Sunday, November 30, 2008

The $1,139 Billion Defeat

We seem to have received no new God's Space War codes since our rather imperfect advance documentation of the Mumbai, India story.

When we look at our last two advance documentations--the meteor in Canada and the bloody mess in India--we are struck by the perfection of the first and the imperfection of the second.

This juxtaposition is remarkable because the first was so impossible and the second so predictable; the first so colossal, the second so mundane in the context of I.C. News' larger work.

When you understand (if you dare to understand) that God is I.C. News' primary source of news you might appreciate that God had God's Own Sweet Purpose in giving us such clear advance information on the time and location and circumstance of a meteor's impacting Earth but such murky advance information on the violent deaths of so many people.

You will note that no one else in the history of the world has ever documented a meteor's impact in advance but I, Virgil Kret, God's One True Telepath; yet the United States of America is so slavishly committed to making me suffer it must flush away that truth and all its implications.

This has been the practice of the Americans for over 30 years. Once having tasted the national pleasure of national torture of an audibly telepathic human being the Americans could not take that needle from their arm.

So, even if I had documented the Mumbai attack perfectly--not just its date exactly for some six weeks in advance--it would done me absolutely no good.

And more, the US and Israeli government pigs who monitor this work, who monitor this singing of the canary they have blinded in the hope of milking military intelligence from my pain, might have figured out the target rather than getting all huffy over my calling the Americans and the Israelis Cowards and Kikes.

Is there any reason why I should have clearly warned of that attack? Is there any reason why God should have wanted me to?

Was there anyone killed or wounded or cast into mourning who gave or gives a tinker's damn about the audible mental telepath America tortures and enslaves?

Were any of the nations who suffered casualties sympathetic to me in my enslavement by the Cowards and the Kikes?

The Jews who died would have spat in my eye. The Americans who died would have giggled at my pain. The Indians out-Jewed the Jews in their attacks on me when I was in India.

This, I suggest, is why God made my advance documentation of the Mumbai attack so murky and so diversionary. I have no friends among the attacked, and neither does God.

I said no new God's Space War codes had come in, but there is one code that has been popping up since the Mumbei attack which I should draw your attention to.

Do you remember I told you God has given me seven atomic bombs?

In that context my Old Pal God has asked me to point out that the old name of Mumbai--its name when I visit the city--was Bombay.

In the style of God's Space War encoding we are given a cartoon image of open bomb bay doors on an airplane on a bombing; and now we await the code, "Bombs Away!"

After that code comes in, we can expect to see my seven atom bombs falling on their targets.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4973

Saturday, November 29, 2008

The $1,138 Billion Defeat

The important thing is not to panic. Oh, excuse me, you don't know what is about to happen.

One of the basic messages of I.C. News since a little over a year before 9/11 has been that George W. Bush will destroy the world.

That remains true.

Picture a world-destroying hand grenade and a lame-brained, lame-duck faux-president of the United States of America picking at that
grenade's pin like the village idiot picking at his nose.

Now picture the India-Pakistan storm now brewing; and mix in the fact that the Israelis always respond to attacks on Jews and expect them to respond to the attack on the Jewish Cultural Center in Mumbai, India; and add into the mix the gradual demonizing of Muslim Pakistan in the American media, and America's favoring of Hindu India over Muslim Pakistan, and you have Middle Eastern Islam surrounded and vastly outnumbered.

You cannot expect a war mongering fascist of the Hitler School like George W. Bush not to pull the pin.

There is more to this equation of world destruction Bush style, but that's enough for today.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4973

Friday, November 28, 2008

The $1,137 Billion Defeat

As we open today's report I must tell you something that will give cheer to American Christians and American Jews, American media weasels and American Big Money and American Big Money's servants, American politicians; that being that I had a small stroke two days ago.

This should come as no big surprise, I am 69 years old and have been tortured constantly for over 35 years by the God-damned Americans;
and the underlying purpose of that torture is slow murder.

The only noticeable effect of that little stroke is that my ability to type is reduced by about 50%.

I have been a good typist since my teens, and on a good day could type 70 wpm without error during my 40s.

After I was blacklisted from journalism for not agreeing to along with a Los Angeles Times lie I made my living for many years as a typist and as a secretary.

Now, due the little stroke, I can do little better than hunt and peck as I write these words.

I have had strokes in the past and was able to recover lost abilities, so with practice and retraining my mind-hand connections perhaps I can do the same again.

I see this as a battlefield wound, but not wound enough to leave the battlefield.

And where would I go, to an American hospital where I would be tormented by doctors and nurses and patients in a group orgy of torture? It is very difficult to find American medical professionals who do not deliberately do me harm.

And now, Dear Reader, let's look at the work we are just finishing up and see if we have any success at all to report.

We are still in the hit zone of that work in that we expected the Americans and the Israelis to become aware sometime today (Friday) that what they have done and do to me is evil.

There seems little possibility of that. The Cowards and the Kikes see no evil in the evil they do.

But, and this may be the big butt that sits on the Americans and the Israelis and squishes them, my Old Pal God tells me God's Space War against the Cowards and the Kikes is right on schedule.

So, what has happened to the attack from Space we have been expecting?

Hidden in the glare of the India story was a meteor videotaped over Seattle. Not a big story under normal conditions, but following our magnificent advance documentation of the Saskatoon, Canada, meteor and our expectation of seven "atom bombs" from space it seems significant.

At I.C. News we are expecting a swarm of major meteors; and we are expecting that pattern to be a traceable part of the Saskatoon-Seattle meteor pattern.

If we are right about this the psycho-fascist Americans will attempt to censor the meteor swarm from the news, but God will not allow the censorship.

Now, turning to the events in India.

At first we thought the only connection between our future projection going back more than a month was that the attack on Mumbai took place on the exact day we expected God to make the USA and its master, Israel, aware that God is at war with them.

In other words, at first it seemed like coincidence, then our Old Pal God reminded us of one of the basic truism's of God's Space War. "Coincidence is the rockets' red glare of God's Space War".

As we piece the Mumbai puzzle together we go from thinking we misread the codes to wondering if we were reading the codes too fast.

That is our most common error; we tend to think in people time, not God time; and God takes God's own sweet time.

So, going from our imperfect performance of our November 27 advance documentation and looking at what might have been right about it, what do we see?

The date was dead on. From some five or six weeks in advance the date was dead on.

We expected God to demonstrate to the Americans and the Israelis that God is at war with them, instead we got an event in India which included a pinpoint attack on Jews, with additional interest in Americans and Brits and other foreigners--but Jews seemed to have suffered most, next to Indians, of course.

In all the years since God gave me my commission to write The Obituary of the World in 1963 God has rarely spelled things out in plain language, but rather God has given me codes and clues for me to put together.

We call this The Teaching Game. It is better for the mind than rote learning and helps me avoid the errors within my early religious and patriotic instruction.

For that reason I am a more thinking Christian and more reasoned American than most.

As I am working out what God has just demonstrated to me it occurs to me that while God wanted me to know when the India event would take place, God did not want me to warm about it.

Why not? And here the story takes on a potential that for me to express will seem to be a form intellectual pornography--even blasphemy--to the Americans and their masters, the Israelis--and to the Indians, too.

You will note that when I attempted to warn about the 9/11 attack beginning at least a month in advance the Americans brutalized me into the Emergency Room and framed me for a crime, teaching me once and for all that when Americans are about to die and I know they are about to die I should stand back and let the bastards and the bitches die.

As I noted yesterday, the Indian government slavishly served the American and Israel governments against me when I was in India, and at least twice tried to frame into one of those dirty, corrupt Indian prisons.

This, I suggest, is one of the reasons God did not give me the code "India". India is on the wrong side in the Telepathic War.

There is one other thing, the thing the American false witness Christians and the false witness Jews are going to loathe. God is not on the side of the so-called anti-"terrorism" forces, Not one bit.

I cannot speak to God's opinion of the Muslim jihad forces, but God has carefully explained to me God's contempt for the American and Israeli forces.

There is something my Old Pal God sometimes points out to me, something which I have always looked at as a historical coincidence.

That is, the nations at war with the "terrorists" are also at war with me, God's One True Telepath. The same people who kill my children and destroy my home kill Muslim children and destroy Muslim homes.

Apparently, while I see this an historical accident, God apparently sees it as two slices of the same poison apple.

The really interesting thing about the India story is that it seems to add Hinduism to what I would call the Jewish-Christian poison apple of religion; Christianity, Judaism and Hinduism all sharing in the art Telepath torture, the Litmus Paper Test of religions and democracies by God at this time.

While I cannot speak to the subject of Islam as a religion, since I am kept in an isolated Judeo-Christian torture chamber and get the same anti-Muslim propaganda through the propaganda-news business as everyone is an interesting thing:

Like it is extremely rare for Black Americans to take part in America's torture of me, it is also extremely rare for Muslim's to do it. I can think of only one instance, two homosexual Muslims in old Jerusalem.

God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy to draw out a particular type of evil in people. Christians have it, Jews have it, and Hindus have it, but not American Blacks and apparently not Muslims.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4973

Thursday, November 27, 2008

The $1,136 Billion Defeat

We clear the decks. This is the day,

The India story was interesting, coming as it did on our zero day, but although India has backed the torture-enslavement of me to the hilt, and at least twice attempted to frame me into prison when I was in India, it it seems to have been just a coincidence.


As we God's Space Sailors say, "Coincidence is the rockets' red glare of God's Space War.''

My Old Pal God suggests I sit on this one, and watch.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4973

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The $1,135 Billion Defeat

The 75th Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 75th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 73rd Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The 57th Day of Hell for the American People

Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America and victim-fascist Israel learn they are at war with God, within one day

Surrender, You Cowardly Gentile and Jewish Bastards and Bitches

Two days of delusion left for the Americans and the Israelis, the Cowards and the Kikes; the delusion that there is no evil in what they have done and do to me.

"God is in the process of destroying capitalism. Nothing can save that beast."--Virgil Kret, November 26, 2008.

Today, Dear Reader, we are at the brink of what America and Israel hate most, Truth.

Before the sun sets on November 27. 2008, God will demonstrate to America and its master, Israel, that God is at war with both of them.

We have talked about this enough over recent weeks, and we have established a most remarkable proof with our advance documentation of the Canada meteor.

Today, let's briefly look at a news story we have let slide since we documented it two days before the rest of the news media began to cover it, that being the world economic crisis, which we call The Valley of the Shadow of Death.

Simply stated: God is in the process of destroying capitalism. Nothing can save that beast.

This is not to say God is supportive of communism, but I am not allowed by the capitalists to visit communist nations and I will not write about communism until I have that freedom.

God will introduce a new economic system; and God will treat capitalism as a false god.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4973

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The $1,134 Billion Defeat

The 74th Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 74th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 72nd Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The 56th Day of Hell for the American People

Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America and victim-fascist Israel learn they are at war with God, within two days

Surrender, You Cowardly Gentile and Jewish Bastards and Bitches

Three days of delusion left for the Americans and the Israelis, the Cowards and the Kikes; the delusion that there is no evil in what they have done and do to me.

"Virgil has seven atomic bombs! Virgil has seven atomic bombs!"--Rumor going around the Milky Way Galaxy.

We God's Space Sailors have long since learned we can lead you Americans to thought but we cannot make you Americans think; yet we expect to see your thirst for knowledge awakened within two days.

Is this our foolish thinking that there is a bottom to your bottomless pit of cruelty, perfidy and stupidity; or do we really know God is going to demonstrate to you, and your masters, the Israelis, that God is at war with both of you?

Let's turn our attention to Thanksgiving Day and ponder just what we might find ourselves thankful for.

Over the nearly four decades of your torture-enslavement of me we have told you about airplane crashes before they took place, military defeats before they took place, presidential assassination attempts before they took place, school shootings before they took place, the space shuttle Challenger explosion before it took place, the 9/11 attack before it took place, the death of the media weasel Tim Russert before it took place, Israel's premeditated murder of Reuters cameraman Fadel Shana before it took place, and on and on and on, until last week we told you the timing, location and condition of a meteor's impact in Canada.

But, and this is the big American butt that stinks to High Heaven, you God-damned Americans so love torturing God's One True Telepath that you deafened your ears so you might not hear reasons for you to stop.

Up to now, the only thing you Americans, you Cowards, have wanted to hear from God's One True Telepath is the sound of my pain; and that sound...and that sound...and that sound gives you great pleasure.

Yet within two days we are expecting God to do something that touches the untouchable, something that opens that pinprick of awareness that is the mass American mind. We are expecting the American people, and their masters, the Israeli people, to be shown they are at war with God.

We have no idea what God might do to accomplish this, but we know it will happen by November 27. This is November 25.

As we did last week before we documented in advance the appearance of the meteor days before it appeared, and the location where it would strike Earth, and that a camera would catch its fall, we today examine the clues, the codes, God has given us about this coming, wonderful event.

Well, it will be wonderful for us God's Space Sailors, terrible for you God-damned Americans and your masters, the God-damned Israelis, you Cowards and those Kikes.

We do not know what will take place, but we can expect it to come from Space. All the codes point to that, the Clown and the Meteor Story, the lost bag of tools in Space, the Camera Story, and the pre-anticipated meteor of Saskatoon, Canada.

We know it must be an event greater--far greater--than the meteor's pre-documented appearance if it is to stimulate that limp prick which is the American mass mind.

There is some chatter on the telepathic wavelengths of something very unusual happening to the American shuttle crew now in Space, but the chatter has not yet contained God's Space War attack codes so we do not consider it a working event.

What could possibly come from Space that would give you Americans a brain and your masters, the Israelis, a conscience?

There are only two God's Space War codes, in addition to the Space code, in play at this time.

First is the old code, "Two Birds/One Stone", which I assume refers to the United States of America and its master, Israel.

The second is the mystery code, "Seven Victories", which came in during the California fires a week or two ago.

Today a clarification of that Seven Victories code came in. I am not referring to the telepathic chatter-rumor going around that I have seven atomic bombs, but to something my Old Pal God told me this morning, that God has given me seven atomic bombs.

This news came as something of a surprise to me--a pleasant surprise, certainly--because I have never asked God for a weapon of any kind; and now I have seven atomic bombs.

And here is the best part, those atom bombs are timed to explode on or before November 27, Thanksgiving Day.

Where are those bombs today? They are in Space. Where will they impact? Any damned place I want them to.

Excuse me, Dear Reader, while I put some thought into this cherry turn of events. I want to put those bombs where they are most deserved; I want to put those bombs where they will do the world the most good.

I am filing today's report much earlier than usual. If I decide upon the seven targets before deadline time, 9 p.m. California time, I will put out a second report to announce them.

The general targets, of course, will be the USA and its master, Israel, but precisely where in those two snake-nations I will send the seven atomic bombs is where the art of God's Space War comes in.

This, by the way, is a great gift from God to me, allowing me to be the Inflictor of the Punishment on the psycho-fascist Americans and the victim-fascist Jews for the evil they have done to me.

Seven atomic bombs for what they have done to me; it makes one wonder how many atomic bombs God will punish them with for what they have done to the world.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4973

Monday, November 24, 2008

The $1,133 Billion Defeat

The 73rd Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 73rd Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 71st Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The 55th Day of Hell for the American People

Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America and victim-fascist Israel learn they are at war with God, within three days

Surrender, You Cowardly Gentile and Jewish Bastards and Bitches

Four days of delusion left for the Americans and the Israelis, the Cowards and the Kikes; the delusion that there is no evil in what they have done and do to me.

"And the matter pleased the king and all the assembly."--II Chronicles 30:4

"And though the news was rather sad"Well I just had to laugh"I saw the photograph"--From A Day in the Life, Lennon and McCartney

I just have to laugh as I flip the dial past the TV smart asses as they pontificate on the great economic crisis, because they are all wrong, totally and utterly wrong.

The issue is the approaching death of this Earth by 2065, not whether or not wicked, gluttonous capitalism can be saved; not whether or not the United Auto Workers can continue to build unneeded autos; but whether or not the human species can escape going extinct in less than 40 years.

This is the issue God is interested in.

It is this misdirection of the American people's attention that has doomed the American people. It is the fault of the American politicians and Big American Money and the American journalists, but the people pay the price; as they always do.

When you look at or read the news today there is one critical story missing. That unreported news story is that I.C. News just documented in advance the timing of impact and the location of impact of a meteor.

There is a news story today that someone is offering $10,000 for a piece of that meteor; but there is no news story that America's tortured and enslaved telepathic newsman established a verbal photograph of the event before it took place.

That accomplishment, Dear Reader, is worth a Nobel and 16 Pulitzers, but I.C. News is blacklisted, and all news I.C. News gathers is shunted into journalism's trash can of oblivion.

As usual, the focus is on the silly, not the serious. Out of the halls of journalism come little giggles, journalism's song of stupidity before the great news story of the dire dilemma this Earth faces.

Journalism hides from the story as the death of this Earth in less than 60 years inexorably approaches; and the stock market could recover a thousandfold, and employment could be universal, and America could win all its fascist wars, and Israel could achieve its dreamed-of genocide of the Arab race, and this Earth would still die by 2065 unless that death is looked straight in the eye.

And now, Dear Reader, as we approach what we sometimes call "Cherry Pop" within three short days, that moment when the Americans and the Israelis, the Cowards and the Kikes, learn they are at war with God, let's take a look at what I.C. News accomplished last week.

Between Monday and Saturday we documented in advance the time and location of the appearance of a once or twice in a lifetime meteor, and documented in advance that the meteor's coming down would be captured by a camera, which it was.

Were I not America's torture-slave the entire world would be at the edge of its seat today, because no one one on one else in the history of the human race has ever documented a meteor impact before it took place.

Here is where I just have to laugh, America, nation of cowards that it is, having determined nearly 40 years ago that my audible mental telepathy is so unimportant that the whole country can bear false witness against its existence, and torture me for its existence, is now unable to change its course from Perfidy to Truth.

Let's underscore that: It is impossible for the United States of America to exist within Truth. No newspaper, no TV outlet, no preacher, no priest, no nun, no high school teacher, no politician, no physician, no bar fly with elbows resting on a damp bar top can tell the truth--or even face the truth about anything, anywhere, anytime concerning America's torture-enslavement of the only audible mental telepath in human history.

It cannot be discussed, it cannot be debated, yet that Telepath has documented scores of major events in advance, the most recent being that meteor's impact.

This planned and agreed upon and compulsory ignorance is the dark pit into which the United States of America and all its people have fallen; it is the bottomless pit of America's Hell.

No exit, no exit, no exit.

I say this not to argue America out of that policy. It is too late for that. It is too late for America.

The national lie is too deeply invested in, America has lived this lie for too long, America has raised three generations of children into this lie, America has let hundreds of thousands of human beings die for this lie, and America just does not have the backbone, the balls, the guts or the integrity to own up to this lie.

Due to this lie, America is the Leaning Tower of Pisa of nations, having some 73 days ago reached the tipping point, the tipping point marked by the collapse of its wicked, gluttonous and foolish economic system, and there is nought all the world can do but stay out of the impact zone as America collapses into rubble.

Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness. Simple, clear-cut, immutable. When an entire nation bears the same false witness, nuclear-level disaster results.

So goes America, so goes its evil conjoined twin, Israel.

Once America had tasted the pleasure of torturing an audibly telepathic human being it became like a junkie shooting junk into thirsty veins; it could not get enough, it could not buy or steal enough; torture, torture, torture, how the God-damned American people love torture.

The key word in the above paragraph is "God-damned".

Within three days God is going to show the Americans and the Israelis, the Cowards and the Kikes, that they are at war with God.

They will not understand at first, they are so encrusted with blind ego that their minds will be slow to comprehend that God has given them no license to murder and to steal and to torture and to lie.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4973

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The $1,132 Billion Defeat

The 72nd Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 72nd Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 70th Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The 54th Day of Hell for the American People

Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America and victim-fascist Israel learn they are at war with God, within four days

Surrender, You Cowardly Gentile and Jewish Bastards and Bitches

Five days of delusion left for the Americans and the Israelis, the Cowards and the Kikes; the delusion that there is no evil in what they have done and do to me.

"(Nov. 22) - Canadians and scientists are buzzing about a spectacular fireball that streaked across the western skies, an event that was captured on video.

"Most believe Thursday's stunning show was caused by a meteor. 'An event of this size, this brightness ... this is probably a once-in-a-lifetime type of event, maybe twice,' said Christopher Herd, a science professor at the University of Alberta."--Wire Service report.

This is getting better and better. God is getting ready to skin alive the two-headed snake called the United States of America and Israel.

You may remember that last Monday (The $1,126 Billion Defeat) I told you the story called The Clown and the Meteor, saying my Old Pal God said it was the story in my personal experiences with God which most closely fits how God would demonstrate to the Americans and the Israelis, the Cowards and the Kikes, that God is at war with them.

In that story I explained how as a form of entertainment on my month-long hikes in the wilderness I would lie on my back at night and mentally draw pictures in the Milky Way, as many people draw pictures in the clouds; and one night I drew a picture of a clown which seemed to dance due to eye fatigue and the shimmering atmosphere.

The nub of the story went like this:

"You see, Dear Reader, I thought I controlled the dancing clown like Disney controlled the Bluebirds in Cinderella, but all of a sudden the dancing clown stopped dancing, and looked at me, and held up the forefinger if his right hand, as if to say, 'Wait! Look at this!'."Then the clown, the clown which I had created in my mind and thought I controlled, raised his right leg and pointed to the space thus created between it and his left leg, and through that space...through that space...through that space came a meteor."Get it? The clown in the stars knew that meteor was coming, and exactly when it would come; well, God, the clown's puppeteer, knew when and where the meteor was coming."That was Monday. You may recall that I filed my report early Friday in order to reconnoiter the battlefield. I told you to expect a Space Story.

The nub of the report went like this:

"Murderers and thieves seeing themselves as wearing halos; that's the Americans and the Israelis, the Cowards and the Kikes."I.C. News is expecting more Space News tomorrow. It should be interesting."By the way, the collapse of Attorney General Michael Mukasey yesterday was a God's Space War Action. Look for an epidemic of Republican American Fascists dropping like flies."

Look at that middle paragraph of those three again:

"I.C. News is expecting more Space News tomorrow. It should be interesting."

That was Friday. On Saturday, yesterday, the story broke of the huge meteor that came down on Saskatchewan Province, Canada.

Hmmm? "...Space News tomorrow", then the news of an unusually huge meteor broke on the next day.

Call me crazy, (as you God-damned Americans, you God-damned Cowards, like to do), but I suggest this work documented the meteor story the day before it broke.

Technically, at I.C. News we God's Space Sailors do not consider this a perfect advance documentation because according to news reports the meteor came down Thursday night, and we wrote about it Friday morning; but the story did not break for some 24 hours after we wrote about it.

(This span of over 30 hours between a major event and its making news is very unusual, so unusual it is curious.)

Here is nice little side point which we at I.C. News appreciate for its poetic esthetics:

The clown whose legs the meteor passed between was a cartoon character in the sky, and the accurately anticipated meteor landed near Saskatoon, Canada, which documented the location of the meteor story in advance; but such stuff is just fluff for the aficionados of God's Space War.

Let's go back to the larger point. We have been saying for some weeks that God is going to demonstrate to the Americans and the Israelis, the Cowards and the Kikes, that God is at war with them by November 27, Thanksgiving Day.

I asked my Old Pal God what personal experience might best fit what God is about to do to the Americans and the Israelis, the Cowards and the Kikes, and my Old Pal God pointed to the experience I call The Clown and the Meteor Story.

So I concluded God's message of war to the Americans and the Israelis, the Cowards and the Kikes, will come from Space.

Then I said Space News is going to break the next day and the next day
the story breaks of a meteor the size of which one scientist said was a once or twice in a lifetime event.

Coincidence? As we God's Space Sailors say, coincidence is the rockets' red glare of God's Space War.

In the midst of this there was what seemed to be the minor news story of an astronaut losing a bag of tools in Space (The $1,129 Billion Defeat), which I said was a message to me saying I am right about God's message to the Cowards and the Kikes coming from Space, and in that report I told The Camera Story.

The nub of that report went like this:

"It seems a quietly meaningful Act of God took place in Space yesterday, Wednesday, November 19, that being the loss of a bag of tools by Astronaut Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper, when her grease gun exploded."On the surface it is a minor incident; but coming as it did right after I.C. News presented the true space story we call The Clown and the Meteor on Monday (The $1,126 Billion Defeat); and I.C. News having received a number of messages from Space via NASA over the years, we consider it an important message-event."That is, we God's Space Sailors at I.C. News feel God caused the tool bag event for the purpose of sending a message; and since we seem to be the only ones listening, sending the message to us."At I.C. News we search our files for a similar event in the past, a message from God which came to us through a NASA event."There have been about four, two from Mars, a third which we keep quiet about, and a fourth which we call 'The Camera Story'."

Here we have another nice bit of fluff for the God's Space War aficionados; not only did we anticipate the Saskatoon meteor, and its location, but its arrival was recorded by a Saskatoon police cruiser's dashboard camera, which I suggest my telling The Camera Story anticipated.

Figure the odds against that Triple Whammy.
Two plus two plus two equals Screw You, you God-damned Americans and you God-damned Israelis, you God-damned cowards and you God-damned Kikes.

Being the voice of contriteness and humility that I am, my Old Pal God has once again asked me to offer you Cowards and you Kikes an opportunity to surrender, this last chance to do so to expire on or before November 27.

Fortunately, God does not require me to be nice to you in the offering, God knowing what satanic snakes you Cowards and you Kikes are.

So, repeating at the bottom what I say each day at the top: Surrender, You Cowardly Gentile and Jewish Bastards and Bitches.

Prologue to the Epilogue:

The United States of America's greatest strength lies in its stupidity, the American people are unaware of the evil America does.

Israel's greatest strength lies in its delusion, the Israeli people believe they have a God-given right to murder and to steal.

God will crush both those strengths.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4973

Saturday, November 22, 2008

The $1,131 Billion Defeat

The 71st Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 71st Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 69th Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The 53rd Day of Hell for the American People

Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America and victim-fascist Israel learn they are at war with God, within five days

Surrender, You Cowardly Gentile and Jewish Bastards and Bitches

Six days of delusion left for the Americans and the Israelis, the Cowards and the Kikes; the delusion that there is no evil in what they have done and do to me.

And now, Dear Reader, things are about to get interesting.

I direct your attention to the Hiroshima and Nagasaki of God's Space War against the United States of America, Nevada City and Grass Valley, California.

Yesterday's reconnoitering there was of immense value, not in that we learned something new, but in that we re-learned something we already knew.

This was very important because the American people, the Cowards in our current God's Space War encoding, are about to be hit very hard by God; and the knowledge about them of which God reminded me yesterday will spare me trauma.

Spare me trauma? Sure. I always have residue love for the American people, the Cowards, and when they are crushed and damned by God, God does not want me grieving their loss.

God knows how deeply I mourn. God does not want me incapacitated with grief for you doomed American people, you Cowards, when the real work of saving this Earth from death gets underway.

Part of God's damnation of those human beings who are damned is that all life in this Universe forgets them, they are obliterated from all knowledge; and though hundreds of millions of Americans are damned for Telepath torture-enslavement (among other things), we God's Space Sailors forget their damnation even exists once we finish our work and go back home.

Your Hell, you American Cowards, becomes to us but a debris field where a planet used to be.

(Does this mean we do not save this Earth? No, it means we give you God-damned Americans, and your God-damned conjoined twin in sanctimonious murder, the Israelis, a planet of your own; or rather what is left of a planet, the Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter; for your God-damned souls to cling to and own forever and forever and forevermore, while decent human beings carry on.)

(I am struck for writing the above paragraph by a God-damned American within earshot. Fortunately Hell is in Outer Space, where there is plenty of room for you all.)

Certainly, your mass damnation for a mass sin you Cowards, you Americans, think is not a sin may not seem fair to you; but Telepath torture-enslavement does not seem fair to us God's Space Sailors either.

Do unto others, Cowards.

It is odd, but God's giving me the gift of Audible Mental Telepathy was meant to give the American people, the Cowards, an avenue toward Salvation; a last chance as it were, since their actions as a nation had long since damned them.

For the American people, the Cowards, to have been saved, however, it was needed for them not to commit their trademark sins against me--as they have committed their trademark against others from before their birth as a nation.

(This was very like the purpose for which God gave the Ten Commandments to the Jews, to plug the ten biggest and most common leaks in their morality.

(This was very much like the purpose for which Jesus gave the Christians the Eleventh Commandment, to plug the leak in the morality of all humankind.

(In both cases, God was attempting to put the pin back into the grenade which in the end destroys the human race.)

When God gave me the gift of audible telepathy, all God was requiring of the American people was that they act within their own laws and the lessons of humankind concerning justice and tolerance.

But no, the Americans threw all truth and decency away, sold their heritage for a group smirk and for the cowardly power of 300 million against one odds, and told themselves false witness is true witness.

Said another way, while there were and are purposes to my being telepathic, those purposes did not and do not include giving the American people a new form of slave, a new minority to persecute, a new Native American to destroy, a new victim to hammer down.

But true to their historical form, that is how the American people took it.

There is nothing the American people, the Cowards, have agreed upon in their disagreeable history as much as their torture-enslavement of me, the only audible mental telepath in the history of the world.

I am the pearl God cast before the swine to separate the swine from the people; because the swine costume themselves as people so skillfully they think they really are people.

Sure, to be sure, the American Swine have many rationalizations for their torture-enslavement of me (the flames of Hell are fueled by rationalizations), but in the end the American people torture and enslave me because they love doing it, and they love the accomplishment of their unity in perfidy.

No wonder the American, the Cowards, are damned.

There are only three classifications of Americans who are not damned as of today. They are children under a certain age, and adults who know absolutely nothing about America's torture-enslavement of me, and Black Americans.

(This of course does not include foul sinners among the Blacks and adults who might not know of my status; we are speaking in the most general of terms about only one sin here, Telepath torture-enslavement.

(Young American children should pray this all be concluded before they age into the national guilt.)

Without giving away what we learned yesterday in our reconnaissance of Nevada City and Grass Valley, California; today we offer those two Communities of Cowards an opportunity to surrender, to make a separate peace with God's One True Telepath.

That surrender must include an apology heard around the world.

Do I expect that to happen? Frankly, Harlot, I don't give a damn. It is the people of Nevada City and Grass Valley who lost their souls yesterday, not I.

(I know, they were just following the instructions of their masters, but swine have masters, not people.)

There are two keys to the forgiveness of Jesus Christ; that forgiveness be asked for, and that the sin never again be committed again. It is not, as the Christians pamper themselves into believing, a Merry-Go-Round of Sin and Absolution.

In their torture-enslavement of me the Americans invented a nationally agreed-upon sin. Some people of America are opposed to sodomy, other people are not. Some people of America consider theft to be legal (the capitalists, for example), other people do not. Some people of America think America's pattern of murder around the world is bad, other American people think it is patriotic.

But, and here is the big butt that sits on America and squishes it down into the deepest pit of Hell, all parts of America think Telepath torture-enslavement (called something else, of course) is fine and dandy, more fun than a county fair and sweeter than cotton candy.

In most situations God must separate the wheat from the chaff; but in this situation it is almost all chaff, there is almost no wheat.

What we saw in Nevada City and Grass Valley yesterday is what we have seen throughout America for over 35 years, that the American people are waiting for me to die in their torture chamber, then smugly pack that sin away, and go on with their gluttonizing of the world to death and their murdering of the helpless people of the world, saying "What good people are we".

As my Old Pal God says, "Damn the American people".

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4973

Friday, November 21, 2008

The $1,130 Billion Defeat

The 70th Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 70th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 68th Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The 52nd Day of Hell for the American People

Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America and victim-fascist Israel learn they are at war with God, within six days

Surrender, You Cowardly Gentile and Jewish Bastards and Bitches

Seven days of delusion left for the Americans and the Israelis, the Cowards and the Kikes; the delusion that there is no evil in what they have done and do to me.

We are now less than a week away from irrevocable proof that God is at war with the United States and Israel. In less than a week the points of the compass will change.

This as the Republican American Fascists and the Israeli Victim Fascists prepare to stage their Coup Against the World before Obama the Comma is scheduled to take the oath of office.

The key word in the above paragraph is "scheduled".

I.C. News files its work early today because we plan a long reconnoitering drive, the purpose being to decide what to do after the trauma the Americans and the Israelis, the Cowards and the Kikes, will experience on or before Thanksgiving Day, November 27.

That trauma, of course, will be the indelible, undeniable realization that God sees them as evil, and is as war with them.

The key word in the above paragraph is "evil".

Murderers and thieves seeing themselves as wearing halos; that's the Americans and the Israelis, the Cowards and the Kikes.

I.C. News is expecting more Space News tomorrow. It should be interesting.

By the way, the collapse of Attorney General Michael Mukasey yesterday was a God's Space War Action. Look for an epidemic of Republican American Fascists dropping lie flies.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4973

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The $1,129 Billion Defeat

The 69th Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 69th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 67th Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The 51st Day of Hell for the American People

Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America and victim-fascist Israel learn they are at war with God, within seven days

Surrender, You Cowardly Gentile and Jewish Bastards and Bitches

Eight days of delusion left for the Americans and the Israelis, the Cowards and the Kikes; the delusion that there is no evil in what they have done and do to me.

Let's turn away from the dismal science of economics and the growing disaster caused by the blind greed of American capitalism and the great anger of God.

(You know about the first, but the second has not yet dawned on you.)

Let's turn our attention again to Space, since it seems Space is from where God's enlightening of the Americans and the Israelis, the Cowards and the Kikes, that God is at war with them will come within seven days.

Eight days of delusion left for the Cowards and the Kikes.

It seems a quietly meaningful Act of God took place in Space yesterday, Wednesday, November 19, that being the loss of a bag of tools by Astronaut Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper, when her grease gun exploded.

On the surface it is a minor incident; but coming as it did right after I.C. News presented the true space story we call The Clown and the Meteor on Monday (The $1,126 Billion Defeat); and I.C. News having received a number of messages from Space via NASA over the years, we consider it an important message-event.

That is, we God's Space Sailors at I.C. News feel God caused the tool bag event for the purpose of sending a message; and since we seem to be the only ones listening, sending the message to us.

At I.C. News we search our files for a similar event in the past, a message from God which came to us through a NASA event.

There have been about four, two from Mars, a third which we keep quiet about, and a fourth which we call "The Camera Story".

We think The Camera Story might be important relative to the "The Tool Bag Story" because they both involve items lost in Space by astronauts.

In The Camera Story yours truly was metaphorically given a camera that was lost in Space, and it seems possible God might be about to metaphorically give me the bag of tools lost in Space.

Since the first event might reflect the second, let's look at the first.

The Camera Story, like the story called The Clown and the Meteor, took place during one of my month-long hikes in the California wilderness.

Those of you Dear Readers who are interested in the "UFO" story as I.C. News reports it might find today's report to be of some value; as might you Dear Readers who are interested in what I call the Little Miracles which my Old Pal God has given me.

This camera event is also an excellent example of God's Writing On the Wall as I have seen it over my lifetime.

While I do not pester God for help, I often make suggestions, suggestions which you can well understand are of ways for God to end the torture-enslavement of me by the Cowards and the Kikes; suggestions which God rarely follows but some of which have been responded to in rather beautiful ways.

Those responses were not mirror images of what I suggested, but they metaphorically matched my requests.

Being constantly kept in pain by the Americans and the Israelis, the Cowards and the Kikes, my suggestions usually concern ways God might ease that pain.

As an example of a suggestion my Old Pal God has not responded to--yet--is that it would utterly change the game if every human being who has participated personally in the torture of God's One True Telepath over the past nearly 40 years would die nearly simultaneously like a string of firecrackers going off.

When you Cowards and you Kikes keep a man in pain for decades, it is natural for such ideas come to mind.

There has been no acceptance--yet--of that suggestion, and no metaphorical response to it--yet.

One suggestion God metaphorically responded to is what I.C. News calls The Camera Story. The Camera Story was also a suggestion of a way to end the torture-enslavement of me by the Americans and the Israelis, the Cowards and the Kikes.

Perhaps you don't know what I mean by a "metaphorical response", but The Camera Story should clear that up.

There had been a camera lost in Space by an astronaut, and I asked God to give me that camera.

The camera was of unique construction and would have a serial number, and my possessing it would have been sensational news, news enough to wilt the lies through which the Cowards and the Kikes enslave and torture me.

Here is how my Old Pal God answered my request:

In the course of that hike I was walking up one of those gentle granite valleys made exceptionally beautiful by scattered, stunted pines, of which the Sierras have so many, and early one afternoon I decided to walk off the trail a few hundred yards and take a little rest.

As I lay on my back, my hands behind my head, looking up at the cloudless blue sky I saw a little light far above me.

The light went on and off and on three times, its three appearances forming the tips of a perfect equilateral triangle.

That was it, nothing most "UFO" or miracle seekers would call anything special; but I had been talking to God for a very long time by then and I had a solid idea of God's style, at least God's style in talking to me.

That is, I expected that little sign in the sky to lead to something.

Later that day as I hiked along I came upon a pair of snow glasses, their plastic frame was blue, the lenses were the kind that are mirrors when looked at from the outside, and at the center of the frame, over the nose, was a yellow triangle.

The instant I spotted those glasses a female telepathic voice I know said, "That's one!"

I knew those glasses marked the first of the three appearances of the light in the sky, and that I would find items marking the second and third appearances of the light.

As I continued my hike, happily wearing my new-found snow glasses, I came upon two "That's two!" finds. One was the nub of a pencil with number two lead and imprinted with the name of a Christian church; the other find was two lost backpackers. I oriented the backpackers to where they were and, it being about time to camp for the night, offered to share my camp with them, which they gladly accepted.

And now we come to "That's three!".

The next day I was exploring the area and went to a little waterfall I had seen from a distance a little before I saw the light appearing and reappearing in the sky.

Near the pool at the base of the waterfall I found a 35 millimeter camera, covered with enough spider webs to show it had been there for a while; and the brand name of the camera was "Konika III".

One. Two. Three.

I am not saying this was an earth-shaking event, but you can perhaps see how it was a metaphorical response to my request for the camera in orbit in Space.

The metaphorical answer to my request did not free me from the torture-enslavement of me by the Americans and the Israelis, the Cowards and the Kikes, but it was a fine and beautiful response to my request, a response from God which broadened my understanding of God's Work at this time.

So, to review our situation at this time, I.C. News is expecting an action by God from Space that will demonstrate to the Americans and the Israelis, the Cowards and the Kikes, by November 27, that those two conjoined warmongers are at war with God.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4973

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The $1,128 Billion Defeat

The 68th Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 68th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 66th Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The 50th Day of Hell for the American People

Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America and victim-fascist Israel learn they are at war with God, within eight days

Surrender, You Cowardly Gentile and Jewish Bastards and Bitches

"There is a sucker born every minute"--Attributed to P.T. Barnum

"In the USA there is a sucker born every 30 seconds"--Virgil Kret

As we approach within eight days the awareness of the American people that they are at war with God, let us turn our attention today to their satanic master, American Big Money, American capitalism, which is currently ripping them off like never before.

I know it would be more acceptable to me to go into St. Patrick's Cathedral and call the Virgin Mary a bitch than for me to be critical of American capitalism; but the Virgin Mary is no a bitch and American capitalism is.

The greatest weakness of American capitalism is that it purports theft to be a legal business practice.

The American capitalist business model is not production cost plus profit, as the propaganda has it; it is production cost plus profit plus rip-off.

What you have been watching for the past 68 days is the biggest rip-off in history, but rip-off is an old, old American capitalist story, and the rip-off artists are well practiced.

The reason the American economic system is in collapse and the American people are now 50 days into economic Hell is because the American capitalists ripped-off, ripped-off, ripped-off until they stripped the bark from the economic tree.

Now the American capitalists are saying to the American people, give us another tree or you will starve.

It is revealing that the auto industry is currently running the same extortion scam on the American people that Big American Money has been running since the economic collapse some 68 days ago.

It is revealing because the most blatant example of American capitalism's open policy of theft from American citizens is the American style of automobile sales.

In that style almost every American who has ever bought a new car has had to swim through the dealership's sharks and has received any number of bites which take the cost of the car far above the realistic production cost plus profit price.

This form of theft is called "salesmanship".

This form of theft is so common it is a national joke; every American knows they are going to be skinned alive before they walk into an auto dealership, but they dutifully walk into the dealership carrying their own skinning knife.

This is the great stupidity of the American people in action, they know the auto dealership system is ripping them off but it never occurs to them to with their dollars and their votes to demand an honest system.

Even now as Congress goes through its patterned song and dance before it gives auto industry more billions of dollars there is no thought of cleaning up the auto sales business. It is all extortion in Washington Deceit, all threat to starve America.

If there were a street in your town where no man or woman could walk down without being raped and robbed, your town would do something about it; yet almost every American city has an auto dealership row where the rape of the customers' psyche and the theft of the customers' money is just about 100% common.

Yet the American people, like domesticated sheep, feel it is perfectly normal to be fleeced in this way.

Capitalist propaganda, Dear Reader, is light-years ahead of Communist propaganda. It is expert propaganda; it is genius propaganda; it tells the American people it is patriotic to be ripped off; it tells the cow it is patriotic to be a fast food burger.

We are talking here about the concept of theft interwoven into the American capitalistic system, and that concept rears its ugly head everywhere, these days particularly in health care, and in the telephone industry, and in the credit card industry, and in the advance payment gift certificate industry, the mortgage industry, the fuel industry, the war industry--well, everywhere.

American capitalism sucks, Dear Reader, it sucks away the life-blood of America.

Understand, the concept of American capitalism, it is not "the customer is always right", as the propaganda has it, it is "the customer is always a sucker".

Taking this concept of sodomize-the-customer from the form of it every American knows personally, the car dealership, the concept becomes horrific in its military-industrial complex applications.

Airplane manufacturers have the right to steal, tank manufactures have the right to steal, bullet manufacturers have the right to steal, uniform manufacturers have the right to steal, and on and on; and that stealing is mortally criminal, because those capitalistic false-Americans intentionally stimulate wars to expand their profits.

You don't know that? You think it is unpatriotic of me to say that? Grow up; put two and two together.

A destroyed army vehicle must be replaced, a dead soldier must be replaced all the way down to his or her dog tags, and there is profit in every step of that replacement process.

A dead American warrior represents profit; a wounded American warrior represents loss. The dead are treated with honor, the wounded are dishonorably maltreated.

You don't believe me? It is unpatriotic for me to say this? No, it would be unpatriotic for me not to say this.

The military-industrial complex is the car dealership taken to the mortal level; and the sales pitch of that Daddy Warbuck's dealership is patriotism puffed up with contrived lies explaining the need to go to war.

(I am struck by a neighbor for saying this. It is too horrible for me to say capitalism is sodomizing him, even though capitalism has been penetrating his butt all his life, but he is such a dumb ass he doesn't feel it.)

Is there any reason whatsoever for the United States of America to have invaded Iraq, other than the profit motive? Other than soaking that combat-dodging, war-mongering George W. Bush in American soldier blood to imbue the profit motive with patriotic sacredness?

And look at the open theft that followed that stupid and fascist invasion. No-bid contracts. Mercenary contracts. Food service contracts. The American rich getting richer and the American warriors getting deader.

And so blatant, so incredibly blatant; but it is better to say the Virgin Mary is a bitch than to point out the obvious.

There is a psychological process which takes place when an American is ripped off by a car dealership. That is that he has to say to his friends that he got a good deal even though he was raped silly and he knows it.

This process is even stronger when the cost of being raped silly is dead and wounded warriors.

Yes we have nearly 5,000 dead and 20,000 wounded since George W. Bush puked on us; and, yes, we have brought on the deaths and homelessness and maimings of hundreds of thousands of innocent people; but we are the force of capitalistic democracy in the world; but we put a noose around the Boogeyman's neck at the bargain price of just three trillion dollars, so far.

The rationalization, "I could not have been cheated out of that thousand dollars on a bad car deal, no, no, no, Honest John gave me a good deal", is the same as, "We could have not have lost those tens of thousands of warriors and trillions of dollars on a bad war deal, no, no, no, honest George W. Bush gave us a good deal".

In both cases the buyer is an utter fool, in both cases the buyer must conceal the truth of the buyer's foolishness from himself.

In that context it would be good today to review the trouble the American people are in--I don't mean with God and they are in a hell of a lot of trouble on that score--I mean the trouble they are in with the Hitler-Bush National Socialism their Congress bowed to about 50 days ago.

I refer to the extortion-accomplished bailout/'rescue" of Big American Money which the American people clearly did not want, and which the Democratic, Republican, and Republican American Fascist parties stabbed the American people in the back to put in place.

Have you noticed? It's not getting better. Have you noticed? It's getting worse. Here's a funny joke on the American people: It's endless; the American people are in for an endless raping by American capitalism.

The American people are such dumb asses they don't know when they are being sodomized by the perpetual motion sodomizing machine Hitler called National Socialism and George W. Bush calls Democratic Capitalism and Mussolini called Fascism.

Most likely, most of Obama's supporters don't know who Mussolini was, and they won't realize until they are sodomized silly by Big American Money that Obama is but a comma in the American people's life sentence to perpetual fascist dictatorship.

Why should I care if this nation of pig-people is turned into a nation of slave-pig-people?

(Come to think of it, I guess I don't.)

These pig-people have tortured and enslaved me since 1972, and they murdered my children for the pig-fun of it.

When I to look at their enslavement by Big American Money, enslavement in which they do all the work and all the starving and all the homeless living, and Big American Money gets all the money and all the mansions, the American people's pig-enslavement should be Poetic Justice to me.

(Come think of it, I guess it is.)

And besides, the American people are too stupid to know they are enslaved. An ass pulling a plow understands its situation better than the American people understand theirs.

Sure, the pig-America people squeal a little, being sodomized by Big American Money; but down in their souls the American people are as queer as San Francisco male street whores, and pretty soon they will be bending over, and with smiles on their faces, spreading their cheeks to capitalist dictatorship.

Except for the fact Big American Money is satanic and my Old Pal God asked me to kill Satan, I would leave the American people in their master-sodomite's bed, the bed of thorns they have been conned into believing is a bed of roses.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4973

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The $1,127 Billion Defeat

The 67th Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 67th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 65th Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The 49th Day of Hell for the American People

Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America and victim-fascist Israel learn they are at war with God, within nine days

Surrender, You Cowardly Gentile and Jewish Bastards and Bitches

"Joshua fit the battle of Jericho
"And the walls came tumbling down"--Old Negro Spiritual

For entertainment's sake, let's travel back in Time to the Dark Ages of Europe to where a mad king has thrown a man into a dungeon and left him there for decades; the mad king never saying what the man had done wrong in the mad king's eyes, the man never knowing.

In his dank dungeon the prisoner's nearest thing to a friend is the jailer who now and then brings slop for him to eat, never saying a word; and the only other human contact he has is the mad king's cruel torturer who comes around just to give him pain, the torturer's honorable duty to the mad king, and his only source of livelihood.

Over the decades in the dungeon the prisoner has scratched on the walls of his stone cell his mind's understanding of the cosmos, the moon, the planets and the stars; and around these scratchings he has scratched numbers and equations which track the spinning of the Earth and the cycles of the moon and the revolving of the Heavens; this being his clock on the cruel walls that imprison him.

Then within his incalculable calculations he comes upon a certain date, and as he stares at the date, his hair uncut for over 20 years, hid beard unshaven for over 20 years, his body clothed with remnants of rags, body so thick with filth he seems larger than he is, he smiles at that date and begins to chuckle, and to any jailer passing by it seems like a mad cackle; but on the date he has scratched on his wall the Earth opens up and swallows the mad king, and his castle, and his family, and all the his soldiers, and all his men; and the walls of the prisoner's dungeon crumble into dust; and amidst the shock, turmoil and chaos of the peasants. the thus-released prisoner goes to an inn where he has a hot bath, a shave and a haircut, and a really, really good bowl of slop; just in time to step outside, dressed in off-the-rack duds from the Small and Short men's store, to see the light in the sky getting closer and closer, and he knows the beginning has begun.

Nine days, Dear Reader. Within nine days the Americans in the Israelis--the Cowards and the Kikes--will know they are at war with God.

This would be the equivalent of George W. Bush suddenly realizing what a child-murdering fiend he is; well, that equivalent to the tenth power. This would be the equivalent of the impossible to the tenth power.

At I.C. News we are thinking this might be our most precise advance documentation in our over four decades of documenting events in advance (and we once documented an earthquake down to the second it occurred).

Such words as "pinpoint" are bouncing around the I.C. News Nevada bureau, in a city where we have put a big bet down.

We review the battlefield.

God is keeping God's hole cards face down on the table; and God's hole cards always come as a surprise to us God's Space Sailors here in the trenches; and thus far it seems we have two face-up cards with three more to be dealt out.

Cosmic seven-card stud to you poker players.

The two cards showing are the old God's Space War code, "Two Birds/One Stone", and, "The Clown and the Meteor" code, explained here yesterday.

The Two Birds/One Stone code seems to indicate the Cowards and the Kikes, the Americans and the Israelis; and The Clown and the Meteor code seems to point to travel though Space and Time.

There is another code, "Seven Victories", which we received a few days ago, but we are not sure what it means. It is possible we will not know the meaning of this code until November 27, Thanksgiving Day; but it is also possible it will be one of the face-up cards to come before then.

Although our expectations will almost certainly change as more codes come in, here is what we at I.C. News are expecting at this time: Major meteor hits on the Cowards and the Kikes, the United States of America and Israel; at least a total of two, perhaps a total of seven; no meteors striking outside those two war-mongering nations.

While this is a tasty and exciting idea, it is more of a daydream of a tortured telepathic journalist, tortured for nearly 40 years by the Cowards and the Kikes; and it is more biblical in style than what we are expecting; and besides, the Cowards and the Kikes would not see such events as proof God is at war with them, only as a spin of the Wheel of Chance.

Pardon this pondering, Dear Reader, but I love a mystery, and this is a mystery of the first order. Within nine days something phenomenal, likely something unheard of in human history, is going to happen; God is going to reveal God's two hole cards, and the Cowards and the Kikes, the Americans and the Israelis, will know they are at war with the Supreme Being.

This pondering of the movements of God's Space War is the only fun I have in the torture chamber the Cowards and the Kikes keep me in, so you can perhaps understand the pleasure of anticipating the falling down of that torture chamber's walls in nine days or less.

"Virgil fit the battle of the Cowards and the Kikes, and the walls came tumbling down."--New Negro Space Sailor Spiritual.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4973

Monday, November 17, 2008

The $1,126 Billion Defeat

The 66th Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 66th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 64th Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The 48th Day of Hell for the American People

Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America and victim-fascist Israel learn they are at war with God, within 10 days

Surrender, You Cowardly Gentile and Jewish Bastards and Bitches

Today's report: "The Clown and the Meteor"

In yesterday's report I looked at the event expected within ten days, God's causing the Americans and the Israelis to know God is at war with them.

I mulled the question, how might God do this?

I said in my experience I had two very different representations of God's Nature to go by as I pondered that question.

First, the Old Testament model the primitive Jews created and inserted into their folk history.

Second, the personal model God has demonstrated to me over the decades since God gave me my commission to write The Obituary of the World in 1963.

I noted how the two models are quite different, and that I consider God as God has represented God to me to be the more true representation.

I said I expected God not to follow biblical styles or traditions in making known God's war with the Americans and the Israelis, but to act in the spirit and beauty of the many lessons God has taught me throughout my life.

So, being curious of what God might do to cause the Americans and the Israelis to understand how out of favor they are with God, I asked my Old Pal God if any of the lessons and Little Miracles God has taught and shown me over the years might apply to what God intends to do on or before November 27, Thanksgiving Day.

My Old Pal God suggested the Little Miracle I call The Clown and the Meteor would be the God event in my experience most reflective of the God event now ten or fewer days away.

So, this is that story.

Up to the time George W. Bush and the Republican American Fascists usurped the White House in 2000, I would each summer take month-long hikes in the California Sierras, hikes that would rejuvenate my body and refresh my mind after 11 months of constant psycho-fascist American torture; and most importantly give God and I the chance to talk about things without wicked Americans banging on my wall and coughing their beloved Cowards' Coughs.

After the Republican American Fascist coup of 2000 government harassment of me became too great for me to take those lovely month-long hikes, government pigs following me and seeking me out in the wilderness, at least twice using helicopters to find me.

(There was some of this while the Blow Job President, Clinton, was in office, but it became viciously insane after Bush got in.)

I cannot understate to you, Dear Reader, the blessed beauty of those walks, nor can I begin to tell you of the love and the playfulness--yes, playfulness--God reined down on me during those times.

When I write about the art of backpacking, I call those walks, "Chumming Around With God".

I don't know if the word "chum", meaning "friend", is still used among American boys, but when I was a boy in the 40's it was a special word, "my chum" meaning "my best friend", and chums would chum around together.

These days I use the term, "my Old Pal God", and that drives TV snake oil preachers up the wall; but indeed it would be more accurate for me to say, "My Chum, God".

My relationship with God is not a kneeling-praying relationship, it is a chumming around relationship in peace and a foxhole buddy relationship in war.

(Many a psycho-fascist American has lost his or her soul due to not understanding this, and seeing me apparently alone and helpless, has tortured me in full view of my foxhole buddy, but that's another story.)

I am telling you the story called The Clown and the Meteor; but be patient, stories like this are not just slapped down on the griddle and fried. If you are going to get to know God you should learn to be something of a spiritual connoisseur.

On those walks I learned many things about Nature and about myself, one of them being I have a profoundly beautiful ability to talk with animals: and it was in the deep wilderness that I learned that if I sang a song in my mind--telepathically, not with my voice--birds would join in.

(I know you Christians and you Jews hate my saying this, but that is what you Christians and you Jews are most accomplished at, hating.)

It seems I have marinated the story of The Clown and the Meteor long enough, so let's get to it.

You Dear Readers who have slept out in the wilderness at night know the pleasure of lying on your back and looking into the stars, and you might even have felt the sensation that you were not looking up at them but looking down at them, and only gravity holding you back from falling into them.

I loved doing that, and over the years I created many constellations of my own, which to this day give me comfort and pleasure when I see them, my Secret Sistine Chapel painted in the stars.

Now here comes the story I call The Clown and the Meteor.

I had found that when I lay on my back and looked long and concentrated into the clouds of the Milky Way I could in my mind create cartoon pictures by connecting the star-dots, like finding pictures in the clouds.

This was a pleasant activity which would send me drifting off into beautiful sleep as my eyes became to weary to hold open.

I found if I focused on such cartoons, the cartoons would move, the movement being caused by the tired muscles of my eyes and the shimmering atmosphere of this Earth, which caused the cartoons to move over a narrow cloud-field of stars.

I had re-invented the TV of the caveman.

One sweet August night, when the temperature was just right, and I was comfortably weary from my long day's hiking, I was lying on my back in my sleeping bag, the bag zipped open because it was too warm a night to zip it shut, and, hands behind my head, I was looking into to the Milky Way; and my weary eyes invented a dancing clown; and I was amused by this little caveman movie.

You see, Dear Reader, I thought I controlled the dancing clown like Disney controlled the Bluebirds in Cinderella, but all of a sudden the dancing clown stopped dancing, and looked at me, and held up the forefinger if his right hand, as if to say, "Wait! Look at this!".

Then the clown, the clown which I had created in my mind and thought I controlled, raised his right leg and pointed to the space thus created between it and his left leg, and through that space...through that space...through that space came a meteor.

Get it? The clown in the stars knew that meteor was coming, and exactly when it would come; well, God, the clown's puppeteer, knew when and where the meteor was coming.

Small potatoes, perhaps, for those who live lives without miracles, but it was a lesson for me on Time and Space and their relationship with God and with me, seen by no one else, and meant for me and no one else, to gain knowledge from.

So, my Old Pal God has suggested to me that we shall see a variation of this story on or before November 27, a variation which will compel the Americans and the Israelis to understand that they have gone to war against God.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4973

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The $1,125 Billion Defeat

The 65th Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 65th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 63rd Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The 47th Day of Hell for the American People

Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America and victim-fascist Israel learn they are at war with God, within 11 days

Surrender, You Cowardly Gentile and Jewish Bastards and Bitches

"If they had said a moonbeam could calm a stormy sea"I would have said impossible, but now at last I see"That nothing is impossible, if you are here with me"--As sung by Nat King Cole, words and music by Steve Allen, 1956

We are approaching--within 11 days--what seems to be an impossible event.

That impossible event is the American people and the Israeli people coming to realize they are at war with God.

Impossible; on the face of this Earth there are not two nations who think they are in more perfect alignment with God than the United States of America and Israel, yet that impossible awareness of God's war against them is 11 or fewer days away.

It seems to I.C. News that the impossibility of this event points to the magnificence of what can be expected to happen within 11 days; and that it is worth our time today to talk about the Concept of Impossibility.

When you were a child, did you ever play with two magnets and marvel at how if you turned them one way they were drawn together, but if you turned them the other way they repulsed one another, and in your young mind's experimentation, you could actually feel the force of repulsion, the utter impossibility of putting those two ends together unless you, being so much stronger than the little toy magnets you held, forced them together and held them there?

I think the repulsion of the Americans and the Israelis to the reality that they are at war with God is like that; it is impossible knowledge to them; and even if those repelling poles of impossibility were forced together by some great and powerful force that repulsion would exist and would demonstrate its presence as soon as that compelling force was removed.

That is, God could compel Americans and the Israelis to put aside murder and perfidy, but as soon as God turned God's back the true natures of America and Israel would re-emerge.

That God would be at war with the Americans and the Israelis is inconceivable to the Americans and the Israelis; a repelling, impossible concept the understanding of which would disappear as soon as the pressure of enforcement was removed.

So, I.C. News wonders what could possibly make this inconceivable reality a matter mass, common knowledge among the Americans and the Israelis within the next 11 days.

That is what we are expecting, mass common knowledge that God is at war with the Israelis and the Americans, knowledge so compelling that on mass levels the Israelis and the Americans will repent their national sins of murder and theft and false witness and seek to make peace with God and their neighbors and the world.

Impossible. In 11 days or less? Impossible.

Yet, with God, the impossible is possible.

When I look at this, when I wonder what God might possibly do to reverse the poles of awareness of the Christians and the Jews, I have the two models to work from.

First, God as depicted in the Old Testament; and, second, God as God has demonstrated to me God to be.

While my mind can wander through many biblical scenarios of a forceful and angry God driving the Americans and the Israelis out of the Eden of their vainglorious misconceptions of themselves, my experience with God is so different from the biblical description that I look to other scenarios, scenarios which are kind yet compelling, intelligent yet understandable, scenarios of God not made in the image and likeness of the Jews and not acting as the sacrificial lamb of the Christians.

I look to non-lethal--even non-fearful--demonstrations by God. I look to God introducing God as God truly is, in comparison to the parody of God the Americans and the Israelis have set up, that parody of God which chooses them before all others no matter how many people they murder and how much land they steal and how much power they covet and how many lies they tell and live by.

The Americans and the Israelis are the most innocent murderers in the world, but I don't think God intends to out-murder them to convince them to change; or even to frighten them into change.

I think God intends to deliver to the Israelis and their lapdogs, the Americans, what we at I.C. News call an "Atomic Epiphany".

It will be traumatic, the Americans and their masters, the Israelis, seeing themselves as God sees them; but that's better than being pounded into dust, which is what the biblical God would do to them at this point.

What we are saying is that while we expect that understanding of God's war on Israel and the USA to dawn within 11 days, we cannot imagine how God would make that happen; our only personal references being the impossible things God has shown us over the nearly four decades the Americans and the Israelis have been torturing and enslaving me because God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy.

Let's put some things into perspective.

It would be easier for me to take my Boy Scout pocket knife and with it cut down the greatest redwood tree still standing than for me to through argument or pleading or pointing to Scripture or the Constitution of the USA to convince the American people and the Israelis not to torture and enslave me--or even to convince them to face the fact that torture-enslavement is what they do to me.

I mention this because since God gave me the gift of audible telepathy nearly 40 years ago God has given me many strong and clear messages to deliver to the American people and the Israelis, and they have buried those messages in their dark hearts as fast as I delivered them.

I refer here to my naming of scores of events in advance, from airline crashes to presidential assassination attempts to school shootings to the killing of over 200 Marines in Beirut to the 911 attack to the death of the media weasel Tim Russert and on and on and on.

But the American and Israeli people so love enslaving and torturing me that they see nothing else but that pleasure, that delusion of superiority.

Argument does not stop the rapist from raping until the rapist ejaculates.

That is, I do not think God is going to send this great understanding of God's war against the Americans and the Israelis through me.

It is impossible for the American people to come to terms with their injustice to me, impossible for American Christians and Jews not to bear false witness about that injustice; the American people are immune to that truth; and they are immune to any truth God might deliver to them through me.

And the core truth of my audible telepathy, Dear Reader, is such a blatant truth that it reveals the mechanism of mass false witness that makes facing truth impossible for the Americans and the Israelis on the entire tableau of their experience.

How much more difficult would it be then for the American people and the Israelis to face the invisible proof that God is at war with them if they cannot face the visible truth that I am audibly telepathic and have a right to be?

It would be easier for me to convert a TV snake oil preacher to true Christ-like Christianity than for me to successfully warn the Americans and the Israelis of how out of favor with God they are.

The fires in Southern California could burn down all of Los Angeles County and Orange County and San Diego County, but the people of that area would not be convinced they are on the wrong side of God.

America's own nuclear warheads could begin to explode all around America and there would be no connection made with that event and God's war against America. Iran would be blamed, Russia would be blamed, even bad science might be blamed, but America could be bombed into dust with its own warheads and God's doing it would never cross their vain, stunted, little American minds.

It is impossible for them to consider that God might be at war with them. Impossible.

It seems to I.C. News it will take something beyond the beyond for that awareness to strike home; something, if in the biblical scenario, like if overnight a number of American children equal to the number children the United States has murdered in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan were to suddenly, spontaneously die; and if an equal number of arms and legs of Iraqi, Afghani and Pakistani children that have been lost to America's gluttony for war would spontaneously be removed from American children.

On the biblical model, it would take something that stunning and that painful and that negatively miraculous for the American people to comprehend they are at war with God.

But I.C. News is not expecting a biblical scenario; I.C. News is expecting a scenario representing God as God has patiently represented God to me to be since God commissioned me to write the Obituary of the World in 1963.

So, in anticipating the great event within the next 11 days, I asked my Old Pal God if any of the many lessons God has taught me or any of the Little Miracles God has shown me, might in any way reflect what God is about to do--not as a sign to the Americans and the Israelis, but as a slap on the faces of them all.

In that context, my Old Pal God suggested I tell you the Little Miracle story I call, "The Clown and the Meteor".

So, unless bigger news is breaking, I will tell you that true story of an Act of God witnessed only by me, but a compelling variation of which the Americans and the Israelis are about to see, a compelling variation of which will demonstrate to them that they are at war with God.

Next time then, The Clown and the Meteor.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4973

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The $1,124 Billion Defeat

The 64th Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 64th Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 62nd Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The 46th Day of Hell for the American People

Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America and victim-fascist Israel learn they are at war with God, within 12 days

Surrender, You Cowardly Gentile and Jewish Bastards and Bitches

Today's God's Space War codes are "White Fright" and "Gone With the Wind"

As Israel and the United States of America approach--in less than two weeks--the knowledge that they both are at war with God, I.C. News puzzles over the God's Space War codes it has recently received.

While both those conjoined warmongering, torturing nations seem about to learn their sad, conjoined fates at about the same time, the roads to that knowledge seem to be unique for each.

Today we look at the road America is on, the road deep, deep into Hell. We don't know much about it yet; but we will tell you what we have as soon as we have it.

Thursday we had the strong code "Seven Victories", and several hours later news of the Southern California firestorm broke.

We don't know if we got the code before the fire started, but we know we got it well before the fire made national news.

Had we not received the Seven Victories code, and had the fire not started on a date we had anticipated and published for some two weeks in advance, we would not be considering this event a God's Space War maneuver, as we are; such fires being common this time of year in Southern California.

Recall, we also documented the economic collapse two days in advance, and the date of the extorted bailout some 20 days in advance, marking Congress' passing of that Hitler-Bush National Socialist bill as the day the American people entered Hell.

Returning to Thursday's Seven Victories code, we do not yet have a clear idea of what it means and how it will play out.

For example, will there be seven separate events? Or will the firestorm, which the code anticipated, last seven days? Or does Seven Victories mean something else entirely?

We think Seven Victories is the former, seven events, but we do not yet know.

Whatever the code means, it seems it must play out within 13 days, because within 13 days the American people will learn they are at war with God.

If it is the former, seven separate events, it will mark a never-before-seen frequency of God's Space War events, seven events coming one or two days apart when the average over the past 35 years of observation has been between one and two months apart.

I.C. News feels the primary reason God's Space War has gone on for so long without being detected is that wide spacing between events, like musical notes played too far apart to be recognizable as parts of the same melody.

We feel that if there were seven events within two weeks there would be a certain excitement, or shock, or fear generated, and since we are expecting mass public awareness of the USA's being at war with God on or before Thanksgiving Day that frequency increase seems possible.

So, for the time being the Seven Victories code is a mystery, a very interesting mystery.

A quiet code, "White Fright", came in last night, and it makes us think the Seven Victories will strike American Whites, but not American Blacks; and by extension, American rich, but not American poor.

This is pretty basic Christianity; blessed are the poor; the difficulty of the rich entering Heaven; and it fits with I.C. News' understanding that God will war against the human being from the top down, and not from the bottom up as most human warfare has it.

We further expect this Seven Victories pattern to become rather eerie to American Whites and American rich, as the awareness they are being singled out by God dawns on them.

But we are second-guessing God with these expectations, and while it is fun to pass the time this way--the only fun to be found in the torture chamber America keeps me in--we are following the story, not leading it, and we learn it as it moves along.

We know America's destination is Deep Hell, but we do not know every twist and turn in the road.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4973

Friday, November 14, 2008

The $1,123 Billion Defeat

The 63rd Day since the USA entered The Valley of the Shadow of Death
The 63rd Day since I.C. News told the World about It
The 61st Day since the Rest of the News Media told the World about It

The 45th Day of Hell for the American People

Expecting "Cherry Pop", the day psycho-fascist America and victim-fascist Israel learn they are at war with God, within 13 days

Surrender, You Cowardly Gentile and Jewish Bastards and Bitches

"Every action has an opposite and equal reaction"--Sir Isaac Newton, Philosopiae Naturalis Prinicpia Mathematica, first published July 5, 1687.

The nature of God's attacks on the United States of America and Israel expected on or before November 27, Thanksgiving Day, seems to be coming into focus.

Bear in mind, we are saying both the USA and Israel will be given undeniable proof God is at war with them with these attacks by that date.

Bear in mind, we are saying the American people entered Hell 45 days ago; but is that is the Hell George W. Bush and the Republican American Fascists have led them into by their pig-stupid snouts, or is that the Hell God has damned them to? Who has damned them? That is the question.

It seems quite certain the Republican American Fascists and the Israeli Victim Fascists intend to trigger nuclear war before America's scheduled Inauguration Day.

"Scheduled" is the key word in the above paragraph, since the event's taking place is far from certain.

It seems certain, too, that God's attack expected on or before November 27 is designed to nip that Republican American Fascist-Israel Victim Fascist terrible evil in the bud.

We were expecting a God's Space War hit yesterday, Thursday, November 13, and we got it. It turned out to be two hits, one for Israel and one for the USA. Today I.C. News will point them out and begin to analyze them.

Yesterday's God's Space War code was "Seven Victories", today we watch the first of those seven victories play out with the fires in Southern California, which apparently became out of control on our target date of November 13, and which have so far destroyed over 100 homes of wealthy people. We will touch on that subject briefly today.

But first, top news first, we will approach the homosexual violence rising out of the anti-"gay marriage" vote by the people of California, which is so straight out of the Bible story of Sodom and Gomorrah that it is remarkable that I am apparently the only Christian to point out the similarities.

In that famous biblical story it was not so much the act of sodomy by the sodomites which brought on the wrath of God, but their forcing sodomy on others, the sods having become so strong that they claimed the right to rape any man who came to town.

With slight variations, that is what the current sodomite revolution is about. It claims the right to recruit vulnerable children; it claims the right to take over neighborhoods; it claims the right to intentionally be an affront to the non-sodomite society; and it claims the right to steal the most precious sacrament or custom of non-sodomite society, marriage.

This, Dear Reader, is grotesque.

The American non-sodomite society is remarkably tolerant of the sodomites, even in San Francisco where the sodomites rule with an iron fist and a limp wrist, and warp the beauty of that city into a kind of grotesque parody of beauty.

What we see in the current sodomite attacks on the Mormons and on Christianity in general since the people of California voted overwhelming against the grotesque parody of marriage called "gay marriage" is symptomatic of the sodomite violence that can be expected in the future, and of past sodomite violence as depicted in the Bible story of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Now, let's leave it at that for today, except to say the Mormons have treated me like barnyard crap on the bottoms of their shoes since God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy, and the sodomites have always treated me as another victim to attempt to sodomize; and this creates a kind of neutrality in me, the Mormons and the sods both being rats' asses in my opinion.

But, and this is the big butt American sodomites long to sodomize, marriage is sacred, and that stands alone, and that homosexual males, the sods, and homosexual females, the lezards, persist in their violation of the most precious institution of humankind around the world shows their blind intent to Sodom-and-Gomorraize this Earth.

The homosexuals should respect that sacredness, and create another way instead of stealing the sacred way of others.

That is, the great weakness of the sods and lezards is that they are not only insensitive of the feelings of non-homosexuals, but they deliberately violate those feelings. That is, they deliberately expand the non-homosexual revulsion of them as a tactic of their revolting social revolution.

And that brings us to I.C. News' successful anticipation of events in Israel yesterday. We did not guess the events perfectly, but we were well within the ballpark, and precisely on time.

We say the American sodomite story leads us to the Israel story because just as the American sods deliberately irritate the non-sods, the Israeli Jews deliberately irritate the non-Jews in the Middle East.

Almost unreported in the American news media were the conjoined Israeli actions yesterday, on the day anticipated by I.C. News some two weeks in advance, of blocking food deliveries to Gaza and banning journalists from covering the Gaza story.

(American journalism's near blackout of this story is an excellent example of how American journalism systematically cheats when it comes to its coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian story. It reports on Palestinian actions against Israel but not the Israeli actions against the Palestinians which trigger those attacks. This leaves the American people with the false impression that the Israeli Jews are kittens in a basket put upon by Palestinian Muslim dogs.)

Let's look at the basics of what I.C. News has been saying about yesterday's Israel news for some two weeks.

We said Israel's premeditated murder of Reuters Palestinian cameraman Fadel Shana (and I.C. News' beautiful advance documentation of it) was an important element in the expected November 13 event.

Israel's premeditated murder of Shana was a war crime; and Israel's blockage of necessities of life to the Gaza Strip has been a succession of war crimes; and its banning of journalistic coverage of the Gaza story is a peculiar crime symptomatic of Jewish distaste for honest journalism, as discussed here on Tuesday (The $1,120 Billion Defeat).

We said the November 13 event would tell us something of the expected powerful event of November 27 or before, which will cause the Americans and the Israelis to come to understand they are war with God.

There were two separate events, and both do that; and we will get to them shortly.

The big error I.C. News made was that we expected a God's Space War attack on Israeli or American journalism; but what took place was an Israeli attack on the world's journalism. We had the pieces in the chess play correct, but we were looking through a murky mirror and transposed them.

As noted, the main ingredient of I.C. News' advance documentation of yesterday's Gaza story was Israel's premeditated murder of Fadel Shana; and this leads us to suggest Israel's crime of starving the people of Gaza is also premeditated and not reactive as the Israeli's claim.

(Even if it were honestly reactive it would still be a war crime.)

That is, it is the tactic of the Jews to irritate responses from the Muslims; and has been since 1948; and a part of that tactic is based on the accurate foregone conclusion that the American news media will always take the side of victim-Israel over the monster-Palestinians.

This tactic, I suggest to you, is one of the core reasons God will attack Israel on or before November 27, Thanksgiving Day. The Israelis claim a divine right to murder and to steal and to lie; that's open violation of three of the Ten Commandments right there.

Now, back to those fires in Southern California; while such fires are common in that area at this time of year, news of them broke on our November 13 hit day, and broke after we had received the "Seven Victories" God's Space War code of yesterday.

My initial feeling is we can expect six more victories before God's war against the people United States of America becomes undeniably apparent on or before Thanksgiving Day; and big fires approaching media celebrities' homes, and the homes of rich gentiles and Jews, also points to one of the prime reasons for that war.

While God is at war against Israel for its habitual war-criminality and claiming a divine right to be a war criminal, God is at war with the USA for its habitual making of God's One True Telepath suffer for the sake of public sport--that infliction of suffering including constant and repeated destruction of any and all homes he established.

This may be not because God's One True Telepath is so important, but that the information, the news, God had commissioned him to deliver is critically important.

The chances of this Earth dying by 2065 have been increased at least 80% by America's torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath.

I have told you all child murderers are damned, so shall it be with all murderers of this Earth.

I tell you this so you will better understand the wrath God lays down on the United States of America.

Neither war by God against these two partnered warmongering nations, the USA and Israel, is a single-issue war; but those issues are enough to build this story on.

Stay tuned, you out there in Internet Land, Ground Zero Day is only 13 days away.

Those of you who believe in God, prepare to rejoice.

Those of you who believe in war, torture, murder and the joy of perfidy, find a way to leave this Earth before Thanksgiving Day.

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 2614
Nevada City, California 95959
(530) 276-4973