Friday, August 31, 2007

The $355 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Ten

Shark America Zero

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 183

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--Wait

Today's Code is "I have read a fiery Gospel ".

Hey, Dear Reader, would you like to see something really big? Big news, I mean. Yesterday's code was "History in the Making", and during approximately the next week you and I are going to make history.

At I.C. News, we call this fun.

Today, as we enter the third verse of our five-verse timing code, the Battle Hymn of the Republic, we wonder what degree of Act of God will it take to free me from the evil, psycho-fascist grip of the United States of America.

Understand, we think that degree of Act of God is very likely to take place.

Understand, we expect God to hit America so hard America will be happy to release me and anxious to compensate me for the evil slavery it has established over me.

Understand, only God agrees with this understanding; the rest of you are on the wrong side.

Consider, I have been America's torture-slave for well over 30 years; and to most non-senior Americans that is my natural state of existence because I having been America's torture-slave since they were children or since before they were born.

And during that time of torture-enslavement I have documented in advance, what?, hundreds of events i\involving thousands of American deaths; so how can I presume the event I am about to document in advance will do the trick, turn the tables, emancipate me?

Let's see.

I am wondering if God might not write my name in blood and pain across America's back? Let's look for it, acts of God's Space War that spell out V-I-R-G-L.

Let's establish this demonstration over the Labor Day Weekend. Let's change history, you and I, beginning tomorrow.

Contact Virgil Kret at
Legal Defense, Survival & Presidential Campaign Fund:

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 43
Morro Bay, CA 93443

George W. Bush will destroy the world.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
His cry of misery will be heard around the world; then the chorus will sing "Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!"

George W. Bush is a perfect storm of stupidity, dishonesty and vanity.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

"In my strategy, the training for killing enemies is by way of many contests, fighting for survival, discovering the meaning of life and death, learning the Way of the sword, judging the strength of attacks and understanding the Way of the 'edge and ridge' of the sword." Miyamoto Musashi, 17th Century.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The world is George W. Bush's Iraq. The world is George W. Bush's New Orleans. The world cannot bear the fascist, insane stupidity of George W. Bush.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The most important news story in the world today, and the most important political stance in America today is this:

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

The $354 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Nine

Shark America One

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 197

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--Wait

Today's Code is "History in the Making".

I have documented in advance only two Acts of God since the that famous Act of God which the media tells us was an act of pigeon shit, the Twin Cities bridge collapse; and I documented the bridge collapse in advance, too..

Those two post-bridge Acts of God were the partial building collapse in Salt Lake City and the mine disaster elsewhere in Utah. The critical advance-documenting code was "Sudden Collapse", which appeared where today's code, "History in the Making", appears.

Look it up if you have the courage; it appeared right after the bridge collapse.

There have been more acts of God since the mine disaster, and I could have documented all or some of them in advance but it has been America's pleasure to make me homeless yet again, and in so doing disrupt my Internet connection, and in so doing amputate my tongue.

As explained, the death of the motorcycle cop escorting Faux-President George W. Bush in Albuquerque was also an Act of God, but let's not kick that dead hog again. Let's tell you these truths just once and let them turn to pigeon shit in your mind. No matter; it's your doom, not mine; I'm just killing time while Time kills you.

I mention these recent acts of God which I documented in advance with the understanding that it will take a massive Act of God for me, the only audible mental telepath in human history, to live in peace and freedom in the United States of America.

By this I mean a great and powerful act of God that even you American psycho-fascist slugs leaving a slime trail across the face of the Earth will be able to see.

So, let's look for that, an Act of God which shivers America's timbers; and let's document it in advance so America's blood will boil as America bleeds.

Contact Virgil Kret at
Legal Defense, Survival & Presidential Campaign Fund:

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 43
Morro Bay, CA 93443

George W. Bush will destroy the world.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
His cry of misery will be heard around the world; then the chorus will sing "Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!"

George W. Bush is a perfect storm of stupidity, dishonesty and vanity.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

"In my strategy, the training for killing enemies is by way of many contests, fighting for survival, discovering the meaning of life and death, learning the Way of the sword, judging the strength of attacks and understanding the Way of the 'edge and ridge' of the sword." Miyamoto Musashi, 17th Century.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The world is George W. Bush's Iraq. The world is George W. Bush's New Orleans. The world cannot bear the fascist, insane stupidity of George W. Bush.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The most important news story in the world today, and the most important political stance in America today is this:

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The $353 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Eight

Shark America Two

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 198

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--Wait

Today's Code is "His day is marching on".

Today we finish the second verse of our five-verse timing code, the Battle Hymn of the Republic, and we know the direction we must go; we must talk about how George W. Bush will destroy the world.

George W. Bush's destruction of this world will not be by intent; even that fool of fools does not intentionally sink this ship of fools; no, but that fool wants to do other foolish things, such as destroy the Constitution of the United States of America; and worse...and worse...and worse take humankind into a world where the rich enslave the poor, and where the salvation of the world is based on massive depopulation; Nuclear Winter to trump Global Warming, the slaughter of the billions making the world safe for the remaining millions.

What George W. Bush has done to Iraq, where the poor die to further enrich the rich; what George W. Bush has done to New Orleans, where the rich will build palaces on the land formerly owned by the displaced poor; what George W. Bush has done to Iraq and New Orleans George W. Bush will do to the world.

It is not that George W. Bush intended to create mass murder and chaos in Iraq; he created mass murder and chaos in Iraq by way of his Republican American Fascist masters having stolen political-military power that was too big for his britches; he is the drunk driver who did not intend to kill the child; it is not that he consciously sought to destroy New Orleans, but that problem, that little problem in comparison to the colossal problem this world faces, just boggled his dull little mind.

Now George W. Bush has locked America into his "vision", and no one seeking the Presidency, other than I, seeks to undo the damage he has done; no, they all fall for the Republican American Fascist con that knowingly leads America into eternal war and unknowingly leads the world into eternal Hell.

George W. Bush is a child playing Admiral in the bathtub. George W. Bush will be the death of you and all you love. George W. Bush will destroy the world.

Shun George W. Bush and all his works.

Contact Virgil Kret at
Legal Defense, Survival & Presidential Campaign Fund:

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 43
Morro Bay, CA 93443

George W. Bush will destroy the world.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
His cry of misery will be heard around the world; then the chorus will sing "Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!"

George W. Bush is a perfect storm of stupidity, dishonesty and vanity.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

"In my strategy, the training for killing enemies is by way of many contests, fighting for survival, discovering the meaning of life and death, learning the Way of the sword, judging the strength of attacks and understanding the Way of the "edge and ridge" of the sword." Miyamoto Musashi, 17th Century.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The world is George W. Bush's Iraq. The world is George W. Bush's New Orleans. The world cannot bear the fascist, insane stupidity of George W. Bush.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The most important news story in the world today, and the most important political stance in America today is this:

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The $352 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Seven

Shark America Three

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 198

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--Wait

Today's Code is "Confirmation".

As it turned out the second Public Damnation/Public Salvation zone of our timing code, the Battle Hymn of the Republic, was a reconfirmation of the damnation of George W. Bush.

With that reconfirmation came a warning or advisory; do not travel with George W. Bush even if your job depends on it; do not be in the entourage or wake of George W. Bush; back away from and disavow yourself from the policies and concepts of George W. Bush; shun George W. Bush as if your immortal soul depended on it, which it does.

The reconfirmation of George W. Bush's damnation came with the death of a motorcycle officer escorting the faux-president's motorcade in Albuquerque yesterday.

Last year in Honolulu another motorcycle officer escorting a Bush motorcade was also killed.

Lightning striking the same place twice, think about it, such deaths are extremely rare.

Three of several lines of connection with this work can be readily seen in this reconfirmation of George W. Bush's Public Damnation. They can be seen in the timing of the event relative to our timing code, the Battle Hymn of the Republic, in the replay of the very rare event, and in yesterday's report here on Laura Bush.

As you may know, Dear Reader, one of the reasons America has persecuted and enslaved me for over 30 years is because I say my Old Pal God talks things over with me, and according to the USA I cannot psychiatrically legally say this unless I am a TV snake oil preacher.

After all, why would God talk to a raggedy assed newsman like me? I don't have a license to talk to God; I don't have a divinity degree; I've only read the Bible through once and that was in prison; I see the Bible as more Jewish cultural history than the Word of God; and I hardly ever to Church and when I go the Christians harass me out.

Well, God likes my style, what can I say? When the Marine was screaming and wounded on the battlefield, I picked him up while others fled; when journalism kicked me out for "insubordination" I said go-to-Hell,-Journalism. You might not, but God likes my style.

A Roman Catholic once told me God punished me by giving me the gift of audible mental telepathy, but that is no more true than saying God gave Jesus that cross as punishment. We real soldiers of God go onto the battlefield, where we bleed, and are happy to do so.

What I am leading to here is that in my lifetime of friendship with God, which I could truthfully say began in the womb except that it in fact began long before my soul entered my dear mother's womb, that in all my lifetime of friendship with God, God has made very few black/white, yes/no statements to me.

As my Commander-In-Chief God has given me only one order that I can recall, and that order was to report that George W. Bush will destroy the world.

God gave me God's commission to write The Obituary of the World, if I wanted to do it. Of course I jumped at the opportunity, but the choice was mine.

When I was a happy young news correspondent ahead of the pack in Tokyo God asked me to throw that career away and return to the United States and cover the American story. I didn't want to and I didn't have to, but I trusted in God and did it

That is, God almost always asks and suggests, and almost never does God draw a line in the sand and says Do This, Do Not Do That.

On the subject of George W. Bush destroying this world, God drew that line. On that one subject, God gave me an order.

Before Republican American Fascism usurped the White House in 2000 it was my custom to each summer backpack for a month or more in the California wilderness without resupply. I called these long and beautiful hikes "Chumming Around With God."

I have not been able to Chum Around With God for many years because the Republican American Fascists send government pigs to harass and threaten me in the wilderness; but that is another story; a story to be written in government pig damnations.

About a year and two months before the 9/11 attack, after the Republican American Fascists had established a toehold in their scheme to overthrow the Constitution of the United States of America, I began one of those hikes.

I had just set out and was at my favorite base camp, exercising and acclimating to the altitude, when my Old Pal God said I had to go back to my home and report that George W. Bush will destroy the world.

As is my nature, I argued with God about this, telling God I needed this hike to regain my health before another year of torture by the Americans.

Not appreciating that God holds my life in God's hands every day, every minute, every second, I said, "I might die if I do not take this hike. I might die from exhaustion if I go back now and begin reporting that George W. Bush will destroy the world."

And my Old Pal God said, "Better You Die Than Not Try".

So understand, when I say in this work that George W. Bush will destroy the world it is the most important immediate item of news I have to report.

It is a profound and inexorable truth that George W. Bush will destroy this world; and when I am free to speak without a psycho-fascist gun to my head and to write in the marketplace of journalism I will report on just how George W. Bush will destroy the world; but for now, I suggest, God is saying in God's killing of the motorcycle cop in Albuquerque, "Shun George W. Bush".

That, Dear Reader, is the capital letter, bold face writing on the wall. Shun George W. Bush.

This remains a sensitive code pattern, and is continuing to develop.

Contact Virgil Kret at
Legal Defense, Survival & Presidential Campaign Fund:

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 43
Morro Bay, CA 93443

George W. Bush will destroy the world.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
His cry of misery will be heard around the world; then the chorus will sing "Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!"

George W. Bush is a perfect storm of stupidity, dishonesty and vanity.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

"In my strategy, the training for killing enemies is by way of many contests, fighting for survival, discovering the meaning of life and death, learning the Way of the sword, judging the strength of attacks and understanding the Way of the "edge and ridge" of the sword." Miyamoto Musashi, 17th Century.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The world is George W. Bush's Iraq. The world is George W. Bush's New Orleans. The world cannot bear the fascist, insane stupidity of George W. Bush.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The most important news story in the world today, and the most important political stance in America today is this:

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

As you may know, Dear Reader, one of the reasons America has persecuted and enslaved me for over 30 years is because I say my Old Pal God talks to me, and I cannot psychiatrically legally say God talks to me unless I am a TV snake oil preacher.

After all, why would God talk to a raggedy assed newsman like me, drinking beer and chasing women and almost never going to church? I don't have a license to preach; I don't have a divinity degree, and I have read the Bible only once.

Well, God likes my style, what can i say?

A Roman Catholic once told me God punished me by giving me the gift of audible mental telepathy, but that is no more true than God gave Jesus that cross as punishment. We real soldiers of God go onto the battlefield willingly and in honor, and are happy to do so.

What I am leading to here is that in my life time of friendship with God, which I could truthfully say began in the womb except that it in fact began long before my soul entered my dear mother's womb, that in all my lifetime of friendship with God, God has made very few black/white, yes/no statements to me.

In about 1963 God gave me God's commission to write The Obituary of the World, if I wanted to do it. When I was a happy young news correspondent ahead of the pack in Tokyo God asked me to throw that career away and return to the United States; asked, even coaxed, but did not command.

That is, God, God almost always asks and suggests, and almost never does God draw a line in the sand and say, Do This.

On the subject of George W. Bush destroying this world, God drew that line, God issued that commandment to me.

Before Republican American Fascism usurped the White House in 2000 it was my custom to each summer backpack for a month or more without resupply in the California wilderness. I called these long and beautiful hikes, "Chumming Around With God." Since Republican American Fascism I cannot take those hikes because government pigs follow me, even using helicopters, and torment and threaten me

Republican American Fascism, Dear Reader, is a police state, and it began to police-state me first because I was the most alone and defenseless.

About a year and two months before the 9/11 attack, but when the Republican American Fascists had established their toehold in their campaign to overthrow the Constituton of the United States of America, I set off on one of those hikes.

I had just set out and was at my favorite base camp, exercising and acclimating to the altitude, when my Old Pal God said I had to go back to my home and continue my writing of this work, The Obituary of the World.

As is my nature, I argued with God about this, telling God I needed this hike to regain my health after another year of torture by the Americans.

Not appreciating that God holds my life in God's hands every day, every minute, every second, I said, "I might die if I do not take this hike, if I go back now and begin reporting that George W. Bush will destroy the world."

And my Old Pal God said, "Better You Die Than Not Try".

So understand, when I say in this work that George W. Bush will destroy the world it is the most important item of news I have to report. It is a profound truth that George W. Bush will destroy this world; and so now, I suggest, God is saying "Shun George W. Bush" in God's killing of the motorcycle cop in Alberqerque.

That, Dear Reader, is the capital letter, bold face writing on the wall.

George W. Bush will destroy the world. This is not a catchphrase, this is truth boring in on you.

The reconfirmation came with the death of a motorcycle officer escorting the faux-president's motorcade in Alberque yesterday.

Last year in Honolulu another motorcycle officer escorting a Bush motorcade was also killed.

Three elements in this reconfirmation of George W. Bush's Public Damnation can be seen in the timing of the death of the officer, when it took place in our timing code, the Battle Hymn of the Republic. the re-play of the event, and in yesterday's report on Laura Bush.

This remains a sensitive code pattern.

Contact Virgil Kret at
Legal Defense, Survival & Presidential Campaign Fund:

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 43
Morro Bay, CA 93443

George W. Bush will destroy the world.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
His cry of misery will be heard around the world; then the chorus will sing "Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!"

George W. Bush is a perfect storm of stupidity, dishonesty and vanity.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

"In my strategy, the training for killing enemies is by way of many contests, fighting for survival, discovering the meaning of life and death, learning the Way of the sword, judging the strength of attacks and understanding the Way of the "edge and ridge" of the sword." Miyamoto Musashi, 17th Century.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The world is George W. Bush's Iraq. The world is George W. Bush's New Orleans. The world cannot bear the fascist, insane stupidity of George W. Bush.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The most important news story in the world today, and the most important political stance in America today is this:

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

Monday, August 27, 2007

The $351 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Six

Shark America Four

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 194

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--Damn the Psycho-Fascist Smallvillains

Today's Code is "Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!".

We look around, looking for the Public Damnation or Public Salvation codes expected in this zone of our timing code, the Battle Hymn of the Republic.

We are in the second verse of our timing code, and in the first verse we had a rather beautiful confirmation of the Salvation of Lady Bird Johnson.

As we do this a peculiar code has come in, really just a whisper of a code, a code concerning the Public Salvation of Laura Bush.

This is a peculiar code because a year or more back we had a clear Public Damnation demonstration of some intensity concerning Laura Bush.

I have never understood how such a charming and beautiful and apparently good woman as Laura Bush could be on the road to Damnation, and I would never have noted her Public Damnation in this work had the confirmation codes not been so strong.

I am not imagining what I am reporting here; and I am not making up what I am reporting; I am following the codes of God's Space War against the United States of America; I am reading the Writing on the Wall; and sometimes the writing says things I do not understand but it is not my place to censor things I do not understand. I am not the Los Angeles Times, after all, which claims that right.

Had I censored that demonstration of Laura Bush's Public Damnation then I would not be in a position to report now on what may turn out to be her Public Salvation.

The question I can ask but not expect a ready answer to is what was Laura Bush doing two years ago that had her on the Road to Damnation and how has that changed?.

Up to this time this work as reported only three Public Damnations, those of Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, and Laura Bush.

This is an area in which I am the gavel, not the judge, and while I can assume Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush lost their souls for murder, that their claim that their office gives them the right to murder is not accepted by God, that even Presidents of the United States of America may not murder...while I can assume that, they may in fact have lost their souls for reasons I do not know.

The codes I have received and read and learned to be accurate over most of my life tell me those two men lost their souls; but why Laura Bush, I always wondered, whose Public Damnation codes were actually much stronger than those of Ronald Reagan?

The difference, it seems to me, is that word of Ronald Reagan's damnation came in after Reagan was dead, and word of Laura Bush's, and such strongly stated word it was as the archives of this work will confirm, came in as she is still alive.

From my American torture chamber I see things as a tortured man, and torture warps perception, and that is one of America's reasons for torturing me; but were I living free of torture and my vision not clouded by blood and pain I might still not know why Laura Bush would be on her way to Damnation. I am not privy to such things.

I have always felt--and feeling is not knowing--that Laura Bush was in danger of being sucked down into Hell along with the Bush coven, which has plotted and schemed while this Earth approaches death; but somehow...somehow...somehow she seems possibly to have altered her own course--not the Bush coven's--from Damnation to Salvation.

What I need to know for sure if this report today is accurate is a clear God's Space War code. If I get it I will pass it on to you; but if I get it I will likely get it from the headlines at the same time you get it.

Contact Virgil Kret at
Legal Defense, Survival & Presidential Campaign Fund:

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 43
Morro Bay, CA 93443

George W. Bush will destroy the world.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
His cry of misery will be heard around the world; then the chorus will sing "Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!"

George W. Bush is a perfect storm of stupidity, dishonesty and vanity.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

"In my strategy, the training for killing enemies is by way of many contests, fighting for survival, discovering the meaning of life and death, learning the Way of the sword, judging the strength of attacks and understanding the Way of the "edge and ridge" of the sword." Miyamoto Musashi, 17th Century.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The world is George W. Bush's Iraq. The world is George W. Bush's New Orleans. The world cannot bear the fascist, insane stupidity of George W. Bush.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The most important news story in the world today, and the most important political stance in America today is this:

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

The $350 Billioin Defeat

Jews Jaws Five (adjusted)

Shark America Five (adjusted)

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 191

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--Allow the Smallvillians to Kill More Americans

Today's Code is "The Compass Rose Tattoo".

As we re-construct our Time Map after the hole in it that seems to have cost America so much; as we continue to establish evidence of the approaching death of this Earth by 2065; as we continue to prove George W. Bush will destroy the world; as we survive the withering storm of American cruelty; we establish today a compass rose which we place over Smallville in north-east California; this after my Old Pal God says some serious events are about to take place there.

Perhaps it is better I am not there, so as not to be blamed for the slaughter.

"The Compass Rose Tattoo". I have been packing this code around for about two weeks; and while I do not know the details of where it is leading, I would hate to be one of the psycho-fascists in Smallville who tortured me while I was attempting to establish a home there.

Sailors know the compass rose; found on nautical charts it establishes the cardinal points of the compass, setting both True North and Magnetic North to better ensure the accuracy of the navigator.

This Compass Rose Tattoo, however, consists of the lines of action-reaction from the crimes committed against me in Smallville to the punishments of mass responsibility we saw take place in such far flung places as Kentucky, West Virginia, South Carolina, New York, Arizona, Minnesota and Utah.

That is, this work time after time documented the deaths of people in God's direct response to the torture of me in Smallville. Those documentations are available here for study and reflection.

There are other Compass Rose Tattoos on the chart of God's Space War, overlaying Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, Tallahassee, and other cities where I attempted to make a home but was harassed away, cities which also caused the deaths of American people in God's Do Unto Others response to America's torture-enslavement of me.

Seattle, for example, killed the Challenger crew and others, like Smallville killed the Utah miners and others. Sure the Seattle proof is lost; America threw the proof away, but the Utah proof is in the August archives of this work.

The Seattle Compass Rose Tattoo was established before the Internet came into public use, and the Challenger proof was contained only in letters to that two-bit senator from California, Dianne Feinstein, the CIA, and the Seattle Times, all willing and eager to flush down the toilet any evidence that would free me.

Now, through this fragile medium of communication, the Internet, which Republican American Fascism will destroy at its first opportunity, who knows how many people have seen the proofs of God's Space War I have distributed around the world in this work, The Obituary of the World?

This most interesting code, The Compass Rose Tattoo, refers to a promise I made when I first took this work to Smallville, when, homeless and driven into life on the road by America's damnable love of torturing me, I moved into an empty, frigid old house as a caretaker; and as was to be expected even that most humble home was to be destroyed by the American people.

That promise was that God would show Smallville a miracle that would leave a rosy glow over the town and see the deaths and destruction of the cowardly psycho-fascist "men" at 316 Second Street and 302 Third Street.

That is, God will perform a miracle that will punish the guilty and soothe the innocent; that is, the miracle will bring Judgment Day to Smallville.

The Compass Rose Tattoo code seems to lead to the fulfillment of the promised rosy glow.

Contact Virgil Kret at
Legal Defense, Survival & Presidential Campaign Fund:

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 43
Morro Bay, CA 93443

George W. Bush will destroy the world.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
His cry of misery will be heard around the world; then the chorus will sing "Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!"

George W. Bush is a perfect storm of stupidity, dishonesty and vanity.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

"In my strategy, the training for killing enemies is by way of many contests, fighting for survival, discovering the meaning of life and death, learning the Way of the sword, judging the strength of attacks and understanding the Way of the "edge and ridge" of the sword." Miyamoto Musashi, 17th Century.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The world is George W. Bush's Iraq. The world is George W. Bush's New Orleans. The world cannot bear the fascist, insane stupidity of George W. Bush.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The most important news story in the world today, and the most important political stance in America today is this:

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

The $349 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Three

Shark America Seven

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 190

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

(Did the expected Peru-Chile God Event take place on August 15 while I.C, News was forced offline? I refer to the 8.0 quake in Peru. I can't say for sure because I was in a near total news vacuum and could not track the God's Space War codes. More on this below, but this important and massive quake does not seem to be the Peru-Chile God Event we are tracking. That is, we are expecting the Second Coming to begin there, not in the Middle East as Christians generally assume.)

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--Point Out the Hole in the Map

Today's Code is "Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!".

Up periscope.

I have at least temporarily left the town of Smallville, driven out by homelessness there, but the Battle of Smallville continues, the battle having, as we have seen, reached national and international proportions.

I had hoped the non-psycho-fascist citizens of Smallville would have overwhelmed the psycho-fascists who tortured me, they being in the great majority, but they proved to be dumb before the silent lie of psycho-fascism, as dumb as all American citizens.

I have moved out of the high country to the town of Redding, California, following the wisp of an opportunity. By comparison the air seems thick enough to drink, and I miss the visits from Mr. Robin and the yip of the coyotes in the nighttime.

For the moment I am in America's Siberia, Homelessness, where the czars and commissars of Washington Deceit like to see me.

I stand upon the Internet deck and look around for the first time in weeks. It seems to me Americans are not aware of how close the precipice they are...still not aware...still not aware.

Watching the news in a motel room, the first time to see TV news in some five months, I see that the presidential campaign continues to totally miss the point, the point being this planet will be dead in less than 50 years given the course of human progression.

In that context, in the context of reality and not the context of the shell game which is American politics, the candidates might as well be running for the presidency of the student body of Fools' High School.

Historically, in the brief history the human being has yet to live out, the marked ignorance and shallowness of all these candidates, Republicrats and Demicans alike, will be appalling to a dying human species, which will by 2020 know it is dying.

How can I say this kindly? There is not one of them...not one of them...not one of them up to the job. Not one of them is living in this time of history; they are dancing a false dance and not minding the music and the step.

There is, of course, no mention in the news of my own candidacy. Too smart; too poor; too independent; too utterly lacking in constitutional and human rights to be a candidate the media would cover. Personally, I think the Americans would vote for me if I could speak to them in truth an honesty, away from the torture chamber of false witness in which I live.

I look at what has been lost during these nearly three weeks of my being unable to talk to you. I sigh a sad sigh, it is like gold thrown away by gorillas, pearls eaten by swine. Jesus warned me about this.

Much has been lost since the slings and arrows of outrageous American psycho-fascism took this work off line on August 7; not lost to me, no, lost to America.

We were in the process of creating an excellent Map of Time in terms of God's Space War against the United States of America, with lines of responsibility again and again running from American death and destruction back to Smallville, California, and the tormenting of me by my neighbors there.

(In the end they were putting dead birds on my lawn in mockery of the "Two Birds, One Stone" code, a code still running, a code still killing Americans.)

That work I did in Smallville is not lost, the greater map is not destroyed, but it is as if a hole has been made in the map, and critical information was lost and gone forever, dreadful sorrow; and I wonder if the "X" that marks the spot where the treasure is buried was on that missing part of the map.

The missing part...the missing part...the missing part. How important is what was lost?

As you may know, Dear Reader, this work is dedicated to the establishment of proof of the approaching death of this Earth in or before 2065, forewarned being forearmed, and an excellent pattern of proof had been established in our Battle of Smallville reports before the enforced blackout took place.

Would the evidence have been established during that time, the evidence that would have brought America to its senses? Likely not; America loves its silly senselessness too much.

Just before losing contact with you we had documented in advance the bridge collapse in Minnesota, but perhaps more importantly I had just documented the mine collapse in Utah before it took place, and in fact I had documented two "sudden collapse" events in Utah, establishing a most interesting code pattern, called "Japanese Song" here at I.C. News.

But that string of pearls, that code pattern, seems to have been lost.

My favorite source of Russian military intelligence made note that the Russians detected anomalies just before both the bridge collapse and the mine collapse, and interpreted those anomalies as being the result of America testing weapons on its own people.

I suggest, however, that the anomalies the Russians detected were the use of God's artillery, which I introduced with my perfect advance documentation of the Japan quake, and my perfect advance documentation of the explosion in Manhattan which followed soon after it.

That brings me to the 8.0 earthquake in Peru on August 15, which oddly had a code pattern in common with the Japan quake and the Manhattan explosion, a code pattern which seems to be telling America to pay me what it owns me.

Much information was lost because I was unable to continue my earthquake study just before the Peru quake. The questions are: Could I have documented it in advance? Did the seven-day earthquake pattern I was tracking reveal the Peru quake's approach by approaching the 120s level of frequency as my working theory postulates?

This was an extremely important event to have missed, since the death of this Earth can be tracked in its earthquake patterns and this work has a near-perfect record of documenting earthquakes in advance over the past 30 years.

My weakness in this earthquake study is while I can with some ease track the dates of major earthquakes in advance of their taking place, I only rarely anticipate their locations.

There was the other question, was the deadly Peru quake the Peru-Chile God Event we have been expecting for so many months? I do not think so; but it was a very important event in our tracking of the ever-widening "Crack in the Egg", the earthquake pattern that eventually will move the poles to new locations, and, blessing for the world, likely make the Washington Monument the North Pole.

I remind you how I perfectly documented the great tsunami earthquake, and that that event caused a slight shift in the axis of the Earth; and that major earthquakes have now taken place on December 26, the date of the tsunami quake, four years in a row. As I have noted for months, we are expecting another major quake on December 26, 2008.

So, now we have a hole in our Map of Time, now as I teach you how to read the Writing on the Wall of the News we come to a hole in the wall. So much important information was lost due to America's depriving me of my home, again.

What creepy pleasure America gets in making me homeless.

You may have noted that while I was off line the opening "Defeat" code continued to go up one billion dollars a day, and the "Jews Jaws/Shark America" piston pattern continued, but our timing code, the Battle Hymn of the Republic, stopped during that time and has resumed today.

So, we are still in the "Public Damnation/Public Salvation" zone marked by the "Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!" pattern of the chorus, and we are expecting that event within the next two days.

Tomorrow I will introduce a most interesting code. "The Compass Rose Tattoo".
Contact Virgil Kret at
Legal Defense, Survival & Presidential Campaign Fund:

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 43
Morro Bay, CA 93443

George W. Bush will destroy the world.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
His cry of misery will be heard around the world; then the chorus will sing "Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!"

George W. Bush is a perfect storm of stupidity, dishonesty and vanity.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

"In my strategy, the training for killing enemies is by way of many contests, fighting for survival, discovering the meaning of life and death, learning the Way of the sword, judging the strength of attacks and understanding the Way of the "edge and ridge" of the sword." Miyamoto Musashi, 17th Century.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The world is George W. Bush's Iraq. The world is George W. Bush's New Orleans. The world cannot bear the fascist, insane stupidity of George W. Bush.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The most important news story in the world today, and the most important political stance in America today is this:

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

Monday, August 06, 2007

The $321 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Five

Shark America Five

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 150

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--Offer the Smallvillains Another Chance to Surrender

Today's Code is "Disturbing the Peace".

We are now well into the Public Salvation/Public Damnation zone of the second verse of the five verses of our timing code, the Battle Hymn of the Republic.

It was in this zone of the first verse that we saw the rather beautiful and poignant message from God saying Lady Bird Johnson had been saved.

By "this zone" I mean the "Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!" lines; and it is in this zone, in this verse or one of the three remaining verses, that we can expect to see the Public Damnation of George W. Bush.

So, we wait for the next code, someone's salvation, someone's damnation, a day or two or three away. and as in all such events of public seriousness the codes must be written by the Hand of God; which is penmanship distinctly different from my own..

So, that leaves us with a quiet news day.

I have been asked by my Old Pal God to publish again a story I wrote for you in the Spring of 2006, a story called, "The Disturbed Peace of Mr. Hu".

It's a nice story, maybe even a good story. a ghost story, a sea story, and within it a secret story about God's Space War against the United States of America which seems about ripen at this time, .

That I have been asked to re-publish this story points out an interesting (to me) common aspect of my work; that is that it is always way, way ahead of the news, so far ahead I got to Ground Zero three months before the planes.

As a current example of how I get ahead of the news, I was asking my two best friends, God and Mr. Robin, what they think I should do now that it seems I will be homeless, again, in about three weeks.

Mr. Robin suggested I fly south, which seemed to me to be good and considered advice from a guy who is going to do what he suggests I do.

My Old Pal God suggested I sit tight and play this hand I am holding, this Battle of Smallvile hand.

God says there are three more weeks of my good writin' about God's good fightim' before I have to leave this old house and move on; and anything can happen. Anything...anything...anything can happen.

By then, in those three weeks, my Old Pal God suggests, Coincidence might have become so thick that when I tip my hat the Statue of Liberty's head falls off.

Sooner or later, Dear Reader, the Statue of Liberty's head is going to fall off, but in three weeks? That's what I mean about my getting way ahead on the story.

In 1963 I said this Earth is dying, now in less than 55 years this Earth will be dead. I was 100 years ahead on the story.

Ahead on the story; ahead on the story; lapping the pack before it is hardly out of the blocks.

I approach this theme with you because The Disturbed Peace of Mr. Hu may have been written a little over a year too soon; but you know how it goes, you are a writer; the story is in you and it just has to come out.

So, with that preamble and explanation, here is my story I call The Disturbed Peace of Mr. Hu.

For some fifteen years I made my living serving as a designated driver for the communities of Morro Bay and Cayucos, California.

There was no taxi service, and there were very strict and not always fair enforcement of drunk driving and drunk in public laws, so I performed a valuable public service. I kept people from driving drunk, thereby keeping them out of jail, and over those fifteen years perhaps saving a life or two.

The Morro Bay police always liked me for running this service; but the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff's Department did not, and harassed me extensively; and finally, in the end, the Sheriff framed me on a false drunk driving charge and put me out of business.

My passengers to a large extent were commercial fishermen, hard drinking and hard working, so we got along just fine.I would often ask drag fishermen, those who worked on boats that dragged a net along the ocean bottom, if they had ever pulled up interesting things.

Some told me of bringing up large ancient Chinese pottery jugs, which had apparently been used as food or water containers on Chinese ships that visited the West Coast long before the first Spanish ships came.

It was one of these fishermen who told me the story of The Disturbed Peace of Mr. Hu.

He said he was fishing aboard a boat called the Eleanor Gay, out of Moss Landing, California, and they were working off the coast of Oregon.

One day their net brought up a coffin, not an ancient coffin but a new coffin of shiny polished metal, an event that sent a chill through the four-man crew.

The skipper of the Eleanor Gay radioed the Coast Guard about the coffin and was told to check to see if there was a seal on it, which would identify it as a legal burial at sea. The skipper checked and found there was. Then the Coast Guard told him to just drop the coffin overboard.

Now, the crew of the Eleanor Gay should have done that but after some discussion and hemming and hawing they broke the seal and opened the coffin; and there they saw the perfectly preserved, perfectly dry body of an elderly Chinese man.

Curiosity satisfied; an act of group impetuosity immediately regretted; a chill passed through all four men because they had all, after all, violated a grave.

Then, as if in eerie confirmation of the chilling feeling, a sudden rogue wave, not a monster but big enough, broke over the port rail of the Eleanor Gay and soaked the four fishermen and the corpse of the Chinese; then, omen upon omen, four curious gulls landed atop the pilot house, not uncommon but oddly foreboding under the weird circumstances, and looked down at the scene on the deck, the four men looking into a coffin, peeping toms in queer violation being caught in the act.

"Who do you think he is?", one asked all but no one is particular.

"Who? Who? I don't give a damn," said the skipper, "Let's close it up and put it over the side."

Suddenly they were all very nervous, and grave robber-pall bearers that they were they closed the coffin and carried it to the starboard rail and dropped it with a splash into the Pacific, and horrified but not knowing why they were so horrified, they watched the coffin turn over and sink upside down.

The Eleanor Gay was never the same again.Over the coming months one man fell overboard and nearly drowned; and then the skipper, high on cocaine, got wrapped up in the net as it was being wound up on the huge iron spool at the stern, and was crushed to death; and after a time the Eleanor Gay had such a bad reputation only desperate drunks and unknowing kids would sign on.

It got so no one even wanted their boats tied up along side the Eleanor Gay, thinking the curse might transfer from deck to deck, and in the Golden Bear bar where the fishermen drank she was talked about like she was a whore in a nunnery.

Finally the Eleanor Gay ran up on some rocks south of Big Sur and sank; and up north in Moss Landing there was sadness that the crew had been lost (but they should have known better than to go out on a cursed boat) and as for the Eleanor Gay, the general mood was good riddance.

Contact Virgil Kret at
Legal Defense, Survival & Presidential Campaign Fund:

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 43
Morro Bay, CA 93443

George W. Bush will destroy the world.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
His cry of misery will be heard around the world; then the chorus will sing "Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!"

George W. Bush is a perfect storm of stupidity, dishonesty and vanity.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

"In my strategy, the training for killing enemies is by way of many contests, fighting for survival, discovering the meaning of life and death, learning the Way of the sword, judging the strength of attacks and understanding the Way of the "edge and ridge" of the sword." Miyamoto Musashi, 17th Century.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The world is George W. Bush's Iraq. The world is George W. Bush's New Orleans. The world cannot bear the fascist, insane stupidity of George W. Bush.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The most important news story in the world today, and the most important political stance in America today is this:

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

The $320 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Four

Shark America Six

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 139 (Approaching the Danger Zone)

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--Introduce The Thickening of Coincidence

Today's Code is "Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!".

I would like to introduce to you today a concept we Space Sailors call, "The Thickening of Coincidence", because at some point in God's Space War against the United States of America you can be expected to be touched by The Thickening of Coincidence, and I don't want you to be driven insane by it.

Consider this knowledge my gift to you for Old Time's Sake, an inoculation against madness.

As I tell you about the Thickening of Coincidence I am also going to tell you how the death by dog-pack-mauling of actor Ving Rhames' caretaker relates directly to the torture of me in Smallville, just as I have pointed many other Smallville-caused deaths to you out to you as you follow the Battle of Smallville, and as I fight it.

God, in the early years of instructing me on the art of reading the Writing on the Wall of the News, preparing me to learn of the approaching death of this Earth before 2065, first slowly, slowly, slowly taught me the concept of the Thickening of Coincidence.

Slowly, slowly was necessary because many a person locked up in mental institutions today is locked up because they observed the Thickening of Coincidence in the same way C.G. Jung observed what he called "Synchronicity", but without the license to say the Thickening of Coincidence exists.

The victim in the clutches of psychiatry says, :"Something is happening. I keep experiencing coincidences all the time." "Oh, this is a common delusion," says the psycho-fascist priest of America's state religion, "We will just lock you up and give you these pills and the delusions will go away, along with your joy of life."

But the victim of the shrink is not deluding because the Thickening of Coincidence exists.

Most people, however, are not prepared for this Thickening of Coincidence experience because they have never heard of it; like young girls in the bad old days often knew nothing of the menstrual cycle and panicked at its first appearance.

Too much coincidence is a heady thing; it makes you think you are being spoken, it makes you understand you are being spoken too, and then the unprepared mind races to find an explanation, races to identify the speaker; and that's where the trouble begins for the unprepared mind, but that's another story.

The Thickening of Coincidence is a relatively common thing is human history, and many people have learned to read it, the Oracle of Delphi, the great Yakota warrior Sitting Bull, and yours truly, to point out three tens of thousands; but thousands of Americans, if not hundreds of thousands of Americans, experience the Thickening of Coincidence on some level, generally for short periods of time, weeks or months; like a magic bird that hangs around and it then flies away.

Any psycho-fascist priest of psychiatry who has ever read Jung knows about this Thickening of Coincidence exists, but the profit of that sham medicine is in making sickness out of natural phenomena; and given the nature of psycho-fascism it is a natural thing for psycho-fascism to use this natural phenomenon, the Thickening of Coincidence, as a weapon against their victim-people.

For example, the Thickening of Coincidence was discovered long ago by the Republican American Fascists and the psycho-fascist shrinks who swerve them; and Lee Harvey Oswald was psychiatrically conditioned to murder John F. Kennedy through artificial Thickening of Coincidence.

Here is a scenario of how that would work.

At some point in Oswalds' life, when he was in the Marine Corps, when he was living in the Soviet
Union, after he returned to the USA, he experienced a series of cryptic contacts with strangers who were somehow similar to one another, spaced perhaps months apart.

Say Oswald is having a cup of coffee at a restaurant and a stranger, another customer, stops for a few seconds at his table, catches his attention, looks him in the eye meaningfully, and walks away.

A month later the same thing happens, different person, different location, but the style of the person and the look in the eye are the same.

After the third or fourth time this happens Oswald begins to understand he has been "chosen", chosen for some mission he knows not what, but chosen, chosen, chosen; the dream of his life has come true.

Through further artificial Thickening of Coincidence, and never through direct and open contact, Oswald is revealed the mission he has been chosen to carry out, fully believing great reward and honor await him when the mission is accomplished; then comes the realization, "I am a patsy", then comes the bullet in the gut from a second patsy,

All this was done through the artificial Thickening of Coincidence.

That there is artificial wind does not mean there is no true wind, and it is the true wind, the true Thickening of Coincidence, I wish to introduce to you today.

As I have often told you, we Space Sailors say "Coincidence is the Rockets' Red Glare of God's Space War".

As I track the Battle of Smallville for you, and as I explain the Mathematics of Karma for you, and as I show you how, for example, the threat by my psycho-fascist neighbors to burn down this old firetrap of a house with me in it related directly, directly, directly with the deaths of nine firemen in Charleston, South Carolina, I am demonstrating is a highly advanced, and I would say Divine, level of the Thickening of Coincidence..

I have just documented in advance the collapse of the bridge over the Mississippi between Minneapolis and St. Paul, an event that overlaid perfectly my suffering here in Smallville. Were I a free man I could prove within five days that Minnesota event was an Act of God, but my becoming free is less likely than George W. Bush telling the truth.

I suggest that at some point the coincidences between what America is doing to me and what God is doing to America will become so clear, so thick, that even the stones will know it, and soon there after, perhaps, the American people will know it, too.

At that point the American people might become a little crazy, because they will come to know they not only have been "chosen", but in fact have been chosen to be a target in God's Space War against the United States of America.

Awareness is traumatic to those who seek to be unaware.

So, with the full knowledge that I documented the exact date of the Japan earthquake of some 20 days ago a week in advance and it popped out of your consciousness like bubbles out of champagne; and that I can show you and diagram for you a major Act of God against the people of Minnesota and the United States of America and you will pull the blankets over your head and go back to sleep; and with the full knowledge that I am on the most part talking to a bucket of door knobs, I thought I would show you a smaller example of how what you do to me is done to you...or to people among you.

That is, I will show you some slightly thickened coincidence in connection with Ving Rhames' employees death to dog mauling. That is, I will show you that little Karmic Bounce.

I told you, after the bridge fell my psycho-fascist neighbors asked to see more death traceable back to their torture of me. Well, Dear Reader, try this one on for size.

I told you, in the Mathematics of Karma, in the Do Unto Others of it all, all Americans share in the crimes committed to me here in Smallville, even though they have never met me, even though they have not a thought about me, even though they have never participated in the torture of me personally; and therein lay the horrible fate of Ving Rhames' caretaker..

I have told you how the pack of dogs owned by the psycho-fascist coward at 316 Second Street began to menace me when I took the garbage can to its pickup point every Tuesday; so I began to carry a pitchfork when I did that; and the dogs; seeing I would run them through with the pitchfork before I would let them maul me, ceased their menacing of me each Tuesday.

I told you how the owner of this property showed up last weekend and with incredible demands (plant a vegetable garden on the last day of July) and strange behavior (filling the toilet bowl with toilet paper so it might clog the pipes, and putting bricks in the garbage can expecting me to lug it down to the pickup point) acted as if I were the worst person in the world and demanded I leave the property within 30 days, and when I agreed to that he said, no, leave today, and I say no, call the Sheriff.

I told you all that. All that is just common crap of American life.

After he had left I noticed the pitchfork lay near the garbage can loaded with brinks, not where I usually keep it. When I went to put the pitchfork back in its usual place the iron tine fell off the wooden handle. Dear Reader, I had used that pitchfork perhaps 50 times and that tine was not loose, it had been deliberately loosened.

I suggest to you that in the owner's insane anger at me, the owner, knowing I would use that pitchfork to defend myself from being mauled by the neighbors' pack of dogs, had deliberately sabotaged the pitchfork, so when I went to defend myself with it the tine would fall off.

Now, let's look at the Mathematics of Karma in which all Americans share, and let's look at the overlay of the movie actor's caretaker's death that took place a day or so later.

The actor, Ving Rhames is one of my favorites, and a person with whom I have had some association, of which he likely knows nothing about.

Rhames stars with Tom Cruise in "Mission Impossible" series and with John Travolta in "Pulp Fiction", both outspoken members of the Scientology movement which, among other things, deals with the subject of the "mass mind", as I do, and the sham of psychiatry, as I am. Also, of course, I am on a "Mission Impossible" and I am one hell of a good dancer. (Loosen up, that was a joke.)

I am just thickening the coincidence stew here; adding a little detail for flavor; the central coincidence is the caretaker-caretaker, dogs-dogs factor.

I am a caretaker and the owner of the property I caretake was so angry at me he wanted to see me mauled by dogs.

Rhames' caretaker is mauled to death by dogs.

See the overlay, see the Lines of Connection I am always pointing out to you, see the Karmic Bounce of the attempt to get one caretaker mauled to another caretaker getting mauled.

No, I don't expect you to be able to connect these dots and these dogs, but these dots and these dogs do connect.

The plot thickens.

Contact Virgil Kret at
Legal Defense, Survival & Presidential Campaign Fund:

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 43
Morro Bay, CA 93443

George W. Bush will destroy the world.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
His cry of misery will be heard around the world; then the chorus will sing "Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!"

George W. Bush is a perfect storm of stupidity, dishonesty and vanity.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

"In my strategy, the training for killing enemies is by way of many contests, fighting for survival, discovering the meaning of life and death, learning the Way of the sword, judging the strength of attacks and understanding the Way of the "edge and ridge" of the sword." Miyamoto Musashi, 17th Century.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The world is George W. Bush's Iraq. The world is George W. Bush's New Orleans. The world cannot bear the fascist, insane stupidity of George W. Bush.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The most important news story in the world today, and the most important political stance in America today is this:

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

The $319 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Three

Shark America Seven

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 142

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--Let the Smallvillains Kill More Americans

Today's Code is "Long Distant Strangers".

And yes, true to form, my psycho-fascist neighbors have requested more American deaths.

I would have thought the bridge might have sobered them up from their drunkenness of power; but it was not their bridge; it was not a bridge they would ever cross; and those who died were people they cared not one whit about; but they want more American dead and America has placed them in charge of this show, so so be it.

You may have noticed by now that every time the Smallvillains request more American deaths through their torture of me, Americans elsewhere die. Do you think this is some slight of hand? Do you think this is me making plastic of the language and molding it around events? Do you think "Two Birds, One Stone" is a parlor game?

Count your dead, America; count the dead who are dead because of the psycho-fascist torture of me by the cowardly American "men" at 316 Second Street and 302 Third Street, Smallville, California.

If you cannot see the lines of responsibility coming back from those deaths in Minnesota, South Carolina, Arizona and elsewhere to Smallville, well, there are more deaths on the way, more chances for you to learn to read the writing on the wall.

And while you take time to re-read and re-read this Dick and Jane primer of God's Space War, understand these dead to the Battle of Smallville are just the beginning of the deaths to this battle; and there have been many battles in the past with many Americans deaths; and this war will go on forever, and forever, and forever, if that is what your little hearts desire.

Well, what the Hell, I am sure the dozens now dead to the Battle of Smallville don't mind being dead, and those who loved them don't mind their being dead if the psycho-fascist cowards here in Smallville are having a good time torturing me.

Let's change a subject; let's change the tune; let's talk about love between long distant strangers; Universe Rearrangers; let's talk about the Man in the Moon.

The thing that bothers me as I am about to be forced out of yet another home is not the prospect of homeless death this development portends, (I am too old to sleep in my car, I am to old to wander the highways and byways looking for a home America will just take from me again for the fun and the vengeance of it), no, what worries me it is the fact that birds frequently get into this old house, and if I am not here to release them they will die in panic and despair.

If you are lucky enough some day to become a powerful telepathic mind, you will find you see the world differently because you become aware of the intelligence all around you, and the intelligence all around you becomes aware of you.

I have told you how Mr. Robin here reassured me that I was not frightening him as I worked at making a seed bed for the lawn I put in; and that he did this several times telepathically, and then emphasized his point by flying up behind me and over my right shoulder, touching my right ear with the tip of his left wing.

Never before in my life had a wild bird deliberately touched me. Perhaps this is rare in your life, too..

The most impressive thing about the owner of this property when he was here, I mean other than that he came here with the agenda of attacking me and firing me with great and angry drama when a simple Thank You and a handshake would have done just as well...I mean something else...I mean he demonstrated he has absolutely no awareness of the beauty around him. Zero. None.

Bitch, bitch, bitch; and he couldn't smell the roses if he had three noses. This to me is Pathos.

And while he was here his anger and darkness utterly shattered what I described to you as our "God Bubble", and by "our" I mean the birds' and mine, and it took a few days for the God Bubble to take form again after he left.

Happily, now Mr. Robin and I, and Mrs. Robin, and some other Robin who seems to be interested in Mrs. Robin, spend about an hour a day hanging out together, they digging worms and chasing each other around, I watching the grass I planted grow, just hanging out; and where just after the Bad Noisy Man left they would hang out perhaps 20 feet away, now they are constantly within three or four feet, and Mr. Robin got within two feet yesterday.

I mean, and you could understand this if you understood the nature of telepathy, Mr. Robin deliberately and with great ceremony moves closer and closer to me as a show of love, respect and trust, one man to another.

So you see, the thought of a bird getting trapped in this old house and dying is not a pleasant one to me; and I found the body of such a bird when I first moved in.

I would say there have been about six or seven instances of birds getting trapped in this house these four months I have been here, and there has been a clear evolution in their relationship with me over those months.

Where at first my attempting to help them find a way out panicked them, they gradually came to trust me more and more, and reached a point where they would sit quietly on a window sill as I towered above them opening the window so they could fly out; and the most recent one...the most recent one...the most recent one almost, almost, almost perched on my finger so I could carry it out; but that was asking a bit too much; but it relaxed enough so I could cup it in my hands and carry it out, which I thought was a wonderful demonstration of trust.

(At the writing of the above sentence the neighbor at 316 Second Street struck me with a Cowards' Cough. These Americans, they cannot tolerate holy moments; these Americans, they are anathemas to God.)

The interesting thing here is that all these events involved different birds. You could understand better if it were the same bird getting trapped in the house every time and gradually becoming less afraid of me, but no, almost simultaneously all the birds around here have not only become less afraid of me but have learned to love and trust me.

So, the last three birds trapped in this house were not afraid of me at all. This demonstrates, I suggest, shared intelligence among the birds about my character.

This has happened because we, the birds and I, live within the same God Bubble.

Again, if you understood telepathy and how telepathic birds are among each other you would understand what I am about to tell you.

My being here is quite an event for these birds; and these birds understand the God Bubble.

Try to understand what I mean. These birds know God, and knew God before I came here, and they know I am a Man of God.

If God can do this with birds, what could God do with you?

In the course of writing about Smallville I have described two endings to this chapter of the story of Smallville which seem very much in conflict.

I have described the death and destruction of the two cowardly psycho-fascist "men" who have tortured me so much since I have been here, death and destruction not by my hand but by the Hand of God, their death and destruction so clearly Acts of God that even the Village Atheist can see it and understand God is real.

In apparent conflict with this ending, I have spoken of a miracle God will give to Smallville which will leave all of Smallville basking in a rosy glow.

Although the citizens of Smallville might be pleased to see the psycho-fascist dopers at 316 Second Street and 302 Third Street gone, since these two and their friends and families constitute a Mini White Trash Mafia here, their death and destruction would not leave a rosy glow; rather perhaps some trembling and relief, but not a rosy glow.

No, the rosy glow is in the God Bubble.

No, we are talking about two distinct events, events which the Smallvillains will chose for themselves. Do Unto Others, Dear Reader, Do Unto Others. Torture the Telepath; be kind to the Telepath. This choice charts the future of Smallville, just as this choice charts the future of the United States of America; the micro and the macro.

God forgives, and even Virgil forgives; and God complains that Virgil forgives as soon as you Americans stops twisting the knife you have in his back; and not before that knife is removed; and not before that knife is cast into the deepest sea; and not before that wound is healed.

That is, God says I forgive you Americans too easily and in that way allow the rats among you to pretend to be hamsters.

We are talking about forgiveness here, to be or not to be, to die the death or live the life, all based on one decision, to torture and enslave or not to torture and enslave.

So the point is simple enough; there is a choice; and America is daily making the wrong choice.

The wrong choice leads to the collapsing of bridges, the deaths of firemen in burning furniture stores, the deaths of media weasels in helicopter crashes, and ultimately....ultimately...ultimately the destruction and damnation of the United States of America.

It is a wicked, wicked thing America has done and does to me; and that wicked thing is the same thing in simple form as the wicked things it has done and does to people around the world. America kills my children for sport; America kills Iraqi and Afghani and Pakistani children for revenge and honor. It's the same crap, different toilet.

It is no accidental coincidence that America's chief export is Agony and one of the great pleasures of the American people is deliberately inflicting Agony on God's One True Telepath. This is America's personality flaw which either America will correct or will take to Hell with it.

Therein lies the value of this demonstration in Smallville. This demonstration has shown how the evil done to me here sends killer shock waves like death rays across the country; and, consider, this death and destruction has been caused by the evil done to me by less than a dozen people. How greater the repercussions, then, to evil done to me by 250 million people?

This is a choice the Smallvillains will make. Will they be psycho-fascist liars and torturers until God cuts them down and casts them like tares into the fire? Or will they be honest, decent people, and have the grace and courage of the birds?

So, today I will begin a search for the place the birds get in to become trapped in this house, to block it off. I never sought it out and blocked before because, frankly, I always rather enjoyed freeing the birds.

What else? Oh, yes, Universe Rearrangers. That's us Space Sailors and the story of our service to God amidst the stars of the Gala Seas; a story too gentle and beautiful, I think, for the telling here in this torture chamber.

What else? Oh, yes, the Man in the Moon. There is in fact, actually, really, a Man in the Moon. That is, there are beings who lived on the Moon; but that's another story.

Amazing, isn't it, the things you don't know?

Contact Virgil Kret at
Legal Defense, Survival & Presidential Campaign Fund:

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 43
Morro Bay, CA 93443

George W. Bush will destroy the world.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
His cry of misery will be heard around the world; then the chorus will sing "Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!"

George W. Bush is a perfect storm of stupidity, dishonesty and vanity.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

"In my strategy, the training for killing enemies is by way of many contests, fighting for survival, discovering the meaning of life and death, learning the Way of the sword, judging the strength of attacks and understanding the Way of the "edge and ridge" of the sword." Miyamoto Musashi, 17th Century.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The world is George W. Bush's Iraq. The world is George W. Bush's New Orleans. The world cannot bear the fascist, insane stupidity of George W. Bush.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The most important news story in the world today, and the most important political stance in America today is this:

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

Friday, August 03, 2007

The $318 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Two

Shark America Eight

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 147

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--Satan, Feather; God, Mountain

Today's Code is "Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!".

I am advised that some Jews don't like my daily Jews Jaws count being run along with my daily Shark America count, but it is an important count in documenting and timing the death of this Earth by 2065; the leading cause of that death being the Americans and the Jews.

These Jews are saying they will delete this work, The Obituary of the World, using the skills of Jewish Computer Geeks.

This is very Jewish of them.

Let me see. Hmmm? They have murdered my children. I put those children above these words; and that is where our fight is.

The Jews have a sweet racket. They can be as cruel and fascist as they want, and anyone who points out their cruelty and fascism is Anti-Semitic. Jimmy Carter, sweet and gentle man; Virgil Kret, raggedy assed newsman; same difference. Historically, Hitler was the best friend the Jews ever had, because he gave them license to commit Innocent Evil.

Meanwhile, back at God's Space War, the Americans and the Jews have not yet realized the "Twin Cities" bridge collapse was an Act of God in direct and traceable response to the torture of me in Smallville by the "twin psycho-fascist" goy servants of the Jews as 316 Second Street and 302 Third Street..

It is not necessary for the Americans and their masters the Jews to understand this; and in fact their lack of understanding, the abysmal darkness in which their minds exist, only insures God's victory over them.

My purpose in presenting such proofs as my advance documentation of the Twin Cities bridge collapse and the Japan earthquake some 18 days ago is to kill time while Time is killing you; and hopefully to save a few of you from the Hell into which the Republican American Fascists and the Jewish Psycho-Fascists are pushing you.

Don't worry about this new attack on me by the Jews. The Jews were the first to attack me when I became audibly telepathic and have been the most cruel of all attackers for over 30 years. The Jews created this system of torture you Americans follow in your torture-enslavement of me. I am accustomed to the evil and perfidy of the Jews invading my life.

When you look at the maltreatment of me by the Jews and the maltreatment of the Palestinians by the Jews you see mirror images of the same crime; you see the nature of the Jews when they have power over others. It is a personality flaw.

As I was saying, meanwhile, back at God's Space War, things are going well.

We Space Sailors have a saying, "Movement is Strong", when we are talking about strong developments in God's Space War, and that saying applies perfectly today.

(We have another saying, "Movement is Good", which applies to those times when one is in the doldrums, the psycho-fascists would call that state "depression", and it simply means some movement is better than no movement; like captain of a a becalmed sailing ship in the old days would order his crew to take to the lifeboats and tow the ship with the strength of their arms and backs; better that than pissing and moaning and cursing the gods of the winds. Movement is Good.)

Now let's look to Movement is Strong.

As always when I am being driven from a home I have established (and that has proven to be one of the greatest pleasures the American derive from their torture-enslavement of me) the psycho-fascists torturers who have accomplished that eviction are flushed with glassy-eyed but hollow victory,

"We did it! We did it! It only took 250 million of us four months to do it! We drove him out of his home!"

These Americans, they are rapists sniffing undies stolen from their victims. That is the level at which Americans exist relative to me.

In the news we see the fallen bridge, and if I were a free man and if America were not too stupid to learn, I could prove my Old Pal God knocked down that bridge as part of the Battle of Smallville I have been telling you about for three or four months.

Let me ask you, whose movement is the strongest? Satan's in removing me from my home, or God's in removing that bridge?

Satan moves a feather; God moves a mountain. Satan is flush with victory from his feat; God says ho-hum. That is the balance of God's Space War against Satan's United States of America.

Today I will reveal the mystery mantra I said over and over again last week while in my "Counter-Attack In Place" mode, when I was driving the people at 316 Third Street (who have tortured me incessantly for four months) CRAZY by simply looking at their house from behind dark glasses for 30 minutes at a time.

The mantra was, and the mantra remains, "How do I bring death and destruction down on that house?"

It was said at least 100 times, telepathically of course; and since millions of Americans have staked their immortal souls on the psycho-fascist proposition that my audible mental telepathy does not exist, none of the at least one dozen citizens of Smallville who heard that mantra can testify to having heard it.

Trapped in their own lie, linked together with the chain of their wicked agreement, they sink into Hell, forever united. Oh, how they will hate each other after the Dawning.

And what was God's answer to my question, How do I bring death and destruction down on that house?

The "Twin Cities" bridge was the answer, brought down in death and destruction with at least five lines of connection between that God's Space War event and the "twin torturers" at 316 Second Street and 302 Third Street back here in Smallville.

And wasn't the bridge between the two cities destroyed just after my home between the two torturers was destroyed?

God is not only writing on the wall, God is drawing diagrams for you.

God has just overlaid the battle map of Smallville on the map of the Twin Cities. The psycho-fascist cowards at 316 Second are Minneapolis and the phsyco-fascist cowards at 302 Second are St. Paul; and my home between them is the bridge destroyed.

You are welcome to imagine there is no connection. You are welcome to live in Darkness.

God is a Poet. God is a Soldier. God is a Poet-Soldier, and God writes God's War Poetry in the death and destruction of Satan's servants; in this case you Americans.

Remember, all the citizens of Minneapolis and St. Paul, all the citizens of Minnesota, and all the citizens of all the states (except those people who disavow themselves from America's evil torture-enslavement of me) are cheek and jowl with the torture of me here in California, even though they may get no pleasure from it, even though they may think not one whit about it, because if I moved there...if I moved there...if I moved they would pick up the torture and torture me there.

This is why people in Minnesota die and weep because of the sins of people in California. You Americans are all in this together; you are all in the same boat; ship of fools on a fools' sea sailing to Hell.

"Daddy, why did Mommy die when the bridge fell down?" "Because we torture God's Son Virgil in California."

Connect the dots; connect the drops of blood; follow the blood trail from Minnesota to California.

There is an old God's Space War code, "Sudden Collapse" which was used a few years ago and preceded the sudden collapse of buildings in Russia and the United States days if not hours apart.

It seems to us here at I.C. News that old code has come into play again; and it will lead to the sudden collapse of psycho-fascist America, or psycho-fascism in America, whichever comes first.

Contact Virgil Kret at
Legal Defense, Survival & Presidential Campaign Fund:

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 43
Morro Bay, CA 93443

George W. Bush will destroy the world.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
His cry of misery will be heard around the world; then the chorus will sing "Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!"

George W. Bush is a perfect storm of stupidity, dishonesty and vanity.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

"In my strategy, the training for killing enemies is by way of many contests, fighting for survival, discovering the meaning of life and death, learning the Way of the sword, judging the strength of attacks and understanding the Way of the "edge and ridge" of the sword." Miyamoto Musashi, 17th Century.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The world is George W. Bush's Iraq. The world is George W. Bush's New Orleans. The world cannot bear the fascist, insane stupidity of George W. Bush.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The most important news story in the world today, and the most important political stance in America today is this:

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

The $317 Billion Defeat

Shark America Nine

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 163

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--Point to the Bridge Street over the Mississippi

Today's Code is "Sudden Collapse".

Without doubt, the Twin Cities bridge collapse was a God's Space War event with at least five lines of connection leading back to Smallville. We need only three lines of connection to call it a God's Space War hit..

You can perhaps see the reoccurring "Two Birds, One Stone" code in the collapse of the bridge between Minneapolis and St. Paul; Two Cities, One Bridge.

The God's Space War weapon used in this event was the same weapon I told you about after my perfect advance documentation of the Japan quake some 17 days ago. That bridge collapse is an example of God's artillery, and that artillery came from outer space.

Here at I.C. News we are popping champagne and singing, "Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!".

We seem to be approaching a major God's Space War event in the town of Smallville, northern California; and also, if our timing code (the Battle Hymn of the Republic) moves along uninterrupted, we can expect to see a Public Damnation or Public Salvation within the next several days..

The betting here at I.C. News is on Public Damnation rather than Public Salvation. The betting is on the Public Damnation of Condoleezza Rice.

We are now in the second verse of the Battle Hymn of the Republic. In the first verse we saw the rather beautiful Public Salvation of Lady Bird Johnson.

Earlier in this second verse we had another Public Salvation, that of Tammy Faye Messner, but we are considering that sweet event to be outside the Public Salvation/Public Damnation aspect of this verse because her death did not take place during the "Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!" lines.

In this work only the dead can attain Public Salvation, and both the living and the dead attain Public Damnation all the time; George W. Bush and his wife Laura being among the walking damned, Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon being among the dead and damned.
The expected God's Space War event in Smallville could prove the existence of God to all who live here, including, as promised, the Village Atheist. That is, it is likely that within weeks the Village Atheist will know God is Real.

I think it would be a good idea today to review the local Battle of Smallville and kick some ideas around on what we can expect to take place here--because almost certainly a major God's Space War event will take place here.

Here at I.C. News we are thinking this God's Space War event will end Telepath torture-enslavement, at least in Smallville; and considering the intensity of the torture here at this time, and the confidence in their immunity the torturers have, this might be a very traumatic event to all here who torture me.

That is, without a show of force by God, there seems to be little possibility of a "conversion" of the Smallvillains from being psycho-fascists to being honest, decent Americans. They love their alleged right to torture me too much for that; yet all the codes are leading to the end of Telepath torture here, and soon.

At this time in God's Space War you should see me as a grizzly bear cub and God as my Grizzly Bear Mother.

Somehow tied into this God's Space War event will likely be God's response to the change in the attitude of Smallvillain children toward me--or those few I know--from friendliness and openness to hostility and fear.

Somehow connected to this change in the children is the Village Atheist, who chums around with them a lot and who has grown distant from and hostile to me over the past month or so.

Either he, too, believes whatever bad gossip is being passed around about me, or he is one of the gossipers.

The Village Atheist, in his Sixties, has been an active proponent of Telepath torture since I arrived, and really quite schizoid about it; on one hand being generous in supplying me with warm blankets and a mattress when I first moved into this old, hollow house at the bitterly cold tall end of Winter, on the other hand constantly hitting me with the Cowards' Cough, mocking me for his erroneously assumed belief that I think I am Jesus. and being openly supportive of the torture of me by my cowardly neighbors at 316 Second and 302 Third.

That these children, with whom he chums around with so much, grew angry at me and distant from me simultaneously with the Village Atheist's cutting off his friendship with me seem to me to be connected events.

Gossip is the weapon of the small town. It spreads like gas on a World War One battlefield. Again, does he believe the gossip; or does he spread it?

So, it seems to me "I am a crusty old Yank in a rusty old tank heading for a hullabaloo" right here in Smallville.

(That quote is from one of my favorite Bing Crosby songs of the World War Two era; but it seems to be such an obscure song I have not found it with three Internet searches, and so cannot give proper credit to it's author.)

Now back to the Battle of Smallville.

You may recall that the Two Birds, One Stone code grew out of the torture of me in Smallville by my two cowardly psycho-fascist neighbors at 316 Second Street and 302 Third Street, on opposite sides of me as Minneapolis and St. Paul are on opposite sides of the Mississippi; and that my original introduction of the code to you said it would lead to the deaths of one or both of these torturers, deaths that would so clearly be an Act of God that even the Village Atheist would see them as an Act of God.

Therefore, it seems to me that of my two swords which I have told you about many times, Time Travel and God, God will do the cutting here.

It is possible the God's Space War event in Smallville might make headlines around the world; at which point Smallville's real name will be divulged by other journalists and not by me.

I suggest it is important to the people of Smallville that they be seen as a city of God, goodness and kindness, not as a nest of Telepath torture and enslavement; because a large number of people who love me are likely to come here.

I am sure you know, Dear Reader, that a byproduct of this work, The Obituary of the World--that a mere byproduct of this work--will be proof of the Existence of God.

Contact Virgil Kret at
Legal Defense, Survival & Presidential Campaign Fund:

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 43
Morro Bay, CA 93443

George W. Bush will destroy the world.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
His cry of misery will be heard around the world; then the chorus will sing "Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!"

George W. Bush is a perfect storm of stupidity, dishonesty and vanity.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

"In my strategy, the training for killing enemies is by way of many contests, fighting for survival, discovering the meaning of life and death, learning the Way of the sword, judging the strength of attacks and understanding the Way of the "edge and ridge" of the sword." Miyamoto Musashi, 17th Century.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The world is George W. Bush's Iraq. The world is George W. Bush's New Orleans. The world cannot bear the fascist, insane stupidity of George W. Bush.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The most important news story in the world today, and the most important political stance in America today is this:

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

The $316 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Zero

Shark America Ten

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 153

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--Defense

Today's Code is "His day is marching on".

I use the term "psycho-fascism" almost daily; and this may eventually be a term I have coined that will become part of the language. Since we have had psycho-fascism running rampant around here for the past days--far above the usual dosage--today might be a good day to further define the term.

Psycho-fascism in its basic form is when someone does something to you, and you know that person is doing it, and that person knows that person is doing it, and that person says you are insane for saying or thinking that person is doing it.

The strength of this psycho-fascism compounds in Malthusian proportions when two or more people declare the same lie to be a truth, such as George W. Bush and Condolezza Rice saying America does not torture, when the whole world knows it does.

A more prosaic example:

"You're messing around with another woman," says the wife to the husband. "You're crazy," says the husband, while he is in the shower washing the smell of the other woman off him. The other woman says, "No, you are crazy for thinking I would do something like that to you, you are my best friend."

This form of psycho-fascism is often a movie theme, though never given as name as far as I know.

Psycho-fascism has ruled my life since God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy.

I am audibly telepathic, millions of Americans know I am audibly telepathic, but millions of Americans say I am insane for saying or thinking I am audibly telepathic.

From the muck of that psycho-fascist lie have grown many evils; because once the total power that lie established over me became apparent people realized total wickedness could be practiced against me with joyful immunity-impunity. It was as if all Americans were given license to be Adolph Hitler and I were the only Jew in the world; it was as if rape had been made legal.

So, fast forward this story to Smallville some 36 years after God gave me my Coat of Many Colors, my audible mental telepathy, where the harassment and abuse I have been describing for you these past four months has been going on.

(Of course, the same harassment and abuse have gone on in every community I have attempted to live in since I first put on that Coat of Many Colors; and the next place I attempt to live, and the next place, and the next place, will almost certainly practice the same forms of torture I suffer in Smallville.)

As I was describing to you last week, the anger at me and hatred of me by my psycho-fascist neighbors at 316 Second Street and 302 Third Street had begun to boil over because of the "Counter-Attack In Place" stance I had taken.

My sitting in my front yard in the evening looking steadily at 316 Second Street through dark glasses while sipping an after-work cup of red wine and ginger ale drove them crazy, no matter that the cowardly "man" who lives there has been casting smirky eyes at me for four months.

The tenseness had been growing daily, with what appeared to be about eight of the doper friends of the doper at 316 Second Street patrolling and taking up guardian positions in front of the house, changing the odds from about two-to-one to about ten-to-one.

There was no thought, of course, that the attacks on me for four months had brought on that Counter-Attack In Place strategy. I was being threatening to the people who had threatened to burn my home down with me in it.

Uppity Nigger; Uppity Virgil.

Ten-to-one odds, no matter, I am used to 250 million-to-one...and then came the cowardly sneak attack. They brought in a ringer, the brought in the owner of the house in which I live as caretaker.

(Of course, the psycho-fascists would say there was no connection between one and the other, and a thousand preachers would swear on a thousand Bibles that was the case; so let's say it was coincidence since we make our stand elsewhere; but it was not a coincidence.)

At the moment of first contact with the owner I knew he had an agenda in mind, and that his agenda was not just in terminating our verbal contract, which would have been easy enough to do with a word or two, but his interest was in making that termination as traumatic and argumentative as possible.

What spilled out over the next couple days were the standard American exaggerations and falsifications that come with such angry termination scenes, with insult after insult after insult; and the terms of our verbal contract rewritten and rewritten from what it had been.

Overlooked was the fact that I had sent him an email almost every week telling him what I was doing, and when he said don't so something I would not, but that was rare, and never was I asked to do something on the property I did not do.

Then, a few hours after he arrived he did something he had never done before. For the first time in my association with this person he used the Coward's Cough several times as I started to doze off at night. and used it in a mean, hard way.

(This Cowards' Cough is a standard American torture of me, and therefore well developed. The striking me with the Coward's Cough just as I doze off is exceptionally cruel and has been practiced hundreds if not thousands of times over the 30-plus years of America's torture-enslavement of me.)

Later the owner would claim to be angry at me for the poor work I had done, but in fact he was angry at me before he drove up to the house unannounced.

Of course I would not mention his use of the Cowards' Cough because it is a primary agreed-upon psycho-fascist lie that such torture does not exist, and that my complaining would result in a quick trip to the nut house.but, Thankfully he did it only a few times on that one occasion.

His anger at me seethed out in constant verbal abuse; and after a day of attempting to work with him and being insulted at every turn, I asked him why he was being so rude; and he said I was "delusional" for thinking he was being rude. The standard psycho-fascist attack. You are crazy for thinking I am doing what I am doing.

A few days before the owner arrived, I had hurt my right foot and walking had become painful, so after taking abuse after abuse as I was working with him on the property I just sat down and worked with him no more. This strike came after he had ordered me to roto-till a garden and plant vegetables.

This is not Central Africa, this is Northeastern California, and over 4,000 feet above sea level, the last day of July is too late to plant vegetables. I told him that and he said, no, it was not too late.

It was clear the object was to order me to do work that need not be done while he hounded me with insults.

So, as the days grinded by and it became clear there was no helping the situation, that the handwriting was on the wall, he finally said I had 30 days to leave; I said ok, that is no problem, then he said no, I want you to leave now and I said, call the Sheriff and he will just tell you to file an eviction notice.

With this his anger grew to levels I found dangerously bizarre, like filling the toilet bowl with toilet paper for me to dig out, and like putting bricks in the garbage can supposedly for me to carry two blocks on garbage day.

Finally, just before leaving last night banged on the door of the house angrily at about 9:30. as if he expected me to leave my work on my computer to open it for him, even though he had a key, and soon thereafter he drove away fuming and making angry sputters.

Not knowing what to expect from this level of anger, I stayed in my room, my door locked and wedged shut with heavy objects. I was so determined not to leave the room until it was daylight that I even kept a container to urinnate in...we old dudes urinate a lot at night.

That is, I had made of my room a "Safe Room" so that anyone coming in would have to have broken in with great trouble and noise, and would have broken into my zone of legal lethal defense..

Of course, after he sputtered off, hopefully not to be seen again before I leave, the neighbors at 316 Second Street and 302 Third Street resumed their old nighttime harassments.

It is not the leaving I mind, it is being abused and ordered to leave immediately. I have no legal defense against American abuse of me (except through appeal to God, which has proven to be pretty good defene) but the law is clear about eviction.

I am sorry to be writing about so much petty crap today, Dear Reader, but petty crap is America.

Tangent to all this, I must note that the Smallvillain children who were so friendly a few weeks ago now look at me with anger, or fear to look at me at all, and I wonder what horrible things they have been told about me.

With these children of Smallville one can see how psycho-fascism is passed on to the next generation.. What is it now? Three generations since the torture-enslavement of me began? Each generation has grown up to be worse than the generation before in its torture of me.

What has made these children so angry at and fearful of me? What wickedness have I been accused of? Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of American men and women?

On the God's Bubble front, the Robins who have befriended me, were very disturbed by all of this. They understand territory and they understood the Bad Noisey Man had territorial rights over the Good Quiet Man.

This morning, the first morning after the Bad Noisy Man had left, one of the Robins gently hit my window screen, asking me to come out; but still their sense of safe distance with me ha been shattered along with the God Bubble we shared; where they would have stayed five feet from me they now stay 25 feet away.

Then, happily, late in the day Mr. Robin came up close to me and began to hang around.

So anyway, I must be out of this place four weeks from today, and hopefully I will be out much sooner, and the psycho-fascists of Smallville will think they have won; and when the owner of the house moves in their temporary alliance with him against me will be forgotten and their old hatred for him will return, because in fact he is a rude and hateful person, and they are in fact people who love to hate.

And where shall I go? My Old Pal God wants me to stay here for a while; and anywhere I might go that same psycho-fascism would be waiting for me anyway, so why not stay in Smallville for a while, where the odds are probably only 100-to-one, and where I have a few good friends?

Meanwhile, back in the real world, some guy campaigning for the Democratic nomination, I think he is named after the State of Alabama, says he would consider invading Pakistan. Pakistan? What an idiot; but this is how American politicians are, ringing whatever tin bell they think will bring the voter-cows home.

Pakistan? What an idiot. Pakistan? What an idiot. Pakistan? What an idiot.

Also in the news, Britney Spears is said to have yelled, "I will kill you!" at some Paparazzi-Nazis who were hounding her in Las Vegas, and her bodyguard, Cesar Julio Camera (Hmmm? Interesting Time Poetry.) is said to have pushed one of them up against a wall, and could now face up to six months in jail.

I hate the Paparazzi-Nazis; they do so much damage to people; and they have hounded this poor young woman to distraction. They are the mosquitos of humankind. Oddly, one of the Paparazzi-Nazis is named Andrew Deetz, close in name to a mosquito spray, Deetz, not Andrew. (Hmmm? I interesting Time Poetry)

If I knew his address I would send the bodyguard, Mr. Camera, a medal. (Hmmm? interesting Time Poetry--Camera, Paparazzi-Nazis.)

And finally, a serious example of God's artillery, the collapse of a bridge between Minneapolis and St. Paul.

Contact Virgil Kret at
Legal Defense, Survival & Presidential Campaign Fund:

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 43
Morro Bay, CA 93443

George W. Bush will destroy the world.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
His cry of misery will be heard around the world; then the chorus will sing "Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!"

George W. Bush is a perfect storm of stupidity, dishonesty and vanity.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

"In my strategy, the training for killing enemies is by way of many contests, fighting for survival, discovering the meaning of life and death, learning the Way of the sword, judging the strength of attacks and understanding the Way of the "edge and ridge" of the sword." Miyamoto Musashi, 17th Century.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The world is George W. Bush's Iraq. The world is George W. Bush's New Orleans. The world cannot bear the fascist, insane stupidity of George W. Bush.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The most important news story in the world today, and the most important political stance in America today is this:

George W. Bush will destroy the world.