Friday, September 30, 2005

Tit for Tat

Perhaps the most devastating and horrible aspect of space war will be the attack on human sexuality.
This attack is sure to come because space war is do-unto-others war, and the focus of America's torture-enslavement of me has been its attack on my sexuality and its preventing and forbidding of me to father children.
In this space war, the human egg will be crushed and the human seed will be murdered; and thus God's Earth will be saved.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

One Ranger, One Riot; One Virgil, One Planet

I thought we might talk a little about God and war today, since the United States of America has blundered into a war with God.
The event we are tracking for about nine days from now, the West Coast disaster we call "Stop Sign", will be an example of God's weaponry.
You have seen at least three examples of God's weaponry so far this year, the great tsunami, Katrina and Rita.
If you investigate a little, and think a little, you will find that I documented all three events before they took place; but as we Space Sailors say, "You can lead a human being to thought, but you can't make a human being think", so I expect you to continue to live and die in darkness.
I have told you, God is no fool.
Frankly, I think this is a difficult concept for you to understand, since the human being has not expanded its concept of God for at least 5,000 years.
What you worship as God is God enough, but it is a drop of God-water in the ocean that is God.
I have also told you our Earth is dying, and if the human being continues to hold sway over our Earth she will be dead by 2063.
Frankly,  I don't think you will be able to face this truth until the government pigs and media weasels who rule your lives and rule your minds give you permission to.
That brings me back to my point that God is no fool.
If a raggedy assed old newsman like me who has been kept in an American torture chamber for well over three decades can see the approaching death of our Earth, well, clearly God saw it a very long time ago; and because God is no fool God will save this, God's Earth, from you.
So, the United States of America is at this time at war with God, and by extension the entire human race is at war with God, but it seems to me God is going to make of the United States of America an example to the rest of the world.
That is, God is going to continue to kick the ever-loving fascism out of the United States of America, while asking the rest of the world if it wants the same.
I realize I have about the same influence on the United States of America as a frog has on a garbage dump, but I will make a few suggestions as we approach the great West Coast disaster of October 4, 5 or 6.
First, bear in mind it is not the end of the world, though it may very well seem to be.
Second, since it is highly likely the West Coast disaster will consist largely trembling, quaking Earth, plan moving your children to open spaces, such as parks and playgrounds, where they will not be struck by falling debris, and so they might come out frightened but not crushed.
Third, impeach that God-damned fool who has usurped the White House and allied the United States of America with Satan.
It is not polite for me to speak of the damned, but not only is he a murderer, a liar and a thief, he is also a military fool and will have you up to you navels in Hell before you know it.
Fourth, George W. Bush tried to murder me; disavow yourself of all connection with him.
Fifth, ask me to forgive you.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Shake, Rattle and Die

As we track the approaching great West Coast disaster we have been speaking of for some time we see that a major 7.5 quake took place in Peru on Monday.
The American news media seems to think this earthquake is hardly worth mentioning.  To be sure, it took place in an isolated area, but the size and depth of the quake on the West Coast of South America is very important relative to the West Coast disaster we are tracking here.
Despite what your masters in the media and the government tell you, all things are connected.
As noted a couple days ago, we are expecting a swarm of events leading up to a cataclysmic event on or about October 6, an event which I.C. News is calling "Stop Sign".
We said we expected that swarm to begin on Tuesday, but the Peru quake's coming on Monday indicates to us this pattern is moving faster than we expected.
In our calculations for the big event, expected to be centered in the San Francisco, California area, we have generally considered October 4, 5 and 6 to be the window.
October 4 has always been the "poetic favorite", although the count we were given went to October 6.
This poetic favoritism comes into play because we know this pattern of events is being intentionally caused by God to be a sign to the world, and October 4 is both a Jewish and an Muslim holy day, Rosh Hashanah and the First Day of Ramadan.  We have been chumming around with God for so long now we understand this action-poetic aspect of God.
As I have said, we expect this demonstration to prove the existence of God.
We also expect this event to be large enough to cause our Earth to pause in its rotation for from two hours to two days, but we do not yet know if that is figurative or literal.
We also expect this event to be punishment for America's having tortured and enslaved me, God's One True Telepath, for over three decades.
There is a sidebar to this story which, though a small event, is worth mentioning.
I have frequently alluded to the degree of torture I receive from one neighboring household.  A few days ago a member of that household fell, struck his head, and died.  Coincidence?  I think not.
That death did not stop the torture, in fact it seems to have intensified it, but at least that particular member of the family, now tucked away in Hell awaiting the arrival of the rest of his kin, will not torture me again.
This close-in response is rare.  Usually when psycho-fascist Americans torture me there is a karmic bounce and someone far away pays the price.
The karmic bounce is driven by the fact that millions of Americans share in America's gang-rape of my life; that is, they share in the same criminal enterprise and therefore are equally guilty.
So, when hundreds of thousands of people in San Francisco were torturing me there would be an announcement to me that a passenger jet would crash; I would relay that to the psycho-fascist people of San Francisco; a passenger jet would crash, say into the Potomac River, on the day I said it would; the psycho-fascist people of San Francisco would stop torturing me for a day, then they would start torturing me again; the karmic buildup would begin again; I would receive an announcement that anther passenger jet would crash...and so on.
This went on for years, and the psycho-fascist people of San Francisco considered the plane crashes to be their own personal entertainment.  Perhaps you can see that this is revealing of their nature, and by extension the nature of the American people, and by further extension the nature of the human being.
As I said, close-up response such as the vicious neighbor hitting his head and dying has been far less frequent than the larger karmic bounce.
The only other deadly example that comes to mind was after a woman attempted to put my designated driver service out of business by putting sugar in the gas tanks of my two cars her mother was within hours killed by a drunk driver.  Coincidence?  I think not.
There is a reason there are rarely close-in responses to America's torture of me.  If it happened frequently, if people were frequently seen to die as a result or their torture of me or some relative's torture of me, the torture would stop, but it would stop for the wrong reason.
Do you understand this?  If people are kind to me because I show them power it is of no value.  If people are vicious to me because I am vulnerable and audibly telepathic it reveals an aspect of their nature.
This is Judgement Day, and this revelation of human nature is, in part, how Judgement Day works.
Back to our story of the great West Coast disaster, we seem to be eight to ten days away from it.
Had I been a free man over the past three decades, and had I been allowed to build up my credentials, I would at this point be proposing a way to save the lives of thousands of children in the San Francisco area.
Unfortunately, the United States of America would rather see children die than see me free.

Monday, September 26, 2005

The News Fools

We are talking about the death of our Earth in less than 60 years.  We are documenting in advance a major West Coast disaster expected in less than two weeks..
This year alone I have documented three disasters before they took place, the great tsunami, Katrina and Rita.  Over the past 30 years I have documented dozens of major news events before they took place.
This ability is one reason God gave me the gift of audible mental telepathy, the gift for which the United States of America has tortured and enslaved me for over 30 years..
If I am correctly understanding this approaching disaster, currently expected on or about October 6, it will not happen like a bolt out of the blue; but rather there can be expected a flurry of events leading up to it, this flurry could begin as early as tomorrow, September 27, and probably includes the large earthquake being reported today from Peru.
I have in the past said the only justice I have in America is poetic justice, and nowhere else in the United States is poetic justice more fitting than in the San Francisco area.
Had I not been so tortured there, had the successes of my work not been so buried alive there, I would today have credentials enough to give warnings respected enough to save human lives.
While the people of the San Francisco area were joyfully vicious toward me and deserve to have a whole God-damned book of their own thrown at them, as they will, as you shall see, I thought I would mention two examples of crimes against you committed by the San Francisco news media.
While I am not in a position to prevent this approaching disaster I am in a position to warn about it clearly enough to potentially prevent a very large number of deaths--or would be if I had been a free man these past three decades, or for the past two, or even for the past ten years.
The great block preventing my warnings from getting through and my credentials reaching life-saving status is the shell of pompous stupidity encasing American journalism, that being the owners and the editors, the national dictatorship over the reporters.
While this problem encompasses all American news organizations it seems fitting, since we are documenting a San Francisco area disaster, to point out the very stupid and pompous publisher and editor of a weekly rag called The San Francisco Bay Guardian, and report again on the blind folly of KRON-TV, the NBC affiliate in San Francisco..
This pompous idiot's name is Bruce B. Brugmann, publisher and editor of the Bay Guardian.  He shares responsibility for the deaths of many Americans.  I will explain.
A little over a month before the attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan on March 30, 1981, I approached the San Francisco Bay Guardian and the Central Intelligence Agency in an attempt to block the event.
This approach consisted of a series of letters, four if I recall, describing the movements of the assassin as the day of the attempt grew nearer and nearer, finally naming the day with remarkable accuracy.
Who knows what happened to the letters sent to the CIA, but the letters sent to the San Francisco Bay Guardian were posted on the staff bulletin board for the staff's amusement, and when I called the Bay Guardian I was told the letters were being read with interest.
When the attempt took place right smack dab on schedule a staff member confirmed that my accuracy was seen by the staff, and asked me how I had done it.
When I asked the pompous fool, Bruce Brugmann, to look into the story. he brushed me off saying he did not run stories about "psychics" .
Understand, he knew I had been right about the near-death of a President of the United States; he knew as everyone with an IQ over 57 knew that I was the audible mental telepath the people of San Francisco loved to torment; but continuing the blacklisting of Virgil Kret was more important than the truth.
Long-time readers may recall that I documented another presidential assassination attempt with San Francisco's KRON-TV with exactly the same result.
I told that NBC affiliate about the Fromme attempt on Ford at least two weeks before it took place--I even said a Manson follower would make the attempt--but the television station, after events proved me right, would not pursue the story after it learned America's telepathic Whipping Boy was the one who had come up with the story.
The attempt on Ford was on September 15, 1975; the attempt on Reagan was on March 30, 1981.
Think about it, two presidential assassination attempts recorded with the San Francisco news media in advance, and in good enough form to have prevented the attempts.
These are only two events out of dozens, blocked and hidden away by the American news media, up to and including the great tsunami, Katrina and Rita.
I am suggesting here that I am the best assassination blocker in the world, the best earthquake warner in the world, and though kept in America's glass torture chamber, at least at good as the National Weather Bureau in anticipating  hurricane disasters.
It is my intent to demonstrate my art for you as the West Coast disaster approaches.  Damn the news media, and full speed ahead.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Gone Fission

 I realize that to America,  America's torture-enslavement of me is a small matter, less than a bump on a pimple on an elephant's ass, and I realize the people of the West Coast of the United States haven't the slightest thought of the importance of their huge part in America's psycho-fascistic torture-enslavement of me.
With that in mind, let's today continue our advance documentation of the great West Coast disaster expected on or about October 6, 2005.
I realize that the psycho-fascist city of San Francisco has no qualms about having tortured me year after year, about having driven my beloved woman into the night streets in terror, about finally having tortured me to where my choices were departure or death.
I realize it is more legal in San Francisco, California, for one man to fuck another man in the ass than to be God's One True Telepath.
With that in mind, let's continue our advance documentation of the great San Francisco calamity expected on or about October 6, 2005.
Today's count is 12; Monday's count is 11; Tuesday's count is ten, and about that time the United States of America will begin its slide down the sharp edge of a long, long razor blade into a vat of acid.
I would suggest the West Coast of the United States of America make a separate peace with me even if the Republican American Fascist Government in Washington remains too stupid to do so.
As an aside to those long-term readers who have come to understand and perhaps appreciate the accuracy of my work, I will say this:  This seems to be a most remarkably clear demonstration of the art of reading history before the page is turned, perhaps one of the most clear I have accomplished.
I have been documenting events before they took place since January 1, 1963, and there have been during that time many, many remarkable accuracies; and misses have been rare and far between.
I once documented an earthquake down to the second.  I think I have documented the death this, God's Earth down to the month.
The argument I have put forth repeatedly in this work is that if the United States of America had not been so fascist toward me since about 1967, if the United States of America had not enslaved and tortured me for the past 33 years, this work would be the great benefit to humankind it was meant to be.
As it is, from the torture chamber in which I live I have documented before they took place a chain of horrors going off like a string of firecrackers.  These were horrors I could have prevented or mitigated.
I remind you that I live in the service of God, and it was not God's intention for me to be America's Whipping Boy, just it was not God's intention for America to be a fascist, murdering glutton destroying this, God's Earth.
I suggest, again, that the United States of America emancipate me under the terms I have put down.
As America's agony unfolds you will begin to see how it mirrors the agony America inflicted upon me.  This mirroring will reveal God's presence and will make solid Christ's message, "Vengeance is the Lord's".
You will note that homelessness, and destruction of home, and flight, and misery within flight, stand out in the recent news; and you might note to that Americans have taken great pleasure in destroying my homes and driving me into flight time after time after time, so much so that it approaches ritual torture.
Do unto God's One Truth Telepath, Assholes, what you would want God to do unto you.
Let's go fission.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

The Burning Bushes

We are rapidly approaching that point in Time when the human being begins to know what the fishes have known for years, that this, God's Earth is dying.
In just under two weeks we will reach that point in Time when the Americans will begin to see past their smug noses and understand that they are being singled out by God as a signal to all humankind to end its murder of this, God's Earth.
That is, while devastation follows devastation around the world, as the world continues to break up, the United States of America will obviously and clearly be more devastated than any other nation.
This is because the United States of America is the primary murderer of this, God's Earth; and this is because God's Earth is alive and knows who is murdering her; and this is because God loves this Earth and has come to her rescue.
That said, I continue with this work, I continue to write The Obituary of the World.
This year alone in this work I have documented in advance of their taking place the great tsunami disaster, the great Katrina disaster and the great Rita disaster, now let's turn our attention to the great West Coast disaster expected on or about October 6, 2005.
October 6; October 6; hurry October 6.
I have some old business to finish up today.  I was asked last Sunday to comment on American Christianity as I have observed it and experienced it, particularly during these past 33 years of America's torture-enslavement of me for being the only audible mental telepath in human history.
You know me, I put if off for the pleasure of telling you about Rita before Rita showed her pretty face.
This is not a subject I happily pursue because American Christians have been so brutal and stupid in their participation in America's torture-enslavement of me.  I would prefer to let them wallow in their vanity until their big surprise on Judgement Day.
I cannot go into a Christian church without the preacher and the preached-to torturing me with the cowardly torture-cough Americans love so much.  (Black Christian churches are an exception to this, but that's another story.)
To continue, it is God who asked me to pursue this subject and it is God who gave me the gift of audible telepathy, that coat of many colors for which America tossed me into a pit, and God has asked me to pursue this subject for good reason, perhaps to save millions of American Christians from the damnation they are headed for.
As a general statement, any religion or sect within a religion that grants itself the right to kill stands outside the shade of the wings of God.  This applies to Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus and every other religion found on the face of this, God's Earth.
The dictum "Thou Shalt Not Kill" is not a suggestion, it is a commandment, and within that commandment lies the salvation of our dying planet and the souls of all the human beings who walk, and have walked, and will walk upon it.
That said, let's focus on the so-called Christians, and I say so-called because not one Christian has been Christian to me since God gave me the gift of telepathy, and few if any before then.
So, as a slightly less general statement, most American Christians stand outside the shade of the wings of God, even though they think they are among the only human beings who will be saved by God.
More closely focusing, some of the core beliefs of fundamentalist Christians are unmitigated nonsense; by this I mean they are nonsense interpretations of the teachings of Jesus.
The example of unmitigated nonsense I see most often is the oft-parroted statement that once having accepted Jesus as one's savior one is saved from then on.  Dear Reader, many a Baptist who has accepted Jesus as his savior has later hung a Nigger from a tree.
This fluffy false doctrine ignores the admonition of Jesus, "Sin no more", and in practice gives fundamentalist Christians the right to sin sins most foul.
Being a Christian does not mean one can laze about on the beach after having been saved from the stormy sea.  No, the beach will be inundated with the next storm and every storm thereafter.
To be a Christian one must scale the cliff that stands behind the beach, labor upward toward higher ground and greater understanding.  It is not enough to quote scripture, to hide beneath the Bible like a turtle within its shell.  To be successful as a Christian one must be Christ-like.
I have also been asked to speak to the subject of Christian television preachers, those used car salesmen of Christianity who reduce Christianity to the level of a pacifier for babies, no content, no nourishment, no truth, and no understanding.
Jesus said to those who followed him, "Pick up your cross and follow me".  The statement was not, put on your $500 suit and follow me, build you empire and follow me, preach hatred and superiority and follow me, get your congregation high on words and follow me.
The suggestion here is that these preachers are in such a state of unmitigated error that they are losing their souls faster than the preacher schools can pump them out; the suggestion here is that they do not preach the teachings of Jesus, that they are false-preachers preaching a false faith disguised as Christianity.
Except for the element of murder-suicide, much of fundamentalist Christianity is a mirror image of radical Islam, both claiming perfect righteousness in the eyes of God, both claiming the right to murder in the name of God.
I cannot overstate the error in this.
That said, I want to introduce you to a concept of God, an aspect of which though obvious by definition is utterly obscure to the human mind; and I want to relate that concept to the damnation of America's current fraud of a president, and of his father, and of his brother, and of his mother and of his wife.
That concept is this:  God is no fool.
Few people realize there are a number of royal money families in the United States and that these royal families are constantly contending among themselves for the kingship of the nation.  They are the super-rich turning money into power.
Currently the two most famous of these families are the Kennedys and the Bushes.
In this battle for the kingship of the United States of America the Kennedys have been pretty well murdered off, just like princes were murdered off in jolly olde England in the bad olde days.
John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy and John F. Kennedy, Jr. were all murdered as a result of this battle royal among the rich and powerful, the few who seek to own and rule the United States of America.
Believe it or not, God loves the United States of America and is greatly offended by this tendency toward kingship and son following father.
That brings me to Crybaby, that so-called president, that liar, that fraud and that fascist you call George W. Bush, and the Bush family in general, and to my statement that God is no fool.
When the first George Bush occupied the White House he tentatively raised the flag of the Republican American Fascist coup which is now dragging the world into Hell.
He did this when he spoke of "the New Order", and since that classic Nazi phrase went unexamined by the media and the public the Republican American Fascists knew there was a hole in the defensive line of democracy big enough to drive a Mack truck through.
Bush Republican American Fascism is a family endeavor.  This current fool could never have got past the corner bar in Crawford, Texas, had he had not been born into political conspiracy and money.
This is one of the problems of the prince and princess system, the offspring are always, always, always weaker than the sire, and each generation becomes weaker and weaker.
I told you long ago and many times since that Crybaby lost his soul with his murder by proxy of the first Iraqi child to die in his stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq.
Actually, he lost his soul for much, much more, but one murdered child was enough; and that "much, much more" is what brought about the damnation of the whole God-damned Bush family.
God is no fool.  God does not read the New York Times.  God goes where the action is.  God watches where the money flows.  God listens in on the deals.  God can smell a Bush heart like you can smell a fart in an elevator.
Conquest of the world is what Republican American Fascism is up to.  The nuclear murder of millions upon millions into the billions is an aspect of the New Order.
Deceit, murder, theft, ambition, treason, that is what Bush Republican American Fascism is; and God is no fool, even if you are.

Friday, September 23, 2005

The Atomic Joke

I thought today I might tell you something about my secret plan for bringing peace to this, God's Earth.
I call this plan, "The Atomic Joke", and it really a divinely comedic joke.
If you know my work you might appreciate that "divinely comedic" is a clue or a code in the story of The Atomic Joke.
You may find this a bit esoteric, but in Dante's Divine Comedy Dante is guided through Hell by Virgil, the Roman Poet who died just before Christ was born and is said to have anticipated the virgin birth.
The Atomic Joke becomes more interesting if you understand that my name, too, is Virgil, and an aspect of this work is my anticipation of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
So, that said, I will tell you another esoteric aspect of The Atomic Joke.  I started putting The Atomic Joke together about 68 years ago, and if you know I am now only 66 years old you will see this story takes us into the subject of life before birth.
So, I am saying that shortly before I was born, actually quite soon before I was conceived, I sat down and thought out The Atomic Joke.  Don't you think this is a very interesting story and the people of the United States of America are doing you a bad turn by not letting me tell it?
In my original concept of this joke, this joke, if perfectly told, it would cause all human beings in the world, living and dead, to laugh at the same time.
Ah, another esoteric point, "living and dead", but that's another story, one of the secret stories within that most misunderstood religion, Christianity.
However, having run smack dab into the cruelty and stupidity of the people of the United States of America, my Atomic Joke has turned out to be short of perfection.
As it turns out, I can cause all the human beings in this world, living and dead, to laugh at exactly the same time--all except the people of the United states of  America, living and dead.
Said another way, the rest of the world will find this joke very funny, but the Americans will not.
The Americans will cry.  The Americans will bitch and moan and gnash their teeth and wonder why they are suffering so; and this is an unplanned part, the rest of the world will find this American suffering funny.
For some 33 years the Americans have set out to deliberately make me hate them.  That's why they have tortured and enslaved me since I became history's only audible mental telepath.  That's why they murdered my children.
These Americans, they thought somehow they could gain ultimate power over me and destroy my life and my work through causing me to hate them, perhaps force me into madness or suicide or some act of violence that would lead to life-long imprisonment or to that American favorite, to being shot down in the street like a dog.
Well, I must admit that the murder of my children got to me, and I had to put myself deep into the wilderness, deep, deep into the wilderness, to prevent myself from putting bullets into faces where bullets should be put, but that, too, is another story..
So, now some 33 years after God gave me the gift of audible telepathy, I am watching the American people goose-stepping bumper-to-bumper into Hell, and I might have felt bad about this, and I might have tried to prevent this, had I not been enslaved and tortured by the American people, and had my children not been murdered by the American people.
As it is, I am finding it rather amusing to watch this imperfect version of The Atomic Joke  play out.
Yes, I hate America.  Yes, I hate America.  Yes, I hate America.  That is what the Americans wanted and that is what the Americans have accomplished.
But, you see, the rest of the world hates America, too; and for damn good reasons, just as I hate America for damn good reasons.
So, back to the Atomic Joke.  I am going to tell The Atomic Joke to the world on or about October 6, 2005.
Regular readers will know October 6 is the approximate date of the West Coast disaster I have been writing about, the disaster I call "Stop Sign", the disaster I am saying will cause this, God's Earth, to pause in its rotation.
Now here's the beginning of the funny part, I knew about October 6, 2005, before I was born and before I was conceived.
Now don't get all huffy with me and tell me that is not in the Bible, it is not my fault American Christians are Church Mouse Christians who wouldn't know Jesus from Hitler, so petty and so mousy their concept of the Master.
I had planned a totally different punch line for October 6, 2005.
I had planned it to be a moment of enlightenment and joy, I planned it to have the thrill of a roller coaster ride, but as it turns out that as October 6, 2005 approaches the people of the United States of America are holding some 7,000 nuclear warheads to the temples of the people of the world--with another 3,000 in reserve--and without a doubt the people of the United States of America will use as many of those weapons of mass destruction it takes to conquer the world before the sun sets on 2006.
You may have noticed I say "the people" and not "the government".  I know the American people.  Bitter experience with the American people has taught me how much the American people love fascism if it is candy coated enough and if they see in it no cost or danger to themselves in it.
Had the Iraqis kissed America's ass rather than kicking it, the American people left, right and center, would have been all for that stupid and fascist invasion.  Still today there is not the slightest concept in America that their murdering thousands of Iraqis to get at one boogeyman has any flaws, tactical or moral, at all.
Said another way, the American people will with no hesitation and with much self-praise do unto the people of the world what their forefathers did unto the Native Americans and the Africans, and what they have done and do to God's One True Telepath.
The United States of America plans to have conquered the world and murdered most of humanity by the end of 2006, and the people of the United States of America would love it.
The key word here is "would", because I am going to play The Atomic Joke on the American people, and those American people left alive after The Atomic Joke is played will be lucky not to have drool running down their chins.
Ooops, better stop here.  I don't want to ruin the punch line.  Oh, what the hell.
If you look at this work, just the part of this work that is in this journal not the part of this work that was destroyed by America when America shut down my WriterBytes site, you will see I told you in advance about both Katrina and Rita.
How could I do this, hell, I could do it because I have been here before and I made notes and took names, but that's that other story.
What I want you to do is look at the misery and chaos two little storms, two intentional punishments from God, have caused the United States of America, and appreciate that things are only going to get worse and that the future people will long for the good old days when hurricanes were only category five.
I want you to notice that even though I can prove I told you about those storms in advance, and even though I have been documenting events in advance for some 40 years I was still tortured by my cowardly neighbor this morning and I was tortured by cowardly Americans yesterday when I went to the free food bank and to the supermarket, and the so-called President of the United States of America still refuses to emancipate me.
And I want you to notice, too, that even though the American news media knows how good this work is it still blacklists me and keeps my work from reaching the public in any but censored and twisted form, and is now working overtime to try to steal the October 6 story from me.
Ever heard the phrase, "Reap What You Sow"?  I know it doesn't sound funny yet, but it will after October 6, 2005, unless you are a God-damned American, be you civilian rat, government pig or media weasel.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Proving God's Existence

 You can lie to yourselves, you can lie to each other, you can lie to the whole damned world, but you cannot lie to God.
Let's direct our attention to the West Coast of the United States of America and mark October 4, 5 and 6 on our calendar; and certainly you can continue to deny, deny, deny America's torture-enslavement of the telepathic journalist, Virgil Kret.
Let's focus closer, zoom in on San Francisco, California, that queer city that polished the psycho-fascistic torture of God's One True Telepath to a shiny brass nob, now the nob on the door to Hell.
You do not yet know the great tsunami, the horrific Katrina, and the approaching Rita were intentionally fashioned by the hand of God to begin the process of wringing God's Earth from the miss-control of the human being.
Your masters in the media and the government still have not told you I documented all three before they took place, and scores of other events over the last three decades; and you are not quite aware yet that your Fools' Paradise is turning into your Fools' Hell.
You do not yet know focus of God's furious anger will be on the United States of America; but likely, very likely, you will have begun to understand this by October 6, 2005.
Ask yourselves, what are these United States of America united in if not vanity, gluttony, slavery, theft, torture, self-delusion and the nuclear blackmailing of all the nations of God's Earth?
It is very likely I am about to prove the existence of God; and it is very likely just about everyone in the United States of America is about to wish God did not exist.
I do not have to tell you to go to Hell, Hell is coming to you like a freight train gone mad, and you are tied to the tracks.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

A Dead Marine

I am documenting the death of God's Earth in less than 60 years.
As a small part of this work I have this year alone documented the great tsunami disaster in advance, the New Orleans disaster in advance, and the precise timing of the formation of hurricane Rita about two weeks in advance.
Currently I am documenting a huge disaster expected on the West Coast of the United States of America on or about October 6, about 16 days from today.
It is in this context I talk to you today about the death of one US Marine in the course of America's stupid and cowardly invasion of Iraq, and juxtapose that death with America's stupid and cowardly torture-enslavement of me and with the American deaths resulting from that torture-enslavement.
To preface this narrative I will note that is has been a favorite American abuse of me, since I became the only audible mental telepath in human history over 30 years ago, to torture me awake.
By this I mean Americans delight in disturbing their enslaved telepath's sleep with coughs and other noises, a torture which if done in great enough frequency is a clear form of wanton murder, leading to irregular heart beat which leads to death.
Yesterday I came across a short video tape on the Internet, a clip shot by Iraqi resistance fighters complete with an opening logo with background narration and very good background music.
The first scene in this video is of a white car being driven down a two-lane highway, just another car on a busy road.  This scene was shot, apparently, through the rear window of a car just ahead of the white car.
You can see the driver of the white car.  He is what Muslims call a martyr and what Americans call a suicide bomber.  He is knowingly and willingly driving to his own death.
The next scene is shot from a stationary position near the side of the highway and follows the white car as it moves along and then angles off the road where it smashes into a US Marine truck and explodes.
I only know one word in Arabic, that being Allah, God, and as the car begins its approach to the US Marine truck those making the video began to repeat a short prayer faster and faster, and continued saying the prayer after the explosion.
The third and final scene of the short video is a panning of the body of a dead Marine, lying on its back, arms stretched out to either side, legs spread slightly, face burned, one eye closed and the other just slightly open, open enough to see the dead eye inside.
Those readers who have read this work over a long period of time know I was a combat correspondent in Vietnam, and that I have faced the fire and taken my chances with Americans on the battlefield.
They know that while I loathe those American governments who needlessly and deceitfully put Americans on the battlefield I deeply love those Americans on the battlefield.
It is this American love for American military people that Republican American Fascism captured to serve its agenda when it invaded Iraq.  Once this government started throwing American soldiers down a rat hole America blindly followed.
So, I ran the video a few times, and I felt sad seeing that dead Marine..
A little while later I took my daily siesta.  I am 66 years old now, America's torture-slave for half my life, and siestas are part of my staying alive.
My neighbor, who loves to awaken me from sleep, did so with that loud and cowardly false-cough torture Americans love so much, and I had to wait for a while for my heart to regain its rhythm.
The name of the dead Marine was Private First Class Moises A. Langhorst of Moose Lake, Minnesota, the psycho-fascist American neighbor who tortured me awake lives in Atascadero, California.
I watched the video again after my heart regained its rhythm, and in the context of that neighbor's torture of me, as he does almost every day, I did not feel so sad about seeing that Marine lying there dead.
Of course I re-collected my empathy.  A Marine once died in a burst of shrapnel that missed me by fractions of a inch; I once helped to carry a wounded, screaming Marine to safety through machine-gun and mortar fire .  Such bonds of empathy are not easily broken.
It strikes me how similar America's fascist torture-enslavement of me is to America's stupid and fascist invasion of Iraq.  There is a mindlessness to it, there is a locked-in momentum to it, there are thousands of Americans dead to it, far more dead (so far) in America's war against telepathy than in America's war against Islam.
I have said before it is almost an accident of history that America is simultaneously at war today with me because of my relationship to God, and with Islam because of Islam's relationship to God.
"Almost" is the key word here, because God has a plan for America which America is too cowardly to look at.  That plan is to a large extent based on America's tendency to attack and enslave those it considers weak enough for conquest and enslavement, all the while praising itself to High Heaven.
God is going to smash Republican American Fascism; God is going to smash Democratic American Fascism, God is going to crash John Q. Public American fascism.  God is going to save God's Earth from the United States of America.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Lovely Rita

We are in the process of proving God's Earth will be dead in less than 60 years.  We have deposited remarkable evidence of this over the past three decades.
We have just documented Katrina's damage to New Orleans and Rita's appearance in advance of their taking place, just as we documented the tsunami disaster and dozens of other events in advance.
We are in the process of documenting a major world disaster expected to take place on the West Coast of the United States of America on or about October 6.
We are saying this pattern of disasters and advance documenations of disasters has a direct relationship with America's torture-enslavement of me, the only audible mental telepath in human history.
Today I must tell you, things are going very much as I expect them to; that is, the punishment of the United States of America will continue and continue and continue.

I must say again that it is too bad America shut down my site; too bad because I had deposited so much evidence and so many codes there.  In this we see another classic example of America cutting off its nose to spite its face.
Referring to that stolen work, some long-time readers might think Katrina marked the place on my published battle map I call "Slippery Slope", but a look at that map shows Slippery Slope comes after "Crybaby" cries, and Crybaby has not yet cried.
Crybaby, of course, is that fraud in the White House who masturbates your time and your freedom and your reputation away.
While we have just seen Crybaby fail again as he has failed so many times before, and while we have seen Crybaby cry crocodile tears, Crybaby has not yet cried real tears so we are yet to see America begin its slide down Slippery Slope.
You might ask:  How much worse can it get?  Much worse, much worse, much worse, Dear Reader, it is going to get God-damned, God-damned bad.
Rita will do what Rita is going to do, so I suggest in the mean time we turn our attention to the next date we have marked on the calendar, October 6.
As noted above, October 6 is the expected date of the West Coast disaster we are documenting in advance in this work.  This work having been truncated by America's closing down of my WriterBytes site, I cannot refer you back to my long record of anticipating events in advance of their taking place.
I suggest, however, that in this blog alone I have just documented two named storms before they became named storms, so it would be reasonable to look ahead, as I suggest, to the great West Coast disaster I am calling like a pool shark calling the eight ball in a side pocket.
Bear in mind, I am saying this disaster will be strong enough to pause the Earth in its rotation for from two hours to two days.  This pause could be figurative in that it will shock the human race into stopping in its tracks, or it could be literal in that it will stop the rotation of this, God's dying Earth, in its tracks.
Bear in mind, the tsunami disaster stopped the rotation of God's Earth for a fraction of a second, and I documented the tsunami disaster beginning at least a month before it took place.
Bear in mind, if you are on the side of America in its torture-enslavement of me you are on the side of Satan.
Bear in mind, great beings have traveled light-years to destroy Satan and the works of Satan and the allies of Satan as they exist on this planet, God's dying Earth.
I have told you, Crybaby, that imitation of a president, is already damned for having murdered Iraqi children; and I ask you, are you sure you want to follow that murderer, that liar, that unrepentant thief, that Fool of Satan, into Hell?
Stay tuned, this story is heating up.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Sand on the Deck

We are spreading sand on the deck to avoid slipping and sliding on American blood.
The great issue at this moment, the issue above all the issues, is America's torture-enslavement of the only audible mental telepath in human history.
That issue alone is enough to doom America forevermore.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Combating the Hydra

I am reminded to remind you that God is not rescuing the human race from the fascist United States of America, but rather God is rescuing God's Earth from the fascist human race.
The great tsunami was God's great tsunami; Katrina was God's Katrina.
When God made of me the only audible mental telepath in human history one of the purposes of that gift was to reveal and demonstrate the under-nature of the human race.
While American Christians should appreciate how satanic they have been to me, Christians around the world have been satanic to me, too.  The same with American Jews, the same with American media weasels and government pigs, and the same with the American people rich and poor.
While America's torture-enslavement of me is quite famous around the world not one nation, not one person, has offered me refuge from that pain.
Nowhere on God's Earth is false witness not borne against me.
So, bear in mind as we sever America's rapist's dick and stuff it into America's liar's mouth that America is but one snake growing from the head of the human Hydra.
I mention this because as Heracles, as he severed the snakes growing from the Hydra's head called on his nephew and charioteer Iolous to cauterize the stumps so they could not grow back, I call upon my Space Sailors to cauterize the stumps as I sever America's rapist's dick and then proceed to sever the rapists' dicks showing their ugly heads around the world.
In the history of space war, already written in Time but yet to be fully lived out, these days are called "The Time of Good Sword-Swinging".

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Not Yet

Not Yet
We have entered the window of Time in which the space war operation we call "Cutting Through" is scheduled to take place; but we know Cutting Through is yet to come because America's dick is still up my ass and still connected to America, and it is not yet the wad of sodden flesh it will then be, with nothing left for it but to be shat out.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Harvest Moon Doom

Harvest Moon Doom
We are tracking the death of our Earth in less than 60 years, we are expecting a second major space war attack this month on the United States of America on or about tomorrow.
The vagueness of timing relates to the attack's being coordinated with the Harvest Moon.
The first attack this month was Katrina, created and aimed by God as a small part of God's punishment of the United States of America for its torture-enslavement of God's One True Telepath.
On a personal note, I am expecting this attack, code-named "Cutting Through", to mark the end to America's sodomizing of my life by cutting off the sodomizing tool.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

The Reasons for Codes

(Today’s I.C. News mailer reviews the need for the use of codes in the course of proving the existence of space war, giving as the central example the hostile response of the media weasels and government pigs to my advance warnings in plain English of the first attempt on the life of Gerald Ford.  To receive this daily email report on the approaching death of our Earth in less than 60 years, contact

Long time readers of this work know this work contains elaborate codes; but I note today this encoding was not the intent at the outset.

Since we are now approaching two profound attacks on the United States of America, on or about September 17 and on or about October 6,  attacks which I have documented in advance in code, it seems a good idea to speak to why I use codes.

It is likely America did not know the value of this work when I preparing to introduce it way back in about 1970; but it was very clear America did not know the value of my constitutional rights.

Long before America set out to destroy my work as God's One True Telepath, long before I became the only audible mental telepath in human history, it set out to destroy my work as a journalist.  America's rather blatant attacks on my career took two forms, threats of death to me and mine, and pressure on my employers.

Those I loved buckled immediately, and the media weasels, already in bed with the government pigs, were eager to comply by blacklisting me and warping the truth of what I am.

Being a believer at that time in that false religion which is the United States of America, I expected the truth to win out; I expected to be able to report my story; you know, I expected to have freedom of speech and press.

I should have known better.  I had worked in corporate journalism where every word every reporter writes is subject to the internal censorship called editing, and the threat of dismissal hangs over all.

Before I knew better, before I understood the totality of America's torture-enslavement of me, I expected to free myself through my journalism, journalism which proved time and time again that my telepathy had value other than to give the American people the joy of sadism.

First, even when I still had a home and a wife in Laguna Beach, California, I told a "friend" who worked as an editor of an in-flight airline magazine that one of his company's planes was going to crash, and it crashed, but my "friend's" psycho-fascist attitude toward me remained the same.

Later, while living in the bubble of daily feeding frenzy torture in San Francisco, I was to document perhaps a half dozen commercial airline crashes in advance, expecting somehow the repeated accuracies and the growing death toll would change my status, but those successes and those deaths were to the San Francisco public only entertainment..

All those airline crashes were documented in plain English.  I began using codes when I came to realize plain English could put me in prison.  I was slow to realize this, being such a believer in the false religion which is the United States of America, but better slow than stopped.

I think the light bulb of understanding first flickered after my brilliant and accurate advance warning of the Squeaky Fromme attempt on the life of Gerald Ford, then the unelected President of the United States.

I had told the local NBC affiliate in San Francisco that a Manson follower would attempt to murder Ford when Ford was in California, and after the attempt took place precisely as I said it would the affiliate called back to say I was "on to a conspiracy".

Up to that point I had been working through a go-between and the NBC affiliate did not know it was I had given it the information.  When the NBC affiliate learned it was Virgil Kret, the blacklisted journalist and torture-enslaved telepath who had reported the story in advance, it spiked the story, hid the story from the people of America and the world.

I then wrote to the Washington Post and the Los Angeles Times, two whores working in the same house, and told them what I had accomplished and suggested they get confirmation from the NBC affiliate; but those two long-since bought-and-paid-for rags called the FBI on me.

And when the FBI came...and when the FBI came,,,the FBI asked me why I wanted to kill the President.

Think about it.  In plain English two weeks in advance I had said a Manson follower would try to murder Ford, but American journalism was so intent on blacklisting me and so intent on making me a villain, and the government pigs were so anxious to put me in prison, that my warning was deceitfully interpreted as a threat.

Such incidents as this, and there were many, forced me into encoding advance information on events I would have preferred to prevent, such as the Challenger explosion, which I could have prevented easily but for America's torture-enslavement of me.

Looking at the current codes, on Saturday, September 17, we can be quite confident that the space war operation called "Cutting Through" will finish the job Katrina started, and will sever America's rapist's dick; and we an be quite confident that on or about Thursday, October 6, America's severed rapist's dick will be put into America's liar's mouth by the space war operations called "Stop Sign".

Too bad America is too cowardly and too crooked for plain English.

You will soon see (yet again) what I mean when I say, "Poetic Justice is the only justice I have".    

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Abandon All Hope, America

(Today's report asks asks the question: Did the United States of America ever have a chance to surrender? To subscribe to I.C. News' free daily email reports on the approahing death of our Earth, contact

We are tracking the death of our Earth in less than 60 years; we are tracking two powerful strikes on the United States of America, one on September 17 and one on October 6.

It is possible these two approaching events could free me after some 33 years of America's torture-enslavement of me.

The question I am asking today, three days before the Harvest Moon harvesting of America' offending organ and about 23 days before the West Coast disaster that could cause our Earth to pause in its rotation, is at what point did it become impossible for the United States of America to surrender?

Perhaps it has not been possible since American naval intelligence tried to get me murdered in Tokyo in 1967, revealing the cowardly, sneaky meanness with which it attacks the world today.

Perhaps it has not been possible since the day I became the only audible mental telepath in human history and America put me into an invisible cage to be tormented constantly and endlessly by the American public.

Perhaps it has not been possible since I got a stick stuck up my ass for trying to warn about the Patty Hearst kidnapping.

Perhaps it has not been possible since I warned the psycho-fascist citizens of San Francisco time and time again about airline crashes, and those people took those warnings and those crashes to be their entertainment.

It could have been when I was driven out of one of the many homes I have been driven out of.

It could have been yesterday when it was torture, torture, torture as usual.

It could even have been before I was born in 1939, and that I was born to report this stunning defeat of the United States of America.

Whenever it was, America has lost all hope of ever being at peace again.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

The Great African Rift

Tuesday's report points to my advance documentation of Monday's Los Angeles blackout, and to the blackout's importance in terms of my advance documentation of the West Coast disaster expected October 6.

The advance documentation of Monday's blackout was established the previous Friday, when I set a deadline for noon Monday, California time. The blackout took place about 30 minutes past noon.

To subscribe to this series of free email reports on the forthcoming death of our Earth, contact

Monday, September 12, 2005

Elephant God Dung Be

Elephant God, Dung Beetle America

In today’s report on the rapidly approaching death of our Earth and of God’s intervention, we compare the relative strengths of God and America as Elephant God, Dung Beetle America, and remind our readers that we are at this time reporting God’s crushing of America.

We further remind our readers that New Orleans was not an accident but a deliberate act of God, the latest of many since America began its torture-enslavement of me, God’s One True Telepath, the only audible mental telepath in human history; and we point to September 17 and October 6 as the expected dates of further acts of God against the United States of America.

To subscribe to this report contact

Saturday, September 10, 2005

The Peril of the Harvest Moon

This year alone I have documented in advance of their taking place two great events, the tsunami disaster and Katrina.

I am saying these two events were deliberately and intelligently caused as part of a campaign to prevent the human species from killing our Earth.

Currently I am documenting in advance two more events, scheduled for about September 17 and about October 6, events encoded as "Cutting Through" and "Stop Sign".

I report this work in daily email news reports, and these reports shall be reviewed in brief at this site.

If you wish to receive these daily email news reports please subscribe via email to


Virgil Kret
I.C. News