Saturday, May 31, 2008

Tatoo, Part 16 (Stopped 21)

The $658 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Seven Up

Shark America Three Down

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 189 (New Crack in the Egg Activity in the Easter Island area)

Virgil's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Profound Act of God Against Israel & USA on June 7, 2008. Attack Codes are "Two Birds, One Stone", "Double Down", "Home", "Sirhan Sirhan", "Admiral Moorer", "Fadel Shana", "Topsy-Turvy", "Dead Soul Family", "Admiral Moorer 2", "Nipple", "Blood of Mars", "Wait" & "Cowards".

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008.

George W. Bush Will Destroy the World.

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event.

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: The Secret Story, Tatoo (16-21)

Today's code is "152nd Day, Last Year".

Odd isn't it? The USA took two dead in New York City yesterday; and no one wants to know that crane accident wasn't an accident even though it was reasonably well documented in advance here.

That's America, afraid to know the truth.

One of the more difficult aspects of the "Time-Check" demonstration we ran on Thursday and Friday is that it involved a very old code--old codes don't go away, they become like threads in the fabric of the tapestry of God's Space War, and show up, show up, and show up again.

"Sudden Collapse", this is a very old code and always in the past connected...connected...connected with Mars; and now we expect the Mars story to break open, the "Blood of Mars" code to rain down blood on America, or drain the blood out of America's fearful face; and can the Sudden Collapse of America be far behind Blood of Mars?

Let's look at our Time Map, our Battle Map, let's look at the end of the world.

On June 5 we expect a "Time Echo" of the June 7 God's Space War attack on Israel and its drone ally, the USA.

This should be a very interesting event, particularly to those Dear Readers who have some interest in Time Travel.

I have explained this to you. Due to the peculiar physics of Time, events that happen in the future reverberate into the Past as well as into the future.

So, it seems certain a major God's Space War attack on those two planet-murdering sons-of-bitches-nations, Israel and the USA, will take place on June 7 (Hurry, June 7!); and we will be able to sense something about that June 7 impact on June 5.

Even from here we know the US government and its partner in deception, the US news media, will be on maximum censorship lockdown during the period of this Time-Space attack zone--June 5 through 8.

God has taken this into account; and given us the "Red Hawk" code that will devour that censorship.

God knows the leopard does not change its spots; God knows Satan-America does not grow a new tail and live a new story this late in the game. God knows America is committed to fascism; the Democrat-Republican debate is over the form of that fascism, not substantive issues like the food shortage famine, the rise of Republican American Fascist horror, the planet dying...the planet dying...the planet dying, right before our eyes.

We know from our Time Map, our Battle Map, that I can expect to be free of America's torture and enslavement by July 15; so what must happen over the next six weeks for that to come about; how much agony must America suffer between now and then to cause it to give up its beloved torture-enslavement of me?

We shall see what we shall see.

In the mean time, and this is a clue of what is to come, know that God holds George W. Bush in utmost contempt; and note, too, that God's Pal, Virgil, loathes what George W. Bush and his ilk have done to these United States of America; so you can expect some pretty fancy God's Space War action.

They are all damned. Condoleezza, Bolton, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Bush Number One and Bush Number Two, and all those who slither about and wrap around each other in that mating of those fascist snakes, that shameful reptile pornography going on right before our eyes.

Torturing nation, threatening nation, murdering nation; you Republican American Fascists cannot to this to a nation Virgil Kret is a citizen of.

Tatoo, Part 16 (Stopped 21)

(To Be Continued)

Meanwhile, the United States of America, unaware that it was about to eat the fire Israel will serve up, passed through the 152nd day of its last year.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Tatoo, Part 16 (Stopped 20)

The $657 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Six Up

Shark America Four Down

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 196

Virgil's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Profound Act of God Against Israel & USA on June 7, 2008. Attack Codes are "Two Birds, One Stone", "Double Down", "Home", "Sirhan Sirhan", "Admiral Moorer", "Fadel Shana", "Topsy-Turvy", "Dead Soul Family", "Admiral Moorer 2", "Nipple", "Blood of Mars", "Wait" & "Cowards".

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008.

George W. Bush Will Destroy the World.

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event.

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: The Secret Story, Tatoo (16-20)

Today's code is "151st Day, Last Year".

Yesterday I told you: "I.C. News will run a time-check today. If our time calculations are correct the United States of America will suffer a God's Space War hit by 4 p.m. Friday, California time."

The time-check event was the crane collapse in Manhattan Friday morning, killing two.

This was not a major advance documentation. It was meant only to confirm for me as accurate my estimate that God's attack on Israel and its drone ally, the United States of America, will take place during the June 5-8 period, June 7 being the focal day.

This is at least the third crane collapse event we have had associated with the Mars story over the years, so here at I.C. News we watch this "Sudden Collapse" code pattern, expecting it to come into play in the "Shock and Awe" attack on the USA God's Space Sailors on Earth and on Mars are now in the process of carrying out.

Those Dear Readers interested in the small details of God's Space War
might enjoy knowing that true to God's Space Sailors' current mocking of America's cowardly Shock and Awe attack on Iraq, this God's Space War hit came well before the stated deadline of 4 p.m., California time.

This mirrored George W. Bush's shamefully cowardly premature ejaculation of his smart bombs, which killed only innocent civilians, before his stupid and fascist pre-invasion 48-hour deadline was up.

In the Mars story, there seems to have been some hoopla about strange white objects seen on Mars, but likely with prosaic explanations. No, we at I.C. News are looking for something phenomenal, undeniable, shocking, to take place on Mars.

That said, we have received notice of an upcoming God's Space War hit on the US Postal Service; probably within 48 hours.

This will be God's response to the Postal Service's deliberate blocking of my mail from reaching me. The center of this felonious activity is the Morro Bay, California, post office, 93443.

Obviously, and becoming more obvious every day, God's Space Sailors remain a battle stations; and Sweet Muse remains at her battle station, too, so her story of Tatoo and the founding of the Japanese race remains stopped.

Tatoo, Part 16 (Stopped 20)

(To Be Continued)

Meanwhile, the United States of America, unaware that it was about to eat the fire Israel will serve up, passed through the 151st day of its last year.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Tatoo, Part 16 (Stopped 19)

The $656 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Five Up

Shark America Five Down

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 191 (First Time Below 200 in About a Year)

Virgil's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Profound Act of God Against Israel & USA on June 7, 2008. Attack Codes are "Two Birds, One Stone", "Double Down", "Home", "Sirhan Sirhan", "Admiral Moorer", "Fadel Shana", "Topsy-Turvy", "Dead Soul Family", "Admiral Moorer 2", "Nipple", "Blood of Mars", "Wait" & "Cowards".

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008.

George W. Bush Will Destroy the World.

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event.

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: The Secret Story, Tatoo (16-19)

Today's code is "150th Day, Last Year".

I.C. News will run a time-check today. If our time calculations are correct the United States of America will suffer a God's Space War hit by 4 p.m. Friday, California time.

We have a new Israel-USA code today, "Cowards".

The last three codes should be read as a sentence, "Blood of Mars, Wait Cowards".

Yesterday I said I was interested in seeing how God's Space Sailors would get their "Shock and Awe" demonstration within camera range of NASA's Phoenix on Mars past government censorship and before the people of the world.

An answer from God's Space Sailors came today. It was "Red Hawk". Let's see how Red Hawk plays out.

It seems a great many readers found particularly offensive the following paragraph in yesterday's report.

"That is, the opening battle plan of God's Space Sailors seems to be to take three living American and put them on Mars, either killing them before they got to Mars or letting the Mars atmosphere kill them."

The idea of "UFOs" intentionally killing Americans in space or on Mars--and as a demonstration of power and capability--struck them as an evil thing to do.

I remind those Americans of ruffled feathers that God's Space War is Do Unto Others warfare, and the American people murder people all the time.

I do not mean the national murder rate in saying this, no, I mean murder in Afghanistan and Pakistan and Iraq and all over the world is American government policy.

The American people murder people every day of the year; so why should God's Space Sailors' murdering them be out of moral bounds?

I have noted that God's Space Sailors are calling their opening attack on the United States of America and its master, Israel, Shock and Awe.

I wonder if you realize how cowardly America's Shock and Awe attack on Iraq was; the strongest nation in the world attacking a far, far weaker nation, and wantonly attacking its civilian population with its so-called smart bombs.

The American people and the American media thought Shock and Awe was a glorious thing; and had it been successful; had the Iraqis not fought back so valiantly and courageously; the American people would today be giving the Nazi salute saying "Heil Bush!".

Today's code word, Cowards, applies directly to the American people; and it is the American people God's Space Sailors will inflict war upon.

America's Shock and Awe, Dear Reader, was one of the most cowardly military operations in human history; and it began with a cowardly act within the cowardly act.

The fascist fool, George W. Bush, had announced a ridiculous 48 hour window for the Boogie Man of Iraq to get out of the country--a bit of childish theater--but Bush attacked before the time was up, killing a number of civilians where it was though the Boogie Man would be.

Most of the world knows America's invasion of Iraq was a criminal act; and what we are going to find out as God's Space War proceeds is God sees it as a criminal act, too.

Before America's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq I said America would lose that war worse than any nation in the history of the world has ever lost a war. As God's Space War proceeds, the truth of my statement will become obvious.

To repeat at the end what we said at the beginning, I.C. News expects a God's Space War hit on the United States America before 4 p.m., California time, Friday.

God's Space Sailors being at their battle stations, and already having begun their attack on the United States of America and its master, Israel, the story of how Tatoo is remembered in Japan as the Sun Goddess Amaterasu remains stopped for the 19th day in a row.

Tatoo, Part 16 (Stopped 19)

(To Be Continued)

Meanwhile, the United States of America, unaware that it was about to eat the fire Israel will serve up, passed through the 150th day of its last year.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Tatoo, Part 16 (Stopped 18)

The $655 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Four Up

Shark America Six Down

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 209

Virgil's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Profound Act of God Against Israel & USA on June 7, 2008. Attack Codes are "Two Birds, One Stone", "Double Down", "Home", "Sirhan Sirhan", "Admiral Moorer", "Fadel Shana", "Topsy-Turvy", "Dead Soul Family", "Admiral Moorer 2", "Nipple", "Blood of Mars" & "Wait".

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008.

George W. Bush Will Destroy the World.

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event.

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: The Secret Story, Tatoo (16-18)

Today's code is "149th Day, Last Year".

I have been telling you God's Space Sailors have a real "Shock and Awe" in store for America relative to NASA's Phoenix, which is now on the surface of Mars in Mars' North Pole region.

I have told you God's Space Sailors intend to put something in the photographic field of Phoenix which could not possibly be there unless it was transported there from Earth.

I have told you my information indicates God's Space Sailors intend to put three American bodies there; and I said if that were to happen the Americans would have to be first reported missing.

That is, the opening battle plan of God's Space Sailors seems to be to take three living American and put them on Mars, either killing them before they got to Mars or letting the Mars atmosphere kill them.

I have been watching the news for the disappearances of three well known or famous Americans; well known or famous because their disappearance would have to be national news for me to "read the writing on the wall of the news".

Apparently God's Space Sailors have the three missing Americans in custody already, not famous to you and me but famous to Air Force and other government secret pigs.

Remember, we recently documented in advance the killing of a CIA agent in Houston by Houston police; an advance documentation that would stand up under scrutiny still today.

Houston is about as NASA as a city can get; so in that event we have a NASA/Spy combo.

It seems that NASA/Spy combo will also be a factor in the Shock and Awe relative to NASA's Phoenix.

The Americans God's Space Sailors have in custody are the pilot and crew of a top secret US spy aircraft that exploded over southern Vietnam on Wednesday Vietnam Time and Tuesday our time.

Our "Wait" code came in on Tuesday.

The plane, according to a frequently accurate Russian intelligence source, was an SR-91 Aurora. I know nothing about this aircraft, but I am guessing it had a crew of three, even though one the Internet sites I checked out says it is crewless.

Reuters is reporting that a "unidentified flying object" exploded over southern Vietnam; and there has been some speculation, perhaps from the wording of Reuters' report, that it was an actual "UFO". It was not. "UFOs" do not explode.

Apparently it is the crew of the Aurora spy plane God's Space Sailors intend to place within the camera field of NASA's Phoenix.

There seem to be two stages in this God's Space Sailors Shock and Awe operation against the United States of America and its master, Israel.

The first stage is an offer, now pending, to return the crew of the aircraft alive in exchange for America's ending its torture enslavement of me, God's One True Telepath, in a reasoned, compensative, honest and friendly way.

The second stage is to put the bodies of the Americans within camera range of NASA's Phoenix.

After that, it seems, all Hell will break loose as God's Space Sailors enter into open warfare against the United States of America and America's master, Israel.

Of great interest to me is how God's Space Sailors will get NASA's pictures of the bodies past what will likely be total American government censorship so the American people can see them.

Sweet Muse, still at her battle station and likely deeply involved in this "Blood of Mars" God's Space War operation, continues her pause in telling us her story of Tatoo, who became Amaterasu of Japanese myth, and who delivered the first Japanese to Japan.

Tatoo, Part 16 (Stopped 18)

(To Be Continued)

Meanwhile, the United States of America, unaware that it was about to eat the fire Israel will serve up, passed through the 149th day of its last year.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Tatoo, Part 16 (Stopped 17)

The $654 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Three Up

Shark America Seven Down

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 206

Virgil's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Profound Act of God Against Israel & USA on June 7, 2008. Attack Codes are "Two Birds, One Stone", "Double Down", "Home", "Sirhan Sirhan", "Admiral Moorer", "Fadel Shana", "Topsy-Turvy", "Dead Soul Family", "Admiral Moorer 2", "Nipple", "Blood of Mars" & "Wait".

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008.

George W. Bush Will Destroy the World.

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event.

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: The Secret Story, Tatoo (16-17)

Today's code is "148th Day, Last Year".

Today's Israel-USA code is "Wait"; in the context of this sentence:
Sometimes war is a matter of intelligent waiting.

While it is good to see Senator Barak Obama has passed through the anticipated Memorial Day danger zone only slightly harmed by others, it is distressing but not unexpected to see he has again harmed himself.

The central problem with Obama is that he has no guts, no backbone, and time after time he backs down rather than defend what needs to be defended.

This weakness first appeared in his repudiation of his really excellent Christian pastor and long time friend, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, because the right wing media was attacking Wright.

Even more revealing of Obama's lacking in the balls department is his backing down from his statements that he would talk to the leaders of such countries as Iran and Cuba; again in the face of shrill, shortsighted and silly right wing criticism.

While there are excellent recent historical demonstrations of the value in talking to America's perceived enemies, Obama falls back from this important stand like a pussy in a pillow fight.

The American people want their presidents to have some spunk.

I continue to believe Obama is too cowardly to be President of the United States of America.

Now let's look at how an intelligent man with balls, me, Virgil Kret, would be campaigning for the Presidency if he had two constitutional rights to rub together.

Two of the greatest errors the fool occupying the White House has committed (of the countless errors he has committed) were his attempting to overthrow the Constitution of the United States of America, and his stupid impatience in his lust for Iraqi blood.

To this day Bush still tells himself and us the noose around the boogeyman of Iraq's neck overwhelms Bush's mass murder of Iraqis; to this day Bush still tells himself his packing of the Supreme Court with Republican American Fascist judges will thwart the will of the American people to continue to be a democratic nation.

Pity the Fool. His soul is lost. His fascist coup is lost. Agony and remorse await him, forever and forever and forevermore.

Sure, we wait for the three senators running for president to say something real, but that is like waiting for a rooster to lay an egg.

It is an interesting thing watching the collapse of America's only two political parties of power; one because it wanted to steal the rights of the American people, the other because it would not defend the rights of the American people.

There is no greater issue in America today than the defense of the Constitution of the United States of America against its internal enemies.

There should be an asterisk placed beside the historical record of the George W. Bush occupancy of the White House, a notation that it was an illegal, fascist occupation designed to overthrow through violence, threat of violence and skullduggery the Constitution of the United States of America.

There should be a constitutional amendment declaring this faux-presidency null and void from its inception, allowing for the undoing of the devious crimes it has committed.

The Supreme Court should be begun anew; the life-long terms of justices having been used by the unAmerian Republican American Fascist coup to project their brand of fascism into the future; and the American people should not stand for it.

The mercenary armies such as Blackwater, established in secret and not-so-secret support of the Republican American Fascist coup, should be given no more government contracts and their existence should be recognized as being in violation of the Constitution of the United States of America.

Article One, Section 8 of the Constitution in part says it is the jurisdiction of Congress "To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years."

The coining and printing of American money should be returned to the people and taken out of the hands of private enterprise and private banking.

All the monies stolen from the American people by private enterprise since the Republican American Fascists usurped the White House in 2000 should be returned to the American people with interest and penalties--including all the monies paid out to all the contracting firms that have so grotesquely profited from war since the year 2000.

The crimes committed by Republican American Fascism must be openly recognized by all candidates for the Presidency; not doing so is tantamount to participating in those crimes.

The crime of America's torture enslavement of me must be recognized, ended and compensated for.

The 13th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America states: "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."

The code for today is Wait; meaning let God take care of it.

I once heard one of those Silly Willy pundits on Fox TV say he is a Christian but he believes in revenge.

No, that is impossible. There is no such thing as a Christian who believes in revenge, even though such vengeance-believing people might kid themselves into thinking they are Christians.

Vengeance is the Lord's, Jesus taught; wait; let God take care of it, Jesus said.

This was a very important teaching in the context of the Middle East where vengeance rules the both the Jews and the Arabs; but it applies to dull-witted American presidents, too.

Had America not gone helter-skelter after vengeance after 9/11 it would not have its dead and wounded, its treasury would not be in the pockets of war profiteers, and those who committed the crime would long ago have been caught and dealt with.

The teachings of Jesus are not clever sayings, like Ben Franklin's A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned, they map the course to peace, renaissance and planet-salvation.

So, at I.C. News we wait today. I have some time to kill while Time kills you, so why don't we talk a little about the physics of George W. Bush's damnation.

What's that? Wait on that, too? (Damned editors, what do they know?)

Anyway, unless there is bigger news breaking, and unless the physics of George W. Bush's damnation is still on the I.C. News wait list, we will approach the laws of subatomic physics which result in George W. Bush's eternal damnation even though a thousand Billy Grahams might say otherwise.


God's Space Sailors remain at their battle stations for the 17th day, and the story of how Tatoo came to be remembered in Japanese myth as the Sun Goddess Amaterasu, and her clan of western Chinese came to become the first Japanese, remains stopped.

Tatoo, Part 16 (Stopped 17)

(To Be Continued)

Meanwhile, the United States of America, unaware that it was about to eat the fire Israel will serve up, passed through the 148th day of its last year.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Tatoo, Part 16 (Stopped 16)

The $653 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Two Up

Shark America Eight Down

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 212

Virgil's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Profound Act of God Against Israel & USA on June 7, 2008. Attack Codes are "Two Birds, One Stone", "Double Down", "Home", "Sirhan Sirhan", "Admiral Moorer", "Fadel Shana", "Topsy-Turvy", "Dead Soul Family", "Admiral Moorer 2", "Nipple" & "Blood of Mars".

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008.

George W. Bush Will Destroy the World.

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event.

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: The Secret Story, Tatoo (16-16)

Today's code is "147th Day, Last Year".

No new Israel-USA code today.

With the arrival of yesterday's "Blood of Mars" code many things are making sense.

The code arrived so late yesterday I could not discuss it very much. I simply what I had already prepared and put out yesterday's bulletin.

Right now, on Mars, God's Space Sailors are planning something big.

Sure to be sure, what they are planning is aimed at the fascist American government; but sure to be sure, it is aimed at the psycho-fascist American people as well.

God's Space Sailors are going to show psycho-fascist America something on Mars that could not possibly be on Mars.

This demonstration may not constitute proof of the existence of God (but it may); and it may not constitute proof of the existence of God's Space Sailors (but it may); but it will constitute proof of the existence of extraterrestrials who can go to Earth, pick up an object or objects or person or persons and deposit their cargo within camera range of NASA's Phoenix, now safely landed and operating near Mar's North Pole.

Part of the fun of my work is this: When I know God is going to do something, I like to try to figure out what God is going to do.

Sometimes I am right, sometimes I am wrong; God is playing God's Cards close to God's Vest in the Second Coming Poker Game.

I make my guesses on what God is going to do through remembering past actions by God and reading the writing on the wall of the news, the same writing I have been trying to teach you how to read for some years now.

In this approaching event, the central clue to what God is going to do can be found in God's request that I publish my annual Memorial Day Weekend piece about a month early.

Memorial Day is a very important holiday at I.C. News, perhaps the most important of the year, and the publication of that piece is as important a tradition to I.C. News as perhaps is your putting up a Christmas Tree.

God always has reasons for doing things; and they tend to be reasons within reasons; and as I told you yesterday, I had puzzled over what God's reasons might have been in asking me to publish my Memorial Day piece early.

Then, when the Blood of Mars code came in on the day I would have published my Memorial Day piece, and just after the Phoenix had landed on, click, click things started to click.

Frankly, I think God is going to deposit three American bodies on Mars; I say this because my Memorial Day piece focuses on three American bodies out of the many I saw in Vietnam.

I may be wrong about this...and I may be right. Right or wrong it doesn't matter because God is going to do what God is going to do whether I guess right or not; and such speculation as this is I.C. News' version of the office pool.

It could be something else. It could be a road sign such as "YOU ARE NOW ENTERING MISSOURI" (Misery) or anything clearly of recent Earth origin, a basketball, a political poster--but I am thinking it will be three dead Americans, well known Americans who are today walking around fit as fiddles.

So what I am looking for as this Act of God's Space war against the United States of America develops is the disappearances of three well known--famous--Americans. Not their deaths, no, but their disappearances being reported in the news.

If you see that in the news, if you were to see, for example Sinator Clinton, Sinator McCain and Sinator Obama all at once go missing, you could bet your last penny all three sinners would show up dead on Mars.

God can play "Shock and Awe" too, Dear Reader.

What is about to take place is not a shot across America's bow, there have been many of those and America disdained them all; no, this God's Space War shot will hit USS Psycho-Fascist America right smack dab on its bridge.


That news reported, I note as a sidebar that I received a request from a reader that I explain further something I reported in this work on the states of the souls of aborted human beings.

When I attempted to email the person in response to the AOL address contained in the readers request AOL said that address did not exist. My apologies to the reader.

The reader's question was a good one, however, and I have written the first draft of my response and I plan to run my response very soon; it taking second place only to breaking news.


As has been the case since God's Space Sailors went to their battle stations some 16 days ago, the story of Tatoo, who is known to the Japanese as Amaterasu, and her clan of western Chinese, who became the first Japanese, is still stopped; likely until God's Space Sailors free me from America's grasp by cutting off America's hand.

Tatoo, Part 16 (Stopped 16)

(To Be Continued)

Meanwhile, the United States of America, unaware that it was about to eat the fire Israel will serve up, passed through the 147th day of its last year.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Tatoo, Part 16 (Stopped 15)


The $652 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws One Up

Shark America Nine Down

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 210

Virgil's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Profound Act of God Against Israel & USA on June 7, 2008. Attack Codes are "Two Birds, One Stone", "Double Down", "Home", "Sirhan Sirhan", "Admiral Moorer", "Fadel Shana", "Topsy-Turvy", "Dead Soul Family", "Admiral Moorer 2", "Nipple" & "Blood of Mars".

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008.

George W. Bush Will Destroy the World.

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event.

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: The Secret Story, Tatoo (16-15)

Today's code is "146th Day, Last Year".

A remarkable God's Space War code arrived just before deadline time today.

The code is "Blood of Mars" and it seems to promise the transmission of a message from God's Space Sailors through NASA's spacecraft Phoenix, which landed successfully on Mars today.

This message clearly promises to be about America's torture-enslavement of me, God's One True Telepath.

Blood of Mars is a very important code, and it may result in proof not only the existence of God's Space Sailors but also of the state of war God's Space Sailors have entered because of America's torture-enslavement of me.

This Blood of Mars code seems to promise a shocking picture or some shocking pictures to be sent to Earth via Phoenix.

This transmission seems to be something befitting Memorial Day.

Will the US government censor this communication from God's Space Sailors? Almost certainly it will try, but the communication will get through to the American people.

For reasons I did not begin to understand until the Blood of Mars code came in late today, my Old Pal God had asked me to run my traditional Memorial Day piece three or four weeks early, which I did because God asked me too.

I suggest my running that piece then, with the notation of why it was being run early, will serve to demonstrate the pre-planning of this Space Sailor message via Phoenix that far back.

I note here that there have been at two confirmed messages from God's Space Sailors transmitted to Earth via previous Mars landings. Both were reviewed and explained in this work but they drew no apparent interest.

To be as clear as I can be: The suggestion here is God's Space Sailors will send America a message about me--clearly about me--through Phoenix, now safely landed in the region of Mar's North Pole, and that message is likely to shiver America's timbers.

It is within the possibilities that those transmissions may show American bodies on Mars.

For some 15 days we have been reporting that the story of Tatoo and the founding of the Japanese race has been put on hold because all God's Space Sailors, including Sweet Muse, the narrator of the Tatoo story, are at battle station.

It seems we are about to see what "battle station" means.
Tatoo, Part 16 (Stopped 15)

(To Be Continued)

Meanwhile, the United States of America, unaware that it was about to eat the fire Israel will serve up, passed through the 146th day of its last year.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Tatoo, Part 16 (Stopped 14-2)


The $651 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Zero Down

Shark America Ten Up

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 219

Virgil's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Profound Act of God Against Israel & USA on June 7, 2008. Attack Codes are "Two Birds, One Stone", "Double Down", "Home", "Sirhan Sirhan", "Admiral Moorer", "Fadel Shana", "Topsy-Turvy", "Dead Soul Family", "Admiral Moorer 2" & "Nipple".

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008.

George W. Bush Will Destroy the World.

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event.

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: The Secret Story, Tatoo (16-14-2)

Today's code is "145th Day, Last Year".

My Old Pal God asked me to put out today's report early, and by the smell of the anger in the ether quite a few Christians read it; but Christian anger at me is not unusual and not the reason God asked me to put today's report out early.

I wait now, as evening comes on, for some special news, because I think there is a second report in the offing. My usual deadline is still some six hours away; so I man my post waiting for the news to come in on the wings of a snow white dove.

I have received no God's Space War code yet today, and these days that is unusual. Perhaps that is what is coming; a glowing hot iron code straight from Blacksmith God.

I suppose people think I make this stuff up as I go along, but, no, I get it and I pass it on; and in general the less of me that gets into the mix the better and more true the work.

I am like an old work horse used to the harness, the kind that would clippity clop home when harnessed to the buckboard in olde timey horse and wagon days, while the couple bungled in the buckboard bed and the moonlight lit the way home from the square dance, the horse being sure not to run the wagon wheels over any rocks in the road (there used to be such horses) and I get a little antsy as deadline time approaches when I have already done my work and have no need to be in harness.

Perhaps it is just wishful thinking, that a God's Space War code is coming in, an excuse to tappy tap my fingers on the keyboard.

We shall see what we shall see.

It is about 1620, and I don't really expect a code until about 1800 when the house is quiet and I am alone.

Waiting, in harness, I kick over old memories for things to tell you.

We are closing in on Memorial Day, but a war story does not seem to fit the feeling of today. I love my war stories. I am so happy I went to war.

A sea story perhaps? I love my sea stories. I am so happy I went to sea.

A love story perhaps? I love my love stories. I am so happy I fell in love.

A God story perhaps? I love my God stories. I am so happy God loves me.

A dog childhood space womb story...yes.

I don't know about you, but I remember being in my Mother's Womb; perhaps because I had been born so many times before and I was aware of that part of life...(ah, here I am again in a womb...drifting down the lazy river watching my fingers grow).

There is a time in the womb when the womb feels like the Universe to the child, and the child feels like God within it. (Lookit! I look at my fingers and they grow! Lookit! I do nothing and cause everything! I am in my Heaven and all is right with the world.)

At a point, however, Heaven rejects the little god, and like Adam and Eve he or she is pushed out into the cruel, cruel world, expelled; and it is a little scary, and a little suffocating, but suddenly the little god is free, and its first sight is the inside tenderness of its mother's leg...and then...and then...

But let me tell you what I was about to tell you about my birth, and then I will get to the "and then...".

Just before I was born God invited me to a little party, and there was a table around which many other children in many other wombs were sitting and laughing and having a good old time; and God held up God's Finger and said, "It is time for Virgil to be born, wave goodbye everyone"; and all the children at the party waved goodbye, and I went through the scary, suffocating birth canal, and was born.

And now we come to the "and then..." of this story; and then I tasted the sweetest taste all lucky babies taste in their lifetime, their mother's milk mixed with their own saliva on their mother's nipple.

And what is this? Here comes today's code: "Nipple".

And what is this? Sweet Muse is still at battle station and not telling us her story of Tatoo and the founding of the Nipponese.

Tatoo, Part 16 (Stopped 14-2)

(To Be Continued)

Meanwhile, the United States of America, unaware that it was about to eat the fire Israel will serve up, passed through the 145th day of its last year.

Tatoo, Part 16 (Stopped 14)


The $651 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Zero Down

Shark America Ten Up

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 220 (Rising)

Virgil's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Profound Act of God Against Israel & USA on June 7, 2008. Attack Codes are "Two Birds, One Stone", "Double Down", "Home", "Sirhan Sirhan", "Admiral Moorer", "Fadel Shana", "Topsy-Turvy", "Dead Soul Family" & "Admiral Moorer 2".

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008.

George W. Bush Will Destroy the World.

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event.

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: The Secret Story, Tatoo (16-14)

Today's code is "145th Day, Last Year".

I am happy to announce that I.C. News' journey into Future Time is absolutely directly on course; and if Israel wants to survive as a nation it must openly apologize and compensate for its crimes of genocide and war against the people of Palestine, Lebanon and Syria; and its many betrayals of the United States of America.

Israel should do this quickly, within days.

Our Time Chart's confirmation came with Senator Hillary Clinton's matching our "Sirhan Sirhan" code established on Sunday, May 18 (Tatoo, Part 16, Part 8) in her comment about the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy in South Dakota Friday.

Her comment was taken in the wrong light. Her point was nominations can be established as late as June; not that she might get lucky and Senator Barak Obama might be assassinated, thereby opening the door for her.

Leave the lady alone, she is running a brilliant campaign.

What is this, a junior high school election? American democracy is on the verge of being utterly and totally destroyed by Republican American Fascism and candidates are required to talk in a narrow intellectual dog run of impotent political correctness.

Unless Senator Clinton has followed my work closely and took all that heat in support of me, which is highly unlikely, her comment confirmed our Time Travel course which we have been mapping out in daily codes in our opening headline, "Expect a Profound Act of God Against Israel & USA on June 7, 2008".

Our focus now is on keeping Senator Obama alive through Monday.

If we can do that--or even if we can't--we will then turn our attention to preventing Cincinnati, Ohio, from getting nuked around the first of June.

It looks to me, Dear Reader, like you are about to see some pretty fancy God's Space War activity. Hold on to your hat, buckle your seatbelt, and lean into the Future as the Future leans in on you.

Let's look again at the Sirhan Sirhan code and how it makes Senator Clinton's remark a Time Travel road sign.

On the day the Sirhan Sirhan code appeared I said:

"It is becoming apparent that this code pattern will prove to have been clear 'writing on the wall' leading up to the event or events." Senator Clinton's statement will prove to have been such writing on the wall.

I will try to explain this in terms of a bit of Americana which has disappeared with the development of the superhighway.

When I was a boy in the Forties and my family would drive our 1941 Plymouth coupe from Bremerton, Washington to St. John, North Dakota and back each summer to visit the parents of my mother, Regina, and my father, Walter McLoughlin; there were along the way frequent "Burma Shave" signs which my brother and I would look forward to reading.

The Burma Shave signs were put up by a small outfit called the Burma Vita company located in Minneapolis founded by Clinton Odell; and they were immensely popular for three and a half decades beginning in the mid-Twenties.

These were a series of about five or six small wooden roadside signs spaced about a 100 feet apart which together formed a little joke-poem always ending with "Burma Shave", the name of the product they advertised.

These signs were very popular during the late Twenties, the Thirties and the Forties, then gradually going out of fashion in the Fifties and disappearing early in the Sixties.

One of these series of signs, for example, read:

Special SeatsReserved in HadesFor Whiskered GuysWho ScratchTheir LadiesBurma Shave

In a way, the codes we are establishing in this God's Space War attack on Israel and its drone ally, the United States of America, are like those signs, and in the end they will form a complete thought, a punch line.

The codes as of today are: "Two Birds, One Stone", "Double Down", "Home", "Sirhan Sirhan", "Admiral Moorer", "Fadel Shana", "Topsy-Turvy", "Dead Soul Family" & "Admiral Moorer 2".

Each code was explained when it appeared.

We have no new code or codes thus far today.

The coincidental fulfillment of the Sirhan Sirhan code by Senator Clinton (and as often noted in this work, Coincidence is the Rockets' Red Glare of God's Space War) is not only confirmation we are running ahead in Time, but how far ahead.

(Need I explain that Sirhan Sirhan was the alleged sole assassin of Robert Kennedy?)

She made the comment on Friday. The code was established five days previously, on Sunday.

This fits in with our general understanding that Israel will do its dirty deed to the USA and the world by June 1; and the first "Time Echo" of God's June 7 attack on Israel and the USA will be felt or seen on June 5.

Lookit, if God's Space War were easy to understand the CIA would understand it and America would not be under God's Gun today.

Now to another but not totally separate subject, the general silliness of American fundamentalist Christianity relative to the Old Testament of the Bible.

The Old Testament is less connected to Christianity than my great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather is connected to me; and learning it word by word, verse by verse, is fine for preachers who need to blabber-blabber and get high on their own blabbering, but Jesus did not preach the Old Testament.

Jesus walked upon the Old Testament just as he walked upon the water; and I suggest the second was a metaphor of the first.

Sure, the Old Testament is a beautiful book, and it is fun to quote and to cross scriptures like fencers crossing swords; but it is not--repeat not--Christianity.

There are so many words, so many obscure pronouncements, so much Jewish folk history in the Old Testament, that you constantly hear TV snake oil preachers saying power-drunken things based on it like God created Hitler to drive the Jews back to Jerusalem--utter and total nonsense--which would be given no credence if said by a nut in a nut house or a drunk in a bar, but are listened to and believed by the gullible and the believing because the snake oil preachers have the gift of a salesman who could sell ice cubes at the North Pole for a dollar apiece.

No, Dear Christian, it was the Old Testament that crucified Jesus, just as TV snake oil preachers use the Old Testament today to crucify me, God's One True Telepath, on a cross of False Witness.

Allow me to underscore my point: The Old Testament and Jesus have almost nothing in common. First and foremost, Jesus is the Word of God and the Old Testament is not.

Looking to our serialized story of how God's Space sailors were behind the Japanese myth of Japan's creation; of how God's Space Sailor, Tatoo, is remembered by the Japanese as the Sun Goddess Amaterasu; Sweet Muse and all God's Space Sailors remain at battle station today and Sweet Muse still does not resume her story.

Tatoo, Part 16 (Stopped 14)

(To Be Continued)

Meanwhile, the United States of America, unaware that it was about to eat the fire Israel will serve up, passed through the 145th day of its last year.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Tatoo, Part 16 (Stopped 13)

The $650 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws One Down

Shark America Nine Up

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 207

Virgil's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Profound Act of God Against Israel & USA on June 7, 2008. Attack Codes are "Two Birds, One Stone", "Double Down", "Home", "Sirhan Sirhan", "Admiral Moorer", "Fadel Shana", "Topsy-Turvy", "Dead Soul Family" & "Admiral Moorer 2".

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008.

George W. Bush Will Destroy the World.

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event.

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: The Secret Story, Tatoo (16-13)

Today's code is "144th Day, Last Year".

Sometimes when I.C News cracks open the door to the Future, it is like looking into a furnace; and call me a sentimental old fool, but I see the nuclear bombing of the United States of America courtesy of Israel's manipulations in less than two weeks time; so I set out today to foil Israel's plot.

Your choices, Dear Reader, are falling for Israel's game and lying, frying, crying and dying; or girding your loins and ending America's torture-enslavement of me and let this one honest man with balls speak.

We have a remarkable code today, "Admiral Moorer 2", which indicates Israel is right on the verge of betraying the United States of America, again, this time on a nuclear level.

Let's take a little time to look at this today, since the existence of the United States of America as a coherent entity is at stake.

Israel can see this risk to America, but Israel does not care.

You may recall we had the code "Admiral Moorer" last Tuesday (Tatoo 16, Stopped 10) when we spoke of three betrayals of America by Israel.

Those betrayals were and are:

One, the repeated strafing of the US Navy vessel Liberty on June 8, 1967, for which I.C. News has dubbed June 8 as "Traitor's Day".

Two, the constant Israeli espionage activity in the United States, resulting in the theft of US nuclear know-how. Some spies have been found. Others are still in place.

Three, Israel's foreknowledge of the 9/11 attack, which it kept to itself rather than warn America, because it wanted America to go to war against Islam.

Admiral Moorer's name was used as the code because he had written an excellent report on the USS Liberty incident in the March 2004 issue of the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, available on the Internet.

It is this second use of his name which indicates yet another Israeli betrayal of the USA is in the works, and that most likely the American military will do the initial bleeding.

When I.C. News first began tracking the dual attack by God on Israel and its drone ally, the United States of America--expected to run between June 5 and June 8--there was a strong indication of a combined Israel- Drone America attack on Iran or Syria or both before June 5.

In the past few days there have been some leaks in the news indicating a joint Israel-Drone USA attack is planned before the date Bush is scheduled--repeat scheduled--to leave office.

It is in this area of events which Israel's latest betrayal of America seems about to take place within two weeks.

Currently Israel and Syria are said to be meeting in Turkey to discuss a peace arrangement between them. Israel is being disingenuous in this meeting.

My Old Pal God suggests I refer you to the Old Testament story which, roughly, has a group of non-Jews wanting to marry some Jewish woman (of course the non-Jews are the villains in the story, rapists, but the Old Testament is Jewish folk history and then, as now, the other side is always the villain in Jewish stories).

The truth or lack of truth of this aspect of the story is not important in this context, nor is citing the story chapter and verse, nor is getting the exact details correct; what is important is the military tactic of the Jews as recorded by the Jews in their folk history, the Old Testament.

The Jews agreed to allow the villainous non-Jews to marry the Jewish woman on the condition that the non-Jews submit to circumcision, which the foolish non-Jews did.

When the non-Jews were sore and in incapacitated from the circumcisions the Jews attacked and killed them.

In some sense, this is what Syria is getting itself into right now as it negotiates peace with Israel in Turkey.

This is where America's status of Israel's drone ally comes into play because Israel knows it can start the nuclear ball game and America will automatically come in on its side, overlooking any treachery or fault of Israel.

It is not the betrayal of whatever good-faith arrangement Israel may have negotiated with Syria we are concerned with here, but the betrayal of some secret agreement the Republican American Fascist fool, George W. Bush, has made with Israel.

Without doubt the Bush Baby intends to attack Iran, and hopefully in the process solidify his malignant dream of becoming dictator over the people of the United States of America.

So where is the betrayal if both Israel and Bush want to attack Iran? I am expecting more information on this, but apparently the betrayal is in Israel's use of nukes, and where Israel uses them; but as is a constant in the history of Israel-US relations, the USA will get screwed by Israel.

We will see in this coming betrayal of America by Israel a variation of the same reason Israel did not warn America of the 9/11 attack, to trick America into open hostilities with Muslim nations; in this case to trick America into nuclear war.

So we have a situation in which Israel can play America at will. It did on 9/11, it did in its massive destruction of Lebanon, and it is about to do it again, but this time...but this time...but this time in the greatest betrayal of a friend by a friend in human history.

The suggestion here is this betrayal of America by Israel will bring the God-driven catastrophe of June 5 through June 8 back on both Israel and the USA, the catastrophe we have been documenting in advance here for about a year, since we first began "The Battle of Smallville" and its evolution into Armageddon.

This is the picture. Israel will start False Armageddon and America will join in on the con like a dog obeying its master; then God will come in with Real Armageddon and punish Israel and America for their False Armageddon.

Now, let's take a brief look into the immediate future to see what is likely in store, with the understanding that if we know the future we can change it.

This is Friday.

Monday is Memorial Day, the day clearly slated for an attempt on Senator Barak Obama's life. I have received no further word on this but the codes were so strong when they came in I am assuming the planned assassination is still in progress.

Does anyone on Senator Obama's staff read this work? I hear, yes; so hopefully he has been forewarned and will take cover.

After Memorial Day there are ten days before the first expected God's Space War event on June 5.

That means that within that ten-day window the viper, Israel, will bite the fool, America.

I am guessing this will take place before the Sun rises on June 1.

This is why God's Space Sailors are at battle stations, and Sweet Muse is too occupied elsewhere to continue her story of Tatoo and how Tatoo was the same as Amaterasu in the Japanese myth of their creation.

Tatoo, Part 16 (Stopped 13)

(To Be Continued)

Meanwhile, the United States of America, unaware that it was about to eat the fire Israel will serve up, passed through the 144th day of its last year.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Tatoo, Part 16 (Stopped 12)

The $649 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Two Down

Shark America Eight Up

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 211

Virgil's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Profound Act of God Against Israel & USA on June 7, 2008. Attack Codes are "Two Birds, One Stone", "Double Down", "Home", "Sirhan Sirhan", "Admiral Moorer", "Fadel Shana", "Topsy-Turvy", & "Dead Soul Family".

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008.

George W. Bush Will Destroy the World.

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event.

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: The Secret Story, Tatoo (16-12)

Today's code is "143rd Day, Last Year".

The second code in two days on God's attack on the United States between June 5 and June 8 has come in. It is "Dead Soul Family".

This is an interesting code, and at first examination it seems to indicate God considers America's collective soul to be dead.

The code comes in a 0530; I decide to let it ripen throughout the day to make sure my initial understanding of it is what I think it is.

Since this approaching June attack is on both Israel and its drone ally, the United States of America, I look to see how God is describing each.

Clearly, Israel is being described as the genocidal viper in the bosom pretending to be the innocent kitten in the basket; but America seems to be described by God as being a zombie.

I had not thought of this concept before; but when it is presented, it clicks.

Sure, I have seen this in the Americans, a deadness of soul. The zombie does what it is told; the zombie follows its programming; the zombie cannot reason; the zombie has a thought-ceiling.

This is how zombie America has become viper Israel's drone ally, Israel's bitch. One is a cunning snake; the other is a hypnotized pigeon.

This is why in over 35 years of torture at the whim and amusement of Americans I have rarely come upon living American souls.

The zombies march on, stiff-armed and stiff-legged. droning their chant: "This is what we do to Virgil, this is what we must do to Virgil"; no logic, no sense, no rebellion. "This is what we do to Muslims, this is what must do to the Muslims"; no logic, no sense, no rebellion.

What is the common denominator of American snake oil TV preachers? Deadness of soul, deadness of understanding; though skilled at climbing the monkey bars of the Old Testament, missing the Spirit of Jesus Christ entirely.

Yes, we begin to see the outline of the code, Dead Soul Family. It describes the United States of America perfectly.

Turning our attention to our earthquake study, the drop in the seven day frequency seems to have stopped. A drop is one of our key indicators of a big quake coming.

There is in our earthquake study a good example of Dead Soul Family America.

Our advance documentation of the 7.9 China quake was solid--the currently estimated death count is 70,000, yet zombie America continues to torture God's One True Telepath despite his constant, accurate anticipation of earthquakes for some 35 years.

(This is what we do to Virgil, this is what we must do to Virgil.)

The world pays a heavy price for America's false witness against the God's Truth that I am audibly telepathic. Hundreds of thousands are dead for America's bowing before the erection of the satanic lie that I am not audibly telepathic.

I have been anticipating earthquakes since as early as 1972. How finely would this art be developed today had America not tortured and enslaved me all those years?

An estimated 70,000 Chinese dead in a 7.9 I tracked for about three weeks; perhaps I could have saved 10,000 of them, but zombie America cannot consider this question.

(This is what we do to Virgil, this is what we must do to Virgil.)

An interesting side bar story has developed. I have a fondness for the work of a particular woman liberal journalist, Democracy Now!'s Amy Goodman, and she will be passing through my area on a national tour soon.

It would cost me $15 to be a member of the audience, a lot of money to me these days; but the thing that decides me against attending is the viciousness of the liberal community toward me since God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy.

I would rather walk through a prison exercise yard full of murderers and rapists and thieves than walk across the campus of the University of California at Berkeley. The murderers, rapists and thieves would treat me better than the liberal Berkeley students.

I would rather drink beer with the Hell's Angels, than sip wine with hoity toity Democrats; the former would treat me far, far better than the latter.

We true Christians know people by their works; and in my experience as the only audible mental telepath in the history of the world the three most vicious groups of people in their treatment of me have been those darlings of the intelligentsia--Jews, homosexual males, and liberals.

So, while I would like to hear Ms. Goodman speak I know from pain-filled experiences her liberal audience would enter a feeding frenzy of torture if I were there.

"And especially people who care about strangersWho care about evil and social injusticeDo you only care about the bleeding crowd?How about a needing friend?I need a friend..." From "Easy to be Hard", from the Sixties musical, "Hair"; but that's another story.

Our serialized story of Tatoo and her western Chinese clan, who would in about 660 BC enter into Japanese mythology as Amaterasu and the first Japanese, remains stopped today because its narrator, Sweet Muse, is, like all God's Space Sailors, at battle station.

Tatoo, Part 16 (Stopped 12)

(To Be Continued)

Meanwhile, the United States of America, unaware that it was about to eat the fire Israel will serve up, passed through the 143rd day of its last year.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Tatoo, Part 16 (Stopped 11)

The $648 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Three Down

Shark America Seven Up

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 208 (Dropping)

Virgil's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Profound Act of God Against Israel & USA on June 7, 2008. Attack Codes are "Two Birds, One Stone", "Double Down", "Home", "Sirhan Sirhan", "Admiral Moorer", "Fadel Shana", & "Topsy-Turvy".

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008.

George W. Bush Will Destroy the World.

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event.

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: The Secret Story, Tatoo (16-11)

Today's code is "142nd Day, Last Year".

In the early morning, no new codes; earthquake rate continues to drop, but more slowly; all is quiet on the Obama assassination front; God is going to war, and all is right with the world.

Like a sailor who has sailed his ship through the storm into the eye of the hurricane, I breathe the gentle air, square away my vessel, and brace myself for the storm again.

At 0840 the code "Topsy-Turvy" comes in. It seems to be a God's Space War code concerning the United States of America; while recent codes have focused on Israel.

(A late development and bad sign for Israel, on God's Space Sailors' charts, the designation "Israel" has been changed to "Palestine".)

Israel and its drone ally, the USA, are God's two targets in the God's Space War attack now almost certain to take place during the June 5 through June 8 period.

Topsy-Turvy seems to indicate a change in relative status, a reversal of roles, between psycho-fascist America and yours truly, Virgil Kret, God's One True Telepath.

With Topsy-Turvy comes a question directed at the American people: "Can you take from God what you have dished out to God's One True Telepath?"

Do Unto Others, Dear Reader, I cannot overstate the importance of that one lesson taught us by Jesus. "Do Unto Others" outweighs the entire Old Testament.

God's Space Sailors remain at battle station; so Sweet Muse again has not resumed her story of Tatoo and Tatoo's clan of western Chinese who were saved by God's Space Sailors in about 700 BC, and set down on Honshu, Japan, as the first Japanese, in about 660 BC.

Tatoo, Part 16 (Stopped 11)

(To Be Continued)

Meanwhile, the United States of America, unaware that it was about to eat the fire Israel will serve up, passed through the 142nd day of its last year.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Tatoo, Part 16 (Stopped 10)

The $647 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Four Down

Shark America Six Up

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 217 (Dropping)

Virgil's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Profound Act of God Against Israel & USA on June 7, 2008. Attack Codes are "Two Birds, One Stone", "Double Down", "Home", "Sirhan Sirhan", "Admiral Moorer", & "Fadel Shana".

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008.

George W. Bush Will Destroy the World.

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event.

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: The Secret Story, Tatoo (16-10)

Today's code is "141st Day, Last Year".

I.C. News has three hot news stories for you today, Dear Reader.

One, there is a high, high likelihood of a most serious and well planned attempt to assassinate Barak Obama on or about next Monday, May 26, Memorial Day.

Two, we have two new codes on the attack on Israel and its drone ally, the USA, by God on and about June 7. They are "Admiral Moorer" and "Fadel Shana".

Three, the seven-day earthquake count is falling, 252 at deadline yesterday to 217 today, an indicator for a major quake of 7.0 or larger.

Our information on Obama's danger came in right before deadline, and it was sharp, clear and urgent; and we can expect more information to come in before tomorrow's deadline.

The two new codes on the expected God Event in the first week of June, Admiral Moorer and Fadel Shana, give us a very clear picture of what now seems certain to be the beginning of a huge attack by God Israel on June 7.

With the addition of the code, Fadel Shana, we can describe to some degree the form or physics of this most intriguing God Event, expected run from June 5 through June 8.

This Fadel Shana code is the name of the Reuters Palestinian cameraman murdered by Israel on April 17; that premeditated murder superbly documented in advance by I.C. News in this work.

The Admiral Moorer code is the name of a US Navy admiral, Thomas Moorer, who seems to be one of the few ranking voices still addressing Israel's murderous attack on the American ship USS Liberty on June 8, 1967.

(You can see Admiral Moorer's excellent report in the March 2004 issue of the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, available on the Internet.)

Currently, I.C. News' advance documentation of Israel's premeditated murder of Shana stands as our best available proof of I.C. News' Time Travel capability.

The introduction of this Fadel Shana code today gives us a description of the physics of the expected attack by God on Israel and the USA.

It is not my intent today to go through the flotsam and jetsam of I.C. News' incredibly good advance documentation of Shana's murder, but only to point out to you its basic form because that form is being repeated in this attack on Israel by God.

That form, or metaphor, was the image of a meteor striking a sea at a shallow angle, the person in a boat at the back side of the splash not being soaked by the splash but by the spray of the splash brought to him by the wind.

The video Shana shot of his own death after I.C. News published that metaphor shows the tank as the meteor, the dust rising around the tank as it fires at Shana as the splash, and the flechettes that killed him as the spray.

Here is how that metaphor works in this upcoming God Event.

The meteor comes in from the Future, passing just over June 8 and crashing into June 7, sending a great splash all the way to June 5.

There will also be a smaller splash-back to June 8, where the Admiral Moorer code applies.

At first examination it seemed to me the use of this meteor-splash metaphor demonstrated that God will be punishing Israel for its murder of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, using this one murder victim as a representative of all, but this is not the case.

God will be punishing Israel on June 7 for its murder of Shana alone, and God will punish Israel in the course of God's Space War for every Palestinian it has murdered in its policy of genocide, or as it is currently called, "Ethnic Cleansing".

That is, the hundreds of thousands of Palestinians the Jews have murdered, and the millions made homeless, will be avenged by God over the course of God's punishment of Israel.

As Jesus said, Vengeance is the Lord's. As Virgil told you, This is Judgment Day.

The Admiral Moorer code indicates God will punish the Jews for their deliberate attack on the USS Liberty, which killed 34 and wounded 172 Americans, and destroyed the ship.

It is the penchant for treachery of the Jews which is the focus here.

See the Liberty incident as one of the many Cain-Able treachery events Israel has inflicted on the USA, Israel's closest ally, with more betrayals without doubt to come in the future.

While you may see the kitten-in-the-basket Israel, God sees the viper-in-the-bosom Israel.

So, as the codes stand today we see that the brunt of this God Event seems to target Israel; but bear in mind the "Two Birds/One Stone" code is the key code in this first great God's Space War attack and much more information will come in, the focus likely turning to America.

This meteor metaphor refers to a concept that we have tried to introduce in this work, that being that some events are "future echoes" of events that will take place in the future.

We are speaking here in terms of subatomic physics, and the ability of subatomic particles to move back and forth in Time.

We are not speaking of a similar psychological dynamic which takes place in politics and television media.

For example, the socially obscene joke Mike Huckabee made at a NRA event about a rifle being aimed at Barak Obama has a great potential of being a "future echo" of an assassination of or assassination attempt on Senator Obama.

What Huckabee did was throw out marching orders to unknown numbers of insane would-be assassins fixedly watching TV waiting for secret instructions.

Since Huckabee is currently lobbying for the Vice Presidential slot on the Republican American Fascist ticket, and assassination is a polished tool of Republican American Fascism, one has to wonder if his "joke", which critically added to Obama's danger level, was not intentional.

As it stands today, there is at least an 80% chance Obama will be assassinated on or about Memorial Day.

The subject of the assassination of any living political figure should never be approached on television, even in joking form, because television is the hypnotic secret messenger of the insane.

A journalist, print or electronic, should never ask a candidate what he or she thinks about the danger of assassination, because the question increases the danger.

While we have strong indications of an Obama assassination, and while we are batting 1,000 in this area, having warned of the two attacks on Ford, the one attack on Reagan, and the murder of John Lennon in advance, we do not have the freedom press and speech it would take to adequately report this story and prevent this event.

The future event we are talking about most these days, the attack by God on Israel and the United States of America, concerns a totally different phenomenon, one of the physics of God and not of the psychology of assassination-generation through television suggestion.

If you are interested in the finer points of God's Space War you can watch with me for the "Time Echo" or "Time Splash" from the "meteor" which now will almost certainly hit Israel on June 7.

The splash in Time can be expected to be felt on June 5; that is, in a way peculiar to Time's physics, a future echo can be expected to be felt before the "meteor" hits on June 7.

I know, God's Space War would be easier to understand if God were to simply write "666" with a fiery finger on George W. Bush's forehead, something even the snake oil TV preachers could understand; but one of the truly beautiful things about God is that God never caters to ignorance. When God speaks to you God will always speak in a way that expands your intellect, and you will like it.

Looking to our earthquake study, we see what seems to be a steady drop in the seven-day count.

I.C. News' working theory is that such drops are followed by major quakes of 7.0 or larger.

It was the steep and rapid drop from the highest seven day count we had seen that was the first stage in I.C. News' advance documentation of the 7.9 China quake.

Turning to our serialized story of how God's Space Sailors saved Tatoo's clan of western Chinese in about 700 BC--who would become the first Japanese in about 660 BC--we see our story teller, Sweet Muse, is still at battle station, as all God's Space Sailors are these days, so her story of Tatoo will not move forward again today.

Tatoo, Part 16 (Stopped 10)

(To Be Continued)

Meanwhile, the United States of America, unaware that it was about to eat the fire Israel will serve up, passed through the 141st day of its last year.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Tatoo, Part 16 (Stopped 9)

The $646 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Five Down

Shark America Five Up

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 252 (Dropping?)

Virgil's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Profound Act of God Against Israel & USA on June 7, 2008. Attack Codes are "Two Birds, One Stone", "Double Down", "Home" & "Sirhan Sirhan".

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008.

George W. Bush Will Destroy the World.

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event.

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: The Secret Story, Tatoo (16-9)

Today's code is "140th Day, Last Year".

As we approach what we expect to be a major God Event in less than three weeks; after having just documented the 7.9 China quake over the some three weeks before it took place; it seems this might be a good time to take in an overview of the tableau of the rapidly approaching death of this Earth.

There will be a time--in about 2020--when the entire human race will know this Earth will almost certainly be dead by 2065, and that the human race will be extinct by 2045; and there will be much discussion of, and much fussing and murder over, the question of how did it come to this.

Some of that how-it-came-to-this I.C. News has already learned and reported, and daily learns and reports more.

We know, for example, that George W. Bush has destroyed the world, has performed the coup de grace by taking precious 21st Century years to fight 13th Century battles, not only doing satanic-level damage, but also wasting time when there was no time to wasted.

We know, for example, that the sucking of oil out of this Earth for the past 200 years has tipped the scales, not just with the greenhouse effect of burned fuel, but with the removal of the oil from where it performed a natural and necessary function for the stability and balance of this Earth.

We know, for example, that humankind has murdered this Earth; and that the United States of America, pitiful America, slit the throat of this Earth's second-to-last chance when it cast into torture-enslavement God's One True Telepath, me, Virgil Kret, whose first function was to warn.

I.C. News has long been tracking the event Christians call The Second Coming; and currently I.C. News is expecting a recognizable aspect of that event to take place on or about June 7, taking the form of simultaneous or near-simultaneous punishment by God of Israel and its drone ally, the United States of America.

Currently, as we document that Great Event before it takes place, I.C. News is focusing on sins of Israel and of Judaism for which Israel is about to be punished by God.

While screeches of "anti-Semitism" are a certain response to this aspect of The Obituary of the World, I.C. News reports on all the causes of the death of this Earth; and the Jews are as guilty in that death as any, and more than most.

I.C. News has just documented for some three weeks in advance the 7.9 earthquake that took place in China. All the psycho-fascist forces of this world who block I.C. News' work added to the Chinese death toll; and the two primary forces doing this, keeping this reporter in a state of torture-enslavement for some 35 years, are the Americans and the Jews.

We pick up today's report in this way:

At issue as God openly enters the fray is clearly Jewish Cruelty.

We are expecting a Weapon of God, a clear Act of God, to demonstrate this point on or about June 7, less than three weeks from today.

We are looking to June 7, but we give ourselves a spread of from June 5 through June 8. June 5 we call Assassin's Day; June 8 we call Traitor's Day.

We have been America's torture-slave for over 35 years, much longer if we count from when US government secret pigs attacked this reporter in Vietnam and Japan in 1967, and one of the most intriguing things about this coming attack by God on Israel and its drone ally, the USA, is that it seems to lead to this reporter's emancipation.

That is, it is projected that America's torture-enslavement of me will be brought to an end by July 15, and we expect God's joint punishment of Israel and the USA will be a factor bringing about the end to that wicked sin.

Of course, here at I.C. News this is Big News and Fine Expectation.

Returning our focus to God's approaching punishment of the Jews; how interesting it is that the Jews would be damned for Cruelty.

On the stage which is this world, the actors portraying the Jews do not wear the Cruelty Costume; no, in fact they wear the Been-Cruel-To Costume; and likely nowhere in American journalism and politics are the words "Jewish" and "Cruelty" placed side by side except here at I.C. News and in my, Virgil Kret's, campaign for the Presidency.

Virgil Kret has experienced Jewish Cruelty; and I must tell you, it is PRACTICED CRUELTY; the Jews are used to being cruel; cruelty is natural to the Jews, an art form, although their propaganda says otherwise; and the Jews have built the best propaganda machine in the world.

So good is the Jewish propaganda machine that the Jews believe their own flattering lies about themselves; and believe they have such license to be cruel that they need not even be aware of their cruelty.

The Jews will call me anti-Semitic for referring to this fact. Gee.

Probably the most intriguing thing about the so-called State of Israel is that it has since its founding in 1948 demonstrated the cruelty of the Jews and the propaganda marmalade which they spread over the shew bread of that cruelty.

It is as if the 60-year history of Israel has given us an Essence of the Jews in a bottle of Time, a history that reeks of the foul scent of the Jews' treatment of Palestinians, as if all the Jews had gathered together in one elevator and simultaneously farted out the truth about themselves.

How much like the Nazis of Germany are the Jews of Israel.

The Jews of Israel have murdered and terrorized the Palestinians since 1948, yet they represent themselves as a kitten in a basket; and America buys the con...and they themselves buy the con.

It seems to we at I.C. News, as we report on the Second Coming, report the arrival of God on this Earth to set the whole business straight, that all humanity is in for a surprise regarding the Jews.

Not only will we find the Jews are not the Chosen People of God as they have for thousands of years claimed, but that God does not like the cruelty of their nature.

The Jews, of course, cannot see the cruelty of their nature because cruelty is natural to them. The dragon cannot smell its own dragon breath.

As a Christian, and as the Christian locked out of Christianity by all American Christians except Black American Christians, I find that this revelation--that the Jews are not the Chosen and that God sees them as too cruel for their own good--sheds new light on Jesus' work.

Jesus' work is not founded in the Old Testament as the current vast majority of Christians believe. Jesus walked upon the Old Testament as He walked upon the water, not allowing Himself to fall into it.

That Jesus was born a Jew (a fact Jews hate Jesus for) was not in confirmation of the Jewish cultural lie that they are the Chosen of God; no; Jesus was born a Jew because Jesus is a soldier in the war against the liar who murders this Earth, and he deposited himself into the center of the lie.

The great and horrible dynamic between the Germans and the Jews in the Thirties and Forties came out of the conflict of both believing the same ridiculous delusion about themselves--each believing it is the most superior race on this Earth.

The Jews took their standard passive-aggressive approach, the Germans took their standard aggressive-aggressive approach, and in the long run the Jews bested the Germans because the Germans were stained with the sin of genocide and the Jews came out protected from all social condemnation.

So, when by hook and by crook Palestine was given to the Jews by nations other than Palestine in 1948, the first thing the Jews did upon arrival was commit the sin of genocide against the people of Palestine.

They immediately began their Final Solution to the Palestinian Problem which was and still is even worse than the Nazis' Final Solution to the Jewish Problem; but the world could not and would not see it because the Jews had suffered themselves into a status of being above reproach.

So the Palestinians suffered and suffered and suffered and suffered ... and suffered ... and suffered; and their suffering was invisible to the world because it was being inflicted on them by the irreproachable Jews.

God is not blind, Dear Reader, and God is not stupid; and God does not give license to Jewish sin--even though America and most of the world does.

So, as we wait with some interest for the attack by God on Israel and its drone ally, the USA, in some two to three weeks time, we come to understand that God is about to punish the Jews for their cruelty.

Knowing the journalistic "Who", "When", "Where", "What" and "Why", I.C. News now looks to see if we can determine what the "How" will be.

How is it God will kill these two birds with one stone? How is it God will punish both Israel and its drone ally, the United States of America, in the first week of June?

We know this much. It will be an Act of God, not an act of man stupidly claiming to be acting at God's behest--no one legally punishes in the name of God, not Muslim, not Christian, not Jew, nor any other cult large or small.

No human being has the right to take human life. Period.

The USA and its master, Israel, are so far apart geographically that we at I.C. News wonder how God will strike both with one stone; and knowing God as we do, we expect God to something only God can do.

Faith, it is said, can move mountains.

As you know, this work is the Obituary of the World, and in journalism obituaries of famous people are written before those people die, so their obituaries will be on file for immediate publication when needed.

Most likely, for example, the Associated Press has George W. Bush's obituary on file, and updates it periodically, not that it wants him to die or expects him to die any time soon, but to have it there ready to send out within minutes if that news should break.

In that spirit, I.C. News today presents the Obituary of the Jews.

Jesus marked the second time God attempted to save the Jews from themselves; the first time being Moses.

The Jews spat in Moses' eye. The Jews spat in Jesus' eye. The Jews spat in God's Eye.

They had found what they thought to be the formula for world conquest, and no Moses, nor no Jesus, nor God Almighty would interfere.

Turning now to God's Space Sailors, at battle stations for nine days, every "UFO" jock primed for battle and ready to go; Sweet Muse, one of God's Space Sailors, is too occupied elsewhere to continue telling us her story of Tatoo and her clan of western Chinese who lived aboard the God's Space Vessel Peacemaker for some 40 years before being set down on the island now known as Honshu, Japan, in about 660 BC, to found the Japanese race.

Hopefully Sweet Muse will pick up the story again before God punishes Israel and the USA. Likely she will take part in that punishment.

Tatoo, Part 16 (Stopped 9)

(To Be Continued)

Meanwhile, the United States of America, unaware that it was about to eat the fire Israel will serve up, passed through the 140th day of its last year.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Tatoo, Part 16 (Stopped 8)

The $645 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Six Down

Shark America Four Up

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 265 (Quiet)

Virgil's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Profound Act of God Against Israel & USA on June 7, 2008. Attack Codes are "Two Birds, One Stone", "Double Down", "Home" & "Sirhan Sirhan".

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008.

George W. Bush Will Destroy the World.

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event.

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: The Secret Story, Tatoo (16-8)

Today's code is "139th Day, Last Year".

The codes leading up to the expected simultaneous attacks by God on Israel and its drone ally, the USA, continue to build with the addition today of "Sirhan Sirhan", the name of alleged lone assassin of Robert F. Kennedy, shot on June 5, 1968, while on the presidential campaign trail.

Closely coincidentally, I.C. News is expecting God's Attack on Israel and the USA, to take place on June 7. I will watch this to see if we have an adjustment to make in the expected date of God's Great Attack on the Wicked Two.

It is becoming apparent that this code pattern will prove to have been clear "writing on the wall" leading up to the event or events.

The codes for the expected June 7 attack now consist of "Two Birds, One Stone", "Double Down", "Home" and "Sirhan Sirhan".

Sirhan Sirhan was a Jordanian opposed to America's cuddly relationship with Israel, so the use of his name as a code links with yesterday's code, Home, which centers on Israel's expulsion of Palestinians from their homes and their homeland.

(It is the opinion of I.C. News that the first two Kennedy assassinations, John and Robert, were in fact two-birds-one-stone events, the two allegedly lone lunatic assassins having been programmed through the same technique.

(The assassination of John F. Kennedy, Jr., and his wife with his child in her womb, and his wife's sister, was through a different method, tampering with or attacking the plane he was piloting.

(In these three Kennedy assassinations can be seen the destruction an American "royal" family by, hmmmm?, perhaps another American "royal" family, or its supporters, like, say, Republican American Fascism.

(Threat of assassination remains part of the Republican American Fascist arsenal today, and given the opportunity the Republican American Fascists will continue to prune the fruit of the Democratic Party, win or lose the next election--if there is a next election.)

It is my opinion the Sirhan Sirhan code does not indicate assassination because this is a God's Space War operation, not Satan's, and assassination is a satanic tool; but rather it further points to Israel's and America's sins against the Palestinians; which more and more seems to be the central theme to this attack.

Once I heard one of those Silly Willies on Fox News declare that all the Israelis want is to live in peace with the Muslims, but the most cursory look at the history of Israel shows how silly those Silly Willies are.

Except for some idiot American Christians who think it is America's duty to defend Israel against the repercussions of all Israel's sins; and except for some idiot American Jews who think their first loyalty lies with Israel, I don't think many Americans like America being Israel's lapdog country.

That is, even with the Americans never having been given a chance to know the facts of life of Israel's nature, I do not think many Americans would vote for America's blind support of Israel if the question were to be allowed to be on the ballot; but Israel controls the American government in that regard; and Israel controls the American media in that regard; so what's a poor American going to do?

Consider this: During the Six Day War, on June 8, 1967, Israeli planes and gunboats repeatedly attacked the US Navy vessel Liberty in international waters, killing 34 and wounding 172, and effectively destroying the ship, and there was no way Israel could not have known what it was doing.

Yet the incident just disappeared, so much so that you might not even know it took place if you were not an adult that the time--because it was Israel, the American system's kitten in a basket, that did that murdering of American sailors; and that is not the kind of awareness America wants hanging around.

If Russia had done it, it would have been war. If France had done it, it would have been war. If even that great ass-kisser of the United States of America, Great Britain, had done it, it would have been war.

But because Israel did it, because that kitten in the basket shot up that American ship on the high seas, it was written off, forgotten about, and those dead and those wounded were flushed down the toilet.

Consider this: Every once in a while there is discovered an Israeli espionage agent spying on the United States of America, stealing America's nuclear secrets (and there remain undiscovered spies currently in place) but that reoccurring discovery in no way alters the butt licking relationship America has with Israel.

Israel has at least 50 nuclear warheads, the technology for which it stole from the United States of America; Iran has none; yet Israel and its drone ally, America, are preparing a nuclear strike on Iran even as you read these words because Iran might have nuclear-generated electricity in a half dozen years.

(That whole Iran nuclear issue is a bogus issue, America and Israel intend to conquer the Middle East and nuclear fear is a proven good way to get the American people into war.)

Consider this: And this is the fact that should curdle the blood of every American; prior to the 9/11 attack, Israel knew it was coming but it did not warn because it knew the attack would unleash America's fury on Islam.

Consider this analogy: You hate Blacks but your neighbor doesn't; and you hear that some Blacks are going to break into your neighbors home that night; but you don't call the cops and you don't warn your neighbor because you figure your neighbor will hate Blacks, too, if they invade his home and murder his wife.

Exactly the same, Israel and the 9/11 attack.

These are just three shards on the tip of the iceberg of Israel's constant, common and continuing betrayal of the United States of America.

Now here is the thing, even though the American people are kept in the dark about the dark nature of Israel, even though the media and the government constantly tell the American people what a cute kitten in the basket Israel is, I do not think the American people like their future of endless war with Islam having been manipulated by Israel and Israel's Fool, George W. Bush.

If I were a free American, if I were not living in a torture chamber designed and constructed by American Jews and sold to the American people as Good Psychiatry, I would speak to this subject, this subject of Israel's false friendship.

I wouldn't be as nicey-nicey as President Jimmy Carter in his gentle criticism of Israel, for which Israel called him a "bigot", I would tell my country to turn its back on that Jewish-Nazi nation; and to look at America's policies in the Middle East and see how those policies serve Israel but do not serve America.

I would begin with the statements of Americas' true-idiot false-president, George W. Bush, his blathering away in Israel about the so-called "appeasement" of Barak Obama relative to Israel's and Republican American Fascism's current pet whipping boy, Iran; and Bush's banging on the Bible, adding to the fiction that God gave the Middle East to the Jews; idiot, idiot, idiot faux-president serving the interests of America's faux-friend, Israel.

Were the United States of America not totally committed to serving the interests of Israel, the sands of Iraq would not be soaking up American warrior blood today.

And there is no quid pro quo, no serving of America's interests by Israel. The United States of America is Israel's sucker, Israel's servant, Israel's goon-protector, Israel's patsy, Israel's schnook; Israel is the Mafia don, America is the Mafia hit man; Israel is the smart little schoolyard troublemaker backed up by the big dull schoolyard bully.

I do not think there would be any support by the American people for Israel if the nature of Israel were to be honestly reported in the American news media; and even with all the kissy-kissy ballyhoo the media puts out about Israel the American people instinctively don't like Israel, even though it is hammered into them that it is politically incorrect not to like Israel.

The greatest betrayal of a friend in the history of this poor Earth has been the betrayal of the United States of America by Israel. America is Able, Israel is Cain.

Turning to our serialized story, where last week we left Tatoo and her clan of western Chinese having just been taken aboard the Great Vessel Peacemaker, where they would live for some 40 years until God's Space Sailors set them down on what is now Japan in about 660 BC. we find our narrator, Sweet Muse, is still at battle station, as are all God's Space Sailors; waiting, it seems, for the June attack by God on Israel and its drone ally, the United States of America.

Tatoo, Part 16 (Stopped 8)
(To Be Continued)

Meanwhile, the United States of America, unaware that it was about to eat the fire Israel will serve up, passed through the 139th day of its last year.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Tatoo, Part 16 (Stopped 7)

The $644 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Seven Down

Shark America Three Up

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 263

Virgil's Cell Phone Number: (530) 276-4923

Expect a Profound Act of God Against Israel & USA on June 7, 2008. Attack Codes are "Two Birds, One Stone", "Double Down" & "Home".

Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2008.

George W. Bush Will Destroy the World.

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event.

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: The Secret Story, Tatoo (16-7)

Today's code is "138th Day, Last Year".

As God enters into the battle between good and evil, many people have many surprises in store for them.

One of those surprises is that God sees the United States of America and Israel as forces of evil, not good.

It is in that context we watch for the God's Space War attack on Israel and its drone ally, the USA, expected on June 7, just about three weeks from now.

It is not my duty in this work to convince Christians of the errors in their understanding of Jesus; nor to convince the Jews that they are in a most perilous state of sin.

I am glad not to have that duty; the false witness Christians think they know it all, and the Jews don't think the concept of "sin" applies to them.

My duty is to write The Obituary of the World, and in that process I am for journalism's sake required to note the causes of this Earth's death in late 2064, and among the many causes are the dark sins of Israel and the foolish sins of the United States of America.

There is no chance of convincing either of either. That is understood.

George W. Bush will be as stupid at the end when he enters Hell as he was in the beginning when he murdered innocents and called them collateral damage; and Israel will be as cruel and Nazi-like as it has been since its enforced founding on top another country in 1948.

So, let us look to God's Surprise.

We have a new attack code in the expected June 7 attack by God on Israel and its drone ally, the United States of America. The code is "Home".

This code points to one of the common denominators of America's attacks on me and Israel's attacks on the Palestinians--the wanton destruction of Home.

There is a historical parallel in the founding of both the United States and Israel, that being the utter destruction of the people living there when the new people arrived; the Americans the Native Americans, the Jews the Palestinians.

Oddly, in both cases the invaders, the destroyers, the takers-of-Home, claimed a God-given license.

This is trouble, big trouble, for these two home-destroyers, this giving God credit for the evil they have done and continue to do.

When Israel was founded in 1948 on top of where Palestine had been for centuries, the first thing the Jews did through force, intimidation and terrorism was drive as many Palestinians as possible out of their homes, off their land, and out of what had been their country.

When we read of the Nazis having appropriated the mansions and apartments of Jews in Germany we can see the crime of it; but in some peculiar way we cannot see the criminality in precisely the same dark actions by the Jews over the Palestinians.

The American news media has been blind to this criminality for 60 years; and, but for the approaching Act of God which I.C. News now documents in advance, it would be blind to it forever.

No news story in America in my lifetime now of nearly 69 years has been more consistently falsely, one-sidedly reported than the Israel-Palestine story.

To American news it is as if the people of Palestine had been nought but a mold on the walls of their homes to be washed away with the bleach of Zionism.

And this destruction of Home--the Palestinian Home by the Jewish homesteaders--continues on to this day, with the cutting down of the olive trees of Palestinian farmers, with the bulldozing of Palestinian homes, with the building of that wicked fence which coldly cuts through Palestinian communities; it goes on and on and on; it is common.

Had you been an American of the 1700s and 1800s you would have shared in an utter disregard for the rights and property and humanity of the heathen Indians, which matches the Jews' contempt for the humanity, rights and property of the Palestinians.

When I was a boy in North Dakota in the early Forties, as Hitler was well into his sins against the Jews, and still a half dozen years before the Jews would begin exactly the same sins against the people of Palestine, there was an expression, "You can give it back to the Indians"; which was said when expressing contempt for some North Dakota situation; but within the expression was the universal understanding still existing that the land had been taken by force from the Indians.

Likely, no such understanding exists among the Jews today, largely perhaps because the Jews truly believe their cultural lie that God gave them the land, that it was their land for all the centuries the Palestinians lived there.

I have never met a Jew with a concept of sin; and how blatant are the sins of the Jews against the Palestinians, so blatant and self-deceiving is the Jewish concept of sinless sin that when the Palestinians shoot back the Jews cry foul.

The Jews cast the first stone. The Jews always cast the first stone. When the stones come back they always cry, "Anti-Semite! Anti-Semite!"

Let's see, on or after June 7, if the Jews call God an anti-Semite.

Soon after God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy--the gift for which the Americans and the Jews have tortured me incessantly for some 35 years--I took a journey around the world, one of its primary aspects being a short stay in Israel to talk with God in terms of my own Christianity.

One day I met a Palestinian boy of about 12 who ran his own little sightseeing business, guiding tourists around the old walled city of Jerusalem, and I booked a tour; and in passing when we came to the Wailing Wall he pointed to the area where the homes of Palestinians had been bulldozed to make space available to the influx of prayerful Jewish and smiling Christian visitors.

How often since then I have read the nonchalant media reports of Israelis bulldozing Palestinian homes, and of Jews moving into Palestinian neighborhoods and harassing the Palestinians out of their homes.

Easier to count the hairs on a wooly mammoth than to count the sins of the Jews against the people of Palestine.

So, the new code on God's simultaneous attack on Israel and the USA expected on June 7 is "Home", and what I have described for you today touches on the meaning of the code.

The other two codes are "Two Birds/One Stone", established about a year ago, and "Double Down" established recently.

It is possible--I am not saying it is certain--but it is possible God is about to drive the Jews out of Palestine; and the Americans...and the whip them until they are evil no more.

Turning to our serialized story of Tatoo and her western Chinese clan and how they were rescued by God's Space Sailors in about 700 BC and set down on what is now Honshu, Japan, in about 660 BC, we see Sweet Muse still refuses to continue her narration.

She and all God's Space Sailors remain at their battle stations as Republican American Fascism and Israeli Victim Fascism prepare to seal their own doom by unleashing False Armageddon...then God will unleash the Real Thing.

Tatoo, Part 16 (Stopped 7)

(To Be Continued)

Meanwhile, the United States of America, unaware that it was about to eat the fire, passed through the 138th day of its last year.