Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The $417 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Eight

Shark America Two

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 155

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: Scare the Devil Out of Them

Today's Code is "Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!"
It is remarkable how much pain there is in this world. When we are in pain we tend to forget it is the common denominator of humankind.We make do...we make do...but this Earth is in a state closer to Hell than to Heaven; and if we look at the direction we are moving we can see we are moving Hell-ward, not Heavenward.It is like we are on a ship, and everyone is mad; if not everyone then the ones who control the helm and the sails and the galley and the course...and the course...and the course to Bitter End.When I surf the TV news I see a common myopia relative to the future; and I hear no politician talking about the real thing, not one politician grabbing the future by the horns.This fits the Time Progression we Space Sailors made eons ago, that as humankind approaches the Bitter End human thought will become more erratic.This applies, too, to erratic Christianity. There is not a snake oil preacher on TV whose soul is saved; well, not one I have seen and listened to until the blundering errors contained in the preaching turned my stomach and turned me off. Not one of them understands God.Plummeting, plummeting, plummeting, no one pulls the ripcord; plummeting, they think they are flying, these American Fat Cats; and plummeting doesn't kill them until the very end. All thought they were right; but all were wrong.As of today, the human race will be extinct in less than 60 years.
This being Halloween, I should tell you God's Space War strategy seems to be to scare the Devil out of the human being, humankind being the house of Satan.Contact Virgil Kret at

Legal Defense, Survival & Presidential Campaign Fund:

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 43
Morro Bay, CA 93443

George W. Bush will destroy the world.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
His cry of misery will be heard around the world; then the chorus will sing "Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!"

George W. Bush is a perfect storm of stupidity, dishonesty and vanity.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

"In my strategy, the training for killing enemies is by way of many contests, fighting for survival, discovering the meaning of life and death, learning the Way of the sword, judging the strength of attacks and understanding the Way of the 'edge and ridge' of the sword." Miyamoto Musashi, 17th Century.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The world is George W. Bush's Iraq. The world is George W. Bush's New Orleans. The world cannot bear the fascist, insane stupidity of George W. Bush.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The most important news story in the world today, and the most important political stance in America today is this:

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

This is how America became pregnant with her fascist baby, by falling asleep after the initial rape in 2000 and telling herself the rape had not taken place; and that gave license to the rapist to rape her again and again and again until she was raped silly, barefoot in a world of broken glass, and pregnant with Six-Six-Six.

As my Old Pal God said some 13 months before the 9/11 attack:

"George W. Bush will destroy the world."

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The $416 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Nine

Shark America One

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 144

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: Call the Second Coming Shot

Today's Code is "Pull the Punch"

As I watch the "Dante's Inferno" codes come in it becomes apparent to me that what Christians call the Second Coming will likely take place on or about Easter Sunday, 2008.

Yesterday's code, "Six-Six-Six Stop", is exceptionally interesting in that respect because it points to the defeat of "Satan" by God in the course of this current Dante's Inferno maneuver, this maneuver which is expected to be concluded on or about Easter Sunday, 2008.

While I have a great deal of information on this, I think that information is so theologically unacceptable that I will refrain from approaching it in solid terms until after the second of the nine Dante's Inferno attacks has taken place, and perhaps even the third.

Remember, the first Dante's Inferno attack was the southern California inferno, documented in advance here; and now we are waiting for the second attack, which we hope to document in advance, and which we hope will give us the timing and direction of the remaining eight attacks.

We expect the defeat of Satan (more accurately, the "abortion" of Satan) to take place with the ninth attack.

What stymies further discussion of this, other than the fact that discussion would bore most people silly, is our definition of "Satan" and how different it is from the definitions of all theologies that have a concept of Satan, including, of course, the Christian theology.

Our definition can be more clearly and authoritatively presented after three or four of the nine hits, so we turn our focus on the second hit.

Contact Virgil Kret at

Legal Defense, Survival & Presidential Campaign Fund:

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 43
Morro Bay, CA 93443

George W. Bush will destroy the world.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
His cry of misery will be heard around the world; then the chorus will sing "Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!"

George W. Bush is a perfect storm of stupidity, dishonesty and vanity.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

"In my strategy, the training for killing enemies is by way of many contests, fighting for survival, discovering the meaning of life and death, learning the Way of the sword, judging the strength of attacks and understanding the Way of the 'edge and ridge' of the sword." Miyamoto Musashi, 17th Century.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The world is George W. Bush's Iraq. The world is George W. Bush's New Orleans. The world cannot bear the fascist, insane stupidity of George W. Bush.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The most important news story in the world today, and the most important political stance in America today is this:

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

This is how America became pregnant with her fascist baby, by falling asleep after the initial rape in 2000 and telling herself the rape had not taken place; and that gave license to the rapist to rape her again and again and again until she was raped silly, barefoot in a world of broken glass, and pregnant with Six-Six-Six.

As my Old Pal God said some 13 months before the 9/11 attack:

"George W. Bush will destroy the world."

Monday, October 29, 2007

The $415 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Ten

Shark America Zero

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 138

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: Tell Them About Aborting Satan at Easter

Today's Code is "Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!"

A brief report today, hallelujah!

As we move toward the second God's Space War hit against the United States of America in the nine-hit Dante's Inferno code, I note we have received a strong encoded message, "Six-Six-Six Stop".

We Space Sailors at I.C. News interpret this code to mean the abortion of Satan from the womb of this Earth, and we expect that to take place at Easter time, 2008.

The first attack by God in this Dante's Inferno attack pattern was the southern California fires, which were documented in this work before they began.

Reminding you, we have entered into the Public Salvation/Public Damnation zone of our running code-song, The Battle Hymn of the Republic.

As noted when we entered this verse, this verse marks the Public Salvation of the anonymous cowboy in the California Sierras who saved me from being beating and possibly murdered five or six government pigs or private contractors. This took place during the Clinton Administration.

Meanwhile, the previously announced multiple nuke attack on the Los Angeles area still seems to be in the pipeline.

Contact Virgil Kret at

Legal Defense, Survival & Presidential Campaign Fund:

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 43
Morro Bay, CA 93443

George W. Bush will destroy the world.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
His cry of misery will be heard around the world; then the chorus will sing "Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!"

George W. Bush is a perfect storm of stupidity, dishonesty and vanity.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

"In my strategy, the training for killing enemies is by way of many contests, fighting for survival, discovering the meaning of life and death, learning the Way of the sword, judging the strength of attacks and understanding the Way of the 'edge and ridge' of the sword." Miyamoto Musashi, 17th Century.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The world is George W. Bush's Iraq. The world is George W. Bush's New Orleans. The world cannot bear the fascist, insane stupidity of George W. Bush.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The most important news story in the world today, and the most important political stance in America today is this:

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

This is how America became pregnant with her fascist baby, by falling asleep after the initial rape in 2000 and telling herself the rape had not taken place; and that gave license to the rapist to rape her again and again and again until she was raped silly, barefoot in a world of broken glass, and pregnant with Six-Six-Six.

As my Old Pal God said some 13 months before the 9/11 attack:

"George W. Bush will destroy the world."

Saturday, October 27, 2007

The $413 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Eight

Shark America Two

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 138

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: Watch Them Eat It

Today's Code is "Bone Appetite"

Story time.

When we came upon this Earth so many eons ago she had already broken up; when we came upon this Earth half a century from now she had already broken up.

So we tied a bow in Time and set out to repair the damage.

We have no greater duty; we have no where else to be.

Call us Space Sailors, call us Dreamers, call us Dancers on the Dew.

Everything we tell you is impossible to believe; everything we tell you is absolutely true; but convincing you is not a part of our schedule; convincing you is something we have no need to do.

Some 50 years from now you will be quivering balls of agony adrift in Earthless space.

(Pardon me, boy, is that the God's Space War pooh-pooh? Yea, yea, it's the end of the line.)


Since we have just documented in advance the great southern California inferno of 1907, and know it to be the first of nine blows God will deliver upon the United States of America, likely between now and Easter, 2008, I think this would be a good day to review what has just happened and project what will happen.

Today we at I.C. News feel we can anticipate the direction in which this great God's Space War attack pattern will move, and the timing of at least seven of the eight attacks to come.

See this as the first sketch of the artist's work, the basic form of the masterpiece to come. Don't expect it to be a perfect likeness of the events to follow, but a generally accurate depiction.

We will look to the second attack, which we expect to take place within three weeks, and will make the tentative assumption that a straight line drawn on our map from the first attack to the second attack will show us the direction the attack pattern will take.

We will look to the timing between the first and second attacks and assume it might give us the timing between the third and fourth, fourth and fifth, and so forth.


There are many, many God's Space War codes connected with the southern California fires, codes that demonstrate that God is the Great Fire-Maker in this event; but my giving too many codes in this work seems to be like putting too much food on a child's plate, it spoils the appetite.

I will review these codes if I am asked to, and if I am able to do so as a free journalist; otherwise the review would only be grist for the psycho-fascist torture-mill.

For example, one of the codes was deposited with an identifiable man who struck me for thinking about the fires abut a week before God started them, actually at the very moment I put two and two together and understood what was coming. He struck me to tell me I had no such ability, that I only imagine I have such an ability.. Unless I am free he will of course deny this, deny he struck me, deny he can here my telepathy.

Also, unless I am free reviewing the codes would not expand the public's knowledge of the danger it is in, not danger relative to misrepresented "terrorism", not danger relative to the false issue of Iran developing nuclear energy, not danger relative to global warming, but danger relative to God.


But, and here is my big butt George W. Bush can kiss, consider the indelible fact that very soon after I introduced the "Dante's Inferno" code pattern in this work, southern California became an inferno.

I suggest this alone was an excellent advance documentation of the southern California inferno.

That such infernos are common in southern California is understood by all who watch the TV news; but it is unique that the only audible mental telepath in the history of the world called this inferno like a pool shark hustling psycho-fascist America.

If America were not a stupid, vain beast it would end its torture-enslavement of me today, even if it had no other evidence of my power and authority than my Dante's Inferno advance documentation of the southern California inferno.


That brings us back to the questions, how hard must God hit the United States of America to end America's torture-enslavement of me? To end America's participation in the murder of this Earth? The first question is directly related to the second.

Then we come to the next questions, how hard and where and when will God attack America next?

If we track the Metaphor of Attack we can likely soon understand the direction this attack will move, if not by the second hit of the nine, by the third.

I expect this great conquest by God of the United States of America to march toward Washington Deceit, the city of Satan, as Dante's Inferno headed toward Dis, the city of Satan, because this God's Space War attack is loosely following Dante's Inferno, and Dis is an important landmark in Dante's work.

More on this below.

I don't know about you, but I am finding this attack pattern very exciting.


Yesterday's variation of "Tactics of the Smallville Battle" noted at the opening was "Spit in Their Soup", the classic recourse of the slave slaving away in the slave-keeper's kitchen.

There is a good example of my spitting in America's soup four paragraphs above in today's work, which reads, "If America were not a stupid, vain beast it would end its torture-enslavement of me today, even if it had no other evidence of my power and authority than my Dante's Inferno advance documentation of the southern California inferno."

This entire paragraph is meant to further insure a sure thing, that America will eat the fire; to further insure that America will not do what it almost certainly will not do, that it will not save itself through confession, emancipation and compensation; that it will not ask for the gift of my forgiveness, that it will not avail itself of the promise of Jesus as it smugly parades its way deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper in to Hell.

Within the nut shell of that paragraph is a vitamin-packed nut, a big goober of spit. Though an accurate statement, it is designed to turn the America off and cause America not to listen to my truth. That vitamin-packed nut is the phrase, "...evidence of my power and authority..."

The last thing the Americans will face as they face the boulders of truth rolling down the mountain at them, is that their torture-slave, Virgil, has power and authority over them.

I almost never mention this; and you can mock and taunt, "Well, then, come down from the Cross of Lies we have you nailed to"; but you are not understanding that the southern California inferno is the first stage of my running that splintery Old Wooden Cross up your collective dumb ass.


Let's look at some of those splinters.

One of the things the TV people love to do is video tape people as they return to their homes, some to find ashes, and shed tears, some to find houses still standing, to their great relief. In the old days we raggedy assed old news reporters called these "human interest stories". I don't know what the TV people call them, but they are stories made for TV, tear-jerkers and lump-in-throat-makers.

Now picture those burned out neighborhoods as they were a year ago, pleasant and beautiful; and understand I could not have walked through those neighborhoods without those people playing the torture-Virgil game, and that I could not have lived in those neighborhoods or any other neighborhoods in the United States of America, because a part of America's torture-enslavement of me is to keep me homeless.

So, in fact, 1,600 homes burned down are 1,600 examples of Poetic Justice in the Eyes of God and in the eyes of Virgil, Poetic Justice being the only justice I have.


This may not seem Christian of me, Dear Reader, but America has made it against the law for me to be a Christian; so again America reaps just what it sows.

Do you understand that America has not allowed me to be in the company of one Christian who was not bearing false witness against me, or to attend one church service where I was not tortured by the congregation, since I became audibly telepathic?

(The exception to this is Black Christian churches. I have never been tortured in a Black Christian church; and I have never not been tortured in a White Christian church.)


Returning to our Dante's Inferno attack pattern, all these 30-plus years of America's torture-enslavement of me, Dear Reader, have been America's Judgment Day, and the Blacks passed and the Whites failed.

I would suggest that you smug and proud White Americans look at those once beautiful and proud burned-out southern California homes you see on TV, and see your own smug souls as becoming just like them.

I would suggest you understand those homes succumbed to marching tsunamis of fire (Our God is Marching On) and as quick as a wink all that was left were ashes and stink, and all of America's power could not save them; as all of America's power cannot save those who torture and enslave me, God's One True Telepath.


Now back to the tracking of the second and third of the nine Dante's Inferno attacks on the USA by God, We can expect, understanding the Dante's Inferno code as we do, that what we call the Winter of America's Damnation has begun.

If we follow that Old Wooden Cross being rammed up America's collective ass; and understand that each American soul represents a cell in that colon; and understand the southern California fires constituted the ripping open of the anus of that collective American ass; and understand that in fact America is to be impaled on that Cross of Lies, we can understand that cross will take a generally straight line as America is impaled on it.

This is the Metaphor of Attack, and if we follow it we can begin to estimate the locations and timing of the attacks from the third attack on.

If, for example, the next attack were on San Francisco, so richly deserved, we could expect the attack pattern to move northward; but as I said, I expect it to move eastward to Washington Deceit.

Again, a straight line drawn through the location of the first attack, southern California, to and through the location of the second attack will give us the direction the attack will be moving, and we can estimate the timing of the third attack from the time between the first and second.

This will need some fine tuning, but the basic principle seems sound.


This is why I say that by the fourth attack this attack pattern will be so clear, and so clearly being carried out by God, that America will have an epiphany, a big oh! oh!, a loss of blissful Ignorance, a loss of the maidenhead of psycho-fascist stupidity America is so proud of.

In the mean time I will continue to spit in America's soup.

Contact Virgil Kret at

Legal Defense, Survival & Presidential Campaign Fund:

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 43
Morro Bay, CA 93443

George W. Bush will destroy the world.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
His cry of misery will be heard around the world; then the chorus will sing "Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!"

George W. Bush is a perfect storm of stupidity, dishonesty and vanity.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

"In my strategy, the training for killing enemies is by way of many contests, fighting for survival, discovering the meaning of life and death, learning the Way of the sword, judging the strength of attacks and understanding the Way of the 'edge and ridge' of the sword." Miyamoto Musashi, 17th Century.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The world is George W. Bush's Iraq. The world is George W. Bush's New Orleans. The world cannot bear the fascist, insane stupidity of George W. Bush.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The most important news story in the world today, and the most important political stance in America today is this:

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

This is how America became pregnant with her fascist baby, by falling asleep after the initial rape in 2000 and telling herself the rape had not taken place; and that gave license to the rapist to rape her again and again and again until she was raped silly, barefoot in a world of broken glass, and pregnant with Six-Six-Six.

As my Old Pal God said some 13 months before the 9/11 attack:

"George W. Bush will destroy the world."

Friday, October 26, 2007

The 411 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Six

Shark America Four

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 139

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: Spit in Their Soup

Today's Code is "Our God is Marching On"

We are talking about the death of this Earth by 2065;

And we are talking about the current nine-stage maneuver by God to end the USA's brutally blind participation in the murder of this Earth;

And we are saying that maneuver loosely overlays Dante's Inferno, Dante's nine circles of Hell corresponding with God's nine attacks on the United States of America before Easter;

And we are saying the southern California inferno was the first of those nine Dante's Inferno attacks by God on the United States America;

And we are saying the California inferno was documented in advance in this work.

This is currently the most important news story in the world.

Contact Virgil Kret at

Legal Defense, Survival & Presidential Campaign Fund:

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 43
Morro Bay, CA 93443

George W. Bush will destroy the world.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
His cry of misery will be heard around the world; then the chorus will sing "Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!"

George W. Bush is a perfect storm of stupidity, dishonesty and vanity.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

"In my strategy, the training for killing enemies is by way of many contests, fighting for survival, discovering the meaning of life and death, learning the Way of the sword, judging the strength of attacks and understanding the Way of the 'edge and ridge' of the sword." Miyamoto Musashi, 17th Century.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The world is George W. Bush's Iraq. The world is George W. Bush's New Orleans. The world cannot bear the fascist, insane stupidity of George W. Bush.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The most important news story in the world today, and the most important political stance in America today is this:

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

This is how America became pregnant with her fascist baby, by falling asleep after the initial rape in 2000 and telling herself the rape had not taken place; and that gave license to the rapist to rape her again and again and again until she was raped silly, barefoot in a world of broken glass, and pregnant with Six-Six-Six.

As my Old Pal God said some 13 months before the 9/11 attack:

"George W. Bush will destroy the world."

Thursday, October 25, 2007

The $410 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Five

Shark America Five

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 132

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: Hit Them Again

Today's Code is "Surprise, Surprise!"

The United States of America seems to be in for a number of surprises.

For one, it will come to understand God hates the USA like Jesus hated a hypocrite.

I am not going to attempt to convince you of this, but God will convince you.

Here is the way it is going to go. God is going to inflict a series of nine punishments on the United States of America, the fires in southern California are the first of these.

I expect all these punishments to take place before Spring, and all will have the identifier "Virgil", and perhaps an identifier based on "South"; and they will all follow the "Dante's Inferno" God's Space War Metaphor of Attack I have outlined for you.

If I am correct on this, we can expect a major God's Space War action on average about every three weeks, which is a high rate of attack in God's Space War.

One of the factors which keep America ignorant of it's being targeted by God is that God's major attacks traditionally come so far apart they remain below the attention span. The compression of this time factor seems to be one of the elements that will awaken America to the fact it is at war with God.

There may also be clear signs and revelations I am not aware of.

Here at I.C. News we have an office pool in which we are guessing which of the nine punishments will awaken America to the fact it is being punished by God. Apparently not the first, but that punishment is still unfolding and we do not know what God has in mind.

In my estimation, America's blissful ignorance of God's anger at it will be lost before the ninth and final punishment.

Seventh? Sixth? Fifth? Fourth? My personal guess is the fourth, because I know God is interested in America having the Agony of Knowledge replace Blissful Ignorance well before this attack pattern runs its course.

Of course, knowledge of damnation will come along about that time, too, and that will be interesting to watch. This mean, smug country called the United States of America will shudder with dread and foreboding.

There is a historical consistency to America's great and reoccurring sin, the sin of doing evil and calling it good.

One of the purposes of the gift of audible mental telepathy given to me by God was to demonstrate a clear, uncomplicated example of that consistency to do evil and call it good. Immediately upon my becoming audibly telepathic, gone was the Constitution, gone was Christian law.

About the time of America's dawning of awareness of God's Space War against it, too, the whole world will come to know God is punishing the United States of America. That will release relief and jubilance around the world, because the world knows America is leading up to nuclear conquest, and the not-quite-accidental nuclear damnation of all humankind.

This dawning of America's awareness has long been called "Cherry Pop" by us Space Sailors at I.C. News, meaning the penetration of the iron maidenhead of America's vain, smug stupidity.

I am doing long range projections these days because it seems very possible I will be unable to access the Internet for a time, again.

The longer projection, the greater the possibility of error, but the "Dante's Inferno" code we are now tracking is an old and predictable code. In a sense, we have practiced this code many times.

Also, as this God's Space War maneuver against the United States of America unfolds the Americans will have what we call "The Christian Option", that being to be Christian toward me, to stop the torture-enslavement of me, to own up to it to the world, and to compensate me.

To encourage that Christian Option being taken, yesterday I sent emails to about 70 organizations, mostly news organizations, advising of the expected atom bomb attack on the greater Los Angeles area. This form email contained yesterday's report with a cover letter.

I would be very surprised if this effort broke the media-political torture-enslavement of me, but this broadly distributed advance documentation may help identify the source of the at least two atomic bombs scheduled to hit the Los Angeles area, so America will not, in the national madness that is sure to result, strike out at the innocent, as it is wont to do.

When America does finally become aware of God's war against it we can expect America to attempt to blackmail God in the same way it now blackmails the world, by threatening massive nuclear attacks around the world, but that is another story.

Contact Virgil Kret at

Legal Defense, Survival & Presidential Campaign Fund:

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 43
Morro Bay, CA 93443

George W. Bush will destroy the world.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
His cry of misery will be heard around the world; then the chorus will sing "Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!"

George W. Bush is a perfect storm of stupidity, dishonesty and vanity.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

"In my strategy, the training for killing enemies is by way of many contests, fighting for survival, discovering the meaning of life and death, learning the Way of the sword, judging the strength of attacks and understanding the Way of the 'edge and ridge' of the sword." Miyamoto Musashi, 17th Century.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The world is George W. Bush's Iraq. The world is George W. Bush's New Orleans. The world cannot bear the fascist, insane stupidity of George W. Bush.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The most important news story in the world today, and the most important political stance in America today is this:

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

This is how America became pregnant with her fascist baby, by falling asleep after the initial rape in 2000 and telling herself the rape had not taken place; and that gave license to the rapist to rape her again and again and again until she was raped silly, barefoot in a world of broken glass, and pregnant with Six-Six-Six.

As my Old Pal God said some 13 months before the 9/11 attack:

"George W. Bush will destroy the world."

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The $409 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Four

Shark America Six

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 132

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: Tell the Joke

Today's Code is " jubilant, my feet"

I think this would be a good day to go into the "Divine Comedy" code I introduced a few weeks back, since the "Inferno" part of that code seems to be heating up. If you haven't noticed, southern California is looking a lot like Hell these days. Goody, goody.

This Inferno code is an old code that comes and goes like stitches in a garment, that garment being the shroud of the human race; and was one of the first codes to emerge after the United States began its torture-enslavement of me over 30 years ago.

In its current form, this God's Space War code has appeared twice, with the gold mine collapse in South Africa in which some 6,000 African miners did not die, and the conflagration in southern California, in which some millions of people have not yet died.

This code, as stated in this work before the fires broke out, calls for at lest two atomic bombs on greater Los Angeles; and at I.C. News we are asking the question, Were the fires the "atomic bombs"?

The answer seems to be, No, the worst is yet to come.

Let's step back from this Dante's Inferno code and take a look at it, and describe what we expect it to evolve into.

In loose terms we can expect it to follow the format of Dante's Inferno, which has Virgil, the pre-Christ Roman Poet, guiding Dante, the 14th Century Italian poet, through the nine circles of Dante's concept of Hell.

In my estimation, the two events we have had within this attack metaphor, the South African gold mine collapse and the southern California fires, take us through the Limbo Dante placed before the first circle and then through the first circle.

The Limbo event was the South African gold mine collapse, the first circle of Hell was the southern California fires; which leaves us expecting eight more hellish events.

Both events have had the same identifier, Virgil, me, your guide into and hopefully out of Hell.

In the first event my economics forced me to sell the last of my gold, bought several years ago at God's urging, and the gold mine collapsed soon thereafter. Coincidence is the rockets' red glare of God's Space War.

In the second event, I was in the Los Angeles area for about a week, and wrote about the atomic bombing of Los Angeles, and just after I left the fires broke out. Coincidence is the rockets' red glare of God's Space War.

So, we are looking for this Virgil-in-proximity identifier to appear in the eight remaining events of this God's Space War Metaphor of Attack.

The way to stop the attack patten is for the United States of America to honorably end its torture-enslavement of me, including financial compensation and TV time equal to all the TV time used against me so I can explain in reasonable terms why this Earth will be dead by 2065 and how to prevent that death.

(I am struck by a guest at this motel for writing this last sentence, and I assume his cruel ignorance mirrors the cruel ignorance of the country as a whole. In attempting to reach the mind of America I am kicking a dead whore.)

As I have said, this Dante's Inferno code, sometimes called the Divine Comedy code, has appeared off and on over the years. It first appeared in the early Seventies, soon after I was enslaved by the United States of America, and it seems that first appearance is worth reviewing as we proceed into the Winter of Damnation the USA is entering.

When the Dante's Inferno/Divine Comedy code first appeared I was living in a $10 a week skid row hotel room in San Francisco and being abused constantly by the psycho-fascist citizens of that queer city, and I felt the code was important enough to record.

I had already known of at least two airline crashes in advance, and my thought was if I could show the psycho-fascist Americans there was a valuable use to my telepathy they would emancipate me.

This, of course, was like a Jewish master musician showing the Nazis how well he could play the violin in hope of saving himself from the gas chamber; I being the Jew of American fascism, placed in America's concentration camp of poverty and torture.

Understanding that the code concerned Dante's Divine Comedy, I looked around for a way to record it, to time-date it, as it unfolded.

From my days as a UPI correspondent in Tokyo I had a journalist friend named Frank Devine, a New Zealander. At the time of this Divine Comedy demonstration Devine was working in Australia and later became editor of the Chicago Sun-Times. I chose him for the demonstration because of his name, and in the false hope that he was a friend who would not go along with America's torture-enslavement of me.

I wrote him a series of letters explaining what I was doing, documenting an event before it took place, and I used a stamp which depicted a map of the world. On that map I put an "X" off the coast of South Africa, and I pointed out that X to him and told him I was waiting for the Divine Comedy code to play out.

Then, in the area I marked on the map, two oil tankers, sister ships, collided. One was the Verpet and one was the Veroil, close enough, I suggest, to "Virgil".

So we had three elements of confirmation, the standard for this work. Divine-Devine, Virgil-Verpet/Veroil, and the event taking place where I marked it on the map perhaps two weeks in advance.

I would have thought this was good enough for at least an interested response, but it remains difficult to put this concept of God's writing on the wall of the news across 30 years later, with dozens of successes under my belt, and the importance of what I had done did not touch Devine, and it turned out Devine supported America's torture-enslavement of me.

Certainly this is a difficult concept to have expected Devine to grasp, the coding system of God's Space War, but I felt the X on the map alone should have been enough.

Once when Devine and I were walking down a street in Tokyo I saw a poster in Japanese and translated it for him, saying it was his kind of news story. He agreed and did a story on it.

I feel my telling him in advance of the Verpet/Veroil collision on the X off South Africa was a similar event, a translation not from Japanese to English but a translation and demonstration of God's writing on the wall of the news.

Likely Frank Devine is dead and in Hell now, the fate of any journalist who agrees with and/or goes along with America's torture-enslavement of me. Perhaps he is still alive living in retirement, and can still undo the sin that damns him.

Other than the expected reoccurring identifier "Virgil", there may be another reoccurring identifier in this Divine Comedy attack pattern, variations of "South". I say this because the first two current events took place in South Africa and southern California, and the initial demonstration took place off South Africa.

I will know if this "South" identifier is active when the second circle of America's Hell appears in the news.

This seems to be an important God's Space War operation, even important enough to free me from America's torture-enslavement, important enough to destroy American cities.

oh, yes, I was supposed to end today's report with a joke.

America finds itself in a lake of fire in Hell, and all the God-damned Americans are complaining about this, and Virgil says to his beloved son Dante as he guides Dante around the scene, "They complain now, but they will really complain when the Devil comes around in his motorboat."

That motorboat is the atomic bombing of which I speak.

Contact Virgil Kret at

Legal Defense, Survival & Presidential Campaign Fund:

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 43
Morro Bay, CA 93443

George W. Bush will destroy the world.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
His cry of misery will be heard around the world; then the chorus will sing "Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!"

George W. Bush is a perfect storm of stupidity, dishonesty and vanity.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

"In my strategy, the training for killing enemies is by way of many contests, fighting for survival, discovering the meaning of life and death, learning the Way of the sword, judging the strength of attacks and understanding the Way of the 'edge and ridge' of the sword." Miyamoto Musashi, 17th Century.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The world is George W. Bush's Iraq. The world is George W. Bush's New Orleans. The world cannot bear the fascist, insane stupidity of George W. Bush.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The most important news story in the world today, and the most important political stance in America today is this:

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

This is how America became pregnant with her fascist baby, by falling asleep after the initial rape in 2000 and telling herself the rape had not taken place; and that gave license to the rapist to rape her again and again and again until she was raped silly, barefoot in a world of broken glass, and pregnant with Six-Six-Six.

As my Old Pal God said some 13 months before the 9/11 attack:

"George W. Bush will destroy the world."

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The $408 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Three

Shark America Seven

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 130 (In Danger Zone)

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: Smell the Smoke

Today's Code is "Home"

I dreamed last night I had a home. A lovely dream; my dream-machine salving my pain.

Pain hurts, but a little bit of pain never hurt anyone.

I was able to dream that dream because it took place in the middle of the night and my neighbors on both sides of me in this motel were asleep. Later I was having another dream and a neighbor banged on the wall to wake me up, that being the agreed upon practice among all Americans.

The United States of America is the only nation in the history of the world to have a de facto law against dreaming. That, Dear Reader, is satanic.

Satanic, too, is how lockstep America's torture of God's One True Telepath is, where every citizen knows exactly what the current torture is, making each citizen an interchangeable part of the torture machine. Henry Ford would marvel at this production line of torture.

Now let's look at those California fires through the eyes of a man America has intentionally been made homeless, a man in enforced and contrived and artificial homelessness watching TV as over 12,000 American homes burn down. Poetic justice, yes, but frankly, millions of homes would be more to my liking; but that is to come later and for now I will gladly take what God gives me.

All of those Americans who lost and will lose their homes in this great conflagration are active or passive participants in America's policy to deny me home, family, and profession. All Americans are in this together; there is no place in America I can go and not be tortured.

This is important as this story unfolds, because no American over the age of 11, unless they have openly disavowed themselves from this torture, is innocent of the damnable crime of torturing and enslaving me, (and disavowing emails to me are open to government pig scrutiny and, I suggest, require some courage)

An important exception to this blanket of guilt is Black Americans. Not ten Black Americans have tortured me since I was enslaved over 30 years ago, while hundreds of thousands of White Americans have. The Blacks know slavery when they see it; and the Whites know how to enslave, and find it delicious.

Misery loves company. There is a lesson for America in the pure pleasure I get from the fire storms in Southern California.

That lesson is if you deliberately create hatred you will be will be will be hated; and while you can easily see this creation of hatred of you by you in me, and be smugly confident that I am a helpless isolated Christian man who would not harm a fly, you should understand America deliberately creates hatred in the hearts of other people too, people who crash American passenger airplanes into American buildings, people who bravely resist American occupation of their homelands.

When I was a student at UCLA one of these California fires was so close to campus that we students could watch houses burning from the campus.

I remember there was one student who was cheering the fire on while the rest of us stood awestruck by the power of the flames overwhelming rich homes like tsunamis of fire; and I thought to myself what an ass that guy was.

Now, a little over 40 years later, after over 30 years of public torture and 40 years of government pig torture, I cheer on these fires. You Americans deliberately created my hatred for you; and you liked doing it; you have tortured me with enthusiasm and glee for over thirty years, wrongly thinking I am helpless and alone.

Do unto others, asses.

Repeating the lesson of the day: You Americans deliberately create enemies; and the fact that your foolish faux-president in the White House has created enemies all around the world is not unusual, only more blatant and more openly fascist than usual.

You Americans willfully create hatred for you around the world for the same reasons you deliberately make an enemy of me, because you feel you are so strong and you see tactical advantage in forcing the weak to make war on you.

This has and will come back to bite you on the ass.

In this world's history there are two philosophies concerning the actions of the strong over the weak. One, the fascist policy as seen in Hitler, Nixon, Reagan and Bush, is to run roughshod over the weak; the other, often expressed in the days of the Samurai and the Knight but not always lived up to, is that it is wrong and cowardly for the strong to attack the weak.

You Americans are so God-damned cowardly in that way; you constantly attack the weak; and you have absolutely no historical memory. You are a mean old senile man wondering why people are so pissed at you for the wickedness you did yesterday, the yesterday you cannot remember.

You reap what you sow.

There are a lot of stories in the news I look at differently than I did before you Americans enslaved and tortured me.

I was pro-police until I experienced police sadism and false arrest.

Also, I was very anti-revolutionary during the Sixties, and when US naval "intelligence" declared me to be a violent revolutionary and began its cowardly and secret attacks on me, my friends who were in fact revolutionaries expressed great pleasure at this, saying I deserved it for trusting in the beast.

They, the true Communists revolutionaries, continued teaching in universities and living the fat life, and I, the true anti-Communist anti-revolutionary, lived my life in pain and poverty, persecuted by the Americans because my thoughts are too loud.

You Americans habitually make enemies of your friends.

I don't know what the masters of you Americans have told you about why one man in the history of the world should become audibly telepathic, but I know it took them less than five minutes to convince you to torture and enslave me.

There were a number of reasons God gave me this gift audible mental telepathy, the first being to thwart the Nixon-Reagan plan to murder me (Nixon and Reagan are now in Hell); but the core reason was so I could say things that are illegal to be said in the United States of America, primarily that the United States of America is one of the chief causes for the death of this Earth sometime shortly before 2065.

And that's the story, isn't it? Not how much America hates me and not how much I hate America; not that America is murdering me, but that America is murdering this Earth, and you, and you, and you, Dear Reader, the United States of America is murdering you and all the people of this Earth.

Contact Virgil Kret at

Legal Defense, Survival & Presidential Campaign Fund:

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 43
Morro Bay, CA 93443

George W. Bush will destroy the world.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
His cry of misery will be heard around the world; then the chorus will sing "Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!"

George W. Bush is a perfect storm of stupidity, dishonesty and vanity.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

"In my strategy, the training for killing enemies is by way of many contests, fighting for survival, discovering the meaning of life and death, learning the Way of the sword, judging the strength of attacks and understanding the Way of the 'edge and ridge' of the sword." Miyamoto Musashi, 17th Century.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The world is George W. Bush's Iraq. The world is George W. Bush's New Orleans. The world cannot bear the fascist, insane stupidity of George W. Bush.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The most important news story in the world today, and the most important political stance in America today is this:

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

This is how America became pregnant with her fascist baby, by falling asleep after the initial rape in 2000 and telling herself the rape had not taken place; and that gave license to the rapist to rape her again and again and again until she was raped silly, barefoot in a world of broken glass, and pregnant with Six-Six-Six.

As my Old Pal God said some 13 months before the 9/11 attack:

"George W. Bush will destroy the world."

Monday, October 22, 2007

The $407 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Two

Shark America Eight

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 148

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: Remind Them Again of the LA A-Bombs

Today's Code is "Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him!"

Do you find it interesting that right after I told you to expect at least two atomic bombs in Los Angeles, southern California is aflame from Malibu to San Diego?

Coincidence? Coincidence is the rockets' red glare of God's Space War.

While God is burning southern California, the psycho-fascist citizens of central California are burning me with increased torture, my being so close to death is exciting to them and they are wanting to push me into my grave.

Do unto others...

Meanwhile, back at I.C. News I am looking at my scoop and wondering how I might better peddle it--market it, you sophisticates would say.

Scoops are more difficult to market than you would think, for any journalist, not just the most blacklisted journalist in the world, me.

This is because journalism likes two or more journalists to have the same story as protection against the story being wrong. A story being wrong, a story being in basic error, is abhorrent to journalism; just about the worst thing that can happen.

So, yours truly comes along in the early Seventies, already known as a journalism maverick for insisting on freedom of press on the Vietnam battlefields, and already erroneously identified as a violent revolutionary by US naval intelligence for who knows what absurd reason, and he is 100 years ahead on the story of the death of this Earth.

A one hundred year scoop, Dear Reader; now that's a scoop. A hundred year scoop. By 1963 I knew this Earth would be dead by 2065.

Put yourself in my shoes. Had you been me, what would you have done?

It's easy to Monday morning quarterback me; but the ball was in my hands, not yours; and as much as you hate me now how much more would you hate me if I had hid my scoop and said nothing, and just let you and your children die; stayed married to my stupid wife and overlooked the fact that my grandchildren would be doomed if I did not speak out?

You are like a sleeper sleeping while your house is burning down, you hate me for awakening you but you would hate me more if I were to let you and yours burn to death.

Either way I get hated by you, but one way you die and one way you don't.

Now I must tell you, you are so mean to me that sometimes I would just prefer to see you die; I mean die in your millions, but I was not born to sit in the bleachers of this game; I was born to warn you, rats's asses that you are, that this Earth will be dead by 2065 unless you slam on the breaks and spin your car around.

So today, Death looking at me and giggling, the American people being mean as snakes to me as usual, I dribble the ball of this scoop, and wait for the clock to get close to zero before I take my game-winning shot.

When I say I am killing time while Time is killing you I am speaking literally, not figuratively.

Contact Virgil Kret at

Legal Defense, Survival & Presidential Campaign Fund:

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 43
Morro Bay, CA 93443

George W. Bush will destroy the world.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
His cry of misery will be heard around the world; then the chorus will sing "Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!"

George W. Bush is a perfect storm of stupidity, dishonesty and vanity.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

"In my strategy, the training for killing enemies is by way of many contests, fighting for survival, discovering the meaning of life and death, learning the Way of the sword, judging the strength of attacks and understanding the Way of the 'edge and ridge' of the sword." Miyamoto Musashi, 17th Century.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The world is George W. Bush's Iraq. The world is George W. Bush's New Orleans. The world cannot bear the fascist, insane stupidity of George W. Bush.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The most important news story in the world today, and the most important political stance in America today is this:

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

This is how America became pregnant with her fascist baby, by falling asleep after the initial rape in 2000 and telling herself the rape had not taken place; and that gave license to the rapist to rape her again and again and again until she was raped silly, barefoot in a world of broken glass, and pregnant with Six-Six-Six.

As my Old Pal God said some 13 months before the 9/11 attack:

"George W. Bush will destroy the world."

Sunday, October 21, 2007

The $406 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws One (Adjusted)

Shark America Nine (Adjusted)

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 147

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle: Remind Them of the LA A-Bombs

Today's Code is "Fire!"

The codes concerning the atomic bombing of Los Angeles have been repeated; confirmation of what we are headed for if we keep on the road to Hell George W. Bush and the Republican American Fascists have finagled us into taking.

Don't worry about it, it is only painful death and total loss for you and those you love; better to be polite to the fraudulent ass in the White House and respectfully call him "Mr. President".

Mr. President, excuse me while I puke.

George W. Bush is a child-fool playing war in the sandbox of your life.

Nobel Prize or not, the great disservice Al Gore committed against the human race was his not contesting the fraudulent election in Florida (where George W. Bush's co-conspiring brother was governor) and allowing George W. Bush to steal the White House and plunge humankind into disaster.

Global warming? Hell, that's the least of your problems. Hell, Hell is your greatest problem, not the Bible Hell Christians wrongly believe God created for you, no, the Hell you have created for yourselves.

The great and secret gift to the human race is that there is no such thing as death, but take away this Earth, or turn this Earth into a cinder, and that gift becomes a curse; so when I talk about the death of this Earth by 2065 I am not talking about the death of the human being, I am talking about the eternal homelessness of the human being.

Flotsam and jetsam in space, that is what the human being becomes if it continues down this road, eternal souls eternally adrift in eternal pain and despair and regret.

You know how I bitch and moan about my homelessness, but imagine all the souls of all the human beings left behind by a destroyed Earth, moaning and screeching and bitching forever as they drift like flotsam in Earthless space. That is your future, Dear Reader, that is your future; and as you will not save me from my misery you will not be saved from yours. Do unto others...

This is choppy writing. My ship is dead in the water on a choppy sea, and I keep asking myself what I should write for you before I can write no more; because, Dear Reader, the leaks in my life are overcoming the pumps. This is no tragedy. I am 68 years old and I was not constructed to live much past 30, and all the bullets missed, and all the shrapnel sliced by, so what the heck, I have been swimming in gravy since 1967, lumpy gravy, yes, but gravy non-the-less.

What can I tell you? Earth is dying. I have told you that a million times, but if I tell you that another million times, or a billion times, it will not sink in because there is still gin in your tonic, there is still chicken in your pot; so have another cup of coffee and have another piece of pie and don't worry about the human being having murdered God's Earth.

I want to tell you something. When I die I want to die where America cannot find me until my body is corrupted. I do not want my brain to be in a glass jar at Harvard.

Fulfilling this wish is more difficult than you would imagine because America feels it owns me, its telepathic torture-slave, and that means it feels it will own my dead body; and America will autopsy me and report to you that my audible mental telepathy came from a kink in a blood vessel; but, Dear Reader, it came from God.

I don't know if younger people know what a yo-yo is, a toy that was popular when I was a boy, but a yo-yo represents well the nature of human life on this Earth, two round sides connected by a core in the middle, one side being the Land of the Living, the other being the Land of the Dead.

The great and secret work of Jesus was in reconciling those two lands. You folks do not understand Jesus, or see the Shakespearian nature of His work, the theatre of Jesus' work that captured the attention of the world.

By the way, this kind of talk is one of the reasons Christians hate me so much; those God-damned Christians, how they love to hate.

It seems to me this is a good day to talk about basics. Sure, there are less than a million people reading this work, and only three or four of those like me, but sometimes the writer writes for the record in case someone in the future looks through the yellowed pages in the newspaper's morgue.

Well, there is not enough future left for the human being to allow those newspaper pages to yellow, but sometimes a writer writes just to write; and most of the words this writer has written have never been read.

I wonder, have you Christians ever thought of how few of the words Jesus spoke were recorded? Have you ever realized how inaccurately Jesus was quoted? Have you ever seen a mark on a piece of paper Jesus made; have you ever seen a nail the carpenter Jesus ever hammered?

No, you believe in the theatre Jesus acted out. That was his genius. Duh, for that matter have you ever thought of Jesus being a genius?

Since there is no central focus to today's work I will remind you of one thing. The only solution to the Iraq situation is admitting and coming to terms with the criminality of George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion.

Contact Virgil Kret at

Legal Defense, Survival & Presidential Campaign Fund:

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 43
Morro Bay, CA 93443

George W. Bush will destroy the world.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
His cry of misery will be heard around the world; then the chorus will sing "Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!"

George W. Bush is a perfect storm of stupidity, dishonesty and vanity.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

"In my strategy, the training for killing enemies is by way of many contests, fighting for survival, discovering the meaning of life and death, learning the Way of the sword, judging the strength of attacks and understanding the Way of the 'edge and ridge' of the sword." Miyamoto Musashi, 17th Century.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The world is George W. Bush's Iraq. The world is George W. Bush's New Orleans. The world cannot bear the fascist, insane stupidity of George W. Bush.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The most important news story in the world today, and the most important political stance in America today is this:

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

This is how America became pregnant with her fascist baby, by falling asleep after the initial rape in 2000 and telling herself the rape had not taken place; and that gave license to the rapist to rape her again and again and again until she was raped silly, barefoot in a world of broken glass, and pregnant with Six-Six-Six.

As my Old Pal God said some 13 months before the 9/11 attack:

"George W. Bush will destroy the world."

Saturday, October 20, 2007

The $405 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Zero

Shark America Ten

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 148 (Approaching the Danger Zone)

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--Send them to Hell

Today's Code is "...before His judgment seat"

Well, Dear Reader, I have moved south about 25 miles from the central California costal town of Cambria to Morro Bay, In Cambria I was tortured hardly all; in Morro Bay there is as feeding frenzy of torture. Go figure. Some of America's cities are more fascist than others.

I don't spend a lot of time wondering about such things; I see torture is a faucet America can turn on or off at will; but I have to laugh when I see Black Ugly, the faux-Secretary of State, and George W. Bush, the faux-President of the United States of America, say America does not torture. America loves to torture; its dick gets hard when it tortures; tortures me for being telepathic, tortures others for being Muslim.

Meanwhile, back at God's Space War, the American people, unaware their every action is being observed and noted, continue to dig their own eternal grave.

I note that the Dalai Lama, in his speech on C-Span, showed no awareness to his near-sleeping audience that the world is dying. One would expect more of the Pope of Buddhism.

(The Boys and I were teaching birds to fly, and the girls were dancing on a fable.)

Am I the only living person on this Earth? Sometimes I wonder. Am I the only person who knows this Earth is dying? Sometimes I wonder.

As for me, my body continues to shut down. If I sit too long my feet turn black because my blood is too lazy to swim upstream. The death of the old is not tragic; it is the death of the young that breaks the heart.

As for me, I understand there is nothing but torture for me in the United States of America. I fiddle with the dials on my atom bomb.

I am killing time today, while Time kills you.

Contact Virgil Kret at

Legal Defense, Survival & Presidential Campaign Fund:

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 43
Morro Bay, CA 93443

George W. Bush will destroy the world.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
His cry of misery will be heard around the world; then the chorus will sing "Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!"

George W. Bush is a perfect storm of stupidity, dishonesty and vanity.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

"In my strategy, the training for killing enemies is by way of many contests, fighting for survival, discovering the meaning of life and death, learning the Way of the sword, judging the strength of attacks and understanding the Way of the 'edge and ridge' of the sword." Miyamoto Musashi, 17th Century.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The world is George W. Bush's Iraq. The world is George W. Bush's New Orleans. The world cannot bear the fascist, insane stupidity of George W. Bush.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The most important news story in the world today, and the most important political stance in America today is this:

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

This is how America became pregnant with her fascist baby, by falling asleep after the initial rape in 2000 and telling herself the rape had not taken place; and that gave license to the rapist to rape her again and again and again until she was raped silly, barefoot in a world of broken glass, and pregnant with Six-Six-Six.

As my Old Pal God said some 13 months before the 9/11 attack:

"George W. Bush will destroy the world."

Friday, October 19, 2007

The $404 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws One

Shark America Nine

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 158

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--Keep Your Chin Up

Today's Code is "I want to be a real boy; I want to be a real boy; and do all the things real boys do."

Hail the conquering hero.

So, but for cutting out my tongue and the raping of my life and the murdering of my children, the United States of America has been good to me.

Sure, I wish America had not murdered my children but that is nitpicking; America is the greatest nation in the world, God's country, the Americans say; and America murders the children of many people; so why should I feel special, so why should I feel singled out?

If I had an atom bomb I would atom-bomb the United States of America, but that's just me; perhaps the parents of other children America has murdered are more forgiving.

When I was in the Los Angeles area for about a week this month, and knowing as I do that the Los Angeles basin will swallow at least two atom bombs due to the idiocy of George W. Bush, I had a peculiar idea; I thought about staying in Los Angeles and dying there simultaneously with the millions there who will die there simultaneously.

My motive for doing this was selfish and pragmatic, and, believe it or not, a little delusional.

The delusional part was my being there might stay the hand that wields the nuclear bombs, delusional because the USA has managed to keep my true nature from the world; and it is the world, the whole world, that will atom bomb the United States of America...In self-defense, in self-defense, in self-defense, Sweet God in self-defense.

The selfish and pragmatic part is that "Satan" really wants my soul; that like the Dalai Lama I am an important reincarnation; and if I died among the millions about to die in Los Angeles and Orange Counties, my soul might pass through "Satan's" trap concealed among the millions of souls passing through, one Koi unseen among the Trout.

But this is not for you to worry you pretty little heads about; this is adult stuff, gown-up stuff, grown up God's Space War stuff; but anyway, my Old Pal God asked me not to die with the millions about to die in Los Angeles and Orange counties thanks to their kissing the ass of George W. Bush, my Old Pal God has asked me to fight on beyond the atom-bombing of Southern California.

Damn, like a Samurai, I am more prepared to die than to live.

So, so close to the end, what can I say to you that will make any difference? You have bought the crap. You have eaten the poison apple. How i wish you hadn't; Sweet God how I wish you hadn't; but you are lost and gone forever, dreadful sorrow; and I cannot save you because you made it illegal for me to be your Jesus, remember?

Frankly, I don't mind; I would rather be your Virgil than your Jesus; I would rather guide you through Hell than save you from it.

Kiss; a kiss goodbye. I hate America.

Contact Virgil Kret at

Legal Defense, Survival & Presidential Campaign Fund:

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 43
Morro Bay, CA 93443

George W. Bush will destroy the world.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
His cry of misery will be heard around the world; then the chorus will sing "Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!"

George W. Bush is a perfect storm of stupidity, dishonesty and vanity.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

"In my strategy, the training for killing enemies is by way of many contests, fighting for survival, discovering the meaning of life and death, learning the Way of the sword, judging the strength of attacks and understanding the Way of the 'edge and ridge' of the sword." Miyamoto Musashi, 17th Century.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The world is George W. Bush's Iraq. The world is George W. Bush's New Orleans. The world cannot bear the fascist, insane stupidity of George W. Bush.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The most important news story in the world today, and the most important political stance in America today is this:

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

This is how America became pregnant with her fascist baby, by falling asleep after the initial rape in 2000 and telling herself the rape had not taken place; and that gave license to the rapist to rape her again and again and again until she was raped silly, barefoot in a world of broken glass, and pregnant with Six-Six-Six.

As my Old Pal God said some 13 months before the 9/11 attack:

"George W. Bush will destroy the world."

Thursday, October 18, 2007

The $403 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Two

Shark America Eight (Adjusted)

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 170

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--Seek the Big Story

Today's Code is "He is sifting out the hearts of men..."

Let us talk about what we are talking about; let us talk about the death of this Earth by 2065 and God's response to that profound tragedy.

By 2020 everyone will know I am telling you the truth today; but this truth will ring hollow, like mockery from the past, when humankind is feeling an empty ache in its stomach where its future should have been.

Look at it this way, any child you see who is in the second grade now, planning for Halloween and dreaming of Christmas, will know by the time he or she is 20 that he or she hasn't a chance of a Telepath in America of living a full life.

Too late, too late, it will be too late; and the human race will be becoming restless with the knowledge; bitterness will be bubbling, despair will be triumphant, hope will be dashed, and war and war and war will be everywhere.

This Earth will not be the happy planet you see today, when naught but Americans and brigands kill other people's children; murder will become the Olympics of humankind.

This future is not written in stone; it is written in the heart of the human being; as stony a stone there is, in my experience; hardened, like Pharaoh's heart before God's truth coming down the Pike, truth spelled out in signs pointed out by America's telepathic Moses-slave.

Yesterday I went to a fast food restaurant, and no one struck me; yesterday I went to a supermarket, and no one struck me. That has happened before, but it is rare for Americans not to strike me since God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy over 30 years ago.

The question is, have these people reached a point of understanding; or are they just following the orchestrations of their masters in Washington Deceit and the Halls of Big Money?

I have seen this before; puppets on a string unable to stand on their own, they do to me what they are told to do and feel very clever about it, and when their masters say briefly hold back from the torture they briefly hold back like synchronized schemers, nightmare creators, murderers of my children, murderers for the fun of murder.

Damn hard day, Judgment Day; damn hard day for Americans.

I am killing time today while Time is killing you, bouncing words around like a basketball player a basketball setting up the shot.

I have heard I have won a Pulitzer.

I will believe it when I see it on both CNN and Fox; until then I will continue to think I am singing for the deaf and dancing for the blind.

I will believe it when I can have a home in America, not allowed me by the American people since 1972...1972...1972.

What year is this? 2007. Since 1972 the American people have not allowed me to have a home....oh? what?...because I think to loud? That is why? No wonder these Americans are lost and gone forever, dreadful sorrow.

By 2020 everyone will know this Earth will be dead by 2065. What will the world be like then? Will people be amused by the pompous stupidity of George W. Bush? Will they watch old video clips of him like we watch Charlie Chaplin scenes, marveling at the comic genius; or will they say, hey, this faux-man's stupidity killed the children of our children?

Thanks to that silly ass, tomorrow's tomorrow will never come.

Will they hang that Teddy Bear fascist from a lamp post; and if he is dead will they dig up his body and hang it from a lamp post? They won't like him, like you do. They won't kiss his faux-presidential ass, like you do. He murdered the future, Dear Reader, he murdered the future; and for the little time there is left he will be known as the vermin of humankind, Satan's Clown, George W. Bush.

Dead, a dead Earth. Doomed, a doomed human race.

Killing time today while Time is killing you.

(Pardon me, Boy, is that the God's Space War pooh-pooh. Yea, yea, it's the end of the line.)

I look at my bank account, calculating when miserable homelessness becomes sleeping on miserable concrete homelessness, and in the dull recesses of my homeless mind I remember I am a journalist who once danced through the shrapnel, who once kissed beautiful women, not the old turkey-necked homeless man I see in the mirror today.

Hmmmmmm. I look around for a news story just right for me. We raggedy assed old reporters die with our boots on. There is a pile of unreported news stories the "news media" won't cover because the paycheck signers don't want them covered...but no, no day old bread for my last story.

At the top of my report each day I have access to the Internet I make note of two news stories I expect to take place in the future, a disastrous earthquake on December 26, 2007, and the appearance of God in the Peru-Chile region of South America, date unknown.

I have been accurately anticipating earthquakes since 1972, but though I am skilled at knowing the day I am unskilled at knowing the location; a flaw, yes, but i never said I am perfect.

The point here being if I knew the location of the expected December 26 quake I would go there, settle in, and be there to report that news; but I can only anticipate the date, like I anticipated the date of the big twin quakes on December 26, 2006, and major quakes on the same day three years in a row (an accomplishment which the "news media" blacks out).

No, the major earthquake of December 26, 2007 is not a suitable bowing out news story for me; even though the December 26 earthquake pattern, now four years in a row, signals the death of this Earth on or about some December 26 roughly some 55 years, two months and fourteen hours from the moment today's report is posted.

But the appearance of God in the Peru-Chile area of South America... that is a fitting final news story for a raggedy assed old newsman.

I know the location but not the date (just the opposite of the earthquake story), and summer is coming to South America, and we millions of homeless American citizens love summer because it turns the agony of homelessness to simple pain; so I think I will go to South America to cover that story.

I haven't been out of the United States of America since 1969. It will be nice to breathe free air again. Slavery sucks.

Unless bigger news breaks, next time (hopefully tomorrow) I will review the early days of America's enslavement of me, with mention of some song lyrics I wrote when America was extracting my birthrights.

"I want to be a real boy; I want to be a real boy; and do all the things real boys do."

Contact Virgil Kret at

Legal Defense, Survival & Presidential Campaign Fund:

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 43
Morro Bay, CA 93443

George W. Bush will destroy the world.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
His cry of misery will be heard around the world; then the chorus will sing "Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!"

George W. Bush is a perfect storm of stupidity, dishonesty and vanity.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

"In my strategy, the training for killing enemies is by way of many contests, fighting for survival, discovering the meaning of life and death, learning the Way of the sword, judging the strength of attacks and understanding the Way of the 'edge and ridge' of the sword." Miyamoto Musashi, 17th Century.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The world is George W. Bush's Iraq. The world is George W. Bush's New Orleans. The world cannot bear the fascist, insane stupidity of George W. Bush.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The most important news story in the world today, and the most important political stance in America today is this:

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

This is how America became pregnant with her fascist baby, by falling asleep after the initial rape in 2000 and telling herself the rape had not taken place; and that gave license to the rapist to rape her again and again and again until she was raped silly, barefoot in a world of broken glass, and pregnant with Six-Six-Six.

As my Old Pal God said some 13 months before the 9/11 attack:

"George W. Bush will destroy the world."

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The $402 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Three

Shark America Eight

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 179

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--Tell Them About Big Money's Attack on Them this Winter

Today's Code is "The Winter of America's Damnation"

The great swirling Sargasso Sea of Homelessness, which entraps sailors in endless, circling drifting, brought me to a hospitable haven; not for long, for a week; where I was nearly free of abuse and my wounds could heal and my welts could calm down; brought me far from the northern cold of Smallville to the warm splash of Los Angeles.Los Angeles, the atom-bombist's wet dream. No sweeter target on this Earth for nuclear attack than Los Angeles; near-endless tracks of wood and stucco houses to be pushed and splintered by the winds of Nuclear Change.

Los Angeles, Nuclear Target Number One to all who would attack the United States of America with nuclear weapons.

Like a firecracker in a bowl of gasoline, that is Los Angeles and the nuclear bomb.

As George W. Bush plays nuclear checkers in a world that plays nuclear chess he dooms Los Angeles; he finds Los Angeles expendable, burnable, sacrificeable as the New Nine-One-One. Yes, this period of extended homelessness is costly to the Americans. They don't know it; to them it is just another chance to see the Telepath suffer and ask the ever-constant American Question, "Can we suffer him to death?" If these are the "Good Guys"; how bad must Satan be?It's war,war, war; wherever I look into the future of the United States of America; it's war in store for every nook and cranny.I have new information for you on the ongoing attempt of Republican American Fascism to conquer the United States of America. You can expect a two-pronged attack this winter; one prong expectable, the other a shocking surprise.

The expectable attack will be a military coup against the Constitution utilizing the many private armies of the Republican American Fascists such as Blackwater.

The unexpected attack will be by Big Money on the American people, and will consist of a deliberate closing down of production, and a blocking of delivery of food and fuel in the dead of winter; locking out workers until they agree to be serfs, starving workers' babies until the workers agree to be slaves.We Space Sailors call this coming season, "The Winter of America's Damnation".Yes, it has been costly for all Americans, the pleasure Californians take in making me homeless; and seeing me homeless, seeking to make of me Bob Dylan's poet who dies in the gutter.They burn me; then they eat the fire.

Contact Virgil Kret at

Legal Defense, Survival & Presidential Campaign Fund:

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 43
Morro Bay, CA 93443

George W. Bush will destroy the world.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
His cry of misery will be heard around the world; then the chorus will sing "Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!"

George W. Bush is a perfect storm of stupidity, dishonesty and vanity.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

"In my strategy, the training for killing enemies is by way of many contests, fighting for survival, discovering the meaning of life and death, learning the Way of the sword, judging the strength of attacks and understanding the Way of the 'edge and ridge' of the sword." Miyamoto Musashi, 17th Century.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The world is George W. Bush's Iraq. The world is George W. Bush's New Orleans. The world cannot bear the fascist, insane stupidity of George W. Bush.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The most important news story in the world today, and the most important political stance in America today is this:

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

This is how America became pregnant with her fascist baby, by falling asleep after the initial rape in 2000 and telling herself the rape had not taken place; and that gave license to the rapist to rape her again and again and again until she was raped silly, barefoot in a world of broken glass, and pregnant with Six-Six-Six.

As my Old Pal God said some 13 months before the 9/11 attack:

"George W. Bush will destroy the world."

Friday, October 05, 2007

The $390 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Five

Shark America Five

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 205

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--Two Birds, One Stone, Again and Again

Today's Code is "...that shall never call retreat"

There are three events about to take place in the immediate future.

First, Republican American Fascism is about to take its planned and scheduled overthrow of the Constitution of the United States of America to the next (and perhaps final) stage.

This can be expected to take place very soon, perhaps even days, and can be expected to include ensnaring the United Sates into broader military activity at home and abroad, and drastically reducing the civil liberties of almost all Americans in one fell swoop.

Second, as Republican American Fascism tips America further over the brink of Hell on Earth, with its shell game of using US soldier blood as the lubricant of the machinery of its conquest of the United States of America, there seems to be counter movement by my Old Pal God.

Third, Israel and its drone ally, the United States of America, are the two birds God will kill with one stone.

There has been a considerable amount of God's Space War activity over the past couple days, but my Internet connection has been too tenuous to cover it for you; and it looks like my connection will continue to be tenuous for the near future. Wi-Fi is easy to jam; and government pigs are as free to mess with my computer as they are to mess with my life.

Perhaps the most important and impressive God's Space War event recently was the gold mine collapse event in South Africa, which fit not only into our "Sudden Collapse" code pattern but also our "Divine Comedy" code pattern; and also fit with the contention of this work that the vast majority of the Black race is immune to damnation.

The Divine Comedy code pattern was first used in the Seventies, and at that time in direct relation to South Africa; and this recent use seems to complete the circles of the code.

I consider this an important timing factor.

Remember, in this Divine Comedy code, Virgil, God's One True Telepath, guides his beloved unborn son, Dante, through Hell, pointing out to him the damned souls of those who denied him the right to be conceived.

Those millions of damned souls will primarily be American souls; damned for their mass torture-enslavement of me, God's One True Telepath; and damned for their mass bearing of false witness relative to that torture-enslavement.

Contact Virgil Kret at

Legal Defense, Survival & Presidential Campaign Fund:

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 43
Morro Bay, CA 93443

George W. Bush will destroy the world.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
His cry of misery will be heard around the world; then the chorus will sing "Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!"

George W. Bush is a perfect storm of stupidity, dishonesty and vanity.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

"In my strategy, the training for killing enemies is by way of many contests, fighting for survival, discovering the meaning of life and death, learning the Way of the sword, judging the strength of attacks and understanding the Way of the 'edge and ridge' of the sword." Miyamoto Musashi, 17th Century.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The world is George W. Bush's Iraq. The world is George W. Bush's New Orleans. The world cannot bear the fascist, insane stupidity of George W. Bush.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The most important news story in the world today, and the most important political stance in America today is this:

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

This is how America became pregnant with her fascist baby, by falling asleep after the initial rape in 2000 and telling herself the rape had not taken place; and that gave license to the rapist to rape her again and again and again until she was raped silly, barefoot in a world of broken glass, and pregnant with Six-Six-Six.

As my Old Pal God said some 13 months before the 9/11 attack:

"George W. Bush will destroy the world."

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

The $388 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Three

Shark America Seven

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 221

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--Turn Your Back on Satan

Today's Code is "Movement Is Good"

I am running into a little death problem. It's the homelessness, and the inactivity that goes with it, and the tenseness about homeless tomorrow, and homeless tomorrow and homeless tomorrow. These three together are death.

I have been close to heart-related death three times, enough times to know if death gets too close it sticks to you like glue and you can't shake it off. Fortunately, I made it to the ER those three times.

Death is not sticking yet, but it's hanging around and flicking my heart with its finger.

I know what I need, I need to have some fun and I need to walk a lot.

Contact Virgil Kret at
Legal Defense, Survival & Presidential Campaign Fund:

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 43
Morro Bay, CA 93443

George W. Bush will destroy the world.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
His cry of misery will be heard around the world; then the chorus will sing "Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!"

George W. Bush is a perfect storm of stupidity, dishonesty and vanity.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

"In my strategy, the training for killing enemies is by way of many contests, fighting for survival, discovering the meaning of life and death, learning the Way of the sword, judging the strength of attacks and understanding the Way of the 'edge and ridge' of the sword." Miyamoto Musashi, 17th Century.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The world is George W. Bush's Iraq. The world is George W. Bush's New Orleans. The world cannot bear the fascist, insane stupidity of George W. Bush.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The most important news story in the world today, and the most important political stance in America today is this:

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

This is how America became pregnant with her fascist baby, by falling asleep after the initial rape in 2000 and telling herself the rape had not taken place; and that gave license to the rapist to rape her again and again and again until she was raped silly, barefoot in a world of broken glass, and pregnant with Six-Six-Six.

As my Old Pal God said some 13 months before the 9/11 attack:

"George W. Bush will destroy the world."

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

The $387 Billion Defeat

Jews Jaws Two

Shark America Eight

Number of Earthquakes in the Past Seven Days: 209

Note: Expect a Disastrous Earthquake on December 26, 2007

Looking for the Peru-Chile God Event

Today: Tactics of the Smallville Battle--Offer the Psycho-Fascist Americans Surrender Terms

Today's Code is "He has sounded forth the trumpet..."

Pardon me, Boy, is that the true God's Space War pooh-pooh." "Yea, yea, it's the end of the line."

I am killing time while Time is killing you. I am watching the unfolding of your disaster, and I am flabbergasted.

May God have mercy on your souls, you poor God-damned bastards..

Contact Virgil Kret at
Legal Defense, Survival & Presidential Campaign Fund:

Virgil Kret
I.C. News
P.O. Box 43
Morro Bay, CA 93443

George W. Bush will destroy the world.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.
His cry of misery will be heard around the world; then the chorus will sing "Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!"

George W. Bush is a perfect storm of stupidity, dishonesty and vanity.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

"In my strategy, the training for killing enemies is by way of many contests, fighting for survival, discovering the meaning of life and death, learning the Way of the sword, judging the strength of attacks and understanding the Way of the 'edge and ridge' of the sword." Miyamoto Musashi, 17th Century.
George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The world is George W. Bush's Iraq. The world is George W. Bush's New Orleans. The world cannot bear the fascist, insane stupidity of George W. Bush.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

The most important news story in the world today, and the most important political stance in America today is this:

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

George W. Bush will destroy the world.

This is how America became pregnant with her fascist baby, by falling asleep after the initial rape in 2000 and telling herself the rape had not taken place; and that gave license to the rapist to rape her again and again and again until she was raped silly, barefoot in a world of broken glass, and pregnant with Six-Six-Six.

As my Old Pal God said some 13 months before the 9/11 attack:

"George W. Bush will destroy the world."