in America's interest.

In general, I have never seen more blatant profit-taking by American business in any war than in this war; and profit-taking far more than the usual profit from bombs, bullets and body bags; profit-taking in the war zone in so many other ways, from mercenaries, to trucking companies, to construction companies, to catering companies, and onto others unknown to me. And from what I hear, they do not perform up to code.

Into these new camp-follower businesses, into the pockets of these blatant war-profiteers who would have gone to prison during World War Two for the same practices, have gone billions of dollars, traceable and untraceable.

Dear Reader. when those billions leave the pockets of American taxpayers they don't just evaporate, they go into the war chests of the war-profiteering companies, giving them more and more war-breeding power.

This is exactly what President Eisenhower was speaking of when he warned against the "military-industrial" complex"; but I don't think he foresaw how sheepishly the politicians and the media would buy into it.

God will take care of this, that's the whole point of this report; and as God's Space War against the United States unfolds, America will be chopped off from the down, and the war profiteers will be among the first to go the eternal war they so richly deserve; but that's another story; let's return to God's defense of Iran.

Those of you who remember the Double-Black code for State Department leadership, Black Ugly and Point of Blackness, for Condoleezza Rice and John Negroponte, might consider the two quick Blackhawk and Blackwater helicopter downings in the past few days as a continuation of that code pattern.

At I.C. News we are watching this Double-Black pattern with great interest, and are expecting it to reappear in the form of great pain for America.

We are also noting that all three God's Space War events which point to God's defense of Iran against Israel and its drone ally, the USA, have been fatal helicopter crashes in which only Americans died.

This defense of Iran by God against Israeli-American attack continues to be the most interesting evolving news story I.C. News is currently following.

Today is a Five-Five day. Our Jews' Jaws and Shark America counts meet at Five in the piston-like movement of the two counts.. Some time in God's defense of Iran, or in God's defense of Virgil, I expect to see God strike blows against both Israel and America on the same Five-Five day.

The US aircraft carrier John C. Stennis continues to be a focal target in God's Space War against the United States of America and God's defense of Iran. Though reports vary, the Stennis is apparently sailing toward Iran from the US Pacific Coast, estimated to arrive off Iran in about a month; its duty to threaten and to prod, to draw fire if it can, and possibly to kill innocent Iranians.

As said many times before, God does not recognize the concept of collateral damage.

Had, for example, America put a little thought into disposing the Boogie Man of Iraq in a way that did not include the slaughter of thousands of innocent Iraqis, America's standing with God and the world would be much better today.

Killing innocent civilians is like wading through a mile of knee-deep, fast-drying wet cement; you are stuck in the Sin of it before you get two hundred yards.

Despite its charted course, I hear the Stennis is headed straight for Davy Jones' Locker.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The $127 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Six

Shark America Four

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 164

George W. Bush is a perfect storm of stupidity, perfidy, and insanity; and it is from the center of that storm he gave his State of the Union address tonight, an address written for him, and given in a form and style coached by his handlers; and if you watched that address you should consider your intelligence quotient to have been reduced by five points.

No matter how thirsty you are, you should not drink polluted water; its buggy-ness gets inside you and wanders around making you miserable and prostrate before your enemies.

Bold bad leadership leads to you disaster faster than timid bad leadership.

An event took place over the weekend that reveals the nature of America's inexorable defeat in Iraq, to which George W. Bush's perfect storm of stupidity, perfidy and insanity has taken America.

That incident was the event in which Iraqi resistance forces...

...(and let's call that Spade a Spade here, those in Iraq fighting America are resistance forces as much as the French Resistance in Nazi-occupied France were resistance forces, and when you call them something else you are lying to yourself and missing the whole point. America invaded Iraq, it did not "liberate" it; America occupies Iraq, it is not a guest of the Iraqi government. In this self-lie is the seed of the rapidly sprouting American defeat.)...

...That incident was the event in which Iraqi resistance forces disguised themselves as American troops and passed through three checkpoints to enter a building where American and Iraqi forces were discussing joint strategy. AND KILLED ONLY THE AMERICANS.

Those Americans were assassinated; I repeat, assassinated; and the Iraqi troops they were meeting with almost certainly knew in advance they would be.

In this event of the recent past you can see the looming future. No matter which Iraqis are fighting which Iraqis in Iraq, all Iraqis are fighting America. If you do not understand the naturalness of this you are living in the smoke of Burning Bush Delusion.

If, as is being considered, American troops are withdrawn except for a small cadre left to train Iraqi troops, it can be considered inevitable that those troops will be assassinated in a massive, coordinated maneuver in the spirit and style of that small, coordinated assassination maneuver of last weekend.

Iraq hates America, as it should; and when those politicians in that put-up government in Baghdad get together away from American ears that hatred of America is their common point of agreement. The bodies of dead Americans please Prime Minister Maliki; understand that; get real.

America's greatest weakness is that it lies to itself and believes its own lies.

Just about every American politician is a propagandist, not a realist, forming words to fit into the pre-cultivated wrinkles in American brains, for out of those pre-cultivated wrinkles grow votes.

To back up what I have told you today about the assassination of those five American soldiers, I will point to NBC's commentator on military affairs, retired General Barry McCaffrey, who said the same thing Monday in a soundbyte edited to less than three seconds.

I would think he might have more to say on this subject, but I think this subject might be censored.

I expected to see General McCaffrey expanding on this on NBC's Today show today, but I sat through the hard fluff of the first half hour and though some of the soft fluff that followed (which is the Today show pattern, fluff-fluff fluff-fluff) and he did not appear.

How is it McCaffrey makes such an important statement and there is no follow-up or comment, even on NBC? That is what I, this raggedy assed old hard-news, hard-nosed newsman wonders aloud, but I know how censored NBC is, and how afraid for their jobs NBC News employees are.

There is some background to McCaffrey's statement worth noting because it shows that about a month ago both he and I were anticipating events like last weekend's assassination of five American soldiers in conference with their Iraqi allies. (Allies? Bushit!).

One day about a month ago I was watching McCaffrey being interviewed on NBC's Today show, and it seemed to me he was interrupted just as he began to touch on this point I am introducing to you today. I thought the argument he was about to make was that too few US troops should not be left behind because they would be in danger of betrayal and slaughter.

The interviewers on the Today show ask the questions they are told to ask by an unidentified person giving them instructions through an earpiece, and McCaffrey was not allowed to finish was he was saying.

I cannot say for certain what McCaffrey was about to say, but it seemed to me he was hitting on what I had been thinking; so, being me, I emailed McCaffrey asking him if I was right in my assumption of what he had been about to say.

I received no answer--nor did I expect to--and I cannot say if he personally saw my email; but in a sense he answered that email in his closely cropped soundbyte yesterday; and he answered with a resounding "Yes".

To review and to make clear, this is the concept being introduced here:

If America reduces its forces in Iraq to a relatively small number of troops working with Iraqi troops, those American troops will be in extreme danger of being assassinated by those same Iraqi troops; and likely in a massive, coordinated maneuver, a maxi-version of the mini-maneuver that saw the assassination of five American soldiers last weekend.

Monday, January 22, 2007

The $126 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Seven

Shark America Three

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 171

There are two very important things to talk to you about today. First, my inexorably approaching freedom; and second, God's intention to defend Iran from American-Israeli attack.

Today's code is "Rocket Enlightenment", a very interesting code because it indicates God will shiver America so fiercely that America will end America's torture-enslavement of me.

(The word "shiver" here comes from British use during the American Revolutionary War. To shiver meant to bayonet.)

This is a very interesting code from my point of view, and by implication a very dangerous code from America's point of view.

The question the Rocket Enlightenment code leads us to is how badly must God hurt the United States of America for America to undo the evil America has done to me?

Does God need to sink the aircraft carrier John C. Stennis, which is certainly targeted at this time; and would that be enough? God destroyed the space shuttle Challenger, and I warned about it for three months in advance, but that clearly was not costly enough.

We know America loves its torture-enslavement of me, its murder-by-attrition of me, and we know America has paid tens of billions of dollars and thousands of lives to continue its beloved torture-enslavement of me.

Today's American defeat number is $126 Billion. Does God need to take that much and more out of America's hide to end America's satanic torture of me?

It is constructive, I think, to look at America's fascist invasion of me in comparison with Nazi Germany's fascist invasion of Poland.

Poland had an ally, Great Britain, and Great Briton immediately declared war on Germany.

I have an ally, Great God, and Great God immediately declared war on the United States of America when American began its torture-enslavement of me.

There the analogy ends, because Great God is so much more powerful relative to America than Great Britain was relative to Germany; and Great God's strategy has been to give America enough rope to hang itself--and to hang itself for eternity.

There was another element in God's strategy, that being to teach me what America really is because I had such an outrageously high opinion of America; and you have to admit, America showed me what it really is. Endless torture, endless perfidy, murder of my progeny; such things are natural to the United States of America.

So, what will Rocket Enlightenment bring?

Now the second point, God's defense of Iran against American-Israeli attack, which is actually better said against Israeli-American attack because America is Israel's drone ally in all things Middle East. That is, America blindly does what Israel tells it to do.

This concept of God defending Iran has been floating around my desk for some months, and what has really brought it to the fore in my mind was that one of the codes that preceded the helicopter disaster in Iraq over the weekend was the same code that preceded the disaster to the America rescue force in Iran in April, 1980.

The suggestion I make here today is that God caused that 1980 disaster in defense of Iran because God has a memory when it comes to America's meddling in the internal affairs of other nations.

Further, all the running codes these days, including the codes running against the aircraft carrier John C. Stennis, are directed at defending Iran, the announced destination of the Stennis.

Again, the question is how much does God have to hurt America for America to set aside its war-mongering?

Rocket Enlightenment. This is a most interesting code.

When you go down America's current enemies list, Cuba, Venezuela, Iraq, Iran, "North" Korea, you never see any real examination of how they came to be on that list, there is no sense of history, no mention of action-reaction, no mention of America's historic actions against those and other nations.

Cuba is the clearest example of this. It has been fifty years since the Cuban Revolution and America still has not forgiven Cuba for it, and still punishes the Cuban people because of it, but what was Cuba before the revolution? Military dictatorship and Mafia paradise; a place of cheap whores and gambling casinos for American tourists; a place of near-zero civil rights.

When there is revolution, either violent or ballot, there is a deep reason for that revolution; and America always sides with the fascist side and the elitist side and the rich side; and it never sides with the people side; and in such cases when there is a ballot revolution such as in Chile and in Palestine, if the ballot doesn't go the way America wants it, America cancels the ballot, through fascist coup as it Chile and starvation as in Palestine.

God has a memory, Dear Reader, and God does not work for the USA.

There is absolutely no working with the United States of America; it holds a nuclear gun to the world's temple and calls it democracy; and changing that American attitude is key to getting all those countries off America's current enemies list and onto Wisdom's planet-saving list.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

The $125 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Eight

Shark America Two

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 178, including the 7.3 quake in the Molucca Sea off Indonesia, followed by a slightly smaller quake in the same area at deadline time.

I have hard news for you today.

First, the helicopter crash in Iraq that killed 12 Americans was documented here in advance. That is, those dead American military people would not be dead if I were a free man.

Second, the expected God's Space War attack on the US Navy aircraft carrier John. C. Stennis is still solidly in the works.

In the case of the first, there were several buried codes on Thursday and Friday, including this one on Friday in the lines:

"The Space Sailor on watch is in the Crow's Nest is looking for debris and US sailors in the water. At deadline time, Angel Eyes are still looking."

The debris turned out to be the destroyed Blackhawk helicopter, the sailors in the water were the dead American troopers.

Make no mistake, those Americans were killed by God in direct response to America's torture-enslavement of me, God's One True Telepath; and they weren't the first to be killed by God and they won't be the last.

One of the more interesting aspects of the advance documentation of that helicopter crash, from my point of view, was the repetition of a code used in April, 1980, in advance of another US helicopter-involved tragedy that which took place in a failed attempt to rescue the American hostages in Iran during the Carter Administration.

This repeated code was buried in the story Thursday about the cowardly US Marine holding my walking stick over his head as if it was a captured samurai sword.

Repetition of codes in like events are always interesting to me. If I see that code again I will with some certainty expect God to knock down another American military helicopter.

I realize this is unfathomable to a war-sinful country like the USA, that thinks it is "God's Country", but I note for the record that God has been killing Americans in response to American policy since before the Korean War.

While I doubt you are able to ask the cowardly American fascists who torture me through the wall every day and every night to confirm what I tell you now, that is your misfortune and none of my own. They have freedom to torture me; there is no public protest; that is the American way.

I have recently been telling those psycho-fascist torturers, your torturers, that God would crash an American aircraft in Iraq in response to their through-the-wall torture of me.

As I have said many times, America's torture-enslavement of me adds to America's death toll in Iraq and Afghanistan, and if it continues it will lead to America's inexorable defeat at the hand of man and at the Hand of God.

To those cowardly torturers in the next room, I dedicate the deaths of those 12 Americans, put those deaths on their souls, so their souls will sink deeper and deeper and deeper into the Hell they so richly deserve; and I will put more and more weight on their souls as long as, and for some time after, their torture continues.

In the case of the aircraft carrier John C. Stennis, which I fully expect to be sunk or severely damaged before it reaches its station off Iran, it apparently left Bremerton, Washington, on or about the Zero day of our count, about the time I was expecting it to sink at sea.

I had seen one other date of the sailing of Stennis in the news, meaning either I misread information in a Seattle newspaper or the Navy deliberately obscured the date of the Stennis' sailing. This would be a reasonable precaution since the Stennis had to pass slowly through very narrow waters in the Puget Sound before making it to open sea.

So, adjusting our expected hit day for this new sailing date information, and expecting God's Space War to hit the Stennis when it is roughly about a week out, we re-establish our counting pattern, today being Two with the count moving up, loosely looking for the Stennis to be hit on the Ten day, but "loosely" is the operative term here so don't tattoo it on your ass.

There being no profit in plainly spelling out the codes that led to God's killing of the 12 American troopers in the helicopter crash, the codes that prove they were killed in a God's Space War attack on the United States of America, we'll just put those codes into the hole in which we are burying most of our current life-saving codes, like farmers destroying their crops before they will sell them too cheaply.

This is good news for me, bad news for psycho-fascist America, and terrible news to those who loved the 12 dead American soldiers, and who love the untold thousands of American military people yet to die genuflecting to the military idiocy of George W. Bush and the cult of Republican American Fascism.

Pity the soul of the American soldier, sailor, airman or Marine, who dies in the knowledge of America's torture-enslavement of me.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

The $124 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Nine

Shark America One

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 176

There are these days frequent discussions of what the legacy of George W. Bush will be.

George W. Bush will destroy the world; that will be his legacy.

Friday, January 19, 2007

The $123 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Ten

Shark America Zero

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 190

This is a Zero day, the day of the expected God's Space War attack on the United States Navy.

The Space Sailor on watch is in the Crow's Nest is looking for debris and US sailors in the water. At deadline time, Angel Eyes are still looking.

Meanwhile, back in the torture chamber America keeps me in, I scan the news but there is nothing about a US Navy disaster, yet. Such news, were it to happen, would likely be slow in arriving.

Speaking of Space War news slow to arrive, the most interesting item in the news today was China's demonstration of its ability to destroy a satellite in orbit; it having destroyed one of its old weather satellites about five days ago; an event apparently undetected by sophisticated America.

(Hmmm? Could this in some way be a disaster for the US Navy? It is worth taking note of that possibility for future reference.)

In this China context it should be understood that the United States of America is seen as a fascist nation by most nations around the world; this being a development since the Republican American Fascist coup of 2000.

That is, the United States has demonstrated that it will go to war for the most fascist of reasons and that most nations in the world, including China, are potential victims.

Because America's tendency is to attack only far weaker nations, the only defense against America's current fascist madness is strength; and failing strength enough to keep America from invading, as in the case of Iraq, it is critical not stop fighting back if occupied, again as in the case of Iraq.

Since key to Republican American Fascism's plan of world conquest is control of Space, and achieving power over this Earth from Space, this news from China is good news to all anti-fascist people of this Earth.

Take it from a person who has suffered under total fascist dictatorship of the United States of America for some 35 years; it sucks; and I would advise the world to avoid it at all cost. I think, perhaps, the Iraqi people would agree.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

The $122 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Nine

Shark America One

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 183

I thought I might tell you a nice story relating France today, and in the process bury some codes describing God's Space War attack on the United States Navy; but first I have been asked to openly lay out another code leading to many, many American Navy deaths.

The code is "Seamen", and it comes from America's intentional murder of my semen a number of years ago, an evil action joked about on air by NBC's affiliate in San Luis Obispo, California.

Now, back to my small tribute to France; France who is so deeply hated by Republican American Fascism because she refused to kiss George W. Bush's ass.

Some of you guys may be hoping I tell the story about the "place in France where the women wear no pants", or so the song went when I was a little boy in Bremerton, Washington, climbing trees with my pals and playing war, but that is not the story I have for you today.

Of all the countries I have visited since God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy, France was the most kind and gracious to me. Italy came in a close second, but all the rest were, well, rather ratty, having entered into the service of American psycho-fascism.

I was wandering around Paris one day; as was my custom in the foreign cities I visited, to just wander around.

I didn't have much money and in order to travel to Jerusalem, which was my plan, I had to opt out of eating for six weeks in order to afford the trip.

To that end I had begun a fast of milk and sugar cubes in England (England was as nasty to me as a bucket full of broken glass) and I broke the fast exactly six weeks later on Thanksgiving Day, in a Palestinian joint called The Peace Cafe located in the old walled city of Jerusalem; but that's another story.

I was still in my Hippie period, and as I wandered around Paris I wore a blue, broad brimmed leather hat to which I had attached a few pigeon feathers; and over my clothes I wore a long, dark, light-weight overcoat; I carried all my spare clothing in a camera bag hung over my shoulder; and I carried a very ornate walking stick.

(That stick was later to be stolen from me by a Marine guard at the American Embassy in Singapore while the State Department was railroading me into prison in Singapore.

(The Marine danced around holding my walking stick above his head like it was a captured samurai sword, celebrating as if he had a pair of balls; but that, too, is another story; and fact that shameful act of cowardice led to the deaths of hundreds of Marines in God's Space War; those deaths God's response to that insult.)

So, dressed as I was, with my hair long (as it still is today, though perhaps noticeably thinner) I looked a little like a man in a Toulouse Lautrec painting, and also a little like a Hassadic Jew, and as I strolled around Paris, thinking about my situation and how I might deal with it, I came upon a department store window with a display which included a bigger-than-life photo of Charlie Chaplin in his role of The Tramp.

I looked at The Tramp and I looked at myself reflected in the window, and I understood my survival might depend on my being pliable and of good humor in the face of the wicked and snares of the USA--in the Tramp's charming way.

That is, while I knew I would face great cruelty while in the grip of the United States of America, I felt would be better off emulating The Tramp than getting my dander up.

Flash forward to Christmas Eve, 1977. I was living in a little hole of a studio apartment in San Francisco, my neighbors constantly abusing me through the walls, and being constantly abused by most people on the streets, and being constantly abused on the job; when I planned an exceptionally nice Christmas Eve dinner.

While the major part of America's torture of me has always been noise abuse and sleep deprivation, another aspect of that torture was, and still is, the keeping me away from women, and abusing us through the walls when I was intimately with a woman.

The chemical castration of me some decades after that Christmas Eve was the natural evolution of that sex-based torture; and the approaching deaths of so many American US Navy personnel encoded as Seamen will be a natural result of that wicked American act.

(How Americans love sex-based torture, torture of me and torture of captured Muslims; but that, too, is another story.)

So, against the objections of the psycho-fascist citizens of San Francisco I had met a particularly nice woman and invited her to dinner on Christmas Eve; I being rather a good cook when the Americans allow me to have a home and a kitchen; and I made one of my specialties of the time, roast duck from my French cookbook, and of course I had a most excellent bottle of wine to go with it.

Alas, the meal prepared and the table set and candles lit, the scene turning my torture chamber into a pleasant room, the woman called and said she could not make it; and in fact I never saw her again; so there I sat with that beautiful meal and no one to share it with; and I thought of my role-model, The Tramp, and how he coped in the Gold Rush when the lady did not show up.

No, I did not do a dance of two potatoes on forks, but I did stop and meditate for a moment and decided to dedicate that lovely dinner to Charlie Chaplin; and with my best table manners enjoyed my roast duck and wine with Chaplin in mind.

The next morning, Christmas morning, the news on the radio told me Chaplin had died in France about the time I was dedicating my dinner to him. I have always felt God lifted up his soul up that night.

While this is the end to this story, there is something in the middle yet to tell.

During those early days of America's torture-enslavement of me I did something I called Action Poetry, in which I, knowing I was being observed, would say things through actions, send messages in pantomime and telepathy.

One of those Action Poems in Paris was a tribute to the military dead of France, and in the course of this long, poetic tribute I ended up the burial place of France's Unknown Soldier under the arc of the Arc de triomphe, where an eternal flame burns.

Much to the obvious pleasure of the French people who were following this Action Poem, I walked a large figure eight, the sign for Infinity, around the flame; and then took one of the pigeon feathers from my hat and placed it by the flame. It was understood this was my equivalent of a wreath of flowers.

All this is to say: God Bless France.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The $121 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Eight

Shark America Two

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 193

I have two hot news stories on my desk today, Dear Reader, one concerns the high probability the United States of America will lose at least one aircraft carrier on or about Friday, the second is a solid code on the death of this Earth. That code is "Nothingness".

First, the death of the navy ship; second the death of Spaceship Earth.

As coincidence (the rockets' red glare of God's Space War) would have it, just as we approach the Zero day in our very strong countdown to a US Navy aircraft carrier disaster, the Republican American Fascists have (against the will of the American people) ordered the carrier John C. Stennis to take a threatening position off Iran.

Apparently the Stennis has only recently left the West Coast of the United States, so arrival off Iran might be about a month away. Close to Iran now is the aircraft carrier Dwight D. Eisenhower and its battle group.

As most of the world knows, the United States of America is currently attempting to bully Iran into military conflict so America will have a "legal" justification for committing mass murder there. The Navy's job is to goad Iran, just as the recent invasion of an Iranian consulate in Iraq was such an attempt.

I am receiving strong codes on this God's Space War attack on the United States Navy, and it seems to me the Stennis is a good target because it is currently thousands of miles from Iran, making it very difficult for the US to place the blame for its loss on Iran or any of the other nations the Republican American Fascists are currently attempting to bully or frame into war.

There are many other codes leading to the Stennis as the target, including my last line yesterday (The attack will come out of the Sun.) but I am not tracking events closely at this time. Such trackings only help America, and America is fascist to me no matter how much I help the bitch. That is, there is no profit and much punishment for me in saving American military lives.

Now let's turn to our planetary death code, Nothingness.

I have been tracking planetary death codes since 1965 but this is an exceptionally interesting code. We see this code in the very unusual comet now visible, Comet McNaught.

I have been mulling over talking about Comet McNaught lately; but it's being pointed out to me by a scientist friend yesterday has spurred me, like a lazy horse, from clip-clop to gallop.

This comet was discovered by Robert McNaught, an Australian astronomer on August 7, 2006 and apparently reached its point of greatest brightness last Sunday.

While I am not at all qualified to talk about Comet McNaught in scientific terms, I am very well qualified to talk about it in Space Sailor terms; and while we Space Sailors are in Earth terms not at all scientific, we have been involved in interstellar space travel since well before the human being began walking upright, so we must be doing something unscientifically right.

The science of we Space Sailors is called Time Poetry; and as I have attempted to tell you that God is not stupid, I should also attempt to tell you that God is a poet.

Don't limit this God the Poet concept, as people might be prone to do. This is not God sitting on a Heavenly Throne someplace, strumming a lute and spilling out poems like Virgil before the Roman court; this is God existing everywhere at all times; and God's poetry is like the sinew of God's existence, the ripple of God's muscles, God's breath as seen in cold air.

It is my understanding of God the Poet that allows me to track God's Space War against the United States of America, and to receive messages from God relative to the death of this Earth by 2065; and to know when planes are going to crash and presidents are being stalked by assassins, and when the foolish fascism of George W. Bush will lead America to military disaster of the first order.

An example of God's poetry was very visible and quite well described in this work about a week ago when I wrote about the collision between a US nuclear submarine with a Japanese tanker, an event which led to the countdown to a US Navy disaster which is today at Two.

You can find that description in my January 9 report, which contains the paragraph, "It concerns the collision between the USS Newport News, a nuclear submarine, and a Japanese oil tanker, the Mogamigawa, in the Straits of Hormuz; where the United States of America is on the verge of initiating nuclear war."

Now let's return to God's poetry as I see it in Comet McNaught. Likely it won't make sense to you now, but if you live long enough, it will.

In olden days comets were thought to be messengers of the gods; and in fact it is seems these days they are serving that function as the death of this Earth approaches.

Of course, the death of this Earth is a current subject of pop entertainment in movies and on the History Channel.

Unknown to that pop culture is my work in the early Seventies that documented in advance the location and the appearance of a comet in advance through my reading of God's poetry as I plucked it out of the air; and my later advance documentations of odd events during two Mars landings, and my advance knowledge to the exact second to the appearance of a meteor, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

What I am saying is I have had some success in outer space studies through my being able to read the Word of God as expressed in God's poetry.

When I turn that experience and success to Comet McNaught, I realize that at any one time there are many astronomers seeking out comets; and I having many times found the poetry of God in the names of places and people involved in events, I look at the most interesting name, "McNaught", and speculate God might have chosen that particular astronomer to find that particular comet for perhaps no other reason than to record a message through his name. This is what I call God's writing on the wall of the news.

So, seeing "McNaught" written on the wall of Time, and interpreting it by first reducing it to "Naught", I begin to speculate on the "message of the gods" contained in Comet McNaught.

"Naught" is a word rarely used in America the days, but it was still common in the early years of the 20th Century. It means Nonexistence, Nothingness, Zero.

So, call me what you will, I am saying the message of Comet McNaught is that the human being's future is Naught, Nonexistence, Nothingness, Zero; and the Earth Death countdown, like our US Navy Disaster countdown, is approaching Zero.

Of course many scientists are saying this, too. God's poetry often agrees with science, if the scientists are right.

A note to readers who may be interested in God. You have to be intellectually unafraid to approach God; because God is not stupid; and because God is a poet; and because God is God. The cowardly minded should stay with the flock.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The $120 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Seven

Shark America Three

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 182

For current purposes the most important teaching of Jesus is, You Shall Know Them By Their Works.

It is not what they say they are, but what they do that tells the tale of their souls; and their souls tell the tale of what they are. The child murderer will think he is a nice man; the warmonger will think he is a man of peace; the un-Christ-like Christian minister or priest will think he is a shepherd of Jesus' flock.

God is not stupid; God knows the human game.

Hitler fought against the anti-freedom forces, if you read the German propaganda of that time; George W. Bush fights against the anti-freedom forces, if you read the American propaganda of this time.

Adolph Hitler and George W. Bush, together a miracle of procreation, one twin born April 20, 1889, the other
July 6, 1946, different mothers, different fathers, both proclaiming God sends them instructions on whom to kill; Hitler pointing to the Jews and the Communists as the evil of the world; George W. Bush pointing to the Muslims and the Leftists as the evil of the world. But for their tailors and their barbers, Hitler and Bush are eerily alike.

God is not stupid; God knows the human game.

The human game: the wheel of misfortune: each fascist learns from the fascist who came before.

If you have ever meditated on anything, Dear Reader, meditate on this point: God Is Not Stupid.

Within that mediation is a revelation awaiting you; and once you understand that about God everything else you have thought about God will seem like "Duh".

Think about it for a while and you will realize that all your life you have had a cartoon image of God; be you Christian, Muslim, Jew or communicant in the religion which is the United States of America, or any other religion.

Now I must say something out of love for you, America, because you are in so much trouble with God.

In real terms, but for the differences in numbers and form, what the United States of America has done to me, the only audible telepath in the history of the world, is exactly the same as what Nazi Germany did to the Jews and so many others.

Certainly the Americans see nothing wrong with their final solution to the Telepathic problem; but neither did the Nazis see anything wrong with their final solution to the Jewish problem; yet it is exactly the same solution--torture, imprisonment, genocide and murder.

I will not bore you further with this obvious theme; but this is how God sees America as we approach God's Space War attack on the United States Navy, just a few days away.

Who am I to say what God thinks? Who indeed? That's the Big Surprise.

An American aircraft carrier remains the current target. Today is three. Tomorrow is Two. Thursday is One. Friday is Zero.

The attack will come out of the Sun.

Monday, January 15, 2007

The $119 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Six

Shark America Four

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 169

On this day, Martin Luther King's birthday, it is good to remember how the FBI hated him so much. The FBI, which has been a force of fascism in my life was also a force of fascism is King's life; giving King and I a point in common; another point being that we both have the honor of working for God.

In the service of God there is no past tense. To God, Martin Luther King is, not was.

It is a pity that the evil the Federal Bureau of Investigation did to Martin Luther King was interred with King's bones and is not taught in elementary schools; no, it is a tragedy because that leaves the FBI licensed to do evil to others.

No King, I, but a Joker in God's deck; and I left my job as a correspondent for United Press International in Tokyo under threat of death from drunk-with-power US Navy intelligence; and waiting for me at the airport was the drunk-with-power FBI, having been told by the Navy I was a "violent revolutionary".

Sweet Jesus, violent as a butterfly; and I was not to breathe a breathe of a free air again up to and including the moment these words are written nearly 40 years later.

It is a strange thing how American police and intelligence agencies have cute fuzzy fur on top and slimy hair underneath, like embryonic Gestapos in gestation. It never fails, pick up a police rock and there is a fascist cop underneath; give a pig the opportunity to practice illegal punishment and he (or she) sucks on that sow's teat, yum yum, like there is no tomorrow.

How the FBI loathed Dr. King, loathed him, loathed him, loathed him; how the FBI loathes me; no crime committed by either, not a fraction of an inch outside our blanket of constitutional protection; but ruination was and is what the FBI sought and seeks.

And King, murdered because he applied the teachings of God and Freedom to Black people; and I, tortured day in and day out because I spoke against the Vietnam War and was given by God the gift of audible mental telepathy; both loathed by the FBI.

How America loathes its patriots unless they wear the Uniform of the Day.

Maybe the lone assassin killed King; it is the common scenario in America to turn the loonies loose to do what the government pigs would like to do; but nut or not, the American government put that bullet in that damned bastard's rifle.

"Damned" here is not a figure of speech, the shooter lost his soul, even though a thousand preachers might say that piece of crap was saved.

Damned, too, is J. Edgar Hoover, the cross-dressing, cock-sucking, son of a bitch who thought he was superior to the Reverend Martin Luther King; his fat ass now rendered to grease in Hell; and all that is left of him is his name on a building and the flock of FBI fascists following him to his pathetic fate.

Meanwhile, back at God's Space War attack on the United States Navy, this is day Four, tomorrow is Three.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Thje $118 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Five

Shark America Five

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 185

The primary reason for the Republican American Fascist invasion of Iraq was to capture the United States of America, to trap America in the Republican American Fascist policy of endless war by soaking that policy and George W. Bush in the blood of the American military.

Once that blood was shed, George W. Bush's stupidity and perfidy became sacred.

That ploy has not been publicly recognized by the political opposition or by the news media, and until it is recognized, pointed out, and stopped, that ploy will be used over and over again, creating military crisis after military crisis, eventually making all opposition and all news media criticism treasonous; thus solidifying the Republican American Fascist Coup of 2000.

Were I free to speak on television (or anywhere), and free to be interviewed on television; and were I hungry enough to allow myself to be interviewed on that snake pit of Republican American Fascism, Fox News, the interviewer would likely say something to the effect that I cannot say this if I cannot prove this.

Well, Dear Reader, the Republican American Fascists can lie faster and better than the old Big Bertha computer of CIA fame could follow and detect; and the art of lying by definition involves the art of not being caught at lying.

And while there might be a central core of 1,000 or 2, 000 Republican American Fascists who know in which direction Republican American Fascism is slithering, that leaves only that many, or even far less, to guard the common lie, the secret fascist intent.

Compare this to the fact that I have for some 35 years been imprisoned and tortured within a psycho-fascist American lie known by millions of Americans, a lie which I cannot prove exists.

Meanwhile, back at God's Space War against the United States of America, today's count leading to a US Navy disaster is Five, tomorrow is Four.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

The $117 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Four

Shark America Six

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 208

We have interesting news in two areas today.

First, America's torture of me has resumed after a lull of about four days, such a lull not having been seen since the Seventies; and in the Seventies the lulls ran just under 24 hours.

Those early lulls were caused by my accurate anticipation of airline crashes, time and again calling the dates of crashes like a pool shark calling Eight Ball Side Pocket, but after a time the Americans learned to hide themselves from the knowledge of my successes, choosing ignorance, the American way, thus making their torture of me easier.

I cannot say what triggered this recent lull. It began just after the big rotten egg smell in New York City, combined with the dead birds in Austin.

Why should that cause a lull when my advance warnings of the 9/11 attack have never caused a lull? Another mystery for the mystery pile.

And why the end to the lull? Was knowledge glimpsed and forgotten; or was knowledge set aside because the masters of the public, the media weasels and the government pigs, told them to set it aside? Another mystery for the mystery pile.

These are questions that might be examined by students of the future who study the death of the United States of America long after its bones are fossilized .

Second, those readers interested in our running seven-day earthquake count might be interested in the gradual rise in the frequency of quakes since the two big December 26 quakes off Taiwan, quakes I documented repeatedly months in advance in this work.

The seven-day earthquake count gradually increased day by day from around 120 on December 27 until it reached 199 in yesterday's report; and as it reached the 200 there was a large quake of just over 7.0 magnitude in the Pacific off Japan, which resulted in Tsunami warnings in Alaska that proved to be unnecessary.

This is not to say this is big news; I am just running with an idea with this earthquake count.

The American news media is generally not interested in quakes that do not kill people or disrupt life, but my news service, I.C. News, sees this keeping score as potentially important; and the regular increase in earthquake frequency over the past three weeks indicates I.C. News might be plowing fertile ground.

The earthquake total of the past seven days is 208, up from yesterday's seven day count of 199.

It is quite possible these increases are part of an annual cycle every seismologist around the world is familiar with; but if so this cycle is not a part of general public knowledge, and general public knowledge is what journalism is about. That is, I may be re-inventing the wheel, but I will invent it anyway

Also, of course, this is a very short-range examination of an extremely long-range phenomenon, but I am tracking the death of this Earth projected to take place by 2065, and I am saying modern earthquakes and their patterns are an important element in that death.

To review, I documented the great quake and tsunami ten days in advance of their taking place on December 26, 2004; and also the two large quakes off Taiwan on December 26, 2006; and I am currently saying there will be another important quake on December 26, 2007; there having now been major earthquakes on that date four years in a row.

I feel if this December 26 pattern continues we can project a great Earth-killer quake, or rather a great human-killer quake to take place on or about December 26, some year in the relatively near future.

I say human-killer over Earth-killer because I expect that theorized earthquake to alter the locations of the poles, causing more damage to life on Earth than to the Earth itself. In fact, I speculate that great December 26 quake in the future could in fact save the Earth from its parasite, the human being.

There is a reason this work is entitled The Obituary of the World, however, and this afterthought might be the wishful thinking of a planet-hugger. No matter how well I know it, I hate to admit this Earth is dying.

Carrying over from yesterday's report, God's Space War attack on the United States Navy is still on the scope, today being Six and tomorrow being Five in our countdown.

The two counts we are running, "Jews' Jaws" and "Shark America", can be seen as pistons moving in coordinated but opposite timing. They always meet in the middle, no matter which is going up and which is going down. This gives us an excellent timing mechanism.

For example, if we in fact do have the expected God's Space War attack on the US Navy when the Shark America count reaches Zero, we can begin to see if God's Space War attacks on Shark America take place on each Zero count day.

If that does not happen nothing is lost, this is just a hypothesis I am pursuing as I study God's Space War against the United States of America.

Tomorrow's Five-Five occasion of both our counts, Jews' Jaws and Shark America, represents a possible high impact day for both fascist nations, the USA and Israel, since we know that sooner or later God is going to strike both nations on the same day; but while we can in theory project the day we cannot project the year, much as with our December 26, 20XX killer quake projection.

Friday, January 12, 2007

The $116 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Three

Shark America Seven

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 199

Today, January 12, 2004, the United States of America is an egg in a vice.

America's military position is that weak, as weak as an egg in a vice; and while the fetus within the egg sees itself as eagle-angel, the shell of that egg of delusion will crack and break at the slightest increase in pressure.

On one side of the vice of war that grips America is the fascist folly of Richard M. Nixon, who established the torture-enslavement of God's faithful servant, Virgil Kret, the only known audible mental telepath in the history of the human race; and the other side of that vice is the fascist folly of George W. Bush, who stupidly invaded Iraq.

This is truly a case of two simultaneous wars into which America has in similar ways stumbled and bumbled.

America has, in effect, declared the right to enslave and murder all Telepaths in its declaration of the right to enslave and murder one, the only known one; and similarly, America has declared the right to enslave and murder any Muslims it sees fit to. There are over a billion Telepaths; there are over a billion Muslims.

I refer you at this time to my advance documentation of the 9/11 attack, my warnings going back some three months before the event, with my final solid warnings established with both NBC and the fascist District Attorney of San Luis Obispo County, California; solid warnings established while I was being tortured into congestive heart failure because I am the only audible mental telepath in human history.

Consider what history might have been had I been free to deliver my information, were I not America's torture slave.

The 9/11 attack would have almost certainly have been blocked; the Twin Towers would still be standing; those dead would still be alive; the invasion of Afghanistan would not have taken place; the invasion of Iraq would not have taken place; and all the lives and dollars squandered would not have been squandered.

I mention this because we are in a similar situation now, in just a little over a week we can expect a massive, brilliant, genius attack on the United States Navy; and the same forces within America that would not let me head off the 9/11 attack are doing their same old fascist dance, torturing me because I think too loud.

Here is the challenge. We are looking at the destruction of what seems to be an American aircraft carrier in a little over a week; but America will almost certainly decide it would rather have Virgil Kret to torture and enslave than that aircraft carrier afloat; just as it decided it would rather have a hole in the ground where the Word Trade Center used to be than to see American citizen, Virgil Kret, speak, write, live and love free.

Here is the game. I am telling all you government pigs and all you psycho-fascist Americans that there is no way, even forewarned as you are now, that the US Navy can avoid the disaster it sails into in just over a week; no way but in freeing me, no way but in compensating me, and no way but in apologizing to me with a voice heard round the world.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

The $115 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Two

Shark America Eight

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 188

It seems to me some changes in my favor are taking place, this because America's torture of me has gone down appreciably since Monday.

Perhaps there has been a dawning, a realization that God has long been killing Americans for the crime of torturing God's One True Telepath; or perhaps this is just a lull, a cigarette break for the exhausted torturers. We shall see.

Let's see what our lookout in the Crow's Nest is seeing.

The frequency of earthquakes since we started keeping a record a few weeks ago seems to be gradually increasing, but we have not been keeping this record long enough for an in-depth analysis . Today's seven-day count, 188, is by far the highest we have seen; and we are watching for an average number over 200.

This is not meant to be a scientific earthquake count. It is taken from the US Geological Survey web site, but not at the same time every day.

Except for the fact that I have documented in advance two of the four earthquakes to have taken place on December 26 for four years in a row, including the quake that caused the great tsunami, and have documented in advance other earthquakes around the world now and then, I do not claim this as the nub of my work.

This tracking of a seven-day earthquake count is something of an experiment.

The Crow's Nest watch has also, of course, noted the hullabaloo surrounding America's faux-president's speech about Iraq Wednesday night, but to we Space Sailors all Americans, no matter what political party, no matter what point of view, are in the same sinking boat and fly the same fascist flag of Telepath torture-enslavement.

Critical in the sinking of that boat is the universal opinion among all political parties that America had a right to invade Iraq, and the further obscene agreement among all political parties that blame for failure in Iraq can be placed on the backs of the Iraqis, who have not reacted to foreign conquest as they, in the American view, should have.

America has broken the egg, now it complains that the egg has not hatched. How collectively stupid can a nation be?

As far as we Space Sailors are concerned, the only Americans who are not fascist bastards and fascist bitches are those who do not know of or openly oppose America's torture-enslavement of me, and children age eleven or under.

(This age cut-off is very important, since therein lies the survival of the human species if it comes to that; and it is very likely it will come to that.)

Our countdown to a US Navy disaster remains in place, at Eight today and Seven tomorrow, and while there is a sad and pathetic element to it in that most of the US Navy personnel about to die were not born until well after the US Navy first violated the Constitution and attempted to murder me, that Navy violation of my life continues to this day. The sins of the father...

Blame the deaths of these young sailors on the Navy prigs in "intelligence".

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The $114 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws One

Shark America Nine

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 155

We now have a solid countdown to the "Shark America" catastrophe. The expected target is the United States Navy.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

The $113 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws Zero

Shark America Ten ? (This code ripened today.)

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 133

Today's report offers an exquisite example of God's military style as revealed in God's Space War against the United States of America.

It concerns the collision between the USS Newport News, a nuclear submarine, and a Japanese oil tanker, the Mogamigawa, in the Straits of Hormuz; where the United States of America is on the verge of initiating nuclear war.

This collision, as I will demonstrate, was deliberately arranged by God to serve as a final warning, to write on the wall of the news, "Go No Further, America."

I cannot overstate the importance of this collision, and I suggest America look at it in the context of yesterday's warnings of deadly danger which took place in New York City and Austin.

This collision marks the "ripening" of the "Shark America" code, and also tells the US Navy how God is about to single it out as a target, offering the Navy the opportunity to surrender its alleged "right" to participate in the torture-enslavement of me, God's One True Telepath.

The terms of surrender being offered the US Navy require the Navy to immediately pay me one million dollars for each year from 1967 to 2007, from the start of the Navy's attack on me to the present, and hand over to me a commissioned US Navy vessel in a public ceremony

I can only suggest to the Navy that this is a very good offer, a kind offer, considering the cost in lives and material the US Navy will lose in God's Space War against the United States, and considering the viciousness of the Navy's actions against me since 1967.

Those terms put down, I will now I will now outline what God wrote on the wall of the news when God caused the USS Newport News to collide with the Mogamigawa, and how God even chose which Japanese ship would be struck by the American submarine. Those readers who understand Japanese may already know where I am going with this.

You may recall the Shark America code was established with a story of when I was 15 and working on tourist fishing boats out of Norfolk, Virginia, on the Chesapeake Bay, how I was taught to deal with sharks when they were brought aboard; put a knife up the shark's anus, and slit its gut open, and throw it to the sharks.

The USS Newport News is based at Norfolk, and Newport News is just across the Chesapeake Bay from Norfolk, matching our location identifier.

The news reports say neither ship was severely damaged in the collision, but even if the USS Newport News had been severely damaged the news media likely would not have carried that information. That information might be treated as a military secret at such a critical time in such a critical part of the world.

So, we don't know if the Newport News' gut was slit open; but we can assume it was not since she would likely be on the bottom now, and that would be headline news around the world.

(The news media loves sunken sub stories, with the crew slowly dying down there. Such stories are the news reporter's wet dream.)

Now, here comes some big news, a Big Surprise. When I introduced the Shark America code and described my instructions as to sharks, I also said the skipper of the boat, who was a huge and powerful man, had another way of dealing with a shark. He would grab it around the nap of its neck at the gills and grind its nose into the deck, breaking its nose, then throw the shark back to the sharks.

The one thing the news reports revealed was that the USS Newport News had damage to its bow, it's nose.

Now let's see if we can find the skipper of my Ship of Life, God, breaking the USS Newport News' nose.

The name of the Japanese tanker is Mogamigawa. With my apologies to my Japanese readers I will read "Mo" as duckweed or seaweed, "gami" as "kami" (God) and "gawa" as "kawa" (river), and while I have never heard of such a river, the ship is probably named after a river in Japan called Mogamigawa.

So, the ship that broke the nuclear sub's nose has "God" in its name.

This is really a rich code and speaks strongly to other codes I have presented here in the recent past, such as the code for George W. Bush, "Kamo Negi", meaning a duck carrying its own onion so as to help the chef cook it, what American poker players might call a "fish" or a "mark" when such an idiot as George W. Bush sits down to the high stakes table to play.

Meanwhile, back in the USA, the psycho-fascist Americans should remember the clear message written on the wall of Time yesterday. They could smell the warning of poisonous gas in Manhattan's rotten egg smell, but they made light of it; they could see the classic warning of poisonous gas, the dead birds in Austin, but they just scratched their heads.

I would suggest the United States of America rapidly surrender is alleged "right" to torture and enslave me

Surrender requires immediate the payment of the daily "Defeat" amount on the top of these reports, today being $112 Billion; plus less quickly the other fines and punishments previously listed, including a thousand dollars per day per state since the national torture-enslavement of me began, and criminal prosecution of identifiable people who committed crimes against me, charges to include felony torture.

I also suggest the United States of America stand down from its quasi-secret plan to rake several nations of this Earth with nuclear weapons in the very near future.

Monday, January 08, 2007

The $112 Billion Defeat

Jews' Jaws One

Shark America Nine ?

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 133

There were two very interesting God's Space War events in the news today, particularly if you are interested in the concept of coincidence being the rockets' red glare of God's Space War.

Yesterday I referred you to the coincidence of two football stars dying violent deaths within days of each other.

Today we had two somewhat similar mystery events, one in Manhattan, the massive "rotten egg" natural gas smell, and the other in Austin, where a central area of the city was closed down because some 60 birds were found to have mysteriously died overnight.

Within this coincidence of two similar stories is greater a coincidence, one which I suggest qualifies as a modern example of God's writing on the wall.

Both the rotten egg smell that is put into natural gas and the birds often kept in cages in mines serve the same purpose, to detect the existence of odorless, poisonous gas. That is, bad smell and dead birds both tell the same tale.

The great question is, what tale did the Manhattan rotten egg smell and the Austin dead birds tell? Stay tuned.

We are talking here about God's ongoing defeat of the United States of America, and I think these two coincidences rank as good, clear warnings; certainly more clear than smoke signals in a John Wayne western.

I don't know if this gas-bird coincidence is clear to you, but the importance of these two events seems to have touched the people in the community in which I am holed up. I say this because I went to the supermarket today AND NO ONE TORTURED ME. It has been years, perhaps as much as a decade, since that has happened.

In fact, the only person to torture me today was the government pig you pay to torture me all night and all day when the next room is not occupied by real people.

The government pig, by the way grunted the opinion that the gas smell-bird death coincidence was not important; but the government pig will become pork chops and ham hocks in Hell, so what does he know?