Saturday, September 30, 2006

The $12 Billion Defeat

There is a lot of news today, more than I expected to be giving you at the start of this "Mouse" attack pattern last Monday, and more than I think all but the most intellectually free of you can digest.

We are talking about God's Space War here, and this has been an excellent week in God's Space War; but it is not easy to understand, nor was it mean to be. I record it only to record it, thinking later events will make more clear what I tell you today.

This is a huge attack pattern, we have gone from two plus two to quantum physics; we have gone from the ten-day countdown in which I demonstrate that something is going to happen on Zero Day to a 56-day count-up apparently leading to Total Space War.

This attack pattern has expanded beyond what I initially expected. Initially I thought it would result in the defeat of the United States of America in response to America's torture-enslavement of me---and that has certainly been confirmed---but now the attack pattern targets all nations who know of and support America's torture-enslavement of me.

God knows who they all are; I know only a few.

We are still in the first week of this eight-week attack pattern; we can expect it to expand in impact each week.

It seems to me that in this approach by God to America and its allies in Telepath torture-enslavement there is no interest at all anymore in education, in convincing you Telepath torturers you took the wrong path when you entered into your crime of torturing and enslaving me after God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy.

God's interest now seems simply to be in chopping off at the knees America and its allies in Telepath torture-enslavement.

The scope of this attack pattern puts me into a state of awe; long a lone Space Sailor fighting a cruel and cowardly enemy, now my whole heavenly fleet shows up.

Sure to be sure, we only had one reasonably clear advance documentation this past week, that of the death of the high school girl in Colorado---and sure to be sure, we know advance documentations of deaths and other news events are not going to free me from America's tyranny.

We all know I could document in advance the deaths of a whole damn high school full of students and that would not free me from America's torture-enslavement, just as my advance documentation of the 9/11 attack brought me no freedom.

Yet, despite there being only one clear advance documentation of one deep pool of America's Hell this week, to the practiced eye we had a magnificent series of advance documentations; and we know they will mean a great deal in the seven weeks to come in this Mouse attack..

For example, I said I was expecting a "Green" attack, and what happens, a plan to attack the Green Zone in Baghdad was uncovered. It is not what I expected, but it fit the code I was extrapolating from.

I still expect this Green code to lead to a massive ecological disaster, and ultimately to the death of this Earth, but I consider the Baghdad event to be the first link in this code's chain.

(Recall, the Green Zone of Baghdad is George W. Bush's turd in Arabia; and God told me George W. Bush will destroy the world. That was clearly the first link in a hard, mean chain.)

As another example, I told you I was expecting a sports disaster. I was expecting a plane full of American professional athletes to crash. I didn't report that expectation here, but I telepathically told it to the to the fascist in the next room, whom America pays to torture me day and night. Ask that cowardly son of a bitch, see if he will tell you the truth.

However, knowing as I do the metaphorical leeway of God's Space War codes, I will take the GOL (goal) Airlines crash in Brazil as the first link in that sports disaster code.

That is, I still expect at least one plane carrying professional American athletes to crash as this attack pattern develops. One of the aims of this Mouse attack, you may remember, is to break America's heart; and you can expect to see a lot of sports fans blubbering in their beer before it is half over.

Another example was the school shooting in Cazenovia, Wisconsin.

While there was no advance documentation here, and a copycat event was quite expectable, there was a very important code hidden in the event.

(There is a certain Pied Piper element working here. I had documented the blocked school shooting in Green Bay, and received only psycho-fascist silence from Wisconsin journalism as thanks. It made no sense to take another swing at the same ball. Likewise, I got psycho-fascist silence from Colorado journalism after I documented the Platte High School tragedy in advance; as a result I have no interest in stepping up to that Colorado plate again. Forewarned is forearmed.)

Before I explain the important hidden code in the Cazenovia shooting I will remind you that I am documenting acts of God in this work, and I am showing you how God is attempting to talk to the human species by writing on the wall of the news, and how God is frequently telling me that news before it happens.

That said, I suggest God guided that student to shoot that principal named Klang to draw attention to the name of the town he was killed in. This may sound silly today, but it won't in three weeks.

Read Cazenovia as "Casanova". When you understand that this attack involves the destruction of the Mouse's home (casa) and that a nova is the total destruction of a star, it is worth including this school shooting in the equation.

If you think God would talk to you in a kinder way than I am describing, see how unkind you are to God's One True Telepath and you may appreciate that God is doing exactly to you what you do to me. God asked me to warn you about the death of this Earth, your home, and you make public sport of murdering me slowly. Expect the same.

Had you not tortured and enslaved me this world would be far, far further from death than it is today.

As I told you, God's Space War is Do Unto Others War. As Jesus told you, "What you do to the least of mine, you do to me", and any Christian in America will tell you I am the lowliest Christian of them all.

The boy who shot the principal is said to be mentally challenged, as are all of you Telepath torturers lumped together. Individually you are perhaps somewhat intelligent, but lumped together you are a monster idiot.

Today's code, the last line of the first verse, is "With murd'ring pattle!".

That fits you Telepath torturers so well, and we have this week learned that you Telepath torturers, all of you all around the world, are targeted in this attack.

The key to not being targeted in this attack is to disavow yourself from America's torture-enslavement of me, be you nation or individual within a nation.

Looking to the second week of this attack I will be interested in seeing if it will overlay or match this week's attacks. Space War attacks tend to contain similar patterns, metaphorically similar but never exactly the same.

So, next week I will watch for a repetition of this week's pattern: School, School, Green, Sports Plane Crash. I am not saying this pattern will continue, but I will watch for it; and if it does I can expect it to continue every week for the following six weeks.

Friday, September 29, 2006

The $11 Billion Defeat

There is really bad news in store for you Americans and your allies in your torture-enslavement of me.

When I tell you what it is you won't believe me, largely because it is just too terrible; and you have worked so hard in hateful union against me you would think it was just my anger talking; but in fact it is more like the pirate's rum talking as you walk his plank.

There is something the American people and their allies in this crime against me have in agreement, that being that they intend to torture me until the day I die.

I cannot prove this, and that is part of the joy of torture the American people and their allies feel; but God knows it is true, and so do the American people and their allies in this crime.

It is the truth of this that damns the American people and their allies in Telepath torture-enslavement.

Lucky is the human being who does not know about America's torture-enslavement of me; damned is the human being who does. One is wheat, the other is chaff.

Here, now, is the really terrible news I bring you today.

The soul of every American and American ally who has died in the knowledge of America's torture-enslavement of me since that torture-enslavement began, no matter in what pretty rationalization that torture-enslavement is framed, exists today in a state of agony, fear and regret.

I am soon to prove this to you. I am soon to prove not only the existence of life after death, but also the miserable state in which the souls of all Telepath torturers exist

I know of only one exception to this, my mother. My father died innocent of this sin.

That said, let's continue with the next magnificent seven weeks of this "Mouse" demonstration.

Never you mind that this Mouse demonstration has already documented the death of one American high school girl before it took place; life is cheap to you Americans and your allies in Telepath torture-enslavement..

Today's code is the fifth line of the first verse of Robert Burns' Mouse poem, "I wad (would) be laith (loathe) to run and chase thee".

This thought is finished with tomorrow's code, "With murd'ring pattle!"; then on Monday we enter the second verse.

Never you mind whose deaths might be documented in advance next week, life is cheap to you Americans and your allies in Telepath torture-enslavement.

Never you mind whose souls have been lost and will be lost due to Telepath torture-enslavement; perhaps America's god, Sigmund Freud, can save them.

Remember, Americans, the overall theme of this Burns' poem is the destruction of the Mouse's home, and remember, Americans, America is that Mouse.

There is one thing I must add. As Titanic America rams the iceberg in this eight-week demonstration, I am documenting less than ten percent of what is taking place, and even that is more than America and its allies in Telepath torture-enslavement deserve.

Because "I would be loathe to run and chase thee" I say nothing about the shooting of the high school principal in Wisconsin. I already documented in advance one intended school shooting in that state last week, and got nothing but psycho-fascist silence from that state in return.

Likewise, I got psycho-fascist silence from Colorado, so I'll not take a swing at that ball again.


Thursday, September 28, 2006

The $10 Billion Defeat

Today I will tell you about a sad horror I might have prevented were I a free man, a sad horror documented in advance in this work, that being the death of Emily Keyes of Platte Canyon High School, Bailey, Colorado, who was shot at her school Wednesday.

Ms. Keye's death was documented in Tuesday's code, "Oh, what a panic's in thy breastie!", and also in the opening theme of this current documentation, "Why Shoot Just One...When You Can Shoot Them All?"

Note what I wrote on the day this code appeared:

"Today's code is, "Oh, what a panic's in thy breastie!", the second line of the first verse of our battle map poem, Robert Burns' "Mouse".

"If America knew what I have in store for it, America would end its evil torture-enslavement of me today, while the great pain approaching is yet unsuffered and while the good faith payment is only $8 billion dollars. Tomorrow it will be $9 billion."

Today it is $10 billion.

As I told you, this eight-week demonstration will break America's heart.

I will note that I clearly documented in advance the blocked shooting at East High School in Green Bay, Wisconsin, in my demonstration that ended last week, the "Timber" countdown.

The truth of this statement is available to anyone who reads the Timber countdown entries in this work

I also note I documented the Jonesboro, Arkansas school shooting in advance.

I dedicate Ms. Keyes' death to the "man" who, in service to the United States of America, tortures me, the only audible mental telepath in human history, through the wall every day and every night, even though the room he occupies is, according to the management and staff of this motel, "vacant".

Clearly, this cowardly, psycho-fascist American's current occupation is Telepath Torture.

Today's code is, "Wi' (With) bickering (hurrying) brattle (rattling sound)!", the forth line of our Space War battle map poem, Robert Burns' "Mouse".

So far I have heard this rattling sound in the Sheriff's press conference at Platte High School when papers concerning the lunatic who killed Ms. Keyes were being passed around, but I will look to see if I also hear it elsewhere, perhaps in the scurrying of the American mice who torture me.

The suggestion here is that there are better uses for my telepathy than as a justification for torture-enslavement.

It seems to me this eight-week demonstration is developing into a dynamic, solid proof of the stupidity and criminality of America's torture-enslavement of me; and further, proof that God is punishing America for that torture-enslavement.

For that reason I will repeat the cogent points concerning my most recent demonstration I republished yesterday.

"My advance documentation of Australia's Steve Irwin's death was strengthened by my advance documentation Daniel Smith's death a few days later, and both were further strengthened by my advance documentation of the blocked school shooting in Green Bay, Wisconsin, and the whole package of that pattern, called the "Timber" countdown, was climaxed by my advance documentation of the coup in Thailand, a documentation established a full eleven days in advance of the event."

You will again see this mutual strengthening of advance documentations as I proceed here. While Ms. Keyes' death may not yet be in your mind have been clearly documented in advance, it will be if you read on as I document more and more events before they happen in the coming days and weeks.

I think I should also give a brief overview of the current attack pattern for those just beginning to read this report on what I am reporting as "God's Space War".

As often is the case in this work this attack pattern overlays a work of literature, in this case Robert Burns' 1785 poem concerning a mouse whose home has been destroyed by a plough. In this attack pattern, America is the mouse and God is the ploughman.

There are eight verses of six lines each in the poem, one verse to be run each week, one line day Monday through Saturday, the second verse beginning next Monday.

While there will be American agony throughout the running of this battle poem, it is suggested a particularly great agony will occur when the poem's most famous lines are reached in the seventh verse, the seventh week, "The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men gang aft agley".

Hmmm? I wonder what that best-laid scheme will be?

It is the suggestion of this demonstration that the agony now being felt in the community of Bailey, Colorado, will be felt all across the country because of events to take place over the next seven weeks and some days.

Here is the verse being run this week:

Wee, sleekit, cow'rin, tim'rous beastie,
Oh, what a panic's in thy breastie!
Thou need na (not) start awa (away) sae (so) hasty,
Wi' (With) bickering (hurrying) brattle (rattling sound)!
I wad (would) be laith (loathe) to run and chase thee,
With murd'ring pattle!

I repeat what I have reported several times before, while America is under God's Space War attack for many different crimes, the crime America is suffering for in this demonstration is America's torture-enslavement of me, God's One True Telepath.

While the Colorado newspapers I will send today's report may snort and hold to the news media's blacklisting of me and blacking out of my story, the people of Bailey now understand full well that God's Space War is Hell.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The $9 Billion Defeat

Today's code is, "Thou need na (not) start awa (away) sae (so) hasty," the third line of our battle map, Robert Burns' "Mouse" poem.

We are now midway into the first week of my eight-week documentation of God's punishment of the United States of America for its torture-enslavement of me, the only audible mental telepath in human history.

Yesterday I reported, "We now have two early target expectations, an ecological disaster and a sports disaster; we expect one or both of these before Sunday."

Today we have the story of a professional football player apparently attempting suicide. While this is not the sports disaster we are expecting, it does fit the metaphor of today's code, repeated here in modern English, "You need not start away so hasty", which indicates to the experienced Space War observer that we are right on schedule.

We also have a number of major fires going on in the American West, but they do not constitute the ecological disaster we are looking for.

Since this attack pattern has not firmed up at this time I will briefly review my advance documentation of another ecological disaster, the great tsunami, documented on the Internet in a ten-number countdown called "Bingo-Zero".

The importance of that advance documentation goes beyond the hundreds of thousands of lives lost because it points to literally billions of lives to be lost when this Earth's poles shift, expected within the next eight years.

I will give you a fraction of my evidence that points to that shifting of the poles. If you look at the date of the quake and tsunami, December 26, 2004, which involved a slight shifting of the poles, you will see that huge quakes occurred in the same area on the same date the next two years in a row.

If I could find a gambler foolish enough to take the bet, I would bet that another huge quake will occur in the same area on or about December 26, 2007.

Because I am expecting this story to break open soon, possibly even today, I will plan to file two reports today.

I think it is important to review, again, my outstanding "Timber" countdown recently completed. America's non-response to that most excellent work will result in the deaths of more Americans due to lack of understanding of what is happening.

This is what I reported yesterday and have distributed around the world and among a number of Wisconsin newspapers.

"My advance documentation of Australia's Steve Irwin's death was strengthened by my advance documentation Daniel Smith's death a few days later, and both were further strengthened by my advance documentation of the blocked school shooting in Green Bay, Wisconsin, and the whole package of that pattern, called the "Timber" countdown, was climaxed by my advance documentation of the coup in Thailand, a documentation established a full eleven days in advance of the event."

Anyone who has actively participated in America's torture-enslavement has committed suicide of the soul.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The $8 Billion Defeat

People familiar with this work know I have documented scores of events before they took place since God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy some 35 years ago; and they know these documentations follow certain patterns with a beginning and an end; and evidence builds to a climax within those patterns.
My advance documentation of Australia's Steve Irwin's death was strengthened by my advance documentation Daniel Smith's death a few days later, and both were further strengthened by my advance documentation of the blocked school shooting in Green Bay, Wisconsin, and the whole package of that pattern, called the "Timber" countdown, was climaxed by my advance documentation of the coup in Thailand, a documentation established a full eleven days in advance of the event.
Were this work not warped by the United States of America and prevented from reaching the world intact, this work would be famous and the world would be free of America's tyranny, and many thousands of people dead due to America's tyranny would not be dead.
However, this work does not depend on being read to be successful.   Even if I am writing in a total vacuum, God will defeat the United States of America within the next eight weeks; and God will defeat the United States of America even if I were not writing at all.  My writing serves only the lessen the number of Americans dead and damned, if  America chooses to allow that number to be lessened.
This is the second day of this eight-week documentation of this major attack by God on that most pathetically fascist country, the United States of America.
Early codes are very intense, and point to America's legs being cut off at the knees.
We now have two early target expectations, an ecological disaster and a sports disaster; we expect one or both of these before Sunday.
Today's code is, "Oh, what a panic's in thy breastie!", the second line of the first verse of our battle map poem, Robert Burns' "Mouse".
If America knew what I have in store for it, America would end its evil torture-enslavement of me today, while the great pain approaching is yet unsuffered and while the good faith payment is only $8 billion dollars.  Tomorrow it will be $9 billion.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Eight Weeks of Punishment

If you would like to get into the spirit of the eight weeks of Hell America has now entered, I suggest you might imagine yourself as an officer in the battlefield headquarters tent of Ulysses S. Grant or Robert E. Lee, and see that the general has spread a map across a folding table and is describing for his officers the plan of the battle to come.

The American Civil War is a good historical reference in that this is somewhat of a set-piece battle; and also in that an underlying cause of this war is America's succession from the Constitution in its torture-enslavement of me, God's One True Telepath, the only audible mental telepath in history.

In fact, among we Space Sailors, this conflict between God and the United States is often called "The Second American Civil War", because it concerns America's fundamental violation of its contract with God.

I remind you to see yourself as a thinking, fighting officer attending the briefing, not as a fly on the wall, since the fly's only interest in war is that the dead and wounded provide nurseries for its beloved baby maggots, and your interest is far, far greater, no matter what side you are on, Telepath or Anti-Telepath.

As the general reveals the battle map we see it is based on an overlay of a 1785 poem by Scotland's Robert Burns. The poem is, "To A Mouse, On Turning Her Up In Her Nest With The Plough".

In this battle, America is the Mouse and God is the Ploughman.

Today's battle code is "Wee, sleekit, cow'rin, tim'rous beastie", the first line of Burns' poem.

With apologies for my limited linguistic range I will modernize it as "Tiny, sleeked, cowering, timorous little beast", which seems to me to be a good opening definition of the United States of America I know.

When we look at the topography of the map, of the poem, we see it is composed of eight verses of six lines each.

The general's long experience in God's Space War leads him to overlay the six lines with six days of the week, Monday through Saturday. He leaves Sunday open to allow America to pray for its many dead---well, grieve, since praying won't help them, and for we, the general's staff, to review the battle for ourselves.

The general's long experience also tells us we can expect at least one major hit each week, and a particularly powerful hit on the days the poem's most famous two lines appear. Those lines are, "The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men / Gang aft agley". That is in the seventh verse, the seventh week of the eight-week attack.

I know little about this attack. I have never read this poem, and it is in 16th Century Scottish-English, and even the modern form of Scottish tongue approaches being Greek to me.

Given continued Internet access, I will publish the current verse on Monday of each week, parenthetically adding modern forms next to the more obscure forms. This does not mean I have any knowledge in this field, only that I have done an Internet search.

Let's look at the first verse to show you what I mean.

Wee, sleekit, cow'rin, tim'rous beastie,
Oh, what a panic's in thy breastie!
Thou need na (not) start awa (away) sae (so) hasty,
Wi' (With) bickering (hurrying) brattle (rattling sound)!
I wad (would) be laith (loathe) to run and chase thee,
With murd'ring pattle!

You can see how difficult this is to read, but there is a purpose in the obscurity in operation here, that being to publish that which is about to happen before it happens, with little chance of what is about to happen being deciphered.

We do not want America dodging these bullets.

Unless you are a glutton for poetic punishment, you need not spend much time with these verses. For our purposes consider them as if you were reading encoded Japanese prior to Pearl Harbor. You may understand a bit of Japanese, but the code defeats your understanding.

Early indications are this week's primary hit will be a "Green" hit, an ecological disaster of some type.

There is one way out of this for the United States of America. That is openly and honestly confessing the crimes America has committed against me, asking my forgiveness before the world, and making the good faith payment mentioned previously.

Frankly, I have a rough idea of how badly the United States of America is going to be hurt over the next eight weeks, and if America wants to continue its enslavement and torture of me for all that time I know there is nothing I can do about it, and I know America will pay a crippling heavy price for it.

It is the nature of this attack that the deeper America gets into it, the more difficult it will be for America to get out of it. That is, at a certain point surrender will be impossible.

At last mention, America's good faith payment to me stood at six billion dollars; however it is likely the financial cost to America of just the first week of this attack will far exceed that amount.

Therefore, to illustrate America's profound danger as it bumbles into these next eight weeks of God's Space War against it I am increasing the good faith payment by one billion dollars a day, today the figure stands at seven billion dollars, tomorrow it will be eight billion, Wednesday nine billion, and so on.

War is Hell.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

...When You Can Shoot Them All

The linking code of yesterday and today (Don't Shoot Just One...When You Can Shoot Them All) points not only to the coming massive attack by God on the United States of America, but also to my own defensive strategy during these some 35 years of American torture-enslavement.
My survival was in my following several injunctions of Jesus, including "Turn the Other Cheek", which took on the role of strategy since America was making every effort possible to trigger a response from me it could call criminal.  It was doing this through constant infliction of pain, loss and outrage.
America was doing this because it thought I was helpless; the fact that I am not helpless is one of the points about to be driven home to the Americans.
The murder of my progeny, for example, angered me to dangerous level, not a danger to the technician who was paid to do it, but to myself; because if I had acted on that anger I would still be in prison or I would be dead.
My defense against responding to that most evil American crime against me was to go into the wilderness and pass through my waves of anger in isolation rather than among the psycho-fascist Americans who did it to me.
I had never known anger like that, and I think I must have packed up my camp three or four times with the idea in mind to go back to put some bullets where some bullets belonged, but it was not my job to go to prison for shooting someone who should be shot; it was my job to remember Vengeance is the Lord's.
That extreme violation of my body and murder of my progeny was inflicted by the American government with the intent of creating a suicidal response from me; and that is also a basic strategy of the United States in its relationship with the world, with Korea for example; and right now much if not all of the world's nations feel the muzzle of the American nuclear gun at their temples.
An early example of these intentional outrageous violations of me took place when I attempted to warn of the Patty Hearst kidnapping.
Not only was I put on 72-hour psychiatric hold for asking to speak to a police detective so I might have a way of recording new information as I received it, but the total physical examination of me upon entering the psychiatric facility was by an elderly woman doctor who stuck a tongue depressor up my ass, and twisting it.  That was it.  No blood pressure check, no blood test, no listening to my heart, just a stick up my ass by a fat, mean old woman.
No pun intended, but had I not turned the other cheek I would have gone to prison or worse.
Consider, naked public victim Virgil Kret who had just been committed for observation, alone in a room with a woman doctor, she sticks a stick up his ass (which would not have been reported, of course) and he responds physically, or even yells at her---I would have been framed in the media and the courts to be the monster nut the American government was trying to make of me.
America would have considered that a victory; what a pathetic country America is.
The message from God during all such trials that would bend the limitations of my patience was always:  Let this go, we will get them all in the end.  That was the same as this current code, Don't Shoot Just One...When You Can Shoot Them All.
My skill at tracking future events, such as my advance documentation of the Thai coup just established in the "Timber" countdown, grew from God's responses to America's attempting to torture me into a nut house, or a prison, or a grave.
God would tell me about future events and relate them to America's torture to me.  Prior to one of the first commercial plane crashes I documented in advance, God told me the plane would crash because of a particular crime committed against me in a nut house (a different crime in a different nut house).
So, through the 35 years of America's torture-enslavement of me I have documented and warned of dozens of events before they happened, such as 9/11, and America would just torture me all the more for the warning; and in America's stupidity behind that torture was my poetic justice.
You can see that poetic justice, I am sure, Americans were dying for lack of knowledge they would have had were they not torturing me.
Had I had an office job in the World Trade Center I would have been harassed and tormented every day by fellow employees until I was harassed out or died of a heart attack.  I know because I had office jobs in San Francisco and that is exactly what happened, and Telepath torture is the same everywhere I go in America.
So, those were my torturers dying on 9/11, and I had tried for three months too warn them and was tortured silly every day for trying.  There is a scientific term which fits this mass death due to mass torture:  Tough Titty.
Some 30 years before 9/11, when I was the subject of mass amusement of the ordinary people on the New York City streets, God told me New York City would be punished.  I at first thought 9/11 was that punishment, but I am told worse is yet to come.
The remarkable thing in this pattern of warnings and rejections of warnings was that even though I had clearly been right, America's torture-enslavement of me was worth more than airline planes crashed and passengers killed, worth more than presidents endangered, worth more that the space shuttle Challenger destroyed, worth more than children killed in school shootings, worth more than the 9/11 dead, and a record of my successes was never kept and weighed.
America needed me to be the person of no consequence for which I was being tortured, because the torture, the beloved torture, must go on.
Just last week, my advance documentations of the deaths of Steve Irwin and Daniel Smith, the blocked school shooting in Green Bay, and my naming of the date of the coup in Thailand eleven days in advance, did not merit a cessation of torture through the walls or on the streets or in the stores.  Not only that, those successes even brought about a tightening of the government pig-media weasel alliance against me.
The point I am making here on the verge of this great Space War attack on the United States, is that any demonstration short of breaking America's psycho-fascist back will be swept under the rug so the joy of Telepath torture-enslavement can continue, so the guilt of Telepath torture-enslavement need not be faced.
Typical of America, my knowledge is unwelcome no matter how many people die for the lack of it, because America's knowledge of the truth will set me free, and that is taboo.
America's blindness to my successes and the ignoring of the importance of those successes has been consistent for some 35 years, and I believe this blindness is caused by America's having thrown away my constitutional and human rights in exchange for the joy of torture.
That is, America has been so evil to me, so evil in terms of Constitution and Bible and basic human decency, that it cannot back off from that evil.  America is like a rapist of a child who must continue on to murder the child in an attempt to retain a feeling of innocence.
Now we are on the lip of the pit America has dug for itself while it tortured and enslaved me, and I am about to begin showing you God's Space War attack on the United States of America.
America's crying won't stop it; America's praying won't slow it down.  America has done what it has done, and the American people joined in on the crime willingly and gleefully.  It is time now for America to suffer for it.
I am speaking here only of America's crimes against me, not the many crimes America has committed against the world, particularly since the rise of Republican American Fascism.  God will punish America for those crimes, too, but this approaching punishment, Dear Reader, is God's gift to me.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Don't Just Shoot One...

I suppose you noticed how my Osama Bin Laden story yesterday fit the Osama Bin Laden news today.
The government pigs noticed, and the motel where I stay (because it is illegal for me to have a home of my own) had no electricity for about nine hours.  That's very rare, considering
good weather.
I have perhaps been too ahead of the news lately, and that is making the government pigs and media weasels nervous; and blacking me out for nine hours gives the media weasels and government pigs time to get their stories straight.
The Osama story I told you is not complete, and likewise the news of Osama's possible death is not complete.
Perhaps you can see the story of Osama going aboard a beautiful space ship and having tea with an Angel could be a death story; or it could also be a story about God coming to the aid of Osama.  The story, Dear Reader, suggests Osama is loved by God. 
We shall see where the Osama story leads when God tells me the next chapter.  The important thing here is that my Osama story was about eight hours ahead of the news media's Osama story.
The electricity came back on close to deadline time so I will shoot for rat-tat-tat journalism and not literature, and catch up to where we are in this looming attack by God on the United States of America.
Today's code is a linking code, part today and part tomorrow.  "Don't Shoot Just One..." today, and "...When You Can Shoot Them All" tomorrow.
Having had no electricity, I am not up on the news today, but there apparently is a story of a state senator's son being killed by gunshot.  I do not know the details or the timing of the event, particularly if it happened before or after today's code came in early this morning, California time.
This event fits into the "Favorite Son" Space War pattern that killed Steve Irwin and Daniel Smith, but I am currently not tracking that pattern because there is no market for that story despite the remarkable evidence I have presented about it.
I have told you, every elected official in the United States is under attack in God's Space War due the national crime of Telepath torture; so, having no details of this shooting and no time to search them before deadline, I must say this event seems to fit into that pattern.
I have not heard when the "Plough" code I described yesterday will begin, but since we know tomorrow's code is something else we know it will not begin until at least Monday.
Plough promises to be a most interesting code pattern, not the simple 10-9-8 "Timber" pattern which documented in advance the deaths of Steve Irwin and Daniel Smith, the blocked school shooting in Green Bay, and the coup in Thailand.
At first glance it looks like it might be a difficult Space War attack pattern to follow, its structure being based on the 1785 "Mouse" poem by Robert Burns, language difficult to read even for a native speaker of English, and eight verses of six lines each.
My current guess is this pattern will consist of eight attacks, one fitting each verse.  These are meant to be very painful attacks on the United States of America, attacks in punishment for America's torture-enslavement of me, the only audible mental telepath in human history.
These attacks seem intended to show that the United States is but a mouse in relation to God, and we can expect this attack pattern to destroy the home of the mouse, as is the case in the Burns poem.
I expect the most famous line of the poem (The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men gang aft agley) to be an outstanding element of the attack, even though it does not come at the end of the poem, where we expect a climax to take place.
In other news, while the threat to bomb Pakistan story has been allowed to slip away by the Bush-subservient American journalism, I will comment on the statement of the president of Pakistan that the Bush Administration threatened to bomb Pakistan "into the stone age" if Pakistan did not toe America's line.
What the media did not report is that "bomb into the stone age" is a uniquely American phrase that was used in relation to the Japanese, the Koreans and Chinese, and the Vietnamese; and that the president of Pakistan said this particular phrase was used in the threat adds credence to his statement.  The phrase is generally attributed to Air Force General Curtis Lemay, who died in 1990.

Friday, September 22, 2006

A New Wrinkle

There are strong indications the great Space War attack on the United States of America is taking form; the clouds have gathered and the storm is about to rage.
The countdown code seems to be "Plough", and this countdown promises to follow a far more complex and dynamic countdown pattern than the recently carried out "Timber" countdown.
The Timber countdown documented in advance of their taking place the deaths of Australia's Steve Irwin and Anna Nicole Smith's son Daniel, the thwarted school shooting in Green Bay, Wisconsin, and on its climatic Zero day, the coup that toppled the government of Thailand.
To set up the Plough countdown I have been asked to tell you the following story, which at least for the time being I am considering to be the opening "Metaphor of Attack" of the next phase of God's Space War against the United States.
That is, the battle plan of the next maneuver of God's Space War is hidden in this story.
In this story, Osama bin Laden is out walking one clear, starry night in his beautiful area of refuge, contemplating God and war, and a lovely, small spaceship hovers high in the sky in clear view.
Osama is not afraid, rather he is struck by the little ship's beauty; and while he hears no voice he understands he is being spoken to and is being asked if he would like to go aboard to visit.
He says yes (telepathically), and the space ship descends slowly and lands near him; a portal opens; and he walks aboard.
Osama finds himself in a small, pleasant room where there is a small table with two chairs, and he understands he is invited to sit, and he does.
Very soon a Space Sailor enters the room.  He is carrying a tray on which sit two small, white, handle-less cups.  The Space Sailor sits opposite Osama and hands Osama one of the cups, and takes the other for himself.
Osama sips at the liquid and finds it to be his favorite tea.
That is as much as the story as I have been told, but I suggest it will prove to be an important story as we proceed.  That is, I suggest this metaphor will play out in the news as my next advance documentation of a series of events runs its course.
I had intended to explain yesterday's code today, "When Telepaths Attack", but the best-planned lays of mice and men gang oft agley, and I will put aside that explanation.
I will remind you, however, that I have told you this next demonstration could very likely prove the existence of the spirit beings known as Angels, called Space Sailors in this work, and called Telepaths in the code When Telepaths Attack; and further it will likely prove God's Angels are attacking the United States of America.
My little joke above, "The best-planned lays..." points to the form of the attack can be expected to follow.  The attack will be based on an overlay of the famous but obscure 1785 poem by Robert Burns entitled "To A Mouse, On Turning Her Up In Her Nest With The  Plough".
It is famous because almost everyone has heard its phrase, "The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men gang oft agley, obscure because very few modern people have read it.  The famous line is often misquoted as, "The best-laid plans of mice and men oft go awry"; hence my hilarious "best-planned lays" joke.
I, like most people, have never read the poem, which adds a bit of excitement of the unknown for me as this most serious and devastating attack by God on the United States of America unfolds.
It is my guess that this attack in terms of wealth, will cost America far, far more than ten billion dollars.  I have no estimate on lives to be lost.  More on this tomorrow.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

When Telepath's Attack

Having just established an advance documentation of the coup in Thailand beginning a full 11 days before it took place and ending exactly on the day it took place, the only outward recognition of this accomplishment thus far was a reduction in America's torture of me for nearly 48 hours.
The sleep deprivation torture, America's favorite torture of me because sleep deprivation is a disguised and painful form of murder, was turned off for almost two full nights.
This temporary stoppage of torture after my successful demonstrations is not uncommon in America's 35 years of torture-enslavement of me.  My documenting airline crashes in advance in San Francisco during the Seventies was generally worth about 24 hours of zero torture,.less than 20 minutes for every human life lost for the lack of my intelligence.
(Of course the resumption of torture this morning was exceptionally painful, my body having begun to relax, so the American torturer in the next room got a smidgen more pleasure out of the sin that cost him his soul.)
Today's code is "When Telepaths Attack", which tells us two things:  a new attack pattern is in its formation stage, like storm clouds gathering, and it will show I am not as alone as the American people so bravely assume me to be, that there are many, many telepaths in God's Creation.
On the positive side, this Space War attack on the United States of America may very well prove the existence of Angles; on the negative side those Angels will demonstrate furious anger at the United States of America and inflict serious damage.  Do unto telepaths as you would have telepaths do unto you.
The next attack, still undefined and formless, offers only the scent of its direction, that being a hard, devastating hit on the United States of America, almost certainly beginning with an intense attack on the American media, both news and entertainment, if in fact there is a distinction between the two.
We get this scent from yesterday's code, "The Media Kills", and that code was reaffirmed today in Fox News' unbridled, fuming babble about the presidents of Iran and Venezuela.
It is this tantrumesque beating of the drums of war that creates death down the line, because people actually believe that simplistic, propagandistic blathering.
For example, today in its standard out-of-the-side-of-its-mouth editorializing Fox repeatedly encouraged a boycott of Citgo gas stations because they are owned by Venezuela.
Fox's propagandists disguised as news people did this by repeatedly asking set-piece "experts" if a boycott would likely take place.  They did not say, "Boycott Citgo, viewers of Fox", but they repeatedly made that suggestion to its pre-prepped audience by asking if it is possible that might happen, creating the idea, suggesting the action.
This is not journalism, this is propaganda and manipulation; but perhaps Fox people do not consider themselves journalists and I am being unfair to them.
As Fox's lurid details on pedophilia during the recent JonBenet media feeding frenzy likely unleashed more pedophiles, its "reporting" designed to create a boycott of Citgo could reasonably lead to a Fox-created nut shooting a Citgo station employee.
Fox is throwing its grotesque dreamscape mythology of the real world at ten of millions of people, and some number can be expected to pick up that flag of insightless hatred.
As for the president of Venezuela calling George W. Bush the Devil, well, while perhaps not politically correct it may have been metaphysically accurate; in fact, given the reality that the American people have tortured me and murdered all the generations of my children for the fun of it for 35 years, America looks very much like Satan to me, too.
Only a few days before Bush was called the Devil at the UN I said in this work George W. Bush is Satan's Apprentice, unable to undo the storm of war he has created, and I stand on that statement because that pathetic fraud, George W. Bush, will in fact destroy this world.
Rather than mocking the critics, Americans would be better off asking themselves why so many people around the world consider America to be satanic.
We know why God's One True Telepath considers America to be satanic, because of endless torture and injustice.  Do you suppose America has also been wicked to other people around the world, and not just to me?
The media does not report America's wickedness against me; do you suppose the media might also not report America's wickedness against others around the world?
Anyone who caught the full speech of the Iranian president on C-Span would see that it was an insightful, patient attempt to present viewpoints widely held in the Middle East; and it included a most gentle review of how Palestine was taken from the Palestinians and given to the Jews; ending with the question, would any people in the world put up with that?
(Of course what was done to the Palestinians is exactly what the Americans did to the native Americans, but in America the invaders so greatly outnumbered the invaded that the invaded could be contained on reservations and in alcoholic poverty and could not rise up against injustices and murder, as the Palestinians can and do..  If Native Americans could take their land back today, they would, the theft of homeland being an irreconcilable injustice that does not go away even though generations pass.)
The Iranian president's speech before the United Nations was the first time in my life I have ever heard the Palestinian point of view expressed over American airwaves.
That very excellent and patient speech before the UN was called a rant by a lunatic by the ranting American media, but it was a patient explanation of burning Middle East issues by a very sane man, issues that are right now, today, killing Americans in the field, soldiers dead to Fox News-type stupidity..
It would be well for the American people to consider the action-reaction of the politics of war, rather than consume the poisonous child's-eye view that the other guy is the Bad Guy, a Demon; others being Devils compared to American Angels.
So, while it may not nice to hear the alleged president of the United States of America be called the Devil, we see before our eyes how both the presidents of Iran and Venezuela are likewise demonized, and that at best the insults of each side are mirror images of the other.
The point here is the American media is so prejudiced and so controlled by Big Money that it does not report anything close to the truth, it reports the American Party Line in varying degrees of jingoism; so the American news consumer is ingesting poisoned news all the time.
Bad information leads to bad decisions and bad decisions lead to death, as Iraq reveals in pitiful detail; hence yesterday's code, The Media Kills.
This takes us to today's code, When Telepath's Attack, but let's let it perk until tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Welcome to Payback

Were I a free American journalist my phone would be ringing off my desk today and my email basket would be full, because I am almost certainly the only journalist in the world who documented the coup in Thailand eleven days before it took place.
As far as I know the CIA did not do as well.  As far as I know even the editor of the Bangkok Post did not do as well.
When you understand I have been doing this level of investigative journalism since I warned two weeks in advance of the Squeaky Fromme attempt to murder President Gerald Ford, and that I warned for three months of the loss of the space shuttle Challenger, and that I warned for three months of the 9/11 attack, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera, you will come to understand how great is the crime American journalism has committed against me, and against you.
Were the American media not locked into its policy of blacklisting me and blacking out my story, tens of thousands of people now dead would not be dead, and the human being would not be so ignorant of the great events concerning the death of this Earth now unfolding.
That the fact of my being the only audible mental telepath in human history is not legally spoken of, that America's torturing me for 35 years for being audibly telepathic is not legally spoken of, that I have time and again given proof of the value of my telepathy and that is not legally spoken of, constitutes a great evil fostered by American journalism.
I am killing time today while Time is killing you, looking to my next demonstration of proof that America is on the wrong side of God.  While I am not yet sure what the theme of that demonstration will be, it seems it will focus on the American media.
Today's code is "The Media Kills", so I seem to be anticipating the next action correctly.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Timber Reviewed

As it turned out, Timber Zero marked the chopping down of the government of Thailand.

I would have preferred Godzilla taking a bite out of America's ass; but as the Rolling Stones said, we don't always get what we want, but we sometimes get what we need.

The Timber countdown turned out to be a very good Time Travel report, telling you in advance of the death of famed Australian Steve Irwin, the death of Anna Nicole Smith's son Daniel, the blocked school shooting in Green Bay, Wisconsin, and the military coup in Thailand.

It seems to me that's pretty good shooting, four events in eleven days.

Today's code is "Dorsal Fin".

The meaning of Dorsal Fin is that my demonstrations of advance knowledge of events are like sightings of the dorsal fin of God's Space War Shark breaking the surface of the Sea of Time, sometimes taking one, sometimes taking none, sometimes taking hundreds, sometimes taking thousands.

My oft-repeated warning is that at some point you are going to see the maw of God's Great Shark, and the whole of the United States and most of the world is going to see that maw; then you are going to see its throat, then you are going to see its stomach, then you are going to see its anus as you are excreted out.

Then, eaten and digested but unable to die because your pathetic souls are immortal, you will drift in pain in the Sea of Time; forgotten by me; thank God for that.

"You" here means you God-damned people who enslave and torture me.

When I tell you this Earth will be dead in less that 60 years, I know of what I speak. When I tell you George W. Bush will destroy the world, I know of what I speak. When I tell you this Earth will form new poles within seven years time, I know of what I speak.

When I tell you, Dear Reader, that the United States of America is a nation of cowardly stupid, murderous psycho-fascistic people, I know from long experience of what I speak.

And, Dear Reader, when I tell you God is going to kick America's ass all the way to China, well, there again I know of what I speak.

Now let's review Timber Zero.

I am not sure of the time the chopping down of Thailand's government relative to the International Date Line, but I think it is likely the coup took place before Timber Zero day entered into the calendar of history; that is, my time estimation from eleven days in advance was accurate.

It is certain the coup was planned before the Timber countdown began---the chopping began before the countdown began---and the coup was timed to take place when it did because Thailand's Prime Minister was scheduled to be at the UN then.

Certainly even George W. Bush can see how the code "Timber" would match the chopping down of a government.

The "Cherry Pop" I was looking forward to seems not to have taken place yet. That is, even if you are as vulgar as I and read Bangkok as Bang Cock we see no rupturing of the iron maidenhead of America's stupidity about me, at least not yet.

To be sure, the metaphorical cock must travel from Thailand to America to pop America's Space War cherry; and perhaps that is what will take place; perhaps that will be involved in the next countdown pattern; and perhaps we will see a meaningful overlay of America's orgy of bad journalism when the milquetoast pedophile was flown home from Bangkok.

That is, perhaps we will track that metaphorical dick as it travels toward America.

I don't know yet; God has not yet given me the next countdown code; but I know God's Space War events tend to flow one to another naturally and gracefully, like a dorsal fin going from bite to bite.


There are two other news stories I want to mention today.

First, the story about an object seen near the space shuttle Atlantis, which from my point of view puts the space shuttle and the space station back into the Space War story. There have been a series of incidents in a pattern not unlike the pattern of incidents in the Timber countdown.

Bolt lost...another bolt lost...smell of smoke in the space station...object floating near Atlantis delays landing...Russian space vessel with Iranian-American tourist on board approaching space station...this is the type of series of events that frequently leads to a climatic event.

I know America would rather lose a space shuttle and everything else up there than free me, God's One True Telepath, from its torture-enslavement; and frankly, Dear Reader, God is very likely to destroy the American space program for that reason.

God's Space War is interesting, isn't it?

Second, the story of Maher Arar, the innocent Canadian arrested in the United States and shipped to Syria for torture.

This is in the news today, but I have not heard it pointed out that this is what Republican American Fascism has made of America; a torture-nation. This, Dear Reader, is why the dead soldiers of the American Revolutionary War are spinning in their graves these days.

And then, and then, why is it the Republican American Fascists constantly call Syria an enemy, but farm out torture victims to Syria?

Could it be, could it be, that Syria is an enemy of convenience, that the Muslims are to Republican American Fascism what the Jews were to German National Socialism?

Monday, September 18, 2006

Timber (Zero 2)

My deadline approaches, but there is nothing that looks like Space War awareness in the news.
The code continues to be "Cherry Pop", marking that point where there is broad public awareness of the existence of Space War, and clearly the public is still virgin in that respect.
While my deadline is 9 p.m. California time, this "Timber Zero" day continues until 12 midnight reaches the International Date Line, so America's blissful ignorance about Space War could still be lost within the time frame expected in this countdown.
In the news, the Scary Pope has accomplished exactly what he wanted to accomplish, sending the human race back to the 14th Century; the Popeye spinach scare expands, the source of the problem remaining a mystery; the hedge market bubble is said to have popped; and the smell of smoke on the space station, while suspiciously smelling of Space War, seems to have been minor news.

Timber (Zero)

Today's code is "Cherry Pop".
Today's theme is "Why Did God Do This To Me?"
Some ten hours before my usual deadline, I note I am expecting America to lose its Space War cherry today.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Timber! (One)

Today's code is "Last Chance", it might as well be "Fat Chance".
Today's theme is "Pruning Their Favorites".   You have seen that theme over the past week, a beloved son of Australia, the beloved son of Anna Nicole Smith, and by the grace of God some favorites were saved in Green Bay, Wisconsin, all documented in advance, right here, before America's lying, cowardly eyes.
Today's question is this:  Could it be that America is too stupid to know the truth?  Too cowardly to face it, yes; too deceitful to recognize it, yes; but too stupid?
This demonstration in Time Travel seems to have stopped with my three-for-three advance documentations of the deaths of Irwin and Smith and the blocked high school shooting in Green Bay.  The key word here is "seems".
Today I want to try to describe for you where you are now---and you are not in a good situation I assure you---but first I will note a story in the news today that points to why you are in such a bad situation.
There is much being made of a second autopsy being performed on the body of Daniel Smith in a further attempt to determine the cause of his death.
The questions I must ask is do any of the people involved know I documented Smith's death before it took place?   And how can there be a proper investigation if that fact is left out and not explored?  And if those concerned do not know, why not, and who blocks them from that knowledge?
It was the same with 9/11.  Did any study incorporate my attempts to warn of that attack for three months before it took place, or even look into my professing I had done so, or even examine my proof?
A commercial airplane was crashed by a lunatic near Atascadero, California, some years before the 9/11 attack, and I reported it in a classified ad in the Atascadero newspaper a week in advance.  Did anyone ever look to that proof, now indelibly gathering dust in the newspaper's morgue?
It would have made a difference if they had, when a gang of lunatics crashed  four airliners in one day.
Is America too stupid even to examine the facts, even to put two and two together?
Often it is what is left out that spells out the disaster.  A bridge lacking necessary fasteners might stand and look beautiful for a while, but at some point, under the right stress, under the right conditions, after the right amount of erosion time, it will collapse.
Had America looked at the quality of my work over the 30 years before the 9/11 attack, while American whipped and mocked me every day, my warnings for three months prior to 9/11 might very likely served to prevent the attack.
Had the attack been prevented there would not have been some 3,000 New Yorkers dead and more dying of lung damage today; there would not have been America's stupid and fascist invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq; and the tens of thousands killed would not have been killed; and there would not be the potentially millions if not billions of human deaths to come in the storm of war unleashed by George W. Bush and Republican American Fascism.
And consider, if I can do as well as I have done under over three decades of constant torture, how well would I be doing had I been allowed to live and work in peace and freedom?
Of course there are likely those among you who say it is the whipping of me that makes me work, but it is that whipping that caused me to set down the ambush in Time which you now approach.
Anyone who cares to examine this work will know I documented the death of Anna Nicole Smith's son, and the death of. Steve Irwin, and the blocked high school shooting in Green Bay; but consider, had I been free perhaps Irwin and Smith would not be dead, and perhaps even the tormented high school boys who plotted to attain infamy through the murder of their classmates might have been enlightened enough by me not to have gone into that dark place.
What's left out brings on the disaster.
When I warned of Squeaky Fromme's attempt on the life of President Gerald Ford, and NBC knew I had known about it two weeks in advance,  America's torture-enslavement of me should have ended then and there.  That torture-enslavement never should have been begun, but it should have stopped with that accomplishment.
Had that been done, Hinckley never would not have gotten within a block of Reagan.
The remarkable thing is that even though NBC and the FBI knew I was right about Fromme, they were so stupid and so cruel they let the knowledge of it sink into the dismal swamp of their understanding.
Now let's talk about the situation you are entering today.
Some years after World War Two there emerged a discussion about Harry S. Truman's decision to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the thrust of the argument being that Truman should have dropped a demonstration bomb in the Pacific Ocean so the Japanese would have had the option of surrendering.
America has, in effect, been given 35 years of demonstration bombs by me, me telling America about airline crashes before they took place, assassinations and assassination attempts before they took place, school shootings before they took place, the loss of Challenger before it took place, 9/11 before it took place, and on and on and on, and many of those warnings still stand today, but America is too stupid look at them.
I have given America literally hundreds of atomic demonstration bombs and bomblets, those demonstrations seeing the deaths of at least 5,000 Americans; and America ignored them, and laughed them off, and punished me for simply existing.
So, now we approach the Hiroshima of God's Space War against America.
America is going to cry and bitch and moan and scream in agony, but America will have no legitimate complaint because America had some 35 years of warnings and demonstrations of proof which it ignored because torturing me was just too delicious to give up.
There are two edges to the swift and mighty sword coming down on America, one involving what America is doing and one involving what America is not doing.
What it is not doing is putting its wealth and energy and intelligence into facing the rapidly approaching death of this Earth.  What is doing is murdering people in goodness' name.
One thing the Americans do not understand, but must and will come to understand, is the depth and horror of their crimes.  That will be the great trauma of what Christians call Judgment Day.  The only solution to the boil of disaster which is Iraq is for the American people to ask for the forgiveness of the Iraqi people.
There are debates now that George W. Bush's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq was a mistake, a tactically flawed boo boo; but this debate did not arise until it was clear how abysmal a mistake it was; and even now the Spade of it is being called a Heart; a mistake was made, not a crime committed.
What is discussed is always the need for the removal of the Iraqi Boogeyman, not the fact that the way chosen to do that was to murder thousands of innocent Iraqi men, women and children, and in effect create the chaos and hell Iraqis exist in today.
It is taken for granted that America has the right to kill innocent people, but that right does not exist.
The discussion is about bad tactics, not abysmal immorality.
America's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq was not just a mistake, it was a crime.
America's torture-enslavement of me, the only audible mental telepath in human history, is not a cute accomplishment in national unity; it is a crime equal to the slaughter of Jews and others in the concentration camps of the Nazis.  The spirit is the same, only the number is different.
And the Americans will say to this in their prideful, mocking way, "Who is to arrest us for these so-called crimes, who is to judge us, who is to make us pay?
That is where God's Space War against the United States of America comes in.  That is why the Hiroshima atomic bomb of Space War is about to be dropped.
It has been determined that if the life of this Earth is to be saved, America's role in her murder must be ended.
Monday's theme, on "Timber (Zero)", is "Why Did God Do This To Me?"

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Timber!! (Two)

Today's code is "Fuck America".
Today's theme is "A Time Travel Secret Revealed".
I am told by the American people today that they will torture me unto death.  They tell me nothing I have done nor nothing I will do will free me from their torture chamber.
Let me see, in the past week I have documented in advance the deaths of the famed Australian, Steve Irwin, and the son of the American celebrity Anna Nicole Smith, Daniel Smith, and the foiled East High School shooting in Green Bay, Wisconsin; and over the years of America's torture-enslavement of me I have documented in advance the deaths of at least five thousand Americans, most of them damned now, most of them in Hell.
In the news today we have a national spinach scare, the only death so far being coincidentally in Green Bay, as if to make up for the students who were not killed there.  This tells us, in God's Space War encoding system, that "Green Bay" will appear again.
The Space War code for the spinach scare is, naturally, "Popeye", and we consider it a prelude to America's eyes popping out when it finally sees Space War.
The great discussion in the American government is just how much torture America can inflict on Muslims.  Of course, America's torture-enslavement of Virgil Kret is endless public sport and is not discussed at all.
There has been revealed to the world a "False Cape", an anti-Christian German Pope in Rome who deliberately fans the flames of war.  You know this code, it tells us to expect the "True Cape" of Good Hope to come into sight soon.
This mole-spy of a Pope, influenced more by the master of his childhood, Adolph Hitler, than by the master of his Church, Jesus Christ, has volunteered the Roman Catholic Church in the march toward world fascism unleashed by George W. Bush.
As I told you, George W. Bush will destroy the world.  He is Satan's apprentice, dabbling in what he cannot control.
Among the quaint beliefs of Christianity is one that says God damns all who are not Christian.  This belief as refined by Catholicism says all who are not Catholic are damned. 
In essence, this belief is false and stupid and grossly underestimates God, and grossly overestimates Christianity's standing with God.
Among God's Space Sailors there is a similar viewpoint, that all who know of America's torture-enslavement of me, God's One True Telepath, are lost and damned forever, dreadful sorrow.  Millions upon millions of Americans, and others, should hope God's Angels are wrong about this.
Now today, on Time Travel Secret day, the code comes in:  Fuck America; and God's anger at America roars behind this code.
As we Space Sailors say, "Even Yesterday Is Not Safe", which is much like the biblical, the sins of the father are visited upon the children.
Tomorrow's Theme, on Timber! (One), is "Pruning Their Favorites", and Monday's theme, on Timber (Zero), is "Why Did God Do This To Me?"
Today we have the Fuck America code.  I have examined this code carefully, and I think the secret meaning of this code is Fuck America.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Timber!!! (Three 2)

Due to the Ford crisis and the torture debate dominating the news today, you may have missed the fact this work documented in advance the blocked school shooting that was in planning against East High School, Green Bay, Wisconsin.
I was expecting this news yesterday or today, and the potential shooters were arrested yesterday, their plans having been reported to school authorities by one brave student.
The advance documentation was contained in my False Cape - Cape of Good Hope metaphor Thursday, and my noting that the Montreal school shooting was False Cape.
These were the pertinent two paragraphs:
"In this ship metaphor, one of my favorite reoccurring metaphors, we are sailing our ship from east to west around the tip of Africa.  On that voyage the mariner sees a landmark called False Cape before he sees the famed Cape of Good Hope.
"We have just passed the False Cape of this countdown, False Cape being the shooting incident in Montreal, so we can expect the true event to be something larger and similar."
I suggest this Green Bay development was a happy fulfillment of the "God's Manhattan Project" code I was running, and was truly reflective of "Good Hope".  God will save humankind, like God saved some number of East High School students Thursday.
If you look deeper into this demonstration it tells you God will save the world by stopping the shooters.
The next event in this series of events I am tracking in advance is "A Time Travel Secret Revealed", a code established on September 5.  I expect it in a day or two.
I am now three-for-three in this demonstration tracking six events before they take place.
This is clear if you understand the encoding, and it should be clear even if you don't and look to my advance documentations of the deaths of Steve Irwin and Daniel Smith in recent entries to this work. 
After the "A Time Travel Secret Revealed" demonstration, we will have "Pruning Their Favorites" and "Why Did God Do This To Me?"
I am still looking to this demonstration freeing me from America's torture-enslavement of me, the only audible mental telepath in human history, by the time this "Timber" countdown reaches zero.
In closing today I must note that the Pope's quoting a 14th Century ruler attacking Islam, was a deliberate and wicked action.
This German Pope knew he was adding fuel to the fire of World War Three when he made the statement; and he won't be the first Pope to loose his soul for creating war and death, countering the teachings of Jesus.

Timber!!! (Three)

The most interesting thing to me about this current opposition to Bush's torture policies from within the Republican Party is that the non-fascist Republicans are for the first time standing up to the fascist Republicans.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Timber!!!! (Four 2)

All quiet on the Space War front at deadline time.  No "Favorite Son" death has been reported, nor has anything matching the "God's Manhattan Project" code.
Perhaps I'm pushing the river a little; and this "Timber" count has a few days to go before it climaxes.
I find today's discussion on torture in Washing Deceit interesting in that 100% of the government supports a greater level of torture of me than the Republican American Fascists want for captured Muslims.

Timber!!!! (Four)

We are looking for the third death-event in the Timber countdown today, and since the first two death events carried the common denominator of the last photographs of the dead showing them.on boats, I will run a ship metaphor for this death event.
Also, because this event is highly likely to take place today, I will  follow yesterday's pattern and file two reports.
In this ship metaphor, one of my favorite reoccurring metaphors, we are sailing our ship from east to west around the tip of Africa.  On that voyage the mariner sees a landmark called False Cape before he sees the famed Cape of Good Hope.
We have just passed the False Cape of this countdown, False Cape being the shooting incident in Montreal, so we can expect the true event to be something larger and similar.
I personally am sailing toward Hope in an America which has determined I should have no Hope.  You are sailing with me toward a Nuclear Space War event, code-named "God's Manhattan Project". 
Sailing off South Africa we are reminded that it once seemed impossible that the dictatorship of whites over blacks and coloreds there would ever end; likewise it still seems, to the uneducated eye, that America's dictatorship over God's One True Telepath will never end.
To be sure, it remains against the law for me to live in peace and freedom in the Land of the Faux-Free; and it remains a crime for me even to dream; as would testify the woman who woke me from the next room last night because I was telepathically broadcasting a dream---well, if she had the right to testify. 
And to be sure, the torture is up slightly today, as it usually is at this stage of a demonstration.   The torturer sounds like a government pig, but as George Orwell said in "Animal Farm", sometimes you can't tell the pigs from the people.
Americans feel very righteous in their torture of me.  They cut me, then punish me for bleeding; they nail me to their cross of perfidy, then punish me for trespassing on their cross.
We are sailing toward my Cape of Good Hope in this hostile American sea, and we have just passed False Cape, the shooting in Montreal, which is not the Space War event we are looking for even though it might look something like it, fulfilling the "Son" aspect of the "Favorite Son" code in its location, "Dawson College", but this is False Cape.
Perhaps younger Americans have aged out of general knowledge of what the Manhattan Project was, and therefore many Americans might not understand the God's Manhattan Project reference.
The Manhattan Project was the codename for the top secret program that developed the atomic bomb, therefore we can expect something similar of God's Manhattan Project.
This is interesting to me in that we have two Japanese language codes running today.  "Ten Thousand Years", established yesterday in Japanese; and "Death", established today on this day Four in our Timber countdown; the Japanese word for four being a bad luck word because it is pronounced the same as the Japanese word for death.
Hopefully the younger readers have not aged out of the knowledge that Japanese received the only two atomic bombs delivered in anger.
So, let's see if the United States receives its well-deserved Hiroshima today.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Timber!!!!! (Five 2)

Well, Dear Reader, are you ready to solve a mystery?
There seems to be some mystery in the death of Daniel Smith, son of the grieving Anna Nicole Smith, and on some of the more tabloid-weekly type news programs there have even been suggestions she is under suspicion.
Oh, how  the American media loves to brutalize Anna Nicole Smith, from that vulgar and stupid Jay Leno joking that she "goes down on old men" to the constant trash media evaluations of her weight and sobriety, but that's another story.
Here at I.C. News we know the cause of Daniel Smith's death, and we have partial proof.  That is, we have partial proof he was a symbolic victim in God's Space War.
I expect to be able to give solid proof of this in five or six days, but I can give the partial proof today.
The suggestion is that both Steve Irwin and Daniel Smith were killed in the Space War military countdown encoded as "Timber", that those deaths were links in a chain of deaths, an estimated two more links to be added before the Timber count, now at Five, reaches Zero.
Irwin's and Smith's deaths have three common denominators:  favorite sons, unusual deaths, and their last photos were coincidentally taken on the decks of types of boats.  Give this time before knee-jerk rejection, Dear Reader, this is Space War and Space War is spacey.
There seems to be another pattern in addition, a pattern following the titles of the six entries in this work leading up to the Timber countdown..
9/2  A Great Crushing Sadness -- the world-wide sadness over Steve Irwin's death.
9/3 The Birth of the Blues -- Smith's death occurred just after Nicole gave birth, and in her hospital room.
We expect this pattern to continue---favorite sons, unusual deaths, boats---in the coming deaths; with the next death somehow fulfilling the 9/4 title, God's Manhattan Project
Thereafter we can expect to see the other titles fulfilled:
9/5 A Time Travel Secret Revealed;
9/6 Pruning Their Favorites, and;
9/7 Why Did God Do This To Me?
The Timber countdown began on 9/8.
There are many more codes running than I can hope to put down at this stage without their turning to mud in your mind.
I will give you one code for later explanation, "Ten Thousand Years", but I will hold off on telling you its published source.  Remember in the context of this code that I said the East Coast of the United States of America, as America is progressing, will be under ice for thousands of years.
America, Dear Reader, is at war with God.
If this attack pattern is to free me from America's torture-enslavement, as was suggested at the outset of the Timber countdown, it will, I think, have to become very painful or painfully obvious.
Now let's turn our attention to the very near future and see if we see God's Manhattan Project in the news.