Thursday, May 31, 2007

The $254 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws One

Shark America Nine

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 151

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007
Looking for the Peru-Chile Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle (Classified)

You know me, Dear Reader, I write sea stories, war stories and God stories; sometimes a ghost story, sometimes a love story, and when you put all my stories together they mean what I set out to say way back in 1963, that this Earth will be dead by 2065.

Dead as a doornail. Everything gone, nothing left, not only all memory of human existence gone, but not a memory of any existence at all. This Earth as dead as that moon we look at on warm summer nights when she is full and bright and we are feeling romantic, but dead, like Earth's stillborn baby sister..

Dead Earth, dead moon, continuing their dance of the eons of the past into the eons to come; but no one to see the dance, no life, no life, anywhere around.

How could this be? Centuries of life, tens of centuries of life, hundreds of centuries of life, seemingly inexhaustible life, gone, gone, gone like a bubble burst?

Therein lies a story you should know; how it was that George W. Bush destroyed the world. Not alone, no, it was a cooperative effort, but he was the Angel of Death who pulled the plug, and a bit more...and a bit more...and a bit more, yes, as you shall see.

Cascading events, Dear Reader, that's how the world dies; cascading events, geometric accumulation of disaster, point of no return passed, hope lost, lost and gone forever, dreadful sorrow. Bingo! Puff! Now you have it; now it is lost.

So, a sea story. I call this story, "The Constantly Ascending Joy Factor".

You might find this story difficult at first, not that is so smart and you are not, no, it is because it is a story the likes of which you have never heard, first its points of references are not yours, then its concepts are not yours, and then it is a story with no crisis and no strain, no tension and no drama--those constant tools of human story telling--it is, I warn you, a story with a constantly ascending joy factor.

So, with that preamble, let us begin.

My wife and I were playing with our kiddies back where I come from. You might find it odd, but we never thought to give our planet a name; and we barely had names for ourselves, for that matter.

Yes, how odd that must seem to you, your brother the brat having no name; and until this moment I had never before thought of that odd difference between us.

There are so many differences, yet it is said we are related.

We Space Sailors have voices, but they are mainly used for singing. We have seemingly forever talked telepathically. We are like birds in that way, if you have an understanding of how telepathic birds are.

No, you don't, do you?

That is a point worth mentioning as I take you into this most difficult story to tell because everything is different where I come from, from the nature of water to the balance of the fire between life and death.

The telepathy of birds is a good example of what I an leading up to. In English there is the expression "bird brain", meaning "stupid", but the intelligence of a bird is at least 10,000 times the size of its brain; but the two cannot really be compared because one is spirit and one is flesh.

The intelligence of all living things, and all dead things to for that matter, rests in the soul, not the brain.

A genius with brain damage remains a genius, although except through telepathic expression or awkward translation of noises meaning words, recognition of and expression of that genius is most difficult.

Although Einstein's brain has long ceased to function, Einstein's sprit remains a genius spirit.

Telepathy is the most common form of expression in the Universe, including on Earth if you take in all the living forms, Cows are telepathic; horses are telepathic; dogs are telepathic; fish are telepathic; mice are telepathic...well, you get the idea; and even you...and even you...and even you, Dear Reader, are telepathic.

Only in the modern human being is telepathy an atrophied form of communication, having been crowded out by the wagging tongue.

I am a Space Sailor by trade, or profession, or vocation, or for just the pure love of it; as I have told you in the past in the context of my space-sailoring here on this dying Earth; but never have I told you how I happened to sail here.

You know how it is, there is no place like home; so times at home on our planet of no name were very jolly...well, yes, as strange and outdated a word as that is it fits mood at home when we returned from the sea; and of course you know we call space "the sea".

By "we" i mean the wife the kiddies and I. We all go to sea together. That's another odd difference between us, isn't it?

So, we were happy to be back home after a long voyage and were playing games and talking about the universe...hey, that seems strange, too, in the context of the pit-like existence of the human being on this Earth...but my wife, my kiddies and I live in the Universe; we understand the Universe; the Universe is our back yard; the Universe is our Seven Seas...and we are all Space Sailors--mother, father and children--and we sail the universe together.

We call that, and home, Heaven.

That, Dear Reader, is a happy marriage, sailing from star to star in a sea of constant beauty; husband, wife and kiddies all manning the ship. The ship is made of a different kind of glass, and it is transparent, easy to see out of, up and down and all around, but difficult to be seen in a background of stars if privacy is what we are wanting.

That is, if we turn off the lights you cannot see us above you at night.

(The more I begin to tell you this story the more I realize how different we are from you; perhaps that's why America has been so wicked to me; but that's another story.)

Being from elsewhere, I have at times read science fiction with interest, or did, I don't anymore, and I have never read a science fiction story that came close to the reality of life away from this solar system.

I see this failing as a kind of human egocentrism, that we, they, us folks from elsewhere, are portrayed to be variations of the human being or monsters of Earth form, but always projections of Earth life, Earth viewpoint, Earth psychology.. For this reason I consider science fiction writers to be runt geniuses.

In the reality of life beyond this solar system nothing could be further from the truth than saying life, or thought, or love, or anything elsewhere in the Gala Sea or the Universe would be a projection of such things on Earth.

In a very real and important way, life on Earth is unique in the Universe...but I will get to that, don't jump to any conclusions and don't let it go to your head.

And by the way, the human being was not made in God's image; expel that comic idea from your brain. Think about it. What kind of egomaniacal culture would dream that up? Oh oh, sorry, I am about be accused of being anti-Semitic again; but a lot of people buy that Man-In-God's-Image story, and it just is not true.

In fact, not only is the human being not made in the image and likeness of God, the human being is quite unique in form, unique in all the universe as far as I know, and I have been sailing the universe now for about eight million years.

No Charles Darwin am I, sailing aboard the Beagle seeking out evolutionary history; but Virgil, sailing aboard the Peacemaker seeking out cousins.

I will give it to you straight, the human being is something of an accident, a byproduct of a tragedy.

This is going to be a harder story to tell than I thought, because it is just so different from anything you know. Where are the reference points? Where are the similes? And oh so many vanities to be crushed.

Look at it this way, the monkey is not what you have evolved from, it is what you are evolving to.

So, my wife and kiddies and I were having a jolly time when God stopped by to say hello.

This is not to say God stopped by our cottage in the glen and tapped upon the door, no, the presence of God, as it always does when God visits, overwhelmed our planet; a nice overwhelming mind you, and that was nothing unexpected and nothing that does not occur with some pleasant regularity.

So, the feeling of the visit was not of spiritual ecstasy as many might expect; ecstasy is more or less our common state if you think of it a happiness and not orgasm; but such visits from God are rather like if we had things like tea and teacups God would have tea with us and would chat with us and ask how things are with, I'd better hold off telling you how God and we talk; this is kindergarten, that is grammar school.

You understand what I mean, I think, there is no Heavenly Choir, there is no bowing and scraping before God, that is one aspect of why Heaven is heavenly.

But back to my point, our first impression was that God stopped by to say hello, because that is what God always does around the Universe, stops by and says hello in God's planet-enveloping way, but there was something extra to this visit.

To make a long story short, that was the first time God ever mentioned you to me; and I must say, you were first introduced as "a problem".

"Virgil", God said, "I have a problem I would like you to help me with".

(To Be Continued)

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The $253 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Two

Shark America Eight

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 136

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle (Classified)

I.C. News is running silent and deep today. The Earth will be dead by 2065; other than that I.C. News has nothing big to report.

The $253 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Two

Shark America Eight

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 136

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle (Part 10--The News Today)

Killing time today, while Time is killing you.

There are only three elements of the United States of America murdering this Earth at this time: Big Money, Big Media and Big Politics--they are three lesbians licking one another. Big Christianity doesn't know if it is gay or straight but it cheers on the action; and Big Judaism is bisexual, and is throwing the orgy

The most lacking element in the United States of America is Truth. There are beliefs in abundance; so much so America is a religion unto itself. News is Mass; money is Mass; politics is Mass. There are no feet upon the ground; and everything is sanctified no matter how unholy.

From the viewpoint of the Republican American Fascists, to oppose the sanctimonious stupidity of George W. Bush is not political disagreement but something akin to diabolical witchcraft. Treason! Treason! Treason! is the Lord's Prayer of that cult; and after just a few more stages of power-acquisition the Republican American Fascists will be murdering the Democrats, left and right, and saying God told them to do it.

And the Democrats, two-faced fascists of another color, put their own heads upon that block through cowardice in the face of fire. America was counting on them, and what did they do? They French-kissed the ass of George W. Bush.

The "F" word must be used, Fascism, not neo-con-ism, not conservatism, Fascism.

The Republican American Fascist coup is the issue on the campaign trail from which all candidates agree to hide. That is the elephant in the voting booth. Should the Republican American Fascist coup continue? Should the Democrats play dead? Do the American people want fascism of freedom? That is the issue. The American people need to face it now, or George W. Bush will take them to Hell with him.

As for the rest of the world, it doesn't matter because America by itself is gluttonous enough, and stupid enough, and fascist enough to kill the planet Earth on its own no matter what all the other nations combined do; be they pro-planet-death or be they pro-planet-life.

But for the intervention of God, America will abort Time on this Earth. But for the intervention of God, George W. Bush will destroy the world.

As it stands today, this Earth will be dead in less than 60 years. Not a word said on American television matters; not a candidate for American office matters; not an American soldier lying dead on an Iraqi street matters until that truth is reported by the media, spoken by the politicians and understood by the military.

If there is no Truth in America there is no Salvation for America.

America's course is set toward suicide and damnation; and on the bridge of Titanic America the foolish faux-captain is commanding, "Damn the Truth of God and full speed ahead!".

It is at that point, it is with God's understanding of the blind, hopeless, helpless, planet-killing vanity of the United States of America, that God enters the picture.

Splash! Knowledge of how much God detests America will strike America like a tidal wave from sea to shining sea.

That's the lead story at I.C. News today.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The $252 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Three

Shark America Seven

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 139

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007
Looking for the Peru-Chile Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle (Part 9--The Memorial Day Pause Is Over)

You may have noticed that yesterday I put a question mark at the end of "The Memorial Day Pause"; this was because I could feel the psycho-fascist cowards who torment me trying to collect enough balls to attack me in my sleep, and I didn't know if we could get through Memorial Day before they did.

As it turned out, the attack did not come until about 3:15 in the morning, three hours and fifteen minutes after Memorial Day had passed through Smallville on its way to the International Dateline, where it disappeared into history.

Of course it was a cowardly attack, striking me with the favorite psycho-fascist American torture, the Cowards' Cough, while I was sleeping; but these are Americans psycho-fascists and courage cannot be expected of them.

You would be surprised at how easy it is to read the minds of cowardly psycho-fascist Americans. It is like watching earthworms in a can squirming around in what little dirt there is.

I can smell the souls of these two cowardly American "men" like you can smell oil spilled on a hot engine; and within that ability to smell their cowardly little motivations is my ability to send them to Hell before they are scheduled to go. Jesus gave his disciples that power; and if you don't know I am a true and solid disciple of Jesus Christ you are living in Christian Fairyland.

Today I put a note on my computer's automatic reminder, setting the date by which I expect to have splattered one of these cowardly Americans into next Tuesday; and the note will pop up on the chosen day and ask me, "Splattered?"

We shall see what we shall see.

I cannot tell you the chosen date because the mommy-wives of these two cowards read my words about them to them, and that would spoil the surprise.

Turning to the macro front, turning to the onrushing death of this Earth in less than 50 years; it seems we might have seen a speck of light, a speck of awareness, a speck of decency in the American heart on Memorial Day, an impulse of journalism to end its blacklisting of me and blacking out of my story, a formation of allies on the other side of the hill, a refusal within the hearts of the non-psycho-fascist American people to allow this torture-enslavement to go on.

We shall see what we shall see.

It makes me wonder back here in Smallville, what would these two cowardly American "men" at 316 Second Street and 302 Third Street do if the odds suddenly changed from two hundred million to one to just two to one; two cowardly young semi-men to one brave old full-man...or worse...or worse...or worse, if those Americans who love me were to let it be known they loathe these two sadistic cowards to the point of tit for tat response--torturers of Virgil, now we torture you.

Two bits says liquid brown smelly stuff would be running down their legs.

Monday, May 28, 2007

The $251 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Four

Shark America Six

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 129

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007
Looking for the Peru-Chile Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle (Part 8--The Memorial Day Pause?)

When we Space Sailors speak telepathically it is not the telepathy for which America enslaves and tortures me for having, no, no, no indeed; that is telepathic baby talk, goo goo telepathy for godless America; no, we, God's grownups, use telepathy in a much different way.

I mention this because the Space Sailor telepathic scuttlebutt and Space Sailor telepathic spy reports. which are too adult to translate into goo goo, say I am going to be able sooner than I expected splatter into next Tuesday one of the two cowardly psycho-fascist Americans who have threatened to burn down my home with me in it. As noted previously, God will kill the other one.

Beyond that, this telepathic scuttlebutt is classified because while the two psycho-fascist American "men" who have tortured me since I moved into this house are likely not smart enough to find the On switch on a computer.and listen in on what I am telling you, they get reports on what I am writing about them from the psycho-fascist grapevine.

For example, just prior to the threat to burn down my house, a threat made by these two cowardly Americans in the dark of night, the village atheist said with a smile, "We are going to frighten you", incorporating himself and other psycho-fascists into the threat.

This was an intelligence boon because it told me the village atheist, a psycho-fascist through and through albeit in a nice psycho-fascist, knew the direction of the current torture-the-Telepath game via the psycho-fascist grapevine, and was enjoying the idea of my being frightened.

Psycho-fascist America loves this grapevine. It is secret from me, it is organization, and it allows them to think torture is play and injustice is justice.

I knew that anyway, of course, but it is rare to have someone even obliquely confess to the felony of Telepath-torture while it is still in the grapevine and not yet on the record.

Felony? Felony? Who calls it felony? God and I a few billion Angels, for starters.

There is a phenomenon among sinners that sinners of the same feather when together do not see their common sin as being a sin.

In the Vatican sodomy among men might be considered a sin, but in San Francisco it is considered healthy sex.

Among German Nazis, murder was not a sin.

There are organizations of pedophiles which in a cult-like way support among themselves the viewpoint that pedophilia is good for children.

You can go to a nuthouse for the criminally insane and find two baby murderers sitting around in their jamies, having orderlies light their free cigarettes for them when they should have years before swung from gallows but did not because psycho-fascism says they are sick, not evil; and in their talk between themselves child murder is not a sin

In the same sense the psycho-fascist Americans think the torture of me, the teasing of me, the messing with me, is neither sin nor crime; but in fact It is a sin of huge proportions and a member of the same phylum of sin as the enslavement of Africans and the Nazi concentration camps, the only difference being form and numbers.

The concept here today, then, is that within a circle of like sinners the sin is not considered to be a sin.

This concept is going to bite psycho-fascist America on the ass, because God has punished and will continue to punish America for its torture-enslavement of me, the only audible mental telepath in human history, God's One True Telepath..

So, two groups get to the Pearly Gates, The Baby Rapists Club and the Telepath Torturers Club. The Telepath Torturers Club members feel morally very superior to the Baby Rapists Club members, but each club and all its members go to the hottest part of Hell God can find.

Now, coming back to our Battle of Smallville story, Space Sailor telepathic scuttlebutt has it evidence of that mass damnation is what you are about to see.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

The $250 Billiion Defeat

Jews Jaws Five

Shark America Five

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 129 (Big Quakes are Preceded by Low Counts)

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007
Looking for the Peru-Chile Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle (Part 8--The Memorial Day Pause)

I have been asked by my Old Pal God to point out some common and basic errors within Christianity today, errors I do not expect to correct, no, the Christians will make those errors until Doom's Day; and I only note them because my Old Pal God asked me to.

Knowing everything I say will be considered blasphemy by the Christian world, no matter what I say, unless I go and kneel before some snake oil TV preacher; and then I would have to keep my mouth shut forever and deny all that I know to avoid the charge of blasphemy; and what would be the fun in that?

So, Blasphemy One: Christians tend to put far too much emphasis on the Old Testament, which is at least fifty percent folk history and Jewish self-serving.

Blasphemy Two: Adam and Eve never existed. That is a folk tale.

Blasphemy Three: God did not tell the Israelites to commit genocide on the occupants of the Holy Land at the time "Joshua fit the battle of Jericho and the walls came tumbling down". That was a Machiavellian political/military decision made by the Israelites, which they attributed to God in order to coverer their asses historically relative to the crime of mass murder and genocide..

Blasphemy Four: God did not forgive David for manipulating the death of a man in battle so he could get into the man's wife's pants. Remember, David was king, David controlled the history of his time; just as George W. Bush attempts to control the record now[ so on the most part you see nice things about David.

Blasphemy Five: An evil sprit, a fallen angel, Lucifer, does not exist. If you want to see Satan in physical form, look into the eyes of Condoleezza Rice and listen to her forked tongue talking; and look into the stupid, murdering eyes of George W. Bush, who will destroy this world; and look at the lies and hands of the puppet master, Dick Cheney. Satan occupies the White House; Satan is a state of mind.

Again, there is no evil fallen angel, That is a myth; that is a fairy tale; believed by dark minds in the Dark Ages.

Blasphemy Six: I say again, the snake oil TV preacher Jerry Falwell is in Hell today; not for worshiping a false god, but for worshiping the True God falsely.

Blasphemy Seven: Finally, now that I have every Christian east of the Mississippi with steam coming out of their ears; the Apostles never understood the message of Jesus, and the concept that the Holy Spirit gave them that understanding after the crucifixion is hogwash.

Had they understood, Christianity would not have become the whore of Rome.

Well, dangit, dagnabit, that's enough blasphemy for one man on one day; but the so-called Christians are wrong and i am right. I suggest to you that is why the Christians torture me so much, bear false witness against me so much, kill my children so much; because I am right and they are wrong.

In closing, a note for tomorrow, Memorial Day: Stiller than stones lie the dead on the battlefield.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

The $249 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Six

Shark America Four

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 156

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007
Looking for the Peru-Chile Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle (Part 8--The Memorial Day Pause)

There are enough dead warriors in human history to break God's heart a thousand times over. In God's eyes, all warriors are equal.The great obvious but unnoticed fact about war is that it is counter-evolutionary. Among all the beasts except for the human beast, the code is the survival of the fittest. The human beast, however, has since caveman days killed off its bravest and strongest seed, leaving a scrawny humankind to face a horrific future. Everyone who has ever been in combat has images of dead warriors tattooed on their mind and on their soul, and those images never leave, and fifty years later those images can still send brave men into weeping melancholy.I have three such memories to tell you about today, and it is fitting because this is Memorial Day Weekend; and what are we remembering? Yes, Dear Reader, dead warriors.The first tattoo on my soul was a dead Marine.It was after my first battle, which I suppose would be better called a skirmish, but it was a battle to me, about 50 incoming mortar rounds in an area the size of a tennis court and machinegun tracers like water from a fire hose all night long.That night of battle was a horror and a revelation, the moment when I learned to walk upon my fear like Jesus walked upon the water, a night I may have helped save a Marine's life, although I later heard that the helicopter was evacuating him was shot down. I don't know, and likely I never will.In the morning an enemy machinegunner was dead., he had stayed behind to allow his team to escape to fight another day; and as I stood up from my place beside a paddy dike, badly needing to take a piss, a Marine approached and said there were six KIAs, and one of them was a civilian journalist.There were three of us combat correspondents on that operation called Union Two, and I could see one, the AP guy, so I assumed it must be Hugh Lunn, the Reuters guy, who had been killed; and putting my dick back into my pants, I began walking to where the bodies were laid out, expecting to find a good friend dead there; but there he sat, the Aussie son of a bitch, big smile on his face, the sun glinting off his red hair, smoking a cigarette.Have you ever heard someone you cared for had died and then found that news to be wrong? It is a splendid feeling.But back to that first tattoo.Within that typhoon of memories, in the quiet center of that typhoon, there were on that morning six dead Marines laid out in a row; and the legs of one of those Marines were crossed at the ankles, like he was just kicking back at the beach watching the babes walk by.Why I will never forget that tiny detail I do not know, but I know I will never forget it.The second two occurred on possibly my hottest day of war and most certainly my luckiest, in a First Division operation called Billings, named after the home town of First Division Commander Major General Keith Ware; Billings, Montana.I and my Japanese photographer sidekick, Toshio Sakai, were going from battlefield to battlefield looking for a big fight; so I would have something to write about and he would have something to photograph; but everywhere we went the action stopped just before we got there or began just after we left.In retrospect I think God had something to do with this.Anyway, we were flying in a formation of First Division (known as the Big Red One, and the Grunts joked, "If you are going to be one you might as well be a big red one.") helicopters heading for a landing in one of those beautiful meadows that appeared in the jungle of what the Americans called, The Iron Triangle.

As we approached the landing the pilot was telling us it was a Hot LZ; but when we set down a few seconds later the incoming fire had ceased; and as I ran toward the tree line I nearly stepped on the body of a First Division Grunt hidden in the tall, beautiful, green, grass who had died not much more than a minute before. He had come in on the wave of helicopters just ahead of mine; his uniform was brand-new clean, as if he were new to war, as if he had drowned in the font of his baptism of fire.I know, it makes no sense, there were enough dead Americans around for a million eyes to see, but I remember that one.The third tattoo on my soul was put there later the same day.Having missed that action Sakai and I decided to hop another helicopter in hope of finding hotter action. Dig it, Dear Reader, we were looking for hot, hot war. That's a mystery for the Mystery Pile.

We found ourselves at a body collection site, where bodies were being brought in on helicopter after helicopter.

Damn, it was a totally insane day.

The clouds were scudding fast enough to make a sailor dizzy and Sakai, who would win a Pulitzer for one of the photographs he had taken the day before, was taking pictures of a line of bodies juxtaposed with a line of still living Grunts marching by them to board the helicopters that had brought the bodies in, when he was grabbed by the wrist by an angry Grunt and yanked along to the sergeant-major I was talking to; Sakai was saying in a pitiful, small voice, "Virgil-san, Virgil-san", and the Grunt was saying, "This man was photographing the dead!"; and the hatred in the eyes of the Grunts all around us was so thick a spider could have woven a web from it; and Sakai (and I as witness) might have been murdered right then and there, but Sakai broke the spell by taking the film out of his camera and exposing it.
Dear Reader, things get tense on the battlefield.
It was in this context that I saw the third dead warrior who will always be tattooed on my mind.
There were 28 bodies laid out in a row. I counted them, thinking I might live long enough to tell you about them, and that was very optimistic thinking because the chances of living through that day were slim.
Among those 28 bodies was the body of a First Division black soldier, and even as I tell you about this my heart aches. He was lying face down on an olive drab plastic tarp and the wind was whipping the tarp and the tarp was slapping his face.
But the wound, the wound, Dear Reader, the wound I will never forget was not the wound that killed him. No, it was another wound. On his right wrist where a watch might have been was a circle about the size of a silver dollar, the thinnest most perfectly round slicing off of skin, a shallow, shallow skin-deep slicing; and where his black skin had been was an ivory white bloodless circle.
Why should I remember that? Go figure. And here I am forty years later blubbering like a baby as I tell you this story. I love Memorial Day. I hate Memorial Day.

Friday, May 25, 2007

The $248 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Seven

Shark America Three

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 156 (Low Numbers Precede Big Quakes)

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007
Looking for the Peru-Chile Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle (Part 7--Waiting for the Death, Second Pitch)

This ship must make some serious course corrections today; but that's what sometimes happens when we sail by the seat of our pants. This will cause some slackness in our sails, but better we change course than do a George W. Bush and run our ship onto the Shoals of Infamy and Calamity.

Both my editor and my artillery spotter tell me I have made two rather important errors, first that the dead cat story does not fulfill the criteria I set up in advance in the Waiting for the Death gambit, and second that the house at 211 Juniper is the wrong target.

Fortunately we are fighting by American rules, and in America bad information is good information unless proven to be bad information, and collateral damage is of no more importance than spit misplaced by wind.

In the first case, I said The Death we were waiting for must clearly be an Act of God, and that the umpire to this demonstration was to be the Village Atheist; who in all certainty would not call the death of the cat an Act of God; and even I called it an act of dog.

What was I thinking to call that a hit? Well, if I were perfect America would have murdered me decades ago.

In the second case I have discovered that the address of the cowardly psycho-fascist American "man" to my rear is not 211 Juniper, but rather 302 Third Street, his house completely blocking my view of the Juniper Street house and I having thought there was just one house there.

(Attention Gun Crew, make note of this correction.)

While this presents me with a serious potential for collateral damage, especially in terms of rounds already fired and in the air, I am probably the only one who is worried about it. Several people knew of this error, including the deputy sheriff, but preferred to let the error stand.

Then of course there is the philosophical question, is collateral damage even possible in this Second American Civil War if there are no Americans within range who believe I should be free?

(The clear exception here being, of course, prepubescent children, who are sacred in the Eyes of God; and killing them as collateral damage is the reason George W. Bush lost his soul.

(The sacredness of these children, and the reason they are so sacred in the eyes of God, is a story of great importance to all the religions of the world, and to all those who go to war, and to all those who would murder, harm or enslave children; but a story for a less hostile market. It is the most important news story in the world today.)

Back to the question, is collateral damage in this case possible? The intense torture of me by the psycho-fascist American cowards at 316 Second and 302 Third is at least passively supported by the entire Smallville community, and from Smallville on to the Lassen County sheriff's deputy, and then on up to and beyond the governor of the State of California to all the Fifty States.

In sad truth the torture of me is as much community entertainment in Smallville as it was in San Francisco, Seattle, New York City and Tallahasee, no matter how much I wish it were not.

I don't know, perhaps the Americans give out medals to one another for Telepath torture above and beyond; and perhaps the psycho-fascist cowards at 316 Second and 302 Third are torture-heroes within the cult of American psycho-fascism. Perhaps there exists an Iron Cross for Psycho-Fascist Cowardice.

So, I'll strop wringing my hands about collateral damage even though those artillery shells already in flight are aimed at the wrong house, and I will turn my attention back to Waiting for the Death.

Like Casey in Mudville, I am at bat in Smallville, having taken a clean strike, or at best a foul tip; and now with one strike against me I am at the plate ready to take a swing at Waiting for the Death again.

"The Outlook wasn't brilliant for the Mudville nine that day
"The score stood four to two, with but one inning more to play
"And then when Cooney died at first, and Barrows did the same
"A silence fell upon the patrons of the game"

To be clear in my own mind less I swing at a sucker pitch again, we are waiting for the Angel of Death to visit one of the two households that have tormented me since I moved in and threatened to burn my home down with me in it; waiting for a human death at either 316 Second or 302 Third; which will clearly be an Act of God, and which will be a Home Run for me.

That is my course adjustment. Can't you feel the slackness in my sails?.

In war as in life, all information is intelligence; and it is when we are so married to our target that we turn a blind eye to our intelligence that we get into trouble.

If you buy honeymoon tickets to Paris, Texas, when your bride wants to go to Paris, France, you are in for a lifetime of woe unless you correct your course and take that lady to Europe.

If you stupidly and fascistically want to invade Iraq because your daddy went to war there; and you are now Playing President at your daddy's desk, his shoes much too big for your tiny feet; and you want to do what he did, but you want to do it better; and your intelligence services tell you not to do it; and you ignore them and do it anyway; murdering babies left and right and destroying homes all around the world; well, your ass is going to fry in Hell.

There is a third course correction I should make, but the sails of this ship are too slack already today and I want to be running hard before the wind when I make that correction.

That course is of course my candidacy for the Presidency of the United States of America, which is apparently not going well; and it seems clear I possibly, maybe, perhaps do not have enough Electoral College votes to win. Go figure.

Go figure, considering the field of Democratic cowards and Republican American Fascists; but the American people are owned by the media and the media is owned by Big Money, and Big Money says I have nothing to say, so what should I expect?.

On the bright side, Ulysses S. Grant won the Presidency though his generalmanship in the First American Civil War, perhaps I can do the same with my generalmanship in the Second American Civil War, the war to end torture-enslavement of telepaths and squash the attempt by Republican American Fascism to undo the Union.

(That is what the Republican American Fascists are doing, you know, not secession from the Union as in their first attempt nearly 150 years ago, but undoing the Union forever, making every State a Slave State, making slavery legal everywhere, making the enslavement of you, Dear Reader, legal; and that is not another story; that is this story; that is this truth boring in on you as i write The Obituary of the World.

("Save your Confederate money, Boys, the South will rise again!" Bang! Kennedy is dead! Fort Sumter has fallen!)

With that I am reminded that we we Space Sailors are waiting for the Miracle of Smallville, like Israelite soldiers waiting for the sun to stand still in the sky, the miracle that will change the course of the Battle of Smallville; change, even, the hearts of the Smallvillains.

The Miracle of Smallville; Hmmm? That just might put my candidacy for the Presidency on course.

For Virgil, mighty Virgil, was advancing to the bat... (with apologies to Ernest Thayer, author of Casey at the Bat, 1888).

The $248 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Seven

Shark America Three

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 156 (Low Numbers Precede Big Quakes)

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007
Looking for the Peru-Chile Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle (Part 7--Waiting for the Death, Second Pitch)

This ship must make some serious course corrections today; but that's what sometimes happens when we sail by the seat of our pants. This will cause some slackness in our sails, but better we change course than do a George W. Bush and run our ship onto the Shoals of Infamy and Calamity.

Both my editor and my artillery spotter tell me I have made two rather important errors, first that the dead cat story does not fulfill the criteria I set up in advance in the Waiting for the Death gambit, and second that the house at 211 Juniper is the wrong target.

Fortunately we are fighting by American rules, and in America bad information is good information unless proven to be bad information, and collateral damage is of no more importance than spit misplaced by wind.

In the first case, I said The Death we were waiting for must clearly be an Act of God, and that the umpire to this demonstration was to be the Village Atheist; who in all certainty would not call the death of the cat an Act of God; and even I called it an act of dog.

What was I thinking to call that a hit? Well, if I were perfect America would have murdered me decades ago.

In the second case I have discovered that the address of the cowardly psycho-fascist American "man" to my rear is not 211 Juniper, but rather 302 Third Street, his house completely blocking my view of the Juniper Street house and I having thought there was just one house there.

(Attention Gun Crew, make note of this correction.)

While this presents me with a serious potential for collateral damage, especially in terms of rounds already fired and in the air, I am probably the only one who is worried about it. Several people knew of this error, including the deputy sheriff, but preferred to let the error stand.

Then of course there is the philosophical question, is collateral damage even possible in this Second American Civil War if there are no Americans within range who believe I should be free?

(The clear exception here being, of course, prepubescent children, who are sacred in the Eyes of God; and killing them as collateral damage is the reason George W. Bush lost his soul.

(The sacredness of these children, and the reason they are so sacred in the eyes of God, is a story of great importance to all the religions of the world, and to all those who go to war, and to all those who would murder, harm or enslave children; but a story for a less hostile market. It is the most important news story in the world today.)

Back to the question, is collateral damage in this case possible? The intense torture of me by the psycho-fascist American cowards at 316 Second and 302 Third is at least passively supported by the entire Smallville community, and from Smallville on to the Lassen County sheriff's deputy, and then on up to and beyond the governor of the State of California to all the Fifty States.

In sad truth the torture of me is as much community entertainment in Smallville as it was in San Francisco, Seattle, New York City and Tallahasee, no matter how much I wish it were not.

I don't know, perhaps the Americans give out medals to one another for Telepath torture above and beyond; and perhaps the psycho-fascist cowards at 316 Second and 302 Third are torture-heroes within the cult of American psycho-fascism. Perhaps there exists an Iron Cross for Psycho-Fascist Cowardice.

So, I'll strop wringing my hands about collateral damage even though those artillery shells already in flight are aimed at the wrong house, and I will turn my attention back to Waiting for the Death.

Like Casey in Mudville, I am at bat in Smallville, having taken a clean strike, or at best a foul tip; and now with one strike against me I am at the plate ready to take a swing at Waiting for the Death again.

"The Outlook wasn't brilliant for the Mudville nine that day
"The score stood four to two, with but one inning more to play
"And then when Cooney died at first, and Barrows did the same
"A silence fell upon the patrons of the game"

To be clear in my own mind less I swing at a sucker pitch again, we are waiting for the Angel of Death to visit one of the two households that have tormented me since I moved in and threatened to burn my home down with me in it; waiting for a human death at either 316 Second or 302 Third; which will clearly be an Act of God, and which will be a Home Run for me.

That is my course adjustment. Can't you feel the slackness in my sails?.

In war as in life, all information is intelligence; and it is when we are so married to our target that we turn a blind eye to our intelligence that we get into trouble.

If you buy honeymoon tickets to Paris, Texas, when your bride wants to go to Paris, France, you are in for a lifetime of woe unless you correct your course and take that lady to Europe.

If you stupidly and fascistically want to invade Iraq because your daddy went to war there; and you are now Playing President at your daddy's desk, his shoes much too big for your tiny feet; and you want to do what he did, but you want to do it better; and your intelligence services tell you not to do it; and you ignore them and do it anyway; murdering babies left and right and destroying homes all around the world; well, your ass is going to fry in Hell.

There is a third course correction I should make, but the sails of this ship are too slack already today and I want to be running hard before the wind when I make that correction.

That course is of course my candidacy for the Presidency of the United States of America, which is apparently not going well; and it seems clear I possibly, maybe, perhaps do not have enough Electoral College votes to win. Go figure.

Go figure, considering the field of Democratic cowards and Republican American Fascists; but the American people are owned by the media and the media is owned by Big Money, and Big Money says I have nothing to say, so what should I expect?.

On the bright side, Ulysses S. Grant won the Presidency though his generalmanship in the First American Civil War, perhaps I can do the same with my generalmanship in the Second American Civil War, the war to end torture-enslavement of telepaths and squash the attempt by Republican American Fascism to undo the Union.

(That is what the Republican American Fascists are doing, you know, not secession from the Union as in their first attempt nearly 150 years ago, but undoing the Union forever, making every State a Slave State, making slavery legal everywhere, making the enslavement of you, Dear Reader, legal; and that is not another story; that is this story; that is this truth boring in on you as i write The Obituary of the World.

("Save your Confederate money, Boys, the South will rise again!" Bang! Kennedy is dead! Fort Sumter has fallen!)

With that I am reminded that we we Space Sailors are waiting for the Miracle of Smallville, like Israelite soldiers waiting for the sun to stand still in the sky, the miracle that will change the course of the Battle of Smallville; change, even, the hearts of the Smallvillains.

The Miracle of Smallville; Hmmm? That just might put my candidacy for the Presidency on course.

For Virgil, mighty Virgil, was advancing to the bat... (with apologies to Ernest Thayer, author of Casey at the Bat, 1888).

Thursday, May 24, 2007

The $247 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Eight

Shark America Two

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 170

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007
Looking for the Peru-Chile Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle (Part 6--The Death--You May Recall Part 3 Was "Waiting for the Death")

Today's God's Space War code is, "Shut up and die like an aviator".

As if fog were lifting from over a set piece American Civil War battlefield, and we in our observation balloon can see not only the tableau of the Blue and Gray but the mental chess boards of the generals as they sit in their tents and ponder their next moves, we can see how the micro front, the Battle of Smallville, is a miniature twin of the macro front, God's Space War defeat of the United States of America.

I know it is hardly likely you can see the connections between the macro and the micro, the dots are probably too far apart to connect, but look, look, sadly, sadly, down at the lone American soldier-body found floating in the Euphrates; and look, look, don't feel too badly, at a body found rotting in the Smallville sun.

Just about when in yesterday's news the American body was being identified with great forensic difficulty, the pack of cowardly dogs threatened to attack me from their side of the fence.

The reason for this assault by the pack of dogs was apparently my having noticed something on their side of the fence, the body of an animal that had been dead for two days or more considering the smell and the flies, a body of what species I could not at first identify.

It was as I was looking at the rotting body over the fence, pondering what its species might be, that the pack of dogs came running at me barking and growling, angry that I was looking at their kill; like a pack of Americans angry that I had seen the pathos of their naked, damned souls; but that's another story.

(How cruel of me to look upon those damned American souls. Satan's kill; how angry the pack of dogs was at my looking at their rotting kill. The value of each, if i were to hold them in comparison, one in each hand, would be about the same.)

At first it seemed to be the body of a small dog, but after closer inspection the next day, today, I realized it was a cat.

My assumption is the pack of dogs killed it after it had wandered into their territory.

The point of immediate importance here is that one week ago today in the "Tactics" headline we had "Waiting for the Death", and a death took place.

It was not the death we might have expected or preferred, but a death nevertheless and a death that kept the government pigs from my door asking how I happened to have written about the psycho-fascist coward at 316 Second Street if that pathetic American had in fact gone to Hell a little ahead of schedule.

The God's Space War point is this, somehow in my short-term projection into the future I recorded that a death was going to take place there; or alternatively (another Riddle for the Riddle Pile) did God tell me that death was going to take place there? In any case, as I have done so often for over three decades, I recorded a death before it took place.

Remember the metaphorical image of me I drew for you as we have watched the Battle of Smallville slowly, slowly unfold; samurai with a sword in each hand, arms outstretched to each side and hands at shoulder height, one blade pointing to one psycho-fascist home, one blade pointing to the other, 316 Second Street and 211 Juniper, one blade named God, the other named Time Travel.

Did I see the cat dead in the field while the cat was still alive and out looking for pussy before the pack of dogs caught up with it? Or did God say, Hey, Virgil, Make a Note, "Awaiting the Death"?

Like Americans have their delicious secrets in their torture-enslavement of me, I have my delicious secrets in God's torture-damnation of them.

Which of my two swords was it--God or Time Travel--that recorded that very significant insignificant death before it took place?

And does it matter in the big picture of God's cutting American down?

Was the dead cat just another time-mark landmark on the road to America's Hell, no more important than a Burma Shave sign on Highway 66?

In the news we see the coming and going of some interesting developments.

First, the apparent crumbling of NBC News as it lets go two of its leading male personalities after having lost its leading female personality several months ago. My guess is NBC will soon openly join Republican American Fascism, and mate with Fox News in a marriage made in Hell and officiated by Satan..

(Remember, it was NBC News that hid the fact I had told it about the Fromme attack on Ford two weeks in advance; and it was NBC News that hid the fact I had told it about the 9/11 attack at least two weeks in advance. NBC News deserves to crumble.)

Second, in general we see a surge in the power of Republican American Fascism, with such announcements as a massive expansion of forces in Iraq in total disregard of the vote of the American people; the cold-blooded Republican American Fascist support of military action within Lebanon against Palestinian refugee civilians; the increased attacks on Palestinians in Gaza by Israel; the massing of US warships off Iran; the increasing strength of Republican American Fascism's private military forces, such as Blackwater; and the bending over in submission by the Democratic Party, ready to take a rod in the rear to escape a Republican American Fascist bullet in the brain.

(You do know, don't you, that the Republican American Fascists killed John F. Kennedy, and every Democrat knows there is a bullet with his or her or its name on it should backbone and not ass he shown?)

News that is not in the news: the United States of America is on the lip of God's Space War defeat, a defeat so resounding and so deserved cheers and applause will be heard throughout the Galaxy.

Have you heard, its in the stars, next July America collides with Mars (with apologies to Robbie Williams for paraphrasing my favorite line from his song, "Well Did You Evah").

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The $246 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Nine

Shark America One (No God's Space War Attack on Shark America as Expected on Zero Day, but a Large US Navy Force Took Position Off Iran; and We know God is Going to Hit the US Navy Hard. Let's Watch This.)

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 179

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007
Looking for the Peru-Chile Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle (Part 5--The Dog People)

As the dogsharks of the US Navy stand off the coast of Iran barking their threats, threatening on the macro front to invade that country God so dearly loves, in Smallville, on the micro front, the dogs belonging to the cowardly psycho-fascist American "man" at 316 Second Street have formed a pack, threatening to attack me, so dearly loved by God, when I work near the fence on the property line.

The nature of the canine pack and the nature of the human mob are quite the same.

Just as defensive steps are naturally being taken by Iran against the American Navy's pack of dogsharks, I am taking defensive steps against the psycho-fascist neighbors' pack of dogs in Smallville.

I cannot tell you what the Iranians are doing, but I have patched up a hole in the fence the dogs habitually pass through; because I expect that is the way they will come when their pack instinct goes on the attack (note I say "when" and not "if"); and when I work in the yard cutting down weeds with a sling blade ("Some people call it a Kaiser blade but I call it a sling blade", with apologies to Bill Bob Thornton) I am armed with my pitchfork should the dogs attack.

In the pack, the dogs are saying, "Grrr, one man, one pitchfork, we can attack from all sides." Their primordial pack instincts are coming into play; and the owners of the dogs are enjoying the dynamic, but they will get all huffy and weepy when their dogs are lying dead on my property.

In the community of Smallville there is being demonstrated a growing anti-Telepath cooperation, especially among high school boys. Just as the neighbors' dogs have formed a pack, the high school Smallvillains are forming a mob.

Note the perfect balance on the macro front as the dogshark US Navy has formed a pack off Iran and the American people have formed a mob.

Yes, God's Space War is going just about as I expected; the difference between man and dog has become too narrow to put a playing card between.

Perfect, just perfect. Slaughtering dogs and dogsharks is easier than slaughtering men, and more legal.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The $245 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Ten

Shark America Zero (Expecting A God's Space War Attack on Shark America Today)

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 169

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007
Looking for the Peru-Chile Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle (Part 4--Baptism of Fire)

I feel a riff coming on; excuse me, Jimi Hendrix, while I kiss the sky.

In the course of yesterday's Fighter Pilot Chatter these words bounced off the stratosphere, " God's Space War against the United States of America marches slowly, slowly inexorably on...", and I got to thinking, hey, maybe it's time to explain the timing aspect of God's Space War again.

What makes God's Space War so difficult to see is that it moves so slowly. It is 33.3 rpm in a 78 rpm world...well, no...well, is more like 3.3 compared to 99.

God's Space War is more the pace of the meditating monk than the Holy Roller. It is more Swan Lake than Boogie Woogie Country Girl. If you were Japanese I could tell you it is more Noh than Kabuki, and you would understand perfectly.

In Noh it might take an elaborately costumed actor fifteen minutes to walk with width of the stage, and in the background there would be a steady twang...boom...twang...boom...twang...boom...of the Noh musicians, and the audience would be transported deep into slowness and glacial movement, and Time itself would be changed.

Noh was the pot of the samurai, but that's another story.

The understanding I want to leave you with today is that truly God's sense of time and urgency are different than yours and mine, and truly a year to you and me is far, far less than a day to God; and God is invisible to us only because we see fast and God moves slow.

It is in in that same pace of imperceptible slowness that the world dies, and God has watched her dying for 80 thousand years or more, she breathing in and out, breathing in and out, like sighing dying Elephant, Earth-Elephant lying down on the hallowed ground in the Planet-Elephants' Graveyard.

And God does not worry about the things people think God worries about. In all the existence of the automobile, in all the existence of Lover's Lanes, in all the existence of Drive-In Movies, I would guess God has not worried for one mankind's second about what is going on between boys and girls, men and women, in all the back seats put together.

God is watching the Elephant die, and God is saying, What Can I Do About This?

Therein lies all the stories of all the religions; "...and God so loved the world..."; that's the great news story, that's the great love story of the Universe; the love of God for the Planet Earth.

When God first asked me to write The Obituary of the World I was a rat-tat-tat journalist of the old school, cigarette sticking out of the side of my mouth and sending smoke into my eyes, tie askew, running my typewriter a mile a minute, pounding out those stories as if they meant something, and I said, Sure, God, happy to write that obit for you; I'll have it on your desk by tomorrow.

Ha! Tomorrow is but a tick on God's Big Ben; and I didn't understand God was talking about tomorrow on God's Desk Calendar, and on that calendar tomorrow was a lifetime away.

Slow. Imperceptible. Inexorable. That is the nature of God's war to save this Earth from the parasite we lovingly call the Human Being, and God calls vermin; as God once said to me, "They are vermin, Earth's Virgil, they are vermin".

Nobody ever said "...and God so loved the human being.that he gave His only begotten Son...". The whole thing from the beginning, from the first time the first caveman shat in the first stream, has always been God's intent to save this Earth from the human being.

If the Earth dies so does the human being, so it is better the human being die in time to save the Earth from the human being; makes perfect sense to me; or the alternative option is the human being changing its course, which is about as likely as George W. Bush becoming an intelligent, honest man.

Sure, to be sure, save the human being, if God can elevate the species to the point where it is not a planet-killer...or the human being can elevate itself to that level.

That brings us back to where we are today, a president bound for Hell for baby murder forcing and conning the world into destruction in the macro picture; and two psycho-fascist cowardly American "men" having the right to torture and to threaten to murder Virgil Kret, the only person on this Earth who knows how to tell Time, in the micro picture.

Macrocosm, the human being killing the Earth; microcosm, America killing Virgil. The two are exactly alike; and this Earth will be dead by 2065 and the chances of that not happening are about the same as the American people giving up their joy of torturing me and paying me the $245 Billion Good Faith payment they owe me as of today.

That is a good picture of how deeply in trouble this Earth, and how slim the chance the human being can turn away from murdering her.

Well, Jimi Hendrix, all this free-flowing riff today is to point out to my dear readers an excellent example of God's Space War timing now unfolding.

Yesterday I gave the phrase, "Pow, pow, pow, three bullets hit the paddy dike under my butt and I knew I was off on another caper", and I said each of my two cowardly psycho-fascist American neighbors who have threatened to burn my home down with me in it has each received one "Pow".

Roughly speaking, the two Pows were about a month apart, and since the most recent Pow was a week ago today--the pitchfork and the dog event--we can expect the third Pow to take place around three weeks from today.

So while it takes about a second to say, "pow, pow, pow", it takes about three months to live three Pows.. That is the movement of God compared to the movement of humankind, and that is the movement of the Battle of Smallville.

For your final understanding of today's riff: one of the strengths of God's Space War is that it progresses below the human attention span; that the dots are so far apart connecting them is not easily done; that the musical notes are so far apart their melody cannot be easily discerned.

Monday, May 21, 2007

The $244 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Nine

Shark America One (Expect A God's Space War Attack on Shark America Zero)

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 166

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007
Looking for the Peru-Chile Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle (Part 4--Baptism of Fire)

In the course of practicing the art of journalism since 1957 I have collected a considerable number of memorable quotes. Today I will note three, all of which remain relevant; as does Jimmy Carter in his absolutely accurate criticism of George W. Bush.

"George W, Bush will destroy the world."--God, the California Sierras, July, 2000, a little over one year before the Reichstag 911 attack.

"We are going to addle Charley's brain by killing Charley's children."--101st Division trooper with a special unit called the Hawks which went on short term helicopter assaults with orders to kill every human being and animal it came across, Vietnam, August 1967.

"Have you ever been shot at before?" No, that was the first time. "Wait until it comes over in sheets."--US Marine sergeant, Vietnam, August 1967.

With these three quotes lets's touch on the macro and the micro fronts we are describing as God's Space War against the United States of America marches slowly, slowly inexorably on. I have told you about all three in the past, but they seem to fit together like pieces of a puzzle today.

"George W. Bush will destroy the world."

As many people know, prior to the rise of Republican American Fascism I would backpack alone in the mountain wilderness for a month or more each summer to regain my health and chum around with God.

After the Florida Coup of the 2000 presidential "election", government pig torture of me during those hikes became so disruptive and so threatening that I had to put aside that beautiful summer exercise.

However, right after the fraudulent election in 2000 there was no such harassment, and I packed up a month's supply of food and drove to my favorite starting point, and hiked to my favorite base camp, and as usual began adjusting to the altitude and doing light day hikes to prep my muscles for the long, long summer hike to come.

However, my Old Pal God had another idea, and after a day or two at my base camp God began to tell me over and over again that George W. Bush will destroy the world; and that I should return to my life's work and not take my vacation hike.

As argumentative as I am, I repeatedly said to my Old Pal God that I needed that hike to rebuild my health after another year of American torture-enslavement, that I might die from the torture-enslavement if I did not recuperate; and after listening to me bitch in this way for about a day my Old Pal God said, "Better you try and die than not try at all".

So, I folded up my tent and I packed my pack and I hiked back to my car, and drove back down to my home in San Luis Obispo County, California, where immediately upon my arrival...immediately upon my arrival...immediately upon my arrival the murderous level of torture for which the Republican American Fascist era is so infamous began, eventually putting me in jail on false charges, and into the Emergency Room for congestive heart failure, and making me homeless.

However, before that false arrest, before that near-death crisis, and before that homelessness, I documented the 911 attack for three months before it took place. "Better you try and die than not try at all."

So, God said with great emphasis, "George W. Bush will destroy the world." Take a look at the world since this stupid, conniving, thieving religio-fascist got his grubby little hands around the throat of God's Earth.

The second quote I want to review for you today, "We are going to addle Charley's brain by killing Charley's children", is reflective of America's Good Guy image. In America's mind it is as if America says, "Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?" and the mirror says, "We are going to addle Charley's brain by killing Charley's children", but America hears, "You are the fairest of them all".

I tell you this old story because there is something Americans do not know about God; that they should know before Too Late is too late to even talk about; that is that God does not like America all that much.

Our third quote for today, "Have you ever been shot at before?" No, that was the first time. "Wait until it comes over in sheets", is reflective of the status of the psycho-fascist Americans who torture me here in Smallville, northern California, just south and east of Mount Shasta.

This quote came after an event I later described as, "Pow, pow, pow, three bullets hit the paddy dike below my butt and I knew I was off on another caper".

In the slow motion Battle of Smallville, the two psycho-fascist American "men" who have tortured me since I moved in and who threatened to murder me by burning down my home with me in it, have had two "bullets" hit harmlessly below their intellectual butts, one apiece, and we can expect them to have one more freebie. After that freebie, the "bullets" will "come over in sheets".

The freebie for the cowardly psycho-fascist American "man" who lives at 211 Juniper street was a simple booby trap I set for his simple-mindedness about a month ago, a booby trap which I reported here.

It was his practice to come by in the dead of night and bang on my bedroom wall to awaken me (and this pattern still continues but is now done in the daylight because these two cowards are afraid to attack at night when I am not sleeping) so one night I placed an aluminum ladder flat on the ground where the coward would walk to get to my wall, and I lay awake and listened to the stupid son of a bitch trip over it.

Pow One.

The second freebie "bullet" went to the cowardly psycho-fascist American who lives at 316 Second Street, when one of his vicious dogs attacked me as I walked by two Tuesday's in a row, and on the second Tuesday I carried a pitchfork; and as I reported here that cowardly dog knew I would have killed it on the spot if it continued its attack on me; and since then the cowardly, vicious owner of that cowardly, vicious dog has kept that dog more restrained, and that dog (and you can see it in its demeanor) is happy to be restrained.

Pow Two.

So, those are "Pow" and "Pow", with one more free "Pow" to go; then it comes over in sheets for those two cowardly psycho-fascist American "men", then we God's Space Sailors attack, attack, attack.

Dear Reader, if you like me at all you are going to like attack, attack, attack.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

The $243 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Eight

Shark America Two (Expect A God's Space War Attack on Shark America Zero)

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 176

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007
Looking for the Peru-Chile Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle (Part 4--The Village Atheist)

The Battle of Smallville is shaping up; we know how it goes; we know how the dead die; we know how the village atheist comes to fear God.

It is as a movie we have seen before.

We can hear the drumbeat of it, we can pierce the mist of Time and see the big hit right smack in the middle of the psycho-fascist slime, those two cowardly neighboring American "men" who threatened to burn me alive in my home, and we can see the village atheist going from impervious to nervous to shocking understanding.

The fear the village atheist will experience, no, the terror, comes from the fact he supports my neighbors in their attacks on me, and to the hilt supports America's torture-enslavement of me; but that's another story.

We know how this battle is going to go; we have seen this battle before. Time is my friend, My Friend; I have traveled through Time and walked this battlefield when the battle was over; and only because physics would permit it did I not bring back a cowardly psycho-fascist American "man's" head on my pitchfork as a trophy.

Dear Reader, are you ready to take a paranormal battle ride? You can get off this tank now, you can go somewhere and hide; but if you see what is about to be seen you will never be the same again; you will have lost your God's Space War cherry.

Mark these addresses, 316 Second Street and 211 Juniper, Smallville, California. God's Angel of Death will visit one of these households..

Not I, I will not visit, oh no, not I, no such luck, I am an Angel of a Different Duty, this will be a true holy killing of evil for all to see; and all I am commissioned to do is tell you how and why this Earth will be dead by 2065.

After I first came to Smallville a few months ago, in effect driven here by the constant persecution of me by America because I think too loud, I made a promise in this work I had never made before. I promised God would perform a miracle in Smallville; a beautiful miracle, a nice miracle; not lightning striking the preacher's ass, not the river turning blood-red.

After having come under such attack and hatred by the cowardly psycho-fascist American "men" at the above two addresses, I began to describe for you what I call the Battle of Smallville, my confrontation with them taking place on a nearly square piece of land of approximately five acres, the approximate center of which is occupied by my home; a confrontation I say will evolve into Armageddon.

Had this attack not occurred, had these two cowardly psycho-fascist American "men" not threatened to murder me, the Battle of Smallvile would not be taking place; instead, standing alone like a tall red flower in tall green grass, God's miracle would have simply suddenly appeared.

Therefore, as this story develops we are beginning to see two apparently contradictory promises; a miracle by God in Smallville that will be pleasurable to the citizens of Smallville, and the killing by God of one of the two psycho-fascist American "men" who in their glee of torture told me in the pitch black of night of their intent to burn my home down with me in it.

(It is not my house, I do not own it, but it is my home.)

Further, I said the umpire of this event would be the village atheist, who would say yes, it was an Act of God that killed the cowardly psycho-fascist American "man" or no, it was not; meaning the death would be so obviously an act of God that even the most smugly atheistic person west of Reno could see it to be just that.

And yet further, perhaps not yet fully explained, this Act of God will terrify the atheist.

So the dichotomy. what miracle or miracles could happen in Smallville, northern California, south and east of Mount Shasta, that would give the community a rosy glow, kill a wicked coward, and scare the willies out of the village atheist?

Tall order, don't you think; but God gave me the code which in no uncertain terms covers this, and God has repeated this code at least twice in the past week. "Two Birds With One Stone".

Unless I have bigger fish to fry I will continue this narration of the Battle of Smallville tomorrow, when I will further describe for you how you are about to lose your God's Space War cherry, and how the psycho-fascist American coward at 316 Second Street has already lost his.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Thje $242 Billion Defeat

The $242 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Seven

Shark America Three (Expect A God's Space War Attack on Shark America Zero)

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 178

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007
Looking for the Peru-Chile Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle (Part 4--The Village Atheist--Postponed)

I have been asked by my Old Pal God to review briefly the nature of the calamity into which this our Earth now sallies.

It is a three-pronged calamity.

First, global warming, which is far, far more disastrous than yet represented in the media, the calamity of it increasing exponentially and being so massive by 2017 that it will overwhelm the world.

Second, Republican American Fascism and other forms of fascism which are deliberately making the global warming calamity worse, with the view of allowing the global warming calamity to kill off billions of the world's poorest people, leaving the Earth for the rich, their serfs, servants and mercenary body guards; in the process creating a sham fulfillment of the final book of the New Testament, Revelations.

Third, what this work calls "The Crack in the Egg", a massive pattern of earthquakes that will so spasm this Earth that the North and South Poles will change location, almost certainly causing the continental USA to become an arctic region.

These three events spell the death of this Earth by 2065 but for the intervention of God, which this work expects to first manifest itself in the Peru-Chile region of South America, not in the Middle East as Christians and Jews expect, and to result in the mass damnation of the rich and powerful of the entire world, as Jesus taught.

Friday, May 18, 2007

The $241 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Six

Shark America Four (Expect A God's Space War Attack on Shark America Zero)

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 183

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007
Looking for the Peru-Chile Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle (Part 4--The Village Atheist--Postponed)

There seems to be some enemy movement taking place on the macro front; but in Smallville, on the micro front, there is a lull. We clean our weapons; we walk the picket, we sleep and we eat. No news in war usually means news is about to break.

So now, Dear Reader, let's talk things over. We are standing of the brink of a disastrous, monstrous American defeat; and many of you love the United States of America; but what are we to do? America took the bait, the Satan Bait, and now the Fisherman is reeling America in.

In God's Space War, we Space Sailors call one particular event "The Litmus Paper Ambush", and while that was not the beginning of things, the beginning of America's becoming wrong with God, it is a good point of entry to the story of God's Space War against the United States of America..

God, I am sure, goes back much further in God's argument with the United States of America than this point of entry, perhaps to the first African sold, perhaps the first Indian murdered, perhaps to before this continent was ever seen by European eyes, I do not know; but you and I, Dear Reader, we are of a later time, and that is why The Litmus Paper Ambush is so important to us.

The Litmus Paper Ambush sends Christians to the Hell they fear, and Jews to the Hell they do not believe exists. The Litmus Paper ambush examines the American Good Guy and reveals the Good Guy is not a good guy at all, which God knew all along but which comes as a big surprise to you and me.

I, Dear Reader, am the Litmus Paper. I was the first Telepath sold. I was the demonstration before the world that the American people are natural liars and natural torturers who are habituated to praising themselves to High Heaven.

I know, I know, muster to testify against me the fascist priests of America's fascist state religion, psychiatry, but God put me on a hook and dropped me and hook and line and sinker into the water of America, and, woe, woe, woe Satan Nation took the bait.

I am the only audible mental telepath in the history of the human race, and that telepathy was the Satan Bait upon the hook. Kindness, understanding, even curiosity, did not enter at all into America's response to that once-in-history phenomenon; America just cast me into a pit of perfidy and pain because my thoughts became too loud..

Simply put, American failed Gods litmus paper test; and that small failure demonstrated the larger failings; and that isolated evil demonstrated the greater evil, and therein lies God's damnation of the United States of America.

At the Alpha the first Black was sold; and the Omega the first Telepath was sold; as it was in the beginning it is at the ending, America the slave-keeper nation; but what are we to do, you and I, but watch this fish fry?

Consider the evil America perfected overnight when God gave me that gift of audible mental telepathy in the early Seventies: Lie About It; Pretend It Does Not Exist; Punish the Telepath for Being Telepathic. That torture came off the top of America's head and the American people leaped on it like a rapist on an easy victim.

Big mistake; bait on the hook; hard reality at the end of the line. America might have well as slit its own throat.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

The $240 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Five

Shark America Five

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 176

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007
Looking for the Peru-Chile Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle (Part 3--Waiting for the Death)

There seem to be a number of new readers coming aboard--perhaps it was this work's advance documentation of the cruise ship "Empress of the North" running aground in Alaskan waters on Mothers' Day--but for whatever reason here is a brief review of where we are in our writing of The Obituary of the World.

We are tracking the death of this Earth by 2065.

We are tracking the growing Republican American Fascist coup in the United States of America.

We are tracking the massive military defeat of the United States of America due largely to the stupidity and brutality of Republican American Fascism.

Most importantly, we are tracking God's Space War against the United States of America, and God's saving this Earth from parasitical humankind.

We do this by alternately examining what we call the macro story and the micro story, the macro being the rapidly approaching death of this Earth and God's handwriting on the wall of the daily news which addresses that calamity; the micro being America's torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath, yours truly, Virgil Kret, the only audible mental telepath in human history.

Our micro story moved about two months ago to the fictionally named town of Smallville, in northern California, just south and east of Mount Shasta, where I am house-sitting an old wooden house which had been the subject of considerable vandalism and theft; and where I have been the subject of extreme nighttime terrorism by two neighbors, one at 316 Second Street and the other at 211 Juniper Street, my home being roughly half way between the two, on about five acres of private property belonging to my home.

This private property factor becomes very important as the story of the Battle of Smallville progresses.

These two cowardly psychi-fascist American "men" were almost certainly the thieves and the vandals, and hardly a day or night has gone by without their attempting to terrorize me, waking me up to six times a night, sometimes in the standard American forms of telepath-torture, sometimes in elaborate forms which have included a threat to burn this house down with me in it.

As you might appreciate, this has created a mood of serious response in me, and coupled with the fact that local law enforcement is as useless as tits on a boar, has caused me to take aggressive-defensive action.

Again, private property is the pivotal factor here; while I have the constitutional and human rights of a laboratory animal in the United States of America, private property is inviolate.

So, New Dear Reader, you have entered this work just as two battles are going on, the Battle of Smallville and God's Space War against the United States of America. Welcome, there is some excitement on the horizon.

Picking up the secondary story of the Battle of Smallville, we see our new tactics have had some positive effect. The two cowardly psycho-fascist American "men" who had gone hog wild in their torture of me no longer dare attack at night because they know I am waiting and wanting them to.

This old telepath must be sleeping before those two young American psycho-fascist "men" have the courage to attack him; so my standing a night watch, my aggressively patrolling the property; my saying come on, come on, you cowards, has sent them back to their wives's beds, causing them to abandon for a time their secret gay life together.

Having retreated from the darkness of the night they now muster cowardly little daylight assaults, standard assaults protected by the darkness of the national American agreement that the Telepath is for torturing.

Sometimes waiting is a tactic; sometimes postponing is a tactic; but the tactic we Space Sailors love most is attack, attack, attack. We will get to that, but the tactic we are talking about today is called, "Waiting for the Death".

The scuttlebutt being passed among we Space Sailors is that God is going to kill one of these two cowardly psycho-fascist Americans soon. God, after all, has killed thousands of psycho-fascist Americans since America's torture-enslavement of me began, so this is not something unusual.

I think I know which one God will send to Hell a little sooner than scheduled, but I should not say.

Remember the rule I established in previous entries to this report that makes this gambit solid: God's killing of the one cowardly psycho-fascist American must be so clearly an act of God that even the village atheist will see it as such. The village atheist is the umpire behind the plate.

(Perhaps it is time to introduce you to the village atheist; perhaps tomorrow if I do not have bigger fish to fry.)

There is a story within this Battle of Smallvile story, about a cowardly dog owned by the cowardly psycho-fascist American "man" who lives at 316 Second Street. It is an interesting story in that this dog and this "man" seem to confirm the old saw that dogs take on the characteristics of their owners.

This cowardly psycho-fascist American "man" has many animals, including perhaps six dogs; and two of the dogs, big yellow mean dogs, frequently leap over the fence in front of his property and harass the fenced-in dogs of neighbors on the other side of Second Street..

(Notice the sameness of the "man" and his dogs; as he attacks fenced-in me, so do his dogs attack fenced-in dogs; and, proud of these cowardly attacks, the "man" and dogs bark and act as if they had a pair of balls.)

Cowardice is the worst trait in both humans and dogs.

I had observed this cowardly behavior of the cowardly psycho-fascist American "man's" dogs since I moved in about two months ago, and I had noticed that the cowardly psycho-fascist American "man" never chastises his cowardly dogs or orders them back onto his property when they go across the street to harass the fenced-in dogs.

Up until a week ago Tuesday this cowardly dogs business was always something of a distant event to me, since I did not own the dogs being harassed by the cowardly psycho-fascist American "man's" cowardly dogs; but on that Tuesday I was walking on Second Street in front of the cowardly psycho-fascist American "man's" house for the purpose of retrieving my empty garbage can a few houses down Second Street, when one of his dogs leaped over the fence and took a stance of high threat against me. That is, the dog was saying, "I own this part of Second Street and you cannot pass".

I know a lot about dogs, and I knew how to deal with this dog in this situation. I simply looked the dog hard in the eye; and I saw fear and confusion appear in its eyes when I did; but it was about ten minutes before I could disengage and go back to my home without the dog attacking me from the rear if I walked away; and I so went another way to retrieve my garbage can.

It is not good to allow one's dogs to intimidate human beings, and had I been a child or a panicky adult that dog could have killed or injured me seriously; and since the cowardly psycho-fascist "man" who lives and 316 Second Street would not correct his dog's behavior I felt, because my personal safely was now at risk, that I had to take on the job.

So, when I went to retrieve my garbage can on the next Tuesday, last Tuesday, I took a pitchfork with me; and sure enough the mean, cowardly dog leaped over the fence and came at me saying, "This is my street and you may not pass, grr."; but I pointed the pitchfork at it and said with eyes, and with stance and with mental telepathy, "Get back into your yard, you son of a bitch, or I will kill you."

The dog knew I would do what I said I would do, and its ferocious bark turned into a pathetic whimper, and it jumped back over the fence and went far back from the fence to the safety of the cowardly psycho-fascist "man's" house; and even from that position of safety it barked at me like a frightened little girl-dog.

How much like the owner is the dog, as we shall see as the Battle of Smallville continues.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The $239 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Four

Shark America Six

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 181

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007
Looking for the Peru-Chile Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle (Part 3--Postponed)

As Julie Andrews in Marry Poppins sang, a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. So here's the sugar before the medicine.

You are going to think what I am about to tell you is ridiculous; but I understand the value of life and it is not ridiculous; and I understand the Sin of Inaction and how grave that sin is, and it is not ridiculous.

As far as I am concerned, the greatest sins I have ever committed in my life were the same sin twice. Twice I came upon infant birds who had fallen from their nests, and they were looking up at me pleading, do something, do something, but I turned my back on them.

I know, I know, ridiculous; but I have my sins and your have yours. I knew when I turned my back on those baby birds I was committing a sin; and that trying to save those baby birds, even if I failed, would be sugar in the mouth of God.

Since having committed those sins I have carried a wounded Marine through machinegun and mortar fire; I have saved a child from drowning; and I have saved a woman from being hit by a bus; but the sins of not having tried to save those two little lives haunts me still.

So, today I am at the senior lunch, and Gene sitting next to me invites me to a Bible study group on Saturday morning at my favorite cafe; and I say, well, Gene, Christians usually get mad at my interpretations of the Bible; and I gave as an example my opinion that the most important element in the story of David was not his killing Goliath, was not his escaping the wrath of the mad King Saul by eating the shew bread and thereby demonstrating he was insane, was not his beautiful Psalms, but that when he was King of Israel he arranged to have a friend die in battle so he could get into the pants of that friend's wife.

Gene responded to this by saying, yes, but God forgave him and used him further.

So, upon leaving the lunch one of the ladies who cooked today said, Virgil there is a bird here who needs help; and sure as shootin' someone had dropped a baby bird at the the office of the Sheriff, but the deputy could not take care of it so he had left it in the grass with a few scraps of bread.

So you see, here was my great sin facing me again; and when the woman asked me if I would try to save the bird I complied, thinking well, this is a wasted effort but what the hey.

So I took the bird home in the box in which it had been delivered to the Sheriff's substation, and let it out in my front yard.

When I opened the box it flew about ten yards and settled down in the grass.

I felt this was a good sign; but the bird just sat there, its mouth open waiting for mommy or daddy to come along and feed it; and it would not accept anything i tried to give it, dried cherry or bread soaked in water; and soon it would not open its mouth at all when I came around.

But my coming around did not frighten it, and that was a good sign.

I put a shallow bowl of water beside it, and at one point set in it the water thinking it might need a drink, but then I set it out again since obviously this bird was too young to have learned how to drink..

At one point a robin few by with a worm in its mouth, and it seemed it wanted to feed the baby bird, hovering around and landing near by, but for whatever reason it decided not to.

At one point I saw a cat stalking the baby bird and chased it away.

Then, after about six hours the baby bird decided it could hop away from where it had been sitting all day; and further it decided no mommy or daddy would come to feed it; and then...and then...and then, Dear Reader, it flew away.

It was as if as Gene had said of David, Virgil's sin was forgiven.

That's the sugar, the medicine is that word has come in that Jerry Falwell has indeed lost his soul for felony bearing of false witness against the existence of the audible mental telepathy of God's One True Telepath, and participating in the attempted torture-murder of God's One True Telepath.

Thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not bear false witness; these laws are not canceled out by mass agreement to violate them.

It is not a sin for Christians to think my audible mental telepathy is of no importance in the story of God; but it is is a sin for them to bear false witness against the existence of my audible mental telepathy; which Jerry Falwell would tell you if he could only get on TV again.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The $238 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Three

Shark America Seven

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 187

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007
Looking for the Peru-Chile Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle (Part 3--Postponed)

A very beautiful and important thing happened on Mothers' Day, important to God's Space War against the United States of America, important to me, and important to my mother who is dead now some 20 years.

I will explain it, but I understand that few people will be able to connect the dots between me, my mother, the event, and God.

Those who know this work know I often document events in advance of their taking place; and that that is as common for me as you knowing Tuesday follows Wednesday. Then I interpret those events like Daniel reading the writing on the wall, only I read the writing on the wall of the news.

So, when I documented in advance in this work the running aground of the paddlewheel cruise ship, "Empress of the North" in Alaskan waters that was no great feat, a common accomplishment here at I.C. News; but the high poetry of it and the deep meaning of it is something I should tell you about.

The United States of America has committed three great crimes within the context of my audible mental telepathy--the torture-enslavement of me, the genocide of my progeny, and the torture of my mother.

Think about this in personal terms, someone kills your children, someone tortures your mother; are you just going to continue to play Canasta every Wednesday night down at the club? If so, well to Hell with you, you are damned and good riddance.

I did nothing to deserve America's torture-enslavement of me, but if that is debatable in your heart, what could my mother have possibly done, and what could my unborn children have possibly done to deserve torment and torture and the denial of the right to be born?

These are the lines upon which God Space War against the United States of America is fought. You might as well get used to them even if you do not think they are spelled out in the Bible.

So, God gave me and my dead mother's soul a Mothers' Day gift. In my mother's name God ran the "Empress of the North" aground, my mother being "Regina (Queen) of (the)North (Dakota)", and my mother's soul understands and thanks God, and my soul understands and thanks God; and that leaves America holding the hot end of the branding iron.

Now here is some information I must pass on to America that America is not going to like at all. In its torture-enslavement of me, in its murder of my children, in its torture of my mother, America has written the rules of God's Space War against it.

The right to ban my children from existence, the right to make my mother's existence agony--these are rights the American people, system and government claimed over and above punishing me endlessly without trial, conviction or crime, simply because I think too loud.

Do unto others what you would have others do unto you. Do unto Virgil and his children and his mother what you would have God do unto you, your children and your mother.

That is the essence of God's Space War against the United States of America.

Sometime last year I.C. News ran one of its "public damnation" demonstrations to then only involving the loss of the souls of presidents of the United States of America, Nixon, Reagan, Ford, George W. Bush...but that demonstration documented the public damnation of Laura Bush; and the means of demonstration of her pre-death damnation was also, like on Mothers' Day, the advance documentation of a cruise ship incident which filled out the her "metaphor of attack".

So I recorded that event in this work, but then I let it lie. God says Laura Bush has lost her soul, but the why of it is beyond me. She's as cute as a button, she is as rich as Rockefeller, she is charming enough to turn salt to sugar; but she is damned forever, how can that be?

I now understand it comes down to do-unto-others precedent. You destroy my wife, you destroy my mother, you destroy my father, you destroy my sister, and you destroy my brother, and God damn you, you destroy me children; and you get tit for tat.

Vengeance is the Lord's, and it is the Lord doing this, not I.

I understand now what I did not understand a year ago, the damnation of Laura Bush fits within the rules of war which America created.

I know I cannot connect these dots for you today; this tableau is just too massive. One of the core reasons God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy was to allow America to invent a new sin; and God damn America if the scope of the sin America invented was not satanic.

America said, "Damn Virgil's wife, damn Virgil's father, damn Virgil's children, damn Virgil's sister and damn Virgil's brother"...and deliberately and most cruelly said, "damn Virgil's mother".

So, going into Mothers' Day I told you I expected a symbolic hit on that day and I further said, and this is very important, on the day the psycho-fascist citizens of San Francisco leaned on my mother as I walked her to her car, causing her to tremble in fear of the mob they were, had I had a nuclear bomb I would have set it off as soon as she was out of range.

She is out of range now, Dear Reader, God told her and me that on Mothers' Day.

God damn America, the motherfucker of nations.

There is one thing I have to add today, which seems out of context but is not.

The famous TV snake oil preacher Jerry Falwell died today at a respectable old age. If he knew of America's torture-enslavement of me (called something nice I am sure) and did not preach against it with all his might, he lost is soul.